Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 16, 1903, Image 8

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    c ,
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f'r , . . . . .
, . . . , ' ,
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. . . .
" 1"1' u. .f.'f < ( ' ' ' I-'f'f' : ' ' . ' ' .
' J. C. Moo e , l\bstractipg.
. .
: , Go to Squires Bros. for twmc.
. r
This office for neat job work.
' '
\ -
\ . New wall paper nd plenty of
; it , at J. C. Bowen's.
J. G. Lconard bonded abstrac-
ter. 39tf II I I
Car load twine just received at I
Squires Bros. 3tf
'VANTltD-Boarders at Mrs.
Duncanson , first door south of
Groat's Hardware store. Rates
$2.50 to $3.00 per week. ' 1tf
FOR SALE- rte full blood '
Shorthorn bull. L.C.MoRRIS ,
2-5' 13erwyn , Nebraska.
The best ice cream soda in the
city at Wilkin's ; drug store.
J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac-
ter. 39tf
Fresh fruit and vegetables ,
staple and fancy groceries at
lowest prices. W. A. George &
Company. I
Car load twine at Squires Bros.
Money l 1 d on improved
718 tf . . ; Broken Bow , Neb.
The Ladies of the Baptist
church will give Lawn Fete on
the 'Lawn , of Judge Armour's
. home , Frid y July 31st. 2 to 11
p. m. 5-7
Don't wait until you are hailed
out , but come'in and insure in
the old reliable St. Paul Fire &
Marine. ' 52tf
Buy 50c 'worth of King Cole
gop.ds at the Star Grocery and
ger a chance on that zon-o-phone.
Highest market price paid for
cream. Settlement once a week. .
Cans furnished free , at W. A.
George & . 's
. . .
For Snle Obenp. " -
160 acres of land , 12 miles west
of . Anselmo , . , mostly level , well
improTed. Inquire of J. R. Mo-
hat , Anselmo , Neb. 3-6
The Ladies of. , the Baptist
church. will give a awn Fete on
the , Lawn 'of Jlldge Armour's
home , Friday , July 31st. 2 to 111
p. m. 5-7
Just received'a new stock of
picture frames , mouldings ; mats ,
etc. Picture frames made' to or-
der. Second hand goods of all
kinds bought and sold.
39tf South Side quare.
J. G. , Leonard bonded abstrac-
ter. J 39th
. -
Tha Ladies of the Baptist
church will. give a Lawn Fete on
the Lawn of Judge Armour's
. .home , Friday.July 31st. 2 to 11
.p. m. 5-7
The celebrated Geiser Threshing -
ing machinery. Never beaten in
a test. The machine without
'sives. For sale by .
2tf S. M. DORRIS.
We have just rdered' car
load of sugar. So get our prices
before buying elsewhere.-W. . A.
George & Co.
W ANTnD-To hire two men
that have families. Houses furn-
38tf . West Union , Neb.
This office has a limited number -
ber of Hicks Almac's for sale at
25 cents. 44tf
. '
FOR RnNT-A double room in
the Custer Block. Inquire a1
this office. 47tJ
FOR SALn-Town lots and : J
few five acre lots in this city ,
-Allen Reyner.
Ice cream soda at 'Vilkin'
drug store for five cents. Try it
LosT-Tuesday July 7 , "
twenty dollar bill. The finde1
will please return to Dr. Clintol
Day and receive a liberal reward
Notice to UR ; , ' Contractore.
We wish to close contracts fOJ
cutting , curing and stacking ha
on our ranch In Cherry count1
for the season of 1903. N (
sw mpy or'rough ground to cu' '
on. ' Write for terms etc. to thl
Standard' Cattle Co. at Ames 0
Hecla , Neb. 45-- -
IIQ.pItRl For . aale.
- -
Broken Bow Hospital for sal. .
on easy terms. This hospita
has been a financial success fo :
the last fiye y'ears. If properl :
. managed it Will pay , above al
nse , .from $150 to $250 pe
month , and thisamountcan , easi
ly be doubled by enlarging th
bu.ildiui : ' . A better location fOJ
a hpspital cannot be found. Pos
ei8ion given on short notice.
+ 6 . Jo S 1u.'roN.
' . '
' \ ' . , . . . . . . _ . , ' . ' . " . . .
