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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1903)
Cllster Connty Repnblioan . . x. AloiGDKRRYI KDITon .t. rU,8Lt8I1n , . , I . ! tOKEN now , NEDItASKA i' . , ; } . 'o err Is bumnn , but to forgl\'e If ! " qulto Mother mutter , , No doubt mnny n wife 'whllies 11 < ' t I1nd her old job bock ngoill. ' " An } ' man who bonsts of his wlsdolll . I ' \'ouldn.t do It Ir he llnd more. A wheelbnrrow Is nn xcellent ' -vehlclo lu Its WII } ' , but It won't IlIIsh " ! tacit. i I lnllY u mllll who lrll ) 'S for 1I1s dllll ' " br lHl Itlels If ] Iri doesn't Iet pie fOl' QCSSl'l' . - - - jJ' = 1'hl ! kC'y oC success IH within the ! ' J"'J\'h oC In'elT one , hut HOllCIIell arc too IIl.Y : to r < 'lIch 'fol' It , = - : . . , . Mr. Gnt's SIUS tll01 worRt hils heell I . ; ' renched III the 'slack mnl'lcet , 1'hls III no cotlullon ! to , the IIIlIn who fCIIChc'll Jr. . Some ot the 1llItCorm ; bullderR , , 'III . .10uhtless'Iew with nlllrJU too mudl lrrlgntIon In the Wellt without the COli. Jellt or th 11'1'1111 ted , - , 1'ho steel tl'unl's IJ1'901R urt ! rcpor 'd 10 be $1 .OOO,900 n montb. Why Bhoult the stockli ! ! l rs III COntll/lllY / like thllt b ' dl ; &utlslled with their pres- Illen t ? A tall' ( 'Sllllll1t of yourself Is tbo dlf. tcr ( ! co uetwt'en , , 'hut 'ou thInk ot YOUI'S1t II1ld whut otllers thluk ot you. A more eOlllfoltillg 'estlr lafe , howevel' , alld just I1S vlllullb1l' , Is the SUIII of the Iwo. " : I "jol - - , Shakl.'RlWlII'o I' ccln'd n I'oll h blow trom IlIIlIIe oue who HllId a few wel'ktJ ago thllt thl : ' Iloet ollJht to hc ho 'cot. 'H'.1 tc'll b ' thc ] ) ntch , the 'IrlRh , the I.'rcnch nnd the'Scotch ' , wll\1II \ III Insulted , AI- mmrt the SIIIIIC dllY Clllne n I"CIHlI't thllt Mr , Oarnegle lll\d' \ 111\111' hI I.olldoll , "Shnl\CsIJl'lIre tl1ught JUe 11101'0 thllu ull OUIC1' lIools pnt togethl'J'11' ; , Curnl" Ile Is II Scol. 'J'he t'\'I ' ; ' \ ) nttel'lUlCeS Ihuw bow , .wJde IIpllrt mell'lI oplnlonll 1II11 ' be , ; 1 w mnu clol do cd hulls oC Instltu. tloIlS ot leuI'lIll1g lu Ihe tlhltel1 Stllies life 110W rlslug or Oll tn he hullt ! ' 1'0 usq , common , WOI : . the ullh'el'sltlC3 nnd ' the IIchoolll of ' , ' ' , collelfl'H , C\I' ,1hul , nnl thri IIbi'lIrfrs , Il\'e 1I0W t1onrlllJ1u/ / . : all ovcr thlR' rOIHllJlIc with II " 1100111" 11e"cr snrlJletl 01' ovell IIIJJI'OIlChed , , Enormous busilless blllldlllgs o ( nil ,1 cll1sses are 811 III 0111' eellters of tmlle , bnt , culture aUlI , the hlgh ft tOl'lIIS oC ed cp.qonal devclollllellt ) nre , lIot neglected - lected , Youllg womlln are heroot'tm' to be allowed - lowed to I1l1ght tl'OI1the trl1111S of the , Hostoll ' \ ; " 13111e Hnllrollil wIthout II1\Slstnllce , Some ot thom hll VI' com- 11111 I lied , thnt the dh.t ' hllllds of the i" IH'lIkesui ll 1i0 theil' white 81111-I.-WIIIIIIs t ' 1'lIe brakemell nre IIlIowed to I1I1RI t the } 'oung WOll1ell who hll vo bUlldlea , but B\'PI I tqell thl' } ' ,1Ulq' ton\1h ml ' the hunc1lcs , When the hlstOl'Y ot thlR cell- tnry l written this new luUctlee : will 11C'1'1lnp'a lie noted 1111 nil 'hl8lnnce of this recognition of 11 womull's abl1lt } , to t.nkc care ot her ) f. Eating' Is' , thel' greatest of aU ollr stl\ndnrdlnll\J , fmeJlts. Ii\ . great ,1IUIII- her. . p PP01)1 IP'bvlousl : eat u re t I P , more than the ' need , and It Is I'lIt , rl ! ' Iy credIble Ulat n largo vroportlon f the moderato eaters mlgbt thrive IlII well I1nd look as halld90me Ilnd work ns , } nnt I nd live'as 10111 : on 1't r ' muCb ' , testrlctrd dlel _ nut would Ow jOH , of 'llfol , continuo unhuLlfllred , for ) ' thel1l ? The nuth'o.born mIght ruille . " " " of chlldren It they could lIuhRlal I tor 11 cenlK n da ' , but wonld tJlt" ' I " , tblnk life wus " "dlih m'lug 011 ] 1 clmtN' \ , worth ot ( . " 0 < 1 a day ? No. the" " woulllll t , ' 1ft.1t Is OUe thIng that 011'1 f. . them. , , , 'l'he subjlct ! ot aCl'la ] un\'lgnt1on IN ( . one of lIe\'CI"tl1l\1ng \ Interest , purtlcular- , \ I ' II t. tIlls time , when , 'UI1I1) ' en llIeel'6 . ' . n I'ee thllt the IH'Ohle.m Is on whOte I I'olutloml 1II11 ' bo expected JII thl1 lIenl' . future , Allllost 1111 engillcers. howe\'cl' , : : fUl'lhel' agree tlll1t the solution will 11 l'V CI' 1'011I0 IIlong the Ihlos of the dh'lglble ballooll , l\IId tbll1 the mnll ' In : terosl1l1J , : eXllcrllllellls with I < < ) , clllltl : airshllls , which I'II ' UlOIthe \ ga8 hag tll ovel'cJlIIl' the attraction ot I'I1VItIl- tltllI , wh : _ drll wlllg pOllular Inlerest to the subject of all' navIgation , do uoth. 1111 ; ' to"'lIl'd ud\'unclnS' the time whl'lI I'OJII IIlrshlls wll1 uecomo a pos lbll1\y \ , When the American farmer l'llie" ( 'al'I ) III the mornlnl ; It Is to look ovel' brl ; ) d 1I'1d t.l"rtlle acres that lire his ovW , beJ1 111 ' , goes fortq It Is to 01'11111 tha no. human l"wg can lawtu ly step tllJon witbout his consent. When , he KlltherH and Karnera tbe harveat he IItorea up what , In a vast mnJorlty ot cases , :10' ' eedy and rapacioull land. It > t"ll , an take trom him , . It 18 all hili , Tbe procccls or It are to clothe amI t JIlin find bls famlly and edUCllto hla chl1dren ; to be the IUPPOrt of hi. . . q'O and the hcrllAae of hIt oct.erlty. , Loked at trom every polut of vS&W , It Sol doubtful It there Is anotb. , ] auman , being under the btmTCns 'who bill more caUBe tor carrying a lllbt heart , nd ft contented mind , for regarding u. . past 'WIth 68tJstactlon and the future with hope , than the Amorlcan tarme-r. . , . , , . , ; 'Wh t , "hill' ' , w "Jtgr' .Is , ( \ . ques1Ion t ucntly put when n umber o m Slc-lovlug people get togother. 'The ' answer varies. with UIC tempcrnment r. " 'and taste 'ot the I dl ld a\s. It III 'n t I worth while tor amateurs to athn pt to I , , , . , , , rl"111 IJ\'OCcsslolllll \ sl'ogers , wllOsc bIlSI , ' JH'fHI 1hi \ to k(1ell I heir \'Oll'CR III Ih@ 1'llIldllloll ot II pOI'fectI. " tUIIl'd III II IIll'n I I II IIl1'u III 1'11t. rhlll Is the OIJllllolI 01 I Billpel'ol' Will In III , l'XIJl'l'Sfl'd ! 10 the I l'O1111 1Il'lorll oC thu GrIll II IIllIglII " 0' 'delil'S ' at FI'I1I1I < (011 J'ecclltl ' . prehll' ) hlllr ) ' to tIlC II WIII' IIf the prl7.e whIch III' gh'clJ c\'er ' 'ellr , ' 1'Iw IIllIg(1rs hlld Ilracllscd (1IlIIcult IIII1Rle ulltll tllI' ' coulll Rlllg It with l'Ollllhll'I'lIhll' crcdlt to th < 'lI1l'h''II ; , hut the 1'1II1H'I'OI' tulll nH1II thllt tllI ! ' wOlIllI 111'1'111' ( ' IIIM ( ' I'llt. IIICnetOl'r I'C UltR , If , Illfoit'IIf1 fll' tl' 'III to 111I1\11 \ te the lhllhm'lIIollll' , I'holrR. they were 10 de'otl' thl'mRI'h'l'lI t I folksongs "Yoll l11IYt' the Hhille III 'olll' vlelult ) ' , . ( ! t WIO of 'ou 1I1111 II HhplIl h foil , . lIonj : ? I 1'1111 olll ' IIII - to 'ou thllt If Il /linglo olle r 'OllIlul \ , fHUIoIeu / : , dt'l/l ohll's ' ] 'hou H nuUful I"or'st. ' thut wonlll hn\'e be11 II 1'1'111 l'plI'f ! 10 1111 , " lIe snlll thlll 11(1 would 11/1\1" U chenp collection of nutlollul ! 'OIlJS lJUhllshed , IIl1d hopcd thnt the soell'tles would shIH 1I01lU' or Ihe 80IIgs Ill'xt 'eur , and " /1110' " Ihe world whut a wenlth of IJoeh'r nll 1111" the ' contailled , Tile I'InJleror's ntl\lce > ml ht wl'll be tnlwu l.J ) ' Allwrlean slnJhlH oocletieB. The l ngIlIlIHfll'akln TIIce has not 80 'nrfe colleetloll of IJeoplc's lIIuslc as G r- mllll ' , hut there Is no renson " , h " AmerlclIlHl IIhould not IIlng the tolk- ' music of the worlll , All l"IIces are re- III'ollonl1I here , and It should be IOS. /llhle to IIIl1ke the lIIuslc oC all the mccs f ( ' ( ' ) nl hOllle on thl/l continent. 'ho Hongll t11/1t lrenOllr to the hearts ot the p"OIJle lire not the elnborate cOlllpolll- : tlonli1 , hut the al11l1110 melodIes wb1ch cnl ) { SlillgI , ' n lIIother flitting b ' , her 11 n-sh1l. , All muslcnl critics ab'Tee thnt n bnllnd weU sung Is ns nrtlstlc nn' ' achle\'ement aR tIle correct rendering' of wlnt ! OliO crItIc nptly cal18 the "tool h'lIIs" III the IIIl1d scene In "I.ucln. " So let'us'llIn"o more b Unds and lesa trill. hlg. 111 olle oJ his charming , storIes Droi Van Dk.e . reml1rks ; pnre tllp'Ucally that we have often oocl\slon to blcw.i 11\11' trletHIEI rr ) their e1ltllu81nsm8 , Thl/l II ! 1'err IIUracth'e little sentence , alld gl\'es us one moi'e occlIRItn ) to bC6J ] Dl' , ' Vnn Drl\l ! , who IR nlwllYs putting lute /lhn110 fOl' us our unspoken thoughts , I'h' II lhitslnlllllR of our friends I1re so' ' nUlllr outlels fl'om our own 'Darrow 1IHhl " ho wide SOli ot experlcnce , Bul /lOllletll1leS occurs to one to won. 11el' whr It Is thnt 11I01'0 pcoplc do not lIu " ( l'lIthuljhIRIIIS. Those' who nre enol thuHIIIHls. ot one SOl't or u1Iother , nre I' t'I'.t a Inl ' , III1IJpl l' , cet'tl\IJ\I \ \ ' get 1II0l'e ut or lite 111111 Iolve 1II0m to olhel"/I t111\11 till ! colorless IJ . opo whom we all meet too'of eo II , B t ROme pcol110 IIctuall ' Rt'elll to think mthuslnslII'ul. \ . lIr , Jlot to he coulltellllnced In polite fHJcl..t . ' ! 