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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
\brnr\ft\\ \ oo'e\J ' 1i\1.\\ \ \ ! \1\et \ 1 \ _ , . - 'USTER ( ] OUNTY EPUBLICAN. . ESTAHT.4ISUED lSH2. 'l'III OFlt'ICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COU:1TY. LARGES'l' Cn CUT-4A'l'ION OT ; ' ANY PAPIDR IN ' [ 'TIE COUN'l'Y. "ii--- , . : : - _ = . , _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - : . - _ . - = -.u _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ ; - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ / . VOL. . _ . . XXIIt. . . , BROKEN BOWCUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , APRIL 6,1905--EIGHT , PAGES. NO.43. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ _ " H _ _ 'f ' \ I'f \ , ' I F , , , Watch Right ? . . . . - . - . ' - - - - - - - - - , If ) 'our watch ! .ihow1 > (111) ' illcglllarit , or I g'es other evi(1cnce ( thut s < Jmcthin i1 ! wrong with it , bettcr hait ( ' : > : tIllillcd hr c , . II competent wutc11l1ak'r.011 \ \\UII't , find 111I\ . more killflll or IIlOn' cxpericlIl' . , e(1 allj"\'here \ thllll right hell' . We clean , i . I I\I \ reralr 1111 wrb. of watch ! \ thorough. i Iy nlH qnickly : uIII guamlltec ull hilI' : ; , work liS weHus our priccs to he right. ' . If ) 'ollr watch clwin i beginning" to ' . . . ' . . show sign1 ! of weal' , or if ) 'on'cllike a nc\ ' chain for allY leason , we al ! : preparcd to supply ) 'ou with the b st guM filled nl\ . . IIlndc , nt II tt1odcratt : price.Vc carry th " . : ; SItIOmilke : , the best klloll'lI allCllI\ost \ " . . . . t longly gttlUllllhc c1l1ilt'vcr , ; 01(1 ( . ! 1. . . ' , . ' . , j1' \ " . , ; ' ' ' 1' " . , " " I ' : " : _ . .4- _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . ( S hoe 1 Books , Tahlets I \ ( -ANI > - , I . . ScllOOI Supplies , , --AT-- i . . J. G. Haeberle's ; ' ' . . - ' , 'rhis office for neat job work. . \ "it. : . : : r. C : Moor , s1.ra ing. f FOR SAJ.E-.JIOl1 : l' with I hlock land. Enquire of Con- , cannon at Peale-Sheppard Co. ' 38.39. i _ ' _ ! l ! J : _ . - - - - < - \ L : ! f. { ? N : : : : : ] . . . , . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hc , ' . J. R 'l'eagardclt wcnt to AlIslcJ 011 + 1 atllnh1\ . J. l . Deall and IIIIlIg'htc ( Dor- thy , WCllt to Liucoln Saturday. J. H. and Hcrman Klump of th Wc..t 'l'abh' , wcre city . visit. or Satllrtlay. C. n. .Ioltl1'101t of lIoo icr who hat ! hl'l'l1 ill this city on bm ine s rctt\l'lIclI homc li'riday. MrII ! bhcsh011. . : , of Buffalo' ' Ollllti i \ ' it ng' Mr . I. r. Cook f thi city thi week. John l ohin olt wellt to Omaha Stllulay with a car of cat tIc which hc fed at his plice south of town. R , Powell \Veisscrt , was a city visitor Saturday. He IIH1I1e thc Hcpublicatt office a hnsinesH call. .Johll Phi lips of < 1 who h:1Il been in this city looking aftcr hnsillpss retnrncd home It'rillaay. I . A. 1 rUlltcl' sold the Lu l app farm caHt of thc city last li'riday , to Mr. Hwscll of l\'Tcrna , ( 'onsitl- cration , $3800. S. L. Cannon , who has helll the poition ! of bill clerk in tbc legis laturc the past winter , came home Satuyday n lrht , havirgeomplct - cd h IS task. Phon Moore and family of Callaway , 111\\'c gonc to Whitticl' , California , to rcside pcrmancntly , wherc Mr. Moorc will cngage in thc Iiractice of law , with a cousin. C. R. D tIIit1g of GeIlC\'a , who rcc ntly hought a half-section of land in Union Va11ey bas hought the Bruce residence on the north side and will makc that his resi- dcnce. Mrs. A. l\l , Kirkpatrick of the 'Vest Tahle , whcn coming to thc city ycsterday , lost bcr pursc omc whcre