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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1903)
- - - \ : : : U\\\ ) " tlt" U\"t L\Utur\lUl . , , ' " , . . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . - - . . . . - . - . - - - . . . . - . . _ . , . . . . . . . . . . , " . ' . . I , . USTER' OU'NTY''EPUBLICANi' ; : , ES'l'AllLISIIED 1882. 'l'I1E OI li'ICIAL PAPER Olt' CUS'l' ] I COUN''Y. r AHGES'l' CIHCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN 'l'II1 COUN''Y. . : - i VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER - COUNTY , NEBRASKA'fHURSDA'Y , - . , SEPTEMBER , j . . . - - - - - . . 17 , 1903--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 14. "f/ I . . yI - I " . _ _ _ A _ _ _ . _ , Night Work . hrill ! J forth nil I uri \ i III { cye Ilc- fects. : Thc tllli\'idual ' up' : I'lOachiu ! ; { "failure ngc" will t tirsl IlUtlce SI lIIct.hillg'rolll . { whell clIgagcll1\1 IIlght readillg , " , or otlll r lIocturllal worhy \ artificial light. Gradually brillgillg lIIore ligh 1 to hear > - : Oil the suhject he SOOIl t l\ls 11/ / II' light IIccded : is a pair of { ( ) ( \ j-lusscs : propcrly tulJlIstcd. This IS wlll'w I cOllie ill with the , : light of optical 1 : II 0ledge. . Call I hclp you ? . - ( " , . j , 1I 1 1'I I 'I f - - Schoo 1 Books , Tahlets . -ANJI- Sr.honl Supplies , -AT-- .J. G . 1'-1 fl e b e . .I ( ' . R . : BANI r - - ; ; re's Money In It. : N Thc t'xpcriellccil busillCS ! ! IIIUII S will tell YOIl lhalthc (111) ' safc way N to kecp : IIIUIIC ) ' i ill a hall\ \ : . It SCUll then : hc USCII h ) ' the owucr , h ) ' o mealls of dlce\ \ : ! ! , l\\t ) \ is not at the 8 11iposul of all ) ' olher persoll. A hanaecuuut \ alii I II chcck book facilitnlc ! ! all husiuess tmmmctiollS m : : : : : : : : : m August Millcr of Uf hlicld , was a fricndly caer ) at thi ol1icl la t 'I'hursda ) " . I ay Armour left this morning for Xn Arbor , Michigan , to at- 11'1\11 the law school. gll.h'Coma i ! ) hav 'tlg" hi drug store paiutell. I . l . Cole alld Pat "te\'l'nson arc dning' t\ ) \ ( , work. , . 'young man hy thc name of r I\'l'rmol'c was urought O\'cr froll1 Sargent the lirst of the week for insanity. I TI. U. l uestman of T4itch lieltl , wa a city visitor Saturday. Ill' callcd at this ol1icc and had his I subscription advanced a year. ' 1'11 ( ' jur\ ' term of the district " has"becn po tponed uutil NO\'l'mJer ! IJ , owing to the fact that thc farmers arc very busy no\\ ' with their fa ) ) work. Frallk Patcrson , formcrl ) " of this dt\ " . was marriell Sept. , fJ , in Los A n"gcls , to a M i s LaBe ) ) . Mr. Pattcrson is a brothcr of \ lnI. ; . D. Callcn , near this cit ) " . M. g. Schncringer , thc populist - list candidatc f01'cotl11tv trcasurer was in he ci y.'l'ucsd . ) " looking aftcr l\ls polIttcal fcnces. lIc Idt1l11.r rcmcmbercd thc REl'UDI.I- CAN ofiicc with a friendly call. 