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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
r r CUSTR ( COUNTY RfPUBUCAft - - - . . .j . , I ) ' D. M. AMBDERnY. , aROlmN DOW. . - - NIDDItABKA ews in B1'ief The Mexlcnn mints hnvo now heon definitely closed to the free colnngo , of silver. t The Prench government has taten ! every Ilrecnlltlon to s'cllro the ohaer. , vaneo of the nelllrallLy , I Prench wnter In Indo.Chlnn. The exerllll\'e ( 'Ol1lll1lttco of the No. lIonal Assoclntlon ot Letter Cnrrlers has cOl1l1l1'ete(1 ( anangell1enta for hohl. Ing the com'ontlon In Porlland In Selltemher. ! 'J' . C. IIn'nes , secrctnry of the Rnnd , McNally Pllbllshlng cOll1llOny , Chlcngo , shot and Idllell hlmselt In I , bl8 room at the l\InrllIetto ) club. 110 I WnB nlmost 80 years old. GovornOl' General Northcotc , of the , ommonwellith oC AlIstrulIn , It IB anll ! , , vlll invite Secretary of Wnr Taft nnd IUl.rty to visIt Australia during the I I1arty's forthcoming visit to th ( , Philippines. The stoclhoWerB of the United StateB Steel corpomtlon , in BeBslon at IIobolen , N. J. , re.elected the eIght rellrlng dIrectors and ratified the } Jill" chaBo' hy the Bteel corporation ot the Clalrton Steel llrollol'tles. . The once mIghty Wlnnehago trlbo la facIng n mlserahlo end , thollgh It haB $ ! JOOOOO with the national govern. : ( ment to ItB credit. The Indians are 'I dying by SCOI'eB of consumption , nnd nro heavy expense to soveml tOWlB. Ii Miss Susan D. Anthony declares ' I \ that dlvorco Is n refllge for women , . 1 ! , but her Illea does not Ilrevent the Na. \ tlonal Women'B Council tn WashIng. ) i ton from adOl > tlng condelUnatory re- I solutions. ' , A crisis In the Rm\clan rovolt. Is ! cxpected on 1\Iay dny and the people nre much alarmed. Largo quantities of bomhs and arms have been emug- glell In nnd bloodshed on a largo scale Is oxpected. HammouII I.amont , managing editor or the New Yorl ( EvenIng Post , hIlS accepted the Invitation of the Unl. verslt.y of Callfomla to become n . member of the faculty durIng the summer season , from June 2G to Aug. ust 4. , Secretary Barnes of the Kansas hor. tlcultul' 1 soclet ) ' , has received re. vorts on the coudltlon of the fruit. crOl > of the a'ute. 'fho IndIcations are , bright. for a hlg al1llio croll : also a good crop of ileal'S. cherrlos and vlums. I J. H. Gwinn of Pendleton , Ore. , sec. retary of the Oregon Wool Growers' I1.Jsoclatlon ! , will 1 > 0 Installed as sec. rotary of the National Llvo Stoclt assocIation - socIation , with headquarters In Don. I ver , 1\Iay 1 , succeodlng the late Chas. F. 1\Iarlln. Londed with 10,000 tons of goods whIch nussla woultl consldor contra. band of war , the steamship 1\Ian. churla hns set sail for Japan. The cur. go Includes food stufrs and heavy machInery for the rnllroads and brIdges In 1\Ianchurla. Gypsy , a hugo elephant. In LIncoln varle , Chicago , will bo operated upon tor nppondlcltls. PhysIcIans are 111'0' parIng nn aparatus. The elephant will I bo dieted for weeles. Over a barrel of ether will ho used to put. Gyspy to sleep for the ordeal. . A dIspatch to the London Exchange Telegl'Uph comlll\ny says that. the Jews are lell.vlng KIshlneff and ether south nusslan cIties because they are nfrald the Husslans will taltO advan. tnltO of theIr EllSter rollg'lous celo. bratlons to persecute them. John 1\f. ThUl'slon , former Unltell States senator from Nobraslm , has been rotalned to llrcss claIms for In. , domnlty on account. of the massacro' ' of several Amorlcans by YaquI In. dlans In Sono\'l1. , 1\Ioxlco , January 1J. ! The claIms will aggregate $4liO,000. l3everal of the ton pensIon oxam. Inors against. whom CommIssIoner Warner has preferred charges , hand. ed In tholr roslgnatlon ! ' ! . CommIssIoner - er Wnrner will rellOrt. to the eecro. tary of tbo InterIor on the case short. ly. In the mellntltno It. \1l11lerstood that. all ten of the oxamlners w111 re. sIgn. sIgn.Tho The supreme