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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1904)
, . - - CUSTrR COUNTY RfPUBUCAn By D. M. AMSDERRY. , . 1 . DHOKBN DOW. . . NEUnASKA - - - - " i News el ; : \II'H. noos'voll hllR loft WlIshlllgloll COl' OI'lJIOII , "Imls" 10IL \ visit with her sOlin. Hllsaln IIlIrl ( heat IJ\'Ilulll \ al'o SIIIt ) to ho Oil I ho way lu nil ueljujlmelll ! oe Ihelt' olt ! IlllTel'ouroH , 'rhe IIrP of , , 'lIl1l1m C , GrJllo , rOI ) ' IICI' mllgullto. Is Ihl'l'ateut'11 lIy IL 1I111n who 1l1l1.H retllrn of mouer. Hcpuhllcall luadOl's III Wllshlngtoll rOllflltlol' April : )8 ) aH l1w Illite fJI' lid. jOl\l'lIlug \ this ne8IOII ! of cOlIgl'e2s. CnllOIl Honsoll , n. IlI'omlucllt Eng. IIsh ( ' 1C1'g 'mall , I'lllsod 11 RIoI'm lIy dc , JI'llIg the IIIHlllmtlou of the alII 'fes. tllmellt. Cal'dllllli Satolll , with the IlCl'ml ! ! , sloll of the IWlle. Is golll ; 10 Ihe Uul. led States 11rlvatph' anel wit hout. 11 mlsHlon , anlvlllg lu'ohauh' 111 ,11\110. William B. Curllfl1'It's of ] 1ollares , I ho holy ell ; . ' of 11)lIn ) ( , which the Brnhmlns claim Is the gateway 10 hoa veil , ulld'hlch houses GOOOOO Idols , Nlnetcen IIbrnrr hul1rllhgll have 110cn eroctcd In the Olltnrlo , Canada , llro'lIlco dUring the last eighteen montha , all uf the gifts from Andrew Caruegle. 'I'he Wall IItreet marlwt contlnl\es \ to ) lresent n. "ory Ilrtlficla ) nppear. Ilnce , with developments of , n. contra. dlctory natllro and with little 1. > uylng uy the ) luhllc. Walter' Wellman writes of the dip , lomatlc mCIIsurcs rORmtel1 to by the United states to arOll80 the HlIsslan government to stel'S 101' the lirotec. tlon of tho' .Tows. A l1ecreo of dlvor < , o has heen grant. 011 at Salem , S. D" to Mrs. Flora Blgolow Dodge from Charlell Stllart. DOdge of New 1'01'1" 'rho dlvorco WIIH granled for desertion. Major General Pfill , In a dispatch from 1\tuen ) ) , l1enlos the rOllOrt that the .JalHUleso advlluco gilaI'd has cro8 ' ell the Ylllu ancl engagel1 In a selr. ) mlsh with the HllsRan [ Iroolls , 'rho factional light In the Christian church at Huntsvlllo , Ala. , hroke out afresh ntlll two nlrlers and three church mom hers nt'O I\nr)01' \ ) arrest , charged with defacing the hl\l1r1lng. \ Coonel ] Vincent 1\Iarmal1uleo , who recenU - died at l\larshall , 1\10. , 11111" . Ing the civil war was l1\1rchaslug \ agent In Ellrope for the eonfedf1l'acy , sUllplylug arms nn ammunition to the south. The German IU1)1erll\l ) yacht Boholl' zollerll , with Emllorm' Wllllam on board , sailed. escorterl hy a fiotilla of torpedo heat destro'ors , for S 'I'acnse , where the emperor wll1 remain for three days. Halatlons between Itay ) nud Ans. trio. are stro.lned ever the question of provinces , anl1 the blUer foelln In Ilnl ' , Infiamel1 hy an attac ] , by Aus. trlnn gonl1nrnes 011 an Italian shill , 111a ) ' force hostilities , ' 1'ho London stoct ) marlwt. shows a great Improvement anl1 gilt edgol1 1i0' curltles , Inc\l(1Ing ) Amorlcnns , shal'o In the al1vanco In consols , 11110 InrEe- ly to the ease of money an the 1m. prove prospects In the KafIlr nmr. ) wt. AccordlllE ; to the I\lInneapolls JonI" nnl the 110ur mll\s \ there wll\ \ ( ' ] ese 110wn for an Indofinlto porlod the lat. tel' part of the week , as a protest that they cons\ClOI' \ 1'III1roall I1lscrllnlna. tlon forcing them Ollt of c0111J1otltlvo marl\CtlJ. The signing of the 'rurlw.lllllgurilln treaty , has heen recelvol1 with conshl. ernhlo satisfaction In 'f\1l'ldsh \ IIIJllo. mallo' circles lIuli It Is hollevel1'1 ! wl\1 \ contrlbuto materlal1y towarl1' ' the I'ees , tabll8hment of nm'mal rolatlons 110 tw eil the two countrl08. The steumer Panther , with 10,00\1 seals , arrlvel1 at St. Johns , N .1 , ' , . from the Ice fields and reports that tbo 1'0. maln er of the fleet has somewhat largoI' catches thnn announced in lire , vlous 1'01101'111 , The maslor of thr. Panther says thnt the steamer Blood. hound Is followlnJ ; with a slmlhll catch. The full text of the Anglo-PreneJ treaty was 11llhllshed In Paris. The maIn fentures of the tI'eaty hllve heel fully covered In dlspulehes , Ouu elawlI IIIodlOS the } 'rench government tc communlcato to Orcat BI'ltain nn agl"eoment entered Into IlPtwem } . 