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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1903)
- - ( UST R ( OUNTY R PU LIAtt By D. M. AMSBERRY. BROKEN BOW , - - NmnHASI\A - - - . Brief Telegrams' Indlnnn. doeR not permit consump. tlves to teach school , 'fho " , ews ns n people nre the poorest - est rnco on the earth. The typowl'lter Is moro Inrgely tIIed ! In 1\exlco ] thnn In 1'mnce. , ' 1'ho rst olectrll'al rallwn ' wns thnt of Siemens , nt Berlin , In 187 ! ) . Wnrs of the Inst 3,000 ynl'R nre BUP' posed to hf\.vO cent $ fiOOOOOOOOOOO. The ] lOllulation of l..ondon han In. crnsed . J llQr cent In fourteen years. In Sweden hrlclclI nro lalll In zero weather h ' heating the Band for the mortar. 'l'ho lJOI1\IIntion \ of Irelnnd III 4,132 , ' 27.1 , nnd the decrease for the Il11st year hns IlCen 1 a,003. 'rhe density hf relntlvo llOpulntlnn of Culla Is nearl ' the snmo as thnt oC the United StnteR ; . Over five hundrell miles oC railway , mostly slnglo IInc , are owned and worlwd hy the Natnl government. gdwln Wartlcl ! ! , gO\'ernor.elect of 1\1nr 'lal1l , has 'heen ' eVCl'ythlng from n fnrmer's hIred man to Imnlc r. lI Is rIch. Dorothen Benlo , J.l1o D , . hns completed - ploted forty.flvo yonrs us the h9nd of Cheltenhnm for gIrls In Eng : land. Dlshop Hel1l' ' Clny MorrIson of the : : \ethOlllst I pls < : opal church South. will maleo his home In Now Orleans i herenfter. Isadoro Newmun of Now UrlcnnB recently - . contly gnvo $ f OOOO to clmrlty to mnrl the fiftloth nnnlvorsnry of hIs arrIval In America , John Dwight , n chemIst. who diCIT recently In Now Yorle. founded the 'DwIght school at 1Ddwln , Tonn" for mountnln whites of thllt stnte. Day InIJorQl's 'to the number of 1.- 2f hOOO belong to the national labor un'lons , 1,000.000 to ether labor unIons , anll 2,2 OOOO ,111:0 : , unorganized. ; Prof. Henry App ) ' , violinist , Who died n 'fow Ilnys ago , a ed 78 , was the son of the ie'ador of the or hestra. In . the chal101 of William of Ol'l\ngo. Paris Is mourning the loss of Its oldest tree , an elm plantell hy order t'f Sully In 1GOO , In the Rue Sl. Jncqnes. It Is leafleRs this year. RUlloIC von Gottschall , Gorman play- wrlht and novelist. recently celobrat- oIl his 80th hlrthday n.t TJelpslc. HQ has heen an author for sixty years. Former President of the Rellubllc Paul Kruger , who hud been suffering from an nttacle of "grlppe1 , . Ims almost entlroly recovered hlu llCalth. The University of Wales IlnB con ferred the honorary de reo of doctor , of sclenco UIJon Lord Kolvln , In con. Bldel'l\tlon of his omlncnt servIces to science. A dny or two after 11I1ss Cnrmnn's "Pipes of Pan" cllmo out , Mrs , Crnl lo rln'rl hted 1101' latcst pln ' , "Tho Flute of Pan. " It Is regarded as qulto a coincidence , Fort -.threoi 10Uors written 1 by th Empress , Marie 'I'horesa of Austria. hn.vo been 11Iscovored. They hrlstlo . with news of war and courts and are to bo .aold at auction. Princess Nanzotn Montezumn , wllo claims to'bo the onb' lineal IleRCOI1l1- ant of the ro'it Montezuma. Is an ex- 110 from Mexico. n.nd Is supposed to be somewhere In the wost. " The lonrost cannl In the world , that which oxt01uls from the frontier of China to St. PotorslmrK , 4.472 miles. In India there arc 14.000 miles of can- al. Irrigating 8,000,000 acres of land. Kuno Pischel' , the omlnont historian of phlioSOIJh ) ' , has at Jast been ohllr ; , ( ! II to glvo up his prof sBorshtJ ! In Ho ! . dolber , ; , HoIs In his e { ; htleth yonI' . and has been at Heidelberg slnco 1872. The Metropolitan Art 1\1hseum of Now Yorle has just purchnsed an old chnrlot for $ f OOOO , It was unenrthed near Homo some tlmo IIgo , and If 2.000 ; rear old and slllendldl ' presorv , cd. Lady Durnd , wlfo of the rltlsh am bassl\llor \Vashlngton , 1\1lss DuralHl and Honr ' White , Aecretal , ; " u th < American embassy In London , nrrlv , cd on the steamship Lucunln. frolt Liverpool. \Vllliam Darrach , who gralhmte , from Yale In 1897 , and who has beer appointed one of the lecturing physl clans at the P. anI'S. hospital In N1 Yorlt City , Is the : roungcst mnn whl ; ever held the position. . , The Gorman rovornment will Intro , duce In the Rclchatag n bill requlrlnl 'saloon lcoepers to sell non.lntoxlcatlnl Ihot and cold 11rlnl < s and cold foods Credit will be forbidden nnd the mUD 'ber of barmaids limited. 