court of the United States affirmed the detllslon of the United States cIrcuIt court. fot. the Eastern dIstrIct. of Kentucl ( ) ' , Ill. the cnso of the cIty of CovIngton vs. the Nn.tlo11\1 ! Danle of CovIngton , hoMIng to be Invalid the Kentuclty law 1'0' qulrlng ni lonal banles of that. atato to maIm return of all shares for taxa. tlon purlloses , An AmerIcan , J. G. JenlIns , who IB relinquishIng the premlorshlp of South Australla in order to hecomo the agent. general for that. state in London , will enjo ) ' the dIstinction of bOlng the first. man who was bol'll a cItlzen ot the United States to repre- sent. n Drltlsh colun ) ' In London. Ho Is a natlvo of Susquohannn couuty , Penns'lvanla. Spotted tovor Is provIng a mystery whIch puzzleg doctors , who are soelt. Ing a remedy. The weeleh' trade reviews : 'Iport Impro'ed condItions duo t/ ) the , ; oed erop outloole , tllO oponlnof ( 'alto ' navlgatlon and the Incro.Sed use ot mClney. Joseph Jefferson , veterrtn actor. Is critIcnlly III at. winter bomo at. Palm r1each , FIn. Former Senator John M. Thurston ( 'c1ares that. ho wlll mnlto goo(1 every deBar contrIbuted to the Maritlme Lengue If any question is raIsed c\S to th' ' ! use ot the money. . Evcl"1 J1ouselCopC'r ' IIllould leno , , " thnt If they will buy Definnco Cold Wult'r Stlll'cli Cur laulldry use thoj will eave not only time , because It neVer stlcls to the Iron , but hecauso each Ilnclmgo contains IG oZ.-ono fllll pound-whllo nIl other Cold Water StHrches nro IIUt. up 111 % .pound packages - ages , . and the llrlce Is the same , 10 cents. 'rhen ngaln. herauRo Defiance Starch Is free from nIl Injurloug chern. Icals , Ie rOllr grocer trIes to sell you ( I. 12.m . Il1\clwgo It Is hecauso ho has a atocle 011 hl\l1l1 whlrh ho wIshes to dlsposo of before bo Iluts In Donanco. no Imows that Definnco Starch haa prInted on every Ilncl < ngo In largo lot. . tel's nnd firures "IG ozs. " Demand D ( ) . fiance and save much tlmo and money ! l.nd the nnnoyanco of t he Iron stlcle. Ing. Defiance never stlclcs. Eploramml1t1c Description. A forester stood ono Ilay at n lum. ber camp In West VirgInIa to Inqulro his way. ' 1'ho "straWhOA ! , " or Mslst. . nnt. foreman , a lumherman from 1\lIn. nmmta , told him the road ho must tnlco , hnt. warne(1 ( him that it. was "so rough a wildcat coullln't t.ravel It , " Seolng the loole of perploxlty on his face , ho qualified his slatement. tInls : "I reclcon he might. get over It. , hut. not t.ho way the wildcat would 1I1eo to o , " Heights and Depths of Man. The most. selfish and Ignoble races t1ll\.t ever lIow through the air or swam In t.ho sea never availed them. solves of the nccldentnl possession ot power to establish orders of pqtrlclan and Illeholan , or of lord and commoner - er , nnd thus to doom ono portion at their numher to perform nIl UIO toll nnd bear all the hurdens of the trlbo , whllo they themselves monopollzed all It.s lolsuro and Its luxuries.-IJoraco 1\Iann. Rel1l Old Irish. A letter bearIng t.ho followIng ad. dresg toole four dnys In delivery : "Dean nl ghl ubraltn teac.osda prlom. haldech radharc a11 < :11\1nln , Kllronan , Aran Island Galwuy. " This IB not 0. jolto. Translated , It Is merely this : "Mrs. GOl1ran , Prlvato Ilotel , Harbor Vlow , Kllcronan , Arnn Island , Gal. way , " and It. represents an effort. to rovlvo the Gaelic language In Irelnnd. Belter Thl1n Moral SUl1slon. " 'l'ommy , " said the teacher to a pu. pll In t.ho jl1venllo cln-qs , "can you tell mo what capital punishment. is ? " "Yes , ma'am , " nnswered Tommy. "It's when a Cellow Is naughty nnd his mother loeles hIm 11p In the pantry where there la lots at caleo and jam. " 111m sura Plso's Cure for Consumption snvcd my II fa three yel1rs ! ; o.