c , . ' . " f'r , . . . . . , . . . , ' , 't. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'r . " . . . . t" - " _ ' " ' " r" . . . . . . . " . . . . . . " 1"1' u. .f.'f < ( ' ' ' I-'f'f' : ' ' . ' ' . ( BUSINESS POINTERS. J J J JJ ' J. C. Moo e , l\bstractipg. . . : , Go to Squires Bros. for twmc. . r This office for neat job work. ' ' \ - \ . New wall paper nd plenty of ; it , at J. C. Bowen's. J. G. Lconard bonded abstrac- ter. 39tf II I I Car load twine just received at I Squires Bros. 3tf 'VANTltD-Boarders at Mrs. Duncanson , first door south of Groat's Hardware store. Rates $2.50 to $3.00 per week. ' 1tf FOR SALE- rte full blood ' Shorthorn bull. L.C.MoRRIS , 2-5' 13erwyn , Nebraska. The best ice cream soda in the city at Wilkin's ; drug store. J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac- ter. 39tf Fresh fruit and vegetables , staple and fancy groceries at lowest prices. W. A. George & Company. I Car load twine at Squires Bros. Money l 1 d on improved farms. JAMES LBDWICH , 718 tf . . ; Broken Bow , Neb. The Ladies of the Baptist church will give Lawn Fete on the 'Lawn , of Judge Armour's . home , Frid y July 31st. 2 to 11 p. m. 5-7 Don't wait until you are hailed out , but come'in and insure in the old reliable St. Paul Fire & Marine. ' 52tf Buy 50c 'worth of King Cole gop.ds at the Star Grocery and ger a chance on that zon-o-phone. Highest market price paid for cream. Settlement once a week. . Cans furnished free , at W. A. George & . 's . . . For Snle Obenp. " - 160 acres of land , 12 miles west of . Anselmo , . , mostly level , well improTed. Inquire of J. R. Mo- hat , Anselmo , Neb. 3-6 . The Ladies of. , the Baptist church. will give a awn Fete on the , Lawn 'of Jlldge Armour's home , Friday , July 31st. 2 to 111 p. m. 5-7 . ' Just received'a new stock of picture frames , mouldings ; mats , etc. Picture frames made' to or- der. Second hand goods of all kinds bought and sold. JUD KAY , 39tf South Side quare. . J. G. , Leonard bonded abstrac- ter. J 39th . - Tha Ladies of the Baptist church will. give a Lawn Fete on the Lawn of Judge Armour's . .home , Friday.July 31st. 2 to 11 .p. m. 5-7 The celebrated Geiser Threshing - ing machinery. Never beaten in a test. The machine without 'sives. For sale by . 2tf S. M. DORRIS. We have just rdered' car load of sugar. So get our prices before buying elsewhere.-W. . A. George & Co. - W ANTnD-To hire two men that have families. Houses furn- ished.VnST UNION MILLING Co. 38tf . West Union , Neb. This office has a limited number - ber of Hicks Almac's for sale at 25 cents. 44tf . ' FOR RnNT-A double room in the Custer Block. Inquire a1 this office. 47tJ FOR SALn-Town lots and : J few five acre lots in this city , -Allen Reyner. . Ice cream soda at 'Vilkin' drug store for five cents. Try it LosT-Tuesday July 7 , " twenty dollar bill. The finde1 will please return to Dr. Clintol Day and receive a liberal reward Notice to UR ; , ' Contractore. We wish to close contracts fOJ cutting , curing and stacking ha on our ranch In Cherry count1 for the season of 1903. N ( sw mpy or'rough ground to cu' ' on. ' Write for terms etc. to thl Standard' Cattle Co. at Ames 0 Hecla , Neb. 45-- - IIQ.pItRl For . aale. - - Broken Bow Hospital for sal. . on easy terms. This hospita has been a financial success fo : the last fiye y'ears. If properl : . managed it Will pay , above al nse , .from $150 to $250 pe month , and thisamountcan , easi ly be doubled by enlarging th bu.ildiui : ' . A better location fOJ a hpspital cannot be found. Pos ei8ion given on short notice. + 6 . Jo S 1u.'roN. I' ' . ' - I ' \ ' . , . . . . . . _ . , ' . ' . " . . . .l I , . ' < ' . ; ; . : _ \ - ( , . . . .t. , i _ . . : : WE8T "J"'E. Dr. McArthur has placed a fine set of new counters in his store , which adds considerably to the already elegant appearance of his apartments. Edna Mills has been engaged to teach the Copsey school the coming year. Miss Mills holds a certificate grading an average of 90 per cent , which speaks well in regard to her qualifications for the position. John Welsh is putting down a hydraulic well , 160 feet deep , located on the hill itl the beautiful - ful grove north of his house. Friend 'Velsh seems never satisfied - fied unless continually engaged 'in improving and beautifying his premises. The republican primary came off as scheduled last Saturday. S. L. Cannon was elected chairman - man and John Craig , secretary. The following delegates were