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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1903)
, , \ \ 1 , ! ; ' USTER OUNTYl EPUBLICA. . . . ESTABLISHED 1i82. 'l'HE OFFICIAL PAPER Oli' CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. , 14ARGES'l' CIReULATION " OF ANY PAPRR IN ' { 'lIE COUNTY. . = = _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . r _ , ' . ' " ' , VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1903--EIGHT PAGES , : NO.1S. . _ _ _ _ . . _ - = = = - - = - . _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - " . . ; 'f _ . ' ' : ' 11.f . \ e , b I , , J . - - - - - - - - I ' and Unset. 'l'hc ffec.t of mall ) ' per- It'd g'elll 1 $ mnrrcchy \ II' } IJ11O\ \ ' scttillg- . , . I 11\0\111 \ 1 PAt gIII" at little lO t , ill setG I , tings that shows thcm to . cst tHI'an tagc. If , you wish to e pleascd. en- ' trust ypur gem to me to II I be set 1n Ule latest style. , If YOll haven't the geIiIs I Q . . shal1 pleascd to supply I . . : 1 : ; ! ! . i 0 I : ( . : \ . . . . . . . . . .8/"ll . : S- \ _ . . . - - . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - r " ; j ; . ; . School Book ! , \.l * . , .It. . 'f au , } et5 r' , t , . 1Jt : ? t ' j' -A.NII- School Supplies , , I , ; i' 1 \ , f * --A. T- hl. . hl.r' / " , J. G. Haeberle's. ; I ' : : = - - - - I r , ! II I I r \ " " ' = ' ' # n , . . - - - - g Unole Sam Approves I ( If the busincss mcthods h rt' UI\f\ \ fl1\11. thAt the t : i , th i n t o 8 national bankin Inws. Its finAncial - cial condition is satisfactory in I every WAy. This indorsement R from high authority is an addition- \ M al guarautee of our abilitr to t R handle the accounts and bustnoss , of firms and individuals. Prompt' efficicnt sen'ice is rendered at moderate charge. . land H. LOMAX , Cashier. : . . # JOOCY'.A. 'l'he Star Grocey Co. ha higl gradc coffecs ill cans and bulk- the \'ery est. 'fry them. = ? : N : i : : : : : m O. J. Life of Arnold , Was a fricndly callcr Friday. He reports - ports that most of the curn in his locality is practically worth- lcss , owing to the frost. Dan Haslell of Milldale , foreman - man of. the Stewart Haslell ranch , passed through town one day last week on his way to th White \VatQr ranch to look after their cattle interest.-Gandy Pioncer. \Va forgot to mention in these columns last wcek , that Mrs. Conly , a formcr residcnt of this couuty. came over from the Bow a few days ago with her son , C. C. Conlv. She will make and ex- tCllded visit with her son and his family.-Gaudy Pioneer. I Patrick Kel1ey of Naw Heleua , I was a friendly caller at this office Friday. He says that his corn was sufficiently matured to e out of the way of the frost and that he had been feeding it two weelcs , but he ob5ervcd that all hi neighbors were not so fortutt- ate. 'rhe Baptist church has put in Jas lights , in the place of the gasoline lamps that have been doing- service for several years. The change is quite an improvement - ment on the light question.Ve understand the M. E. church will put in the gas lights as soon as the workmen can get to it. From the general complaint of the farmers about hunters invading - ing their pastures , cutting the wires and shooting chic1cens , it would seem that the deputy game warden of Broken Bow , has opportunity - portunity to do some much needed - ed work just now. 'Ve would suggest to the farmers to use their 'phones in n tlfying the officers of the law when they know of trespassers being on their premises. . Officers should not e blamed for making no arrests when they have not been ' informcd 'at , a time that sufficient - ent c\'idence can be had to con- vict. DUW-AR'fUUR , At Lincoln Hospital in Lincoln , Tuesday Sept. , 11 , son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mauk of this vicinity , age ,16 months and ten days. Mrs. Mauk had started east Sunday on a visit and stopped off a1 1-4incoln with the view of visit. ing a week thelle before continuo ing her journey. Th boy wa talwn sick that e\'ening wit1J bowcl complaint. She called doctor at once a d every thinj ! possible for his relief was done but without avail. The remai11 ! were returned to Broken Bo yesterday morning forburia1. II , vas theIr only child. Funera scn'ices w conducted by Rev , Morris in the Baptist churcl after whi h the body was laid tc rest in Br ken BowCemetery. Thl Hm'u T.1C\N exten ls to the grie 11 stricken paren ts the sincere sym - path ) ' of the community in thei great el'cavcment. