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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1905)
, " " - . . . 'f > ' , . ' 'r / , , - ' . , , ' " . . . . " . " ' ' . : ' "IF.'f' : ; " " ' .PVWIJ..1t'1 " " . , . . ' , ' , . . . .TWB.i''I1. 'IIl'l" ! \ ' . ! " : . . . \ . , . , ' F" ' ' . . ' : , ' , " . 4 . . ) I ! . I . ' - . , q ' J..Jt. . : : , . . ' " " " ' - " ' , ( , ' , ' . - . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . "H" - , - - - - . , . . , , - . . " ' ' . : . . . . . , , . . ' " \I.i.t \ , . . .r f' ' ' 'J''j / , ' ; - ' . . . r 'USTE'R COUNTY > EPUB'LICAN' , ; > ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'ry. LARGES'l' Cl1 CULATION OF ANY PAPEH IN 'l'IIE COUN'ry. . , " . BROKEN BOW CUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA THURDSAY AUGUST 3,1905.uEIGHT PAGES. . NO.8 , , VOL. XXIII. , , _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ n _ , _ _ _ _ , . . - - - t ' . " - ' " . , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . -J' : " , , > J : , I ' t'r t 'r I P. ' 1' . Uunun salll : " 'rhe A nlPrle:1II : I' oplellletnh"humbuleltlld" 'Vef < houhl . dlf < Uke III heUe\'e In lhe lrulh of thlR aR. Rertlon. Yet the people : llmo l prove IlR I truth In I heir treatmeut oftravcllnll f < pec tact" peddle" , . The rural dlRtrlctR e5' p'"elal ! ) ' an' I1I1..d . with thl' . . Ro-called 'Doelo'R. " "Oecu\lltR" \ and "OpttclanR" , who make a lIoolll1vll1ll b ) ' hnpo"hlll 0" J the credUlity of humanlt ) ' . 'rheRe lIuackR artallllllbtalkerR.andcauconvluce one who wllllllvt ! car. that the IIRteue"IR " ou the vente of bllndlle . IlJa\'e people : \'I lt me almoRt wt"ekl ) ' , who ha\'epaldfJ 10 $1\ \ ? and often 1110U1. fur IllaR"I" , :111\ ' , le5'ler could furnl h for SUe to J ' . , i . . , . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . i ' ' m m . ' BUsiNESS POINTERS. , M , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . Brolcn Bow A bstract Company. , 'l'his office for neat job work. J. C. Moore , ahstracting. - 2U Insurance. that insures. 38tf H. G. MooHn. 'T Buy your , farm and city property - erty of B. W. Blair. 37tf Ice Cream , candy , cigars an p. tobacco atl\1ilm Scanlons. . R neau & Leonard , real estate , List your farm and city property - erty with B. W. Blair. 37tf W AN 'D-l\1a and wife capa. ble of mnning a stock farm. 7-tf Jnss GANDV. . " , ' " if.- w always have money to l at1 ' .J' on farms. R. G. Moore 111 Apple Hlock. 35U Dr. Leach the dentist will reo fund motiey if worle is not satis , factory. tl Farm Lease , Chattle'Mortgag ( and Warranty Deed blanks a1 - this office. . l'aken Up-'I'wo pigs. 'I'h ( , ' owner is requested to pro\'e property - ' \ \ erty and pay cost. J. SPAIN. 7-11 r have 35000 pr'ate money t ( loan on impro\'ed farms in CustCl county. Notes and interest pay. able at my oftice. , 7.8 E. C. IIou n. Wanted-Oil salesman at enc ( to canvass the farming and thresh , ing trade. Fine opportuuity fOI a good man. Address the Har 'fey Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. The officers of the Broken BO\1 . . State Bank endeavor to promotl the interest of their customer : along whatevcr hues it is prac tical for them to do so. I-tf I am now located just north 0 the Custer Nationalllank. Coml , an see me 'for bargains ln , rea estate. Some choicc acre. pro perty for sale. I S tf RAS. ANDRnsoN. Pealc Sheppard & Co , have JUs rece'ed a fine lot of men's boy' and chihlrens ready made cloth ) _ iitg. Those interested will finl . . \ it to their interest to call and se them before purchasing. We aT pr pared to please in q ality ani prices. 4tH - . - - - - - > m : : : : : ' : : : : : : N , I Ii' . II. Young was a passenger for Lincolu 'l'uesda.