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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1904)
( USTR [ COUNTY RfPU UC n lIy D. M. AMSDERRY. ROImN DOW. . . NEDIlABKA . News in Brief 1"01'11101' Secretary of the 'l'reasun' T. 'mlln J. Gage. 11:1 : III ut hIs hOll1o In New Yorl Clh' , A tr lllY or IIH'C hetw'C'n the gov. t'l'1l111'nt or l'uraglHlY nnd the rovolu. tlonlsts was slgJllll. Howard ( Jalo , I he forll1'I' laV pllrt- ner or Genol'lll Bonjamln Harrison , Is , , derul 111 ItllllnnlllOlls , It Is rCllol'ted tllIl ! the Departmcllt DC Corn morro mHI 1.nuol' will anlol.o out the toharoo trllst. 'rho hOllsu slIstalns the civil servlco prolvslon of 1 ! ' , lslatlvo , ! 'xcclltiVO and 1IIIIIcial nplIroprlallon hili , and lJUsses II. measlII'o wllh hilt frw changes. A dispatch frol11 Sf. Pet'rshul'g t a news ngeney reports thal In 11. recl'lIlt- I Ing riot at Dalolll'J on Saturday seVe eral Ilersons WI'O ! , lIIed 01' woumled. has given $125,000 to JilInhurg ( unl. verslly to extl'llIl HH useflllness and nsslst the Cnrneglo trllst In carr'lu ! ; out its worlc The Ilrcshlent has nnnollnced de. finitely that uo effort Is to ho made to secure nn extra session or congress In Interests of tariff ; eform. 1\IIss Achsah 1\1. JiIY , professor of mllthematlcs at Vnssar college. died , , 'ory sUddenly ntthe college , dl'nth bo. ! Ing cnUlfed hy apoplexy. The Japnneso cruiser Sab'en wns 1110wnlp by a Ilusslan mlno whllo engaged In lJOmbnrdlng Port Arthur defenses , and goes to the bottom. Emperor Wllllnm Is Bending his me.slzed Ilortrllit to ] ( Ing Menelllt by Dr. Roffen , hend oC the recenlly ap. Ilolnted German mission to Abyssinia , - Jolln Uhnwoller , who has just died In Dnllas , 'l'exas , was a native of Prance and marched untler the first Napolpon as 11 drummer boy at WI1- terloo. Charle9 Henry Wlberly , an netor Imown 01tllo slnge as Charles Wes. ton , died nt Denver of soptlc perlton. Itls , I1getl 30 years. Ills 110mo wag In New Yorle. A young woman who sued n. Now Yorlt street railway comlJllny for $ , OOO damngcs hecause she [ ell whllo attempting to get on 11 cnr , lost her case In court. 'rho American Asiatic assoclntlon gn.vo Its annual tllnner at Delmonico's In Now York with Prlnco Fushlml oC the Imperlnl 110mw of Jnpan as tllo principal guest. Stojan , alias Tshnl'la , who stoic the famous pletUl'o of " 011I' Lady oC Kaznn , " from the convent at Knzan , Hussla , lllls been seutencetl lo twelve ) 'earg or penal servitude. With $1,800 cash In their poclets. two mono bollovetl hy the aulhorltles to ho the , men who robbed the Peoria National hanlt. Snturdn ' noon , nro un. del' arrest at ' 1'oulon , III. An Interesting Ilresentation will ho mllllo to the : lresillent b ) ' some sclen- tlfie men of Pl'llssla , It Is a map made In 170.1. and It Is the fll'st ono Imown upon which the name "Amm'lca. " was used. Governol' Ahumalla , oC .Tnllsco , 1\Iexl. co , Ilns tenllered his hand to the EI Pnso El1ts to'accomllUny them to Brooldyn next slimmer when lhy ) will begin n. campnlgn for lho capture of the lp'07 meeting oC lho gmnd lOdge. A dlsln.tch from Constllntlnoplo says the HUBsian and Austrllln amlmssndors have presented a note to the porto re. counting recent Macedon Ian outrages and adjuring ' } 'urley to maintain order - der with n. firm nnd Impnrtlal hand. No hope Is heltl out In Wllshlngton admlnlstrntlon circles of 11 revival oC the l'rench.AmOl'lcnn reclpl'oclty treaty , efforts to encoUl'ngo which are being mndo by Amm'lcnn chmnber of commerce oC Paris. President Frlll\'ls of the Loulslnua Pllrchaso ox position will male a thnnlrsglvlng taliI' of the world , callIng - Ing on the vllrlolls crowned hellds to e press to them Uncle Sam's appre- dntlon oC their exhibits. The board of dlt'ectors of the Louis. laua Purchase aXllosltloll alproved the contract with n Chicago wreckIng - Ing company for the rall10vnl of the exposition blllItllngs , ' } 'ho oxposltlol\ compallY Ig to recelvo $4 OOOO. The UnlvQl'slt } , of Chicago If ! the raclplent oC allolher girt from .Tohn D. Hoel\Cfol1er , according to n. mem. her oC the ndvlsory commltteo oC the Daptlst Theological union. Between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 Is said to bo the amount of the 011110wment. A. C. Tonmer oC Ohio has roslgned assll3tant commissioner or 1I1I1Inn af , falrlr , and will bo succeeded b ) ' Charles F. Larrnbeo. now chief of the Innd division oC the Indilln bureau. 