'ranco an Spain on the sllhject 0 1\Iorocco. \ The Amm'lcan Bect Sugar assoclu tlon he1la meeting at Washlnglon a1. > out twonty-fivo IICrsons helng II\'e ent an IIstenlnl ; to addresBes fron officials of the departlllent of asrl culturo. Serretal' ) ' Wilson told th heet sUJar men that hla helll't waR II the development of lIw homo SUla Inll ustry , Easter Sunday Ilassell Iuletl ) ) . at Go mol , nussla , There wm"e nil nntl Jowlsh emonstratlons. A consular folegl'lLlII frol11 Constlll ! Unoplo reports the nlTest of the AI menlan bishop of 1\Iush IInd the 1\10111 hora of the loglsilltivo council I'm' dl ! somlnatlng lI1ale\'olent l'epol'ls. .Tho St. Louis 'l'l'Ilnlit [ COl11ll1Ln ) ' ha file nn appll'lltion In the Unite States district court 1'01' an Injunetlo to restrain the city fl'olll colll'rting prolosod ) tax or 1 mill for ou h pal sengor carried 0\01' the IIno of tll cOmllan ) ' . It Is declared that the ta woulr1 amount to $150.000 annually. . . - . ' . . . _ _ _ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -t- AWFUL DISASTER N EXPLOSION ON THE DATTLE. SHIP MISSOURI. . - rWENTY-NINE MEN ARE lULLED : : "Ive Are Injurel > 1nd Two of the f umbel' May Swell List of Dead- Every Offlc r In Port 1nd All but Three In Handllno Room Killed. Pf SACOI/A , Fla-By the e' plo. , Ion of : ! .ooo POIIIIIIH of ) lowelm' In the ) fter t weh'p.llldl turret al1l1 I ho hunel. IlIg room of Ihe Imttloshlp'lISSOlIl'I , : nllllln [ Wlllllull S. Cowles , C0ll11111\1111 , ng , I WPIII.nllw lI1ell were InHtlllllly .llIpll a 11I1 Ih'o Injlll'ell , of Whllll1 two / 11IlIe , The 1\1IssoIII'I \ was UII the anet : range with I he 'l'oxaH a 1111 Jr'ooltlyn III IlI'notlce nhoul 110011 when , chuI'J.o ; 0" " po\lor ( 111 the twelve.11I1'1 ! , , ! I.hallcl glln Igllltml from gafleH , ex. , lolll'd aucl drolplllJ. ; Iwlow Igmtul 01\1' \ c1HII'geB of powdOl' 111 the halldllng 'oom IIlIel nil explo ed , Only UIIO 1111111 of the ( 'ntll'e lll1'l'et ncl hllllciliulC'1CW : HIII'vlvos , Bllt fOl' . : e 1II'01nl11 nllel elllciont uctlon of CIIJI' nlll Cowlos In flooding the hallr1llng ' 00111 nnrl mngazlno with watm' ono of ho magazlnclI wOIIIII hllxo exploclell LIId the Hhlll wUIId ] have hooll dOHtroy. 3d. Clllllnln Cowles , cOl11pletoly o\'er- ' 01110 hy the e1llillstel' , I'efel'rel ) nil 1eWHlllller ! lI1en tu LlolltOlHlnt Ham. lieI' , the ol'lnam'o ( o III CUI' , 'fho lat er ave onn staloment of the OXlllo , Ion nlld Its IlrolHlhle call so. Accord- n : ; to him. ahollt noon , nnN' the first lIolntor of the uft twelve.lnch 111ece ! lIId IIred his string and 'tho spc01111 u lnter had f1red the third shot of his ll'lng , the c harge Ignited. 'f1 e fOllrth shot wns IJClllg loaded , c.nd , Find the Weaver Who De from all Inr1lcatlons the f1rst half 0 : ho charGe had IlCen rammell homl 11111 the second section wus henl ! 