\ ' , Mrs. D , E. B.mder' went to 'rheclford this Ulorningl.ri a short ! v isi t. Dr IIanna was a city visitor the first of the week , retnrning home 'l'ucsday. Petcr Beck and wife of Georgetown - town , werc circulating among the Old Settler's yesterday. Smith Waterbury of Berwyn , ' ' . 'l'he was a city visitor'l'uesday. HRPUDl.ICAN acknowledges a friend 1) ' cali. , Dr. C. Pickett returned a few days ago from Overton , where he spent sc\'eral days visiting his son L. E. Pickett. John Finch and h s aunt , widow - ow of the latc Swain 'Fi ch were in the elty yesterday transacting business with the County judge. 'l'be enrollment at the 'reach. ers 'Institute had reached 205 Tuesda.y. A number more arc expected to enroll by the first of next week. Earl Douglas who has been in business at Kangas City the past year or more arrived in the city last li'riday morning. He thinl < s he \vill remain here. Ju4ge Boblits , wh.ose residence in Custer county dates previous to I the orranization lof the County wa shaking hands with the pi- one rs in the city yesterday. Geo. E. Carr , one of the pion- eer's of New Helena , who dates hi location in the c uuty from 1874 was in the city yesterday circulating among the Old Set. tler's. Rcv. F. C. Barrett of Ansley , pa sed through here last Satur. day tporning on his way to Ar. nold to attend the ( i'ifth Sunday t1leetilJg ; He returned home Monda ) ' . It .1001s very much like the merchants of 14itlcoln , are goide to prove to the State Board that the merchants of Omaha wen ; not assessed at their true valut by about half. O. J. Life of M-erna , , made thi . office a business call yesterday. 1\1r. Life informs us that h hm solil his three quarter sections 01 land north of the Pow ll canyor and will reinvest land nrarel , . marlwt. Waller T lOmas Mills , Principal - pal of "t11t . 'International Schoo - of , Sociai' Ecotlomy of Chicago , h { ' undoubt dly the most able speak er and writer on Social Economic ! _ l \ ing .tpday. 00 not fail to hea him speak at the park on the 12tl - of August. I ev. Levack returned ' londa ; 1 niglt ! froUl his visit to Cli. yenne - where he preached ullday. III wes very mu h chagrined to tin ( _ on his return that it had been re t that hc had resigned.hi 5 pastorate here and accepted : I- , call to Cheyenne. No call hal d been extended to him there. I : was only an invitation to fill th rl pulpit for one Sunday in the ab f Isence I of their pastor. - . . - , \ , - WIlen Y Ollr Vacation C0111tS. . - , .J . Before going away be sure your supply of toilet articles is complete. P rhaps you need a tooth 01' hair brush , 01' a comb , 01' tooth powder , Ql' toil P , 01' fi soap case , 01' some of yom' favorIte toilet water 01' perfume-we would like to supply it , whatever it is. ED. McCOMASi8 , . - - - - - - - : - : _ : - . . - . - = - = - . . - - - . - " -i8 : A . .Snap. " . . We hn\'e just receivellunother eRr of AmericanlIog fcnclng on which we wilt be uhlt. to nlakc R \'cr } ' low price for the next 3(1111)'S. Don't miss thi It will SR ve ) 'on mOIH ) ' . Harvest now n. . Give us ) 'Ollr orl1er for 'peer. I illg lIhulersRl1l Mower ! ! . .Don't dela ) ' too long , you may not get one if you walt too long . Twine at 10 cIs. In the International Sille Deliver ) ' stock we have the hest and strol1 est string on the mar. ket , It will do you good to see it. Dent miss this hefore' ) 'on buy. Kevstone and Acme Mowers At' ' the Low Price of $36.00 G. vV. . . Apple. - - - - - 'So P. Great writes that he is now at Port Huron , Michigan. li'rank Cozad of New Helena , made this office a businesg call Tuesday. l' Warren Lang andtwife of the West Table , attended the Old Settlrrs meetiug yesteTcIay. : Mrs. J. J. Douglas ofc'a ( away , was in the city yesterday l1 tend- ing'the