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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1903)
. Itato litll' Ltbrnrllm : : so(101) ' . . . , . - - " " " " , . : , USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN. ' , , . I S'rABT4ISIlI D 1882. 'rIlE OIi'FICIAJ4 PAPEH OIi' cus'rEH COUN'I'Y. r.ARGES'l' CIHCULATION OF ANY PAPEI IN 'l'IlE COUN'l'Y , : . . - - _ . . - - - - - I VOL XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 3,1903.--EIGHT , PAGES. NO. 12. - - - - - - - - . 1 . . - - - - ) T-- ' HAR Sf : atlll Watcher. . An idca of the ' " : Leuuty 1\1111 variety of tllIse . gooch ; cun he guilled h ) ' n visit I to the storc. A glunce at the , windows willllUt do. Ollly a' . very sl11al1 part of the collectioll J is seen mere. 'rhe quality of I these charming goo s Cll1IUOt he j\ltlgcil h ) ' the pticc. Our I ligures ure much lower than the , 'uluc of these things dCIIH111CI. I A fc1culB witt " ' \ \ 111"O\'e this J statemeut. . ' . . . . . .eMe. . . . . . . . . . 1 School Bonks , Tahlets - uo- School Supplies. - 'r- .I. a. Haeberle's. . _ - I i , V . ' ' 1 1 0' ' 0/ / If , If1 \1 \ I fe./lI - / IJ . . ; - - - - - - - - - - " - --s f } To Take Care of Money I S tlw 1IIom' } ' or ull dasses of pelS 11 cipll.casou : for the ! lt I r : i { I , Sl ; ' : 'l .a i > " , a I t N ! at sra't ell to alt COIICel'llCl1. S ; " S Busillcss is grcatly fucilitutcd whcn ' " 1 " 8 the CustCl' Natiollal Balik is per8 t'u t' itlecl to act as U mC 1m ! ill finallS : [ lcllilmatlcl'so 0l11' cleposltors fillil S ' 8 we ufTonl a most COII\'cnient alld 8 \ ' 8 safe mealls for lhe paymcllt atlll c lS . I 8 Icctinll of mom" inllistullt tOWIIS. 8 l S H. LOMAX , Cashier. S ; .r.h'I".Ir.rJ"J : : : ' . : I"J""J".rJ".r ] ' , I . - - - - - - : : : : . . _ i : : : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B. .T. 'l'ierlll'Y ha ! ; a fine herel of.horl ! horn callie on exhibition at the fair groundg. Dr. J. G. Bn'lIizer has a fine hl'nl of Shorthorn cattle on ex- hihit at the fair. ' 'l'he e1ispl y of grain and \'ege- tahles at the fair would ue a credit to an ) ' county in the state. Company r. returned 'l'uesday morning from York , where they had . a week's experience in military Ii fe. J. D. Shuman of Rvno , wa a fricndl \ . ca11er at thi ' otlice 'l'ues- day. j Ie reports that hi callie sale was quite satisfactory. J. 1\1. Kimberling rcturned the first of the week from Hot Spring-g , R. D. , where he spent ten days recuperating his health. Sll'phen Wilcox has bought tllRl'ybolt farm in thc Muddy \'a11ej' east of the King' school houRI ! . Price , $1.25 per acre. I C" a hargain , S. 1\I. Blue of Ord , amI Miss l\lauele Jacobs of New Helena , were married Sunday at the homc of the bride's mother. He\ ' . J. R. 'L'eagard n oflicia ti ng. .I. W. Bruce is enjoyi ng a'isit from two hrothers of Indiana. who are on a return trip frc.t11 California. 'l'he R1\l'UBI.ICAN of- lice aclmowle ges a friencl1.r call. C. II. Kennedy , proprietor of the Commercial , , received a telegram - gram 'luesda.r afternoon that ht ! ; father is very low and is not expected to live. He is 86 .rears old and is afllicted with a cancer. Hc li'cs at Auburn , Nebraska. Mr. Kcnnedy went down to see him Wednesday morning. 'I'he Annual Union Picnic of the Lee Park and Wescott li'arm- ers Clubs was held at Murrar's ' in lee P ' ' gro\'c lrk last 'l'hurs- cla'I'he atte 1 lance was not so large a1s 11 Qjw"ing to the rains OI t11 : "cla's preous. . 