'Ilmmed homo , when gases from tllI hots lIrevlollsly fired , or 110rtlons 0 'lw ploth cover , IgnltcIl the Ilowdol' . , 'I'he hreoeh was OIJlJ1 ! Ilnd a dill 'hllli gave noLico of something Ull ISlIal. No 10lld rOllol't was made , hll lames were Been to leall from 0\01" 100'tlon of the tll1'l'et. A few second atOl' another OXIIIOflon ; , somowhn ' 1101'0 lIel'I , occllrred. ' 1'hls' ' WIIS I ; lw haudllng room helow , whel'o 1GO ( lOIIUIIH of powder , 01' four charge I'oad ' 10 ue holHtel1 aho\'e , had Ignl mi. l lro qllartol's wore sOllnded an In less than five seconds after th fi.'st . oxploslon two strlJllmS of wnte wOI'e holng played In the rooms , 1m \\'hlm volllnteers were called for 0' ' 91' ) ' mnn of the shill responded , Cuptllin Cowles gave his conuntll1l1 111Cl hilt for hlH Ilrosenco of mlllli an Ihat or the ol1\COI'H \ of the Shftl , tl1 lhsolll'l wOllill have gene down , 'I'll : ; cl'ond explosion o'l11'rerl near 01 ; : .h the magazines and so hol WM U lIt'o that the hrass , vurl ; : of the mag lllH's was molh 11. 'I'hl''e minutes after the explosle \1\ \ the rloull had heon hrollghl Oil Iler ' \1111 the SlI1'gpolIs from the "t1s oUl l'oxas and 1I1'001" ' 11 were attendh to t hmw uut Ilenc ) . 'fho tWt'nt.fivo men of the tllrl' \ . pro 1'01\1111 \ 1 'lng In a hell II , Thl harl s11ll'1011 from the exit wlll'l1 11 Ilrsl OXIIII > 3I011 Ol'I'l1rrell and hall jll I'oached thorp wllL'1l the mol'o lOl'l'lh , < : Jxploslon III the hlllldilng room c : l1l'\'ell. whll'\l \ huruml r..Hl strang:1 : hem to dealh. J.\el1tl'nnnt \ Davltlso ' the Ol1\c'OI' \ In chlll'go of the tllrrot. I ! ' dontl ) . hud I\'en some cOl11nmncl the men , lIiI II ( ! was on tOil of tl henl ] of men , 'I'he uc'rltlolll Is the most S01"lo that has O'ul'1'oll In the Am < ' 1'lc : 111l" ' slnco t 'J hlowlnvIll \ of t Ml\llIe In l1L\'una : narhOl' 111 1SlS. ! Pension Deficlellcy of $1,5COOOO. WARJllr\GTON , n , C-C0I11111 llInl'I''al'o of the penr-Illn hlll'l' \Vas herOl'I\ the slllo ( omllllttl' ( > IIf t 1111ll'IIIII'Iationu e0111mlttco , which 11"011111'111 ( ; the glllll'I'al , lpl\colley \ [ I IIroprllltilln hili n Ilo for $ I , OO,1J a .0 IIIl'I'1 I he alllllllllt 1''I1I1I1''d fOl' III d IIUlIR lIIulol' orel'I' liS , the n o II'nRI n mlol' , Thl' umollut WIIK 10 CU\'l1l' I a 'XllCllllltll1''K \ tl ! .Iul ) ' 1 , thbl ) 'c' : \ . I'hn a1l\1IIInt hili' ' ; huoll IlIchllloll 111 t o 111I , hut the rlunHlUl'ulK hn\(1 1-1\ ' x' wtleo of a mhHII"lt'IIlH't I\t\11 a C ( l'lit m' ( ' I' I his Hpm , . . . c . , " , . " - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHINOE ! TnOUBLE. ' I Compllc 1t1on with the United states H : : ve1 rlscn. H'l' . J.OlTIS-\ Hpp\al \ 10 Iho Ho. Pllhllc fro 111 WllflhlllKlolI , D. C" la 'R thl1t Illplol1lallc' I'olllplleatiolls In the l'l'IOtlolls IJUtw'ea Chilla mid the UIII. ted BIaleR hn VI ! 111'IHell , nccol'llIng to IlIfol'luatioll ell'l'lvccfrom \ SOllrrOR ( 'lospl ' lc1enllll11 with c\lplolllatic \ cr. [ CIIK , Iwcallse 01' I ho harsh l1IallUOI' In which the CllhwRo Nclllsion : Inws al'o ; ClIHrating agaillst Chluamell of con so. ' qllelleo who hll" " hllSlllCIJR In thlH cllllnll'y at 1110 SI. LOllin WOl'lc's ! fnlr. SII' Chen 'l'ulI : ' ; LlalllChell ; : , 1110 Uhl. nesu 1IIll1lstl'r , haB fIlorl fOl'lIIal 111'0' teals 111 I ho IIIIlHel' , 'I'ho nltllutll'lI Is ronslrl'l"eel rloll. rat , not to fillY Hel'jolls , lIerallso of Ihl' wal' In the I'm' cast. which em. hal'I'assecall \ the 1lIllloma'y of Iho OI'lellt , and hOClllISO of thu adelell fact that Ihe whole Chilleso exclllRlon qlloa. tlon IR 10 I 01llC 1111 fOl' another solu. tlon , nlnce the II'rlo(1 ( CO\'U1'cII hy the oxlstln ; trellt ) ' will soon explro. At Ihe IIl'e ell' limo Ihe IJlHSh'o fdend- nhlll of China In IIf 1111110l'lan0 In Asia , that. Al1Icrlclln Inlol'osts IIIU ' lIot Pllf. 1'01' UlUl'e. ' ( 'he I1lC'ldelltR ( 'ltt'll hy the IH'oler-ts Ilro said to 1'0fOl' lot \Yo lllll'tles or lll'olllillellt Chlna1llen hOllnd for the World's fnlr , who , thllllgh llI'me(1 ( with cel'tlficates from their' go"e1'1unent allel with IIIIIIorH enllol'serl hy Iho AmorlC'lln I'IIIISIII g lIe1'l\1 at Shanghai , WI'I ( I lailloll at San Prallclsco , lL Is usscrtoel that they were sub. , jcclod to Indignities whIch hllvo heon the raUBe of Ihelr