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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
, . . . I . I . - - - . , , ' , ' " . " ' , " ' - " . \ \ I , - . . . Of I nterest to Brain Wor1tcrs. . < A medlt'111 man who gave I.vldtmct ! I . .In a London chane'cry tll\'lsl,11 ras ( : : testln d os to the C'onnE.'ction bet WE.'en I brain worl. 11I111 longevlt ) . In II. way t , that chnrmed I.ho 13w'er8 nntl will , charm olhCl' hmln worlors. Ono.thln ] I ot the ] nhorors In rural districts , ho I. . . reported as aa'lng , dlo of lJraln sot'no 'Ing. ollll the Il\'OI'ago vegotatlvo rural InlJOI'I'I' IlIlwh cnrh ] r thnn the hnrd. ! thlntln ] ! ; la W'CI' , slmlY ] 1..ICcnllse his -brnln rusts fl'om Inclt of exercise. f Self.rellance. There Is n time In O\'ery mnn's Cdll' ! )1' , cation when he nl'l'lvcs at the con. , , .Ictloll that n'Y hnoranco j tha t Imltntlon III sull-hle ; thot ho mllst 'lale himself for holler , for worse liS bls portion : t hll t though the whle unl , , .erao Is ful1 of good. 110 lornel of QO\ll'llIhln corn ( 'nil como to him hilt through his toll hestowed on that plot t ground which Is given to him to 't\11.-Halph \ Wnldo EmC1'son. . Indian Matrimonial "Ad. " ' , 13ahu matrimonial advertisement : 'Wnntl'c1-A match for nn I 1111ep01ll1. " , i , . . - tnt. IH'alltICul ) 'oung widower of : IG ) , rears. of respeelllhle ntll'er ) ' rich ! amll ' . ] > oMessus hrl11dsomo amount ) t thousanc1s 01\11 l1umerous golden or- laments of his III'evlolls wlfe-La : 1Iore TI'lhune , . , What Everybody Says. Jamboree. Ky" AIH'II : Jrd.-tSpc- -clal.-"I suftored for ' \ ) 'ears with my baclt. " Isa's lr. .J , 1\1. Coleman , n well known resident or this IJnce. ] " 'l'hen , \ I [ used Dodd'li lldney P1l1s and I have not. . felt a pain since. 1\1) ' IILtle girl complained ( her baele. She used abont one.halt hex at Dodd's Kidney. Pl\s \ ] and she Is sound and well , " It Is thousands ot slate lents like the above that show Dodd's Kidney . \ P1l1s to bo the one CIlJ'O for Dackacho or any other s'mptom of deranged \cldneys. \ } ; "or Daclmche Is simply a Ilgn that the KlllnE.'s need help. Dodd's Ilclne ) ' Pills alwa 's el\re Baclmche , The ' nlso alwllYs cure Brlght.'s Disease. Dlaheles , Dropsy , fthellmatlsm , madder and Urinary troubes ] and Heart Disease. These 11'0 more ad\'anced stages ot ] lidney IIBease. Cure 'ollr Baekach with DOthI'II 1\ldney : P1l1s and ) 'OU need lever leal' them. ' ) I New Use for Whisky. t r , A billieI' , newly engagcII. requested ) cis master to allow him Romc whlsIQ' . 'TIIC'I'O' " nothIng 1I1e It to clean the , , ' \rulows \ , " said he. IIowevCl' . a fe" mlnllies In tOI' hIs mas leI' chanccd to pass'throuh ! the room. and to his sllr' prlsl' fOllnd the glnss Omlt ) ' , "WhY , 7ames , " ho allwd. ] "whm'e'g the whls. ky ? " " \\'ell , ) ' 011 sco , sir. . . . sahl .Tames , "It's this way ; I dmnl. the whlsly and then Ii , . 1lIthe ! on the glass. " To Keep Weight Down. If ) 'ou wIsh to l\Cep ) ' 01\1' weight own , don't drink watl'l' at meals. _ i Talw tea and coffee. nlse elll'ly. walle atlcast five miles every day. aud don't tae ] a nap lifter exorcising. Sleep "Ight honrs only. and on a moderately hard hed , Shnn fresh 01' hot broad. . Flee trom pot aloes , pens. macaroni , ,1I\'e oil. cream. alcoholic dl'lnlts. I\\'eels and ImstlT. . Seek Bones of Primitive Man. I 1'aleontologlsts are hoping to find I .n ) ' dar the hOnl'H of prlmith'o IlIan In lIomo IJl1rt ot the West , wh'ro the ' de'py ] erodell can'ons ha vo 1'evealed . , . ( ' \ 10 mllny wonders of the animal worlll j " In the shllpe of ancestors of the horse an the dinosaur , II I I Pays Dearly for Stamp. 