'I'he Brokcu Bow Busincss Colleg"c has made arrangcmen ts to teach tclegraphy in connection with its other uranches , for thos'e who wish to makc it a study. r4. W. Amsberry w ll preside ovcr that departmcnt. Albcrt Burke , who has been associated with Alvin Burke in thc restaurant busincss , has sold his interest to the latter and rc- I turncil Monday to Arnold , his formcr home. Mr. Burke a's thc husines is paying we ) ) , hut it requires too litan ) ' hours to suit hill . - - - - . - . - - . - - ' - - t r . . , ' : : : ; 1 , ffi W e T ry To Please U ur Customers. ( ili : ' 1'1T A' ! , ifi why wc Hell strict- : III h' high ( rrade unadult- . u. J / : ) It' II' crated drugs. II' 'I'HA'L' is why our prices are II ; so reasonaule , anll " , 'I'll A ' 1' . is why we are caret - ; : t ful and accurate in : : : filling prescdptions. : : : I Id.Nlc : ( OMf\S m C iliI DRUCCIST , } - - ' a . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IJ . . .WACONS. . , \\'l' ha'p jllst I'p'pivpd U ( 'UI' loud of 11H' l'l'll'hl'ntl'd _ . _ - : . _ , - - I . OLD HICKORY KEN1UCKY WAGONS ! \\'l' hllhOllg'ht thesp wllg'ons rndy , nnd are in position fo ; H'll \ \ ' ' you a \\'ng'oll HPv l'nl elollnl's less than tllp ilia I'kpt pl'il' ( ' . ( ' 1111 n nel 8PP nw. , . Acme 5-Foot Mowers , $35.00. This is n hig'h g'l'ndp I1IOWC' ) ' and splls nIl on' ) ' tlIP tnt ( ' 1'0) ) ' $ .15.00 nnsh. \ \ ' . . IlI'C ag'elltH for Ow Aultlllan LV Taylol' ' ' ) ' ( ! ' - - ) ' IIOwel' 01' Rtt. UIll l'ng'ilws. \ " ( ' n hm hll VI' t he A nnw : : } " , ( ' > aol t > l ckel's nnel tlw Dillie we'r > Hnd t > taclwl's. \ : PE01 < .IA CORN SIlELLI RS. Bug'g'it'S'ag'ol1s , IIal'dWI1I'p , Htl'l'l Hung'PH , Hud- ( , ( lips , und IIII'npsH. ) LI1I'gl'Hf' linp il1 tOWII. ! G. W. . . . Apple. , I . . .or. . . . , " " IUl'OR'l' : lW ' 1'111CONIHTIlHo : : ( W Tilt : Broken Bow State Bank II ( IIwll"lI IInll' . Chart..r Nil. 540. Ilicoflllll'all'll III Ih , ' RI\t , . II ( NI'hraRka. al Ih. . . : Io ( ' IIf hllRI- II" " " S"I'\I'lIIht'r 5.1903. HHSOUHCII : 1.lIanR . . . all < l IH'I.lIlInIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15'1 ; 14 03 O'.lrafl" . . ' ' ' 'cllrt',1 alllllln , 'cnr.\ \ . . . 15-1 I ) lIankhul' hnll' " ( u I'll It II 1'1' alHI tlX\lII't. 2t- . . ( \ ) IInll ( wm lIallllllal"lalr ami 111'11'111" hallkRuul hank'rR.1 : ! 3\1 ! II Clwck. . amlll..m. . , , ( , 'xclJalllll ! 14-11 50 : ! Ca..h . ' Curr..lIl. ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1551 1 , Culll . . . , . . . . . . . . . . I lMIS 5'1 ' 1''lal ca..h UII hlml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 3'1 61 . 'J'.l\al \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n-I.411 G ; LI.\III1.ITI : . . : I Cailital " 1111'1. I'altlill. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . : t 21) l\1 SlIfllhlR (111111. . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1..1 OJ IJmtlvhl.lllwlll" IIt'I . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5J. ( , ; 11II1"'llIlIal 111'111..11. . . .nlol'cl I 10 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . t3'1 3t45 , 1 > t'lIIanll c'rtlJieall'R II ( II. . . 1',11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'1 21IJ 15 Un. 10 "Iah' anll pl''alll ' hankR anll hankt'rR. . . . . . . : l.S,4H 1,1 { IOJ 01) - - - 'l'lIlal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S2l44 \ 67 Slain nf N..hra'lka. , Cuunl ) ' of Cu..ler. f Ii" . . I. S. K. W AHHICIt. ca'lhlel' o ( Ihn ahm II naillI'll hank. 110 Rnl'mnl ) ' AWl'ar Ihallhn : , bllve RI\e. mellll'l ellrreCI anll a Irull enl' ) ' of . Ihe rCllorl malle to Ille Siale lIanklllll' IInard. S. . W.