hltlol' I'esentment. III I'dgnrtl 10 the ] Jrotost Chall You 'follg , seC'l'elm'y uf the Chilloso \Vol'lr1's full' I omlllisslu , said Ionday night : " ' ' ' to "h' cOlllltl'ymen wel'o sUhjected Il\lInl1lal1111 ; tl'ealment In San FI'au. cisco , whel'o they were helrl for two I - - - - " " " . " . . . . . - " " " , , . . . celved the Prime M1nlster. I' days deslIlto the fnct thllt they hal1 sulllclellt mOlley with thorn to Jllstlfy slatements that they wcro relutnule ] cltlzells of China und not ] laupers. "Thoy also had signed ) ettors from the American conslll at Pelng ; : ! , stat Ing their IInanclal and social stanr ! , I' IlIg In China , 1. > lIt they \loro forced te fllrnlsh hond In the sum of $500 It ; gold ench heforl' the customs ofIlclalf wOllld release them. In St. 1.0ulf they were Euhj ctoll to a IHost rigor OilS IIISlOctiOIl ] h ' customs officials 1I\lt the treatment nl'cordod them al I ho Worll1'n rail' was courteous. " DUTY ON COAL. MUST REMAIN This Is What Austen Chamberlair Tells Anxious petitioners , r.Or\DON-'I'he cOlllhlnClI elTorts 0 the coal ownm's exporters , ship own IJI'H anll mln01's have failed to Inlhlci AU'Iton Chamhol'laln , th chrn ollo of Iho excheqllol' , 10 rOleal ] the ( 'oa duty. A el1\ltatlon \ rOllresentlllg a ] 10 1110 nbove Illterests laid the casl' be a. fmo the chancellor 'I'1I08rla ) ' Bill Illeaded that the dllty was Illsastrou 111 to O\'lWY Industl' ' ronnected with th 'Ie c'oal trndo aUII enabled Oel'lnl\ : 'I , :11111 : othol' rivals to Illsplare BrIUR' II ; coal. . \11' . Chamherlaln In 1'0111 Il'nthll : ' C'f' nlmrerl the urguments c et the l1Ctltlonors with the facts III hi , 'y ] l03sosslon , Rlld 8ulll there was n II' I'IHI'OIl for the aholltlo l of the dut ) st 110 Had [ thal the fnct lhnt the CJ Ie [ 1(11'111 fOl' the last ) 'om' were the ] al' ! IC" usl on rccOl'd IlIsprovClI the 1100111 d .forobodlngs of the dOIHltation. 'II , 'II1. \ . In the Natlon's Strong Box , 10 W ASHI NG'I'Or\-'rl1eliday'tl , Htat , IIlI mPllt of the tl'casllr ' h 11ancos 111 tll gOllnl'll1 fllllll , oxchislvo of the $15C Us OUIIOIlU gold reserv" In the 11Ivlslo 1111 of l'l'dPlllllllon , showH : A"allu1l10 cas hl ! hahllll'I' . , $222JlO,32fi ! ! : gold , $ lH,85J tiM ! . Won't Open Sunday Again , Is. ST , LOUIS.'loSlInda ; . ' was t1 nu laRt SlInday at the Worll1's fn II ! ' gl'ol1\\lls \ , as on A 111'11 15 I he gl'OII1H Is will I.IC' ! 'Iosccl tll nll'lslIOl'3 IIn1 III. tlt fnlt' opcns fonnally allll thoI' ' 100 UftcI' will ho ( 'Illsell 011 Suncla ) ' , Io' ' m. than 2,000 : ; 1)(11'1101111 ) looli al1"nllt\ ! , Oil the fall' woalhl'I' and \'Isltell tl ho grullllds Rllnllll ) ' . 'rllO Ilrl\'ate rar ill' , g. II. lIarrllnlln ot the 80llth\rn P ho r IIr l'Oul : wus ! ; wltcholl Into till' f:1 : , nl\ \ gl'I1I1IIanll \ / romnillol ) all nl/oht / , hell m. oOI'IIllod [ h ) ' PI'08111ent H\l'rlmulI 1\1 : -I. ' nll'tr , 't J . . - . . --Flf tr-FOR : rERO S - - - FIVE MILL.ION DOLLARS FOR I THOSE SAVING LIVES. IT IS GREA TED BY GARtlE iE I - II I I His Great Endowment Will Be Known as the Hero Fund-Trust Placed In the Hands of a Commission ot Prom. Inent Men. PI'fTSBUIW-1t wnll mudo lwown h01'e fo'rleluthllt , Andrew Carneglo haR creatl'd a fund of r , OOO,1I00 fOl' 1I 0 heneJlt of the "eelwlllients ) of tholle 10Jlng : their lI\'l's In heroic efforts to ! ; ave tholl' fellow men or for the vte. . . . tllns thomselvl's , < Injured totall ) . Provision is made 1'01' mednls to he given In COllllllemoration of heroic U'tH , ' \'he endowment Is to bo Imown as "The Hero I und , " anel consist ! ! of $5,000,000 of fll'Jl : eollatera ) 1101' cent LJomlo o. tllO United Str..tes Stee ) COl' . 1101'U1.0n. 