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - r' . . .W Ac NS. . . \Ve have just r cch'pc ! : I PHt' load of tw } rIebl'ated----v } OLD HICKORY KENTUCKY WAGONS ! , v. , ' have these ' ' and e bought wug'ons eat'ly , are in posi tion to sell you fi W fig'on several dollars loss than Ow market p1' ce. Cnll and see me. Acme 5-Foot Mowers , $35.00. . . This is a high grade mower and sells all over .the state for $45.00 cash.V I } are agents for the Aultman & 1'aylor 'l'hresher-hol'se ' - power 01' steam engines.Ve also have the Acme Sweep and Stackers end the Done Sweep end Stackers. PEORIA CORN SI1ELLERS. Buggies , "r agons , H ardwal'e , Steel Rangesl Sad dIes , and I-Ial'ness. Largest line in to\Yll. ( G. W. Apple. . . . 1 t ReW. . E. Mathcws ofMcrna I was . fricrll11y callcr at this office Moneta ) . Andrew Weaver of Mason City , wi11 teach the Prairie Center school thc ensuing ytar : Ih commcnccd la9t M011tlay morn- ing. ing.A A squad of thirty-live .Taps in the employ of the U. & M. an : stationed 11t re and will rcmain two or three months. 'l'hey will raise the track between here and Merna. Papincllu & Drake have beeu awarded the contract for buihling a school hou c ill the 140ni'fellow district. 'fhis will e the third school hou e they have built tbi se.-tson. Ed. McComas has a tiue artis tic sigH paintcd on the side of his Rtorc , advertiJing ! Patton's Sun Proof Paint. Pat Steven" Ron and L. E. Cole are the artist that did the work. Ta.ylor Flick startcd Monday on a tri east. He will bc ac- compamcd y his son , Georg-ci and they will go as far east as Pennsylvauia. He expects to e gone two or three weeks. Miss Emeline lIaywarQ , o e of our shorthand students from Broken - ken Bow , reccived a telephone message that her mother was seriously i11 Saturday. She left for Broken Bow immediately. -Ord Quiz. 'l'he fourteen year old daughter - ter of Geo. Work , near Callaway , was bitten y a rattle snake la t Saturday evening , while she and a rotber and sister were shocking - ing corn-that tbcir father was cutting. Hopes of her recovery , are entertained. , C.V. . Fojge was in yesterday. evening from Prarie Center. lIe says he has a field of corn , that was well along when , struck. by the frost and that it will not. . . be . ' " very badly damaged and. ? that I s'ome of , hi ! . uciglibors have ' ' ' f , I as good or better. Mrs. Warren Lang and Mrs. Frank Coleman of the West 'l'able , were city visitors yester- day. They report the corn. in the hail district considcrabh' damaged by the frost. but tbe ) think there will be some corn there that wi11 make fee . Frank Reed of Custer Center , I thinks 200 acres of his corn was beyond the reach of frost , while 40 acres was soft. He thinks he wi11 dispose of his soft corn b } turning his cattle on it. Mr. Reed just c mpleted tbreshin 5100 bushels of smal1 grain la51 week. J. Lee Boyer , representative 01 the Western PaperCo.of Omaha was a city visitor T esd"ay. 1I ( had just returned from a tri } . thrpugh Iowa and informs \1i that the corn east of the Missour river was not injured hy th4 frost , nor was it in the : u1terl part of this state. I n those 10 - catities thcre was a light fros but no freeze as here. IJI' D. ' JUDSON C. PORTJlR-At : Ansle , I Tuesday , Sept. , 22 , ' 1903 , 0 cancer of tbe face. T' . The deccascc1 is a ' ell know J' attorne ) ' f the county 0 ( whic he has been a resident most ( the time for the past scvcntee or ightQen year . He t r located at Mason City wllt're II engaged in the practice of la' and f r a t 111e runahotel. li'rOJ therc he moved to Hyannis whel he served for a term of years a county attorney. About 5i years ago he moved back t Custer county and located a Ansley where he has sinc ! : ! resil ed , in the practice of law , 1n the