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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1904)
- - - CUSTfR COUNTY RfPUBUCAA . - Dy D. M. AMSDERRY. DROKEN now. - - NImnASI\A . - - \ Brief Telegrams I I A New Yorle hrol'I' hllH ohtalned 0 $12CiOO "crellct In u Hlllt UgUhlHt HUH' l\ell SlIge , l.eonard Wood la conlll'meel OR Q mojot' gonoml In lho Sonlllo by a yolo of 4 to ] I , W. II , 'fhomllson hnH declined tn bo a clLllI/lllnlo / for lho Demncmtle 11011I1. IIntion fOl' gorernor oC Nehl'lIslm , Senulor Ollllmn InlrllIrcII ( n bl1l tn rellelll the desert 1111111 nct 11I111 the clllnmlllntlon or lho homoll'nll nl't. 'I'ho mlljorllY of the HOUHe HuhcOlll' rnlttco rocommondll lhe ImllCllchll10nt of .Jlldgc UhnrleH Swnyno of 1.'lorlcJlI . , HOIum commit leu on jlllllcinry 1111' t horlzod a l'OJIOI'1. 011 the I Irll IllltlOlHI utnllllo lenrlng Ollt the l'l'3tl'OIICtlVO fentllre , The BrltlHh HllhmllrlrlC' lIont WaR rlln down hy un ocelln Ilrwr ocr PorlH' mouth IInd IlII crow of eleven Ulen lll'Ownel1. 'I'ho lion cllh IInll two elellhnnt t1l81s , JlCta : of I\lng Monelllc to I'relhlent ! : HorJlovolt , IIrl'lroll In New 1'01'1 , IInll , mlrnal lellerS hll\'o heon sent to get lhem , Secretlll'y 'fnft. Inform ! ! the HOllso commlttoo on Interslllta and forohn co 111 111 UI'CO thnt ho fnvors the LeverIng 1111I for gln-Ul'nlng the 1'IInllmn Cnnnl Y.OIIO , I. N , Ii'ol'll In ; 'H mYHtory still sur. I'OUndH lho Altllntlon In the fnr gnat , hilt It Is lIelleved a geneml Jnpnneso nd1111 co hila buen commoncetl in Koren. AlIIh'ow Cnrneglo's gift of $ CiOOOO to Jon 'oll college nt Gum Iller , OhIo , IB Hnld to be In recognItion of Edwlt } 1\1 , Stnnlon's khlllneHs to 1\11' . Cnrneglo 'enrs no. Hoport.a thnt the Husslnns have croBHed the Ynluo river on a rnld of : \lnnchlll'ln nro confiromd. 'fho .lnlinn. l'SO awaIt a hnWo on the sOllth IIldo of the rIver. 'rho 1111I maldng allprollrlntlons for the Indlnn dOlmrtment shows a ross Increnso of $2,171,213 ! oroI' the bill ns llOHJod b ' the hOllse. It now cnrrles a totul upprolll'lntion of $9,821,40 . The Bnvarlnn Courier of Munich ] Irlnted n dlspntch from Rome sn 'lns It is nsaerted In vntlcnn cIrcles thnt nn ngl'eement hM bmm rencheel for the estnbllshment of a Ilapnl nunclnturo in Dt'rlln , WillIam , Cllrtls wrItes of the thollsllnds thnt nnnunlly nro slnln In hllt/n / b ' snnlws nnd wild bensts , and lells of the crusndo begun by the o\'CI'nrnont ugnlnst the denlzena of the jungles , 'rho commlsslonor of the genoml 111I111 otllco hns tempornl'ily wlthdrnwn from entr ' under the I'eclnmntlon nct two townshlp8 In The Dnlles , Oro" 11\1111 distrIct nnd three townshtHi ! In lhe La Gramle , are" distrIct , Allen p , l.orejoy of JnnesrllIe , WIR" hns jllst dIed , 110 lenves un estate \'ullled nt nbout $10,000,000 nhd wns the rlchost mnn In WIsconsIn outside of l\IlIwuulwe , His fortune wns chlof. ly nccumull\led In lumherlng OpOl'U' tlons , Acting Postmnstol' Genornl W 'nne hns recolrcd U I'eport from Asslstnnt SuperlntCl1l1l'nts Gould nnd Saw 'er of the salnrles nml allownnco dIvIsIon. recommondlng the consolhlntlon of the Enst St. LouIs stocl , 'urels station wIth i the Eust St. LouIs otllce , The House commltteo on elections reports thut A. D , Dnntzlor , n negro ot South Curollnl , wns not oledell to Congress , but hnores his plea that the aouthorn oloctlon Inws are Imconstl. , tutlonnl , on the ground thnt a rulln ! ; would cause wldo compllcntlon , It iB salll nt the Slate Ilopnrtment that Instructions were sent Sntul'lln ) ' to Ambassndor l\Iotontlol1 nt St. Petersburg to cnll the nttentlon of the Rllsslnn gorormnont to the condItion of the Japnneso In Slberln 111 the hOIH ! thnt the government will 110 nil 111 Its Illlower to onnblo thom to rotu1'll to JUlmn. 'rho IlOuso commltteo on Illdustrllli nrta nlld OXIloslllons IIdopted n com , llleto substitute fUl' the lIenato bill , mnldng an appropriation t'01' the Lowls nlld Clark oxosltloll ) to bo held nt Portlnml. Oro" bl'glnlllll ! ; Mny I , 190Ci , ' 1'ho bill as rcporled b ' the hOllse COlli' mltteo reduces the nllJI'Ollrlntlon ! lo $475,000. 