\HHICK. , \ II" ' ' 1- J s. K. Warrick. Dlr..clor. I J.M. Kllllbertlnif. Ulreclor. Slibserlhl',1 :11I11 Rwnrll 11I1"fllrl' Iblll 121h 11:1) ' IIf Sell\l mhlr. II/tIJ. W. n. NASTIIAM. ( 'iAL/ : / Nlllar ) ' I'lIbllc. _ . _ . . _ , . . _ . _ - . _ . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - Will Das went to Ravcnna toda , ) ' to attend the Carn'al. . Several of the boys ofVestcr. . ville , went to Ravenna to attend . the carnival. , Mrs. E\'a Reynolds , who has hecn ncar Oconto for several , weeks , i in the city visiting. Don't forget the ( late of the 01:1 Settlers meeting atVcstcr. . \ ' l1e , 'l'hursda ) " , September 24. 'l'he Broken Bow bal1 went to Ravenna yesferday t attend the Carnival and play ball. I 'l'hose who attend the old settlers - tlers meeting \VestervilIe , the 24th , wiII doubtless enj y a splcndid time. Arthur and Herbert Myers of Georgetown , left here Monday morning for 14incoln to rencw their tudie in thc state uni- , I vcrsity. . : I E. F. Myers came up from Georgctown Monllay and left 1'lIeHda.r morning lor Lincoln , where he will re-enter the state lttl1\'ersit ) . as one of the seniors. Judge Reese bought two fine [ ) uroc Jerser pigs while at the Statc li'air fast ' ' week. 'l'hcy werc ] rize winners and cost him over S100. Mr. I eese had atr ady I iOllle fine hogs on his farm west ) f town of tlte Du oc amilj' . t 'l'he management of the Bro. i { en Bow Band has closed a dcnl I vith the Ak-Sar-Ben people to i ) Ia ) ' for them the ( " 7 and 8 of f ) ctoher , of the L all l stivities It Omaha. which extends from Itc 1st to the 10th of October. r I G. E. Cadwell bought at the Hate li'air , a half sister of the f = > remium Hilt , of Manle ) ' Co. ; he was sired by the greatest ) uroc mate , Orient that this I ountry has ever produced. Hcr lam i the Jumbo red sow. He" Jso bought a malc pig of George IJ loming , the man that raised the a Iremium hog last year. 'l'hese nimals contain some of the hest I. . Ilood in the Duroc famil ) ' . 'l'he tt ( Janlc ) ' Co. had ten line SOWH on tl xhibition ou which he took k [ 'veral first premiums. . 11 nIJw-Geor cV. . KelJarSept. fr , . l1J03 , at Ius home at Ne w ' [ elena , Age , ( ,5 , years , 7 months ' \ ! J days. 'J'he deceascd was born 'I 1 Morrow county , Ohio , Jan. , 7 , 1 )1 38 , where he r sided until thc f 111 of 1857 , when he located in r [ olt c.ount ) " , J < ? He servcd 4 ( 1\1 car 111 the CtvilVar. . member f Co , } " . 4th Missouri State nl [ I 'l't' . II' W la. e was 111 several con- icts among which was the battle 01 f Springt eld , Mo. , and Mine urric , bcsides minor ' 4 engage4 lents. On the 11th of } "eb. , t1 ( .5 , he was marriclt to l checca 'r nn 'I'hornton of Oragon , Holt w ) unt ) ' , Mo. ' } 'o this uuio" were 1I orn , two sons and thrcc daugh- rs , wlto are left to mourn the di at11 of thcir father. He unit1' ' I with thc M. I . church earh' tr 1 life and has cvel' endeavoreil st , ) he a true hu hand , a loving in lt1H r and to ] j\'e an upright life bl cfore the world. His death h : 'hich occured on the Ctth of Sep. Ii III her , 11)03 , was not a su rprise g ! ut his many friends will note st , leir los tll1\s \ occasioncd and $ ( dend their s'mpatu ) ' to thosc al reavcd. ' { 'he funeral service C ( 'ere held at New Helena at 2 al 'clock Sept. , 7 , RcJ. . R.fl' ardell , officiating- . ie IHI'OR'1' : ' ' ' ' ION' 0\0' \ I 1'nl- : CON lH'r . OF Till' : IBank I of onl1ncrce : , nf IIrnlen IIn" , . Ncbrka. . Charier No. rot In. cur\lOrnll'll \ III Ihe Rlall ! of Nt'hra..ka. at Ihl' clo'l' of hl1'1II1" . " Seili. 