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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
ClvorcC3 In Jllpm. Dlvor ts hi1 Jnpan. which enn bo 01" tauetl ! ou. the most trivial protenslon , have somewhat diminished In number Iu'recent years , but they atlll occur at the rllte o ! ono to every lhreo mar. rIaces. lu 1902 lhero were 34.8 ! } ! ) marriages and 113.9 I\.orces. - " Where He's Wro'ng. 'A man has no rlghl to glvo his wll. r.wny wheu ! ! he boul9 beloro co'Jl' pmy. : conslc.1erlng thl1lJ 1 she nOVbr glv08 him away by 100 ! 1 r ; lIurprlsod when he otters her the rocldng chaIr when company is presenl.-AtchlsoQ Globe. Le3ve Mementoes : bf ! VlcltJ. ! . Accordln to n very old custom pro- I valiins at the Qualnl old town o ! Onlt. ham ' England , . , every peer or the realm Ilasslnr lhrough the tow is reQulrel to lenve a IlOrseshoe , or Its equivalent. I t.o bo Jllaced , In the c llo. I . : ' . ' /ustrallm Curiosity. Austrnll:1n : l'ololsts ; recently dig. coLV9.r d n' rent curiosity In the Rhnp/ ) I , o ! a fish : of opal. The I1sh Is about t.h a d one.halt feel long , and 13 or : { 1iq shnpO ot the It has opal veinings. dliil . River Skirts Lake. , One dlsC'ory made by an explor. In" ' arty In Ab'sslnla recently Is th t t. I\'el' Gelo sllrts lho 130lllhernm03t exlremlt ) ' of < o Tala Instead ? t fi , , 'lng Into the lalte , as was hltherlo b lIovcd. Opportunity. When Opportunity Imocls at your door , go nnd oJlen It qulclt , and don't I\tand \ still Etlctrlnl ; ILL hcr bpcauGo she \\'asn'l IIJ1 to date enough to ring \ho electrle bc11.-Somervll1o Journal. . , Women Know No DJrthdays. AmotS ) female l.oors ! Jlrlhday cele- . bratlons . are \Inlmown. A Moorish " , ' consIders It a Ilolnt o ! honor to ' , be abEolutel ' Ignorant of her ngo. WQter a Sound Conductor. The 'sound ' of n. bel1 which can 1.1'3 heard 45,200 feet throuh ; the walor cnn bo heard through the nlr enl ) ' -triG ( eet. ' 011 for Locomotive Fuel. O ! the 1,360 locomotives owned nnd oJlerated b ) ' the Southern Pacific , 780 ire now usmg all as fuel. , , . , T:1rt 1r Alphabet. The { Tartar alphabet contains 20 : : totters. br. ' ' " + hn ' " : . ' " the worll' ' The Reason Why , Drummond , Wls" Sept , 19 ( Specla1) ) . . . . .Whole families In Dn'fleld Coonly IrO slt llng the prnlses of Dodd's Kid. noy ! > lI1s and the reason wliy Is given In expcrlences such as t.hat or Mr. 1' . T. " 'old , n. wl'l1.lmown citizen hero. "I had such } laln3 In my back that [ did not Imow what to do , " says Mr. Wold. "and ns I came across an advert - t Usen l'nt of Dodd's I ldney PlI1s I senl : for a box. That ono box rel1eved me , ' . ut al1 my pains , 1\y wlfo also use thom an found thorn just what she II t , ! leeded. I recommend Dodd's Kidney : : PlI1s as 0. sure cure for Daclmche aUl ! " other Kidney 'froubles. " , Daclmche Is one of the earliest II I R'mptoms of KIdney Dlseaso. Dodd's I ' ' Kidney Pills , cnre It 11romplly ancl verI : ) j mancnl1y and prevent It developing 'i ' Into Rheumatism , Dropsy , Diabetes ere 1 I Orhht'si : Dlacnse. ' o ; 1 j I j Underttker's : : Thank Offering. ' " , j ! ' The bishop of London has received ' ' \ 1 s bscrlpt10n of $25 from an'unl ( r' " . lalter who described lho Sift ns a b t anlt offering "bc.causo trade has i1 n so .ltslt o ! l\to , " \ , I ' 1 'WhUo we are sorr ' to learn thai , r the atteUllance at St. Louis Is not. Dt I tarlo as was CXIHJcted , stili there , f ! I ) . the ha111,1Y thought that there wl\1 \ nOI I . . b3 ! , s . , m nr 11001l1e who will waut tc 1 11) talk -al1"'lnter about theil' visit to lh ( ' r t lr. ' 1U' ! , J' ' 1 U . I ' , ' ' " man 'whQ' removes his hnt In tL4 ; crn:1tor r an office building nlwa1 ! R : :100S' : It with au expression which InlI q , II cates that he believes every womal , . In lho elevator will write n. no to If i qe ) ; paD 's about his gallanl'r. ! . ) " , ' , - i I. The nest embodies all lhat Is groal est In n binI's life : Dnd as most mel I are n. good denl IIJee birds , the sam , ought. to ! Je said at the homa.