.l I , . '
< '
; ; . : _ \ - ( , . . . .t. , i _ . . : :
WE8T "J"'E.
Dr. McArthur has placed a fine
set of new counters in his store ,
which adds considerably to the
already elegant appearance of
his apartments.
Edna Mills has been engaged
to teach the Copsey school the
coming year. Miss Mills holds
a certificate grading an average
of 90 per cent , which speaks well
in regard to her qualifications
for the position.
John Welsh is putting down a
hydraulic well , 160 feet deep ,
located on the hill itl the beautiful -
ful grove north of his house.
Friend 'Velsh seems never satisfied -
fied unless continually engaged
'in improving and beautifying his
The republican primary came
off as scheduled last Saturday.
S. L. Cannon was elected chairman -
man and John Craig , secretary.
The following delegates were
elected to attend the county convention -
vention : Wm. A. Gardner , D.
M. Saville , Elmer Cannon , David
Hil ton , Henry Hein , A. H. Cop-
seyVilson Moody , Me ! . Stein-
man , John Welsh , John Scott , F.
D. Mills.
The following townsbip
officers were nominated : Treasurer -
urer , S. L. Cannon ; town clerk , ,
John Scott ; justice of the peace ,
F. D. Mills ; Constables , Harry
Burnham , Wilson Moody. D.
M. Saville was reelected committeeman -
mitteeman in spite of his prQ-
tests to the contrary. This last
'item means a host to the republican -
can prospects \Vesterville next
fall , as Mr. Savi11e's equal as a
commi tteeman can not be found
in Custer county.
BORN-'ro Mr. and Mrs. Wab-
burn , July 7th a daughter.
L. H. McCall will shIp 25 head
of white cattle from Callaway
today , they are in fiKe condition.
. I
Da VIS Headley has been confined -
fined to his bed for some time ,
with a. severe attack of inflammatory -
matory rheumatism.
I neglected to write that during -
ing the time John Cameron was
nursing his snake bitten finger a
number of his A. O. U. W. breth-
ern cultivated his corn. It was a
commendable act and John is
There was.a heavy rain accompanied -
companied with wind and hail
destroying the crops , last evening
( Monday ) in the South Loupand
Spring Creek 'vicinity. Small
grain and corn all injured beyond
hope of a crop. As to the extent
of the storm 1 have not learned
.as the 'phones are injured.
Millard Hills have a cream
separator on trial.
B. F. Edwards goes away this
week to begin threshing.
The Dorcas Society met with
Mrs. Fodge last 'Vednesday.
Bessie Johnson of Broken Bow , '
is visiting. with her grandparents
The C. E. society will hold an
election of officers at 4:30 p. m.
Sunday , July 19.
There has been a great deal of
sickness in this neighborhood
during the past week.
Roy tkjsson has been in' the
valley several days setting up
binders an.d' repairing old ones.
Mrs , A. D. Hunt and son ,
Franklin , were visiting relatives
: at Broken Bow the first of the
C. D. Day and wife , and J. M.
Fodge were at Broken Bow , Mon-
day. C. D. and J. M. went as
L , dele 'ates to the republican con-
The worst storm of the season
visited this valley Monday even-
. ing. A heavy rain , accompanied
- by a high wind and some hail.
fell. without ceasing flr an hour
and a quarter. OWlIlg. to the
fierce wind , the hall damaged
- some small grain , so it will not
be harvested , while the corn an ( ]
garden stuff is omewhat injured.
Limbs were twisted off the trees ,
haystacks blown away , and one
or'two windmills blown down ,
From the telephone reports , the
storm must have been more
severe in adjacent communities.
One and throe quarters inches 01
rain fell here ,
- NEW DIU..EN. . . .
- -
I Oscar Bowley was in Anselmc
r. on Friday.
) Mr. Brown's little daughter h
r reported as well.
Cora Feasenton visited at Mr ,
Brown's last Sunday.
Verna Robinson vIsited at Mr ,
Smiths last Thursday ,
Mrs. 1.1. F. Smith in some bet.
, " .
_ ' . . u
. . ' ur , _ ' _ . . . . , . . _ . _ _ ' ' 'A ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' . \JI . . : . . ' ' ' ' " ,
ter than hc was last week.
