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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
. U-STERUOUNTY , EPUBL1CAN. ES1.'ABLISIIED 1882. 'rHE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. fARGES1. ' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. . . VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , MAY 4 , 1905.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 47. - ! r : , \ . ' i Jewels . to Please all Tastes \l \ , _ l : ' : 1 n " ' ' \ ; ! In our jewelry cases m y- \r1 \ be found something sure \ ! W to please auy woman's J 1 taste no. matter how it w.rt 1.may 1. lUchne. . w.r : If she bave a favonte rl J g-em it is pr tty su e to be l.ftfound here In a r1l1g or ti ? . 1 : brooch , lace pin or ear ; I 1 : ring or whatever article 1 M she may prefer. wl " i : n i : ' J . , : : : ; i : , . b j : , . , . ' ji I : i 1 & : i ' _ . : ( l : \ f.l& & n 'o . . ! j i' ! - ft p I I \t \ . . ! . . . . , , . , 1 . I nr-1. i : ' ! ' : . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . W.i . . . : . : . . . , : ' : : ' : . . : I " ' . . . .uIo. . : . . . . : UO' . . : : w".f rl./ .u . . . . . . I i : . : . ; JI : : f ; ' ' ' " . [ : ; ; , ; ; fro ; : ' : ; , . , ; : ; , : J. / fI.iifk ! I \ . - - - - - - - - - ' - - j J School Books , I . , . i Tablets 1 j fI f I - - ND-- , School Supplies , I f - - T-- , . r J. G. Haeberle.s : ) . . . . . . ' " / . ? ! : l. ! ; BUSINESS POINTERS. I ! iIl ! - - ' , This office for neat job work. t : J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf . i Insurance that insures. 3Stf . R. G. MOOIm. t 1 Office room for rent. Inquire . ' at this' ofiice. tf Fresh oysters , candycigars and tobacco at Mike Scanlon. . 'rorid zone steel furnace. None better. See W. D. Grant. 4-49 Buy y ur farm and city property - erty of B. W. Blair. 37tf I4ist your farm and city prop- I erty with B. W. Blair. 37tf - - - I , Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist. Office over McComas' drug store. 25lf Go to Mrs. King's for board : and room , board by day or week. . tf. I A11 kinds tin work , roofing and spouting done by W. D. Grant. 4.49 Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage and Warranty Deed blanks at this office. People are coming 50 miles and more to the Peale , Sheppard sale. 'I'hey have heard of it. Reneau & : I4eonard , real estate. I Broken Bow Abstract Company. Dr. Leach , the painless dentist , guarantees satisfaction. We always have money to loan on farms. R. G. Moore 111 Apple Block. 35tf 'When in nee ( of a good furnace cal1 011 W. D. Grant. He has the lest on the market. 4-49 11'01 { SAT.Tt-A good farm adjoining - joining llroken llow. Price $5- 000. Enquire at this office. Peale Sheppard Co's. big sale continues every day until and in- chuling Saturd.y , April 1st. FOI { SAr.H-IIouse : with block land. Enquire of Con- cannon at Peale-Sheppard Co. 's 3S-39. The biggest Jack in the state will stand at Tooley's barn this , season. It is worth your while to go and see him. tf. li'oR : :5ALn--Five : room bouse , four lots , barn for ten horses , cribs and granary , will sell or trade. F. M. SHARI' . tf To tbe ladies of Broken Bow : While cleaning house is in full blast , remember our sale on carpets - pets , rugs and lace curtains is in full blast. PnAI.ItSlIIt'l'ARD Co. r am now located just north of the Custer National Bank. Come and see me for bargains 111 real estate. Some cboice acre property - perty for sale. 8 tf RAS. ANDItRsoN. Those wishing rugs made from old carpets , please get their carpets - pets ready and leave word for Mrs. Raymond at this office. She will ca11 for them in a few da's. Mus. L. RAYMOND. For : : ; ale-One fourth section. ten miles south of Broken Bow near Lexing-ton road. Four hundred dol1ars ( $400) if taken by June 1st. Ii'loyd Seybolt , Milford - ford , Neb , . or A. 