'I'ho trllst Is Illaccd In the hands of 11. ( ' ( l1nmlsslOn composed of the followIng - Ing ! ; ontlemoll : , V , I" Ahbott , El1wln U , Andrews , W. W. ll1llc.uUl'n ) , grl- warch 1\1. Bigelow , .Joseph Bullington , W. g , Frein , T B. , Jacltson , ' 1'homas L'neh , Charles C. Mellor , N. i'lll11or , 'I'homns " 101'l'1son , Frederick P. Pel'- Idns , RolJCrt Pltl'atrn , II , Kirk Purtor , JameJ F , Heed , \ \ . J. . Scalfo , Wl11lam ScoU , W , 11. Stevenson , E , i'li. Wl1mot. sel'retary. ' 1'he commission held I s f1ral moet- In here ) , 'rlday und made Imown the project , It II ; learned that the scheme was CO:1C01\(1'1 : 1. > y lr. Carnegie 1m. rnellately ! n1'tor the Harwlc1. mlno disaster - aster , whell Iw summoned to New ' ' ' ' ' ehall'lnan and MI' , 1'01'1. i'llr , 'fa 'lor , , \Vl1mot , manager , to dIscuss with them 111e-ns for the relief of the suffm' . ers from this catastrophe , On this occasion Mr. Carneglo announced - nounced to i\essrs , 'ray lor and WIl. mot his Intontlon to endow a funrl for heroes , oul1lnlng his )1lans ) , and nslwd that the ' consider the project and write him rcgardlng It , mnldng such sum ( 'stluns and gl\'lug such Ideas as might o'rUl' to lhem. Thl they did , and on l\lal'C'h 12 , just before hie ; dc- ImrlUl'o fill' Eurol1C , Ir. Carnegie for- ward'd a letter to11' ; , Tllylor un , nouncln the Illan and stating that I hI' ( 'ertlficate for the bonds had heen 11111l'ell In his hands , " 11' . Carn gle warns the commission agalnsl the danliel' of Interference 01' conlllct with the lIen810n funds for municipal bmilloyes thnt exlslH .In many cities and urges it to act In hl\r- mony with : mrh funds. ' } 'hls , as Is the ( 'aHO with al1 the details of , the funrl's arlmlnlstratlon , Is loft to the commls , slon. slon.The The claims upon the fund for omo years cannot exhaust It. Aftel' some 'cnl'3 JlonSIOno1'1I will. lIecomo 11I1mm- , ous , Should the commIssion fir'd , allowing - lowing Ilhernlly for this , . that a Sill'- 11111s wl11 relnnln , It has Ilowor to maim grants In case of acclrents ) ( prefc1'lIhly where a hero has al11lear- cd ) to these Injul'el1. 'rhe field embracerl h ' the fllnrl III the United States and Canada and the water. . ; thereor. SHIPS BOMBARD PORTARTHUR. . I Battleship pobleda Answel's the Fire While L.ylng at Her Anchorage. LONDON-'fhe following lHllUtch has been received lIy 11. news agenc ' from SL Petershurg : "VlceJ'OY Aloxleff , telegraphing un. tier Frlla "s dale , sa 's : " 'At U a. m. n. .Tapanese fleet ot fourteen vessels , In two dl\'lslons , . bombarded POI'l Arthur and f1rell 185 projectiles at the nus sian Heel. The battleshIp Pohle(111. ( unswered from hm anchorllge , 'I'he hatte1'l0s also relll1ed )1'1\0 ) men wore woundecl. The tOWIl sustaIned no damage. ' " Rumor of Dttle on LONDON-Tho St , Petersburg cor respond'nt of the Standlll'd sends r rU1llCII ) to the effect that Vlco Admlrn 'folo's Heet C'scol'ted a , Jal1 nOSe land ing of troolls to the wel1tward of thl Yulu l'l\'er , When 12,000 men ha ( heen landC'd the Husslan troops , whlcl were 1 'lng c'oncealed , suddenly aUacl. , . cd them , dl'lvlng (1)11IInc' ( ] . to Ihl uhll18 with hea , ' ; . ' losses In mon lUll guns. Panama Wants Recognition. PANAI\1A-It has 1I0eu decreOll h ; the government that nil the commlll ropresentatlves of nntlons who bav , not. formally recognlze\l thb rellUbU of Panama wl11 he una hie to contllw' ' olllclal relations with the governmen until such recognition has tlllwn plac ( ; . ' Woman Enrolled as a C06sacl < . ST , p ) 'rlmSBUHO.-1'ho Will' mil Istry has gl'l1nted the petition uf 1'lml pousch , daughter of Colonel "Inxlm' ( J. cOllllorow , who dl'Rlrod to bo onrolle 10 In n Cossa'l. regl1l1Ont. 'I'ho mlnll I , . tr ' haH ordero(1 ( hol' lJnrolllllent. 