'fho resIgnation ofInjor Soely , COli' I sor\'uUvo membm' of IJ/\rllllmellt / for \1 the 110 : : of WIght , dlrlsloll 01' Ilnmp. i 8hl1'o , whIch ho unllollllccd III the " hOllo of commolls dll1'ln ! ; the do\mtu \ , on the IIbernl mot/on / to cOlluro the ororllmellt fol' ItA ' I policy regul'dlllg the Importntloll ot' coollo lubor Illto South JUrlcn , IA nlllll. r\ " Go\'orllor Cnrter of 110110111111 has I cnlled nil oxtm ! lesliloll of the leJlsln. lure to moot on AI'II ) , I to COliS IdeI' the fInnllcos of the tre1SIll' ' , which III 1 Ulll\blo to moet the wnnullts IlrnWlI It. 1"m' the IIscnl ' ' "pOll l1resellt 'Ol\\ 1 the allllrolll'lutlolls excccII the Incol\\o \ 'j by $ l , OOOno , 'I'ho reOl'gnlllzl\tlon of the torrllol'lal go\'erllmont on n less oXlle1l91..0 bnsls Is 1I0W Prl1lloscll. A Mnnlla 1118111\tch \ SUYA that the Ilat. to , 1Ialllloll. who WOIIIIOII ( l\InjOl' II , 1 _ . , Seolt dllrlll nil Imgaomollt ! III .loln 'ill Noromllel' lust , hns hoell 1lIIl'cl h ) ' , lJllrsullll ; troolls. g\'cl'ythlll IH pence' 'fill 1I0W , with 110 opposltloll 01' nn ' jllnd to the Amol'lcall 1'1110 In the IslulIlI 'of Jolo. 'fho Mnrylnllel sellnte hnR IIUBsetl the bill nlillroprlntlllg $2CiOOO to I'clleve the deslltlltlon callBoII II ' the Bllltlmore 1Ire , 'fho COlIlIOlldutlOIl of the C"ololllnl , Nntlonal alltl Un 1011 Nntlolll\l halll,1 ! oj 1'Iovolnnd hns heon ratified b ) ' tht ! titocldlQld rs. . . . r f. . ' . , - . . REPORT IS FilED MERCHANT MARINE AND FISH , EFIIES QUESTION. - THE PROPOSED SENATE BILL It Is Scored In the Minority Report of the House Committee-Passage of Mo:1Gure Would Result In Holding Up the Government. W\SIIING'I'ON - HOIU'Sl'lItnllro ! i Sll'CIIHlInll ! ( : , ) IIIml lho farornlllo re. 1101'1. 11111 hor/wd / hy the h01I1W commIt. tco 011 nWl'chllnt mllrhw 111111 nl ! : wrlon II' nn nmlulell Hlmnto hili " 10 1'11"lro I hu ( 'mllloyment of VOIIIIOIR of till ! Unl. ( ' StllloN for 1Iltllllo IHII'HHOII ) , " 'I'hc 1111I 1'0111111'1'8 1111 gorcl'JIlIJcnt IHlpplies tJ'l\usporlel1 \ by aC'1I to 110 cllr' rled In vossolli ultlll'r owncd lIy the I Iw\'prnllJelll. orlyln1 / ; t hu AlIJorklln ; lIag , 'rho report hUHes the ne'easlty I'm' the bill 011 lhe groulld lhat It lIl'rer Is safe to dOIJClHI 011 forulgners fur the Ilefenso of 011I' OWII cOlllllry , It savs that the Unltl'd Stat's IIOW owns' thirteen lI\ssou1el' nlHl fl'elght trnnHporlll. nud that shonld theRe ho Inadeqllnto for the IlCOSSllr ) ' tmus. porlntloll of govummolll IIlIpplle' ! a 1\11 troops , IIhllls flylllg the Amorleall eng enl ' may he IIsell In mldltlon ; lhnt the 1O\'ommellt call not uxpoet Amerl , cnn ohlps to bo nrnllllhie In nn omer. goncy. The rlowA of the mInority of the commltteo. prcparell by HepJ'eaenlu. lIve Lllcldllg ( Mich. ) und signed by HelJresentnllres Slllght , COlllllon , Mc. Dermott nnd l..ucldng , declnro the 1111I lo bo a stop In the pulley oC SIlIlAhll . Ing aliI' mOl'chunt mnrlne , for whlc1\ 1'01' He\'en ; y'earR the most active , pOl' . Alslent , lnnllenllul nlHl IInblltahlng 1011. hy has been honndlng the life Ollt of hath brnnchea of congress. The rc. Ilort BUYS lhat olltshlo of the goods transport cd In yssels ! owned by the guvernment lhero was Illlid In freIghts for nltch carr 'lng In the yenr 190 ] , $4 , 23OCi4 , nnd thnt "lhla carryIng Is clone Ilrlnclpnlly to the PhllllllllneR , and , 11I(0 tile mnjor 1101tlon of all 0111' wnr and navnl eXllol\llltures of the Ilresent dny , hno lIeon rendered nec. esaal'y by the lIIadrlsod slllljugation IInd rotentlon of these Islllnds , " The report snYB the hili Is II. most lIarefnced mlsallilroliriation of IlIIblic UH1I10 'S , nlld ndds : "or the seventeen vessels now en. ' gaged In thlo tl'llfilc on lho Pnclne , all nm mnnned exclllslroly. ( except 011I- , COl'S ) II ; ' : Chlneso snllors , who worl , for ahout one.thlrel or ono.fourth the wnges thaL Amorlcnn BaIlers receive , eo thnt the American