'rho chnngo Is mndo at the Instllneo of Prnncls B. J.euPIJ , who will bl'l'omo commissioner oC Indlnn nlYalrs Bhortl ) ' . A gl1.mhllng house was robbed oC $1,000 nt 'ronopah , Newhllo II. lllrgo crowd wng present , h ) ' an unlmown man who crawled under the bulltllng and wllh n. largo nug\ll' h red a hole through the fioor. 'rho money Crom n roulette wheel was In a hex undel' the loolt.out chait. . 'rho mnn I'eached his hand through and toole the mone ) ' . The tour seats on the Now Yorl , Cotlon exchange held h ) ' Daniel J. Sully & Co. , were auetlonod off 011 the 11001' oC the exchallgo ( or $40,100 'rho three seats hold In the name of Daniel .T , SUUT were sold for UOOOO I ea . . , , , , - " , . ' Oath According to the K.oran. AU Achmet , nn Arnb , WflS wltnoss In the Now Yorlc court oC nlJeclal SOIto nlons rec nlly. Ito rou3eel to taka the Chrlstlnn oath , Bnylng ho would IIU"Ci\r as hecomes a member of hIs race nnd fnlth. Ito wnll allowed to do 110 , nnd thIs was lho oath ho toole : " 1 IIwear by the heard oC the prophet , by the Imsba , by the black stone nn by my harem to tell the trutb. all the truth , nnd only the truth. " Boat Made From a Peal" . A jeweler In Turlr. has mndo n tiny bOllt ot a slnglo pearl. The hull Is finely ahaved nntl might Dervo liB model Cor a rnclng seep ) , the sail 10 nf LNltcn old , ntlHlcled with dlnmonds nnll the binnacle light Is a perfect , rUby. An , emernlcl serves as Its 1'ut ! , : del' , nntl Its stnn(1 Is a slnb of Ivory Ils welrht Is loss than ono OUIICO , nn ' Ills said to have cost $ iiOOO. Singing Insects of JnfJan. AmonJ ; lho ualul'I\l curlosltlcs o' ' Jnrmn are It3 singingInsects. . 'rhe ' most prIzed of these tiny musicIans Is n blllclc beetle nnmed "susum\lshl , " which means "Inspct bell , " 'rlto gounet that It omIts refJembles that of a lIttle IIllver bell of the sweetcst and most dellcalo tone. Rcads Lrk.e & 1 Miracle. Moravia , N. Y. , Dec. 12th.-(8po. ( llll-Dorderlng ) on the miraculous Is the case oC Mrs. Denj. Wilson oC thla plnco. Snfferlng from Sugar Dlabete" Iho wasted away lIll from weighing 'l00 Ibs. aho barely tlppod the scales at 130 Ibs. Dodd's 1\:1dney : Pills cured her. Bpealdng at her cure her hus- bnnd Bnys- "My wlo surtercd everythIng trom Bngar Diabetes. She was slclt Cour years n.nd docLored with two doctors , but recolvod no bone fit. She had BO ll1uch linin all over her that she could not rest dl1Y or night. The doctor Bald that she could not lIvo. "Thon an ndvertlsement led mo to try Dodd's KIdney Pills and they help. ed her right trom the first. nV8 boxes oC them cured her. Dodd's KId. ncy Pills were n G\d.Sent remedy to Uft and wo recommend them' to nIl But. terlng trom Kldnoy Dlseaso. " Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney Dlseasos Including Drlght's Disollse. nnd all kldnoy aches , Includlnc llheu. mntlsm. Too Much Warmth. "Well , snb , w'en do prencher told Dr'er Williams dnr wuz a warm wel. como wnltln' ftJr him on do ether sldo , you could 'n' hearn him hollerln' fer Ice clenn 'crost do settlement ! " -At. lnnta ConsllluUon. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOOU. Al'rJ.1C 1'IONS.a Iheycannot ruc tbe , eaL of Lbe dl.esoe , Catnil II a 1.1\00 \ < 1 ur coni II. tntlonal dloeaoel.nd In ordrr to cnro IL you InUIL laI : 10\eroal romedle. , IIsU'1 Catarrh Cure I. lakeD 10' teruaUy , allll "cU dlrrcllyon Iho billed and mucoul .urfacel , lIaU'8 Calarrh Cure II not a quack medl , clno , It wa. I're crlbed . by line 01 Iho belL phYllclanl in tllIl couolry lor ye" . . and h a relular prClcrlptlon , L r. compo.ed of Lbe belt tonici known. combined wltb the lle t 1.1\0011 \ rurlnel'll , acllnl : dlrecUy 00 th. lIIuoou. .urlace. , The perfect combination 01 Lb. two IlIlredlenU II wbaL prllduce luch wonderful 1' & lulU 10 CUIIIIK ca\anh , felld for 10.lImonlal. , free. 1 < ' . J. C1mNJ.Y & : CO"l'rop. " TOledo , 0 flold by Drullllt. , prIce 7 c. Take Uall' . t'amlly 1'111. rnr coo.tlpatlOD. A womnn's arms have to bo nwCu1 thin for her to think then nren't shapel ) ' In S1)lto or It. You do not hlLvo to throw grit In 10ur neighbor's eye to provo thnt 'ou are a mnn of sand. Alk ! Your Druggist for Allen's Foot.Easo. "I tril'l ALLEN'S li'OOT-EASm rccon 1" IIndluwo just bought , mother supply n has eurlJlI my corll , lint ! the hot , burning and Itchhl flens\tlon ! In my feet which WIIS almolt unbearable , IInd \Voud ! not 00 with. out it now.-Mrll , W. J WalkoI' . Camden , N. J.II Sold by 1111 DruggIsts , : ? 50. The man who has no Interest In , . bellven Is not Hltoly to hll.Vo much. prlnclvlo on eartb. A OUARAN'rImn cUlm Iron PH.ES. IlcblnKll11nd , ! IIcedln ! : or l'rulrudlUII l'lIe. , YO\ll I drulgl.t will refund money II l'AZO OUiTlIKNT rail. to cure ) 'OU 10 G to U da ) . . = 'Jc. Charity lellves enough sins uncov. ered to prevent gossips from acqulr- Illg lockjaw. PI so's Cure for ConMuU1lltion Is nn Infn11lblt J1cdlclno for cOUII1Is nnd collls- , " ' . SA U&lo OceQn Gro\'e , N , J.Fcb , 17,1000 , There Isn't nellrly as much enjoy ment In beIng 11. drlnl\lng man I [ no bOdy In your fllmlly objects. . " " QKr" , . " , n.u , . "NO L'VFK "UK' FREE""c ! .DAV \ ) D . "J"i " ' . F " VORIT ' ' ' " , , Cffi."l "ENNEDf'll bONS lW l > Our. NIo The ony tlmo n liar fools others I. . . ' \\'hell he tetls the trllth , To Mal < e Ey s Darker. Going to hed ( mrly will malto the e'eR deeper In bllO , The womnn who ' \\'ants her light brown to appear back ] will o to bed un hour sooner She will seep ] faclnr : ; n dark curtain nnd will ] , ' ' the , waen gl'lldunlIn \ morn lng. Effect of Color on Plants. Put n growlu [ ; plant under red gll\IJ and It thoots ! up very tall and spindly Green glass CIlUSOil a sImilar ertect but not qullo ao strongly marked Dlue glnss , on the other hnnd , IUIOW. to dwa.rt vegata'lle growth. Dig Check for Dlahop. Dlahop Edward G. Androw8 lately received II. check for-/iOOO / presented by memhers of the l\Iethodlst EpIscopal - pal church at n meetln oC the 1\letho- dlst Social Union In Now York city. Possible Explan"tlon. "Wh " are some mInisters called doctors 1" aslwll the Inquisitive por- Ion. "Decause , " nnswered the wlso gu" , . "tl ICY cure a lot oC pe01)lo of Insom. nla. " Dlahop Goes to China. Dlshop J. W. Dnshford , ono of thCl raconlly elected blshovs at the Metbo- dlst Elllscopnl church , has gone to Shnnghal , ChIna , to enter the 110111 ot torelen work. SHIP IS SINKING JAPANEsa AMEND DISPATCH OF DESTRUCTION OF SEVA5TOPOL - DAMAGED BV TORPEDO BOATS Asoault Mnde by the Flotilla In Face of a Driving Snowstorm.-Com. Imlnt ! of the Third Ruoslan Army Meeh with n Hearty Reception. - - 'l'OKIO-'I'he tlll'l'ot Rhft ) Sovastollol Is slill uffont , but Is allQl'ently Ilam. ngal. ( 'rho ) lartlall ) ' 'iurcessful tOl'lJCdo attack - tack on the Sevuf-lJllol ! was 1I111tlo hI the fnco of ulmosl hlsul'mountalJlo oh. r.taclea , all. . ] wl'lles unothOl' Inslllring 'ntory of the splendid hmvm'y or a l1umhcl' or otncel's. ' ] 'ho enllro ( 'I'ew of the tOl'llOdo heat Ill'stroyers nnd lorpello Iwata volun. teerpt1 for the nttncl" courting death In theh' offorl s to Ilcstroy the , onb' floallng Husslan . hattleshlp ul' Porl Arlhul' , Facing a driving' snow storm nnd llCllVY soas. the flotillas sell/1rllted / and , undel' Individual ( 'om m 111111 OI'S , the vessels ullaeltcd Indepentlenll ) ' . 