101' ; Islngon \ envelopes two Rtnmp " , 'lIich had alreadv been through thf . . ' est , IIn Irish s'ilOolmasto1' has just I' been fined 100 , Some oC w011len' IItlle dall ' economics oflC'n pl'Ove h' , lhe end eXIJonslvp-Lonllon Glohe. , I CHILDREN AFFICTED. By Mother's Food and Drink. I I Man ) ' hables have heen launched Into : mo with constitutions weal\Cnell b ) ' dlseaso talen In with their mother's \ mill" Mothers cannot be too careCu ] , as to the food they U50 whlle nursing their balles. 'fhe experIence ot a I Iausas Cit . mother Is " case In I point : "I was n great coffee drlnlcer tram , , a child. nnd thought I coull.\ not eat a : meal without It , But I fOUM at ] astlt I " "IIS doing me harm , For years I had belm troubled with dizziness. apots he. , I toro m ) ' e 'es and paln.1n my hcart. I to which was added tw ) 'eal's ago , chronic sour stomach , .fhe hah ) ' was I born 7 months ago , and almost from the beslnnlnJ ; , Il , too , ulTered trom I 50ur stomach. ShAo fl"1U taldng It : trom me ! : f "In m ) ' dlstrcss I O\Jnsulted IL frIend ' of more expcrlenc . than mine. nnd \ 5ho told me to quit. "ocree. that cotToe l' dId not make goo .0111" 1 have since : ascertained that It "eal1 ' drlcs UII the mill , , "So. I quit coffee , nnd trlod tea and I at last cocoa , Bnt th ( ' ) ' did not agree , with me , Thelo. I turned to Postum I CotTeo with th hapiliest results. It proved to be tne \ ' ( ' > 1' ) ' thin ; I needed I It not only n < : ell perfe'l1) ' with hab ) ' Itnd m 'se1t , I\t It Incrcased the now I . ! , " . my mlll1) ' husband tlwn quit q co"'C'o " and u'C'1Postl11n \ , Clulcldy got I , \\'C'11 ot th6. d ' ! 'Ielsla ) wll h which ho had been t.ouhlC'II \ I no long-er sutrI'r trom the clzzlncss : ! , blind spells. IJ1ln In m ) ' he rt or sour stomach. Post , I urn hos c red them. I "Now we all drlnl. Postum from my . I husband (0 my seven months' old bab ) ' . 1t has pro\'ed 10 be the best J llOt rhtk \ \ e have ( > \ or used , We " ( Yt'OU"I1 s.ot I-Ive : UII Postllm tor the best A r coU e 'e ever drallk , Name g\'en ! IJ ' 1'0lHum Co. . Battle Creel" M Ich , Thero's a reason. Ge the little boolt "Tho Roe.d to I Wellrlllo" In each pl\l ; . II I I . . . , , J . , . . , . . . . . . , . " " . . . . - - - - I I SCENE OF RECENT FATAL FIRE IN SHOE FACTORY AT BROCITON , MASS. . - 1. 1\larch o : t hoiltl' In the L of the bIg It D. Gro\'IJr shoe factor ) ' , In Drocl" lon , : \Inss. , tJxIJlolled. UtilI the fhuJles Ijulcle ] ) ' destrored the debris , spread , , lug to the main tactory ami Imrnln ! ; that and scvoral other bulldlngt ! . Slxt- , - Up till withIn - the momor ) ' of Ieo. 1lo uow living , civilized Imtlons wagetl war much as do savage races at this } JIesellt dn ) ' . Now , of courso. all this IS alllred.Ioderll ! : scIentific wal'faro 11 , hedgcII round wilh ns nll\li ' rnles I'lld regulations as Is modern scientific ioothall. anll the same lIenall Is In- clII'l'ed f01' foul or unfair 11l-name. ! Ir , the litem dlsapllrobatlon or the ! 'lIectators. ' 1'ho rules of war were nevel' obsCl'v- cd so seruIHllousl ) ' as they are now. Even the slightest hillt from olle bel' Itgerent that Its opponent IH not ob. serving the rules or wal' b1'lugs the e'es of the whole civilized wOI'lt1 to bear on the alleged uffense. Shonlll one helligercnt have cause to com- 111aln of the hehllvlol' of the other , It malws a formal IJrote ! > t to the neutral nHlloJls , 1l1'ovlded those nations were slgnlltorles at the Peace Convention HI ' 1'110 Hague to that rule of war alleg. ed to bo brolw1I. Up to the pI'esent , lowe\01' there heen few , ! \ , hllvc