on the road contaill- ing. thirty-f dollars. She says she passed several teams as sbe atl1e in and very probahle that some une picked it up. If it should fall into the hands of somc houc t person , she will get her . mouey back other-wisc she will. probably nc\'cr Icnow who found : it. _ _ .n . . _ _ _ _ J . - . - . . . . . . - . . , .Our I111plell1ellts . " . ) ( . " Are nov in Before you place your order - der it will pny yon to see our fi no line. a _ . - - - \V 0 have a first-class elise hanow 14x- 18 at $2.LOO and 16x16 at $2f > . Dingp ] I row cultivators from $10.00 and np. A No. ] :1-section : hal'l'ow at $1.j..50. All other goods pqufllly as low ill price , such as riding' listers , walking' listOl's , . HUl'P Edg' ( ' dl'op plnnton ; , emlg-ah' Kt 'ed- OI'S , walking' and I'iding' plows , gUllg' IloWH and two-row HWHIl' ( ( 'uHivatOl'H. This yenl' the t3wrdp is impI'ovcel. tlW ) : it. You will have om' il'VUll do.Vp i hn\'l' also just ; ' ( ' ( ' < d n ( : al' oj ! . \n1 < 'l'- icnn hog fencr and hll'wi : \ t'P. Piner YOllr o I'd ( , I' 1I0W. I j ; may g'o hig'hrl' . A r ARCH ON HARNESS \Ye ha\'p tlw IUI'g'rst HRHOI't HC'lIt or all kinds of hUl'ne this ' ' s spI'inp ; w t Vel' _ l had. PI'ices H1' ( , I'ig'ht. I t : will Iw 01' ; r no I1SC' to g.iYO pl'iees hen' aR quality :1 : I'egulne { , . } ) l'il'l's. C01lH' anel sep fOI' yourself.V" will trf'lIl. il' Wl al' ( ' wrong. Don't : t'o'g'ot ) O\1l' eOlllplet ( ' line or shelf h:11'cI : WHr ( ' , ( 'ltl'lrl'Y find g'uns , and above nil don't l'org' ( 1' that. I j we Hrr selling' tl1lullenble \ ( Htupl ! : Hang'e and the WlI iek I eal. .N onr so 00.1. Our bll 'g'il's , alw ys giYe Slit is- J I J j hwtlOn , ancI th111k - of thr. Old . . . t lliclto'y Wngon. [ t ; al\vays g'ood. Our \ Inotto : Undorsnll , quality considered. i < G. W. APILE i . . . I \ . I 'i ' , - ' . . . . , . , , I Dr. Bartholomew was a llerw11 passenger on 44 Saturda\ ' , J as. Led wich of this c l ) ' was a passenger for Ansley Frula ) ' . Watter Gla1.c of this city went to Ansley Friday , on business. r. N. Marquis shipped a car of fat cattle to Kansas City , Sunda ) ' . 14. I . Franklin of Arlington stoppell over between trl : ns It'ri- d\y. ; dy.O. O. J. Smith and C. l . 11'e9scu- den of An elmo , are in the cit ) . today. R. D. Campbell of Weissert was a business caller at this office last Monday. Peter Mohat is reported very low from a strolm of parnlysis a few days ago. Otis 11'esenden will move to thc Schit.ll1ire : place in Lillian township - ship this wcek. . John C. Ba110n who has been in this city on business returned to his home Friday. T-4. II. Housc of Ausley was looking after busiucss in tiJis city ' 1'1nm day and Ii'riclay , 'I ' ' \Vm. Mail' of Hastings , who was tit the city on busin ss left 011 42 Saturday morning. W. .J. Rice of Rest , was a city visitor Tuesday. This office acknowledges - knowledges a friendly call. Master Frank 'fierney went to Ansley Saturday , to spen a few days with his uncleJ. B. 'l'ierney , Mrs. Avh is ha\'ing' another house built in the eastern .part of town , ou the Hunter addition for rent. J as. Darc of Gates , was a bU ! i. nl'SS visitor in the city Fri ay. The l npUDI.ICAN acknowledges a social call. 'fhe high school social last li'riday night was quite a success 1 llancially. 'l'he gross receipts were over S25.00 , . c. 