'I'he truth I mthe ! ' thut the pel'lIon without enthuslusm Cor SOllie' thlll lit profoulldly , to be pltlet1. And It pilI ! Is IIl1tll\'all ' lIot onthuslnstlc- whllt tholl" Hut this , IIlw nil othel' III'ts , , call be cultlvnled. You Imow the oltl l'h 'lIIe : "l'he , wOl'hl Is so Cull of II ' uumber o thlnjR , . I thlnl' we should n11 be ns 1ll1PPY ns klllgs ! " , It IR : ' .ellt III 1Ir1 ! , ellthuslnRm hi Ihe . pursuit of sOllie obJeet that lIIaltes pco' IJIt' IlItel'l'Hthl/o / : , al1l1 tllllt hal , ell us out ; ' of OIll'lIl'h'es anti 11I111\1'11 life I II terlstlIIJ : ' , ' Dn WI ! lIot all kllow thl' Ullllft , thl' Sim/ll ! of lIew IICI' , o ! ' fl'l'lh IJOwel' , Ihl cnllll'H fl'tllIl contact with olle who III 1111 t'lIthuHla tll' lovl'r or III.t , of hnol'R , of IInlll\'ltf .0C IIIUlll , 01' 1'\111 oC 6omethllll ; , l1ultl' ouIlJltle , , OUl' uBullllllle of th lght' ! " 'e al'e l'ofl'CKhell al' ' ! h ' a lIIountnlll hrec7. IIft1' allIltr ' ' 'lIl11h ! ! a / ( , wholl w lI\'et II n ellthlIsltllltic , 'fl'lIjllArc \ " ' \(1 Iloing our I1l1rt townrds olherH hy 10:1\ ' , 1111 { thl'lII the hWiplrntlon ( ; f 'our ellhu sl 1snl , 01' are we lhutti'nj { 'olll' , ; ( > lvea uJf to o\l1' ( I\'t'tl. IUlrnlwhl/o : OUI' II VCR tej Bleil' IIIURt l olllmonllllltl III11ItR" 11 Is IIlIe ot the rentp.lft of 1II1/fol'luIII'll to he. . hlCIIIIlI.h11l of I'nthlllllll"lII. . We mIl's I'n. JO 'lIIellt for o lII'Rth'plI , 11/111 / a chllllce to hrhhtqll our fl'lt'JIII , .Jlt to meltloll ! thft 11Jf lIlhllltlos"of IoI'owth-l ( WI holtl ol1'l.Il'l"I'sltltII ' aloof ' (1'011I this " ! \'IIIII IIOllfll'flRlon , " ' - - - ' - Cnrrled Out 111"1 ( "IRIIII. A mllllollaire II/III died , 'j'here hilI' Iwell ( .Creat IIJlIJlIl'ent gl'ht : lIIH\Ig' th0811 who had been most ! llIh llIlItlnll ' 1't1 memhered , And some r < 'lIl.tor'lIl1ro l'e , gl'l't amoll those who II/III / eXII\ttcd to. hilt hlldn't ot n dolllll' . 'I'he CUI\(11'1\1 WIIS OVI'I' , 'I'he million. 111m' " HOIIS II/Ill / gatherl'll I'm' confel" l'IICI' . Amollg the ) Jet pla1ls of the old 1II1111'S 111't'lIl1ln dll 'fI WIIS a mil JII ItI , cent Imlllc < , on wholll IIt 'I ( ' 01' C01lStl'IIl" tlon Iw hnd Ilhmgret'd wIth l'\I'r 11th , ( 'I' memhl'I' of the fnmllr , "You will reI1lCmbl'l' , " I' III Ihe I'ld , t'st 11011. I'hol\lllJ : hncl , his 1'11I111 Ion wOIIIII'I'fllll ' well , "thllt 1wnll \ thIIIRI rOIIIlIst thllt we cnl'\ ' ' out l'\'I'I' ' Illul ! he hn(1 mtlle l'egltl'llll/o ! / : the new I 11I11 Sl' , " , . . \ ' I'N , " the ' grollllcci fll l'horlls. " \\1'11 , I hnve arrnnged thllt It be tlone , " 'rheroupoll he ] 1111'11 a II the I1lnn ! ! ot hla fatllm"s IIrchltect Into 1\ IUl"ge wlIRtebnllkot and bom thelll ollt to th rllhbl/h hln In the bl\l'k alll'y , "I 11I11) ' al1 ' truthtllllr that It II' II ploosure to cnrry 0111 tlm planll , eVt'n though we dlsngret > tl' lu 11lelr form , lng , " rel1l1ell the young mlln I1S he 1'0 turned wltb the emllty ha slmt.-Ha It I more \met1cau , Tree. Htruok bT 14t.btnllllr , A cnretul eXllmlntl UOII ot the tra that are strllck hy IIgbtnlng tlhows thnl ovm' hllif or them uro poplar. I ron ) thl/l fuet s lonti ts conpludfl thllt thl poplar bl\ \ " S0ll10'nlno liS a conductor ot lightning , ' ! 'II1retol'C : agrlcultm'Jstll I , are , ad\'llIC < \ to planth.e \ J ! qees : : In the \'Iclnlty or t'holr farm uulldlnga. , , No \ man , ever' . finds tault with anotbel Ulan l _ It , thery Is , a' woman ( I he < 'aU lay It , OD. . " . ITHE BAT'rLE-FIELDS. ' OLD SOLDIEnS TALK OVER ARMY EXPERIENCES. he nIne anll the Gray ne'f'le , , . Ind- dentll of the r.ate , , , 'ar , "nd In a Graphic and Intere tlllJ. : M.Vller Tell qf CalM 1' , r.rftrch nUll But tie. It III l'Ulltol\lllr : ' fOl' : hc tl'l1I'hel' ot United HtRte'l ! hlstor 10 IlIfol'lII 111' plIVll1i UIAt th ( ' th'st hllllle of lhe > ( ' 1,11 WRI' ( ) rl'\1I'I'l'l ( III HIIII HUll. Oil thl' : . ! l t of July. IM1. nnll It ( ' ( 'I\I ! ; ! oItrlluEe Ihnt III nil 1I1(1 " 'I'nr 110llsl'ol1'1 : ' ; "olrl' hlill ht'1'1I rulo,11 hi pl'nl t IIKlllult thrill rltlll. dll'lUIII , At I.'ort HilmiInllrh Jt'I ' ! 