1 The late Lieutenant Goldsclunld wns the oldest musical conductor II the German army. For fifty 'onrs hi had lIeen leader of the bnnd of th , honlgs uronadlors. Ills band playel at Sodano In 1898 ho was penslonOl : . Recently experlmonts with a viol 'to Jlroservlng the calorl c llropertle of hard coal by Immersion In snl wilter were made and It was 11emor strated that n. loss of but 1 lIeI' cen occurred. Stored 1n the ordlnnry wa coal loses about fiO pOl' cent of It calorll1c power. At Huntingdon . Va. , because hi father refused to lend him a Il0nll1lf. . Jame Capely ralned him with an aJ and Ulon aUncleel1 his mother and ' 311 tel' , cutting horrlblo gashes. Capel Is a resident of Hnrt's Creele , I.lncol county. CIgarettes are alleged to IIII.\ ' nffocted bIB , mind. . . - - ' - - - . . I . " " . , , RII - A SEGRIT- TREATY ! RUSSIA SAID TO HAVE SECURE ! & ) I A VANTAGE POSITION. - - ARMY AT GALL OF THE BEAR Thill Is Secured by Having It Drilled : and Commanded by Russlano- Greatly Increases Tension In East- Japan Also G llns a Foothold. N : W YOllJ\-A 11Isplltr.h from I.on. cIon says the 'rlplI 'I'sln cOrl'espondent of the Stlllldard revlVl's the report which Willi Hlllrlell n few dll 'n IIg0 , to the effect t hill 11 IWCI' ( > t t rpaty hils lOon HInl11 ( het wee II UURsln 111111 Corea , whl'reh ' Hussla ohtlllnll the control of the Corel\n I\rmy through Husslan In. sll'uctors , ' 1'111' correspolldent declares thlll will grently IncI'ellBe the tension In the fOJ' east. 'J'OJrO-A t IIn ext raorlllnnry meet. Inof : the cahlnet It Is lellrned that It. waH rJeelcl)11 to IHsue an emergcncy ordluance aulhorlzlnl ; the Iuarantee of tl10 1II'Incllllli 11I1d Interest 'of un , Insuo of 10,000OUO yen rJebontl1l'es on the'uBlln railway which Is ox- Iloctell tll he nlshetl before the cnd of next YOllr. At n. dinner given Iy'the OrIental aSf > ocl tlon , former 1\1lnlster l\ato , who presided , salll he deeply regretlod t hilt the people hall not been taken Into the conl1denco of the government ; regnrdlng the lOsltion of affairs be. ' tween JallUn and HusBla , Nevertheless - less , ho slllll , should the emperor do. cluro war , the nation would bo found I'endy to gl\'o him \l11anlmous aUI111Ort. Count 01\\111111 , the former premier , nald he agreed with the vlow expreS8' ed b - Mr 'Kliio and le thought It was now high lime to let the people Imow the , actuul llIsltlon occupied by the gove 'mnent. He also 11cplared thllt not onlY' lL foellng f chivalry. " bul IL desire for self.presorvatlon requll'cd thtit JallUn should huttrelis the Integ. rlt ) . of China. Both penl < ors thought that UIO sltulltlon hall reached un extremely - tremely ( rJllcnl stage. ST. pgTERSDUHG.'I'ho RussIan gov rnmon ( Is , stili conslrJerlng the 1'0- ply oC the .Japaneso g vernment to lis nato , which was Hent. In unswer to Japan' ! 1111munlls relating to the situ. atlon In the fnr east. A reconsldera. tlon of the pl'OllOSnlB mude In the Rus. sinn note IH onslclered liS a matter of course here , Russin hils never been disposed to tal\C uny step which would IOlld to un ahrullt termination of the' liegotllltionD with .Japnn ; In un wcr to mnny Inquiries made by fllo AssociMed Press the Uusslan foreign otllco hils alwns , Insisted that the Husslnn proposals were so IIl1eml that It would be Hcarcely IlJ'obablo to coneel Ve nny further concosslons , While the forolgn office ! s unwilling to admit that HUBsln Is preparing to ofrer moro than the