HallorR have i been completely supplunted by these Chlnoso In the very PacIfic ocean compnnles who nro IlI'esslng the 1 III and who nrc , In Imrt , to get Its grahl' Illes , " 'rhe' repOl't concllldes thnt "In some I'espects tl\1S bill Is worao thnn IIny pronollJlccd sllbshh' measure which hns IlCen advocntod In congress , bu. cnllRe It Elres : an nhsolute monopoly I to II. few cOl'lloratlonR nnd Inl1lrldunls I who mu ' . and IJl'ohably will. form n I l'omlllno anel hohl 1111 the gO\'CI'nrnent for all It will sland. " YOUNG CORBETT IS LOSER. James Britt is Given the Dcclslon In the Twentieth Round , SAN FHANClSCO-.lnmes DrIll of Call1'or llll was glren lho decIsIon oroI' Wllllnm Holhwoll , belleI' Imown ns "Young Corbett , " of Colorado. In a twonty.round conlest nt 'Voodwnnl's lJa\'l1Ion li'rlclny nIght. In the seven. teenlh ronnd Corllelt's advnntnge WIIS nllll11rent. hilt In thnt rounel BrItt. l'IIl. lied anll I'IIlnoel rlht nnd left blows on \'nl'llIIls IJlll'U01Ui of Corhott's nnatom ' , forcIng the champIon to clinch to sn\'e hlmsolf , 'fho st rlcI of the two hoxers were ( ) ntl1'lI ' dlffcrent. Brllt fought for t ht ! hell ' most of the time , while Cot' , bott lIe\'oteel hIs attention to the henel , I'ace anll jnw , Britt wolghed juut 12 ! ) 111II11111s. hilt Corbett'B wolght wns not mUlle 11I1\llIe \ , thollgh It Is IIndel'stooll hu waM. at leaRt II ) JollJlIl nnd 11 hall' helem' the ugrl'oll welght-IaO ) Jounds , TURKEY AGREES TO THE PLAN , RClches LJnderstandlng with Austrll ac to Police Force , 1.0NDON-Al'corlllng to the Ills , IlIItchl'l1 l'l'celrl'd from Constnntllloille , the 1101'10 anll lho Austro.Husslnn om , hUBslell hln-I' I'ill'hod ( } an ngreomcllt In rOll\\'d to till' organization of the : \ lnecllolIllIgl1mlnrmel'le / IIlIdol' I lIro' Ilenu o 111 e\'s , so It Is helle\'Q(1 ( It will not hn long hC'forl' tne rerorm SChl'lIH1 for l\lacellonln , a roell ullon b ' the om' IHWOI'H 'of HnBsln I\nd Austr/1. / ! nt their ml'olln at Iuer tog , Srrln , Inst ' { 'nr , In Sllllilort of which Allstrla hns bl'oll ullegl'lI to he moblll llI ! ; tl'ool1S , will bo In full ollel'lltlon. In an Interrlow at sonn. I\lnrch 21 , norls SnrnfofJ' , IIw l\lncol\onlnn \ 11'111101' saId hlR 11II1't ' Intomlpd to uWlllt the rmmlt of nn InlrJll1rtloll ( of the rl' fOl'1I1S hl'fJ'lI InllJwhlng n fresh In. SIII'I'l'lon \ , Report Orlglnll Packae ( ] Bill. WAS1I1NG'rON-1'ho house com I mllteo on Iho jlldlclUl'r on FrlelllY uu t horlwel 1\ \'OI'lIhlo rellort all t hl IIl'llhurn IIlIel lollh'l'l' lilli , grnlltlll the IituteR Iiollce IIIIWPI' over " ( ) J'lglnll Iinckngos" of Inloxll'ntlng liquor com Ing IlIt'1 their IIcmlors as Interslllll I commOl'ClJ , An amolllhnelll wns adopl , cd HlIlIuluthl ! ; thnt the 1111I IIhouhl IIUI I nlllll ) ' to llOl'SClIIH I'ct1elvlllg Illterstnlt IJhlpmonts of IIquUl' for theil' OWl' 1100'sonnl lise , 1It'1\rlll , . . " \ the bll ItnvlIeon mndo 1I111'hl ! ; tlw lust sl , \\'oos. ) ; WILL MOVE U STATES SHIP I Admiral Cooper Thinks New Chwang No Plnce for the Helena. W ASIIINU'rOI'----'I'o Adml1'll1 COOIl' Ir. III com IIIUIIII of the I III vIII forceR Oil lhu AHlnllc IIllItlolI , hua lIeell loft the II'clslon of Iho qllostloll whether 01' lIot I ho 111'11'1111 OJ' Homo olhor United Slnte's IIIl\1\1 veRHol Is to 110 1l'llt nl Nl'w ChwuIJ' : nH I'oqllt'sted hy Alllurlrllll IlItpl'eHt ! ! tlHH'o , 'I'ho Nu \ ' y delll\l'l men t IIIHI I"'II 111- formell lIy Alhnll'lLl Coollol' t hilt he hUH Ilcclelell thnt the condltlolls , lire 1I0t ! ! uch nil 10 wnrrnnt hIm In delalll' Ing the 11(110111Ill. . Now Chwung , If lho tOWII Is IItlnclwd b ) ' the , IIIIII\IWAO lIuvy the 1I0101l1l wOlllel 110 In the IIno of tin' , Ilnd no neutral shIp hua Il rlghl there If It CIIII gel aw ) ' . The NIlIloparlnwllt hns cuhled him to wlt/ull'llw / the IIhlp , IInll It llrolllllll ' will lenvo New Chwnn for Shnnghal III1lI Sllll't for l\lnnlla wllhln the pres' ont weol ( If the Ice cOlltlnuoH to soften liS rnplclly nil eXIIl'cled. PERSONS RIDING ON PASSES. R 