11 11111111111I1. dOli WilY "hol IIWHV , : hili II ! < CI'III' " thnt Maj. A 1II1'I'SOIl IInllll ' : ' \II'I' \ IIIII'I'I.,1 hl'- llilll'l' ! II ! ' WI1o1 lIut fO)1(1 ( tlf II IIII'I 01' 1'01'1" ' AIlollrul' l'.ly. U\JIOSI : two weeks hl'CIIl' ( ' Ihl' halik' IIf BIIII HUll. there WIIS II LOlln IIllt" butUI'lIll'h 1IIIIIeil Iwo " , lIull' lIu 's-1I1I11 OIH'JIlin wus 1,11I11 , At tl1I' "III'III/ / . : ( 'om'l'aoll ( ; thl' 1'1I'l'U ' \011' 111111 oUI'\'lgIII'II ( 1111' I'I''C'\I : \ 10:1 t. 111111 n l'OIllII'IIIIII"I' 011 II l'O-I'II/1 : ! 1111' ( trnlltJ' "Uo ' ( ( ! ' ( ' : hilt 1111'1'1' ' \'II 110 nent1'IIIItIII , IIIC' 111 > :11'1 01' Ihl' m' " 1'1'1\01' \ ' : 111111 Ih ( ' tho' II III 1111' sltll' , the 11I1'11111' ( ' 10 III. . ; 111':11' : ( ' IIlId 10 hl pll1n . Will < thl' 11111111111111 111111 1. .TO I'llh 1'11111'01111 , thl' 1'011,1 Ihllt h.1I1 b11 11II11t wllh , 1I0sI01i " 11111t1l1 111\(1 Willi l\llCrlltl'tl \ nltllost wholh \ ' Oi'l'- IIIl1ns , 1111 of wholll WII' ( ' 10 'I1\ \ 10 thl' UUOIl. ( 'Vhl'lI wOI'(1 1'1'111'111'11 , Iohll W , ' HI'ooks , the 1lI'C'SlIlI'lIt 01' t hi'0111 I. Ihat ClaHI .JIIl'ksoll WIIS ( jlag tJ ,1':11' : IIp the l'uukN' ralll'ollll , hi' IIJI11l'.tIt'II' to Preflldent : Lill'olll ffll' 1\1 I1Ita 1'111'0' I'I' tlou , III l'l POIlS ( ' to'lhl 111Ip'1I1 tilt. Pres 1111\1 t lII'dlI"I'11 ( 'III , H , pJ1llh : with the tilth nUllol" IIICllltl' : ' , In , I'I' 'fjI' ' the 1'10111111 \ 1111 sl'lItlrlfl11l\t ! \ ' :111111 : , : : thl' rail ron l. . ' 1'110 8trntlglt. ! , I ) ( II for JlOI'lht' II II. " sourl WI111 1111 IIlmosl ' ( , ) : ' 1tI" ! , : I tlon hetwt'1'1I111' forks of : : : :111 : l'lnl' . , ' " ' " nnd'Ilpl' ( ' ll 1. 'l'Oll , ' ; mustel'llIJ : l ls 1'1't'I'1I11S 111111' ' hl ( ' 11:11\1' : \ I WIIS IIlreul1y alwJllt nOli stl'oll , OIl Ilil' 7th of , lul' ) ' ' ( ; 1'11. J ; 'tllI ( il'l"rt'll' ( ( 'II\ \ . Smlt h to 1I1111'1'h 1I1101t : H 11 j'I's' , " :1 : :111' : brenk 1111 tht. ( 'III11J1 , ' " " . 'l'he 11111111' of 11\(1 ( 'a IJIII 11m wPl'e fllultless , with 0110 t'XCIJt 0" , 'l'hl' colollel nl'Jll'c1'11 to onll'I' ! 'nh''alh - er , nn It 1'1I1111'11 , The 1'oltlll'I' , . Ilill 1I0t mllll ] the hOOllllll1 { of .111l' t'lO\HI : : : UII ; : ' . l'1tal Rel'IIICd 1)11111' ) . . . . . 1' , II \\1\8 \ tlw drl'llChlll ralll Ihlll l'l'lhll'1i"I' ! " : sl1nnklng lIew tllllfol'lmi nil IIIY : t h\ : t somehow took Ihl' l'OIllI1I1l' " 0111 oC the sltuutloll 111111 nllllll' thl'lII'bh. . n , I h" ) ' cr wled Ollt of the hex ( ' ; 11' : . ut "II- roe. that thl'llf > ' hull I'ellllltu ! 11 al hOllil' , Next 1II0rnill/o / : lilt' 1111 l'h"'I' O'it clear and 11Ot , 1111(1 ( III' H)1I1I n ! II'PII ] , ' Cnst wns o'erIll' \ 1II01llell : Oll 1\1 'I rl'h wns begulI , As till' sn1tHI'I' ! ' WI I' 11I'1 kIng - theh' - ' . ' tll'tlfl' thl'ollj.h Ing WI1 ; n 111111' oW 111 till' Swlnkl' , " hlll 1111 1111411"1 C"I' ' lit ho\'t ' ' ' , , \ 011C'110l1 fire OJJ Ihelll \ 1'/lII / 'I' few took dowlI thl'lI' IIIl1skl's IIlIti nrl'll II cOlIlI l'l' ! ulllh Illto th , ' : III1IHIS- cllde of thl'I , II III her 111111 1III1I"I'hru"II , " , 'rhl'rt > WIIS II SI'I\I'I''III \ , UIIIOIItill' / 'busllC1I1111 ( 'J \ IJrlLsII\"s \ , (01'1' ( ' of Htty glljrl'lIllls tll'll thrcHII h tilt' WII I It hi like II berd o ( rl'l hll'I1I'i1 111"1' . r'I' ; 011 ( ' ot tl\l lr lIulllhel' Illul hi' II 1I100't tllt ; "ouutll"d ! 'I'hls 11t(1t' IIIIYl'lItllJ'l' 1'1'1'(1 ( to wI"1I Co ] ; Smith 1h"t 1Jt"rlltl IlIn1'I'hlll : : Ilitfl "hilt , be 1 1II1'i1 II " " "rltlhI I' IIt'u I h tral ) , " aUII he t1tI I'lIIhJf'i1 10 1:1'1 'lit befor more danluRe Willi dOllt' , I I WII C already ntC > l4 tI'l'lonk , I' ( ) It WIr11'1'11I - ed , pea to .1(0 1"to c mlJ.III' , .lJ\t' \ , IIIJII ! , Not until qH. , IHlt H I \\'II , IIHlIlI , Iht ! I'ommander that hi : > hUll Il'rl hl 11'1I111- load of luppllefl lltl IlInmullltlo'l ( itt ! dooroe. "Hh not 80 IIIlIl'h liSI Jlolkt' , mali to uartl' It , Anti thl' I'llllltl o ( emok ' thn t 'pl't'ftfflltly flh "t'lIilh',1 t II , ' beavelis' R1ade plaIn Iher'll'l ' thllt I ht'I' " Willi ! lomelhlll Iloln nl "IIIIII'nt' , 'I'hl' 10111I to the I"l'ill'ral I'RIIIII' Ihl'oll h Ihl' dt'structlon of tlltlIllItlolI , Irull. . 111111 SlIpplleri WOK I1houl'40.000 ; 11111 Ihe 106s wall rl'aU ' mlll'h Jrt'IIII'I' 1111111 tlllN , a loSt ! that Willi 11.01 to lft , 1' ! < 11111111'd 111 cold tl ures , , tilt ! 