Robert Ross went to Broken
Bow Saturday and returned'Sun -
Mrs. Clarence Doman and little
daughter were in' ' An elmo last
Thursday. ' .
Guy Robinson was a Broken
Bow visitor last Saturday. Guy
does not mind the distance down
there ,
r. Burnett will preach at .the
Robinson school house next
Saturday evening. It will probably - I
bably be his last sermon here. I
Sunday school at ten. o'clock
Sunday morning in the place of
the afternoon. Everybody come
and let us make it interesting.
Brownie Williams has purchased -
ed a new top buggy. If you
want to be in style boys , buy a
new buggy or paint your old one.
( Too late for last week. )
Jessie Jacobs is now located at
her new store. .
Charlie Brown's littie daughter
is sick at presen .
Mrs. M. F. Smith is reported
very ill at present. /
Mr. Johnson and wife of
Merna , visited at 'Mr. ' Ra h's' last
John Youngdale and wife of
Merna , visited at Mr. Roberts
las Sunday.
Corn is making very slow pro-
gress. The winter small grain
is getting ripe.
Fred Ross left Sunday morning
for the Sand Hills , where he will !
work in the hay fields.
Ollie Smith and family of Pleasant - '
sant Valley , visited at Mr.
Robinson's last Sunday. I
Dr. Morrow and wife of Merna , 1
also Mr. Brotherton and family
attended the celebration here
Saturday. .
Anna Edmunds came up from
Broken Bow , Saturday morning
to spend the Fourth here. She
returned Sunday morning ;
The Old Settlers picnic wil
be held at Lindley's Grov ,
Wednesday July 15th. Ever-
body come and have a good
Among those from Broken Bow , .
who attended the celebration ,
here were S. Ii : Great , wife and
daughter , and Jessie VanBus . irk
and family. I
Fourth of July has come and
gone. Nothing r mains of it
now but recollection of the day.
The heavy rain the day before
prevented the people from gathering -
ing here early but before no
there was as large a crowd as
usual. J. R. Teagargen of .Bro-
ken Bow delivered an excellent
address which was followed by
re itations and singing and music
by the Gates Band. A good time
was had by those present.
etUNDA. v ttCIIOOl. . NEW .
A library was placed in the
Kelley Sunday School , also the
Happy Hollow Sunday School
south of Berwyn , last week.
Two Sunday Schools were
started .last Sunday near Wester-
vi11e. One in 'the morning' in
Dry Valley and. one in the afternoon -
noon on the French Table.
Rev. Morns and several of the
young people of th Baptist
church . King Sunday
School last Sunday. 'l'heir presence -
sence was encouraging and help-
ful. 'Ve hope this will. not be
their last , visit.
The south east district is planning -
ning to have a Sunday Schqol
c.onvention in September. Let
us make it a genuine undaJ
School rally. Have every Sunday -
day sch ol represented by enthusiastic -
thusiastic delegates.
'rhe Sunday School in th < :
Dady district west of Mason is
well attended. Great interest iE
manifesed and much good is be.
ing done. Rev. Hodges preache
every two weeks immediately
after Sunday School at 4 o'clock.
Has your Sunday Scool a libr.
ary ? If not drop a card to R. E
Davis , Broken Bow , the $ unda1
School missionary of Custer coun.
ty and he will help you to secun
a good library , at so Iowa figun
that the poorest Sunday Schoo :
in the county can not afford t <
be without one.-X. .
How much better to have th (
young people and older ones mcel
, together on .sunday afternoon t (
systematically study the Bibl. .
) aUil incidentally have an uplift
ing social time than to have :
ball game for the young folk
and more than likely beer am
whiskey will be 'freely passel
. around while the father is plann
ing how to get the next quarte
section of land aud the Ulothe
, spends tHe forenoon preparing fOI
compa v in the afternoon , . .an
goes to 'bed d night feeling tha
. . . . . . : . . , - \ . ' . : ; " ' : ; . " : : : : : -4. , " ; ' , 't" ' - ' , ' .
Sutu1ny. is the hardest day in the
week instead of. a hply day of
rest , .
Lelal d Lewi si ted n' Mon-
\Ve' now ha\'e an enrollment of I
seventy three.
Francis Correll of Arnold ,
visited on Monday.