elected to attend the county convention - vention : Wm. A. Gardner , D. M. Saville , Elmer Cannon , David Hil ton , Henry Hein , A. H. Cop- seyVilson Moody , Me ! . Stein- man , John Welsh , John Scott , F. D. Mills. The following townsbip officers were nominated : Treasurer - urer , S. L. Cannon ; town clerk , , John Scott ; justice of the peace , F. D. Mills ; Constables , Harry Burnham , Wilson Moody. D. M. Saville was reelected committeeman - mitteeman in spite of his prQ- tests to the contrary. This last 'item means a host to the republican - can prospects \Vesterville next fall , as Mr. Savi11e's equal as a commi tteeman can not be found in Custer county. RVNO. BORN-'ro Mr. and Mrs. Wab- burn , July 7th a daughter. L. H. McCall will shIp 25 head of white cattle from Callaway today , they are in fiKe condition. . I Da VIS Headley has been confined - fined to his bed for some time , with a. severe attack of inflammatory - matory rheumatism. I neglected to write that during - ing the time John Cameron was nursing his snake bitten finger a number of his A. O. U. W. breth- ern cultivated his corn. It was a commendable act and John is thankful. There was.a heavy rain accompanied - companied with wind and hail destroying the crops , last evening ( Monday ) in the South Loupand Spring Creek 'vicinity. Small grain and corn all injured beyond hope of a crop. As to the extent of the storm 1 have not learned .as the 'phones are injured. ORTEK.LO. Millard Hills have a cream separator on trial. B. F. Edwards goes away this week to begin threshing. The Dorcas Society met with Mrs. Fodge last 'Vednesday. Bessie Johnson of Broken Bow , ' is visiting. with her grandparents here. here.The The C. E. society will hold an election of officers at 4:30 p. m. Sunday , July 19. There has been a great deal of sickness in this neighborhood during the past week. Roy tkjsson has been in' the valley several days setting up binders an.d' repairing old ones. Mrs , A. D. Hunt and son , Franklin , were visiting relatives : at Broken Bow the first of the week. C. D. Day and wife , and J. M. Fodge were at Broken Bow , Mon- day. C. D. and J. M. went as L , dele 'ates to the republican con- venbon. The worst storm of the season visited this valley Monday even- . ing. A heavy rain , accompanied - by a high wind and some hail. fell. without ceasing flr an hour and a quarter. OWlIlg. to the fierce wind , the hall damaged - some small grain , so it will not be harvested , while the corn an ( ] garden stuff is omewhat injured. Limbs were twisted off the trees , haystacks blown away , and one or'two windmills blown down , From the telephone reports , the storm must have been more severe in adjacent communities. One and throe quarters inches 01 rain fell here , - NEW DIU..EN. . . . - - I Oscar Bowley was in Anselmc r. on Friday. ) Mr. Brown's little daughter h r reported as well. Cora Feasenton visited at Mr , Brown's last Sunday. Verna Robinson vIsited at Mr , Smiths last Thursday , Mrs. 1.1. F. Smith in some bet. I , " . _ ' . . u . . ' ur , _ ' _ . . . . , . . _ . _ _ ' ' 'A ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' . \JI . . : . . ' ' ' ' " , I ter than hc was last week. I Robert Ross went to Broken Bow Saturday and returned'Sun - day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Doman and little daughter were in' ' An elmo last Thursday. ' . Guy Robinson was a Broken Bow visitor last Saturday. Guy does not mind the distance down there , r. Burnett will preach at .the Robinson school house next Saturday evening. It will probably - I bably be his last sermon here. I Sunday school at ten. o'clock Sunday morning in the place of the afternoon. Everybody come and let us make it interesting. Brownie Williams has purchased - ed a new top buggy. If you want to be in style boys , buy a new buggy or paint your old one. ( Too late for last week. ) Jessie Jacobs is now located at her new store. . Charlie Brown's littie daughter is sick at presen . Mrs. M. F. Smith is reported very ill at present. / Mr. Johnson and wife of Merna , visited at 'Mr. ' Ra h's' last Sunday. , John Youngdale and wife of Merna , visited at Mr. Roberts las Sunday. Corn is making very slow pro- gress. The winter small grain is getting ripe. Fred Ross left Sunday morning for the Sand Hills , where he will ! work in the hay fields. Ollie Smith and family of Pleasant - ' sant Valley , visited at Mr. Robinson's last Sunday. I I Dr. Morrow and wife of Merna , 1 also Mr. Brotherton and family attended the celebration here Saturday. . Anna Edmunds came up from Broken Bow , Saturday morning to spend the Fourth here. She returned Sunday morning ; The Old Settlers picnic wil be held at Lindley's Grov , Wednesday July 15th. Ever- body come and have a good b.me. Among those from Broken Bow , . who attended the celebration , here were S. Ii : Great , wife and daughter , and Jessie VanBus . irk and family. I , Fourth of July has come and gone. Nothing r mains of it now but recollection of the day. The heavy rain the day before prevented the people from gathering - ing here early but before no there was as large a crowd as usual. J. R. Teagargen of .Bro- ken Bow delivered an excellent address which was followed by re itations and singing and music by the Gates Band. A good time was had by those present. etUNDA. v ttCIIOOl. . NEW . A library was placed in the Kelley Sunday School , also the Happy Hollow Sunday School south of Berwyn , last week. Two Sunday Schools were started .last Sunday near Wester- vi11e. One in 'the morning' in Dry Valley and. one in the afternoon - noon on the French Table. Rev. Morns and several of the young people of th Baptist church vIsited.th . King Sunday School last Sunday. 'l'heir presence - sence was encouraging and help- ful. 'Ve hope this will. not be their last , visit. The south east district is planning - ning to have a Sunday Schqol c.onvention in September. Let us make it a genuine undaJ School rally. Have every Sunday - day sch ol represented by enthusiastic - thusiastic delegates. 'rhe Sunday School in th < : Dady district west of Mason is well attended. Great interest iE manifesed and much good is be. ing done. Rev. Hodges preache every two weeks immediately after Sunday School at 4 o'clock. Has your Sunday Scool a libr. ary ? If not drop a card to R. E Davis , Broken Bow , the $ unda1 School missionary of Custer coun. ty and he will help you to secun a good library , at so Iowa figun that the poorest Sunday Schoo : in the county can not afford t < be without one.-X. . How much better to have th ( young people and older ones mcel , together on .sunday afternoon t ( systematically study the Bibl. . ) aUil incidentally have an uplift ing social time than to have : ball game for the young folk and more than likely beer am whiskey will be 'freely passel . around while the father is plann ing how to get the next quarte section of land aud the Ulothe , spends tHe forenoon preparing fOI compa v in the afternoon , . .an goes to 'bed d night feeling tha . . . . . . . : . . , - \ . ' . : ; " ' : ; . " : : : : : -4. , " ; ' , 't" ' - ' , ' . Sutu1ny. is the hardest day in the week instead of. a hply day of rest , . HVMItI ' HCIIOOI. . NJ WtJ. Lelal d Lewi si ted n' Mon- c.1ay. \Ve' now ha\'e an enrollment of I seventy three. Francis Correll of Arnold , visited on Monday. Fern Morris went to Ansley Friday , returriing Monday. Eva Welsh and Elsie Saville spent Sunday in 'Vesterville. Mrs. F. E. VanAntwetp of Loc.1i , was a school visitor Mon- day. . Miss T..ibbie Brenizer. Mrs. Can- kins and Miss Pool visited on Friday. Misses \Vood and Ijove .of Merna , visited the school on Wednesday. The class in agriculture performed - formed several interesting experiments - ments on Tuesday. . School was dismissed early Monday in order that the students - dents might attend. . the political speech given by Congressman Burkett : Elizabeth Gunnarson of Wal- warth , Mary Giese of 'Mason City , Rilla Oliver of Berwyn , Myrtle Smith of Broken Bow , and Clara McCaslin of Green , were enrolled this week. . . SUM1IEK ! : ICIIOOL IIINKOLL11I1HT. : Broken B"w-H len i"II. , Mary Lelenre , adge Potte. L'na Wuod , Emm" Luce , Cbae. Poo' ' , Mre. McRUI , Flor nclI Emereon , Oertle Lan t rman. Olle Pickett. E rl blo f neaux , Ilbli : Outllry Emil' O' cllwlnd. BdSlo Iween : y , Arthur i. dwlch , Irll DewoJ. Ada lIeapI , Mau : : Imltll , aud" Uawtlloruu , Badle Norcntt. OlUIi Jetlo'ds , Leona : : Iearles. Myrtle Smltb. AneleJ'-Fern Morris , Besil Wllllana , 11rtle Weltll. Lodl-Uay Mouger , Vlna Downln , Mary Down. In. May 1I1etz : . Oeorl { town-Mabel Maaon , Olga Swensen , Anselmo-Au he Scott , Jeflle IcoU. : ! Arnold-Della Graham. 1II'1111e Needb ! > UIBlanche Allen , Mabel JObOSUD. We tervllle-Ena Welsh. EllIe SlIIo. Pilot -Urlttanla Nlcbola@ . Laura Samp RClt-Ethel E dy. LllJble Schmelz CallawaJ--Nora Wenver , EWe Wrlgbt. CArrl Shipley , Ne11te 8alllng Merna-Clara A.tklswn , Fern MoSberry , Jl'ule i Pollard , 1Iattle Foot. Dunnlng--Kate Loughran , Lizzie Loughran. Seneca-Oeo. Hannll , Don Hanna. 