com IJlalnts during the Husso-apllneso war , , and even these have mostl . heeJlI I I raced to the IndelJOndent actions of Il ff'w soldlon : , 'fho presence oC II 1 > 1l'1 , \\'o\1llod ) sol lcl' In a dwelling house confers I.rolectlon upou it HlHI OXellllJtli Its other occupants from ha\'ing troOIS qual'terell upon thelll. Commllnders I are forbidden to rcqulsltlon the prOI' ert ) ' of such ocr.ulJanls. " -ounlle prisoners of war must he , 'scnt hacl. to their own countr ) ' as soon benefaf'to'a. , turnlJl ! ; to tht seat ot hostilities. or ag'aln bf'arlllg 1\1'111' ; during the rest 01 the Wal' . Among' othel' thln s fm'bld en are 1 he ellllllo'lIIent of polson , 01' of 1101. onell I1rlllS or Il1'ojectllos , or' oC "un ) ' al'ms , 1)'oJectlles ) ) , 01' matel'lal of a rl1tl1\'e to cause sUllel'lIl1ous Injl11' ) ' . " Il Is also nnawful ] for a cot1lnHlnllC'r te issue an orclC'r thnt JlO qnal'tc. ' Is 10 he given ; nor mil ) ' an ' tOWII , fOl'I. rc : ; 01' olhel' pla'o ho given ovel' to liIlag ( ' , e\'on whl'n tal\On h ) ' IIssault , ) IOI'covel' . I1n enemy ha\'lng' SUl'ren , 11t'l'C'cl. or ! nill dow1I his arms , must 110t III' 1\ll1cll or wounllC'd , NOI' Is It 1'C'l'mlsslhlC' to hill 01' WOlll1l1 treacher. 0\1\1) : ' ' Indh'illllais belongln to the h08' tap. nation 01' nrmy. cven nlthough these mn ) ' be uuder arms at the time. Ial.ln : ; ImprollCr ute of II 1II1g of Irucl' . or allY olhl'l' { 'nHIn ! 01' hanllel' , 01' drl'ssln In the enemY'H unltorm In orllC'r to deeeive the snill enemy , Is I nl'o ! hnnc : anti commanders I11Ust not nttacl , 01' lJOl11hul'Il town8. villages , hr.hitutions 01' hullllln1R which arc not Il"follcletl ! , ' 1'he use ot small'lIl'l1l ) H'ojecllles "which eXlJUIHI 01' Ilntll'lI C'aslly In the ) : ul11nn bJlr. such liS hu1lets with a hal'l1 envelope , which dneH lIot entll'el ' ( ' 01' the core , or Is 11C'l'cC'1I with Ill' , ,1Jons , " was I'ohlhltell ) at the I'ea'e l'ull\'ellllon at 'I'ho HaguC' ill 1811 { [ , But to Ihls -rellresenlatl\'es or ( ; rcat Britain wuultl 1I0t UI'lI. ! ' , IIH81'rt. il thut t he use ot the "llum'tlum" \.ul1et-ngalnst \ . which the ( 'Iause was o vlously nmcll-was ! essential for I . of civilized ' I tI.e safety troops wnohlg' - - - " ' - - - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . Donations Given Out at Grave. \\'lIIlnm HoblllfOU , line tlmo IIhel'll1' or thf' EIIJlIsh towlI In WJlll-h lie lived , ' . -ontl'l\.CtI ! to have hIs memor ) ' IWllt grelm Ilt a mudl 11l1Iallol' l'OHt than n1Imell : woultl ) III ) ' for I'ven a : limited nol'tnllty ; , B ) ' hi" will lie III , rectpd that e\'vI'Y rhl'lstmas .Iay . twelve loaves of hren1shuuhl \ he I\l1I 10 as many pOOl' willows , But In ortlel' to qunllf ) ' COI' Ule loaves the widows must IlI'oHent themselves at Iho testatol"s gl'Il\(1 anll receive th(1lr Chl'lstmas ! ; 1t8 0\01' the uones or their benefaf'to : -'a. : : i1 ; ; -.of , . . . . . - tllrec ' lost their 1I\'cs pOl'sons . \ and many ' CI'O Injured. The Gl'm'C ! ' facioI' ) ' wus locn.ted at the comoI' of 1\laln : u\11 Calmar btreets. Camllollo , In the southern outsldrts of Uroclton. ' 1'ho hulldlng - - . . . . . . . . - OBSERVE RULES OF WAR Combatants in the Far East Have Been Scrupulous in Their Conduct. _ ' - L'-- - \-'al' IIgalnst savage races , such as British soldlei's had fl'equentl ) ' to en- counter. ! ' : elthel' would Grent llrltaln assent to the clnuses IJI'ohlhiting the drOIJ' Illng of eXIloslves from hal1oons. a 1111 l\1aldng Itulllawful to lire at an ellemy III ojeellles. chllrged with USllh 'xlaling 01' deleterious gases , No exceptlon wa ! : ! , howevol' . tulen by Gl'eat Britain 