'l\Seybolt , Ii'lor- el1ce. - Neb. . . . . Tal < en Up-At my place one and one half miles south of Weis- sert P. O. Monday , April 24. OS , one bay pony about 5 years old , weight about ( ,00 Ibs. . Owner can have same by proving property - ty , paying for this notice and for keeping. 4.47 Drs. Bartholomew and Christensen - tenson use the most modern methods - ods in diagnosis and have special facilities for the successful treatment - ment of all diseases. Electricity , scientific massage ( osteopathy ) , etc. , used where indicated. Consultation - sultation free at the office , west side Realty Block. 4-lf ' ] ' \\'hulII It 111) ' CUIICI'J'Il. The public is hereby notified not to purchase a note given to me for $25 by 1\1. Scanlon on or about Jan. 31st 1)05 , due April H , 1 ( )05 , as the same has been lmt or stolcn and was not disposed of by me. Ii' . J. 'V oodruff. 3t. Alh'ol'tlR'll I.ottcr Ust. For week ending April 25 : Mrs. Sarah Coons , S L Glober , Otto Peter Klausn , Johan 1\Ia- ruska , P l yan ( card ) , II Sa hI ( card. ) For week ending 5-2.05. J Boynton ( card , ) William Chase , Dors Spaulding. L. H. JmVItT'r P. 1\1. - 41 - - . . - . _ : : . . . . . . . . . : " . . . . . . . . . . # . # . : . .Q . . . . . Focr.r..r..r..r..r / < < I Horton , Carl & Millett. ; opening April 22d was a grand success OUR and we e : teml our thanks to the people of Buffalo and Custer counties. Now we are rea y to do business. Remember our motto- : "Square dealing wins friends. " We will endeavor - vor to live t.he best value for your m ney. ever known In tIns part of the country. See1t1g IS believing - b lieving , but hearing is best if you want to buy a piano. Come in and gee ours. W. C. E. Seeboeck , , " ' America's great pianist , played our Baldwin pi- ; r , ano at the recital given in Kearney April 25th. R 11)05. A.fter the recital.M . r Seeboeck a5 asked how he hked the Baldw1t1 plano , to which he re- li plied , " 'rhe Baldwin piano is always good. I . play no other when I can get the Bald win. " R l 'rec fares to all purchasers of our pianos. I-Iorton , Carl & Millett. i . ( . nct. . .1(1 Qnd : RtH. . l c rllcy. Nch. S .r.r..rJ'Qf. ' IQ(4a' : r.r..Q"/.r.rJJQr.r..or.r.r..r.Kr..r..Q'.rJ. ) f . , . . ] 1. . . . " . . . Alfalfa We have made a hit on alfalfa by which we are able to sell you all you want for a short time at $7.50 per bush'l. This is choice seed. Call and see. Leave your order. It may' not last always. See our Lister5 , Edge Drop Planters , Riding and Two-Row Cultivators , the Swede hog fence and barb wire. In Harness and Saddles we alwa's lead. Undersell , Quality Considered. , - G. W. . . Apple _ : : : : : : : : : ] Two cars of Buffalo went east on 4 ( ) Friday. 1\1. A. Walter was an east bound passenger Thursday. A. J. Van Antwerp left on 42 Thursday morning for Lincoln. I. P. Johnson was an east bound pass > engerFriday morning. Tom Young , of Mason City , arrived here on 41 'l'hursda ) morning. C. R. Wills , from Anselmol arri ved here on 42 l 'riday morn- ing. ing.The The Lewis and Clark Exposition - tion at Portland , Oregon , opens Juue 1st. Mel Steinmans of Westerville , was among our welcome caBers Saturday. . E. W. Morrison was an east bound passenger for Bradshaw , Nebr. , Thursday. Harry Morrison , who residm on West Table , made a trip t ( ] Berwyn Friday morning. John Rhinchard of McKinley , was in the cil.y with a load of hogs for the market Monday. E. E. Switzer writes us to change the address of his paper from Calloway to Blodgett , Ore. I4uel1a 'I'errier , of Hazard , re. turned home 'l'hursday morning. She has been visiting friend here. J. C. Ridenour left for his home at Dayton , Ohio Thursday morn. ing. He has been visiting bh son near this city. Jack Keating , foreman of Con. ely's ranch at Dunning , was city visitor Tuesday. ' ! 