-lItns , Tnos , HOllDINS , Mnp'o Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Fob. 11 , 1000. I _ Rights of Germl1n Ll1ndlords. Numbers of the Inrgo German tor- rltorlal magnates cnn compel tholr , tenants to worle for thom in a number of dtrreront. ways. On several estates In Germany the tenants who are trades.peoplo have to glvo their ser- vlcos to their landlords for nothing whenever he may requlro them to do frO. fiTS II <'t'rf. Nt > ntllorne"OUlneMl&fto1' , ' . . ' . . IIrt1t IRY' 1100 oillr. Kllnn'.lIr."t Nerve ltCltOl'o or. Roml Cnr IfIU I ; : : .Oll trial bulUo nnd t"U.Oo Vu. 11. U. KLINe , Ltd. , gal Arch ttnt , I'WI olpWa , 1. . British Leaven. The DrlLlsh omplre outsldo of thl ) Unltell KIngdom only contains gomo 8,500,000 or people of DrltIsh descent -that. Is to say , only ono In forty of Its total pOllUlatIon. Perfect Timing Device. In Australln there Is used an electric - tric cloele which Is so perfect. in Its worle as to malee It Imposslblo fOi' tho' timers to olther decelvo or innocently mn.lto n. mlsta1O , Sensible Housekeepers \\111 hl1vo Dellance Starch , not I110no because they get IInc-thlrll more Cor the same money , but also becl1ute oC SUJ1t- rlor qualtty. Religious persecution Is Ihe effect at nn exaggerated vanity rendered fo. roclous b ) ' the best. Intentions. When ) 'ou notIce n vague accusa. tlon you glvo It. a reallty nnd turn a shadow Into a substance , The "manlago collar" so many husbands - bands wear Is , naturall ) ' , ono of the "turn down" vnrlety. A floating dobt. Is ' a 11001' thIng to . Iteop a man's head above water. Try Ona package. It "Defiance Starch" docs not plcl1se you , rottu'n It to 'OUt' dcal r. It It doca , you get one-thh'd more for the Ramo mone . It will give you satisfaction , nnd will not stlel ( to the Iron. Trust. to lucIe-It ) 'OU want. to go hungry. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow ? Then use Del1anee Starch : It w11l Iteep them whlto-16 ounces COl' 10 centa. It. doesn't. tnlto a headstrong fellow - low to bult. In. When You Buy Starch buy Defianoo and set the best ; 16 ounces Cor 10 cents. Once used , alWIlYs used. To 10\0 maI'o than once IS a fent easl1) ' accomplished by both sexes. Important to Mothers. Rumlno caretullr OYOI' ) bottle ot CASTonrA. a .aro and Buro remedy for turant. IUld children , and ' 00 th It - B1n.turo Dearathe ot # . ' In UIO For Onr 30 Yeurl. ' 1'ho KInd YOIl 1111\0 AlwaYI oulht. Values of commodities depend on whether YOI1 Wal't to buy or selL , . . - , . . . . . REA Y FOR FIGHT - - Pl.ANS PERFECTED FOR A DECI. SIVE DATTl.E. - ' Will WIN OR SINK THE SHIPS i - "I This Is What the Rusalan Comml1nder Proposes to Do-Ivery DCtl111 of the Comln ! ) Conflict Given His perconal Attention. SAlOON , Cm'hln.Chllln - Ad\'lcoA just recolve ( ! from Kamranh tinY say that twcnty .Jall ncso wllrshlps IH1f1ROII the hay hetwuon 8 anrl ! J o'cloclt on the ovoll1l1l ; of Alrll ) 23. 'rwo flhlps , 101l.Iled wIth rice Cram Salon , and hOllnl1 for , TaTmn , have heen call1llred h ) ' shhls helonglng to the HlIsRlan slllnllron. ) Husslt\11 ollcers ! lire roJlort ltto have declared that AdmIral Hojl'stvensley IB determined to fight. Admlrat 'rogo and will enllel.vor lo vanquish the .Java. neso sllunllron 01' slnle wIth It. AdmIral Hojeal\'onsltY has glvon every detail of the coming conflIct hIs ) lartlcular at. tentlon. 'rogo's flngshll ! will ho his ob. jectlve , accorlIlng to a IllCclal. ! Moro firing at. sea wa ! ! henrd at. Kamrnnh hay Sunlll1Y morning. The reports were extremely faint. The Btatements that the crew of thc Russlap. protected cruIser DIana joIned Admlrnl Rojes1vensley's squadron are IIgaln pronounced ahsolutoly unfound. ell. On the contrnry , whllo the Diana has heon Intorned. the most. mlnuto llrecautlons have been talOn to pre- vent. the slightest breach oC neutrality , WIth the exception or Dr. Storm , who was Invalldell to Russia , ono mlssloned officer who died and two sailors who were Invalhled , the crew remaIns the snme. The commander of the Diana has been given hIs varolo and reports dally to the French com. mandant. All the essential Jlarts of the Diana's machInery are on hoard the French