1l1ronds Not Liable for Dlmagcs to Deldheads. W ASllING'J'ON-'I'ho UnIted Stutos SUllremo CO\l1't IIgllln doeleled thnt Ilcr- sonR tl'Uvellng 011 l'I\IIr0l1lls mnr not secure dl1l1111ge In CU1e of accIdent when the ' I'ldo on pnsses , and the clo. clalon wont to the extent of Ull1I'lng [ the prlnclplo to slIch pnssengors as were not Cnmlllnr with the contract UBIIIlII ' Ilrlnled 011 the bacla of the nnsses. The cnso doclllell wns thnt of .John D , HOCl'lng nnel hIs wIfe , Mearllng Boorlng , IIgalnst the ChesalJealw Beach Hallroael comlJ11ny , M rs , Hoor- Ing wns IlIjul'ed In un accIdent on the road whllo trnyellng on IImss laBued to herself IInd her husband , contaInIng the IIsunl sllplllation of ex. emlltloll from dnmage. It was urgetl lhat she hnll not been made IIWl\ro of the stlpulntlon , und thnt eyon If not Iinble on gonernl lIrh\CIIJles , the com. lIan ' mllst be so on accollnt of her Ig. nornllce. 'fho COllrt dId not accept thla view. CHINESE ARMS MENACE RUSSIA , Forty Thousand Troops Drilled by Forelgncrs Ready for Field , PARIS-Tho Ii'I nro's correspond. ent in Borlln telegraphs thnt aGoI" mnn oillcer who hna just arrIved there from 1\Innca ul'llsnys aerloua 011e1'l\ ' tlons In the fnr enst will not bo he- 'gun before the end of June. The prlnctml ! ohstacle to Russlnn rlctor ' , accordIng to lhla oillcer , Is lho fnct thut 40000 CLlneso troo:1s , weU trnlned p.nd wllh Gel'lnan nnd Jnpnn. ese Instructors , nre monaclng Russln's lines of comml\nlcatlon \ , RussIa , wIth the sllPllort of German ) ' , will pretest IIgalnst. thIs concentration of Chlneso lroops , Accorllng to lho Tollo corresponcl. ent of the Petit PIP'lslenne olllclni confirmntlon has been recelred of thc dostructlon of the Husslnn tOI'ICdo ! boat Ilestro'er Slwrl at Port Arthur hy the explosion of a submarine mine , ' 1'ho corroapondent sa's thnt lhe mllmdo 'e9tel'lla ) ' bade IIdlou to 4:15 : oUlcers who wor lenrlng for the front. . Anarchists After Police , RO1IAnothel' : nnlll'chlst outmge was nttomllted , but the Infernal ma. chIne , whIch wns Illnced on the win. dow sill of the rcsldenco of Police Commlsslonel' dlsco\'erclt llInrt. wns \ In tlmo to prevent nn ) ' dnmngo being dono. The mnehlno wns III 'ntlcal the ono whIch was explolled 1\IIIrch 18 outsIde the resilience of Commls. sloneI' of Police Lllurent. nnd which wroclwcI the houBe , 1lIIed nn l\I'llllery \ ! otncer , l\Injor Pnpln , nUll fnlnll ' or \\'O\I1Hled \ hnlf n dozen others , German Consul Gives Counsel. YIN KOW-The Germnn consul from 'rlen Tsln , nt II meetln of Gel'- mlU\ citizens , counseUed aU residents of thnt natlonnllty thnt the ' remnlned at New Chwnn ! ; lit theIr own rlsl , Hnd that In orent of loss of propert ) ' re- corery wns doubtful ; ulso thnt In lhe orent that Hussln wns defented the I'eco\'ol' ' of losses would enl ) ' he after n long tlmo , hilt If Jnlllln was defented rplo\'ory would ho sooner , BrItish rOHhlentti will \II'otost nalnst ! the ab- scnl'O of II WIII'8ht1 ! from Now ChWIIIJ ! ; , Denth Plelses Ornclals. WASlI1NGTON. - Secretar ' Taft and the ofllclnls of the Wnr dopl1rl. nJl'nl openly express tholr grntlfica. tlclII nt the news of the dellth of 1\In. carlo Snltr , the so.called prosldellt of I ho Phlllllpine republic , Snly secured his freedom IIndel' the nmnest ) ' Ilrocln , million nnd nell to the mounlnlns wllh a small for ( ' or Itlndrell 3\1lrlts \ nnd , since hns lJIudo cent > lIlorable trouble b ' nttllcl\ln small rlllages nnd ullpro , tectl'd eXllelIltions , Blllnntyne Ag:1ln Acquitted. ; \IANII.A-W , D , nnllant 'ne , ex. 111t1IJOrtm' or customs , has just been 1Il'lIlt\ell ( hy Judge Ambler Oil n hlll'HO or ( , ollsI1Irnc - to defraud the I luslOIllS ! h ) ' furtherIng the 1lI0gui en. I'I' ' or nonexempt Cthnese , lie wns t.'lelUlmn \ n slmllnr churge In Jnminry Inst IInll IIcqultted , President Will Touch Button. W ASIIINOTON-AlthouJh Presl dl'nl Hooserolt l'nnnot nttend the , olll'ning of the 1.0ulslann Purchnso ex- IHIRltlon , ho ne\'ortheloss will bo Il IHII't1l'/tJllnt / In the exel'clses , 110 hns eonsl'ntl'el to II1'eSs the bUllon nt the ) White house whIch will stnrt the ma- chlnC'r ' of I ho OXllosltlon , ThIs cere. monr will lalO 111nco lit I o'clocl , ( unst1'1ltnndnnl time ) on Allrll :10 : , The Ilenls have not bl'On worlwd out. . 