111 111 ' ' 'hen a woman Ilocllnos 10 IlIscm l , ' hel' worl , Hho IlIIlu It on the gl'Oun of modeHly. New York Dank Goes Down. 10 NgW YO\U-'I'ho \ fOIl oral IInn\e. \ II' state InBlltution In this CJlty , wr ! s closed anrl ollleials of the Htnto hanl :11 : Inp ; IlellarllllC'nt 111'11 In cJhargo , Dllvl 0. Hoth80hlhl W1\8 Ilrelliriont of the hlHI o tullon until a I'IIW woolH ; : IIltO , whe of l'Ollorts ha vln llllllll ! Into eh'cnlatlt : 10 thnt thl1 IInnl. wall cOllnoctCl ) with II or Gloho SI'clll'lt I ( ' ! ; comllany , whl ( 'a. ' ) oanod I11Uuor un HalarlclI , ho 1'0SI IH II' 1l11l1 wall ; 'lIcceeded ' by WlIlIa IJ ; WOOdH , who , with ) )001ltlle. hall s ld cUl'od contl'Ol 01' the bani" 'l' ! IIcnl\'t cnllltal 18 $2 OOOO. , . . . - rtEPORT ON DIETrtICH. - Committee glvcn Nebralka Senntor : l Cle 1n Dill on All Chorges. I W ASIIING1'Or\-SouatOl' JJll'trlch of : Nobraslm hl\S been Itclared ) ! by a Rperlal coml11lttoo of congr sB to bo 1I0t guilty of any "Iolatlon of the stal- utes of tlto Unlterl States 01' of any corrullt 01' un\\'OI'th ' ( 'ondllct relating olther to the nJlllolntmcnt of , Iucoh Jo'ISIIC1' as 110stmuHter at Hustings , Neb. , 01' for the ) oaslng of the uullrl. Ing In thnt elt ) . to the Unltod Slates for a Ilostoffico. 'I'hl' ( 'ommitt'e which Invcstlgated the charges against Sen- IttO\ ' Dietrich waH C0l1111oHed uf Sena. 100's Hoar , Platt of Uonnecllcut , Spoon , er , Cocl\1'ell IInd Pettus. 'fhrce memo be\'s of the committee are l'elluu1lcans anll two are democrats. 'I'he rellOrt Is unanimous. The I'e. Ilol'l revlows the testimony at INlglh nnd the ( 'oncluslon Is reach ell that the charge's cannot ho sustalnoe\ \ . 'l'he committel' . with refercJUce to the leaHe of the hUlh1lug al HlIsthlgR , f1nds that It WIIS effcctell whllp11. . D1otrll'h wns gO\'Ol'nor and IIl'fore he IlCcamo senator , thllt It l'xt'ndcd for ten 'earB IUlll thn t I he law governing In such nmltel"s was not vitllated. DIETRICH REPORT IS READY. Will Not Be Made Purv"c Until Return of Senator Pettus From Alabama , WASHINOTON.-It In ( lXl1CCtoll lhat the rellort In the Dlotl'lch Clllle will be made puhllc Ullon the retlll'll of Sonn. tur Pettlls , who hnu one to Alnhnma , uut who IH oXllecteel huclt on Thlll's- elay. The rellOl"t , written hy Sonllto\ ' Platt , was 11Ied with Chairman ) loal' In view of the absence of SenatOl' Pettus , who may decide to mlllw some aHoratiuns In the -/erblage uf the 1'0' POl"t all IlI'elmrelt by Senlltor Platt , It was thcJItht hest 1. > y the chairman to withhold an ) ' Intimation of the nature of the rOllort until the full committee - tee harl IJllsHed Ullon It. It Is thought , h O\\'ev 01' , that JURt as soon as Sonato\ ' Pettus retUl'nH the action of the committee - mittee will he made puhllc. So far aH can ho ascertalnell there 18 no reason - son to elou1.t that Senator DietrIch will 1. > 0 absolved from the charges made aglllllRt 111m , BRAVERY IS TO BE REWARDED , Proctor Dill tl : Be Reported Upon Fa. vOl-ably _ \ \ ' ASln GTONollRt01' Pl"Oetol' today Introllucell a hill , which wl11 be favurahly rOllol'tell hy the committee on military affairs , to authorlzo the president to rowal'll dlftlngulsbed or eSlleclnlly mm'ltorlo1U ! ser"lco rencler , ed h ) ' cortaln ulllcers 01' thfl active 1Ist of 'the arm ) ' , The bill provides I'm the croatlon of a distinguished Hon'lcc list , tu Include five colonels , six lieu tenant.colonels , el hteen majors , tOIl calltl\lns and five Ilrsl lieutenants. Appolntmentn to the dlstlngulshel' ' sen'lce IIHl llI'e to he made on the spe clfic recommendation of u hoarrl. m near Ii0rmanOlll as lIlay he , uf I1vc general ofllcers or the actl"e list 01 the arm ' . IRRIGATION IN NEW MEXICO. Average Cost of System Per Irrlg:1tec Acre , $16.87. WASHNGTON.