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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1904)
. ' , ) 1\1" 11111L'brarlan ' Soolo' ' , . . . , . ' - " , USTER OUNTY . EPUBLICAN. ' ES'l'ABLISHl D 1882. ' 1'HE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUS'1'ER C01JNTY. LARGES'l' CIHCULA'l'ION OIi' ANY PAPEH IN 'rHE COUNTY. _ . - - VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW } CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA } THURSDAY } APRIL 21 , 1904.uEIGHT PAGES. NO. 45. _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 1 . t i , - ; , ' : : : : ie'b : : I' nccklnc , pretty hrooch or : daint > . pin. There's n vcry . p1casmg Ilssortmcnt .of these and mnn ) ' othcr articlc ! ! for fcminillc ml01"l111lcnt ill our : stock of I ' . . { . , . Wc wonld hc plcascd to huvc . ; , thc ln ies examine our linc , 'l'hc goods urc vcry prctty , vcry I _ good " , . .I " , , , , on ubI ) " p""d. ! . . . , : , . I .00000. . . . . eM . ' - " . - . - . - - " - - - . - . . . . . - . - ! 1 ' School 3 ok ; I : Tahlets i : f \ ? r.1 .L ---AN 11- ' 1' _ , . I , It ' \ ? School Supplies , k i : -AT- I 1 J. G. Haeberle's ; ! . . . . _ _ . . . . _ - - - , . _ _ . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' > J. 'Y. ' m : : : : : i : : : : : : : ml I , J. R Rhodes of Ansley , was a county scat visitor 'rues. 1"OR ! SAIU--Housc an 2 lots. Enquire at Star GrocerJ of Con- cannon. Rooserclt League mecting Hrst and third Friday nightg of each munth. 'l'omorrow is Arhor Da ) ' . Do not fail t" plant at least om' trce I on yonr prcmisc . ' ' Flick left 'l'uesd 'l'aylor < 1Y morning for Oklahoma to'isit his sons. G'eorge and Walter. Swift's Pride Soap is thcsafest and purest soap you can UgC in your laundry. It protects the clothes'et clcans thom thorough- Iy. 1\lrs. H. E. Mycrs was called to Iowa bv telegram on 'Vcdncs- ( lay morning to the bedside of hcr fathcr. We trust she may find him improving when she a rri.CS. . II. Lomaxvcnt to Omaha 'l'nesday of last week , with his daught r , gdith. for medical treatmcnt for ear trouble. An operation was had on thc affiict- ed mcmber. Mr. : Gomax return- cd Frida.y morning. DumNcarVeissert , 'l'ucs- ( lay , April 1st , the infant daugh- tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Nels John- : ; on. 'rhe funeral was held at Church of God at Weissert , 'Ved- nesday the 13th inst. , and the remains - mains were laid to rest in the \V eissert Cemetcr ) ' . 'rhc Juniors of thc D. . B. church will hold a Good Time Social at A. P. Johnson's on Saturday afternoon if the weather - er is nicc.IJf it is not a nice day it will be postponed till further notice. A good time is being p 1.nne for and no admission. _ _ v. . . . . . _ ' . - - . - - . . - - - - ' ) r ' , - , " . , L.Ji.T : ! tJt1T . E Ii ? GO \ . i G-al1agher ; f J I We nced the roolU and must have it-go on the run to get the must 1 < 0 and go quick. The stock of I ( ) ueenS\ Tare , . . . . . . " , and Classware ; , : Will be sold regardlcss of cost. Wc arc going' ollt of this line of our business so as to give Ow room and time to our G owing Grocery Businegs. 'ro l'ot1\'incc you. note thege pnccs : . Olt\ \ CI".1111Ullt . Price. I'rlc. . Wash bowl and pitcher. . . . . . . . . 1.20 S .1)0. 7-inch W. G. plates , per set. . . . . ' . (10 A5. Cups and saucers , per set. . . . . . . . . ( ,5 .50. . 'f-piece glass set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 .W. , } 6 gallon glass pitcher. . . . . . . . . . .IS. . .1 . Glasg saucc ctishcg. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 : ' . .15. 