hattleshlv Heboutable. CHICAGO-A sJleclal to the Dally News from Hong Kong says : Great excitement ) lre\'ll.l1s In Chinese cIrcles here o\'er a report that the TIalt1c fleet haa seIzed the Isillud of lIalnan , The vIceroy or KWlln Tung has dIspatch. e(1 ( offirlals to InveRlIgato 1he maller , " PAmS-A dlslmtrh from Slagon to the Pellt'JOllrnal states that nIne war. shIps , supposell to ho Vlrc AdmIral Nehoratoff's lIetarhment of the second Pacific squallrou , 110llbled Cape TIal < o the nIghts or April 21i. COMMITTEE CALLS VINING. Former Oml1ha Ml1n to Discuss Rail. rOl1d Rate Regulation. WASHINGTON-E , P. Vining. who was for a number of yt'nrs head or the trnffic 1I011llrtment of the Union Pacific. and 100 Iced Ulon ) liS ono or the stron est. railroad men In the omntry. : will apllear hefore the senate - ate commltteo on Interstat commerce next weel , nt the personal Instance of Senator MiliaI'd. 1\11' , VinIng Is at. present resh1ln In Doston , havIng retired from the rail. wa ) " ser\'Ice. Senator \llllnl'd. Imow- Ing of the ahllltr of "II' , VinIng as n trllffic man , felt that the testimony such a man might glvo will ho of Incalculable - calculable henefit not. only ta the com. mlttee , hut to the country at. IlIrre , the senator hogan a s'Rtematic InquIry - quIry liS to Mr , VInIng's wherl'nhollts nnd finnlly locnled hIm In Doston , Chalrmm'1 Elldas scnl a request to the former lrnffic mann er oC the UnIon PacIfic to IIpnear hefol'l. \ the cJnmlt- : tee nnll the request waB corl1l1llly ac. ( ' ( 'plelt. Mr , VInIng Is out of the rail. way buslncss IInll It Is thought that hIs testltnon ) ' will have great wolght with the committee , HEALTH REPORT FROM PANAMA MMCh Compl1res Fl1vorl1bly With Any Country. WASHING'rON-The March health rellort of Colonel W , C , GorgllA , chlof sanitary om cor or the IsthmIan cannl zone , recel\'el : hOl'O , shows a steadr Improvement In conllltions there. 'rhero wOl'e ahout ! JOOO emplo'os of the commIssIon nt the end of the month. 1'he slcl ( hi hosilitals numhl.'r" ell lli3 , and the total doatluf for the month were only oloven. ' ) 'hls Is equal to n rate of fourtcen ) IeI' 1,000. n rate whIch Colonel Gorgoas sars would ho consillerell favorahlo nn'whoro. In the thlt'ty dars ended with "larch there hacl heen four cases of ) 'ollow fo\'or throughout the wholl' Isthmus , of whIch ono wns In Pana- mn. In the IlI'ovlous thlrt ) ' days there had heen twelve rasmf. Each house In Panama Clt ) ' has IlOen fumigated : a great. many of them se\'eral times , Russll1ns Concentrl1t1ng. TOKIO-It Is reported from varIous SO\1l'ces thnt. the Husslans' are concen" tratlng thelt. forces In the vIcInity ot Posslet. hay aud are Illaunlug to cro s the Tumea 1'1\1.1' . \ anll thea mo\'o sOllth. ward Into north cas torn Korea. 'I'hl' numerIcal strength of the Hu < ; slnn forces Is variously estimated , It Is doubted that the Husslaus sOl'Iously Illan aggressh'e action , and It Is rather bello\'ell that the ) ' arc 11relll\rlng to har the way of the Jalmneso to Vhull. \'ostole. Sidney I < eeps Land Ofrlce. WASIIING'I'ON- Senator Mlllarll called on Secretnry IIltchcocle anti CommIssIoner HJtohnrds I'olnllvo to continuing the Shlnor , Neh" land. oll1cc. Ho was successful In securIng the promlso of the department that the Shine ) ' otnco should remain mulls , turbell for at loast. another ) 'oar. The SIdney office has fallen below the stat. utory requirements as to the number of acro. J ot Jlubllc lanll ) 'ot remaInIng within its territory and nlso as to cost of maintaIning the oll1co , and It. bad boon decIded to abolish the otnce. . , . . , . . , " , " . A DANK DIFAUL TER. President of the Itlutltulloll GeeD Wrong. I " 1Il.WAUKlm-Frnnk G. lligelo\v , until now IlrlIlent. ! . of the First Nil.