-Tho census 1. > u reau , In a preliminary repol't on Il'riga tlon In New Mexico In 1U02 , sh w : 254UHi ncres Irrigated from 'al sour es. ' 1'he nnmher of farms rellrc sent cd waH ! J.S25 and the average cos per Il'1'lgated acre $ lG,3i. , 'I'he 1,241 Irrigated systems cost , Inltlall ' , fa main canals and ditches and the nee essary head gates , resen'olrs , dam : : IllImplng plants , etc" $4,301UH . 'l'hl entire longl h of main cunuls111 / ditches was 2S4C mll03 , an nverag' ' length lie I" RYSt111 of over two mllm Since 18HU the Irrlgatcl ( area ha Increased 51,052 acres , or 25 1101' cen1 while the Increase for the decac , 188UJJ ! ! was over J 22 pOl' cent , Cotton Crop of India. WASHINGTON.-1'he go\'ernmen of Indln. has IssuOl ) Its f1nnl oner ( ] memorandnm on the cotton crop ( ) llrltlsh India , for 1 ! J03 and 1 U04 , sho" In that the area nnder cotton of 17 G70,5UJ ! acres , Is 0\01" 1.000,000 acre larger thnn thp correcterl area of la year , which was then the highest 1'1 turner1. ' 1'he ulllcial figures uf the e ! tlmated 'lelrl Is 2,87-1,89:1 : hales. ' 1'h e tfmato total 'Iold for thlH seaso ( excluding the retU1"1lS from Assai and i\1 'sorl' , which 11Id not rellort la year ) Is 1l111H"Oxlmately the same t1 fOl' the last season. To L.eave It to the President. WASHINGTON-'I'he house con tIIltteo on navl\l alTalrs on ' ) 'uesrIa l\\Ithol'lzod a favorable rellort on th l' Lacey hill , 11crmlttlng the Ilresl en In his Illscrotlon , to appoint as mil shlpmon In the na\ ' ' former Cndets , II , Lelland , , W. Chaffee and J. ) Little. who were 11IsmlHsed from AI nallolls last "elU' 1'01' hazing , ' 1'1 : cadets , If allpolnted , will o to sc If ! wllh tholl' clasH UH the lowest In I'ILnl II Tholl' class f1nlshod at the academy I February last. Try to End Grain Rate War. a N ] ; W YOHK-A meetllll ; of ra LS road Ilrosillents wl1l 110 held In th I. . clt ) ' In u few duys for the IIlIrl10i 1(1 ( of IIl'lnglng to an onll , If posslhl : \ . the grain I'ato war IJCtwoon the eUf III ern trunl. 1 nes. UII to date this WI III has done little damage , as the I'oal 10 have been cllI"I''lng only a nomlll h I amoullt of graill. Now thnt lalw na 111 \t.atlon \ Is auout to open. largo qunn I 11ties will lIelln 10 J\\m"o. It Is sa o. that 15,000,000 tons of gruln al'O " , a 10 ] Ing to ho shlplled from the wesl the Atlantic seaoar , . ' , . . . . ' ' . , / f - . . ' . , . : " . " , w I' . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ . ITHAT FATAL MINE I FORTY.FIVE RS AND MEN PERISHED. - THE FIGHT OFF PORT ARTHUR - ' Rear Admiral Urlu AnnounccG the Great Japanese Vlctory-Snys that. In the Engagement t. e Islander:1 Sustained No Loses : , I ST. pg'l'lmSBUHG-Forty.f1ve - bill. COl'S and l1\en Iwrlshed onhoard the torJledo heat deHtro 'er Uezstmshnl. whose 11eJtruC'llon by the , fl11llneso haE lIe:1 announced. . TOKIO-A hrlef report from Heal- Admlrlll UI'lu of Wodnesday' ! : ! fight- Ir.j ; off Port Arthur reach the nuvy delJlI'tml'ut : Thm'sllar aftOrJIOOII , It. sn 's VIC'l' Arlmlral Togo'H Heot at- tacl.ed PorI Arthur In the lI1 : > nrlll ( ; Ilnd SIIC'l'l'l'dpd 111 slnIdng a haltleshlp of the Pet IOIIU\'lo\'sl. class und uno lorvello hOIl t dl'stro 'er. ' 1'he Jalm- neso Bustalnl'd no losses. 0110 .Jalla- nese WU1 ! WOlll111od , A cletallocl l'ellOl't of I ho cl1luge- ment Is t'xlJcrlcd hOUI'ly. The IIrst Intimation lIf the result of YII'o Admiral 'fogo's seventh attack - tack ofr POI'Artnur \ reached TOldo ' ' ' ' , It at 8 o'clocl. 