01' by IHI other na' tlon , to the vel'Y stl'lng mt I'egulatlons I ndollted as I'e ; nl ds Spi3S. 1.'ormel'l ) ' these unfOl'tunates got exceeding ) ) ' I short Rhrlft , mill such Willi the feollnl ; agaInst them. e\'eu among 'hUUHllI0 comm ndCl's , thnt hut little cnre was tnl\C1l to sift the chlnges ngalnst sus' pecled Individuals. ! ' : ohowo'cr , 110 S1l ) ' . m'en nl , thouJh talwlI lu the nct , 1I1ay he exc , , cuted without fult. and \lI'opel' \ tl'lnl ; and a SIW who. nfter I'ejolnln the army to which he helongs. Is suhsc. ! J lently ( 'uptllrell , hec01l1es a. prlpollol' of war , und ( 'aullot ue ) lulIlshed for Ills II1'c\'lous acts of eSllcmage ) , Also , the cOII\'eulon ! made It vel'y clelll' who WOI'O. nnd who \\'el'O uot slJles. F01'IIWI'I ) ' gn'at latitude was permlltoll to IlIlllvlllllal coml\1H1lllers , alHI IlInoeent IIOI'SOIlS : mffered accord , Ingl ) ' , But now on I ) ' those can he InWfull ' IJ\11llf'lhed \ ns slJles who , "actlll ! ; clau. 1 destlnel ) ' . 01' on false IJl'elouces , ohtl1ln or seck to o\laln. \ Infor1l1atlou lu the I wne of OIH'I'lllions of : t. he1erent \ / , I wllh the Intontlon of c01l1111Uulcating it. to the hostlln pnrty , ' I Thus. soldiers not In disguise fonnll , wllhln au en ( > 1UY's IIl1c : ; . 1I1a ) ' uot he I ] Juulshe.1 . as Hples. C'vell nlthou h ther 1\111) ' lit ! th'ro fJI' no othel' PUI'IHSe than to SP ) ' . NOI' mur . : II > IJDtch'l'itIoI'/I I 01' 1I11111al'Y halloonillts he tl'entcII. whl'lI caplureli. , ' othI'wlsc ( than liS 01" dhH1'r 1II'IIollel's ; of war , I'-Iunlly , It Is unlawflll COI' a ' mllntIel' , wlJO 1J1n ' chance to com'j ' ' ' tcmpol'al' occllpallon of au ollem"s lerl'itOlT , 10 ( ' 0111 pel the population of I such te1'l'itol' ) ' to hl'ar ; : :1'11111 against their owu guvel'1I1l1eul , I PI'I\'ate III'oler'ly , must he respccterl , "save III the ( HSe of ul'gcnt 111 11 liar ) ' uccessit ) ' : " anti the dostrllcllon of his. torlcal lIIonuments. worles of art ur sclencc , anll of relllouR ! , chal'lInhle , 01' l'lllIcatlollnl institutlolH ! IH strictly pl'Ohlhlted.-l\lontrcal Herald. - - - - - - DEATH OF JULES VERNE. Fvmous nnd Prolific Author Leaves Scene of His Labors. , Julvs Verne died lit Arnlens , Fmnce , ) iareh : ! .I. News that Jules Verne s dead will IC' ; received with II sense of } IJ1'sonal ] os ! : ! hy lIIany thOUHl\llIlS of chlllrcn ] of ulmost e\'ery lI e-"l11en are uut children of a largel' growth , " For two full genel'ntlons he lias ) , ren dellghtlllg I'ngllsh ' I'eatlel's with stories that had sonll'lhlng to tcll , and IeI\ ' grown l11en who reatl lit nil In 'oulh have forgotten the slngularlr - " - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - " ' - ' - . . - - Mayor Will Not Be Interviewed. : \10)01' ( 'olIlIlR of Bostoll Sllrs It Is 11 hllllI. wllich ho fOl'luel1 long ugo , 110t to ( 'ollJl11l1nlcllto his vlO1ahout \ } luh , IIc affa\r's \ 01' part ) ' mllttel'/I to the } luh , IIc In thl ! form of Inter'\'I"ws , 'rhls IA his stral/htfo\\'III'11 / Wlof IHlttlnJ. ; It : "When I lu\\'e IInythhlJ. ; to sa ) ' ahout politics In which I thlnl , th { ' IlIIhl1e Is ' Interestell I mulee a spcech and sny tt , UlIII whell the lmo comclfOl' lIIe to matw puhllc uurthlng 1't'lnllllg : to tilt' r.lly hall lJ\1slues \ I do It III tllIJ f01'111 I . , f 1111 otllalal mf'SSIl ( ! . I'm nol tall. . I In I'm attelltliu LO onslncsfi. " oxlentle.1 . 