meeting of be O d , Set- tlers. . . . C. A.Chapman of . Wahv . . rth , was ' 1"- " " a city visitor' yesJr ! : tfX- , . ' The RI\PUDLtCAN acknowleilges a vlel- come call. ' . . ; . , " CoI. Leserve , John 'Yelc1 and T. G. Gardner of Westerville , were renewing acquaintances in the city ) 'elterday. : ! , Mr. Iszanl of the Globc H tel assumed control of the Commer. cial Hotel Tuesday. He will continue in charge of' the Globe. J. R. Lang one of the , pionccl settlers of Hound Gr "c , mad ( this oU ce a social call yesterda.v. lIe reports the crops tine in hh locality. ' P. F. Campbell and daughtel . Gene were among the earlyet ! , tIers of the South I-Ioup that were in attendance at the 'meeting 0 . - the pioneer' ) 'esterd 1J. I. H. Barcus -Westerville . . who was in the cityJl'u sday re ports quite a e\'ere hail storm ir his vicinity Sunday. The con was damaged considerable. B. B. Sands and wife left Motl e , day Ulorning for Portland , Ore 1 gon. 'J'hey will visit the expo - sition al1 , ! 1o some prospectin { while g nJ : .ith the view of 10 eating. C. 1' . Holiday and Lewis Kim e berling of Arnold , were eve I _ yesterday looking after matter in relation to their scbool distric . bonds , , recently voted to build new school house. Judge Wall was greeted with large at dience yesterday when h appeared on the platform to de li\'er his add regs. 'rhe judg when speaking on pioneer day talks from experience. .Hi speech was frequcntly applauded H. n. Andrews of Anselmo , wh does not take a back scat , whe the Old Settler's stand up to L counted was aUlong those in al tendance at the Old Settier meeting yesterday. He Wir II home the badge for being th oldest settler in the county. Hi , date' was AprilS , 1874. I - J. H. Lang reports thcre were threc inches of. rain fell in the south-east part of Custer county Tuesday evening. W. B. Mood ) ' of Westcr"ille , informs m , that he expects to leave next week on a'isit to Portland , Oregon. His son George - . rge li\'cs ncar Portland. \VI 11. l\loody of Westerville , was a friendly ct\l1er tit this oflice ) 'cstln'day , while in the cit ) . attending - tending the Old Settlers mceting. He' reports that there were six inchps of rain fall in his vicinity 'l'uesday nigllt of last week in two hours. ' 1'\\0 bf the , most prominent citizens of Norfork were dro\vned last Saturday. 'l'he victims of th catastrophe were H. Carroll Powers and Miss Annie McBride. 'l'hef ormer was the son of Judge l'owers. . He was twcnty five years of age and the principal of the. lIigh scboo } , lIe graduated from the state university wIth the honors of hisc1ass in 1902 and I was 'a member of the Phi Ucta ! Kappa fraternit ) . . Miss McBride was twenty-four years of age and was a sister-in-law of Sup"rin- " tendent C. H. Reynolds , of th Northwestern railroad. She was a primary teacher in the public schools. The two were returning from a picnic bV boat on the north lork of t e Elkhorn rivCr , when the ) ' lost control of the craft in the swift current of the swollen stream and' were earned over a mill dam and drowned. The Fifth Sunday Meetinlf. The Fifth Sunday meetin ' of . ! e , Custer Baptist associatiot1 heHlut .Arnold Saturda } ' night and Sunday was one. of those " pleasant gatherings that help to Ijghten life's burdens. 'rhe session. . Sunday were largely at- te'nded and a profit I le time en- joyed. A basket dinner was pro. vided and at this ; social time Was enjoyed. 111 order to accom. modate th crowd the meeting was held in the new M. E. churclJ and the afternoon s'fvices wer ( held in Allgn ; \ . grove just wesi of the Baptist church , Arrange. ments h1\d , been tuade to h ve tl ) ( forenoon meetings in the grove. . but the rain the night previou ! . changed the plans. Proirl1m NorthweatS. S. Convention. 