Fern Morris went to Ansley
Friday , returriing Monday.
Eva Welsh and Elsie Saville
spent Sunday in 'Vesterville.
Mrs. F. E. VanAntwetp of
Loc.1i , was a school visitor Mon-
Miss T..ibbie Brenizer. Mrs. Can-
kins and Miss Pool visited on
Misses \Vood and Ijove .of
Merna , visited the school on
The class in agriculture performed -
formed several interesting experiments -
ments on Tuesday. .
School was dismissed early
Monday in order that the students -
dents might attend. . the political
speech given by Congressman
Burkett :
Elizabeth Gunnarson of Wal-
warth , Mary Giese of 'Mason City ,
Rilla Oliver of Berwyn , Myrtle
Smith of Broken Bow , and Clara
McCaslin of Green , were enrolled
this week.
Broken B"w-H len i"II. , Mary Lelenre , adge
Potte. L'na Wuod , Emm" Luce , Cbae. Poo' ' ,
Mre. McRUI , Flor nclI Emereon , Oertle Lan
t rman. Olle Pickett. E rl blo f neaux , Ilbli :
Outllry Emil' O' cllwlnd. BdSlo Iween : y ,
Arthur i. dwlch , Irll DewoJ. Ada lIeapI , Mau
: : Imltll , aud" Uawtlloruu , Badle Norcntt. OlUIi
Jetlo'ds , Leona : : Iearles. Myrtle Smltb.
AneleJ'-Fern Morris , Besil Wllllana , 11rtle
Lodl-Uay Mouger , Vlna Downln , Mary Down.
In. May 1I1etz : .
Oeorl { town-Mabel Maaon , Olga Swensen ,
Anselmo-Au he Scott , Jeflle IcoU. : !
Arnold-Della Graham. 1II'1111e Needb ! > UIBlanche
Allen , Mabel JObOSUD.
We tervllle-Ena Welsh. EllIe SlIIo.
Pilot -Urlttanla Nlcbola@ . Laura Samp
RClt-Ethel E dy. LllJble Schmelz
CallawaJ--Nora Wenver , EWe Wrlgbt. CArrl
Shipley , Ne11te 8alllng
Merna-Clara A.tklswn , Fern MoSberry , Jl'ule i
Pollard , 1Iattle Foot.
Dunnlng--Kate Loughran , Lizzie Loughran.
Seneca-Oeo. Hannll , Don Hanna.
3U1lkale-Arlle Haskell.
OIlca-Dora Lewis.
Hyno . .Nelile McDermitt
Klump8ylYia Cool.
8argent-Florel1ce Feliowi.
Plankintou. S. D.-311nnle Cndmore.
Elton-Ida Ltclt.
Cometock-Ulida Nordstrom.
Redfern-EUa Whitehead.
Lee Park-JeanIe Todd.
Lomax-Viola Yonng.
Berwyn-Anna lIyan.
Klog ton--Klll Oliver.
Mainn-Mary Giese.
Will worth-Elizabeth Onnnason.
Oreene-Clarn McCaslin.
'Ve have just received a large
consignment of Queensware and
glassware. Call and see them.
Cburcl1 . . .
There will be services at the Woodman
Hall next Sunday at II o'clock. All are
cordially invited attend. .
R. B r.r.IS , Pastor.
Unusual servIces next Lord's Da } '
morning 'theme : "Unfailing Love. "
Evening : "Man. " Bible School at 10
a. m. C. E. at p. m. You will be made
to ftel at. home with us. A. G. SMITH.
Sunday scbool at 10. Preaching at I I
a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning thcm "The
Christians A1lmunitiou. , ' , Evcning
"Wdyhtd.and found Wanting. " Junior
meeting at 3 p. m. W. F. PItRR\ ' .
. -
Diblc Schooi 10 a. m. Divint : Worship
II a. m. Topic "Is God Needed. " B.
Y. P. U. 7. p. m. 'Gospd Preaching 8
p. 111. 'I'opic "Gospel Lessons frolll au
Oriental Garden. " Wednes ay 8 p. m.
l\f. It. CHURCH.
Suuday wi11 be u great day with us.