100 feet along 1\1111n streC\ nntl 200 feet to the reur. l rom the rcm' ot the ml1ln lJulhllng 1111 L sec , tlon'IIS locatell anti It wus In this part C/r the Illant that the explosion nlld the collapse occlIl'red. JV" vlvlll Imresslon ) he made on them Ion ! ; ) 'eUI'S ngo , Jult's'erno ) Jassed his SOVOllt ) ' , bO\'onth bll'Ullla ) ' last l'ebruar ) ' , Ho studied law , Wrote plu's an11 leopt hl1nself othol'wlse hus ) ' without defi- nlto results until he hit ullon the scientific - entific romances that m lle him fU1I1' ous , In 1 SGJ : , when he was : J 'Cars ! old , his "Plvo'eplH In 11 Baluon" alllwar- ec. . followed at ) 'cal'l ) ' Interval ! : ! b ) ' "A Jom'ne ) ' 10 the Centol' of the Ef.rlh" and "A ' 1'l'lp to the 1\1oon. " In 1S70 C:111)1C : ) " 1'went ) ' Thousaud Leasues Untlel' the Sea , " I1nd Ils scquel , "The : \f 'sterlous Isllln , " "Hound the W01'ld In l'lghly ' Days" It' 1872 and " : \I1chacl Stl'OgotT" In 1S7G \\'CI'O dmmatlzed nnd g-avo him un evell lal'gel' audlonce thall his earlier .01'IH , ' , " Fortelght volumes hear hl nllmo on theil' tltlo pages , ntHI glvo I 1\1111 \ a permanent \llaco \ In the acrec , ' tlons of tlte roullger relldlug IHlbllc , Jules Verne was n. tl'UO prOIhet and man ) ' of the most hnaglnat1vo of hi ! ! lilies huvo hoen bo1'l10 out b ) ' rccent rlent1f1c developments , while. stili othel'lI IIl'e on the wa ) ' to fulfillment Placed In ) 'outhful ha:1d8 , the ) ' guve n'all ) ' II Iud n hent toward sclonUnc ( ( iucatlon which has heon 110 slllull factOl' In this ver ' fuflllment. ] He unclerstootl , ns few WI'ItCI'S Cor the 'oung huve untlel'stood , how te combine Insh'\1cllon \ with nm URomen t. . \fa ch : ! O II bollet' In the L of the bl/ / . ; n. II. Grovel' shoe factor ) ' , In Drock , ton , 1\lflSR. , I1xporlp.ll ] , ntHI the flames IIhleltl ) ' tlestl'O'eti the tlebrls , sllread' In ; : : , to the main fnctOlT untlu1'l1lng \ lIiat IInd sevel'nl other bUildings , Ixt-three IJCl'sons lost theIr lives : Jnd many were Inj\1retl. \ The O'ovel' ; faclory was located nt the cornel' of l\laln anti Cahnar "trectli , Campello , In the south01'l1 oulslh'IH of Broclcton , 'fho hlllhllng cxtcntlell 100 feet along Main sll'cet . . /Cil"2 ' - ! lllll 200 feet to the rem' . I rom the l'l'IlI' of the muln hullcllng IIn r see , tlon was loclltetl and It was In this pill't of t he plant that the explosion :11111 : the colllIBe occnncll. - - - - - - - - Editor Raises Chickens. Harrfason : , editor of the Fa'etlo } ( ) mocrat.Leatlel' , mlseH I1no chlcl- ens " 011 the sldo , " At the world's fall' his Iloultr ) ' call1urec1 nine 111'11.0 ; ; . HI' hold two fanc ) ' fowls for $100 , IJOssit hI ) ' the highest Ilrlco e\'er paltl In I\lssourl for t wo-Kl1n8as CIl ' Star , - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . " " ' - Wanted to Shovel Hay. 1'1'01' . Hobert I ) , Pel ty of the New YUI'I. I.n w school , wall telling his stu , tlents the other tlo ) ' oe the need thaI hi WYOI' ! ; occaslonully have for n. IIttlc lo'owlec1g-o ot agrlclllturo. " ' . "r was re- mlnc'led of this IIced the ether tla ) ' , ' he declared , "whon fl ) 'oung 1I1t00'ne ' of the cU ) ' toill rnu ahout his plans fOl' sIlen lng two or three da's In the ccuntr ) ' nnxt sllmmor , 'I want to go to 11 farm , ' the YU\1n \ attorllo ' flald , 'anc1 fot' two or three da's tlo a farm hanll's WOl'It , I wllnt to shuVQI hl ! . } : " - New Yorl. 'rlmos. o , ; ; ; ; ; T ; ' Most Effective \Vel\pon Available for ConfUct With Dreaded "White Plnnue" e ' 1'ho fo\1owln \ Ilbstracts Crom nn nr- Uclo h ) ' J. l , StubhE.'rt , M. D. , In the Melllcl\l Hecorll , should receh'o willo I\ntl careful nttontlon. o dOllbt If lhoso Illolls coultl ho cnrrled ollt. the "whlto 1laguo" would bo rob bell or m\lch \ ot Its te1'1'or : In anclE.'nt times It was highly 1111' pl'Oper to C'X)1oso ) n tuh rculolls pa. lllmt , e1IH clnlb' ono ho'ollll the first Gtage. to II. bl'Cllth or fresh 1111' eXcollt on the mildest lla's In SlImmcr , whllo the night all' WI\S lll'ended IIl\d a\'ohlelt ns the pla/nl' / . 