'l'hUl'sday momlng "IlL : ; J't1ccVl',1 ! with Intense sutlsinc , tlon. partllularh' ! the reported de. structlon or the hattlechlp PetroJla v ' lovsl. , 'fhol'o was a note of regrot. however , Ulon ) I he reported death 01 I Admiral : \talmroli , for the nusslan t admlrul c'ommancod ) the respect 01 his opponents and the .Japanese ad , I mired the mr.nnel' In which he had rehahllltatcl ( the lIeot after the IIrst attud.1I I\llon Pori Arthur , and the . splendid lI ht he was maldng aalnsl ; odds. The na , . : dellartment expcrt ! < . n.rt"IPes from Ylee Admiral 'fogo h - night. It Is1lo"n ) that ho left In the \'Iplnlt ' of Port Arthur ' 1'hursday to I'otllrn tu un unlmown hase , and It Is PXl cctcd that. he wl1l roach tele- graphiC' ( , oP1I11111\1C'ation lIy night. W ASI Ilr\O'1'ON - The , TILII1U1ese- mnlstor [ has rece"ed a dlsl1l1.tch from his gO\'lrnment ! emhorylng ) an official report. 1'1'0111 Admiral Urlu , regarding tlw elgagemellt elf Port Arthur , as. follows : "According to the reJlO1't of the tor- pC'lo destroyer lIotflla No.3 , our lIeot allproachcd Porl k'thur on tha 13th of April anrl sunl. pne hatleslIp ! ] of the enen ; . ' of the Petl'Olavlo"sl ) ; : t'pe flnll une torpcdo boat Ilestro'er' No rlamage to om' lIeet , Nu rellort' . ret fl'om Admiral 'rogo. " S' } ' , PE'fl RSllUHG-Vlre Adnl1ra I Starl ; : , formerl ' in commnnd of tht Russian lIeet at POl't Arthur , In Ill' Intervlow Is quo'ted as sayIng : . ' 'In m ' elllnloll the 1 , > etl'oplvlrH"s : struc ] ; : ono of the contac't mineR lal off Capo Llao Shnn , bllt whll'lI hat , been t01'll from Its moorings h ' thl : terrible slorms prevailing IUEt \ wefJ\ and which orlftee ! unrler the stress 01 the SOllth gales Into the roallHtead. It could not have ueen a n iul. ! laid ' 1 ( nO:1r the entrance of the hlrbor , bCJo cause the Intter Ilre not contact - mines , out arc fired hr an olectrlr ; wire from the shore. " I CRUSHING BLOW TO RUSSA ! , One of Her Ships Exploded and Seven Hundred Men Perish. S'I' , PETERSUUnG-WhUe Iolng' out to meet the Japanesc Heet off Port Arthur , the Petropavovsl ] ; : sll'1lel < a mine In the oull'l' roarlstoad , hl'olol ( over. turned turtle find sanli , PracLicaH , the whole of her ( 'rew was losl , Inc1l111lng VI eo Al1mlral 1'1al.- arolt Onl ) ' fOllr officel'il were sa"el. ( among- them uefn ! ; thl' Grand DIlI\O Cyril. who was IIrst o lcC'r of the ship : ' 'rhe PetrollUvlm'sk was Hying the- J fiag of Vice AdmIral : a ImrolT. Another accoullt saYH twenty men elicalQcl ) from the (1Isastor ( to the IJe _ trolll1 vlovs\ [ . Orand Dul\O Cyril was onh' save-lT fl'om death hy It mirflc'le. His hroth- 01' , Grund DillBoris. . wltnos od the- cutadrophe throllgh a mlll'lno glass. It Is estlmaled that fro1l1 fiOt ! to 700 men 11erlshcl ) when the PetI'OIIIV- Im'sl ; : sank. Hl'portH are very c'onlllrlln ; ; as TO l\1alcaroff's doalh aiBI us to whlther the catastrophe was I he l'eHlIlt of a f1lht with the el1l'mr 01' IllIe to the Pelroll:1vlovsl. strlld:11 ; a mine in the harbor. ' Some of the 1'1111101'1'1 ' 1Ieclal'o that y 'I : -'llllwroff WfoS 01bOlli'll tlw PolroJla- 10 lovsl ; : anrl olheri : Sllr he was not on t , hoare ! . II- IIJ" Give Out No War Ncws. ) . ST , PWl'EHSBUHG-OII accollnt of 11' the hell nys the c'o1l1mlttee on 111m. Ie tul'Y ( 'enSOrR sal fOl' only an hnllr ! a - _ ol1la ( ' , leaving thl'h' ol\l'c \ at 10 I. , o'doek 1.alpr olllC'ial dispatches from In the sro : 0 of war will not 110 marlo Illlhllc I\ntl1 'I'nesday , . Afflicted with Trachoma , II. W ASr-.NGTON-1'hel'o WUH landotl 1'1 at Tacomll , Wash. , I'ccentl ) ' flflFill. . 90 plnlls who " , 'ore hl'ollght 10 Iho nl1cd 0 , StnteR lindt/I' C'Ollt l'aC't tll tlll\O IlIIl't , n ( , i . It. the l'hl1\pplllt \ ! Islnllrl I'xltlnlt nt the SI. I' LOllis I.XllOSllllln , 'I'hlrl "lIlno or Iho :1t1 : nllmlHI' Wl'ro allll'led with tI'HC'h01l1a , al U IlIsel\AC of tI1l' ( ' ' ( ' . Unllel' n. rUling " . hy the attorlley gOlloml natlvcs or tI. the Phl1\Plllllo \ IsluUllfl 111111 POI'to Him hI 111'0 1I0t IIl1ens within the meaning of : t. the Immigration nct IIl1r\ \ the ) ' had 10 to he luln1ttetl. ! Congl'osR will bo nSlil'11 to meet Ru'h cases IIrlslng hereaft I' .