'l'he floclm of the destroyers UlIII tOl'JlOllo boatg were coatell wllh Ice and the men suffered aClltel ) ' from cold. The H.usslans resorted to the mqst extreme Ilrocaulions to protect the Sovn.stolol. ) 'l'h ( ' ) ' dl'OlIJCd tOI'JCdo ) nots. which shlehled lho bows of lhe warship , nnd the Sovastolol ) was fm'- thoI' II'otectud by u sleclally ) construc- cd wooden hOOIll , the frame worlt of which was composed of Ironhound logs nnd cllbles nlul heavy ( : 'Imlns Interlaced - terlaced and entungled , 1i'rom the sur. fnco of this hoom hung 11 deell curtain mndo oC tOl'lIedo nets tnl\On from the unlcan bnttleshlps , the l1urposo of which was to cntch and destroy the torpedoes nnd their mechanism. ' ' refl'llined 'I'ho Japllnese Ilrobably from attemlllng ) to cut or jump the hoom , n Illan demonstrated by the DI'IUsh. bnl the tOl'pedo boatH and do. stroyors ( wlclenlIY forced the Ollen- Ing , which the Husslans had loft seas as to nllow communlcllllon wIth the hnrbor. 'l'he commander of the ' 1'hll'l ( , Tall- anese fiqund I'On , 1'01lOrtlng at 10 : 30 o'clock ) 'osterday moI'll Ing' . sn's : Commencing at 11 :30 o'elocle 'fues- 11ay night and con tinning until 3 o'clocltVednesda ) ' mornIng , six tor. pedo boats and slcclall ) ) ' filled tOl'lledo craft constanlIy aUemllled allacls ngalns the H.usslnn battleship Semslo- pol , the const defense vessel Olvashnl and the m III tar ) ' trnnspor ! ! ; , Dotalls of the aUacls are not 'ot Imown. However , nccordlng to rOlOl'ts received fl'om the watch towel' at D o'clocle thIs morning' , the Semstopol had commencell lowering astern and the water was saId to rench the torpedo - pedo tnbes astern. BAKER TO HAVE A HEARING. Makes a Good Impresolon During HI ! > Intei'vlew , with President. WASHNG'rON-From ] a ] argel' Imowlellge of the Intervlow which occurred - curred hetweell Presldont HomQvell nud Judge n , S , BaWl' ] or New \cxlro [ , SenatOl' l\lIl1urd nnll Ilcprcsentatlvo Hlnshllw , it seems I'uh' to IlI'edlct that Judge Dalwr will be gIven It heuring on the charge ! : ! IIl'ot'errcIl ualn5t ! him anl1 un oJlPortllnlt ) ' to rehllt the evl- donco whh'h ] 011 to hilr removal as Unltocl Stales jlldgo of the Seeond dlstrlcl of New \toxleo , It was lenl'llell t hilt , Tllclgo Bal\1'r's statement thnt ho had 11l'\'OI' had an oIlIIOl'lllnlt ) ' to ho heard on the charges I'efel'l'ell ) agalnRt hilll. ox- cellt as to 111 cad 1I0t glllll ) ' to the speeillcatlons , greatly fHIl'l\'lsed \ the president. Ho hall usslll110ll the rocom- mendntlon of the nttorno ) ' general 1'01' the romovnl of , TI\I \ ( e BII'OI' ] was HUS- tahlell hy lhe ovldenro In I he ( 'ase. " \Vhon ho was toll ] . however , thal a l1roml80 was mne ( to .1tlllgo DUltl'I' h ) ' the silocial oXllmlnel' SClIt to III\'eHtI. gate the chm'ges that ho wou11 ] be gIven alllilio ollPorl1l11ltr to rubllt the evhlence talen 11\\11 \ \ tlml 110 RIlC'h OIl. porhlllily had been 1I0C01'dell , PI'csl. l1ent Hoosovolt rClllnl'wll ) that'CI' ) ' llIlln hall a rIght to his day In l'Olllt , EXPECT DIG STOCK EXHIBIT. Fine Live Stock Promises to Fill Lewis and Clark G'ound , : ; . POHTI.AND , 0"0.-1'110 " 11I1I'\lon \ of the Lowls Ilml Clark fnlt'rOllnI1H / whIch was allotlcd to the f'xhlhll 1011 of llvc fitol'l" It Is thollght" will 111'0\.0 Illadeqlll\to to th ( ' demltl\ll. \ Ilnll aI'- rangoments arc bC'ln IIH\tle to enargn ] It , An'thlll fllrtlll'r thall an l'xhlhltlon of the hl h 11I''d btocl { 1'1'0111 farllls on the NOI'lh Pm'I/I / ( ' ( 'oast was 1I0t ( 'on- temlliated hr the state ( 'ommlsslon In the /lrst / ) llul'l' , Slnl'o tlll' ( , ollY/mtlon of the Interllatlollal LI\'e Steel , asso. elation nt Chlt'ago , however. It has de. velolled that the hreedl'I's t'1'CI11I 1111 0\01' th ( , olllltr ) ' are ) llannlllto / RCIII1 the hest ot' thl'h' hers ( ] to Porllall(1 ( next ) 'ear , 'I'hh. . 11l'omlltell the eXllosl , lion authoritIes to Itleroaso the nl)110(11" lIonment COI' 1)'Olllhlms ) CI'OIll $40,000 to , $5 , OOO , amI to conshler the ad\'ls , .abl1lt ) ' of hlcrC'asln ! ; the SIIIlCO to ] Jl' I devoted to the 11I1Illay ] , President Invited South. WAS ( BNG'l'ONCollgresslllun 1.'s , leI' of Gcorgla. I'olll'esentlll the Sa. \'l\IlI1ab houl'd of t rndo , I'xtelll1cll tu the IJI'esldl'nt an Invitation to vIsit Savnnnah on his 80uth01'll trIll next Rprillg. 