The solnlU rite of baptism will be ad-
ministertll in the morning and 111 so an
afteruoon service. The pluce atlli tilllt :
of the tatter to be announced later. The
morning st\bject "Faithfulneess. " Text
Rev. 2:10. : In th evening we expect to ,
have with us l\Iiss'Wilson a deaconess of
. . . Omaha , who will present our Hospital
intere ts. We invite all to these services.
Gno. P. TRITltS , Pastor.
1'Ilurk t IICllort 'or 'l'od Y.
UIIAINWhAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S .52
Uarluy. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : l
Oatil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Hyu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Unrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3C
11011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .5 ( )
Iteere. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 00 ( ( l. 4.25
Unwl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0' @ 3.00
Uhlok n' , p.rllollDd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01
Turkeya , per IIOnoI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Os
Uutter. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I
Kgg..I't'rlluz.n. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ie
MI CItLI..UilWUd. ,
Potlltol1d. p1r bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
IIlte , " " plJr bIl8h \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n
lIay. I'r tOil . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 7,0 (
Htfl\Wl > or . .wt . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .1
HIIII r. Urlllllllatllll , per ewt. . . . . . $5.50 @ 6.6 (
. - - - _ .
' . ' .
lIttler 'crnIN.
We have bten able to make bettt:1
terms with the publisHers of the Swim
Herd. Wc can now furnish you the Rn ,
PU I.ICAN nnd Swine Herd for $1.20 ,
This applies to renewals as well as t (
new subscrsber : ; to the Rnl'uBuCAN.
I.cnv ItBte" tn Caltnrll' ' ' ,
- The Burlington offen round trip ticket !
us follows :
Sun Ilrnnci co 1\1111 return , f.t 7 .40
August I to 14.
1,09 Angdes utilI return1-t7.40 : , Augus1
I to 14. Ask the ticket agent for.par
ticulars. 52
, . I ,
- - "
. I J
, I
r . . . . ' . : - . . . . " " 11. . . . . " . . , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . A . , _ , . I. , 1 . . . . . .i . < ! ' ' , , . . I. . t !
- - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO TO TilE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ac e-t S"tore
Summer dress goods , black and whitc India linen ,
black and white mulls , white silk mulls , mercerized -
cerized silk chambray , lochiel zephyr , favorite
zephyr , pigue , duck , almeria batiste , ha1cj.on
batiste and ginghams for waists , laces and emI -
. Ribbons , Velvets , Velveteens , SUks , Crepe , . 'r
Nuns Veiling , and Sateens. . Also a fine line of "
Ladies Low Dress Shoes , Kid Colonial , Kid
Four Strap , Sandals and Dongola Souvenirs.
Sunbonnets , Ginghams , Velvet Ribbons.
, E. Reyner & CO. ,
Brok.ell Bo"v. - - NebI asla. :
. . . . : . . . . ,
' " - - - - - . , . . . . - ' .
Lega'I Notices ,
Il ndY8rthement under tbls huad will bu
charged tor "t leval ratl : " , vii. : 11.00 p r Bqnull
for IIrst IUAertlon. and We per Iquaro tor eacll
.nbsequo tlnecr on. .
"square" Is ten IIn08 or traction thereot.
Unlled Statc8 l.lJod onlc\ : . l
lJruken U09Nrll. . , Junu 20. t903. f
Notlco Is lIerob , IOhen : that till ! tolluwln uom.
ed @tJ.tler . has filed nutlco ot hie Intuntlon to malll !
final proot In aupport ot hll claim .Blld tbar sl1hl
, "Ill lie Iliadu lIeforu Helllt.rau Heculvul' t
ir"kolJ " Do , , . , Nub. . ou .Jul , : Z , 190J vlz : Wllll m
11. 81l1etd of Gruu , NIIJ : , tur tllull. U. No. IH2 ,
w ne ! , ectlun 2" . Townablp 18 N. Hange 20 W.
H" name tll folluwlnlt w1tn 8jea to prove IIle
contlnuou ! ! resld nce upon atld eultlvatlou ot lalll
land'vlr : : William Uhlr an 01 Round ValllJY ,
Neb. ; Fritz J. Uhlman of Hound YahoYLoNell. .
David Myeu , of Greeu , Nell , Edward vo ot
2.7-5 Hcglster.