'he Re' publican acknowledges a socia ] caB. caB.C. C. W. Morey , who has beer visiting in Vermont , made a stol over here on his return and lefl for his home in Sheridan , WyOlU ing'I'hursday. Count ) " Assessor Haumont ha a force of assistants helping hill on the tax books. Under the ne. . . . la w the county'assessor ' is require ( to compile the reports of the dep' uty assessors of the several town. . ships. A number of the members 01 the Masonic fraternity went t ( Anselmo last Saturda ) ' night t ( assist in third degree W'ork 'I'hose who went were J. J. Wil , son , Alpha Morgan , II. George , W. R Bruce , I4. II. Jewett , E. R PurceB , E. C. House , I. A. Re. neau , G. W. Dewey , H. B. han : and Chas. Orr. 'I'hose who wen raised to the sublime degree 01 Master M a'son on that occasior were 'V. B. Warren and J as. R. . Bolin. A ban1luet was spread a1 the close of the degree work ant I a good time is reported by tiH visitors. . A , 'V. ' .r.homas left for Alliance - ance Thursday. Dr : 'V. E. Talbot made a call to Halsey Thursday. Cnr11 'oote and wife were down from-Merna Tuesday. 'V. A. Drown made a business trip to Merna 1.'h\trsday. C. W. Cannon of this city left for 4J\sley li'riday morning. J. S. MoByne went to T4 tt- coIn rruesday to spend the week. J. 'b. Hastings of this city made a bu iness trip to erwJ'n l.'riday. T E. Gusner of this citJ' , made a business trip to Mmol1 City Thursday. Mr. R. A. Watts of this city left li'r < lay morning for Dawson Nebr. on a business trip. Ju lge Potter , of Grand Island , mad a stop over here on his \Va ) ' to Edgemont , S. D. , last week. Ne rly five inches of rain fell the past week which dispels a11 fears of a drouth for the planting season. Miss Orcelia Lamphear of this city left for Ansley 1.'hursday morning , where she expects to I spend a few days. ' I T'i1e unusual wet weather this spring emphasizcs the necessit ) ' of putting the roads in good shape. In many places they are almost impassable frOll1 the late I rains. 'l'he railroads have agreed I upon one fare for the round trip fro all eastern points to Portland - I land during the I4ewis and Clark exposition. A baby in Broken Bow has becn christened 'reddy Oyama. If be live up to his name he will be a strenuous youngster.-St. Paul l epublican. I Sheriff RichardRon male a trip Frida ) " morning- Mason City with W. S. Iladlix in his possession - session to secure Haddix's bond. He did not succeed. F. H. Young , president of the Custer National , went to Omaha Monday morning , where he will remain most of the week attending - , ing the Grand I40dge sessions of : the Masonic fraternity. : I The Ansley Chronicle-Citizen : is advocating the nomination of : ' Senator M. L. l 'ies of Arca/Ha , for governor. Senator Fies made a good record 111 the legislature and dOubtless , would make.a good governor. The rains interfered with tree I planting on Arbor day in this 10- calitv , but fortnnately the wet " weat"her did not drown out the good intentions of the c.itizens of Broken Bow , and several planted trees last week. ! \Ir. Hartley wishes to Rtate tbat be has legally drawn papers I for signatures of those