'rhe program consh ed of music , reci- ta t iOlls and all address by Hc\ ' . J. l . 'I' { > agarden of this city. t ( " , " , . I : t : t W e T ry : ! : To Please 0 ur Customers. ffi : 'I'TJ A l' is why we sell strict- : Iii ly high grade ulladult- II , crated drugs. 'I' 'I'HA'I' i why our prices are : \1 so reasonable , and 'I' 'rITA'1' is why we are careful - : : : : : : ful and accurate in : \1 , tilling prescriptions. 1/ " \ I Ed.1c \ ( OMf\S * , u ' " 1&1 URUCCIST , If\ iJ i J J J JJJ J JJ ) . - - - - - - P" NS.q . . .WAC NS. . . \\p huyp jl1 t ) 'l''pi\pd n ( 'nr load of tlH' ( , t'lphlttl'L : ( _ ' : ' - . - - " t OLD HICKORY KENTUCKY WAGONS ! \ \ ' ( ' hIhOllght : theHP wagons l'nl'ly , nnd arc ill positioll to wll YOII \Yngoll ; wvernl dollars l ( HS thull tlH' IIIHI'kt't p'iC'p. , ( n II ulld H(1l' nw. Acme 5-Foot Mowers , $35.00. Thi iR u high gl'Hlp [ mower nnd scUs all oyer tlw t.ate fOl' $45.00 eash.V ( I aI'e agents fol' the Aultman & Tuylo ' Th ' sher--hol'se ) ) ( - - power or steam ellgines. \ \ ' (1 also hn'f' the Ac'nw Sweep and Stackers and the Duw ) wee1 > und Stackers. PEORIA CORN SHELLERS. BlIgg'ipVag'OUR , HardwHre , Ht ( rl H1ngesl [ S1d- [ dips , and IIIlI'I1PRR. Larg'pRt liJw in town. ( G. W. . . Apple. I 'l'he fruit at the fair is I tine. J. Welton of Berwyn , leaeh in the Cu tcr county exhibit. Byron Clark , an attorney .of Platts mouth , was In the Clt ) . Monday looldng after legal husl- ness. ness.Prof. . C. WO. Housh was over 'from Ord Mondav , attcnding a law suit in whicli he was defendant : - dant uefore Judge Armour. H. Tofomax and daughter , Edith , I returnel Sunday morning from their trip to gngiand. 'l'hey report - port ha\'ing enjoved a pleasant time. 'l'he Brokl'n Bow Steam ) aun- dr ) ' is rapidly gaining the reputation - tation of hang one of the uest laundrymen in the state , Guy Carpenter. C. C. Connelley of Gandy , was a friendly caller 'l'uesday morn- ing. He will spend the week in the city dsiting relatives and the County li'air. A. P. Johnton and wife return- ell Sunday morning from a visit to Seattle , Wash. Mr. Johnson reports that loft E. Kirkpatrick is doing well and is well pleased with his location. Jesse Wilson and wife came up from Havenna , 'ruesdar morning - ing to'isit relatives and attend the li'air. Jcsse got a day and a half off anel improved the op. porhinity to visit the cityy. John Caywood returned to Fremont - mont Saturday , where he will .finish his studies in the business and 110rnal college of that place this year. Mr. Caywood is one of Custer county's ' most promising - I ing young men 'and his ambition to secure an education is highly I commendable. Luther Miller of Cambria , Iowa. arrived in thh city Wednesday - nesday morning and kiilclly remembered - membered this otlice with : l social cal . Mr. Miller shipped several car loads of horses out of this city last , winter and spring , paying the best prices that had been paid up to that time. Albert E. Hunt of Georgctown , has been offered a position by the Amcrican 'Vater Works & Guarantee Co. of Pittshurg , Pa. , and left homc for that city on last Friday. He will he associated - ated with his brother , Herhert , who lIas been in the clerical department - partment of that company forever over a yea r , a ml may enter the gectrical ) dcpartment. From the Kearney Journal we glean that a scientist says that if the earth were flattened the sea would be two miles deep all over the world. After due meditation a Kansas editor gives out the following : 'IIf any man is caught flaltening out the earth , shoot him on the spot , and don't be too blamed particular what spot. 