'rho Il1'oshlont sahl that ho 11I not oXIICl' ! to visit OOOl'gla next spring nlltl woul.1 . mnl\O nl thnt tlm ( no genel'lll tO\1l' \ 01' the SOllth , lIe salt ! ho eXllcctod to go dll'ecll ) ' to Snn An tonlo , Tox" b ) ' wny of J.ouh\\'III e , bul at some Inler limo In hiI' almlnll ( > trn. tlon 110 hOllcd to visit Geol'lln alll other southel'll eltlas. J - DECREASE IN SEEDED AREA. , - Acrenge of WInter Wheat Not QuIte Uo to 1903. WASI1INO'rON-Tllo croll rOllort III. nlled by the lIopartmont of ngrlcllllm'e sa's : lletllrns to the chler of the hurenu of statistics oC the department oC IlSl'lculturo IlIdlcuto Ihat the newly Heedol1 nrc/l. / . of wlntel' wheal. Is nbout 31,1lifiOOO aercs , n. decrease or 1.G lIeI' cent from the arell sown In the fnll of 1 D03 , as finally estimated. 'I'ho condl- lion or winter wheal on December 1 wna S , D , as " ( 'oll1lJUrod with SG.G In 1 ! J 0:1 : : , ! lU.7 In 1 D02 and n. ten year average - age oC D2.1. 'rho acreage nH cOml:1rell with Innt ) 'ear Is D3.1 1)01' cent. ' 1'he newly seeded area of wlntel' I''U 114 provisionally I'stlmated lit ! JG.7 llel' cell l or the nrea sown In the fall or 1D03. 'rho condition or winter rye on Deeemher 1 \\'lfj : ! JOG , as comparoll with ! J2,7 on Decombp.I' 1 , 1DO : : , D8l n.t . thu cOl'l'esJonltlng ; date In 1 D02. and DGJ : the mean or the December avel'- ages or lhe last ten ) 'Cnl's. 'I'he pOl'eentngo of aCI'ea e flown to wlntcr 1'0 this fatl as comparell with that sown lagt year IH ! JH,7 , the : 'lVer- agu cOIHlItlon December 1 , lDO I , was ! lOfi. Correspolllllng averages for 1J ! :1 : and 1 D02 were OJ,7 : and ! l8l res J cll vey ] , tIIHl the mean oC the Decemher averages - ages of the last ton years DG , : : ! , 'rho finnl estlmatu of UIO total acreage - age IH'ollnetlon , and farm vallies or the 1lI'lncllla ] crollS fOl' l10i ! will ho Issued on December 28 at 4 o'cloce ] p. m. ROOSEVELT GUARD OF HONOR Rough Riders to Ha e Important Place at Inauguraton. WASIHNG'1'ON - Presdent Roose. yell's gual.d of honor In the Innugul'lll pamde on the fonrlh of llext Ml1.rch will bo n. sQundl'on oC picked men from his old regiment of rough i'lders -tho first United States volunteer cavalry. Colonel A. O. Drodle. governor - nor of ArIzona. and Major " \V. H. Llewellyn , formorl ) ' of the rough riders , toolt Inncheon with the president - dent , and al'rnngements fa I' the guard oC honor were madu at that lime , It Is the wish of lhe ) ll'esldent lhat Colonel - onel Brodlo select f'Om the members of the regiment a sqnlldron of Cram thh'ty to fifty men to act as' his spec- al escort on innugul'llllon dny. The president desh'oll Colonel DrOllle to Inform the mcmbers of thorough rough rIders thllt he would nttend the nnnuni reunion or the regIment at San Antonio the lallel' part of next : \ll1.reh. a nil anOl' the reunion , the presIdent pl'obabl ) . w11l tnl\O a hunting trip with : \Injor l.ewell'n. ] MAY SAVE $1,000,000 A YEAR. Landis ThInks Printing Bill Can Be Cut Down. " \V ASIIING'I'ON-President Hoose- ve1l.'s recommelHlallon to rongress In his message that cxtl'l1vngance III Imh- lie 1II'Inllng he ellmlnatell so I'ar as' posslblo WIIS the Ruhject or a conference - enco helweon the IH'esldent and Hop- resentallvc Charles n , Landis or the hOllso commit tee on prlnllng , : \11' , 1.andls told the It'eshlent he was convlncel ( that an ImnH'nRo amounl or wholly unnecessary 1lI'lnt- Ing was 110ue hy the government Ullll his committee would undertalw to 1'0- duro this amount to II. minimum , : \11' . LandIs said hc holle\'ed It would lie poss-Ihle. without Impnlrlng the em- cleney of thu govc1'l1ment service. to l'oluro ( the cost or govornm'nt printIng - Ing hy at ] east $1,000,000 anllnally , and 1I00'III111S more , COUNT MADE OF STRAW