conceRslons out. IInell In the last note , It. Is considered IlOsslble that the gO\'OI'nnlOnt may suggest changes by which the Russian requirements may ho met and sntlB' Cacllon given to Jnllun. READY FOR ANY EMERGENCY. Gets Transports In Shape to Take Troops to Panama , W ASIIING'rON-War department omclals allmlt that the tl'llIIRllorts Sherman , Duford und Uroole. now at San 1"rnnclsco , al'o IlClng made read ) ' for 8en , Prlmnrll ) ' these vessels nre Intomlcd for the Manila sOl'vlce , hut olUclals malw no concealment of the fnct that they want to he rend ' fOJ' allY omorrency which ma ' arise. and should the gO\'CJ'nment desire to use an ) " of thom for the transllortallon of troops to Panama , the shIllS will be I'eluly for that Ilnrpose , Stili the nos , ill vo nsserllon 18 mudo thnt no orders hn\'e been recelvell nt the Iunrlennns. tOl"S omco' with this end In vlow , 11 Is slmilly , the ) " say , a question of he , Ing Ilrepllred , ' } 'ho Sherman recenll ) " hus retnmecl fl'omInnlin. ! . She Is In need of somc repairs , nut ! the present Iptentlon 01 , the quartoJ'UU\stor's omce Is to seJJt : hOl' buclt0 tllO PhllhllllneB on Feb runr1. . ' 1'ho DufOJd : hns been lUll' ' UII at San FranclRco for two years and just now she 18 helng overhaulet nnd some coal-saving alllJllancos 111 stnlled , 'l'he Creole Is In need of i thorough overhnullllg and renovatIng whIch Is being gl..en hm" Christmas Dinners for the Poor. S'1' . LOUIS , Mo-Chrlstmas ehee was dlspensell to thousands of 11001' a L the Coliseum , whore tnbles coverln : the elltlre floor of the vast bulldlnl were set with turltoy and Its acconl 11anlmelltB. III nddltlon bllSl < otH COJI tallling mnterlals for Christmas 11111 , _ ners were sellt to the homes of a man ' moro destitute families. 'fh , day was obson'ed generally In all 1111' . I , nlclpal , correctlvo.nnd charltnble Inst tllllollS , liS well ns those of n 111'Ivat nature , by sllOclal dhlUCJ's. Find of Gold In Wisconsin. l\t1I..WAUI\EE , Wls-A special fror Monomlneo , Wls" SI\'S : Gold ere 1m beQn discovered on a farm near th town of I..ucas , Dunn count ) ' , nea this city. , ,1at assa 's $14i [ to the tOJ Governor Makes Apology. Al..EXANDRET'l'A , Syrln. - Atta : lan , the naturalized Amerlclln cltlzCJ whoso arrest \y \ the Turkish author ties caused United StRtes Consul DI vis to lellvo A xandrotta , has hee IIberatell , 'I'ho rovernor of Alexa ! dretta 'I'uesday 111ndo all omclal ca upon Unlteil States Consul Da\'ls au formnlly npologlzed for the Indlgu ties suffered \ ) ' the consul. Admlr ; Cotton lert hOl'o Tueslln ' night on tJI Unltod States cruiser San li'rauclse for Deroot. , , , ' . . . , . , " . _ _ _ _ _ - . CHINA FACEG PERIL. " P'eellng that Flowery Kingdom Has Much to Loce In Case of War. ' ' feeling In pgKINO-'J'ho olJthnlstic some quarterR concernIng wnr ho. tween .Jullan IInd Hussla are not Hhar. cd by dhlloJlJats at Pelting , whoso Icnowledgo of the 1II'l'8el1l Iltuatioll en. titles tlwh' ollinion to the highest con. sltleratloll , It Is lJOsltlvely Icnown that the .Japallese go\'ernment haR drawn the 11110 for a lelUement , heyond which It wIll not malto any mnterlal conces' slon nml It Is determined to fight before - fore yll'lrllng what It considers to bo Its vltnl Interests. It IFJ helleved thnt II111esR HIIssln concedefJ vital liolnts an. other exchange of notes will preclpl. tatl' matterl ! , It Is IIlso helleved that Jnpnn wl11 I'ofllse any nrrangement holdIng In IIhe"ance the question of the o\'aclla' lion of l\anchurla. ] which was one of the terms of the proposItIon recent I : , ' made at St. Petersburg , nnc1 which Is lupposed wus Intended hy the HusRlm. government us a feeler , 'fhls would hI' n violation of pledges given to Jall n hy China , . MInister Uccdn Is bolleved to hnvo Hald ho would resign his llOst In the event of. such an arrangement. 