'l'here are a whole lot of us in Kansas that can't swim. " The Merna-Herald is the name that has been chosen for the newspaper that expects to make its tirst appearance at 1\Ierna Sept. 11th. Messrs. C. A. Bold- man of this city and Ii' . Ii' . Sorensen - son of Iof tchtield has hought the plant of the Western-l ound-Up , recently suspended , with the \'iew of furnishing Merna with a Ii'e newspaper. ' ! 'he firm name will be Boldman & Sorenson. 'l'he senior member of the tinn is a step-son of Phillip Zorbe of this city. 'Vhlle botl. of the proJrietors are rcpublicans , the pohcy of the papcr will be neutral - tral in politics. 'l'he I Hl'UCT.I- CAN extends a welcome to the Herald to the newspaper ticld of Custer county and wish it l successful - cessful career. , - - - - . - - - - - . . . . " . , , . .corJ'J' . 4 School Boards ' Preserve the dignit } of Jour I ofi ce b ' showing good judg- mcnt 111 the purchase of 8 SCHOOL SUPPLIES I for your district. l emem- uer that TI. A. WattB makes 81 it Btrictly a uusines . to ) ceep all school supplies at all times. Step into the post otlice store and " " "tigger" on N I an Exchange School Book 81 Order , and then pat yourself - self on the hack. l\lafI orS I . ders promptly attended to. See or aelelress , .1 H. ' ' I t e'w rbS 8.cs.ccK1OO ( iOW.MisocJ 13. W. Kellenbarger and son of Merna , made this oflice a' friend- I } ' call yesterda ) ' . J. II. Drown of Cat Creek , has some line Duroc Jersey hogs on exhibition at the fair. G. E. Cadwell has on exhibition - tion at the faIr some Huc Hereford - ford cattl and Duroc Jersey hogs. Prof. B. B. Hawthorne of Cal- laway , is in the city this week. , TIe an his daughter will Ieeep ; house d uri ng the school term. ' I' W. A. Baker of I ddJville , was a friendl ) ' caller Monday. lIe I and his wife came up to attend I the fair and \'isit his parents. , Mrs. Zahn , who recentl ) ' located - ted in this cit ) ' has leased the Rawson property un the west side of the public square , aud CIl- gaged in the milliner ) ' business. Mrs. C. S. Osborne and her mother , Mrs. Hoagland , who have ueen visiting in Colorado for the past two weeks , arrived in the lt ) ' Monda ) ' in time to attend the funeral. F. D. Mills of Westen'ille , was a cit ) , visitor Wednesday. Mr. Mills informs us that he will attend - tend the adjourned session of the Judicial convention at Grand Island - land and help the hoys out of their tangle. Geo. B. Mail' , editor oethe Cal- laway Courier and candidate for clerk of the district court , is the city attending the county fair. He came over Wednesda ) ' . No man was ever nominated for a county office in Custer count ) ' better qualified for the position than Geo. B. Mair for the office of clerk of the district court. ; A. J. VanAntwerp , who has been taking a scientitic course in the Fremont Business & Normnl College the past year returned to Fremont last Saturday 0 to continue - tinue his studies. Mr. VanAnt- werp is a bright young man and his many friends are plea ed to Jot hiR amhition to prepare himself - self 'for a successful business life. HeD. . J. Briggs and wite of Grand Islanl' ' : , arrived in the city last Friday with the view of locating - cating here permanently. Mr. Briggs was a resident near the city a number of ) 'eaJs ; ag-o and still has a farm of 240 acres wi thin - in two miles of the city 'limits. ' Mr. and Mrs. Briggs are most excellent , people and we are pleased to haye them return. 