. -
U. 8. Lau O lre. l
Broken lJow , Nebraska , JUlie 13 , 1903. f
Notlco I. her"lIv glvull tllat tto folloWII.g . nlm'
ed settler lias med nutice of hie Intentloll to
make tlnlp'ouf ; III upport of hlB claim. No.
892 , and tllat .ald proof will lIu mad. , before
ReglAte , rld Hecelvor at Uroken Uow Nellraskll ,
on Monday. July 20 , 1903. vlzf JOMef Zuruk ,
Comstook. Nehraska. for tile Lote 3 and 4. Huctlou
1. TownshIp IB Nortb Range 17 Wcst ot 6th .1'
1'11. Ho nameB tbe fohowlng wltne 8eB to provl' !
his contlnnoue residence upou and eultlVftluII of
uld land , vlz : Perry Wolcott of OomRtock , Noll.
Fred Qmolkoll of Comstock , Neb. l'etr.r
Nemoskoll of Comstock , : -Iell" John KlulIl of
Comstock , Neb. J ; uEa WUlTEU&AD ,
1.6- . . . . Register.
In JUltlee Oourt lJefoo J J : Snider ; Jnstlce of
the Pe&ce. :
Arthnr N. Robinett.
Marlon Trottor.
31arlon Trotter will take DeUce , that on the
13th day of Juno , 1903. J J. Snyd'Jr ' a JUallce of
tbe peace of Cueter county. NelJrn.ka. IRsued an
order of attacbment for the 8um of $10.00 111 an
action pending before hIm , wherein Arthur N.
Robinette was plaintiff and Marlnn Trottot was
de fen dent , tbat propert i of the defendaut. cou.
slstlngof ono tablo. one lJox of . .ullliryItlcles ,
one heatlnl ! ; stove and plpo , one box contaIning
bed , blankets. dleb08 , elc. has been attached nn.
der .aId ord r. ald CRnse was colltloued to the
6th day ot AUItU t. 1903 , at 10 o'Jlock a. m
Daled July Isl , t903.
A. N. ROBIS&TTE. Plaintiff.
3.6-46 N. 'I' . O D1J , AU'y.
In the District Conrt of Cnster County. Nellra ikti .
Frank J. Morgan. 1'l lntllf.
EdwardQ.Keaabyaentulverof the T L. V.
Luud J ; l.aUle Co. . Charlce F. Tierney. Barnard
J. Tlernoy , Tierney Urotlltre. B. Lincoln Oeno.
diet. III Executor of tblJ l.aet Will and Tu tamont
of Clrarles L Uenedlct , , lecI'lIs.rt , Cllarlt C.
I'Jirmele. B. Llnculll Uetlcdlct , " 'Illellty Tru .
Oompllny. ct III , jetendant
' 1'0 ltd\vard Q. K Delly liS Rec lver ot tll T. I. .
V. Land an ( ; attlo COlllpallY. 'l'bo FIdelity ' 1'rllst
Company , aud U. LlIICOIIi Uene let for lrlmself.
aud 118 Executor of Ihlll.RSt Will IInd 'l'U tlllOOlit
of Charle L. Denedlcl. dcc09sed.
Yon are each III ru y nutlned tllilt upon the Sih
day of Jnly A D. 1903. the UlJddrsllne , ( . JiB platll-
dlI. IIlnd hie petltlou In tllu Dis rlct court of i
Cu ter ( ) onnty NellraekR , tire object aTld I'ruyer ,
of wilieh 18 to foreclose a trust . .u gh'cn by tou
Ildend ot'1' . I. . Y. 1.lInd alld Cattl. . COlllpuuy.
dated DecemlJer I , ISn. IInd duly tiled fur record
In tbe County of LUg1U on tile 2 lb day of Decem.