10RII of 11I'ltll' , 11I' < , ; "t l t , aJ1lI-tlhU1 < , r , CoSlIIlth \ hlltl III him the wilking of II ! ; 1I1'1'1oiS ( II I ( ' 011\- ml1mlcl' , 111111 It r llIlrell JIlf1 100111'11 1111 exp rlence al' ' ; thlll to 11111 hllll (111 hlN ulI'tl1 < " . \8 M > 01l IIH thl' 1'1'l'III' of th ' 1"'i'Pllt l'collflllI'IIt1on ! , " liS hi' 11111111 , " It'I'1I1I',1 It , Wilt ! I"l'al'lletl , he sl'nt his IIH'II III01'1 , pIcking UII holt Ilhll' 111111 111111'1 1'1'011I nmong the , Nll1011II'ItI 1'\1'11 , of thl' t1'lIll1. ' 1'h III hl'JIJNl t hl'lII 10 1'1'1111:1' : tIlllt 'the ' hlltl "hlll'ned thl'h' 1I1I t'I'S. " and tllt ! IIl'rllllll of 1111'1111 1'llIlltl hi' IISI'i ] Instenll of OI'thOllo\ : 111'111I1'1'amlllulIl - tIon , 'l'h\11 he 1001 , 110 1I1'/os10Il or tilt' temhlllr ' bul1tllllg IItHl put hlllHwlf In } JoRltloll to ontlllrl' II 1I1t'J : ( ' , , Soon the III'\\R ' \1\8 1HI'rh'il ! O\'el' Ihe country tbllt liOO YaJlki : W'I' " "trel"tl" up "t Monroe , II nil ( ' \'el' ' 1hlt > . .hmlll'li IIUIlI 111\11 ehlld within II l'utlluR tlf a dozt'u ml1's hl 'l ell out 10 ! It'i the filII. Col , Harrll'l. ' tJlldh thlll Col. Smllh's little visit had bl'l"n Ih-rt'rr'otl. Iletl"r- mllll"d Ihat tlat' III'oJloII"1 " " IIII"\tlllg shou1l1 tnke pllH'p , I'\'PII It hi' hl1tl to cha lI < < e hili rolt' from hust to J:11t'flt. , "ccordlnily , h. . 1'1111111110111'11 ' 1111 ] lls men and marcbPd to MOIll'OP , whf'r he lIat down In fa lIt of , tlW flt'lUhISI' " lIud waited for theUnloll I'ommalldt't' h ) come out alod "shaltt' , hllnd ! ! , " J' ' lloon of Wedl1esJa1 , th. , 9th ot July , thpre 'W1'r more thlw a t htHllIR lid l"t'hl'l on tbt' Vl'alrlt' arolll1l1 till' lown. 1111 ( 'ltg-PI' , to b..IIJ pok , . 1hp KRUll" I/t / of th 11011' . Finally It 'Willi d\'ldt > d thnt H cannoll , wonltl be r"qulrl > cl tll l'ompt"1 tbe Fed. erala tn IU tl''III "I' , n 1111 't ' he-I'e " 'f'Tl' tllolp anton Uu' , h lftg wllo kne'\Y wl1er" .oPe. cOJlld lip" tound. A tlne O.119W1 It't : , tp\fll\lr \ : \It : t , fire balls , hlb JJ , hld n11 , ( 'r a ha1IUck on Bhtr ( 'J'o . d't' fllrnj ! 1 r Pa1 a , and ' ' . ' ' 'un(1 ( r"ham 'wolpl ! . ' ilY'WU t , . " . , , " , . " Q.pounl1Ct' , with ahout Corty lIn . The Blllnler ! ( 'lI II 11011 , howc'er , wnR 110\ \ mounted , alld llCllce ullfit for use , Cannon - non Gnd hl\lIs 111111 to ue houled tw'ntl miles In n wngoll , so It wns 1 o'cloel. l.'hursdll ) ' beCore the bombnrdmcnt UejlIn , Xever had there been such n jUbllco In thl1t fmctlon of the coulltrI.adlcs 1\1\11 chllllrcn droVe lip In theIr car- 1'1 II I ; e 1:1 : , It UlltlC IOYers held parnsol. IInr their Rwoetheal1s 'while they wntchetl II sure-cllough 11"0 bnttle , But till' ! lhoWItB 1I0t without It II dm w. . Ill1eks , ' ! 'here III 1111 III.t In gunning as . tlll'r ( ' Is III mOilt thlllgR , and the mnn who opl'rllted the rebel I'AnnOn wns 1\ Rort ofrll'llure ( IIrll1Jt. Only three oul of Ihlrt.foul' balls Qtruck an ' . whel' " II I ! II I' the Remlnary Imlldlng , III. ell''IftUIIP. \ ot the ! IJcctator ) IHlscrted thnl Ihe ! lJ1'mlnnr.r 'Tail the only sntu plIH'I' fol' 11I11e4 Arouud , Yct the gUllner \filS 1101 wholl ' 10 blame , He waR tIr- hlo1'110111111 / \ 111I1111 Crom a O-polllld cnll- , lion ! It WIIS ( ot'tuntlte Ihllt the /lize of 1'lIlIlIon 1\11d hull' ! was not re\'crIlNI , III' till' soltIlel's might hll'e lieI'll set to \rorl. with their ,1111'1klllvl'f ! to whittle till' hulls IIOWII 10 lit Iht" gllil. "Ielln. , \,11111' Ihl' 1.'rch'I'nl Jo'oJclh'rll IlIsllle the 1J\I\.III1 : \ ! o'lIt out UII OCl'lIlIlolIIII'ollI'Y IIf holt 111111 SI'I'I'W : hilt tlll'lt , posit 1011 WII" ; nll 'IIlI1Ihili / lI rt'llIhl , , _ \t lullf-l1I1I1 ( " , whplI ( ' 01.lIlth : \ WIIS cllhlt'I'jll I hl' ucl'llIlIhlllt ' tlf II 1I1Ir- 1'1'11111'1' , t hl'I' ( ' WfllI a "I\lldl'lI ( , OlllllwtJou olltshll' , . \ 1'1I0rt Itl " " ; . ; ltll 1'111111" IIIIIT- III 11n\\11 Ihl' lI'ul' ! , . hlIrltl ' tile troops Ihat hl\ll \ hlli ! l'ft lit lIulllllbnl , alii ) I'OOIl as II call1l' wlthlll I' lIge II hl'IIoN ! 1'111111011 I II 0111' of IIll' tInt Cllrl ! , pl'llI'll It ollllllOllfl lIIolllh UIII ( Rnuted ] UI ( ' 1)1c'III1't'I ) : , La lIJulIJe Is hllliio. 1\11:111' \ : 10 IIt'HI'I'lhe Ihl' 1'lTed of this nil' t 111It'1 ' IlIlfl'fl'I"'IIl'l' . III 1111 InstalJlt the 1lI'lh'lp , WUN U l'IIIIO of ttylllp ; hOl'ses : \1111 II 'IIIJ : II Il'II3odlel'lI : : Ihl'ew uwny LlIt'r ! 1111'.1' ' 111111 took , \'t'tu t : III the 1111'- 1'1:1/1' : / : , ; with tlll' IlIIlIl'S , , El'st whll. COn , sllllll : III\'I'I'S fl1r eel : tllt'It , RWl'e\1I1'Ol'ts \ aJlll 111'(1 ( III Il1slIIl\ ) ' , ' 1'0 ulle the 0111 11' ; 1'k III II It HJ' ) ' 1..11I. . . CoIIUITls \ und 1:1-1 : III n "lIkl'lluIlI\l"I. \ , " ! ! 