'I'hc CGunty li'air is in 'full sway as we o to press. The attendance was good for the tirst day , With a continuance of I good weather today and tomorrow - row will be record breakers for crowds. The exhibitions in the se\'eraJ departments are vcr.r creditable. 'l'he Beatrice Cream- cry comes in for a full share of attention. We hope to g'e more of an intemized report next week. Mrs. Walter Wallace discover- I d a large snake in her room recently - , cently to which she applied boiling - I ing water that soon ended its ex- istance. It was near the bahy on the floor when she discO\'ered it. Mrs. Walla e had her hedd- ing out on the lawn the day pre- \ious and she thinks she" must lJa\'e carried the snake in the house in the bed clothing as there was no other way for it to have entered. A newspaper whose columns overflow with advertisements of busincss mcn , has more influence in attracting attention to huild up a town than any other agency that can be employed. Capital and labor go where there is an I . enterprising community. No. power on earth i5 so strong to build up a town as a paper well patronized and its power should he appreciated. 'flte man who overlooks his town paper injnres himself b ) ' injuring his town anel his townsmen.-Wanamakcr. . - - - - - - - - - - - 191" . . . . 11(11. Ii'AHNHWOWl'H-IIuNTIUt-At the Prenbyterian church Wednesda , ' even i ug , Sept. 2 , 1903 , Dr. 'l'haei. Iof. It'arusworth and M iss Mauch Hunter. Hev. D.Augustus Shd- l r ofticiating. 'I'he bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hunter of this city. She has grown up among us and numuers the entire cOlllmunity as fricnds. S J1CC graduating from the city high schools she engaged in teaching until the last year. Since then she has been employed - ed as saleswoman in Wilson & Uraces ) elr ' gooe ! ! . estahlishment. 'l'he groom is a SOil of Dr. It'arus- - - - - . - - - - - . . . - I - I DRILLS. If ) 'OU expect to sow any whea t or rj'l' in thc cornfields , it will pay you to investigate a new drill I all1 Hhowing , and which 1 will guarantee to work in any kind of ground. It ItHlkes no diOoerence how \veed ) ' or wet the ground is thiB drill will do the work. I ah.o havc a car load of. . . . . . . . . . I HOOSIER DISC PRESS DRILLS in 10 and 12 disc sh es. 'l'his drill is so well known it is hardly necessary to say that it is enc of the strongest and best drills made. 'rhese drills were bought direct from thc factory and no middlc man's profit added to the price of them. I also havc scveral good teams of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HORSES C > lEi .A. : L. : E. o c. S. MARTIN , Mfl.Agt. -AND DBAIJRIt IN-- , AN'I'I-rI'l US ] C OODS. . I" ! ! - .AJ - , . . . worth of Grand Island. TIc has , heen a resident of the city thc past two > 'ears and is engaged in the practIce of del1istry. Hc is a young man of good habits , popular in his profession and cn- JOJs the esteem of all who know him. 