-No , II 'Yorle Tribune. I ' \ The ) ' sar that money does not brln , I I happlness. ThIs Is nn oxpbrlmonl \ 'however , w.hich every one wishes t lry tor hlmsel-Phlladelphln. Telt raph. Some people Insist lhat whUe It I tame to have a 10 cent cigar name tor 'ou It Is mere notorletr when fi ent clg r has ) 'our plcturo on th box. 'I The first slop toward the elevatlo , o ! tbo stale should ho the Incu'cer : : ' \ . tlou ot the big handed nlllt wlio wan1 eight or t.en encores of ever ) ' son\ ; ' . Classic music nUll woman are slm i lar. Lola of people 111to them. bul to' undc"rstn.n ' them. Some men admlro a well.fonne I woman mal'O than the ' do a weU.I : \ termed one. I Many a man Is wmlng to dlo tor h countr ) ' , bnt he wants to fix the dal for hi " ! .Sel ! . . N mriq who slln with his hands ! hlsvock la usually hasn't much oJl . t1 ! .r.1./ , ! " ' . ' - : Every man Imows how a. wro , sbou' ' be managed , bnt tow are able to do , ! , The men who ma1eo a noise In th : world arc n1wty's the quiet onos. , , . , MIoses' Seven.Gored l < JItd Skirt. Hldrts that are ; 1I11ulo flat oyer the JIIS ) alld are RO 1Jlhltod M to mean rmwr < Jus fullness lJOlow that } Joint Incrt'uso In favor"eolt by wecl" anll arl' Hhown In many , 'arlntiouH. This 0110 Is l1Ccullarly attractlvo and suits \'CIung girls to n. nlcoty , IjJlng 1I11111e of Illalll cut bins and stltehed with corti celli silit. ' 1'he 'plaltH are tlll'lled hac\vnnl ] nnll are so arJ'angcd as to conceal nll scams , while tho. mnn ) ' gorC\11 \ do awn ) ' witH 'urlneccJsnry huJ1 < . All SlIllIlIg and sl.lrtln { ; .materlals are al1proprlate. The sl < 1rt conHIHts of Re\'cn gore ! ; nnll Is cl03ed Invlalhly nt. tlt' ! ' , center hacl , . ' 1'he lllalts are Inlllon Indicated IIne9 and are 11reHsed flat. for their ontlro length , hut stltchell for' 11 lIar. Hon enl ) ' . ' 1'ho quantity or matorlal reQlllred for the medium Hlzo (14 ( 'ears ) la G % ) 'ardH 21 or 27 Inchea wide , _ or 31 ) 'ards H Inches wide. ; Whole Cucumber Plckleo. Ln ) ' a hllndl'ed cncumhers In cold water for an hOllr. Drain , put Into a - - stone crocle and cover with cold hrlno that Is strong enough to hear up an ogg. Set asldo for lhree days , drain off the ! Jrlne , amI wlpo the pickles dr ) ' . Wash Ollt the crocle , put In the cucumbers , cover with cold water and leave for twonty-four hOllrs. Doll In vinegar two minced onions , twenty cloves , an ounce each of mustard and celery seed and a few blades of mace. Add a cup of sugar nnd fill the crocle with this boiling mixture. Stir the cucumbers w l1 , then cover closely and leave for a weole. At the end of that time drain off the vinogar. bol1 it up again and again pour it over the } 1Icl < 1es. Do not use for sereral months. Skirts Long and Full , The newest sldrts , in splle of all the prophecies 'to the contrar ) ' . are verr long and full , and , when pUffings and gaglngs are not emplo'ed , there arc many small trills , much luclted and , ruched , or insertell with lace. There Is a general air a ! drooplness about aU the smart tol1ettes of the moment , and ono really canuot deny their graceful elegance. A lovely little linen