fall of 1900 he was U repu lican nominee for coun1 attorney but failed 01 electio He was a man well advanced' years , bnt had enjoyed r.mar ably good health until less thl a year ago when a cancer dev = oped on his jaw. He went Omaha about the first of t1 year where he had an operatil p rformed , but without succe He : had one or two other oper ' I tions , but the surgeons were1 able to stop the dreadful disells He enjoyed a large acquaiutan 111 t'he conn t y and was highly - tecmed as d ci tizen. eS-1 , IIiG funeral will be held at 1 j I o'clock this , Thursday afternoon , at Ansley , under the auspices of I the Masonic fraternity of which he was an honored member. A number of Masons from this city will participate in the exercise . "l'hc Rm'UnI.lcAN joiu8 in ex- tt.m1ing ; sympathy to the bereaved - ed wife and chihlrcu. DIi4lrlct Sum' ' " " MlUllt t'onfelltlou. The followiug i the program to e rendered in the United E\\ngelicul Church at Oconto , , Septembcr 26 and 27 , 1903 : ' . SATURDA'I' , 21" " . M. . , Devotional Service , led by Mr. E. Gookins. 'Vhat Ar Some of the Hind - d ances to our Sunday School 'Vork ? Rev. L. J. Koene. Dig- CilRRion. . MuMc. What is the Best System of fl' aching in Sunday Sckool't Baptist delegate , Lomax. Music. I Assiir1111ent of Delegates y CQUlmittee. SATURDAY , 7:3i : P. M. Song and Prayer service , led , y M. E. delegate. Callaway. Suuday School Reports. Address by Rev. Miles of Call- away. S UNDA \ ' , Sin' ' ! ' . . 27. Sunday School : It 10 a. 111. Preaching at 11 u. In. by Rc\ ' . . Holderman. Cal1awa ) . IJ. SUNl > A Y , 3 1' . M. Devotional Service , led by the 140di BaJ1tist delegate. 18 it right to offer rewards in our Sunday School ? Redfern delegate. Union Services of the Young People's Societies , ccmmencing 7 p. m. ' Song-"God Be With You 'fill We Meet Again. " ; f All SU1U1 y Schools are in- I. 'structcd to 'scud c1etgates and contributions t.o pa } ' expenseR of thc convention. Vi' . ' 1' . WOODY , Pres. South weRt Distri t. I'ClII ar Hurd VII. Not\vithstanding the fact that J. O. 'l'aylor has not tasted a glass of beer for twenty seven or eight years , some of his political CnCII1IC1 ! are circulating that he keeps it in his house by the 1cag r and that he is never without it. It . must be that the opposition are [ hard up for campaign thunder and are aclly scared as t.hey have to manufacture somcthing new against Mr. 'J'aylor nearly , e\'ery . week. J Cllnrch . . " " "Ice. . . U.U.CUURCU. Sunday School at 10 u'clock. Preach , ing at II ft. w. 1\1111 S p. III. A conlia1 ilvitution to all. W. F. Petry' . HU'1'IST CHURCH. niblu School 10 a. 111. Divine worshi ( II a. In. Subject , "Growing. " ) ' III . Y. P. U. Leader , Miss J..outle 71) , 8 p. UI. Oospl1 hour. Subject , "A LuUt aud it $ 'rum , " WednCl > day 8 p. ru Prayer time. ThuIsdaYl p. w. LI1I1i Aid Society , Thur lby 7 p , riJ , Chural rally. rJ. . CIIURCJf. Suullay willi us i ! > the last day of th Coufere11M year. It is desire\1 \ to ilia' ' " It a rally tlQY ulolll { ull lIncs. At I 11 o'ducL UIt : un11"1I1l reportlS of HII : vuriou departmeuts of church work will ht : gh It en with a short "closiug up" address b Ie tht : paftor. ! 'l'be closlnK sermon of th year at 8. Subject , "Acceptahle Sacri W fice. " All tire IIIvitt'JI. 111 Gto. 1' . Trit . I'L\51or. re t'RtiSBVTERIAN CHUR U. s Servic s n jl S'.ibbiith tJlornipgtat ] IX u. m. Evenlfi'g.ser'ICe3 at 8 p. w. 1 . ' 0 the e'ening th pastor wj11 plllacb h 3nl $ ermon of the sene "Li anI ! Timl Lt of Elijah , " Su1ject : ! "Elij h at ZIlI dpbath , " The choir w 11 be assisted , bol moruiQg und t\'cuillg Ly tbe Lewl3 ! qua , tdte In the e\'en fIy' w 11 be tht : ICy ; Jar monthly proi lH : cl'n-ice. y , P. S. If E. at 7 p. w , All ! ire v ; 1cowe. . . . ty . . . .w ! t.ATVRtn' . n. I - - - . VI" OLarlt& > Kton II O"I ' In - - fJ5IJO to Portland , TacofDa , Seattle. k - 1.27,40 to Sun Fnmr.i co La : ! Angels , 111 : ' .5o to Spohnt : . $10,00 to Huitt : and Hdenu. -1 - fJ2.40 to Salt 1. like : City , to Proportiollately low n&tea to hundrc : of dtber points , including il { Ho he BI1J in , \\'yo , Montana. rdiibo'lawhiIJ on lull , . { JIClOIi. llflll h Iolumbia , C. . I"rllla , etc , ' m. r'ery da } ' until Nu\'cl1IlJcr 30 'a- Tourist cars daily to C31tforn it. P , suullll } ' conducttll urglons th tiu 111U wC't'k. Ie. I ' 1'ourst ! cutS duil } ' to SeaUle. 