5. 1903. I HIoSOUHCI > 1I : I.oallRallll nl8C\lUIlIR..r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : f\i ; JOI } is O"l'rdmltll..Sccllrl'd allil uuNecur..II. . . . ' 5942 'SIOck8.AccllrhII'R.jllllllllleIlIH.claltns.Pt 215 III tllbcr a "I . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -430 6t houfllrllltnre : inl. tlxtllre. . . . roe 00 . . c latl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .25. < ; 000 , .Cllrr'lIl..x"cn . . . anll la'x. . . " "alII. . . . . . . . II 1371 > 3 Uue frolll . . . n llon31.lIlaI.ulll PI'\ \ I , 'al. . . bank. . and banl.r" . . . . . 4b744 CII'cl. . alllillelll8 IIf cxchanlre. ' > : Ca.h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 : 220 2' J6 ; 5 ' ' " . . hall < l. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ' 1'1I1al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t' ; Jin 15 1.IAIIILlT/l1 Ca"lIal II10cl , "ahllno'5 I\U ( \ ) lhlltlvllll',1 llrulll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii 2i2 73 Jnll"'llIlIal 111'1.0..11. . . .ultjl' 111I cb'ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f" 32 ( , 31 ( , D"I"I eertillcalts uf derlll..11 1 21 11 ' ' 'l'llIIe eerlIJc'ale8 IIfdc\lII"h. . . 2 UIUO ' \ 12 5'1 ; 42 1I111'1lla'able . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 500 1\.1 I ' 1'lIlal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . : - U ; 3015 - Ialc of Ncbra'lka. I COIIU ! ) ' IIf CU.I'r. f lili. . . I. P. M. RUIILRt : . Ilre tllcnl IIf Ihe allll"\ ! nalll..11 bak. do Rol nlUl ) ' 1I"'ar Ihallhl abovl' J1Ul'lIIentls correct and a I rill ! co I' ) ' IIf IIII ! re. . Jlllri lIIallll IlIlhe Hlal. lIanlchlll 1Il1anl. P. 1\1. RUIII.lm. ( In. . . . AIII'III- j C. J. RIIVllnll. IJlrl'clur. I P. M. Rublce. IJln'clnr. Slibscrlb'Il anll " " , urn III beCon' " " Ihlll 141h , Ia ) ' of Se\llc"hl'r. \ 1'U3. J.UII\I I.IWWICII. IlHAL/ / Nlllar ) ' ( luhllc. " ' H. W. Wil1dns , Dr. Da ) " and 'Prof. Garlisch went to Haveuna toda ) " on 44. , \V. B. Mood ) " of Westervillc , left the first of the wcek on a visit to Illinois. A. R , . Humphrey made a husi. trip to Casper , \V"omil1g , ) " : : : ; t 'fhursda ) " , returning Sun- day.J . J as. Rudgc and Mrs. Liz e I Shafer of . Westerville , were mar. ritd on the 12. Rev. Swartz . of- ficiating. , Simon Cameron will be one of the speakers at the old settlers meetIng 1tIVelsh's grove , at Westerville thc 24. Mrs. A.V. . Gand ) " , who has been visiting in Little Rock , \Vash. , several months , returned home last Frida ) " . Mrs. J. Lowe returned 'l'hurs- [ ctY from Bridgcport , where she haU been visiting with her [ laugh ter , Mrs. Elliott. 