IJcr A. D. 189 III 5 o'clock p , m. In Vol. 4 of Mor"
Kag s upon p.\u 24 , alld In the Cuunty of Custer
on tile 31st day of December A D. 189 , at 11
o'clock a , m. in 1100" 47 of 1Itorlgsge un alu
330. glvt n 10 th l-'ldllllty Truat ( : olOlIauy bJ' tllu
nalOe of lhu Fld 1Ity ' 1'11I0 and Deposit ! . ; ompallY ,
which trnEt I ced was blued tu ecuro twuuty
tlve bondlof Iho face value of OIlU Thoulalill
( ' 1000) Dollars each , nllmlJured from one to
t\\'enty.l1vo Inclusive. and becomllig tlue on the
lit day of December A. D. 189 ; , wltll IlJteru t at
thu rate of 6 per eellt IIIInum payable seml-lIn-
IIuallv , ot wilich honds tbls plallitUf h tllo owner
of five xmmlJored from elghteell to twenty.two
rccpoctteIY. Jatd truat deu,1 conv.vlllthe /
folloWlu ) ; dClcrlll d lands , In Logan cOUllty , e'
to.wlt :
S of SO . ( , ofsec. . B ,
8w4' ! of 800. 9.
Seoof ! Heu. 10
Nw } ( of ee. 10 ,
8W } . ( of C. 10.
Sw } ( ot See " ,
Nw } . ( IIf , e 14 ,
8u } ( ut lice H.
Hw } . ( rt ue 14 ,
8e . ( c'f 8 c. 15.
NY ot Nt } ' ot ! Jec. 17.
Nw } ( ut SCI ! , 15 , all lu towmblp 19. nortb
rankob. .
N 01 Sw } ( . Sec. I ,
Wv. of thlJ : ! . 'iee , I ,
8w ot tllo Nw } ( , S e. I ,
loUt 4. c. I ,
y of tllo Nw4' ! , Suc 2 ,
I ' 1 > I oftheSI\.8 e.2. .
! lC } lofllho Nu } ! . See. : ' : , .
Lot , . .Scc 2.
Me4' ! . au.1 NUl of Hw } ( . 8 r , 3 ,
8 IIf the Nw } ( . 8 e 3.
Nl' ' 01 the : : Ie } ( . 81'c 4.
8e } . ( ot Ib.Nl' } ( , .so : . 4 , lilt In town lIlp 19 ,
norlh r nl : " ' 7. WI' t
J v. of' 1111 Sw ! of Bpe , 25.
NIof thu 8w } . ( of See ) .
8wJ. ( IIf tbu Nw ' uf Bee. 25. all III lownsull'
20 , norlb If rlluge 27. we t ; nnd tllo tulluwlng
.andlln tto CountyofCuUor. alld Ht1tu lit Ne.
Draska , to. wit :
BY of the Nw } ( . of Soe. 9.
W = of tile N.4' ! of See , 9 , aUlu towullllip IS.
nortb of rallgo ! 25 , and to have a necdcr
appointed fur all of lIald propertlos ; and propose
IlIauoh H celver 'rhnn1a lIollIday , IInd tor the
enretiuN of plnlutlff trrllnlt II. Youog. , Thomne R.
! l'armele IIlId Ullarlea O. I'arlllille or ' ! lIe Amorlcan
, 1I0ndlllg ( 'omplilivi .IId aR.uretle for the PrD'
pOled Hecetvcr F'ink II Young and 'J'hoDiai R.
l'armele or'l'bc Uoudlng Ooml'llny. ' 1'110 11:11111.
, clition for rooulvor will 110 1I0.ld UpOll plBllllllf's
petition and thO oral uvldpnro or Charles jo' . 'rler-
, IIOY. Judd , tile I1ret nBmo ullknown. and ludl
, otber evldel1clI a8 tllo court wlI tben recolv"
, You IIro reqntred to an8wer paid potllloll 011 or
borore th 2Hb day of UgU6t , . \ . D 1003 and UI"
r on 1I1lddav , at 9 ' 1'clock 11. m. . sbow cautlt' . It
I any obJrellon8 you have. to 'h above named I'ro-
, posed receiver. r to tbe apl10lntllleut of are.
, c lver. or to all' of tile Dboo proposetl euretiesl
I and saM " ' 1pllcatlon wllllJe snbmltted npon IDIO
. da , III 9 o'clock a. 1)1. or 8i soon thereafter as
I plaintiff can bo heard
, FnUK J. MonoAN , Plalnt'U. '
: llYItON CLAIIK , Attorney. -tH7
I - - . . . . -
GANDY. . & !
mC..E' .
, . .
R al Esta t . ,
) '
and Collections
Farms lor Sale an Rent.
Officc over N , Gleim's tailor
shop. . . . . . . . Notarr Public.