gown seen the other day-It had been made In Paris for one of the smartest Parlslennes renowned for her Ilerfect tnslo In dress-had the aldrt cut very loug , and decorated with four flounces of embroidery In graduating whlths separated by nun's piaits. The Illalted bodice had a 1IlUo flchu fastened In front of either shoul , dor by a roselle of ! Jlack velonrs mOilS' sellno , and tho' deep polnt\d ! Jelt was nlso of the velours mousseline. Skirt Styles. St'les are , In the main , very much what designers have been leading Ul1 to for a 'eal' or more. Sldrls , instead or molding the form , sI1rIng light away from the wnlst line , thoug1J many stll1 bear wlness to the vcr ) ' natllral fear o [ 1001.lng bunchy an . 'thlcle , which haunts most women nc r1 longer on the right sldo of twent.five o by being set Into cordlngs and gaug \ . iugs. 'fho 1111s50 Rltlrt and the box plaltell variety are hoth admirable and 1IItoly to ondure. The Rhort slt1rt has found Its rlghl 111aco strictly as n walllng sldrt , fOI carl ) ' morning wear , for shollplng , 01 for country and sllorts ; the mQst 115 ual lonlth Is that which just touche ! the ground aU arounll. Tmlns are re served for o\'enlng gowns aUlI cere monlous tollots. - - Shirt Waists Here to Stay. "Shirt wl1lsts are too comfortable t ( oyer go out of fashion , " salll a 111'0011 nent mOlllato recentl ) ' , "They arl growing more drcss ) ' ever ) ' soasoll aud 'et I doubt , too , If the real plah lallOl'-mado shirt waist , worn with I II. whllo coUal' anll hlncl , tlo' or a nea \V stock , will oyer be supcl'sclied for cel talu occasions h ) ' the drC6slor affah' 1 malee111 Quantities of the whit handlwrchlef lIneu walsta , hand.en : brolderell , right throu h the summo nnd wlntor , ' 1'he ) ' Il\undel' well , 1\1' extremely- becoming , and cool. " Frencl1 Finery , l.lnen gowns. It should be e : vlalned , arc the chic thln for mort Ing wear nt nl1 thQ limart Prcnch 1101 d . _ Illacos jnst now , anlhwhen the are uot possible , on a Ilull or rain tIay , smart lIU10 eoats o\ul sllrts e fine serge or some th1I crnyonettQ i. cloth arc In accorl1.rI'O with tee . nut muslin dresseR 111'0 a thing alll\rt ; the . ) ' nre fOl' afternoon and gar. den 11I\rt nnll Reml'ovenlng wear , dainty robes painted or 1II'Inlell with tin ) ' Ilomlllldour designs of flowers , IInli conunlngled wIth cobwebhy Il\ccs thrC'adcd with the , 'ery narrowest 01 volYel behe rlhJons ! that 1001. ns thouh ! falr ' flngers nlono hn"d fash. loned them. Roses. hy the \.1) ' , are lhe most modIsh of nil flowers and the most : ulmlrell for wear tills season , and aprollos of mailers mlll1nerlal , nil the newest hats haye decilledl ) ' high crowns , Artistic Fruit Centerpleco : ; . The English taste for fruit center. pieces for the dinner table has been stimulated b ) ' the beautiful designs III cleclrollers which goldsmiths and sll. \'C'smlths ! are turning out. The wiring Is dOllo through n hole In the centm' of the taJlo ! and clover. Iy hidden by low howls with tubes running through the center. from which rlso and slH'ead the electrollers , In ono design , n howl of exqulslto carved Itallau marble Is sUPlIorted hy six cupids and from the center sprIng lho gold.plaled electrollers In n. spray of three , showing narcissi lights. This bowl may he I11lell WIUI fruits accordIng - Ing lo the English fashion or , to meet the American taste , pink roses' ar" lIreferred. Another centerpleco has narcissi I hlooms at the hase as well as on the \111)1er ) elect rollers. and cupids arc Ilosed reaching from the lower row a ! 