10.30 Call1tlir to order. SUllie hy Conilleatatioli. Invocatloll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ReI arle : SOIlIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A IIl\elmo Schou \emark. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . I'r..Hldell 1\1uRlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chlf.l\t. g. S.lwu ' 1'ople'l ; UUII.1 of : ulull 10 lIll ! SIIII' .Iay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Korrroll e..onM' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. J. I { II : 1\1uRic. ' .l'eachlntC Prlmar ) ' r'I"OIl. . . . . . . . . . . . .1\11'1'1 Halne ! ! . Slate SUI' " Primary Worl 12. ( ) ) Noon , dinner In Ilrov ! ! . , 1.30 P.M. SOIlIC. Merna U. U. church. 'roplc ; How RhOllid the teaclwfll e . .e. lected. alld what should u tlJelr qual. 1I1catlonR..Re\ ' . W. E.Matthew ReponKe..Rev , Graham ami JameM Wanlrol , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ullloll Schar 'ralk upon " ( mporlallc" uf butter PrhllrryVork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\IIh ! . Ualll Uespon..e. . . . .by ' 1''acherR of till ! UIHlrl Uound .Labl" . .Conduele.1 hy ! 'tUK'I Ual. . . . Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Merna 1\1. 1 . Scl1l1l 'roillc ; Are frequ"lIt meelilitCH of SIIII. day SehoolR to bu cOlillnelided. alld why ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. " 'arle I _ Hell'Ollhe . . . . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . HeS"rak , 4.00 I'.1Clo'lolI' ( ! SOliII' , " od Ue Wilh You. Old Comrades Meet. One of the events of the 011 Fettlers meeting was the rneetin 1- of three of the Old oldiers < : Second Nebraska Regiment ( the Ci vii War. 'rhey were S. I Cannon and M , P. Young ( a Broken Bow and Albert Dicker son of Litchfield. 'l'hey were i different compani s and whil they did not know each othe ! personally they lcnew many thin in comUlon that transpired tIn they could recall as they recoul : ter the past. Not a Candidate. Prof. A. L. Pierce tormerly ( Mason City who annotlnce hin self a candidate for County tSt perinten c'nt of S heels sometin 's ago writes us froIU Grand Islar1 e I that he will not be a candidat e IIc has made arrangrments t : complete I his course in the , Grat1 I I Island College. - - - , 1 WAGONS I . _ . . . ' . - - - - . _ , - - _ . . . - - - , - - - - - - ' iR not long UI1 til you will bc , wont- " , 11' iug a l1ew wug-on to luutl oft YOlll' ( 'l'OPS , und I invit'e you to eXllmine the Burg wngon. .1 hayo handled this wngon for fiye yenrR und sold morn - Burg' wngons than ull of myeompeti. ' tors eombined. .1 t is the only wagon 'old hero with ouk und hiekory gem' . I buy these wogons dil'net from the fnctory , and when'yo huy It Burg wogon fl'om me you are not poying a jobber $ Ju.eo iH'of t. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - . I C.II.r . ' "t" . rr .i n I "Ii _ . . -.I . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - , We aknowlcdge the receipt of a car from . HeC. . \V. Brimstad , who is attending the Baptist- I World Congress , now bcillg held in Londoll , England. He says the "World Cong-rcss is a great success. ' gight thousand were prescnt at services last evening- . " 'L'his card was mailed in London July 21. Albert Dicleellsou.of of the vicinity - ity of Bound Gro\'c , made this office a social call y'csterday in cOlhpany with.T. R. I4ang. 1\1r. Dickerson has been a resident of the state ,5itll e' 1885 , ninc ) 'ears of which ti le it.v'as"a' \ t rritory. n located first near li'alls City , ) He was a memher of thc Second Nebraska I egi'Jl1cnt in the Civil War. 