'et. but tl\C ' will be In n few Iln 's , 'rho 111'l'shll'nt probnbly will send meso snJ'e of conratulntlon. ! . . , . , . JAPS' ATTEMPT ANOTHER MOVEMENT TO DOT. TLE PORT ARTHUR. WHEN ATTEMPT WAS MADE Report that the Japanese Have Sunk Seven Merchant Stcnmers In the Hnrbor - Demand In Connection WIth M 1nchurla. I I.ONDON-Tho Dully 'rolegraJh ) Iluhllshed cllspntch fl'om Ils ' 1'oltlo corresJOlHlent ) , whIch BI\YS : "Oil the night of 1\llIrch 22 the .Inp , IInesoleet / renoweel the IIttemJt ) to lIottlo lip Port Arthlll' . Slxteell wnr. shlJs ) ocortec1 ! seven merchnnt stenm. ors to the month of the hnl'bOl' untl undel' cover of the bombnrdment the l teamers werB ran In nnd sllnl , In de. slrcd Iloaillona , 'fhrec hundred .InJ' ) alleHe om < : ors nnd hluojacltcta'ohm. . teored fOl' the Iluty , An oll1clal re. Ilort la eXllecled thIn erenlng , " 'rho Dallr 'relernJh's ! ) clrcumntan- tlal reJol.t ) from the Toldo corrosJollll- ) ent thnt Jnpan suceeeedeel In hottllng UII POl't ArthuI' on the nIght of Mnrch 22 Is not confirmed from IIny other qllnrter , The slCclnl ! d'sJatches ) to the olher mornIng ) JnlJerS IInnounco no new de\'olopmonts , hut throw a few sIdelights on the operations. The Standl\.rd's Tlen 'rain carre. spondent sn 's thnt VIceroy Alexleff renewed hIs demnnd for the with- drawnl of 1111 ChInese ofilcers nnel sol. ' IIIerR from Manchurln on the ground thnt it would he impossIble to conduct the wnr properly. The Dnlly l\lnll's C01'l'eSllondents gIro from Jnpnneso sources some de- tnlls of the condillon of Port Arthur , whleh wore gathered durIng recent rlslt of n ChInese junl ( there. It Is assorled thnt 0. boom hud been plnced ncross the entranre to the roaelatend , whIch was nllvo wIth mInes , so do. fectlve nnd so cnrelessly laId ns to eQunlly en nnget. hath Russlnn nnd Jupanese "essels , The dnmnged RussIan - sIan warships , these reports say , were ropalred with such hnsto thnt it Is dnngerous ( or thorn to lenve theIr nn- l'hOl'age , EIght Imttleshlps nntl crula' UI'S and ten torpetlo bent destroyers are now unInjured nnd often leare the hnrllor , but nerer go fo.r from the forts , Jnpanese navlII officers praIse the quality of the Husslnn torpetlo boat destroyers , whIch , they confess , hare done excellent worlc , but they doclnro thnt the Russlnn shells nro badly Cused and fall to explode , except when the ' slrll\O dIrect upon nrmor , and thnt their chllrges of uncotton nro In. sufficIent to cnuso Berlous dumuge. The Dally Mall's Shun Hal Kwan correspon ent snys thnt the .JaIJ nesj nl'e secretly engagIng Chlneso to act as il'regular corps. CODY MAI < ES DEPOSITION. "Buffalo Bill" Testifies that H Is Wife Tried to Poleon Him. DEN'gn.-Colonel WllIlnm F. Cod ' ( "Buffnlo 13111" ) mndo n depo. sltlon before n. nOlary In this city Wednesdny In the nctlon for divorce which ho has hegun In DIg Hem count - t ) ' , Wyoming , ' Colonel Cody will sail for EurolJC shortly and will bo absent from the country when hIs suit Is tried , In the proceedings teday Cola- j nel Cody wns Intorrognted by hIs own nttorney and wns subjected to nn ex , nmlnntlon b ) ' cOllnsel t'or Mrs , Cody , " lrs , Cod ' tried to polson mo three 'ears ago , " the colonel testified , "Sho I hnd freQuently threatonetl 10 do It. ' Wo wore rlslling In Hochestm' , N , y , . durIng the holhluys of 1000 , and the dny nfter Chrlslmas I wns Ill. I sup. posed the lurloy nnd plum puddIng dId not ngreo with me , She auld she would fix me up , She pretomled to gIro me medlclno , It wns 110lson , It nlmost linlshed mo for 1 wns uncon. sclous for some time , I thlnl , It must hn"o IJCen nn O\'ol'dose , for It mudo me romlt , alld I suppose this snred my life , " Colonel Cod ' rolnte1 mnny In. stances of