1Ights to the upper. Elaboration In Gowns. Modes of the moment seem as fuss ) . as e\'er , and nearl ) ' a11 of them apper' taln to one or other of lhe Louis perIods. ' 1'here Is slmllllcity In effect , but In r nllty how different It aU Is ! Gauglngs and pUffings and festoone 110unces , to say nothing of the 111\ ! houlllounees now in vogue. spell end less handwork , and it Is really tnre that dressmaldng just now Is nelthct more nor less than fine needlework Moro especially Is this the case with moussellno and taffelas froclss-the re Qulred lightness and daintiness of er fect can only bo produced by hand stitching , and ns the newest sldrts are guiltless of lining It goes without say In ! ; that the vcr ) ' flnest needleworl ! Is alone admissable. Taffeta Is more and more in e\'ldence. and Its mo. ! 1 serIous riyal Is glace silk. softl ) ruched with chiffon. Parisian Creation. One of the IH'oll ) ' American women In Paris recenl1y appeared at a rG ceptlon gowned In ! I. dress of blacll Chantll1) ' , beaullfully' made oyer ' 8 lustrous satin foundation. 'rho hat was a great wide-spreading blach lace picture hat and she wore long ! Jlack gloves. The note of color was found In a beautiful turquoise blue sasb. In a great , long , blue ostrich plume and In II. handsome turQuol :1e brooch at the throat. The costume was b ) ' al1 odds the most attractive In the room. Kimono Dressing Sacque. No olher , form of dressing sacquo Is qulto so comfortable and satlsfac' tor ) ' ! .is the It1mono , This one is pc- cullarl ) ' attractive nnd Is made of 1\ght \ weight wash fiannel with bands of wash silk In lllain color. As shown , the sleeves are pointed. but round ones can be substituted.whenevCf pre. ferred. Again. the 'ol.e can match the ! Janrl In place of the Ihuono wilen , that combination Is 1I1eed. In addition to the light weight wools Orienlal cot , . r1 I . . , . . . , , : " I ' \ \ : I : ' - - J t ton crepes and all " 'ashn. lo materi ' . nls nl'o emlnentl ) ' al1pro\lrlato \ and. IIJ I , place of the bands being IIloJn ami lhe mnterl111 I1gured. the malerlnl call bo plain and tllO ban s of nll ' lll'etty Ilg11l'UlI sill , 01' ribbon that Ula ) ' be chOfHm. 'fho 1,11110no consls'ts oC Cull fronts nnd bnel. whleh m'e joined to the 'olw nnd Is Ilnlshed with ! \ collar nnd band cut In ono'ploce. . The sleeves aro'In pno I11Qce each and sllghtl full at the shoulliers. ' . 'fh"o qunnUt ) . o ! m ler al rpqulred In the m Uum ! slzo ilf.l4 % 'nrds 21 inch\I : . , . , 'hle ; . . ) 'ards 27 InebeR wide. ill or 3'1. ' : ) 'ords 32 Inc \cs 'WIde ; with 1 * I , ) 'ard1 In nn ) ' wi ' . 1 tor bUl1Ils. J . . . . . : , - ; { Home.Grown Sugar Ueet Seed. A bulletin a ! the UnlttJd Stntes De. partmont or Agrlculluro says : It Is bolloved that the nverago sugar content of beets In this counlry can he Increased 2 to 3 per cent when wo uhall haye developed a higher straIn of beets through home.grown aeed. ' On account of the hlghor vitality of the germ. these experlmonts hullcato that wo shall have a race at beets moro vigorous from the start. In the 11roductlon of beets for a , fac. lor . , the vHallt . of the Eeed as shown b ' germInation Is an Important factor. It Is the first evidence of the probable ylold of the crop that the grower 1001\0 for. Evorythlng depends upon the stand. It is desired that a beet sha11 fill every place in the row provided for It. It Is evident that If every t.hlrd ! Jeet Is missing Ulero will bo only two.U1irds of a stand at plants mn. . . tured at the harvest. If the rows are 18 inches apart and the beets stand 8 Inches apart In the row. there will be 312 beets