. m Brok.n Bow , . - N.brah.
. .
I : & ! & : :
ErISr : i
: ! dl : D !
Make n i ! CI rII g vork.
Ptlous reasollallie. .
All work gllarlilltl'\d.
Iall aUlI sue rno before glng , 6Isewhcr .
Olllco-Ill Drokol ! Dow Itatu : ! Dank \luUdlng. \ :
Broken Bow , NelJrnst.ll. I
J. HNYDEl { ,
. . f
: P li } ; D idffiaD } : , AN DNo\uRnlIc ; r
'ldO Juetlco ot the 1'co. Spoclal ultenton given
to collcctions UopoRhlons takli , pi'nslon vouch. 'i
" . neatly cxecntod alld aU klndl of legal papers . \
written. Otnco In the rear of nank of Commercu.
Broken lIow. Nobraska.
Bargains in Real Estate \ . r
Jl'nrm laDl\ specialty Alfsifa. : corn ! > nd i :
graz , . g lallds for 6als In Cueter. : : ! lIcrman , Uuf.
falo and Daw on conntlee. Prices from $4.00 \
pur acrlJ Up. Uoeldenee. . miles south Ilnd 1 {
mile east o Ma@on. Post omce addle@s , ( . :
LEVI IUNO , 'It , ,
Mason Olty , Nebraska. I
mIDJn lP ; ] IDID ID lJiI
Two blocks north of Gr nd Oentrlll Hotel. Pat.
ronago sollcltod. Prices reasonable.
W. D. HALL. A. ll.lbnTLEY
The belt bargllinein Vebra ka.
Farm lands $1010 $ : ! 5 per acre.
Scme line ran he8 cheap , . . . . .
Real eetatll , Loans Bnd Insur
anco. Write ua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
llurllngton Honte. Sargent , Nebraska.
/lnd Duroe Joreey Hogs bred and sold. eyt blOod
orthclrclass. Addreps. G. E. OADWELf. ,
llroken Uow , Nebraska
DH.8. H. . : & W. E. l'AI..B01' ,
Olllce owr UllclJulll > 'S Oru ! ; Store. ' 1
BrokfJn Bow , - . - Nuhrafl.a.
, CONTItMlrOl , t nUIlIIEn.
I1t""Plans IInd estimates on shorlnolicII.
J1rokoll Huw , Nobr sua.
DR. e. IJ. j'lUl IJlJN5 : ,
Physician Surgeou. \
2nd HtalrwlIY from WA t eUllln Really Block ; {
ro ldenco..3rd WIIst M. E. chnrcb , 011 ellln ! ! side ' '
of "truet. a' Brolten How , side'j' 'j'
- mm.'WeB memn' ltIBDflli.elIP. :11 :1\ : \
Up-to-date Photographs. \
. . .
Flrt : pnze WlIll1cr at. state association - I
sociation 1903. ;
s. 1\1. \ DOrUUS ,
mnUIll3h : ! ! ! ! D1lm 1Ao !
AI. I.ll1 8 ut work In oar line don promptly (
alld In IInt. lalla ordor. ned Sbop on lhe
orner west 01 tbo hose lIou8e.
GXV" : UH A TUXAI. . .
Urokeu How , . . . . Nebraska.
11. O. HUTTON. I'roprlr.tor. (
Flnt-clll 1 work Renr Uoom of HroktD Uow 1 ,
State Ilank , Bro en Bow. Nebraeka. .
\ & HICE9IC ,
ff riys u c ; < Z.ll l'S
AT I.A\\ . . \
o me 8 and 9. Realty lIIock. Urohn Itow. NOli. I
t.j t
DR. 'r. fJ FARN WOtt'rH , J
. .
' " ,
IY'"Omce In Realty lIloek , Dr. Uau'd 01 I
I < talld.
Physician ' - Surgeon. i I
Ort\co III rear or tbo Uank of Commerco. Uosi. "
dencil 6th honlo WJII of the Japtlst chnrch. '
Urokon Dow. N brIlAka.
O.H. . eONRAD ,
. . . . . .Doaler In. . . .
Pumpl. Wind MI11 , Tanke. 'lItllI't a a80llD
Kpjlnee , ete. , etc.
Drokeu lIow , Nullnalla ,