'l'he church was appropriately decorated for the occassion and profuse. . with flowers. 'rhe church was inadaqllate to accommodate the throng that assembled to witnmm tile occasion. As we go to press early , this 'rhurselay morning we are unable to give farther details. Suffice to sa ) ' that the RHI'UlIT.T- CAN joins with theirmanv fricnds In extending congratulations. - - - - Cnll lor tllc nCluocrllUc Connt" . Con'cntloll. 'rlle < < le1l10crut9 of Cusler Coullty are herd ) , . callc < < 1 to meet in lIlans convention in Bl' kcn Bow on Sept" 19 , for the pur- po c 01 pladng in nominal/oll / cancl ates tor cOllnty officers and transacting such olher hllsincss : IS may regularly coma be- for it. All clcmocrats of the cOllnty arc urgc < < 1 to he prcscnt. Dr. C. I , Mullins , Chnirman. R. G. Moore , SIc'y. : ' . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - Mfi'tMMMMMM.MM MM' ' ! \ MMMWJ& { ? = : S. P. GROA'r & CO. ; : EmhalmorB and Funeral 01- : 1'001'11'8. Wu II/IV" Ull/lurLllkllll { ( ioulla . 1 : IUIII I'ullcrnl ! < Jnr. OIlIlIlluIIIIOIiU 63 at 0 tI : nllY timtJllY or ntltht. : ai s. P. CROAT & . CO. , a : IIrllkoll Dow. - Nuhr".ka g W m 'wWm'lV : ' ' \ 'W"'iV ' It W I 11 . - - - - - - - - - : S OO't'Mi l' ' ( OOtMMtMM'WtMOO. A1. M' ' < M1I.MMMMMM t' tl r < JA C . ' i SAVE , : " 'S : "Q/U'R " HOIGS ; Br txSIN.G . h , \ . Yl7J . ) . I .Em'"eka VaCCIne. ) i . . . . I ; Hoo' Cholera Cure . ' . Preven tative . : b I. ' . . . : g. Its average record last year if IJ2 pcr cent. Haved of all ; hog ! > treafed , re/a / ellcs of th.c conelitlOtl of the hogs at tillle g : of treatmcnt. 'l'llIs rcconl tS nol cllual1ec\ \ ) ' any otller Jeltlefl : lhi : " 11'1 : ON' R ' N : > I ' : z At' Brolcen : EJo"\v , Nel : > l' . 1 \ lg . l ! ! w J\Y m JJ'lJv ' " 'iJ ' ij'\ru\u\JiJ' ' \ ' 'ijtJ ' r. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ttt"t"t"t"ttt"tt"tttt"'t't"tttt"t'tt'ttt"'t""t"r , " " " " , " , " " ' ' " , " ' ' , " ' " " " " " " - SQUIRES BROS. - - - BUIrllies ! BUJJies ! BUJJies ! - - . - = = In a few clays WP. will ha\'e a car 0 f Dunlap - : : : : : : = - = - Buggies right from Pontiac. . Michigan. : : : : : : = = 'l'hese huggie lead th processlOn aue I are one : - : : : : : : : : : : : : of the best lines of bugogies on the market. : : : : E : 'Vill cost youuo more than a "Cheap Jim Crow" = = = = huggy that the pain t will drop off in a few : : : : : E - - : mouths. Buy a Dunlap and YOII will always he : : : - - = - = proud of it. . . . . . O' , . . . , . . 0 o. .0 .0 , 0 . , . . . . . . . . - : : : : - WAGONS. - - = = Deurl < ensand Mandt.two of the best. 1'here = - = : : : : : ' is the best warranty g-iven 011 thesc two of auy : : : : E : : wafons on the market. C.1I.1 and ee thcm and = = = - = ) 'Olt will be con \ ' ncl'd of thclr mcn ts. . . 0 . . . . . . : : : : : : - - Drills ! Drills ! Drills ! Drills ! - - = = We arc loaded to th ' muzi'el : 011 'Vheat Drills - : : : : = - = -hath TIoc and Di , > . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 o. 0 . . . . 0 0 0 . . : : : - SEWING MAOHINES. - - = = Harvest is past. make your Wifl' laugh , by buying - = - = = = ing her a Whit Sewin Mach ine-the best = = - = - = in the worlel. . , 0 , 0 0 0 . o. . 0. ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . : : : : , I SQUIRI S BROS. I - : fi 11 11 11111 11 11111111 11111 11111 ! 11 11111111111111 11111111111111111