'l'htn the moro ohsen'- nnt nnd thollghtful mon notlcell that these who 11 v ell moro In the open all' llltl not tllo Its qulclel ) ' I\S the hoC-hollso Imtlellts , ancl thl'.Jegnll \ to II1'go nil outdoor IIfo and mollernto oxerclso ns n IlrOllh'llIeUe as wl'l1 ns n C\lrO for these In the carl ) ' "tages or con , sUllllltlon. 'rhoso III the 11101'0 Ild\'anc' ell stnges wel'o 1I110WOIl rl'csh nil' on ) ) ' wholl It was at summer temlJOrnturo , but o\'en this was beltt'r thnn being lecpt Indoors In wnrl1l , Ill'\'entllated 1'00ms the whole ) 'ear. . 'I'horo 1\1'0 sovornl 1ll\lIs by which the \'Ictlm ot tuberculosis mny continuously - tinuously bl'eatho 11111'e , fresh nIl' h ) ' I\lglttlls well ns b ) ' da ) ' , Sll'elllllg ollt In the ellen all' Is 1I0t barmful to n Inrgo mnjorlt ) . of tuuerculous IJCOlllo. : \1lllet , or 11l'Oceton ] , Mnss. , rellOrts IhlJ cases or five Il1\lIcnts whom ho rcc01llmelllled to sleep out of doors nt night. 'I'he ) ' wel'O allow.d : ! 110 root o\'r tholr heads except In rain ) ' \\'l1thel' , 'I'he ) ' were soft fet ] hnts al1l1 cotton IIlghtshlrts , slccpln11l1ler ! o I'llrm \ 1' ) ' bedclothes In betls nrranged on the roofs of tholr houses. 1m. IJI'ovement was note In two weeles , Coughs 1I1snplIOaretl , te1l1por1ltll1'os be , Cl\1I10 normal , rosplrl\tlons W01'O ol\slor anti weight hlcl'ellsell f11pltll ) ' . No I\t- tentlon WI\S } Inlll to dal1llJl1ess alltl dmfls , and hcn\ ' ) ' dews were reg-anled ns Inconvenient sI1llpl ) ' because or the Ul'CIISIt ! ) . or dr'lng the hellclothcs , Slcl'plng III n slllal1 1'00111 with nn 01)11 wlnllow 110011 nol npJMr ) to 1.10 I noarl ) ' so bellollcl1l1 to the IlI\tlent as , when the nights nre IJaSBot ! on ael" I , I\nlln ( )1' In n tent whel'o there Is a CI ee dl'culalloll or all' on all sitles , IC n III\1Ient wel'o rOI.t uuate enollgh to hl1\'u n largo 1'00111 \\jllh a southCl'n ex , ) Josl11'e 111111 contalnll'g one 01' two OPl'lI I1l'lJIIIIlCCH. In IlIhllllon .to largo wlntlows on thl'eo shieR , which 1II1ght he olJOnetl at night , he might tlel'lvo alJlll'Oxlmlltul ) ' the henufit Inchll.'nt to tent life. I\IeGmhl\111 , of South Cal'ollnll , )11'0' ) rlJI'H the cll'clllar 10 the 111'111) ' lent , 111\11 lhlnlts It hettel' to Illaco It on Il Illat' COl'm two feet f1'0111 the l'OUlltl. RlIlI to tlo without cal'll ts anll tlraperles , 1)I'I1110rlos are 1I0t lIecessar ) ' . hut rus nll.1 . greut1 . to the comfort and con' \'eulellf'e ot these 111 III henlth , IInll 11)11' ) IIse ( 'a 11 he macle IJel'feclly safe hy eXlloHlng Ihem to the sunliGht for a few hOllrs dnlly. ' ! : ! Hopltals : for Consumptives. A JlIl1l1lrNI ) 'carR a o the clly of NI1IIIC's , Italr , el'cctell n Iu-/.e / h0811ltnl for ( 'onliumpll\'e/J. : and required thl ! Isola lion or 1111 IH)1'/Jons / sucrerlng from Ihls disease , It IA on I ) ' reccntl ) ' , how- e\I' , that the allthorltles of modcrn cfllps ha va hecome wnlcened to UIO Imllorlanco of this sanitary meoollro. Hecenllr IL nllmhor ot cltlos have , Inlwn steps for the establishment of hO'Bllltnls clIlcclnlly ) for the treatment of CIlIiOS of consumlltlon by the so- callCd "opon'lIlr method. " Excellcnt reEults nro rellol'ted from this method or treatmcnt. The GC'rl11:1Igovernmont : hns a large central commilleo numbCl'lng more than thirteen hunllred IJCl'SOnS , organlzell for the II111'J0'30 ) ( f erecting hosllIalo ) fOl' the treatment of tUhC1" culosl 'rhls commllteo hils und01' Its sup01'vl810n scvent"four