- . ! lonal hnn ! ( of IIIwallleo , was arrest- el : ( ' ) Jllr cd with the embezzlement. of ovcr $100,000 of the bonl's fllnlls. Tim arrest of " 11' . nftelaw followell his confession - fession to the holtI'll of IIlrectol's of the haule thnt he wag a dafaulter to the extent of $1..HiOOOO. Following Mr. Dlgelow'a confosslon ho wng removell from the prefJlcency ! of the banle nnd the fncts In the the callC were laid before - fore the ftHleral authorities. The l'omplalnt was sworn 10 hy Unlt1 ! Slates DlAlrlrt Altorne ) ' 1I. K. ll lltl'rf1elcl ; It char es thnt Dlgolow , as preRldl'nt of the FIrst National banle , omhezzlod n f4llm exceeding $100.000. A complaInt. and warrant Identical wIth these In Bigelow's ca80 were mndf' out to Henry G. 0011 , asslstnnt. cashlrr of the hanle , bllt Goll could not he found up to 7 o'clocle last nl ht. Prealdont Dlgelow was laleen heCoro UnIted States CommIssioner moodgool. ( He waIved hearing and wns held to the foleral ( grand jury lindeI' $2 ,000 hond. Dr. Horace N. Drown and Arthllr N. 1\IcGooch certified as S'uretles and Mr. Dlgelow was re. leased , The noxt. fOlleral grand jury has not yet been summoned , hut It. Is expel'led It will meet some time next month. PresIdent. Digelow's confession was made at n special meeting of the board of dIrectors , held Saturday evenIng - Ing and continued Monday. In addresS'- Ing hIs fellow directors President Bigelow saId ho hall a painful state. ment to malec-a confosslon that ho hUll misdirected the funds of the hanle and that an examination of his bools nnd II. comparIson of figures would show that. ho WIlS Indebted to the banle to the amount or over $1..lliOOOO. This money , he said , had heen lost In spec. ulltlon { In wheat and atocle8. Not. a dollar of It could bo recovered ancl the anI ) ' sum he could offer toward re. compenslng the hank were personal securities valued at. allproxlmatelY $300,000. The confession of PresIdent Dlgelow aslounded the directors of the hank , Mr. Dlgelow had heon recognIzed as one of , the foremost financiers or the northwest. 110 has heon , associated with the hanle In varlowf call1lcltlos for moro than flft0.en ) 'ears and his busl- nt'1 ! ronl'eC'tlons-trllst comlll\nlos , manllfacturlng conrornA , real estate d'als an dother , slmltlr , venturos- numher scores , lIe was honored a year ago hy elertlon to the presIdency of the AmerIcan Danlors' association and hy Its momberA was looltod Ul > on as a le uler In financIal matterA. In malting his slatement to the dl. rectors of the hanl. , Mr. Dlgelow saId he had hecome Involved In speculatIon several 1110nths ago. ThIs was on 'Vall street. "lore recently ho had heen a IlCrslstent. bull In the wheat marlcct , and recent loss there had added to heavy reverses on Wall street , JAPS READY TO FIGHT. Date and Place of Navl1l Bl1ttle Now DeJends ! Upon Rusll1ns. 1'OKIO-The mo\'oments of the squadron commnnde(1 ( hy Hear Admlr. nl Hojest'ensland the Intentions of the Husslan commander contlnlle to . . ho the subj..C't of genf'ral Interc.5t and speculation. 'rho last , Janant'so reports nre conl1lC'tlng ntHI roufuslng , They do not ! nlllrate defintely : the purposes - poses of HoJpstvonsley , hut It Is evIdently - dontly the Intentloll of the Husslnn n.'lmlral to await a junellon wIth the dlvslon commllnded hy Admll'lll Ne- "o atoff. whlrh Inrreasses the lll'Oh- ability or his Intention to glvo-Admlr- al 'rogo a derisive hattlo. It Is as- sumell thnt Rojestvonsley will brIng all lhe shillS and guns possIble Into action If he Intends to fight decIsIvelY , or lhat he will detach and ahandon hIs slow , cllmhersomo IIml useless shIps If ho Intends to run the gauntlet to VII\(1Ivostole. ( It Is helloved that the loratlon and date of the engagement will depend entlrel ' on Hojestvensly. The JapII.nese defensive plans are concealed with absohlte secroc ) ' . The llroclamatlons Issuoll are vlewell calm- I ) ' by the otnrlals and publlt' . The people - plo apllreclate the Importance of 1'0- tnlnlng the sea power at , Japan and the great ( 'onse1l1ences whIch hlngo on vIctor ) ' or defeat , hut the ) ' arc con- 11IIont or sucreRS owing tu the superIority - Iority In number and strength of the armore(1 ( cI'\llsel's \ of .Tapan , whlrh It Is holloved wlll rounterhahnt'o the Rus. sIan 8uporlorlt ) ' In battleshtls. ! Pope Celebrates Mass on Easter. HO IE-PoI1O Plus X on Sunday re- coh'ell many Eastrr greetings and celehrated mass In the IlI\lI of the Conslstor ' In the Ilresenco of many Ileollie. to whom his holiness gay communion , The AmerIcans who were alhnlttell Includ'd Martin Mil.