'I'he late HOli'urnacc peing his colonel. Dead Letter Lilt. Ii'or week cud i ng June 8 , 11)05. ] Igie Bohriuger , Jim Green , - Mrg. , Rlsie IIannig n , Z. ' II , Hughes , Miss Jerusha McKnight , Mrs. Julia 'rhomas. t Thrcshing Mnchinery. _ 'J'he Geis r Mfg. Co. peerless machinery for sale. Partlcs con. telllplating IHtj'chasing will cI ( ] , well to see me. ' s : : ) . 1\1. JOIUHS , Agent. City Property ( or Sale. We have some nice homes it' ' Broken Bow that will bc solt ! , . cheap if talen at once. - ' BOWMAN & . ' 1'1I0Hl'1t. II OlTtce in Gleim locJe. A7t I ! At Th-oidStand. ; , * > c. W. WAHL * ) ii , IC I O : ; ' - - : : * } - "J - # Cit Shaving Pa.rlol' * } VI' : Ito nlll ) ' work that 1M .1IL\ . tbn h < ! nl :1lhllCliarall- I 7f'f tell \latron" \ thl1 teat 1)0"611110 I ler'lce.'UlI'M for UIiShIUU. I * } c. vy. W A H L . * } . . - - , Fnrm L0l1n.1 We arc pr < parel1to close loa119 on imro\'ed ( farm ! } on flhort , not- icc , at specially low ra tcs. HHNH\U & . T41\ONAHD \ , ( I-tf Broleen Ito\\ ' . li'oH SATH-A four roollhmise , two ancI a half acrcs of ground and a lease on sixteen acres for five ycars , just outsidc of the corporation. 'l'his will hc s\Old at a haqf.dn if taken within the next thirty da's. gnquire at this o1ice. ! 4-8 For Salc. A stock farm ot enc section of 1 allcI , all uncler fence , HO , acres I , u ntler cu llh'a tion wi t him pro\'e- ments balanc ( pasturc , hay land I and timber , threc miles north and half mile cast or Walworth , for Sl2 an acre. Half cash and hal- ance 011 time to suit purclwser. . G. GUY.It , tf W.alworth , Neh. ' \Ve lccp a full linc of legal 'hlanls. Come in when needing r anything in this line. a - . T 6 - > the usoWivo1 H1 ; OF CUSTER COUNTY . - - . - TIIH ) lirkJiIl seamll illlt hallll. YOllr great nllll in pultlll " \1 \ lIickle ! ! 111111 ) ller.crvt's , in filet IIlIythinJ. : in the fillit , or vegelahle IhlL' , is to hllvc thelll nice , nCRt nllil pall1tlllJle , .J I 0 \ , viV i II. 'Y' 0 II 1. ) ( ) ' 1' 11 at ? , - IIy ) ' ) 'our Npiccs 111\11 \'ill cgar of liS , .I'IJRRH Spice lIuII l'URH VIII will do Ihal f"r . It willl\lukc ' : ur " YOII. \ yo II I' pickles 811I1 prcser\'t's 100 per cent" heUer thall hy bu'illg lululltratell ' fJl ) ces uucl'illcGltr. . Not olily that , hut pnre spices /lnd vil1cr ! \ ' lire t'ht'lIpcr thEIII ulllllteratell gooch. t'or hl:111th lJu ) ' pure spi. Cr.5 und \'iuegar ofI : ) . . . . 4.f , . . . . . : . . _ _ _ _ _ : _ . ) f - - - - ----------uno- . : . .r - , , ' 1 - Pure Ground Gloves , p X Ib. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . - , . . . . .10 Cents 11 Pure Grountl Allf pIC , pcr U Ib : . . " " 1 . ' . . . . . . . . . . ,10 Ueuts Ie Pure Ground luslanl , pcr } lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Ucnts r Pure Grollnd Ginger , p r U Ib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . , . 10 Cents rs' Pure Gro11nd , Cinamon , per H 1 h. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . , " . . 1Q C llts > ' Pure Ground . 'Iace , per t oj' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Oe nts 1 t Pure White J\ustanl Seed , per } ( lb. . . . . ' , . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents 1PureCelerySe'd , perU Ih. . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Cents Pur Picldt'ng' Spices , per } f lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cenls Pure Picldin { Viuegar , pu gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to Cents f Pure Old Cider Vinegar , per traHon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Centr. o We also ha\'e allidiub pure wllole Picldiug Spices. n- n.1 .1- : J. 0 : BOWEN. :0 . 'l'A ( lC. . Nurth St.I\ ! . .lIre 01&1 . . . . & "llIeKor . UROKI'N : \ \ \ ' , NEI\ ( { . d MARK - - . , . _ . . . . , . . . . . . , . - - , - - . . . . . . . . . , - ' . - . - - , - - . , . 0' , ,