'r. T-4cach of Wcsterville , was a city visitor Saturday. He re- mcmbered the Rltpunr'Ic N offic with a business call. Wm. Hersh of Deadwood , who 'ha bcen visiting in the vicinity for fic'eral days with relatives left Saturday morning for the west on 41. Deputy Revenue Collector Con- Idc , who has been \'h iting with his tamily for the past week , returned - turned to Chadron yesterday morning. Hon. Ii' . M. Currie left this morning for Ogden , to meet his wife , who is on her return from California , where she has been spending the winter. Dr , C. J. Christensen has his office equipped with modern appliances - pliances for the treatment of diseases - eases of the evc , car , nose and throat. He 1s prepared to fit glasscs accurately. F , H. Young and family , re- turnetllast night from their visit to New Orleans. Mr. Young sa. } ! , every time he is away from Nehraslm , he comcs back more in love with.our own fair Ncbrnslca. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the open- ing of thc Hotel Colonial , at l ed Oak , Iowa , March 3. 'rhis is . the hotcl recenlly 1JLdlt which , Chas , H. Kennedy of Brolccn Bow , has taken cltar e of. I A. It' . Warren , formcrlyof this placc , but wlto left here about a year ago and rented a 240 acrc farm of the Bacon ranch , in Da WRen county comprising 45,000 acres , visited ovcr Sunday in this city , returning last Sunday. R P. Standford of Merna , was a city visitor yesterday , He J'C- ports that Merna hai ! the great- cst and the only 1100111 in its his- tory. 1Ie says farms are selling rapidly near thcrc as high as $35 an acre' and that fully fiftecn house ! > will he built there this seaSOll , including a tine hotel and store hui1cling combined. 'l'lte reccntly elected directors of till' county co.operative telephone - phone company , held their first meetiug at the court housc last Saturday night. A satisfactory agreement between the directors anl1 J. I . Adamson , manager of the Cc 11 tral 'l'elephone system was reached in wInch Mr. Adamson - son agreed , in case it was found that the cost of his system was I not equal to figurcs given that ; his company would stand " cor. respondnig'reduction. Dan Sage of Spring" Ctel'k , waR u city vititor , Monetay. F. U. Lewis of Ansle ) . , was a Ctlllaway pas enger Satunlay. Ex.Supervisor Cooney of West Union , , , n ! ! ' a city visitor \lolulay. II. J. Hnckbcrth of Anselmo , was a business caller at this olT l'e toda ) ' . ' C. M. 11'omyth will 1I10\'C hi ifamil.r to his ranch at Nr.w lTell'- na this week. Mi9a Mar ) Gessman wlmt to Ansley Saturday ltIorninl-f to 1'1'- main oyer Sunda.y. O. H. Conful has hi new ItntIS ( ' raised and 3. number of carpcntl'rs are rapidly ellclosinC" it. : Stella Richardson of A nRclmo , I had been shoping in the , returned home Saturday. Charles Kaupp of tltiR l' ty went to T-4incoln l 'ridllY to \ ' ! ; i t with hi sister Mrs. Brown. Edward Mauk of Berwyn wa in the city li'riday malcing ar- rangemcnt\ ! ( "nter Collcg-c lon- day. Ira Oke3 of Berw'n who i attending - tending high Ichool htI'c , wen t Ihome Saturday 111Orning- for a 11 days. , .w . : , J. F. Baker of Orhllo , is in tlte 'city ' today l11akinl. : ' final proof on his homestend. Mrs. Hewarcl T-4. Kerr who had been at Ca.llawa ) ' , 'isiting MI' . atHI Mrs. Hoskin returneii to her . home in Aniley1"riday. Mrs. M , P. r mplield of An- selwo and Mrs. Harris of Grand Island , stoppe1 ; O\'cr ill the l'itr Saturday. Mrs , M. D. Mar\h ! of Uihhon Neb. , who haecn : in thc city the past week , rcprc\enting' ! till' Royal Neig'hhors of America It.ft for Grnnd I'lnndli'riday. ! Will McCandleRs anll Charle , ' Windnngle who wcre at honie spending their vacation returltell to Lincoln SaturdllY , whcre they ar attending the \V csleyen Un - versity. Dr. G. W. Kirlcpatrickof glill , Oklahoma , who has becn here for 'several ' 1110Jcths loolcing aftcl' his business interests lefl this morning for ] din. He exp'rts . . to be back in J UllC. ' 1' . J. Woods of Mason City aI'- rivcd in the city Tuesday night on 43. He carne as a delegatc to thc Woodman count ) . convention from the Mason City lodge. 