to the row , and 138 2.3 rows to the acre. If every beet Is In Hs place there wl1l be 43,264 beets to 'iho acre. If these beets average ono pound , there will be 43,264 pounds to the acre , cQual to 21.63 tons. If the ! Jeets average two pounds , which Is moro nearly the usual size , wo will have 43.26 tons per acre. ThIs shows the posslblo tonnage per acre when a11 conditions are favorable and we have a perfect stand. Vitality ot seed Is n. strong factor . in reaching this Ideal. The plants should start out strong. vigorous and healthful. They must send down their taproots vigorously , and send out their laterals qulcltl ) . ; this enables them to entrench them. selves early In the soil. Plants arc 111m animals. Vigor in youth promIses - Ises much for healthful maturity. Strong vitallt ) ' or germinating power of the seed Indicates this early vigor , whIch wHl enable the plants to with. stand diseases. pests and drougbt. The numJer of sprouting germs In a given number of beet balls and the ' 11101' and rapidity ot germination are the tests of this vItamy. Home.grown seed has shown a hlghor germinating power In It shorter tlmo than thoSE- selected from ordinary imported seed. From these facts It would appear that we are entll1ed to antlcipato It hlghor ) 'ield of beets from the use of homo. grown hIghly developed ! Jeet seed. Thi ! extraction of refined eUlar in this country averages 11 11er cent , or 220 pounds at refined sugar to a ton of beets. The faclory pa's the farmer for this SUlar $2.27 per hundredweight - dredweight while it is still in the beet. If tht ) factory could extract 13 per cent o ! sugar on account of our perfecting a strain at beets with higher sugar content and purity through hbme-grown seed , a ton of beets would yield 40 pounds moro sugar - gar , worth at the factory $1.80. Thl alone would give the factor36 POl' cent profit upon the Inveslment ot $5 per ton for beets , This scems q lto possible. Homegrown seed ef. fers t.ho most encouraging prospect of Insuring the future growlh and pros. perlty of the beet sugar industry. Phosphorus In Steamed Bon Meal. In a recent ta11e with Professor Hopltlns of the University of lllinols , ! I. representative of the Farmers' Re. vlow learned that the cheapest form In which to purchase phosphorus Is In the form of steamed bono meal ; that is , for early results. It mar bo the cheapest In any compctltlon. but wo have ) 'et much to learn about the phosphate in unacldulated phoSIJhato roclt. That Professor Hopldns Is right wo have every reason to bellevo. HiB opinion is coincided In by no less an authority than Professor Charles E. Thorne of the Ohio Experiment Station. That gentleman does not hesltato to declare that steamed bono meal furnishes the cheapest and most Ilval1ablo form of phosphorus that can be obtained. Ho further says that except - cept for experimental purposes the Ohio slatlon has abandoned tbelse of the acldulatCtl goods. Dy actual ex. poriment it was found that the clover- producing fields were Injured by the constant application o ! the acldulatod fertilizers. The sulphurlc acid broulht into the soil manltested itself in bar- len spots in the clover field. and these spots grow tram year to year as more terU1Izor was applied. Steamed bono menl has the advantage over raw bono meal In that the nitrogen has been mostly talten out ot the steamed nrtlcle and therefore docs not have to ! Jo paid tor. This makes the steamcl ( bono meal a cheaper : : ourco of phos- Ilhol'uS lhan the raw bono meal. or course It It inan wants also to huy nl. trogen ho can purchase the raw bono meal.Fal'lllers"Roview. : . Weeds cannot ! Jo allowed to grow If a seed crop of an 'lhlng Is expect. ed. ' 1'hey absorb mQlsture and l1re- Vc\1t the roots o ! the toad 111ants trom goWnl ; It. As water is lho convo'or ot t.ho food or the plants , this is a great drnwbacl. . 