MEN. Second Batch of Contempt CaEes at Denver. DEN\'I R , - The state supl'ome court took n)1 ) the conternpl charges agalnsl ' 1'lIolllas Clll11 IIndT. : . L , De. vllllny. judge In 11reclnct ten. wan ] s\'n , at the Into eectlon ] , Atlo1'l1 y ' 1'IIOI1IISVard ' announcecl that the , 1II'08erllllon wOllll ( IIrove that only 2:1S : : 11Orsons on tOl'od the booths to yote , whllo the rltU1'l15 shO\\'ell that -117 hllllots hnd he'n count'c ] . After hearing t'stlmollY of the watchl'rs IInd othl'In \ slIlIlIort of thl ! charges the cOllrl ordered that the hallot hex shall bo oJonell ! tomOl'l'ow nm ] Its contents SlIhlllllted fOl' l'xamln. ntlon to two e : < 11Ol'ts In penmanshIp. , A WntTant hils IlCen Is snell for , lames Hiler , tht' thlt'd jlldgo In thl. , lu'eclllC't. hul ho has not heen found , NEED OF $60,000 ADDITIONAL For New Yorl ; Building at Lcwls and Clark EX1osltion. ! , POH'1'LAND. Ore-A telegl'llm has heen ret'e\'ell ! h ) . the Lowls and Clarl , cOl'lI01'allon I'\'om \ F. n , Green , chair. IIIlln of the Now Yorl ( state commls. slon fOl' the LewIS' ntut Clnrk centen , nlal , slating thnt the memhers of the commIssion hl\\'o concltulet ] thnt nt lenst $ GOOOO wllI bo needed hr Ne\\ , YOI'k for the Porl/and / fall' and thaI this amounl wllI bo secUl'el1 at the comi'ng session of the ] eglslature. Thanks President for Interest. W ASIIING'I'ON-GctJcl'I\l lraztlllgl' . , lu'eshlont or the Jamestown l x lOslllou ( 'Omllany. . hall n tatle witl Proslrl'nt Hoosovelt nbOllt the expos I lion. lie thanl\Od the presIdent fOI. hh luterast , as oXllressod In his messnge lIe rofel'l'ClI to the amlOllneenHJnt thai the sub.ronunltteo on Industrlnl art and oXIlosltlon8 had dcchlell not to re commeniI an aplu'OIH'latlon for thl Jnmestown eXllosltlon , hut " , oultl I'e commenll lhat Ilro\1810n be made for : nnvnl dlspla ) ' thero. LAST SHIP SUNKI JAPANESE DLOW .UP BATTLESHIP SEVASTOPOL WITH TORPEDO. EVERY VESSEL IS DESTnOVED 'utter Destruction of the Russian Fleet Accomplished-Japanese Guno I Now Command the City of Port Ar. , thur , 3:1d the Entire Bay. TOKIO-U Is reported that the Jnp. nneso ha vo successrully tOI'lcdocd the Russian battleship SevnstollOl. IT ADQUA1l'rl < JHS QIt' 'l'JI 'fllmD JAPAN S AU IY , VIA l"USON- 'rhe UU8alnn Imllle8hlp Sevnstolml , the enl ) ' Russian warship that escalled destruction , being dodtcd when the other vessels were 81mlt nfter the Jnp. ( meso captured 203Ieter hili , escaped - caped from lh e doclt and harhor last night ancI Is lIOW anchored under a IH'olectlng mountain , Some torpedo craft nro nlsn outside of the harbor. 'rhe tremendous price In life pnltl by lhe Japancso for lho clI.pturo or 203- 1\IotOl' hill has been redecmecI b ) ' the uller destmct/on / of the Russian fleet. 'fhe Japanese ficet will now go Into docle. JiVOl' ) ' ) Iart of the clt ) , and harhor oC Port Artlull' Is vlslblo from 203- Meter hili. 'l'he streets oC the city nro deserted and but few soldiers are doIng - Ing pntrol dut ) " . l\lany hulldlngs have been burned II.nll others shatterecl. 'rho shellers of the hnrbor present II. Btrnng appearn.nce with the turrets , mnsts nnd funnels oC wnrshlpg showIng - Ing just above the water. There Is not I II. vessel afloat In the hnrbor. 'rho doclts and buildings on lho water ! front are tOI'1l nnd burned. i 'rhe .Japanese shells sa arch every pal't of the city and harbor. i . The effect of dynnmlto as an of- tenslve weullon In the form of hand grollades Is Instanced In an appallng i . mallnor by the condIt/on / or the dead. bodIes. which 0.1'0 t01'l1 nnd unreco - ; nlzed masses of lIesh and boneS' . Fragments - I ments of hundl'eds of Idlled unearthed - ed from the fillell.ln Husslnn trenches presentetl a scene of awful horror. The heavy timbers and steel plates of the bomblroofs were tOI'1l to splinters by shells and d'nnmllc. The worlt oC removing the dead from the slopes ancl crest or 203- I Meter hili has heen completed on the lIorth side , 'l'ho south