- IOIJy } I\nll daughtel' , Helen , of Phtla. Ilolphia and Mr , and 1\I1's. \ Shl'hlon nnd Camlly of Daltl1not'o , Afterwards the pope confirmed two sons of Senor IVl\nclcr. the consul reneral of POI't- ugal hel'e. KIng Vletol' l mml1nuel SIISllOllllell all state affairs. Cruiser Sent to Sl1nto Domingo. PENSACOI.A , l la-Rllsh orders for the crlllser Tacoma to Ilroceell to Santo DomIngo were receIved late on 1.'I'lday , That. vessel began to coal im. medlatel ) " , movIng down to the nnvy ) 'ard , where fllel and stores were talon on board , and It Is oXllected that : she will get. awn ) ' from } Iot't before ' da'lIght. It Is stated that. II. number of warshIps have heen ordered to Santo' Domingo h ) ' the italian government , and as trouble Is antlcllmted , the Tn. coma was ordered there to IJrotect American Interests. T . , " . , , " . . . HAS PASSED AWAY Joseph Jerfcr 'on , thc F mouc ctor , Is Del1d. WES'l' PAI. I BEACH , Pla-.To. soph Jefferson , the emlnont. actor , dIet ! nt his hOllie , "Tho Heefs , " lit Palm Deach at G : Iii Sunday ovenlng. The enll came aCter a day of uncon. B.cloullness : and uCtel' II. heroic struggle of dlt 'B which hut ! exhnusted hlu vit- ality. At. his ( Ionthbod were hIs wife , hlJ sons , Charles 11. and Franle .Tef. ferson ; his nurse , "lIss Mahol Ding. ham : Dr. It. n. Poller mlt ! his faith. ful old servant , Carl Kettler. The end wus not a surprlso to his family. gver since his last slnldng spell , whIch came aCtor a rally on Thursday mornIng and was followed hy an ltnllrovement until FrIday , the famll ) ' \ has been waiting fol' tllO end , Mr. Jefferson's condition Saturday nIght grew steadily worse and the family , which had retlrod , was summoned and Dr , Porter called. The patient's condItion continued to grow Wargo all t rough Sunday nnt ! the hrlor bulletins from the hedsllo con. talned no words or encouragement. The slclmess of Mr , , Tofforon ! : which ended In hIs death , was can. trncted , it is belIeved. while on a recent. vist to hIs son , Charlcs B. Jef. ferson , at Ilobe Sound , a few miles above Palm Deach , where ho went to meet. his frlend. former President Clevelnnd. It. Is believed that from a slight IndIscl'etlon In his eatlng ho suffered an attacle of IndIgestion , Since his return to his homo hIs can. IIItlon grow worse , with slight. rallies , unlll the ond. The body or Mr , Jefferson will bo talcon to Buzzards Day , 1\Iass" leaving hero MondllY afternoon , accompanIed by all hIs family who are here. It. will reach New York Wednesday. It. wns on Apr1l 1 that. Mr , Jefferson went. to Hoho Sound to meet Mr. Cleveland and other frIends at. the homo of his son , Charles D. Jefferson. The party spent ahout a week there anll during that time there were fre. quent. fishing expeditionS' . During that. time 1\11' . .Jefrerson ap earell active. but as he had been resting at. h\s \ home at Pnlm Deach anll had almost recovel'ed his strength from the illness - ness which Imlled hIm down last sprIng , he was ovor.confident. and over-exCl'led hImself. It waS' at. a supper - per there one nIght when ho ate somethIng whIch It Is thought brought on the ntlck of Indigestion. When 1\11' . .Tefferson hecame III he returned at. once to 'rhe Heefs and was taken to hIs room on the second fioor of the cottage , whIch Is only 100 feet fl'om the ocean , where he could watch the sea. The weathCl' was fa\'orab 0 throughout hIs Illness. Dr. Porter , the fam1ly ph'slclan at the Florida home. lived three mtles from The Reefs and went. occasionally to the hedslde or his patient , feotlng that. hIs patient mIght survIve. Dut. when the first crItical 1101'Iod occurred ho spent most or hIs tlmo there and called Dr. 