his wlfo's hl\.rlng humlll. IIled him III. his "fol'mer hOlllo" In orth PlaHo b ' hur condllct townrd glwsls , GALES SWEEP ILLINOIS. Several Are Killcd and. Many Injured at Indinna Irbor. CHICAGO-One of the most se. rere storms thIs city has Imown In 'enrs passell oroI' Chlcngo ThurscIny night. Grent dnmnge wns done In the suburbs to the south of the city , nnd consldernble loss WIlS sUlltalnod b ' the people IIrlng to lhe north of lho city pralleI' , The slorm did not strllw the bUHlness portion In Its grcntest forco. The slOrm In the rlclnlt ) ' of Indlnnn Harbor wns one of the m03t serere 0\01' Imown there , Three pcople nre Imown to be dead , severnl nro fntnlly hurt. nnd at midnIght severnl others were rep : > rled mIssing IUlIl the ' n a ' bO hurled In the ruins of their homes , A t wo-slor ' hrlcl , bullllln Imown ns the Barlwr IJIllldln ! ; was hlown Ilown and n num\Jer \ of 11cople who hnd sought shelter there were ImrlecI In the ruIns , Remlrklble Marksmanship , WASIIINGTOX-In n prl\'llte lette. . recelretl nt thl ! llnr ' department fl'om nn oflker on hoard the Kenrsnrge. the followlll remnrlmhlo record mude b ' Lllnt bnttleshlp In her tnrget prn'tlce , just completed at Pensncoln , Is glron : Ono thlrleen.lnch gun made sIx hits out'of soren shots in tlro minutes and twent ' seconds , An elght.lnch gun made ten hits out of ton ohots In flro mInutes nml twent . seconds , nnll n fI.lnch gun mude eIghteen hits out of eighteen shots In two mln- \les , PEOPLE FORGET PRINCIPLES. - President Schurman Talks of Lawless. neSG In the United States. NI W YORK-In un nddress at Now Hochelle Presldt'nt Sch\ll'1I1nn of Cor. noli unlversll ' haa dlscusaed whnt ho conslderR lho tl'ue ( 'Iemunts of nu. tlonnl grentllesa a)1l ( exprossetl the truth thnt so fnr us ph 'slcnl pow : , la concCl'll(1 ! ( our nntlon lenrea uhnoHt 1I0thln to be desired , In referrlllg to OUI' I'esllect :01' Inw nl1ll our rogal'd (01' the rIghts of other ! ' ! , howerer , ho snld : " 'fhoro hnn been In the last few yenrH moro luwlelHneas : ! thnn tholO ! : IIr- Ing In the 11re:1ent ! : generntlon CUll 1'0' member , LynchIng Seems to go on nlJUco. 'fhero 0.1'0 ronsons glren for thIs , nR n matter of courne. Some OU ) ' It la becnuso 0111' children are nut tnught religIon In the schools ; othorR thnt It la duu to the great immlgra. tlon to 0\11' \ ahorcs , ' 1'0 mo' there seems to bo an entlroly different roo. . son for It. It is , I thInk , due to a ccrtnlll nmount or rnco de/1recll\tlon- / I will not say rnco hntred , whIch somo. how seomn to bo stili very potent In our blood. We still lall , u great tlenl or the superlorlt ' o ( the white mce. With nn excess of passion , wo stlIl talle of the InfOl'I01'lty oC the people with dnrk slclns. It nppenrs thnt the I tIger is still In our blood and woo to : the man who stirs hIm U/1 / , "Wo seema ulready to hnro forgot. ton some of the grent prInciples for which our fathers dIed o.nd we hl\vo become compeIled to IICllr in the last few yenrs derlslro romnrls about the constitution , " GET FiNAL INSTRUCTIONS. Canal CommissIon Meets and Receives Letter from President. WASIIING'1'ON-Prellmlnary worl. wns begun 11) ' the Islhmian canal com- missIon. The first filII meeting of the commissIon was helll In the officcs of Admiral Wnllto : " the chalrmun , The sessIon resolved ItHeU Into nn Informnl dIscussIon of rurlous featul'os of the prellmlnur ' worlc nnd of preparations for the first visIt or the conmlsslon to Panamn , PresIdent Rooserelt entertained - tertained the mcmbers of the commls. sian and Secretary 'I'aft nt luncheon , During the luncheon there was a gen. el'lll dIscussion oC vnriou3 11has03 of the cnnul questoll ! , Genemlillstructions to ho members of the commlssloll were contnlned In II. letter from President Roosevelt to the commIssIon , under date of Unrch 8. TO INTERCEPT JAP SHIPS. Rumor Regarding Russia's Vladivostok Fleet. PARISTheEcho Dc Paris corre. spondent nt St. Petm'sburg says It IR rumored In no.vnl circles there thnt Cuptnln