who want to take stock in a project to sink a deep prospect well. Al1 who ; arc interested are requested to call on him and help the work along. I Isaac Barcus came up from Westerville Mot1 lay niht with the view of taking his wife home , but decided that owin g to the I splendid care she is getting here with her sister , Mrs. Huxtable , . that it would be better for her tel l remain. Her condition is gJad- - ually growing worse. Sheriff Campbell returned Fri- da > " from South Bend , this state , brmging with him his neice , Miss Claudia Gampbell , a daughter of his brotber who recently died , - leaving four children orphans. Mr. Campbel1 has been appointed as their guardian , and they will 1 all probably come to Gering to live.--The Gering Courier. G. 'V. Rhodes , g-eneral super- - intemlent of this division of the - B. & : M. has resigned and Division - vision Superintendcnt J. R. Phe- lan bas been appointed as his successor. J. C. Birdsell who is well known in this vicinity , formerly - . merly as train dispatcher and for - the past year or two assistant su- derintendent of the Deadwood . division , has been appointed die - o vision superintendent to succeed l ! \Ir. Phelan. He will again 10- cate at Alliance. Mr. D. Murphy , f another gentleman well known I here , has been promoted to the , p'osition vacated by Mr. BirdseB. t rhe RUPUIITICAN extends con- l gratulations to Messrs. Phelan , ! Birdsall and Murphy in their good fortunes. . IU , Lovv Prices ! . . . - - - - - - - 1 1\f y competitors como and go , but I am At.ill in business at the old stand nnd reudy to Roll you unything in the farm imllement line for Joss money than you cl n buy for anywhere in the county. If I , clln't I don't want YOUI' business. . . 14-16 Disc j-rarrows. . . . . . . . . . . . $25.lX. ) B Soctiollllurrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 14-inch Gang Plow. . . . . . . . . . . . 57.00 16-inch Sulky Plow. . . . . . . . . . . . B5.00 l.inch "r alIdng Plow. . . . . . . . . 14.00 ; Hiding Lister , 2-wheol. . . . . . . . . B5.00 Hiding ] istel' , 4-wheel. . . . . . . . . 35.00 With other goo s at equally low prices Alfalfa Seed , Custer County Grovn , for Sal . - - - - - . : . . . _ _ IeII C. S. Martin 1\lnunrnctu1'JlIg \ A I'1Jt "lIIl ) ) ( ' , ,101' III AuU-'l'l'lIlt ! Hoods. . " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " ' ' " " " ' " " - - - Watch and J ewel- - - ry Repairing. . , , - - - - - - - - ' - - A SPECIAL TV AT ED . McCOMAS' . - = = - - - - - - - . - - - We are prepared to do all tmHls : : : : of Watch and Jewelry Repairing. = = - - - - 1.00 3 . - - , " \ . 1'D ; - : : : : : - - 50c , 7 e , 1.00 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. P. YOUNC , Watcillunllcr. : Jc'clcr. 1 II"ravcr. : : : : : : : - - 111111111111111111111111111111111111iil1111111111111111111 111111111111111 . . - ; : - - - " - - - - - . E2 crr 2 ? 2m . The Clothing cleaned , pressed Pantator.lum . and repaired for both ladies . a lee's trial drug order. store , Over Broken Haber- Bow. M ary B e Ider s. r c 2222 22a Sprayed . Vegetables. ARE AT4'V A YS CRISP AND FRESH. - ' - 6' ' ' We have added to our grocery - ry department a new and attractive - tractive vegetable sprayer. The vegetables that you buy of us from now on will be known as 'the crisp , dainty and tender variety because they will beef of fresh , cool water. . . Crisp , fresh vegetables are healthy " Buy your vegetables from us. Lettuce , Radishes , String Beans , Pineapples , etc. Leave your orders for 'resh Strawberries. Yours for healthy food prQucts. J. C. BOWEN. Brok011 BoV\l , Neb. ,