'J'hc RIU > UBIICAN ac1cnowledgc a fricndly call , "Te note from the "Merna Postal - tal Card" that J. N. Hic1cllotlr had a barn , full of hay and grain , burned last week , caused hy children - dren playing with matchcs. No insurance. J. B. Atkinson's house also caught lire from a dl'- fect flue , but the fir wa gottcn under control. Dat1lag'cs sustain- cd about $100. I March wcnt out alul April mule . hcr alventan id showers , genuinc. spring wcather prevailing' . 'l'hc grass i\ ! alrcfily wcll along HO range cattle can livc fairly wcll , especially wherc the pnsturc was not fed tooclo\cly : last year. 'l'he season is fully a month ahead of last vcar , wluch would argnc that crops should he in the ground a month earlier than last scason. Frank Berlcemneir , who camc here with his i am 1y from PelJlno , Ohio , about three weeks ago , is very much pleased with Brokcn Bow and it ! ' future proipl'cts ! amI will pcrmunent1y locate herc anti invest in a home. He is a cat'- penter hy trad and says there is a vast contralit betwe n here and Ws former home as to the dcmallli for labor-here the demand is far greater than the ! iupply. while in Ohio there is practkallr no tll'- mand. J. G. Amsberry returtlcll ycs- terdaymorninf ( from KammR City. where he went to consult Dm. Thorton and Miner , specialists , , in regard to hii ! afllictions. As they could onl. ) ' promise him temporary - porary relief , Ly performil1 all operation , hc dcchned to submi t to the operution. 'l'hese doctot' do not agree with the Omaha physicians as to the ahnormal growth in the rectum bcing a rtn. cer. They say thcre is no symp' toms of cancer. lIe was accom. panied to Kansas City by hh wife , his brother Charley al1l : I nephew Ray Zimlt1crman. 'rhc ) " returned to An lcy yestcrday 01 4i. ; = - - - . - : : : - : - : = : : : = : - - - - - - - - - IeLowPrices . bHtci'IiMIn- _ _ _ _ . .IiI > _ - r - lSlirIllll - _ _ _ - - - My pompltit01' rome find go , hut : r I1In I ti 11 in business at the old stnnd und ) 'ea < h to sAIl yon anything' ill the fal'm i11lenwnt \ lillo for l < 'RH 11\(110) \ ' UWll yon ( \1\11 \ hny fOl' :111ywho1' : ( , in tho'county. U I con't ; 1 don't want yom' hnsine s . . . I . ' l4-10 DisC' HIU'l'ow . . . . . . , . . . . . : j ' 25.00 : 8ee'tion [ [ unow. . . , . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 . t.l-inoh Ul\ng Plow. . . . . . . . . . . . 57.00 I ( } ineh Rll1ky Plow. . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 lGiurhV n lking' Plow. . . . . . . . . 14.00 ' H.iding' .1istet. , 2-wlH'nl. . . . . . . . . i.35.00 I tiel ingListOI' ; , 4-w 111'1. ' I . . . . . . . . . 35.00 \Yith ntlwl' g'oods nt : equully low Il' ces AIf1H tl , Cust r YlO\ r Sale I : : I C i n " " 'r , , , , r ' . " ' ) Vt..I1 .u' " --'ll - . . . . = - " ' : " " - . . - . , - - - - - - - ' ' ' , , , , , , , ' ' ' ' , ' , " " " " " " " " tt'tt'tt'tttttttttttttttt'tt'litt't'tttttttt't1tt"1 = - = WE ARE THE LEADERS : - : : - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . or _ _ _ : - . . : . = . I ladies' ' Fashionable 'Dress GOOds.1 = : : \\"l' ahw cUI'r } ' II I'lIl1tplde IiiI ! ' of 1.ulil'I' ! Suits , k ltcSitk : : : : : : ' : ' } 1I1 t Wai1t ! Suits , Sprinl Jackets , Silk Wrap 1 etc. ' 1'111. = = lIIo 1 degul1t IIIld I\rti til' liue of 8hh t W"illtll In the I'lt ) ' , : ; ; Iltl' c ; tthnllt nl:1I : to IIlIit 1111 k luls nf