Pelt ensteln's Vladivostok squndron hns been ordered to orertnle , nt 11 cortnin point on the Pacific , thp . battleshIp nnd two cmlsers bought 'from ' Chili hy .Japan IInd return with them to VlnlHvostol" ' 1'he correspondent says It is ru. I morol1 that Emperol' WilHam of Ger. many hns refused to accept three cruls. ers Imllt nt Klel ami Stottln , on tlw ground that they did not conform to the terms of the contl'llct , and that RussIn. , IB nogotlatlng for theIr 11\\1'- \ chnse. The Hllsslnu Jenel'lll rtr.ff , the correspondent - respondent sa 's , estimateR that the numher of , Japanese troops Innded In KOI'ea docs not ox coed ; 5,000 , MANY RUSSANS COMrl1lT SJICIDE Sevcr ll Offlc.-Jrs at Port Arthur Suc. cumb to Strain of Bomblrdment. NEW YOHK-Ne\\'s hns lIeen 1'0 , celved fr01l1 Port Arth\ll' that se\'eral III ' of the \lillieI' thp a co 1'3 gnrrlsonlillieI' stmln cnllscd by the bombardment , hare committed suicIde , says n 'Vorld dIspatch from Shnnghnl. ' ] 'ho total num\Jor \ of casualties In the town to dnte Is 265 , l\lnrquls Ito has held II largo rocep. tlon , which wns IIttended h ' the fOl' . el n legation ofllclnlR , cables the Seolll correspondent of the Times , Ho ex. pressell the belief thnt under , Jul1nn- ese guidance Coren will advnnco com. merclall ' nnd Intellectually , It IIClng .lUIJ1n'6 Intention so to use Its Inllu. once that the Corcnns will nerer I'C' gret their connection with It. The marquis will return to Jnpnnlnl'ch : 25 , Natlonlllsts Win VlctJry. DUBLIN.-The nntlonallsts In the St. Stevens Grcen dIvIsion of Dublin elected Lnwrenco Wahll'on to flll the vncancy III the House or CommonB cnused by the death of James McCnnn b ) ' n mnjorlt ' of l120 o\'er the ulllonist cnndlelate. WI' , Wulclron : s a wealth ' stock Lrol\Cr , Whllo he'as not nn ofllclal nntlonnllst rauellllate , ho III pledged to support. home I'IIle nnd the proposal to establish n Cnthollc unl. rersll ' In Dublin nnd to OUIIOSO the 1J'osent flnnnclnl relntlonR bel woen Irelnnd nnd Gl'c.1t Drltaln. Death from obonlc Plague. JOIlANNESBUIW-Up to dnte the totnl nllmbel' of deaths from hubcml < 1 \llnguo \ Is fort ' .l wo whlto nnd fort ' colored persons , Coming to St. LouiG Fair. I.ONDON-A JIIl'etlng of the oom. mlttee of nrrangemonts fa I' a rlslt of the mllnlcllJIII otllclals ( If the United KIngdom to St. LOllIs , of which LOl'cJ CI'cden IB chnlrmnn.'IS hohl In till' chamber3 of the lords , Sit , 'l'homns Pile , mn'or of Dllhlln , rOllOrll'd lhnt some hundreds of of1lclals huel 1\1111110d fm' partlclllnrs regr.l'Il1n ! ; the nrrnngo. n1l'ntll , 'I'ho commltteo filJnll ' I\p- Ilrm'ed the proJl'I1m. The IJI\rt . will lon\'o Englnnd May 1 , aUll will rlsit Now Yorl" WashIngton , St. LOllIs , Toronto und olher cities. l , . . , . . , I' ' . , . . Shortly neter get tins the polltlclll bee in , hIs bonnet the n\'erugo man gets il in the necle. r 11m hero In the world to soJ'vo nnd to thlnle of others and nol myself.- } Jr. Horton. , . TltHt ItJ ST Olt Tr. 011 Crop J'amPllh , SEVEIlAL OHOXO ! : : FARmS , ! lend fl > r 1I1e. oJ.lUULlJALL , IHoux Cltylowa. COllsclence doesn't multo cowarcl9 of literary 1'01l111nCers , A man Imows less IIftc ! ' mr.rrlng0 I' than a' woman douA before , nhC1unlntlsm'lI JlUlnl ; ' J'nln.1 Ldt In quick onler nftl'r tukln , : 1 ( ) . doses of Dr , Sklr\'ln'fI UhCUJDlltlC tJuro , III tnblet form , 25 dosc ! ! jc , poOtpnld. WIS , DHUG CO" LA CHOSSE , WIS. nv. N. U. ) ' 1'0 wIthstand ovll Is qlllle as noces- sn ' as to do good-J\lra , Cmlle. 'I'he gain of love Is lost by the 10\0 of gaIn. PUTNA\I : Ii'ADELI SS DYE : : ! cost but 10 cents 11er pacl ( ! ; e , Holiness Is the reachIng nIter rather - or than the arrlrlng at perfection. Lots of people C01110 to srlef by meeting trollblo half-wny. Smokers nnd J.cwl"SllIgle ! BInder' . \ tralght 5e cigur better CJlIllllt ) ' tlilm most lOe brands , J wls' Factory. PeorJu , III , You may reap what you sow-not somothlng elsbut ! thut.