'Herb Copsey \Vestervilleson ) f A. H. ( Copsey , has gone to I Lincoln , where he will take the. : nedcal ! cou Re in the statc uni- : , erstty. . \ l\Irs. W. H. Heeder' of Merna , t I itarted this 1I10rnhtg on a visit ! :0 : her former home in Wisconsill. ; h will stop olT a < fa at Havcn- Hi and take in the Carnival. John Welsh. wife and daugh- cr , Belle , of Westerville , are vis- ting in the city today. Miss 1elle will tcach her first school n Swiss Vallcy , commencing the irst of October. A cold Wa\'e passed over this Inrt of the country , putting in ts appearance Saturday night , vhich ulminated in a heavy rest Tuesday night and another ast night. It is claimed that ully half of the corn is injured. n watering throughs ice formed e ull ) ' a quarter of an inch thick. \ ' : now a foot d ep is reported in Ilaces in North Dakota , MonL , nd Minn. John Bell had the misfortune itst week to have his thrcshing Jachinc sepcrator hurned while Itreshing grain for Lee McCrac- en in Custer Center. It appears rom reports that a load of sheaf rain hauled by mos Lewis Liug-ht fire trom the engine N 'hile pitching it to the machine. 'he separator caught firc and efore the lire could be extin- uished the load of grain was S Llrned and the machine so ball } ' amaged that it is worthless. lr. Bell bought the machine S w this season. We understand D grain was burned except the tie load. S 'l'he Custer Count } ' l air this ar was the greatest success in . . IC history of the Association. lite attcndance on the third da ) ' , as the largest in the histor ) ' of ' 81 . Ie count ) . 1' le\'en hundred lore tickets were sold on that ; : l ) ' than on anyone da ) ' before. 'lte total cash for C tickets for en- I 'ancc , ampetheater alld quarter- rt atch amounted to $1,8,0 dura ! Ig tIre I air. 'J'he Society will ! ab\e \ to pay all pren1lums in I Ill , all expenses and have a nice .J We surplus to pay on thc rolllHl' against wl1lch therc is ill all ilHlcptcdness of $500 or > 110. ' { 'hose who hall the manCO ! : : ement of the li'air are to be > J1gratulated upon the success ltainctl. Liberal advertising HI good weather were material ! aturcs in th happy. results. - - - . . . - . . . . .Something New. . . . , , . in the last car of rcceived. buggies we rcceived.Ve havc several - eral new st'les. Somcthing diffcrent from an > .thing ) ' 011 ha\'c evcr sccn. Onc of thcm is a : Steel. 'Framc Canopy 'l'op SprinfVagon with curtains attnch.ed to , thc top and at a pnce ) 'Olt cannot 111plitate any\vh rc. Comc in and look 'us' over whcther you intend to buy I . Ot not , and let us show .YOll the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP-TO-DA rE STYLES. . . direct from the .factor ) ' . You can't see them anywhere - where else in Western Nebraska. ' Hcmcmber in buy. ing from us ) "ou sa\'e the middle man's profit. ' In other words , we witI sell ) 'OU a buggy for the. ' samc monc ) " as the othcr dcalurs in the . ount ) " pay the jobbcrs. We alHo h l\'e a fcw of thosc. . . . . . . . : 'o' . . . . HOOSIER DISC PRESS DRILLS . . . lett : , which we arc making a low prIce on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vcry . . . . , . extremely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. S. MART.'N . , Mf ! : . Agf. -AND DI ALBlt IN - III ANr 'I-TRURr [ ' GO.LS. . . . . . .Oo ; : . . I - . . . . . . .r..r..r . . " : " . I S. P. GROAT & .ocrJ".ccrJO".r1 