1rlCjUII ot IIClirest Hurlinttoll ROl ce ugcnl. 15 - - - . Someth i I1g ' . New. . . . . . , , in thc la t car of buggies we ra ei\'cd. We bave v. eral tlCW style . Som tbing diffcrept from anltbiDM' you ha\'c vcr seen. One of them i ai.Steel Fraine Cnuopy Top Spring 'Wagon with curtai s attached to the to aud at a prIce yon canuot dupm.cate auywh re. Corne 1U and look us over whether y .intcud to btfy'l . or 110t , and let us how yon t1 b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . el . ' : , ,1 , 1\ UP-TO-DATE STYbES . .t. ' Jo . . It ) " direct from tbe 0 factory. You can't sccfhctn \ auy- I wherc else in Western Nebraska. Rc n9 , ber in buy- inl from u you save the middle man s"tprofit. In othcr words , we will sfill you , a buggy for the ame monc ) ' as the other dealcrs 111 tbe county PilY the jobbers.Ve also have a lew of those. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOOSIER DISC PRESS DRILLS lef.t , which wa aore making a very extremely Jew price 011. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . , C. S. MARTIN Mfr . . . , ! , Agt. - - - - --AND DEALEUIN-- ANTI-'rIxUST GOO DB. - . , . . , ' .c-hose who contend that therc i ! > no wen matured corn in Custer county may be able to reach a clitTerent conclusion by calling atl this o ce and sce somc finc and , wcll matured corn as the county' ' every produced. that was raised by John and G. 'f. Robinson in Fleming valley , thnee.nllies south of town. They have one hun- drcd and thirty acres of it. . - - Dr. Scymors will e at the Grand Central Hotel , Saturday , Octo er to. , I 15-1.7 .MMfMi . ! Ml\f\MfMMMMMM \ , Vi'MM . S. P. GROAT & CO. , : Embalmor8 and Funorol DI- : root'ra. We l1a"trudonaltlal ( Gooda anll l < 'nnarllOllf. . Oall tl'lenhOUO rl1 at 3R any lime-tlar or nl1M. ; { t : : S. P. CROAT & CO. , 9 i lIruken IIn , . . . . - - Nubrtlk. . 1 l4. f W 'i t''i ' jU r _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ " 'ft"'T"T"t"t"'t'"t"'t ' " " " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' : : : - j- . Heating Stoves. . - - A NEW DEPARTURE. - - _ - - : : : : : ' 1' he Celeb-rated. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - : : : : - - - Beckwith Round , Oak Stoves : : s ! = Now havc : .t. self-fecd maga ubl ncl wili uurn : : : : : : : : : : the finest slack coal an retaif. . a'fire ' for ! ; bcty :3 E hours. TluH is the best : stO\ ' ( : made iu = = : : : : : the United Statc5 . W th it'hIIeavy ! fire pot it = = = = wi111asl nearly . a life time.i We ha\'e a very = = , : - : : : ' 1 argc stoc I co. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : . 'I Ranges , I - - - - I E CO k Stoves , and Star Oak Heaters. 3 : IS. F. GrQat & Co.1 A : : : : : II < r : : : : : : : : : : HARDWARE. FURNITURE. UNDERTAKING. : : : : : 1 U1UiH1U1UHUUlunU1UWU1UUUUUUUUUUHUUUUUUU . . . . . _ _ _ _ --.L _ - - - - - - - - - ' - " 0- - - . J' SHORTHORNS 8 , . . y R For sale at. ottom price ! > . [ i'or the next thirty days , I will .e . X offer at a big discount under formQ % ' pricoa , Young Cows , Hei'ers and Bulls , mostly the gct of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TI-IICI'CSET , of the hest bulls and .est breeders to l : found anywber . I tne 9-15-03. M' . 'Fj. V ANDEN ERG. -"KI' , ' . . 1 : ' - - _ . _ _ A _ - . _ . . - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ ' : :1 : 1J. . ' ir. < W MMMM ' < MMMM1M , , fMtAMfr 'h'f ( ! : ' n . . . - . . t e"VE ( ) UB. ROGe BY USING 7- . . ' Eureka accine' . . . . r : IIog Cholera Cure ( Preventative , , Its aV"fIllie recorillas ! year i. 9 pee cent. .aveil of al1 hog tr ated , rcg-ardless of the'con < l1hon of the hogs at time I . of treatment. 'l'his record is t 1 [ : ' ; n equalled y any other .h. . r mecJy on the market. } 1"'or further particulurs , al < 1ress , ; I : . J. L0NERS-AN , j ; Broken Bo"v , Nebr. . "iJ " 1I4. . , i . . . . . , - . ,1 . . , ' . .