'l'hcsc arc bnt a fcw of the ridiculouslluw prices. Hemcmber thcse gooh are all English goods ailll l rstclass. Come on the run. Do not delay-cannot last lotlg" . Parties wishing to finigh thcir sets will plC'\sl' : l'ome at oncc , he fore stock is gonl' . Yonrs for bu"illl' ; " , - . ' C BO , r-W-1Nf ; . .J . . . . . , Bow , Nebraska , North of l ailro.ll . 'rl'ac\ \ { . , , . . . . . " " ' - . < m : mt ! l- A' n . . . - ' : ! t"t"t"'t"'t " " " " " " " ' " " ' " "t"t1'11t"tt " " ' " t ttttt't1'tt'f1""tt't1" , , ' ' ' " " ' " - - , = = , -rr : = < < \ q Q = = : : : : . .aJL : " - ' . 1:1 . . : : : : : I Look Herell - - - - , - - E We will 'give the following" pri c ; for the persons = = E bringing us the largest amount of l'ggS hl t\\'l''n this alHl = = : : : : the first of May : : : : = - . . - ' - = - = 1st pnze-lOO pounds gT.lllulilte(1 BllgIII' . : : : : : : : : 2nd prize-100 . pounds best flour. : : : : : : - = - = 3rd prIzc-one case tOll1il tlw. . . : : : : : : : : 4th _ prize-l0 pounds cotr 'l' . : : : : : - I , , ) . : - : : : > t 1 pnze-one ' d mcn can" III l'um. : : : : : - - : : : And we will also give the enc paying us th most = = : : : : money on account , or for goods or both , betwcen now and : : : : : = = thc first of July , $10 in cash. : : : : : = . - = We also . have . a lot of nicc Queel1swm'c in transit , that :3 - : = = we arc g0111g" to glve away to our custom < 'rs. : : : : : E Yours for business. = = . - - : The Star Crocery Co. : 11111111111111111 11111 11111 11111 111111 11 11 11111111 11 11111111111 , , Jas. Dare of Gates , was a business - ness caller at this ofiice Monda ) ' . 'V. S. Mattle ' of Anglcy , was nmoung the social callers at this ollicc Monday. HcJ. . H. Woods called Mon- da ) ' . He was on his return from Bethel Union whcre he held services Sunday. , Yo S. McGraw , who lcft herc for the wcst a few days ago writes to havc the l l'U'unr.IcAN sent to Seattle , Washington. II. T . Zimmerman of Ansle.y , was a cit ) . \'isitor Saturday. He camc up as a witness in thc insanity - sanity case of Mrs. Gracc Kalin. W. B. Poor' family arrh'ed in the city last weel { from Califor- nia. 'i'hey will occupy the Kirk- patrick housc west of the 1\1. lD. church. 1\1rs. U. 140 Ward waso\'cr from Sargcnt 'fuesdaj' . She reports that Mrs. larc ' securcd ten mcmbers to orgal11 e an 1\1. B. A. lodgc there. Ii' . M. l ublcc returned last Friday morning' from California. He is very much improvcd in health. Mrs. Hublec wi11 not return until.later. J. H. Dean and .l eD. . A. Shetler attended the session ol the Presbytery at Geneva last. week. 'rhe ) ' went dQwn Tuesday - day , returning' li'riday. . John Mulvaney of Mason Cit.y , and N. B. Predmore of West Union , members of thc Soldiers Relief Committee , were transacting - ing business 111 the city Satnrda ) ' . Mr. 1\1. Sharplcss of Ansley , and Miss Sallie ChrismRs of Elk Creek , were married last 'I'hurs- day noon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. J. R. Wood officiating. ' . R. R. Barnard , editor of the Loup Valley Queen , and F. 'V. Conley , editor of the ' 1'ribune were city visitors ' 1'uesday. They came over Monday to at- tend' ; meeting of the Editori l Association 'I'he school entertaimuent held last Friday night in the opera house proved quite a success 111 every particular. 'l'he attendance - ance was large and the exercises I especiall , good. 