'Varley , a specIalist of Sl. Augustlne , fa l' a consultation. Dr. Worley went to Palm Deaeh. arriving thel'e last ; \londllY and leaving there the Callow- Ing 1\Ionday , thinldng that MI' . Jefferson - son might recover , It. was the horolc nght the veteran actor was malting ngalnst death and his great determInation - ation to sun'lvo In order that ho coul11 reach hIs northern homo that resulted In thc few temporary changes for the hetter. AUTOMOBILE INSPECTION CAR Can Travel 100 Miles on Three Gal. lont. of Gasoline , ST. P A UIJ , "Ilnn.--A practlcal tester or the ra1l1'0ad nutomohtlo as nn Inspection - spection ar has been made hy AssIstant - ant Genoml SUllOrlntendent Drown of the Great Northern roall , Chief En- clneer ; DavIs , SUllel'Intendellt Jenls of lho road's not.thern dIvIsIon , and DIvIsion - vIsion RoadmastCl' Locltland. Thor tmvol'sed the northern dIvisIon' ' with n. car , whIch Is now In the St. Paul unIon dOllOt yards. The new means of tl'ansportallon enahles the InSllert- ors to vIew the tracles and roadbeds at close mnge , to vary the sllced of the car on short nollco , and to loolt with equnl el\so In all dIrections. So satlsfactor ) ' wns the test that Assistant Superlntendont Brown will honceworth use the car durIng all hIs tnspccllon trIps. Four persons can ho aceommodnted on the car , It. can malO much more than thh'ty mtles an haul' , although that rate Is con8hlered hest . ' 1' Ilt'nctlcal pUrtlOses , It can travel ' 0 miles on three gallons of gasoline. Pl1lml1 and the Opposition. II.A VANA-As the result of ascI' . 01111 conference hetweon Presldl'nt Palma and the opposition lfmders , the l'1ltCl' have agl'eell to suspend the antl- admlulstratlon Ilemonstratlon pro. JO ) ! ed fm' Apl'll 23 , and to assist the "ovl'rnment In Its Investigation of Its ( 'hargos ngalnst local ofllclals , The nl'eshlent has relteratel1 that It Is his IIUI'I > OSO to see that strIct , unpartlsan justlco Is done anll ho has Invited the advlco and cO' lwratlon of his 11011. Ural ol > I1Onents In all mutters where grteva11cos appear. PresIdent Sends Regrets. WASHINGTOX. Conn-A message of c01lllolenco Itntl oXlll'esslvo of hIs grIef o\'er the death of United States Senator 01'\11I0 H , Platt came to Mrs. Platt from Preshlont Roosovelt. Sun. da ) ' afternoon , It. was sent from GlenwoOll Sllrlngs , Colo. The meso sago also contains an expressIon of regret at the Inability of the presi. dent. to allond the funeral. The text. o the message w1l1 not bo gIven out , In accordance with the wIshes of 1\Irs. Platt , who nlso. sa's the body w1l1 not Ito In state. I . . . . . . , . - ' " - - - - " DyspepsiJ1Vomen ! IlBSOLUTELY NEEDLESS J\GONY \ . Caused by uterlno Disorders and Cured bY' LYdia E. Pinkham's Veaotable Compound. . A great many women BuiTer 'with 1'- form of Indigestion or d'sp psln which. docs not seem to ylelil to ordinary trea t- ment. Whllo the symptoms Bcem to bt" similar to those of ordlnltry indlgef10 tIon , yet the me icines unh'ersally { Ira- scrIbe do uot seem to restore the par- tient's nonnal condition. , , -'fl . ! I I ' \ . , Mrs. Pinltham claims that there is B kind of dyspepsia thnt is cuused by " - derangement of the female organism. nnd which , whlle it causes 0. disturb- nnce similar to ordinary indigestion. cannot bo relieved without a medlclno ' which not only ncts ns a stomach tonic. I but hns pecu lar utel'ino-tonlc effects. also.As i As proof of this theory wo call attention - tention to the case of 1\Irs. Maggie Wright , llroold'u , , N. Y. . who was. completely curell by Lydln ; E. Pink- ham's Vegetnhle Compound after everything - thing else had falled. She writes : II For two yoors I suffered wIth dyspepsIa. which so , logonerated my entire system thut I WI18 unable to utteml