such hospl. tals , ancl Illst 'enr treated over thirty thollsand lJUtients , of whom eIght ) ' per cent were returned to tholr homes Irnctlcall ) ' cllrell after remaining 1:1 lhe hosllilals on nn \'erago of a IIttlo less thlln three months. An Extra Good Appetite. A good appetite Is a s'mptom ot coed health , An extra good flllpellto Is sometimes a s'mptom ot constltu. tlonal dlsturhancI ] somewhere , A sam , pIe loller sent to the "Qucstlonll an Answers" column of 11 Ilrominent health journal was sOUlethlng JIIeo this : "I am troubled with Illmples , not t.o a grent extent , hut still very annoyln , They appcar principally on the roro- head , hut occaslonal1y on other plnces. I often feel ] anguld. and tlro easily , nnd cannot gain flesll , nlthou h I have an extra good nppctlle. Still I am not sic ] " and IInvo not heen In hed for 11 tlay In m ) ' lICe. Age , nineteen ) 'ears. Will ) 'ou Idndly advlso mo what you thlnlt woulll remo'o these Illmplcs ? " There Ip. IIttlo douht but thnt the "extra good nppotlte" alluded to nf , fords the Ita ) . to the situation. The dl , geStlVo organs hllve more than thcj' can ta1,0 care of , and consequentl ) ' do not properly tnlco car'e ot nn.thlng fllr- nIRI1Cd. 'rhero will he frequent lIen11- ncheR , sldn disorders and alternate con- stiImlion and diarrhea with such Iler- sons. PImples nro a natural result at such depraved hloo con lllons. With man ) ' IJoolJle the hnhlt or heart ) . eating Is continued when the warm spring da's cothe. I oed which was npprOIrlato when tllo thermomct. er was at zero Is continued In the sarno quality and quantlt ) ' \ \ hen tlt'J thermometer rises to ninety degrees In the sun , and nveraJ.os ahovo slxt ; ' nil dny nnd night. 'fho person whlJ 10gell his nppetlte under such n condl , . . . tJ : Will Iii on safe ground. The ponon with UU oxlrn. gooll alJpoUto will hl\"o to oxerelso BC'tf'control or)0 lllaf'l' on the retlretl list to lenrn w/imom / lJr. experlenco. Cigarettes , "fobncco InJlIl'es nWII I\nd 1\1l1s chil. dren. 'rho ChIcago Hcllool lion1't1 hM hE.'en hnvln 11 ml'1l1 rtl eXl\mination Ol cortaln IJ\1lll1s \ uefm'o allowing them to talw part In certnln athletic RIIOI'\S. IJO'R and Jlrls : ; WCI'O slllJJe ted , to th ! . ! snmo oxnmlnatlon. Not ono girl WIIi : found unable to PI\SS , ' whllo 1largtl nllmbel' or the bo's , III almost O\'CI' ) ' case "molters , wel'O fOlln1 ; to he 111 [ \ ph'slfal condltlOIl which nlado'loll'lot oxerclso or : tI1) ' Itilld'er ) ' dnngcrolli. 'rwont"ono Ollt or 11 hl11llh'ed weru fOlln11 II n lit , nllll all hilt thl'eo sucrNoIl ft'Olll S0l110 f01'ln of heart tl'ollhlc. AI , most wlthollt excellloll ! the uuflt UII'1 were clgarello smolCl's , How to Earn Sound Sleep. All dOCt01'1I RI'O 110t so carofllt or the welfare of their IIl1t1ontl a8 t hl'y might he , 1Iero Is a stor ) ' of ouo who wellt to the 1I1111t. 1Ie Is the IU'.II'I'l ' tor or II. famous henlth rellort n\l ( Hi r from - . Whel1 he recel\'e 11 I Ill' tlcnt for t.reatmont ho sa 's : "NoI I Wllllt It Il1IlIel'stooll that un , loss ) ' 011 do cXlletl ) ' as 1 au ) ' , there I 1101S0 ot ) 'our stll'lng. " \ This 1'1110 somotlmes requll'cs him to ho01' ) ' harsh , hut ho novel' hesltalt' , He ucts 011 the the01' ) ' that ho Cllli hul- tel' ncrorll to offenll a single IH1l1l'nt RllIl lese him thnt to have that I Ill' lIcnt go baclt homo atHI tell his CI'In.l . DI' , Soanll.So hnll done hllll no goul ! , rclntes the Washhlgton Stili" Not 101l ago n. well.l\1\own \ clel'ly- 11111'went to this re801't for tl'clltllll'nt : 'I'ho octOl' looltell him o\'el' upon hl r.rrlvlIl and saltl : "Whl1o ) 'ou nre here ) ' ( JlI must tnl\ ! . lonr. wnllts ever ) ' till ) . . . . "But I cnll't tllite wnlls , " roplll'll the parson. "I ha vcn'l dOlle any W11l1- Ing for ) 'eal's , 1\ly \ henrt won't sla11l1 , It" The ) ' arguell the f1l1l'Hlion CIullo warmAs \ the clel'g'mnll anti 1\lC' ! tor Were goo 11 ldentls. the latter W11S 11101'0 lenient t\Iln ! \ UHUIII , IIowl'vel' . hll hiliell his time. . 