CO. I H We have a Iirst.c1a. . tinner. We keel' II " i 8 large stock of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. ' , " Ss S i Tin And Galvaniz.ed. Itpn I I . , ennstllnU ) ' o hand. lIring your wok t ' ' : . c' : I liS al1 < 1 we wIn save ) 'ou monc ) ' . . . . . . . . . > . , I ' S. P.CROAT CO. . , 1 Hardware. Furniture. Undertaking. I ! b--.r..r..r..r..r.AY".r..r..r.r..r..r.AY" Q"J".r..or-Jo'f".r . ' .cr..r .r..r..r..r..r..rJ".rJ"J' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UI'ssis Owens of Oconto , . was It the city Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Gutterson left I ri- la.r morning on a visit to hicago. P. H. Munk hm ; movcd his , tore from the eas side of the , quarc to the Healty hlock in the tore room recentl'acated hy hc Chicago Merchandise Co. 'l'he district court convened in his cit ) . Mouday wilh Judge } rimes of North Platte presid- ng. Court adjourned 'l'ueslay ! vening until L rida ) ' , when it iI1 hc continucd by Judg Gut- erson. John \Vclsh says Joe Armour , ow county judge arrived in Vesterville . , Sept. 17 , twenty two cat.s ago today , he also sap ; that lany of the people there are tn'- Itg to mnkeJoe's vote uuanimo s It the township. - - - - , . - - . - - - - - 'l'he billl game at L : l\'et\ni1.'es- \ tenIa \ ' bet wecn Brolccn Bow and AllSl .r rcsulted 8 to 9 in in favor of Ansley. Dadl'Vnlters went to Raveuna Wedltcsdil ) " with his pop corn iLnd pcanut roaster to attend the three days Carnival in progrcss thorc now. Bent Osborne , o the \Vcst I-4iherty lDnterpril : c ( Ia. ) arrivcd in the city Satunfay morning on 11 few days visit with his parcnts. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osborne. He was accompanied by a cousin . Miss Gay Luse of West Liberty. . : rn f rnMff..gfrWiMrnM . mrnMhThmgC S. P. GROAT & CO. , ; Embalmers and Funeral DJ- : roc ( Ira. "u hUd UllltOrll1lUDI : OUUlb ; ' ' 'HI \ aDerlll Cllr. .0al1 tPDone 63 at I : ; /lnv tlmc-III1Y or nlillit. ' 38 1. . " = : s. P. CROAT & CO. , S f Urnk6ulJuw. . . ; - Nubrll.ka. . "u1nn.uznnn.unUlllrllnUrnnnn..n1' . < J.lIJ'IIUIIII U : , " , IU".U " llllU . uS . . . . . . . . i . r X" .r.JQr..r--o'f".r.r..r.r..r..r..r..or-.r..r.r..r..r ' . - . - - - - - - - - .r..r..r..r..r..r..r.r..r.r..r. - - - " SHORTHORNS , For sale at bottom prices. For the next thirty days , I will . offer at iL big discount under formcr , prices Young Cows , Heifers illtd Bulls , mostly the gct of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1'1'1 ICI'CSE'l' , .l one of thc bcst hulls and hct ! ' hrceders to ht' found . . anywher"c. " 9-15-03. M. : E. V ANDENllEIG. . .Y".r..r..r.Q'.r..r.QI'.r..r..r..r..r..r..r..rJ".JCOr".r.J . OO".r..rJ.Y'.f.OI".r..or-J'.r..r..r..l" . " n..JJ . . . - - - ' ' T 1aPlWrMrA1 . SAVE : YO'U HOGS B"Sl , " USING " 1 / ' , S : . I. . ] jJ ure k a V accIne..1 ) ; I log ( : holcra CUfe Preventative , 1E : Its average record last year is fJ2 pCI' cent. saved of all j hogs treated , regardless of the conditioll of the hogs at time as : of treatmcnt. 'L'his rccord is not cqualled b ) " any other I reUlclly on thc Ularkd. } "Ol' further particulars. addrcss , 5 I 8. 1. L0NER : AN , ' I , , 1 lkokpll Bow , Nebr. . ij WiJmvvuW iiwv G.\ \ . ' '