'rhe receipt of : the evenll1g was between $ ( ,5 and . $70.00. A number of Masons of this : city went to Omaha ' 1'uesda ) ' to : attend a meeting of thc Schriners. Among those who went were' . Alpha. Morgan , J. J , Wilson , H. I W. Gcorge , George Willing , Ras. . Andcrson , E. R. Purcell and 14. E. W 1son. i N. ' 1' . Gadd has filed a suit in the District Court against Chas. I Frecman , proprietor of a saloon i at Sargcnt , and his bondsmcn , Monroe } i'reeman , Gcorge Garrison - son , Geo. Mulligan and C. L. Smith , for damages in the sum of $5,000. It is claimed that Chas. K. Smith becamc intoxicated - cated in li'ebrl1ary at li'rceman's "ahwn and because of thc intoxi-I cation failcd to rcach homc and laid out doors ovcr night and froze his feet so badl ) ' that they had to be ampntatcd. . 'l'he Commissioners on insanity have had under consideration for I several days the sanity of Mrs. Georgc Kalin of Ansle ) ' . It appears - pears that the husband had becn compclled to leave homc becanse of domcstic trouble which led to him filing the complaint of in- sanit ) ' against his wHe. F. D. Mills was .employed by Mrs. Kalin to defend hcr. 'l'he evi- dcnce has not at this writing been sufficient to cnable the board to full ) ' detcrmine the case and no filial decision has becl ! dc- clare(1. Should she escape thc as > 'lum , it suit for divorce and allmon ) ' is hkely to follow. A sister of the defcndaut of Iowa , who is said to he well to do ha'1 comc and has offered to talc Mrs. Kalin home with her illU1 takc carc of her. If this arrangement - rangement is agrceable it is probable - bable the qucstion or her sanity will not be passed upon. ' ' . . . A ' .IUIIIC.UIUI/tIRU. 1\1. M. Austin of 'Vinchester , 111 < 1. , knew what to do iu the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble , physicians could not I I help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills : and she got relief at once and : was finally cured. Only 25c , at 14ee Bros. Drug Store. Geo. Palmcr went to Alhance this morning. 'I'he Reed-Smoot in'cs ti ga t ion has been talen up h ) ' the congressional - gressional commit tec again. I 'V. V. Allen is being fwordl I by the pops for go\'crnor , while W. H. 'l'hompson of Grand Island - land and C. J. Smyth of Omaha , are being considcrel ( hy the democratcs. , C. H. Sims , aSRCSSOl' in Douglns I Gro\'c township , up to date wears the belt for doing the I OSt work. I He filled out 40 scheldnle on personal property , londa.r and 'L'ucsday , besides the real ctatc ! listed. Silas ' 1'homp5011 of Upton. was a social caller at this ol1icc 'L'ncs- day. His brother of PlaHsmouth who has been \'isiting with him for the past month came up with him and took thc train for home ycsterday morning. D. m. Boudcr has bought the framc buildings bet wcen thc Cnster National Bank and the post omce , which he wilt tare down and use thc Inmbcl' in building a dwelling' 'for himself in the north part of town. 'V AN'l'HD-At - once , canvassers on commission or straight salary ; i 550 per month to begin with.j Payment of salary not conditioned - ed on success. General agents wanted also ; $50 per' ' month and expenses. Enquirc of 'W. .1. Col- vin at Molloy's restaurant. . Claude Wahl and Miss Pearl Liggett stoIc : l Iharch Monday on their friends and went to Granu Island , where it is reported - . ed they were married Monday evening. They arc expected back l riday morning. The RIt- purI AN joins thcir man ) > fricnds in . 