'rho moat dangerouB factors In the situation , Is the conlldenco oC the HUSHlan om , elnls In the fur east that a wnr would , , mean an easr victory for HlJliHll1. nnll . the challenging tone of HusKlun of. IIclnls , REPRESENTATIVES' NEW HOME. Will Be Started Soon and to .Cost Sev. eral Million Dollars. WASH INGTON-SIJealwr Cannon and Relll'esen tnt I ves Hepburn I1ml Hlchnrdson of 'r ( lJnessee , comprisIng the commission having In charge thQ construction of un office building for the house of representatives , wore In. Cormed hr Attorney General Knox thnt the jlJJ' ' of condemnntlon had fixed the pl'lce to ho Imld .for the slto at $741,000 , nnd 'thut. his department wns nqw engaged In rovlO\vlng tltlo to the various pieces of IJI'opertr Ilrellmlnar ' to the government taldng tille , 'rhO ground will the ! ! be cleared and the erection pf the hulldlng begun nt once. The structure Is to cost ho. tween 3OOOtlOO and $ .1,000,000 nncl Its , construction . will tlllw sevemlears. . Steel Mills Croce Down. CIIICAGO , ILL-1'ho entlro plant of the illinois Steel comll ny at South Chicago , waH deme1 [ down " 'edneRda ) ' night fill' nn Inde nlte period , throwIng - Ing fiCiOO mon 011t of employment. No notlco WitH postell of when worl. wouJrl he l'esl1l11ed In the great mills , but at the ofllces of the compnny It was snlll thnt the shutdown wOl1ld Inst for at least three weels , When the mills are I'eollonell It 1"3 rellorted n wage cut from 10 to 1 pel' cent will IJo Pl1t Into fOl'ce , , Wy.omlng Bank Failure. GAIU..AND. WYO-1'ho Gal'lnnrl banle was fOJ'ced to close Its doors hv the fulluJ'O of the State Danl. of Now. castle lust woel. , 'rlo assets of the local Institution al'e ample , however , to meet ull demands , A report was clr- cl1lat lI that the Gl1rlancl bllnl. WIIS con. nectJd : with the deCl1nct NewcastiA oncOJ'n and a.hov : ' run was made hy the depositors , with the resl1lt thut all yall1nhle cURh Was checlwll 011t. C , A , Sarver hus been appolntel1 rocelver of the \anle \ , Is Assigned to Nebraska. W ASlIING'1'ON-At the reql10st of governors oC the states Indicated anti In conforlllity with the provisions of the Ilct Imown as the Dlcle militia hili , the secretar ' oC wal' has detnlled ; the followlnr ; officel's of the arm > ' fOl duty with the organlzell militia for 11 Ilerlo1 [ of four 'eal's , unless Rooner l'ellevOll : Drlglll1lOJ' Genoml Aaron S , Dagrett. rotlred. Nebrnslm , and Major - jor Hobert W. Dowdy. Arlmnsn& . While sm'vlng on those details the of. , , IIcers nllmed will recelvo the Cl1l1 IIII ' ulltl II110wanco of tholr grades , I , President Takes Recess , Too. I WASIIJNG'rON-No cabinet meet , Ings will IJo held In the holiday re , t cess. Such callers as the IJrosldent . mny I'el elvo In the hollrla 's will havc L to mal < o their engngements fOl' the afternoon. ns ho will spend no time In his oll1co In the mornings , Prer. dent Roo.Je\'ell : left the Whlto Housc carlr Tl1esdny fOl' a long ride. Ih \11\aCCOlllllllnled when he left the n1l\nslon , hut Illter was joined b ' v frIend. Cut Tendons of His Heels. l\IANILA-Latirones recently 100tcI the l1\unlclpnl trensury ut Doso\oso \ , II I..uzon. They captm'erl the president. . nnd Cl1t the tendons of his heels : Th consta\uh\r \ ' pursuell the hand' anI succeeded In I'ecoverlng part of till stolen funds. How Alliance Is Delayed. LONDJN-Tho Dallr 1\1 all 's Po 11 . 'mg correspondent declnres thnt u fe\ ' s Mllnchurla nobles , who uro under Ruse o sian Inlluences. are deln 'lng the con I'I . I cluslon of an ulllanco bet ween Chhll I. and Japan. Brings Amur's Pnsengers , SIOA'I'TI..E , Wnsh-Tho steamshll Pnrralon reuched Seattle 1\1onda ) ' , ha\ ' Ing on boaI'll the ) lnssengers of th' ' o\'el'lluo Canal1lan Pacltlc stoalllshl Amur. ' 1'ho Amur left SltJlgway 01 SUI1l1u ' , December 13 , and on Mol' II dn ) ' , the lUh , ran Into Harbor ree II at the entrance to Port , Simpson , .A I. high tltlg It ll11l1ell off , but In doing s \1 brolco Its 'ull shaft. It succeeded I 10 I reaching the whnrf at Port Simpso :0 : a1111 on Prlday the Farralon went I , and tool , It to docle. J , . l . , it I " ' - - A VFUL ACCIDENT DCCURS ON THE BAL TIMOFIE & . OHIO. OREA T MANY LIVES ARE LOST I , F lst Train Strikes ln Obstruction With Fearful Results - Engine Leaves Track , Carrying all Coaches to Brink of Precipice. CONNIDLLSVILI.E , Pa.