-F. W _ Hobcrtson , If al1 women who look bacl were tUrtlecl Into snIt 11ll1ars thQ strcetH would be tull of statues , To Cure , CollI In Ono (1/17. Tolen Laxatvo ! Drama Qulnlno Tablots. AU druggistllrofuntlmoneyif iUnils tocuro. 25c. No fountaIn is so small but hell1 : may be imaged in its bosom-Irnw- thorne , Ii'lsh may be 0.11 right IlS hrain food \C \ 11. man isn't born a fool to start. with. I When You E-uy Starch buy D/lanc. / ! an gel the best. lr. oz , tor 10 ccnls. Once used , always used. ThlngG to RememlJer. " : : \y bo ' , " snM a man of the state Df 'I'exns to his son , who WIiS startIng - Ing out for a career In an enstorn cIty ; "tllY boy , let me tell YOIl something - thing which may help you. You get up there , nnd you may see a heap or people who hnve got more money than ) ' 011 ho.\'o ; n henp of people who hnyo got moro brnln thnn YOIl , nnd more success , Sarno of thorn n1l - even bo better looldng than you are. Don't you worr ' about thllt , nnd don't YOIl bo scarecI of nnybody. Whenerer you meet a man who allows hO'R your superior , you just look nt hIm anll say to ) 'ourself , 'A ftc ! ' all , you'rc just folks ! ' YOIl wnnt to remember for YOllrself , too , thnt you'ro just foils. My boy , after 'Oll have lIrell as Ion ; ; ; as I hnvo and hnro knoekcd nround the world , you will come to see that that's all fiUY ono of Is-follm , " A Suggestive N 1me. , . . . . JnlC , the colol'ed sen'nnt of LIonel Barrymore , has qultc a floclc of children - dren , all of them with Blbllcnl nnmes. ns their father Is very religious , and a great studcnt or the IIlble , A 1Ioy Wll5 added to the family not lonr ; ago , nnd .laltO confessed hlmsl'lf pUlJell : as ton . n nnmo for him. "You see , " he ex- plalnell , "we'so 'bout 'sllustl'd all dem chnl'llctor.-sll'h 115 DavId an' Am03 un' Soloman , Dc womnn suggests Balanm , but I'se calculntln' on Hallow - low , ns tho. boo ! , slgg-ests It fob ItsoU. 'Hallowed be Thy name , ' sah. 1 reckon - on wo'll len\'e It dnh , Imh , " . DOCTOR DID IT. Put on 36 Pounds by Focd , Feed a physlrian bacl to health an ho gains un eXJprleneo ) thnt lie can use to benefit otlfrn. For this reason Grape-Nuts fooll Is dally rccommoncI- ed to patients by hundreds of physl. clans who hare cured themselrcs or stomach trouble. One doctor says : "Allhough n ph 'slclan nnd trying to aid and usslst my fpllow helngH to en. jor goocI health It must be ndmltled I formerly dlel not l'njo ' the best of henlth myself , III Jnnuur ' , 1S1J ! ! , 1 only welghcd 119 pounds , At thlR tlmo I wns living In the Ohio Valley nnd began to thlnl , I had IIbout seen my bosl da 's , Ono dn ' about 3 ) 'ears ago 1 hacI an oPPortunll ' to tr ' GI'llPC- Nuts food for m ' Lrl'altfast. I liked it so well that I ate three tl'tlSpOOU- tuls three times a clny ancI 111\.ve reg- IIlarly u8ecI It 1111 to the Ilresent time , nnd I now weIgh 15 , 11 aln of 3G pounds and cnjo ) ' the best of heallh. "Not enl ' has Ornpe- Ills made thIs wonllerful < 'hnnge III me. Imt through It I ha'l' helped m ) ' friends , rclatl\'C's :1UII patients , ' 1'ho suslaln- Ing powcr of thit > fee Is slmpl ' wun- derfut. I "I hnre one IJlltt'nt ! who Is 11 section - tion hllnd on the C , & 0 , R , n , . who ents nothing In the mornIng but four tnblespoOllfuls of GrapeNuts atHl yet does hIs vel'Y hard wOI'I , up to luuch time atHl enjoYII the bet > t of health nnll strcongth , "I c'oulll 111111\0 n grcat. . man ' cnsos 111(0 tbls nlld I still presl'l'lbo GI'llPC- Nuts hi my llra'tl'o e\'er ' du ' , " NalUE ) gh'en b ' PostUll1 Co" Battle Crcolt. ' Mlch , . . - . -r . \sl , un ) ' ph'slelnn ahout the ticlen- ' ' " tlfie 11rlncllllcs on whIch Gmlle-Nuta fooel Is 11111110 , lIe'lI tell 'ou the Ilrlu- clples nro perfl'C't. 'I'hen a 10 da 's' trlll ! prores that the prlnclJlles nro currIed out In the food ( "nil the gootl of the grnlns sa trentet ! thnt 111I 'OnO ClUJ dlest ! It aU" ) Shown In renewetl pb 'l3lclll ulreuttb : : nutl braIn energ ) ' . "Therc's arenson , " I.ool ( In < , nt'h JlkS , for thn tamoua IItUo book , "The ltoad to WaUvlUo.II