'congratulations. J llJ. R. Lang aud Georg'c ' 1'1'0- baugh of Litchfield , were. social callers at this Qffice Saturday. r. Lang says his locality will help .in putting down a test well. He thinls that if mtisiau water can be made available for ir , gati'o.n purposes' tl1a the de\'elopment of the facl wdl he a grcat boo11 for Custer county and for that reason he thinks that every enterprising citizen in the county would bc willing to aiel in making the test. . nopubJlcal1 ( 'UUCUII orUnrUl'ld 'J'owlIshlll. I I The republican electors of Garfield township , are caned to meet in caucus Saturda.y , April 30 , at 2 o'clock p. m. in thc Swiss Valley school house , to elect seven delegates to the county convention to be held in Broken Baw , May 3rd , and for the transaction - action of such other business as may regu arly comc bcforc the i mceting. Jules Haumont , Com. , IIFAI.'rn 1ft 1.'OUTII. DIHeR"e nnd NlclllICHH : nrill" Old AleC. Herbinc , talcn every morning before breakfast , will keep you in robust health , fit you to ward off disease. It curcsconstipation biliousness , d'yspepsia , fever , i skin , liver and lddne ) ' complaints. i It purifies the hlood and clears. . the complexion. Mrs. D. W. i Smith , 'Vhitney , 'l'exas , wntes April 3 , 1902 : "I have uscd Her- binc , and find it the hest 111edi. cin for constipation alHI livcr troubles. It docs al1 you claim for it. I can highl- recommend it. 50tes a bottlc. Sold by gd. McComas , Brokcn Bow and MermJ. FOH SAI.u-M ) ' residence and eycrything in lousehol ( goods , piano , etc. lg barga1t1s. If housc is not sold by June 1st , will lcase it. Call afternoons. 44-4 T4. E. 'VnsoN. COlnt n'tes. JJul' ug Mutch I1ml April tIlC Burlington - ton will sell enc way tiCkctH to thc Pacific coast at very low ratc8. Here art : somc of them : $27.,10 to San Prancisco1111 : Ios Angles. $25 ' to PortIllm ] , 'l'acolllllllllil ca1lk. 1 25.5Q to Spo1anc. 1 20.00 to Buttc and Helcnll. $16.75 to Dig Horn asin , Wyolllin ! ; . Proportionally low ralcs to hundrcl1s of other points. 'fhcse rates offe.r an excellent opportunity - tunity to sec the great Northwest which prescnts unusual attractions to thc hOlllc- seeker. It possesses the iron and lumher of Michigan , the wheat of l\1 llncsolli. the wool of Ohio , the /iisherics / of Ncw Englaml 8ncl u seahoard \'uling thc At. Ian tic Coust. IC ) 'ou will tellllle when : ) 'oh lire going I shall be glad to give you full informa. tion about rates uncI train : > crvice I1nd i eJ\ll you advertising matter l1escriptiv or t'll ' S wonderful sections. I J. FJtANClS , : . Gtm ra' ' l'as euger Agent. 38'46 Omllha. Nebrasku i t"tt"1tt't"t""t" " " ' ' " " " " " " " " " " ' + t"t"'t"t"t"t"t""t" " " " ' " " " " " " " " " " ' il Bargains ! I - = = I have a few Hiding cultivators carried = = over from Inst 'elu' in good hupe , but u little = = weather beatoll , which 1 will offer you ( ' nH long' IlH they lust at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I 00 = = t tlw ; time you have rend this 1 will have = = re'ei ( ved a CHI' load of Gnllg and Sulkey Plows : = = fresh fl'Olll the ' which I am going to soli E : you ut a prier that wil mnke yon wonder how 1t E : r-un be dOlW. ' - = = 16"lnol1 High Lift Sull < ey Plow. . $36.00. 3 . 12..lnol1 High Lift Gang Plow. . . 49.00. E 14"lnoh H.igh Lift Gang.Plow. . . . . 50.00. 3 'l.'hese pJoWH are equal to any made nn are fully :3 : = = g'uUI'ullteNl. About the 10th of April , 1. :3 = = will get near lend ot : Uiding IJish rs , and t.he :3 : priep 011 tlWlll ; will he for - . . - = = ,2"Wheel Sulkey Lister. . . . . . $36.00. = 3 or 4 V/heel Sulkey Lister. . 