-Wlth a errlhlo crllsh and a grlnlllng nolso , he Duquesno Limited , the fnstest through pnssenger train from Pitts. 'mrg ' tu New Yorle on the llnltlmoro , r. . Ohio 1110wec1 Into n pile of lumber ! \t Lnurel Run , two mlle3 west of Dnwson at 7:45 : Wednenday ovenlng , Sixty.three lives were lost ami thlrt . , ( lersons were Injured. The train left Pltlsburs In the ev. enlnr ; running n few mInutes late. In chllrge of WillIam 'rhornloy , engineer , of Connollsvll1o , When upproachlng 1"llurel Hun , which Is n. particularly tine piece of rend hed , the train wus running ut a high rate of speed. Sud. dcnly the passengers were thrown from their seats by the lIghtnlng.lI1ee Illlpllcation oC the all' bralws and n. moment later thcre was a terrlblo crl1sh. 'fho train was mndo up of two hllg- gage , two da ' coaches , one sleeper anrl onlo dining car , and at the time was carrying , at the lowest estimate , HiO llRssengers , The train ploughed nlong for n. conslderablo distance and the cars were torn to pl'oces , passengers - gers jumping , screnmlng , failing from the wrecl , as It tore ulong , Suddenl ' the engine swerved to the left nnd the conches plunged down over the el11banll1\Ont to the edge of the Youg. hloghen ) ' rlvOl' , The minute the cars stopped rolling there was u wild scene. 1\1any were pinioned beneath the wreckage and the SCl'eams cnd cries that rent the nil' were \eyond \ description , 1\1 an ) ' were Insane in' their made excitement und plunged Into the river , Others , pinioned hneath ! the heavy tlmlJers , pleaded In 'agonIzed tones for release , So tcrrll1c was the force of the \\'J'eck that nearl ) ' every pllssenger suffered a. moment's unconsciousness and many or the able hodled men were uuable t : > assist In helping the lujured from the wrecl , on account or hnvlng fainted , The oillcial ntntement oC Superintendent - tendentV. . C , Loree follows : "No , 12 was derailed by running Into some swItch timbers , or timbers at about that size. derailing the englno and cars , All the cl1rs are IJadly dam. aged. Don't think any of the equip' ment will be able to go awuy from the accident on Its own wheels except - cept pOBslIJly the Pullman cars und the diner , 'I'he euglne lies across hoth tracls , 'I'he haggnge car Is ovel' the IJanle. The IIl'st coach Is partly over the banle , The balance of the train Is bndly twisted. I judge thlr. ty.fivo people 1lIIel ! . All the It1l1ed were In the gscaplng steam from the englno went Into the first conch. scalc1lng the people , Very few of the other pllsengOl's were Injlll'ed , Injured 111\\'e been tallen from the wreclt Ilnd are lying on the banle , gn , sinceI' and fll'eman cannot be found , The Idlled were mostly foreigners , who were In the smol\Cr just hacl , 01 the bagguge car , They were 1Iterall ) ' ronstod to death , the IJngcage and smoker telescoping the engine and 1m mediately catching fire , Many of thell bodies are 1 'lng burned to n crisp 111 the baggaro room of the Daltlmor'f & Ohio depot to 1m removed later tl the different undertaking shOIJS 01 the clt ) ' . " . . - Dutch Vote to Buy Guno. THE HAGUg-The second chamhel of the Dutch parliament voted $1,500 , 000 to purchnRo new Krupp qulcl.lIrhl ! guns , The measure wus oniy cllrrie ( by [ i0 to a8 votes , and ufter n heatel do\ato \ , the socialists and progresslsti contesting the necessity fOJ' U larg arm ' expendltlll'e. especlall ) " In vle\ ' oC the outla ' rel1ulred In connectltIJ with now social legislation , Story of Landing Confirmed. W ASH1NGTON-Officlal contlrmn , tlon has reached \Vashlngton of th I landing of Colombian troops on th. . Island of LOS PInes , whIch lies closl I to the coast of Panama. 