'IIII I 1I1J:1 \\01"11 l'I'lwhl'il Wlllihlllgton Ihlt ; U 1\I'I \ > III'I'lItl' IIlItllt , WUII III prO n'88 III IOIII'OI' , 1\1111 thll I the Ullion COI'CCS \\1'11' IH'II ; II II II h'lI ' a trd , ( o.John \ , : \ [ , 1'1111111'1' , Col , C , K ( : \11111 ulIII U few cnhc'r IIII'll'or SlIhSl'iIUI' lt IIIl11tllr ' cco II'IHit ' WI'I'I' ol'dl'red to till' I'l'lIeUe , anll h ' F .ila ( ' ; lII i'j , thun 2,000' tl'oOpS ' ! WI'I'I" ' II thl h' whto , the sellt of hoslllltlt'o ! ! , . \11I1 'et thl' "IIIII1I\J'Y t1 ht nt ) [ 0\1. 1'0 ( ' < . ' 11) ' IN 1I0t J.r\'ell 80 lIIuch as It 1111'11111)11 IIIIIOIItill' / Ilechll\'e hnttles of th , ' CI ; WIII'-gmllll' Huck de Schell , III31. : . Louis tlohL-Jelllocl'lIt. ! "trIIHe : War : \Int rlal. III tllIohllp B\'t'IIII1J : I"\\ ' ofng , list. 18m. WI'I'I' two "CI'y l'clUnrlmhlQ HII l'stionN I'mlll cOl'I'espolltlcnts. who ' " . ( ' t hl'Y ha(1 ( IIISI'O\"I'I'II n wu ' to Ih'h't ! thl' ' 111 nIH'I'R IIlIt 'of Fort Pick- 1'111' , 0111' of tllI'-I' : \\'rI lrs ud\'ocated fill- III . ; hells wllh ' ( ! I1l1rts of cn 'ellne ' ' ' III1CI ' ' IH' . 'I' gUIIJlowdl'l' , hosl' tlmt 1IIII't klll\d hy the ex- plo.ioll. " hi' 1'1'1I1101l1'd , "will 1Ind them. I'I't's 11Im hit' to gl't II WII ' from the IIt'PIII' , 111111 If thl'Y Hill } ' In tbe fort t111' ' l'lw't I'SI'IIIIt' 1'lIlIj.hlng tht"mRel\'es , to 111'/1 / th , " 'I'hl' 01 hl'I' l.tI1'I'I' poutll'nt , who must hu " " hll(1 ( n laKt ( ' ( or lIatural hlstor - , wl'ol 11i < C tollowR : "I."t ( I'IIt'I'nl Bragg ( tetall I ( few I h IHI > ,11 lul or hi tt'll thoUR211d to Ihe WOI'1. : of I'U tl'II111K IlI1ft ) ; ; e . and as soon , II , thl' ' , II" , , , , , ( , Qllect ll e1"erRI cart. load" of tll lI ( , IlIt'rf' tln repUles , let thl IH' ! lhet't lrlln sbell or canIster be 1'11111'/1) : with them-the Inclosure8 be- hlK I' . ) ' II IIlh'kn I. anlt ot IIlze to nt the lnrJrI'tt 1I100.tRr. alld 10 mad that it wilt hi'ellk tll lllel'l'H and l bC'ro.te ls l'IIIIII'lIt" IIpon ( a IIInl { , . .lthln the fort , , " \1' shollid , , . .al'lI those who char&o thl' IIhl'1I8 to 11111 olll ' thl' RmRII apecles Illto t'III'h , liS If tltl' dltTel'C'1It snakes Wt'I'f' mlx'rl I hey wOllld Rt1ng each oth. 1'1' 10 "I'ath hl"foro hll"11I1C n chalice to : . : t.lll thc'lr tilll' work of opl'ratlng on HIII111'1111'1 1.011I1\11 , " 'I'hl' I'Ortll'/I : 1\ \ Jill I ntcl'li1t1ccs of each ! -Ihl'lI mllht hI' tllIl'd lip with a tow III11rtH ) of Inrnntulllll. seorplon/l , and 1''nllpl'cil'lI. to IIIl1k. . I'IORI' work , as the , ; nlllI's wOlIlII 1I0t plwk It ploRely , " If I hI's ! ' hJ'llIlRllt f'lIlml'lItionfl WI'I'C 1''r I'anll'd IIlIt , hlRlory 1101'11 not re- 1'01'11.1 hI' l'uI't. thollgh It WIIS ICcnernlly bl'lI\'I'11 Iha t BlII1I1101l'S JUlin eOIl1 ! : ; anl ! 1I1I 'thlllJ\ : ' hilt blllll'liI , HUIIIh : 011 thlt Chullnln , DIII'IIIJ : t hI' 1 ll1IlIlIlKII of 18tH , from thl WIItItl"nI'R'I 10 PetCl'Bbllrs , our 1'irJS , thl' 11Ih. ! IJRIIHl'il wlth1l1 a qllar- t'l' or II mile of till } mansion oC ex. 1'I''IIIIII'lIt 'I'ylel' . 'I'wo or 0111' chaplnlus ( t1l1'Y'n ' 11 1111111 ( > ' 11 In l'ollplos ) vIsited tht ! humc IIl1d 1JIllile themRl'hde. . 1'1t1,11I ' at hOllw 011 the vernlldtl , ' 1'110 Inlll ( > l { of tlH' fllmlly , 1I0t r'lI hlng the Intrlllllou , . .JII'e thl'm II very de-clded I In\"II'II 11011 to "lIt'lIle the lwomlllffi , One ot the chapluh1K pllt Oil a "N'Y long fal" ' , IIlah'lt hili , IICR.llolI , R.nd replied , na I her IIOftly , . , lip l-arl'ful In refllfflnl { hOKIItRJlly to RtrKnlrl'l'I'I ' , tor YOII may bu I'll I m'lIt 111111" a ntrels tlna W1I1'e8. " " 'l'ha.n } : YOII , " the lady answered ; "It God /opndR 1111 angel to visit us , he won't come . .milkIng II. pipe , or with a i're , , , of tohUtl'O III hUt mouth. " They Y1lcated , In India , . ChIna. Jallltll and adjacent. dl\1IItrlt'8 art" R hOllt of 00.000,000 people \'f' o rOl'l"ly t'llt Inf'Rt : , yt they are "trong , I\cth'J' \ und longlvf'd , , Jarwln Is the. l\t1thorlt.r for U1 statement that- tht" Amlt'lln IlIlthes : Pf1'tor1twice th , work or ordlpal'Y labon1'8 , and aubllt nlmplt t'I lrcj , on , R diet ot bananas , _ _ _ 0-- While tht" \'I'rag ! ' . nu b r ot per. . IIpl.lf o , a. , ! IOU I ! III , cl&'ti n , I..oncipD , 1 , * ; II t\It1f'tlIr \ ! III Parlnd ttitur I , , Berllll. . " " I II , J , , , ' . , , . . ' . ' " " ' , , , , , , , ' 1' ' , , r.a . I - - - - - - - - . : : ; The ADlerlcan Girl. The real typical American girl Is 1I0t society girl. PortraIts typlf'ln her IUI such are untnle. She hR8 her aoclal dlTeralons ; IIhe hM her parties and pIcnIC ! ! a.nd her Boclal merrY-loround of plouure , bUt they are not her lIte , they are mora IncIdent. . of her lite , for her life II work. Of courll' , there Are sr1r l "ho bue nothing to do butte to arota ( ) thomlelv" yur In Ind yeu out , Plcturel ot these xlrls , with theIr kInd , In fetltho INr , In full drt'Is. In I elf clotbell IUld In yacbtlng rIgs , art' ! doubUMil typlll of the claM , nut the entIre claw dos not number one hundr thousnd amog se'enty mi. lIon : plo , and member of this leIsure clu8 are merel ' file on the wh l. Typical Amercans must be dlwn In theIr workIng clothts If the dtwlugs repre ent the type , So the typical Am rlCn girl will uot ue tound .n her party drcS though she wears I beomIngly nnd with relll grace when the occasion demalllls , but \ther Bhe , vl be found In her work. Ing clothes , In her working clothcs- 0 they ot the klchell. the factr the sIP ) , the otce. the househol or the 8 hoolroom-she l a real u nod Intended he to be , But , nUlrl you. even thl"n the chief about her Is pint that aho knows how to wear II r frocks , knows how to dreR taetcfuly at a stal expditure , lud thnt what. ever her work , she la at pllm1 and Is ambitous to make heself look well , And sh succP9ds , WhLeyer bel' sta. tOI , you wi be prety eme t fnd a gIrl worth lookIng at , The Itrue typ ot the AmerIcan gIrl , wll1lways show lressed n pretty , youn woman atrnctvely , The typlcl11 Amercan girl , then , Is one who Is chamlng and gOJ-Jok. Jng , who Ives In the spirIt of frlternl. ty an who work for a Ivlug , 'But In this ' ' 1Ih'ln " connecton' the word , does not meau "bard al1 ktp , " I mel1us lvIng . In the brodest Renfe of the - . aspIrIng , hecom. lng , 1'he Amercan girl who works wih her hands does so only thnt she \I1Y rise to better conditon of Boul 11HI111 and heart I Is not the bread.and.butcr problem that Is makIng - Ing I wage-carner ot the AmerIcan gIr Fathers and brothers can take Cll'e or Ult , I Is the lIoul IJroblel- how to lye ; how to get nltbe best out ot clv1zaton ; how to grow In gmce , Young men are not the only bIngs 'ho Rhal "see'lsloI8 , " 'lhe Amer- tCl1n gIrl all ses1510n8 , anti she Ie Irt'd wih an ambiton IS reslC ns her brolher's-Wliam Allen White , In " 'oman's , Home CompanIon , Hnml Uecoraton , Insltle t'oratlon of the home , If 110ne II the proper manner , has no slght Intul'lIce np01 the character of growing lemher ot the famiy , Helbfulncss Ihould ba consIdee ot IJrlme Importance , and from this st nd- poInt there 11 nothIng 1llt equa' bad wood noors. thest Ing covered by rJgs In8tead ot carpts , Care Ae not only un1tllhul , but arp a lource ot much ] 101' at hoult cleanln& Umt' , Beaut , In aranJMent del not no" 1t111 IO hand In hand with the mul- tlpUclty of furnllhlnis , tt photo- &ralJbl of" rod paIntngs a. much more to dtlrf tan la&e , cep chromo. , B.r tbe ule of paP an fpelaU , the In raln. A much 10r plea"ln& eaet cn be prou than In th cue ot lalD "bite "aU. , Tbe upholltet frniure In tapntr , Is no ] onrt cnllderN to be al .u- tlul or I helhfuJ a the l1lln "od IInd leathe elthe la It 8 &ood turo to baTe _ tf seta of funllure , odd pleccl producIng a much betf . - , etet.-lowa HomltHd Cbld I.abar I.a , , . Chaluplna. Ir HarrIet 11 , VAn Dlr "nart , one of the chIef fuctors In the paage ot the new 1Inoil - , chid-labor IIW II . . 0- , eblnnan of the Industrial Comm - m of the . tee 11. nols 1"llera tlon of ' , omel's Cluhs , She In bort'l un. celshlJly In he- half of thl' hi. In- leclng tactorlel In al pnrts of the cIt. and compl. Ing _ u , .taUsUe 1'ho Ilnois FederaUon ! M. VAN iEa YAAJT Is proud of her work and club women ve h Kivel bel the warmelt prall : r "an Dor Yna lves at the Nellhbrhoo Set. tement , In Chlc o , where .he has tormf I woman'e club , She I. I memb.r of .vel other orglnlKAUonl , The Futare Ja with the . Gente. Klndne. II eomll& In allin , anl before lonr plt , be oce more the fashio Te band dOt not rea1y I back on ti. dia howe { It Ily IMm to , and tQe nenr lol anythlnl { It ba once , pine Thetuture 1 wit UI9 & ente , E. lame far a day , th . the , Rek .hal inblt erh Te world bu