36.00. E liThe Dealer That Saves You Money , " = : I E C.S.IVIARTIN , Mff ! . Agf = - - = -AND DBALEll IN- I . . ' ' ' ' } \.N'I'I-'l'l UST GOODS. : fill111111111111111111111111111111111 { + 1111111111111111l1111Al111111111111 { I have $1,500.00 privatc mone ) ' I to loan on well. improved farms , at a low t'a te of 111terest. 44-45 E. C. Housle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Have your worle done and haye it clone right by a competnnt' decorator. A. C. Hapgood does' Hus work and guarantees. Headquarters , Grand Central. I . . . O } { SAI.U-SOWS with pig's , EUCJ.uire at Star Grocery of Con- cannon. 45-46 - - . M. ASH , J . . . &VJC jIONB..v ' Of tbtrty Jearll exporlOl1CO. crl08 ales and wlLkou' . . .pecl<y of lIucUoneorlDg of .U . :111 @e. . OaU OD or WUtll ma at UroILeD now. Nebrll811. J . : . " # ) C (" " , . . . . .E. - o. , Ii " 6' USE' " " . . . I 8 I Real Estate , Loans , Insurance I have omc of the best farms in the county for sale. S I have somc of the best ranches in the'state ' for sale. R I have three good city residences for sale. I have some of the 1110st desirable city lots for sale. I have money to loan on good improved farms in Custer Co , R I have money to loan on good city property. I have the best equipped Insurance Agency in th county ; 8 representinrr the strongest companies in the world. I hold a cerWicate of authoritJ from the A uditor of the 8 State of Nebraska , authorizlUg me as agent to issue amI couutersign policies for the following companies : 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.i\'CCJlool amI 1.01111011 :11111 nlobe palll. $1000 000 m III Baltimore lire. ,0 CoutillUllal ! of Nuw Yorlc ( aUllllllbllcrl1J$11I Ilalll. . . . . . . . . . , . . . 000 . . , 10 . . IIIIferers . . 1 UOO 000 ) 00 III Baltimore IIrc. AclllaolliartCorll ) lall\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 000 00 III Baltimore IIlc. 11 . \I'tllaol Hartford Ilalll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JS2 ! O l 00 III ChlcalCo lirc. Antlla of Hartforll palll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . " " I 635 067 00 III 1Iosloll lire. l1 ( : ermall Amerlcall paILl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . SOO 000 00 In Baltlmoro lire. o Quct > n llIfourallcc Co. of America paILl. . " . . . . . . . . SOO 000 00 III althnora lire. ! . 'Ire . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . 300 000 00 IlIlIaltimore fire. Nlalrtrl IlIlIuracce co. o : : paid. " " 'rrallers of Chlcal/"o 11alll ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . 10' ) 000 00 In 1It1ltlmoro fire. S Farmers , I can save you $5.00 to $7.50 on each $1,000 insurance you want , in the above companies , than you pay S ( cxperimel1tals. ) I E. C. HOUSE , Brokcn Bow , - - - - - - Nebraslm. ' . ' . . ' . . . ' . . . . ' . " . " . . . . " ZIo.I'X.or.I : : : / .rj'.M .r.r..rJ.l' : ) # # .r.r.r.rJ" . - : .oo.ff : r".r..o : .oo-"J".r.r".r.r.r.r.r.r.r.rJ".r..ccr .rJ".rJrJr OUR CAR OF Farm Implements is now here , and in which we ha vc some. . . . . . . . . . . . ' Grood. : E3argain.s ! Come in and 1001 , them over. Ih-inch High Lift 8ulkey Plows. . . . . . . . . $32.00 R 4-har , 30 'l'ooth Stcel 3-Section Harrow. . , 14.50 C1t1ti\'aton from. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 up I The Climax Three Wheeled Lister H . . .a6Y-'l'he lister that pleases. A good 1 Yo : Harness at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ts19.00 A good 1 ! { IIarness of select ! itocl , at. . . . 20.00 n - . On stock saddles we arc always right , See our line of saddles for spring. , Janesville Barbed Wire and Grand 1 Island F'iel < l Fcncing. N ' Our Motto : "UNDUHSnI.I. . " . c. W. APPLE , Il. : : . : ; ;