slopes are still covered with bodies burled under the debris of trenches and bombproors , 'rhe long lines of , Tnpanaso dead lalll out on tall of the hill and the slopes previous to Inlennent Ilresontet ! an awful appearnnce. Iost of the bodies were part/ally / nalted and hor\'lbly \ I 'torn by d 'namlte hombs. ' . HEALTH OF TROOPS EXCELLENT. Encouraging Report From General In Philippines. W ASHING'I'ON-Drlgntlor ! General Hllntlall .commllluling the department of Luzon. Phlllllpino Islands , In hIs : annllal rel'ort to the war department : says that the gcuem ] heallh of the' ' tl'OOJlfJ Is uxcellent. the Illsappearnnco of cholera hnVlng removed ono of the. . g\'oatpst \ so\\\'es \ \ 01' anxlet . , 'rho 1m- 1)\'O\'ed \ health condItions are salt ! to he due to the conslructlon of new IloStS , the absence of hart ! fied ] service - vice , the lrlnllng ] or dlsllIIed wnter anI ] onl'OI'recl ahstlnence from natlvo fl'ults and IInroololl vog'ctnbles , It Is recommended that l'ontlnuous service In the Phlllpllines he I1mltad to two years In order to avert nel'\'ous hrealt- down whIch Is snit ! to he qulto common - mon amen ! ; the whllo troops In the Ilnnds. : , FORTS ENORMOUSLY STRONG Japanese Have Much Hard Work to Do Y t. Headquarters of the 'fhlrd Japanese Army. vln. Fusan-'l'ho .Tnpanese are . worldng theh' alvanco on the shores , of PIgeon hay on commrallvel ) ) ' level /round / ngnlnst the Tnlyanl\Ow , Idz- chan nnd Antzcshan forts. The al ) ' preaches to thc forllficnlions are easy. hut the forts II\'U \ enormousl ) ' strong and the 1I0ar nlllll'oach will ho all the 11I01'0 dlfilcut ! , as the saJlpln of .trencho ; ; will have to lIe done through ( l'o7.en ground , 'I'he nn.val guns mounted on 203. MeteI' and 3. letel' hili will bo nhlo to covel. the atlvance of Infantr ) ' ngalnst an ) ' of the westcl'n forts , RUGS Ian Liberals Win Point. ST , PI < : TEHSilUltG-There Is no 10n ( ' 1' 1111) ' dOllbt that the govel'l1- ment Intencls to commit Itselr to re- 1'Ol'ms ns the I'osult oi the liberal agltallon hegun when Prince Svlato- 1JolklIrsl , ) ' made hIs advent ng mln- Istol' of InterIor , 'rho Zemstvolst lie- mand COl' IL dlro't l'elJl'esentativo bed ) ' I to maw the ] nws of the nation will not be granted , hut some medium In the form of 11. representlltlve consult- atlvo body whldl can yolco the wishes of the 1100110 1II'ect ] to the so\'el'elgn now seems the IlI'obllhlo outcome. In Irt rest of Settlers , WASHINGTON-III order thnt a't. I lIal getllers should have the IlI\bllc \ - lands Hepresentnllvo Heeder of Kan. I sns lII'gell the IlI'osltient to use his Influence - _ fluenco to secllro 11. change In the ] mb- J lie land IILW8 , lIe totI ] the presIdent . the laws alight to bo changed at once In the Interest oC lIlo govel'l1ment nnd J oC genllino soUlerS' , RO as to lrOvont _ the lands fl'om being taten ] up by ) lCO- ) ] 110 who mel'el ) ' desired to dlsposo ot - them at the enrllest IOsslblo moment. \ No decision regnrdlng the malter wae roached. . , COMPLETELY RE8TORE ( 1frs. P. Drunzcl , wlCo oC P. Drun"1. stocle denier , rcsldenco 3111 Ornn I Avenue , Everett. Wash. , S/l.YS / . : "For flr. teen Y6ars [ suC. j tered wllh terrlblt ) pain In my baelc. 1 I r did not lenow wbat It was to enjoy n. .1 night's rtst and I nroso In the morn. , Ing toellng tired anll ; I unreCreshed. My suC. 1 . ' : rerln ! ; sometime ! ) I was simply Inde- . I ' scrlbnhlo. When I finished the first box oC Doan's Kid. 1 j .J. ney Pills I Celt IIko r ' . II. different woman. C . . . . . - - - I continucl } Until 1 I ) halt talten five boxefJ. Donn's Kidney Pilla act very effectively , very prompt. ' I ly , relieve the nchlng pllins anti aU i other anno'lng dIfficulties , " J.'osterllIbul'l1 Co" DUfCnlo , N. Y. For snlo by all druggists. Prlco 60 t \ cents per box. I . A plntonlc trlenlshlp can be so ra. cardell by but two peolle. ] - J j FLOCKING INTO CANADA. rmmlgratlon From Dakota and Adjoll1o Ing states-Major Edwardo , United