'rhe more succulent the weeds the moro do , they interfere - fero with the growing or plantlJ that are raised for the \ISO a ! man. Any Idnd or buslnms : will tall to gtvo a sUPllort to the man following It If ho docs not \ISO n , great deal ot seed judgment. The business o ! Carm. InE ; 'Is success with ono man and a ral1uro with anothGu OucoU7 e same c01HlIlionc. . - . . . . - 'fho profit en t.he Ceed put I to 'the cow depends very much on t1a co\\ ' , . , - . . Deliver Cream Orten. Reports trom th centralized cream- gathering plantu IndIcate that there 19 a good deal o ! trouble about t.ho ae. I curing of cream In good condition. The farmers In many pln.ces now have hand separators. and in others tollow uio old practice of setting Ule ml1lc , t get the cream. 'fhey are too busy In the summer time to drive to the rnllroal1 depot oftener than they have lo , nn'd this means that in some cases the cream 15 a. week old before II Is forwarded. The butter malwrs de clare that It Is next to Imposslblo te. moIeo Eood buller out of this crer.m , or \\'llfm it Is mixed with the other m1l1e , as It usually Is. 'rho llroblem is n hard ono and It cannot be solved by any short method. It Is , ot course , , advisable to have the farmers deliver : their cream as often as' possible , but a farmer w1ll hardly mnlto a trip to town it that trIp is going to , cost him more for 10B ! In his harvests than the profits of the cream will amount to. rt Is ovldent that we must depend on a little Improvement h < : re and a little Improvement t.hore. With the proper fac111l1es and with ster111zatlon o [ cream on the farm it should be brought Into a condition where It can be kellt for a few da 's without Injury to it. If Mr. Gurler can send mll1t from IllInois to Franco and have It nrri vo' there sweet after 17 days , cer. talnly our farmers can lteep their cream in such good condItion that It w111 be fit to maltO butter from It few days after It is talwn f om the mll1e. We are not advocating few deliveries of cream , but lmow that there are many of our farmers so situated that they will not attempt to deliver cream every day , either in summer or wlri. ter. Some Uses or Skimmlll : . That sldmm111e Is a useful feed for a11 It1nds of farm anlml.Js Is an established - lished fact. It pa's better , however , to fecd It to the young animals than to old ones , though the latter usa It to fairly good advantage. The young Dnes have stomachs so weU adapted to usIng sltlmml1l. that they can get more out of it with less expenditure of dlgesllve energy than any others. A good many experiments haie ! Jeen made with it from Ume 10 time , by the way of using It as n. fopd foe mntlro farm animals. Hero and lhera are men that have fed It to their milch cows. and In the' absence a ! othcr anImals to consume It this Is a good use to mal\Q of It. 