cIt ( , ' ; ' I Ollcl . - - Our line of Millinery and Pattern - - . = - - = - - - - - . . , . , : : - = = I q largcl' than cver , ntHl we will etlllell\'ol' to pi case yltl' : : : tastes , and ItInk prices that will induce you tu uu ) ' , Do not = = torget UUlt we carry the J.tHfUS' : " ANn ) HS'I' ) SI I C'I' : : : : : f'I.ASS UP NOTW S ill tlr ! city , illcllldilll c\'erythillg ncc- = : : l"sary to a In y's tollct. Water Proof Wrap , Umbrcllllll = = ant ! pllrmlols ill IUliny styles , Corsets , Ullclerwenr , ill { net WI' : = : : ' drc\ ' ' . We invite ' wh ill 1'1111 drcyon \ C'nrnplete. yo II I' inspectio1t n : : : : till' ( 'it" . . - E. PREDMORE. . . . = 3 Door North of P. O. . . Brol < en Bow. ; il111111111111il11111111111111 111111iil11111111111111111111111111111111111lS : - : . . . - . . . . - - - : - ' , . . . . . . - - - - . - - . . - - - \ Vantcd'en { mcn in each statc to travl'I. tacte si nH and distrihutc samplcs awl circular ! : of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. 'l'hrc ( ' ( lollars pCI' da\ ' for cxpellse . Kuhh liln Co : , Dept. W. . A U.IB Build i ng' , Chicago - cage , 111. 35.42 - - - ' . . . . . . - - ' 1'0 the ladics of Brolcen Bow : While cleaning house is in .full hl st , remembcr our sale on carpets - pets , rugs ancllace curtains is ill full hlast. PItALnSHJ\PPARD Co. F01 { SAJ.H-A good farm adjoining - joining BroJccn Bow. Price 55- 000. mnquire at this officc. - - - - - , : rti . . . . 1'Mi'f ' . ; ; ' : , . ' . . ; , . : ! : : 'J" ' ' ' . ; ! : : ( . . / . . , , : ; ! : ; " . 'l , , , ' : 'rfrir , . . r-'fr . . : : : ' : .it , , . . . . . . ' \i \ : ; . . " . ' ' .I.I'I : . , : . . " , , . { i.J : " ; " ' , " : f' : . " . . .I'i" . . ' -II .I , . . . f' . . , ' i : ! ' " , 'I''ik' , fJ" : . ' it' . ' , : ' t. ! . ' ' . . . ' { . ! d V .l . . , ! . "I ' , . , . . . . : ' . 1888 19 06 " ; ; 'I ! ' : . ' 41. . ' . . : . . . . \ ( 'I , ' . i ! , / . . . . . . . . . . 'Ii ' ! f : " , 'f.IJ . . . . . : \l.d. f ' lIi' . : ! ' .I : , ; - . - \ . . . . B Y 0 r ' : ) 'r-i : ' r . : : : . II Y U 'J ' ! : . . .i /.ii7rI.11111 ! ! . ' : m , . . : ) JQ. ! . , , ' ; . : : . .0. : . . : ; j.JGf.1\t.tJ \ ! ' j ! ish of the Largest Fish House I rfri. : ; . , The County. I J 1 'I'PHh and Hnlt. It'ish , Oysturs ; and Celery t " l 11- ' ( ) I I..JI N f' . ,11 IJ : 'I' " . ' I. : 1 e ; , ' ' ' 'i. . . , : - - . frJ = . : i ; : . . t. , . " , J\lall'l'II.I. al\lloll , -i - . . : . ' . : : i\i \ .j L 'I aliI" . J erring , ; . ! i"I i : : \\11't'II'.I , , Bl aters , . . ' ; - : "j " . , , 1/ ' / . ; . Cod II . , It , Rturgcon . . , : iI . . t. _ . I 11 a \ 11111\ \ . . .a rc IlleR. "J ' . . , . - ' . : ! , . ; .J < < I . ! . t - - - - ; ; : M : .I''i 1r' : ; . ( ) lIr pickled LlHllish js dclido\1'1. . J1 : : f 'I'ratl ( ' Mall < Ilur. . e lid Cider Vinegar. ( . j - ' : : : : , y ourf IPurl' Fuol1 Products , 3' - - Poi f. "i . . ! : . : : . . . . . . . . ' . . . . ; . . . . " / , . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . .1' ' " , . C B ! . . _ . . : : ; . : , . . . "ttW' . , _ . r..o ! ! 1 : : ! "tJ - . " , ' . . , J " ' " " . owen ' " . - . . . " - : . , , \i : A 1'5 . i - : ; . . I . . ' . . ' : . ' . . ; , , ; . . . . , ' . . "I . } : :1. ! I . , " . . . BrokCII Bow ' - - Nebra ka , " ; . , : . . t " . ' . ' . : ! j . ' 1 , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jt , I i- : : : " r " , ' .I'T . . . , r. . ' . .w. , . ! : . 'otW. . .t , . . .1..111ft ! : . " : . ; , , , " . " . 'IJ ! I ! ! ] I .r..ifJ.I ! : N . ' , , " ! . ) " . , " . . . : .f ; J'Ii : t"ri : JiY. J1 ; lNil : "IlJi.vJi ; ' : ft ; ; il.M. ; : n