'rhose troopi I 1\umber eighty and they have taleCl I 111) a IJosltion on the ) \Igh Island , Will Terminate Amicably. , LONDON-A dlslll\tch to Reuter' ; Telegram comlJ ny from Tlen Tsil says the corre81JOIHlent has been h : formed on the highest oillcial uutho , It . that the negotiations between Rm sla amI Japnn will tOJ'1nlnato amlcnbl ) ' Want Can ll Treaty Ratified. BATON HOUm , l.a-Both houBe . of the legislature adopted a resolutlol rcquestlng the UnIted States senator . from this state to vote In favor 0 . the ratll1catlon of the treaty provlrl \ Ing for the building of the Panaro : canal. . Merrlarn Incident Closed. [ 1 WASHINGTON-In reference I , ' . the allegell Intervlow attributed I , MRjor General H. Cerrlam ] to th effect that the Ilrollosed prQmotion CI General Wood would bo harmful t the army , SecretaI' ) Hoot hns reccl , front SeCJ'etal' - \ ' cd a telegram 1\101'r nm. dated Denver , In which he dt elares that he haa nor authorized nn IlIIbllcRtions on any su\ject. \ It I understoml that the genrnl's stateme will bo regarded as snUsfactory at th wnr dCIJD.rtmont. f " ' , - I r 'IT t " ' _ . i. w _ I IT 10 NOT PROOF. Fraudulent Pcnalon Money Must e Returned. TOIIO-1t Is asserted In official clr' cles here thnt the .Jllpaneso reply to. . Hussla rejects the fundamental points' ' at Issue , which are understood to In. clude mutual guaranties for the pres- ervntlon o'f Chinese and Corean SOVOl'- elgnty whllo securing their Indlvlrlual Intercsts. 'I'ho situation Is graver than since the commencement of the negotla. tlons , but Is stili susceptible to 11'pacl. . , fie solution If Russin will quickly re- consldor Its reply. 'I'ho fact thnt 1\I1nllt r I\omura : call. cd on Baron do Rosen , the Russian mInister , Instead of Daron 11e Hosen calling on Komurn , Is explalnc by the fnct that the haron Is sufferIng from an oar affection , Dut the explanation hns un o\vlous \ diplomatic slgnlficanco nnd Is Interpreted that .Jnpan Is determined - mined not to allow Russin. Ilossibio round for claiming .Japllneso Impetu. oalty as an oxcuse. 'rhe visit Is not bolloved to ho 11 ( esBarlly tantamount. to an ultimatum as rumored.Var III'opnratlO1\H c ntlnue apace , The transports nnd the warshIps can snll at five minutes' notice. ' } 'ho .Japaneso government proposes Immediately to undert le the completion - tion of the Seoul.l usan railroad under the dlroct supCl'vlslon of Japanese , The press Is eagerh' urging the govern. ment to set a limIt to the "Russian tactics of aggression and Insolent neg- IIgonce , " NEW YORK-A report Is current here , says a 'rimes dispatch from Pel. . lng , that Japan's request for the recon- sldel'lltlon by Russia of Its reply to the .Japanese demands was nccomlll1nled by the specl cation of 11 time limit , It Is the oxpectatlon In St. Petersburg , the 'rimes adds , thut the question of wnr will be decided In fourteen da's , P ARIS-Confirmatlon wns obtnlned Crom officIal sources of the reports that Foreign Secretary Lansdowne auel Foreign : \1Inlster Delcasso have within the last Cew da 's mnde strong representations at Toltlo , with a view to a\'ertlng a crisis between Russia and Japan , ONE IN THREE G TS PLACE. Civil Service Report hwlI : ! what Ie Done for Winners , W ASHINGTON-Frnnl. . Kiggins , chief examiner of the civil service commission , In his anmml rellQrt says that during the last fis'ul year there \ vere112.624 persons examined for the clussl ed service of the go\'ern- m nt and 40,423 appointments In all branches of the ser\'lce. OC the ap : polntments 24 pel' cent wel'e to purely - ly clerical positions , 3 per cent to pro. fesslonal , technical 01' scientific p031. ' tlons , 38 lIeI' cent to mechanical II0S- ! tlons requIring no chl'atlonal exami- nation. and 7 } Ier cent to sl.Hled la. bor positions. 