'fhe value In such a case depends on the price that can be obtained for It. In the case of using It for cow feed It will bo found necessary to l\Oep It sweet tll1 50 used. Colts and even mature horses have ! Jeen fed on sl.immillt. Ono man claims that hIs horses came to 1I1al mille and that less grain was consumed - sumed after the milk belan to be fed. We can easily believe this. The millt I contains a good amount of protein' ' and thIs o ! course goes to build up the museles nnd make protein from grain less necossary. On n11 at our farms the use or slelm- mll1e for chlGlten feeding Is tlOW recognized - nized , and lIttle urging Is necessary to induce the careful poultry raiser to feed the fowls all the milk they 'wlll consume. When they cannot use enough of it on account of its water ) ' nature , it Is very easy to mal\O cottage cheese for them out of lho mllk. Dehorningl Calves. It Is more humane to dehorn calves ! Jy the use of caustic potash when lho horns arc just startIng than It Is to use the saw on the horns after they have developed. Also , the tasle is easier at the earlier ' ' period. 1'ho operation - eration with the causl1c potnsh should be mndo before the calf Is nine da's old. The betler tlmo Is when the calf Is from two' to five days old , 'fhe hall' 'should be clipped away from around the horns. A stick of caustic potash should be ro11ed In paper , wIth one end .of the caustic bare. This should bo sllghl1y moistened and the ll13 of the horns rubbed t'or about fifteen seconds , or until the potash has made a slllbt lmlH'esslon on the center of tbo horn. ' 1'ho lreatment , should -be glvon t\VO \ , three or four" times , according to the nge or the . animal and the size of the horns , . about fi\'o minutes beIng al10wed to' elapse , between applleatlons. It a muo blood apI1ears In the center o ! , the horn It will then be necessary only to give ! \ slight rubbing with tllQ pot- ash. We adylso all of our readers that hYO caly s to adopt this method , ralhel' than to walt tllI the animals grow and hayo to use the more painful methqd. It Is belle\'ed that the caustic - tic Ilotash method Is ncarly or quite painless. A New Milk Test. It Is reported that ! .L German sclen. tlst has inyonled a now milk lest , ; r means o ! saIts 1n solution , which hnyo the llowor to dlssolvo lho casein of mill. . 'rhe c0111l1ound of salls Is merely - ly mixed with the mille In a tube und lho latter Is IJlaced In water , which Is nenrly at the boiling point. The' lube used 15 marlC1J with percent. . agos. and the li lttor-fat fil1 ! ! the tube In the saInO pt'oportlon as the fat pel" centaEo in the milk. If lhlB simple s'stem ! 1rOVeS to ! Jo an accurate one , tbQ alr ) . world wHl bo Greatl ) ' hono. . fittod. . Tho'tesl Itself' ' will ho\\'eyer' hnye to stand the test at flll'tnct' . 'In. , 'esUeatlon ; and experionce. WAIH BLUE Com 10 cents and cqunls'207ccnt $ . \Vorth of any other kind of bluIng. Won't Freeze"SpUrtBreak Nor spot Clothes. Wii :6flcIs around in the 'bJater. At all wlso Groear. . J .y - , > < : The Germ Scare In France. It has been recommended by the French health authorities of ParIs that laundry articles bo convoyed In closed bag ! ! , nnd that d11 clothes bo first dlBlntectod beoro they nr& washed. The wllB'kerwomen are to USIt rubber sieves for' their own proleOo Uon. ChlneDe Name for Port Arthur. The Chlneso name tor Port Arthcr was Lushunko'\1' ; the town had , twenty - ty ) 'ears ngo. onl1 a tow thousand inhabitants - habitants , and was used as a place f the deportation . ! criminals. Death From 611ght Accident. Wbile cnrr 'lng a Iteg a ! beer Intended - tended tor a plcnlo In Reading. Pst , . Elmer Kerchort stumbled over n. wiro. I 'l'he keg slipped so sUddenly that the jar dislocated his neck. ' Insist on , Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. This is because the ha\9 n. stacie on hand of other brandJ : containing only 12 oz. In II. p clmge , whlchth ey won't be able to sell flrot , hecause Defiance contaIns 16 oz. tor the same money. Do you want 16 oz. instead ot 12 0 : : . for same moneyf Then buy Denanc. . Sta.rch. Requires no cooldng. . I Most people eat their sorrows an.a , drink their dIsappointments. Allen'a Foot.Ease , Wonderful Remedy. , "Have tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE , an ' find it to bo a certain curc , and gi.vcs com. fort to ono sufroring with sore. tender and swollen feet. Ivill recommend .ALLEN'S' 1r OT-EASE to my friends , I1S it 1& eel'tainly a wondorf"ul romody.