States Consul Genernl at Montreal , DCGcrlbes the Movement as Due to Scarcity of Land. Montrenl , Nov , -l\Injor Al1Ison - . Edwards , United States Consul General - eral , who returned to.dny Crom a vIsit to his homo at Fargo. North Dakotn. cald In an Intervlow : "Tho IIroper ' \\'ay to describe the manner In which the people of North Dalwta are com. Ing o\'er Into Western Cannda Is to lay they are comIng over In droves. Among the people there did not seem ' to be any Ulought of there being a. boundary line n.t nil , It Is simply a G\1estlon , " ndded the major , "of there not being any moro land In Norili DaltQta and the surrounding Stntes. and the people are fiocklng to Cnnada. to get good Carms. Naturally th number thnt will como over will In. . . 1 crenso all the time , and I may say the pcoplo you are getting are the best people In the west. They are well supplied with money nnd ar& v.ell acquainted with the conditions under which they will have to work. " The ngents oC the Canadlnn Govern- j mont are prepnred to give tJ1e fullest Information regarding homestead and other Innds. Put Blame on PrInters. One oC DrownIng's rewnrks Is chnr- Acterlstlc. Ho once saId to Dr. Knight "that all the unlntolIlglblIIty of 'Sor- dello' Is due to the printers , They would chnngo my punctuation and not prInt my commas , semlcoons ] , dasheS ) and braeltets. " Eye17 housekeeper 8hou1t1 know that It they wlII buy Defiance Cold 1. Wnter Stnrch for laundry use they . , 1111 snyo not only time , because It ; never sticks to the Iron , but becaus& 1 each pncmgo ] contaIns lG oZ.-ono full " pound-whiio all other Cold Wn\er \ . \ , Stllrchos nro put up Inpound pack- i ages , and the prlco Is the same , 10 t , cents. Then again beeauso Defiance 1" Starch Is free Crom all Injurious chem- Icals. If 'our grocer trIes to sell ) 'OU n. 12.oz. pacmge ] It Is because ho has [ \ stock on hand which ho wishes to dlsposo or before he puts In DefInnco. Ho Imows thnt Defiance Starch bas printed on every pllclmgo In large letters - ters and figures " 16 ozs , " Demand Defianeo and save much time nnd money and the nnnoyance of the IroD sticking. Defiance never sticks. A grent mnny oC us ClI.ll quote Shate- ] IpOllro to o purposo. Insist on GettIng It. \ . Some grocers sny they don.t keep Defiance Starch. This Is because they have II. fitoclt on hand ot other brands contnlnlng only 12 OZ , In n pacl < age. whlehth ey won't be able to sell ! lrst. because Defiance contains 16 oz. tor ' I . the llama money. Do you want IG oz , Instead ot 12 oz. j for same money ? 'l'hen buy DcfiaDco Starch. Requires no cooldng. ' ' No nmount of looltlng riGht can fix you for living wrong. ' .f Important to Mothers. . . . Examlno carelully every bollIe of CASTOTlT\ , a enlo IInd 8\11'0 remedy tor In ( ants lIud chlldrco. and fee thnt It ' Dears the I Snlliure ! ( ot . . In Ueo Iror Ovcr ao Yen I'll , ( I , . 'ho Klnll Yon 1I11ve Always ouht. ' ( f What n gIrl loves about a Cootball ' sarno Is that , not Imowlnr ; anythin { ; II.bout it , she call pretend to enjoy It I wildly. Defiance Starch should be In cvcry houchold ; , none 51) J.'ood. . bestdes 4 o- , more for 10 cents : than any other bl'llI1 at cold Wiltcr II Ilarch. ' People who behovo In the absente& deity seem to believe also 111 nn omlll- I : resent devil. , Quarrals' oC woman seldom last very 4 10llg , They uuderstllIul the II.rt or I milking up. ' . 1 Censure Is the tax n man pa's to th/ ) ) publle for being emlnent.-Jonllthan Swift. , It Is very easy to get mad with j somebod ) ' for doInG' whnt It would b& \'ory. unroasonnblo for nn'bod ) ' to get. matl over If ' 01l did It. \ - ' , If SaUn's janitor were anything lII , . the apnrtment house brand his ten- . II.nt8 would soon be klcdug ] for ! Uorlt ft. beaL r It 18 a madm : with me that 'no mlln , WIlS ever wrl/.ten / out of reputallon but by blmselt.-Rlchard Dentlor. I It'l & poor kind of nffectlon tor ' \ ' . crud that prevcntR Its correction. ' .