'rho ncxt at'lur. nooll the ph'slcll11saltl to the clcrgy- 1111111 : "It's 11 nlco 1111) ' . 1 wOIIIII 1i1e ; ) 'OU to go horsohaele l'ltllul ; with me , " HillIng ther , wcnt , When the ) ' were 11110Ut olght milcH fl'OlII the s:1II11111'1I11I1 the Ilh'slcll1l1 sl\ll ) : "Oil , doctol' . WOlI't ) 'OU get mo lIat , 1I0w'I' by tli , 1'01111 , Hdu'l ! 1 1I0l1't 111\0 to leavo. this hcrse , " AR soon aH the clol'grlllun'IIS on the grollnll , tIe : lIoclO1' gallolU'1i elY with lJoth horHeR. 111111 the CIC1' ' ) 'II11111 WI1 ! ! cOlI1)1elled ) to wnll ( bnel , to tho. . RnltnrlulI1. : ! Upon his fl1'1'lyel hl\\'a3 ; : \ \ Yen' [ lngl' ) ' , flI1I1 wns tor } ) a liIng 1111 anll leaYlng at once. ' 1'hero WIIS 110 trnln that ulght , so he was fOl'It'll : to stay a few hoUl's lougel' , ' 1'11l' ' Utxt ! 1110l'u11lA' he came down radl:1I11 uml scoll'nl1turell. . "Doctor , " salll he , "I was ) Il'plty SOl'O at rou IUlit I1lght , but 1 tOI'gl\t ) OVCl''thlng , I h11VO hlill the first ( ) ( III RlcojJ I have enjo 'ell In moutha. III'II : ! ' netcI' I'll ohe ) ' ) ' 0111' ol'lIer Implicit ! ) ' . " . - - TIMELY VEGETARIAN RECIPES. Cream , of Celery Soup-lngrelllelli\ : Coel' ] ) ' tOIlS , 1 11uart cream 01' 1'11\ mll1e. l\tetholl-Put tOPR In saucepan , ( 'OI'jOr with water , slmll1cI' ouo haUl' ; lInt III retu1'Il wuter to IlnU , n ll mill , nllil stnlles , slmUJCl' olio-hale houl' lon I'I' . seasol1 to tasle , I'elllo\'o cole11' , thll'l" en to cOl1slstel1 ( , ) ' of cream. 81:1'\ hot. . Chili Sauce-Ingrelilents : Oue quart. strahlell tomato , 4 tnhleHluHJlI' fuls rnhlcell celel'Y. : I tahlosIlOonflljs . mlllcC'd olllon , sugar. 1\letholl-l'nt all togelher In sa'lIce. . pan , let como to hell , Het on hacl , lie range ancl simmer two hOlll's. A small 111. ( . > ( e oC lemon Ileel and a CII p' of chOI'11011 ' lal't npllleB wl1grl'I \ : lIy Improve the 11 a\'o r. Coole tll1 aIlpll' , are done , remove lemon ) Jeel , Ctllli. serve , Candled Sweet Potatoes-Boll 110111 , toes tl1tCllder. \ . r'l1\ovo jac\etH ] , nr , range III oiled haIling pan , slI'lnk/ ) : ! vlth powdered sngar. brown In tilllW o\'en. Sweet Potato Cutlets-Pare 11011\ . , tees , cover wlUI holllng w\tel' . ! lol. twenty minutes , clraln err balf the ! wnter , and coolt tl1HOft. \ . 'rhoholllli bo nlmost dry whC'n done , Maih III' : put through rker , } , 'orl1In shapl' IIf . chops , sprlnhle wllh llOwdered flIcal' . nnd IJrown In medIllm oven. SI.1I'\'O with flugnr IJOaR , Pork less Baked Beans-'Vash bf'nns , place In hl'aIlot ntlll hell five IIIln- utes. Sail to tnste. Daleo tour hours In slow OVC'II , leoeplng huro- Iy covered with watl'r. 'Vhcn II0nf ! , the heallH shoul.1 . ho of a unlful'lI1 darlt brown , Longer coodng ] will Im- prove. Potatoes Lyonnalse-Chop colli 1IOII , cd or Imled Ilotaloes , Season wit h salt while cholllln [ . Stir In onions nnll pnrsley minced. It too stitT , thin with nut crol\m t conslstenc ' desir' ed. 'rum Into oiled baldng IJl1n. I smoolh , brnsh with cream , bro\\'lI. Ser\'o In sflunres. Turnips Stewed In Cream-Pal'o young turnll18 , cut In dice. SlmlJler till nearl ) ' tlone. Drain err near ] ) ' nil the water. Add E.'nOUlh cr al1to bal'el ) ' cover. Salt to tasto. Simll'l'r Ull tenllcr ( don't hol ! ) . ' 1'hllll'u sJlghtlr. : Serve ,