-Mrs. N. H. Guilford , Now Orleans , La. " , ' Most Active Volcano. . Mount SanUay ! Is the most aettve vlleano in the world. It Is in Ecuador , Is 17,120 feet in height , and b s been , In canstant actlvity slnco 1728. Th" sounds o ! its eruptions are sometime , heard In Quito. 160 mUes distant , antJI 2G7 reports were once counted in , one hour. Pathetic Appeal for Sympathy. Did ) 'ou ever carry two suit cases , a hat box and a bag ot fruit onto n train that was just starling , for n woman. and then have her walk past seyen empty seals looking for : ana . that might be a UlUo belter-Coun. c11 Dlutrs Nonl1l1reU. ' Midnight 6un. "l'so mighty glad , " said the old col. ored inhabitant , "dat de worI' onl1 . . ! , turns 'roun' on co In n dny. Raze ef , ever hit turned In do nlghttimo hl would er kotched me at many a he'n. . . . roos.-Atlanta ConBtIlutlq r Laughter a Health-Tonic. There is nolhlng better establleheti , among nhysicians t.han that cheerful. n03S prolongs mo , nnd also enrich s nnd enlarges it. Wholo-souled. joyous - ous laughler Is a powerful health- , tonic. I Fungus on Corks. , ; , It has' been C5und that some o ! the corle Imnorted In this country from - . Algerin. . affected by a fungous. growth , which. unless the carles are sterilized , gives bellIed liquids an un , j 9leasnnt . taste. . - . , CHA OOD t Some Very Fine Re&ults Follow. I The wrong kind ot food wI 1 put j the bOdy ill sueh a. dxeased condition that no medlcln-es " , ,111' cure It. There { Is no way but to change food. A man In Mo. 811)'S : I "l 'or 2 ybars ITUB troubled so with ' my nerves that sometimes I wa.s pros- I t.rated and could hardly over , et in a full month at my work. " 1\ly slomach. back and head would' throb so I could get no rest at night ( .xcept by fits and starts. Ilnd always had dlslres.slng II ins. "I was Quite cerlain t.he trouble enme from my stomach but two IhY- ) Elclans could not help me and all the t nlcs failed an so finally I turned to food. . I " 'Vhen I had studied up on food nnd learned what might bo expected trom leaving ort. meat and the regu. Jar food I had been JIving on : I , felt thnt a change to Grape-Nuts would be j:1st what was roqulred so I went to eltlng It. "From the start I got stronger anl ( Lettet' until I Wa.'S "ell again and frum that time I ha"en't used a bit ot mcdlclno for- ha\'en't \ locdcd any. "I am so much bc.tter In e\'ery way. Flecp sOllndl ) ' no\Vada 'S nnd am free frem the bat ! drenms. Indeed this toad hils. made &iuch a great change in 100 that my wlfo and aughter lrnyo tal"n it Ul1 and Wo ere never , Tdtl10ut .Qr pe.Nutl3 on 0111' table DjlW- ' alll1)'s. It Is wonderful sustailler t\nd 'io frequently have } 10lhlng else at all but a saucer a ! Grape.Nuts . ; and , cream for ! Jrcalcta.3t or supper. . . Nnmo { { yen by Postum Co" Battle Creole , : Mlch. Good teed and good rest. These ar the tonics that succeed where aU the bottled tonics and drugs tall. TOtJ days trial o ! Grape.Nuts w111 nho\f ono ( ho reM to heal h , strength . and vi Jro ; r , "There's n reason. " Loole In eneh Vk ! ) . tor tho' tamoua litUo book , ' ' 'fho Road to WcllvlUo. " J