ben Itedl1 1,11g kind- Iin e the , , by e belnnlni an lte lte , te { e Instnct ot human na. tue Mve bn choke It not tam . rhe "odd , ot Clne , t vor cuel .UI , but It I. not 10 'l.l a whe "I. orll "e lt wih ln torche" bHUttul women aloattl eve 4 'lng , Iadlator. Nor I" It aa crel s It 'u wtn . . ) I torurd , I. l1rlln. tra bung m n In chains tor pet ' 'at' 'ad branded It aYH wlb . - . , scarIng Iron I. PubUc crely hns UI- doubtey delne trom age to age , I1nd always the progflve element or cvizaton hns ben thnt whlcl hns heen on thl Bide ot the law ot kind- nes which we hRTe come to caU I'bu. . " " " YIn Ilnlty. Mnn gOWl ! to be "humtn" In proporion R le growl to bo gente , " anI reIAces his old hruU.h hlltncts with Inatncts ot protetio. Nowaday. , when we 1d ot le ft rll. ot Ne and Calgll , and nf' legal barbRrltlt ot much mor celt date. we ' that cal hnrdy helen' theY ' " , hnl lntttlona ' . t'"e happene I'ln. nol even concel"e ot 11 world In Wl11 they cOlld ha "e happent. We rnd of them le/l wltb ' thanl wUh , In. CNIS credult-J , ulls N01TfURr In 8\c- HI. ] nln . Hellmond. 'lhe IOSt adroit pnrlnmentlrlanl whom Ireland ha e'er ent to [ - don'l Wltllnlter II .10hn E , Itd. mend , the head or tht Irish : alonnl- J let party , AI a leader nnt ( tICU- he Is without can al eqlalnd a ! an oltor and de hater he hal no pr In hIs paty and few superof In tie 1ou8e , H& has a tne pres- - " - ' - ' ' , J , x , ence , .her 19 1 ) IS RFD IND touch of the gret NiiJolPn In hl8 strong , cleanshlven face , His yolce Is rIch and mlslcl and bls speches , wer.resone : , cO Iy-knlt nnd tnely-phrned , 111'0 sIIUa wih the genuine 8plrt of oratory. t The wie of the noted lelder Is I ' geat help fo hin 111 tbe artluoull du- tes of htH psiton , Naturally , Ihe Is In dep lympaUIY wIth hIs work , an a1holKh born In Englnnd , Is wel In Irllh nlalrs , Like her hUl. band , she tnkes a Interest In thIngs lerary , Irs gren , Hedmond wa formerlj' I Iss Beclley , the daughter of In Irishman. who hnd seted at lamlnton. England , The , ' w ro' , < marrIed In ] 899 , Mother Rend This CnrefIU" Aulmal food once a day Ind In smal qunnttes , It the teetIl cnn masUcte , Js chid necessar , to I rapl ly l'Owln A\'old a too nOlrlshlng dIet In a vie lent-tempered chid , A yell SRsoued dlsbes and salt ment. pasty , 1m cooked vegetables , unrIpe fed , wIne and rich e Ie , Never tempt the appette when dIs- Inclned , < Inl8t on thorough chewIng ; n chid who ent' too fnst eat too much , "ary the food from day to day. but a \ 'old'allty atone mel1l ' " 'I'ake cal'e that the chld'a fed Is r , wel cooked WIne. bler and confeIons should le"er he given , Gn no fed btween meas ; the stmaeh reulre re"t lke any other orpn of the by , nemembr tat oTerfeelni ad te use of hupro teed . kl mr chl. dnm than anT oter dls ot te . bT. nt"e no laudlnum , no prrc , no uu , Rmember that the amme com- plant cm. chlety tree . and te ue ot tmprol tod. but n.e from totnJ When cbldren Tolt and prge , 1" . hur thew nothllJ to .t tor tur or tT& Do ot brng I chid under 3 yeu ! ho of Ige to your tble to et-3other- Hair Shen. , In JApan the women aage thel hall In a manner o IngeIous tat a prsn cnn tel at once whether any woman whol he seel la I maden who desires to get maried , or a wJdoW who la Inconlolable or one who Is wlllnl to b conlole If the prper 8ulor pr' seutl bhnuelf Young gIrls arrange the hlir 11 froIt 11 the form of a fan or ' bute\t ud Idorn It wih sl\er or clored orla- mcuts ; wIdows , vho arc lookIng for scold husbands fasten tbe hull' at the bce or the head by menns of tortoIse- shel lillS , and wldowa wbo are 1'0 Ilved to reman forver talhful to , theIr dpnrted IPOUSe cut the bal . short Ind wear no orament In It Au ' ' , Kx.eael'f'e 8teak 'e otl'r moIng 1 Denver womo. Ckl a 8n btek wo ' 8. Rhe drw $ fr t bnk and Infd ibe mon.y , lcko 1 an enToJ , on a lAble In t .tng r. Ner mOwni Ih. pth.d a h't or p pe and a in the knd f Ihea . , , . . .tO Wh t wt " ol i on b.r .d dw tt Ie U te . t . lenek. < k.le. S.t tle uhM ana tk t8 t te mbt out It t I . , e h m bc bo ot 0 tM d . d01 the. . U O } . .h , . . C.plal. . wean o UI cmp ot t ' 'o of , t much nG tme a , bn IDa thn " ' kow "bt to do wIb , Our 1TH at lpt ethe In dohlJ not. Ine at a or I d noug to the , or In dolnl ) pue 10mo1ln& tat we oUllt not t do , We ae alwa. ompltlnln. ! tat our day. are tu and AeUnr a tCUp tee would b 'no end . ' t t. . II ' . .I