to illY dally duties , I . telt weak and nervous , Rlill nothlnl ; thut 1 nto tn.stcd good and It Cllused dlsturbanco In my I stomach. I tried different dyspepsia. cures. but nothIng seemed to holll 11I0. I WI18 advised - vised to give Lplla. E. Pinkham's Vegetable j Compound a trll\l , and was happily surprised to fin i that it acted like 1\ fine tonic , IInd in a. . tow days I beganto enjoy and properly digest . my food , lily recovery WI18 rupi , nnd In five weeks I WI18 II. well woml\n. have rec- ol1ll1lcn o < 1lt to many suffering women. " No other mediclno In the world hn $ recehed such whleflot'lread and unquuU- fled cndorsemon tor has such a record of curcs of female trouhles , as lIas Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. IMPORTANT FACTS FOR COW OWNERS CC > - The mechanical Cream Separator Jms become n vital feature of every homo dait'y just as of every butter factory. III : ! u o meaas much more and much better cream - nnd butter , as well IUf saving of water , ice , time and room. 'l'he difference in results is not smalJ but big. Pew cows now pay without Bepamtor. Dairying is the most profitable - . able kintl of farming with one. { J'3S" / of the creamery butter of thE ) worllt is now n1l\l10 with Do Laval tIIMhines , nnd there are over 500CO ( ) - farm mers besides , > I Send for catalogue and name of neares " : , ft local agent. ry THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. Randolph & Canal 51s. 74 Corlland ! Sireet ! I CHICAGO NE.W YORK , ( , I , 1 " . T" Ii" Till : HIGHEST AWARD AT THE 51 : LOUIS WORLD'S fAIn WAS OIVEN TO ' 1.0WEnr ; WATERPROOf" ! OilED ClOTtIlNG' : , . .sLlCKFR& . "ATSl . . 7SH B , POMMfL : .sLlCKln A. ( ) . To n co..e TABLI.sHeD l 36 'I\OTOH' 'New YORK' 'CHICACO TOWtR CANADIAN CO. . LIOIIt. , TORONTO. CAN i \ , " I .1 .1j j 1 . . t. ! / , , , , , " , < ' j ; : \ " , . I' . . W. L. DOUGLAS lfAKES AND SELLS \ ' . MORE lIEN'S $3.00 SliDES THAN ANY 'I . I . : OTIIER MANUFACTURER IN TIlt WORLD. 1- , . - " i ; $10,000 REWARD to & 1110110 who . > ' call Illiprovo thb It&umellt. .1' I' " . . . T. . . DOIIJsr.O ; : ; : . .hocII pro the 1 " Jr..ato..t 60'1rorM . In thll worlll 10. . _ " ( 'nll U of tlwlr o..collo'llt MI'h' , "II ' tilling - ' ling ' II1HI Mllllol'llIrtIIrl"g ( f' th'N. 'l'hllY 111' ' ' J"Mt 1111 111011 US t hllMO hilt ( 'II-t r'mll SIIII : to 1oo ! . . 'l1w UIly IlIf- I""l' ' ' J thll 111' 1.IIO. " ' . r. . 1IU1Itln SI.I\O : I" " , " ( 'no' 1111I1'0 to 111nlll' , 111I1,1 their hlliln hettor.H'nr Inlll'r. , " . .1 nro or II''lIlur " 111110 thllll III1Y (1111.- , . sa. : ; " Mhuu nil thu IIIl1rJ.t In-I1I1) . . " . " ' .1. . UUIIln" "ll1'lIlIt8 , 'nillo lIy , ; \'tlI..Ift \ ' . : , . : .lliILI : , II , , : : I..llll'.I. ( t'I' 'I : : III ) Mllllhlltlll. ' , \ \ ' . r. . ] InlllIIIM sa.I\U MIIlo II ro (01)111 ) : hi. . OWII r.'tllll t""e" III the J.r "cll'nl cUI" . . , nll.1 II ) " "Iwo (10'11111" " u\'ur'whor. . :01) ; IIIl1tt..r wh'r. . r" " 1" ' " , " " . I. . Duullas shuc ! ! ILl' ' ' "lthltl ) 'UUL' rClich. U Th.J Deat I Cvc , . Wore. " "lcrrle 10 . 'tV Ihal I hare , . < < orll U.M , " , , ! : . Ihe l > at fi. " I/rar" mId .1111' YOllr " , Ihr - - bJt 'r.r 'fO" ' " - NrI' . J''uIIA ; 1 : Jlrplrll ( ; ( IS . . ' Easl JrJrrsoll .st" " LouIsvIllr , KII. . . . lIoy.l ! wearW.I. . UOllltJU $2.50 nnll $2,00 .hncs because they lit betler. holl1 their .hape nnJ wenr louller than other makes. \I' . , / . , lJollol < 1' Ult' Corollll CollJw in ' ' ' 1 SS.M ,100" , Coroll'I Colt II rOllrrdr,1 to lee the Jlnflt pattll' 'ratlltr podureJ , . F.ut Color r ) ' lcts wlll not wenr brnssy. w , r. , lIeu ll\ft hll8lhelarl/pst shoo mall onlpr ! n5hIPI8111 tllII worhl , No trollhl. . 10 lIet II I1t "I mall. CPl\t exlr"'rel'"J8 , Iellverr. \'rel'"J8 \ JILt rou de > > lre turlher nlorllllllloll , IJrlte lor IItrlltrd C'Italauue III .spranu , sllllfl , W. L. DOUGLAS , IIcOkloo , Alan J When Answertng Ad'ertlsemants Kindly Mention This Paper. { .