'not oml'tly mechanical In theIr charucter , but requiring no educational examlnrtlon , Of all thos ( > examined nearly 80 per cent passeu , and 36 IJOI' l'ent of all examined were successful In securing appointments , Mr. Kiggins says the commission has reduced Its examinations to essential tests of fitness nnd ures the consoli. dation of a Inrge number of local hoards oC examiners throughout the counl1'y , to secure 1'10s ( > r supervision and more effectl\'e administration , The repOl't stlltes thDt conditions of employment In the Philippines are 1m. proving and the salnrlea for technl , l'al men ha\'o been Increllsed , with the result that within the last five I months more applicants ha\'e tal\Cn oxamlnatlons for that ser\'lce than Cor the preceding 'ear. The num\er \ of Amerlcllns In that service now constitutes moro than e per cent of the entire Corce , ther < being 2,777 Americans and 2G9i FIJ. r Iplnos In pUblic employment , As the . FllIlllnos acquire n Imowledgo oC Eng , IIsh und become moro familiar Wltll Amel'lcan methods , they Ilre expectc to tal < e the plllces of Amerlcuns. Chinamen HtVc : to Hurry Now. SAN PHANCISCO-Chlneso labor CI'S are rushing Into Uanada by the hundreds Ilnd on , every steumer frorr the Orient thlY are unlYlng here er route to British Columbia. ' 1'hl _ cause for the sudden lnl1ux Into Cun ada lies In the fact that the Canadlnr government recently enacted n In" by which every Chinaman landing OJ Drltlsh soli after January 1 willi hI compelled to pny a head tax of $ [ i00 Under the present law the Chlnesl are required to pll ' enl : , ' $ [ i. Coghl lnd Asks for Collier. WASHINGTON - Rear Admlra Coghlan has cabled the navy depart mant requesting that an addltlona collier be assigned to his squlldron His request will bo granted , but I vessel has not yet been selected , Congressman McClellan Reslgno. W ASHINGTON-Spenlcor Cannm received a letter from Ropresentatl\1 ! . Georre B. McClellan stating that hi , f had forwardoll his reslgnntlon as I I. member of the house to Governo a Odell. The resignation becomes effec tlvo upon Its rocelpt b - the governor Miles of Railway , 209,855. o CHICAGO-According to the RIlII o way Age , the total railway mllenge 0 e the United Stntes on January 1 , 1904 If will bo 209,8f 5 miles , the present yea o havIng added 5,723 miles , 'fhls mile , ' _ ago tnlcos Into account nil the nm I. tracle Inld up to the Inst day of th' ' ) _ ) 'ear. Comll rod with 1902 , the pref y ent 'ear Is about on a parity In maj 3 tel' of rallwa ) ' construction. , Th it consh'uctlon rOllorted was done 011 3.s e lines and In thlrt.nlno states and tel rltorles , Including Alasl < n. - . . l IS NOT PROOF FRAUDULENT PENSION MONEY 'lJST BE RETURNED. DEMANDS OF THE OOVERNMEUl A Pension Case From Georgia Unde. . . Consideration-Where Woman 1m- persoMted Diseased Brother's Wife , Causes Promulgation of New Orde. . . by Treasury. \V ASlIINGTON-It IS statcll at th treasury department thnt where a pen- ' , . . . slon certlficllte has been Issued to a f woman who ! Jnllel'connted the wIdow of n. deceased pensioner , and pension agent's checks have been drawll Jln ' . ublo to her ntld dellvOJ'pd to her upon vouchers executed h ' her , and the bank cashed such checls. which were In duo course paid at the suh.treas- ury upon which drawn , the government - ment will mnl < e reclamation IIC the amount. In other words , bankers and other Jlersons who ens a ] lenslon checles arc charged wIth the , respon- sl\lIIty \ of estaIJlIshlng the Illentlty of the IlIlyees of such checles to the same extent that they uro charged wIth tl10 responsibility oC establishIng the i en- lily of the payees and of the checls Issned In ordlnnr - commercial trans- nctlons , The exhIbition of n pension certl cato Is not Identl cation o [ the person named therein , This ruling was hcld In n case arising In GeorgIa : wherein one ClarIssa Owens , whose real name wns Molly \lelton. obtain ell a pension , It Is snld , by ImpersonatIng - Ing the deceased wlfo of n. soldier , nnd received pnyment nt the rate or. $8 per month from April 8 , 1901 , to May 4 , 1903 , It de\'elopect In the examination of this claim that the soldier left It wIdow. who Is supposed to hayo died In Florlllaolly \lellon , a slstor or the soldier , impersonated her de. ceased , obtained the pension - sion , forged endorsements of her de- cellsed slster.ln.ln w to the checles and obtained the money , For this pf. fense she vms tried in the United Stntos district court at Savannah , Ga , . and was sentenced to one yenr an one da "s confinement In the penIten- tiary. The ofl clals of the Northern Pacific rail rand den ) ' the statement attributed - ed to Prank 'Vnterhouse , manager of the Boston Stenmshlp compnn ) ' of Seattle , In nls recent testimony befom the Interstate commission , that his company hlld n contract with the Northern Pacific which prohl\lted \ that railway company from acceptIng - Ing frolght brought In by tramp steamships , The - assert tl1nt while the comJlan - hns no exclusive contract - tract and no r.greement be > 'ond a division of rates \uBlness \ from th Orient , It Is the general practice or railroad compimlcs in the transaction of their IJuslness to malco a conces- , slon to eSlnhllsh and maIntain pm'ma- nent lines with a tlxed and regular schedule oC sailings nnll arrivals , and with advertIsed routes , wllh doelmge facIlIties , etc" over transIent steamships - ships , mostly Corelgn , which hnve happened - pened to plcl , up a cargo and ha\'e ne regular buslnesD , WHIT LAW REID ON EXPANSION. Seems to Fe lr Result of Extending Amerlc ln Possessions. NEW YORK-Respondlnc to th\ ! toast " } 'orofuthers' Day" at the an- I nual dinner of the New England socl- et . , Whitelaw Reid saId In part : "ShIlH wo find a safe course b ' rOllmlng the oceans to drug In se l tropical and revolutionary communities - , ties to be made states In the Amel'l- can union , equal from the start to ourselves , with sometimes , perhalF. a bllhnco of 11 ewer that mny enable th ! to govern us and the land of our Cnthers ? Snch questions 111lvo burst upon us too suddenlr out of IJ\U' expansion to justify at the outset harsh criticism of an - rash or III-con- slderell IJrOllosals that may I'lse to the surfuce In the f.rst Croth of public discussion , Dut I venture to predict that the tlmo will como when the mnn who shnll propose the Incorporation Into n. stnte oC this government of the United States of America , of nny Is. land of the sea , the PhilIppines , tbo Sandwich Islands , or Porto Rico , will he hunted from Il11bllc IIfo as ana. tlonal enemr , whether ho bo ani mat. ) ed merel ' by lingerIng remlnlscencf ) of the filibusters nnd slavery propn- ganda , or whether ho represent a sugar - gar trust In Wall street , or a sagebrush brush trust In the United States sen : - ate. " Bryan Buys Old Homestead. CENTHAI..LIA , ILI.-The } 'eal es , tate transfers sh w the BRIo by Sena. tor Charles E , Hall to William Jon. nlngs Bryan of the old B-yan home. steud on Droudway In Slllem , This Is the house In whIch William Jennings Dr 'an was born , The consldoratlon named In the deed Is $2,000 and Col. onol Dr 'an trnded an elghtr.acro fal'lr In tl1ls county for It. Violate Their Agreement. AI.1'OONA , Pa , - The ufrnlo. Rocbester and Plttsburg Coni nnd Coke comll ny unnounced n wage 1'0- ductlon lit Its Helvetla olleratlons ! _ amounting to 10 per cent. to go Into effect Jnnunry 1. Whllo the Helvetla miners are a comparatlvelr Inslgnltl. cnnt part of the Bufralo , Rochester and Pltlsburg comJlan "s worlelngs , \ - ' the reduction Is conslderelT prophetic of a maI'o swel > plng movoy \ th compllnr shorl1 ' , which will cut the wages of 16,000 men.