3U1lkale-Arlle Haskell. OIlca-Dora Lewis. Hyno . .Nelile McDermitt Klump8ylYia Cool. 8argent-Florel1ce Feliowi. Plankintou. S. D.-311nnle Cndmore. Elton-Ida Ltclt. Cometock-Ulida Nordstrom. Redfern-EUa Whitehead. Lee Park-JeanIe Todd. Lomax-Viola Yonng. Berwyn-Anna lIyan. Klog ton--Klll Oliver. Mainn-Mary Giese. Will worth-Elizabeth Onnnason. Oreene-Clarn McCaslin. 'Ve have just received a large consignment of Queensware and glassware. Call and see them. TH1\ STAR GROCI\RY. Cburcl1 Herv.cr. . . . CHURCH OF GOD. There will be services at the Woodman Hall next Sunday at II o'clock. All are cordially invited attend. . R. B r.r.IS , Pastor. . CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Unusual servIces next Lord's Da } ' morning 'theme : "Unfailing Love. " Evening : "Man. " Bible School at 10 a. m. C. E. at p. m. You will be made to ftel at. home with us. A. G. SMITH. U. B. CIIURCH. Sunday scbool at 10. Preaching at I I a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning thcm "The Christians A1lmunitiou. , ' , Evcning "Wdyhtd.and found Wanting. " Junior meeting at 3 p. m. W. F. PItRR\ ' . . - BAPTIST CHURCH. Diblc Schooi 10 a. m. Divint : Worship II a. m. Topic "Is God Needed. " B. Y. P. U. 7. p. m. 'Gospd Preaching 8 p. 111. 'I'opic "Gospel Lessons frolll au Oriental Garden. " Wednes ay 8 p. m. Pruytrtime. l\f. It. CHURCH. Suuday wi11 be u great day with us. The solnlU rite of baptism will be ad- ministertll in the morning and 111 so an afteruoon service. The pluce atlli tilllt : of the tatter to be announced later. The morning st\bject "Faithfulneess. " Text Rev. 2:10. : In th evening we expect to , have with us l\Iiss'Wilson a deaconess of . . . Omaha , who will present our Hospital intere ts. We invite all to these services. , Gno. P. TRITltS , Pastor. 1'Ilurk t IICllort 'or 'l'od Y. UIIAIN- UIIAINWhAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S .52 Uarluy. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : l Oatil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Hyu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Unrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3C 1.IYK 8TOOK- 11011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .5 ( ) Iteere. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 00 ( ( l. 4.25 Unwl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0' @ 3.00 l'oULTItY- Uhlok n' , p.rllollDd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Turkeya , per IIOnoI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Os l'noDUOII- Uutter. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I Kgg..I't'rlluz.n. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ie MI CItLI..UilWUd. , Potlltol1d. p1r bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 IIlte , " " plJr bIl8h \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n lIay. I'r tOil . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 7,0 ( Htfl\Wl > or . .wt . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .1 HIIII r. Urlllllllatllll , per ewt. . . . . . $5.50 @ 6.6 ( . - - - _ . ' . ' . lIttler 'crnIN. , We have bten able to make bettt:1 terms with the publisHers of the Swim Herd. Wc can now furnish you the Rn , PU I.ICAN nnd Swine Herd for $1.20 , This applies to renewals as well as t ( new subscrsber : ; to the Rnl'uBuCAN. I.cnv ItBte" tn Caltnrll' ' ' , - The Burlington offen round trip ticket ! . us follows : Sun Ilrnnci co 1\1111 return , f.t 7 .40 August I to 14. 1,09 Angdes utilI return1-t7.40 : , Augus1 I to 14. Ask the ticket agent for.par ticulars. 52 III , . I , - - " . I J JI , I r . . . . ' . : - . . . . " " 11. . . . . " . . , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . A . , _ , . I. , 1 . . . . . .i . < ! ' ' , , . . I. . t ! - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO TO TilE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ac e-t S"tore -FOR- Summer dress goods , black and whitc India linen , black and white mulls , white silk mulls , mercerized - cerized silk chambray , lochiel zephyr , favorite zephyr , pigue , duck , almeria batiste , ha1cj.on batiste and ginghams for waists , laces and emI - broideries. . Ribbons , Velvets , Velveteens , SUks , Crepe , . 'r Nuns Veiling , and Sateens. . Also a fine line of " Ladies Low Dress Shoes , Kid Colonial , Kid Four Strap , Sandals and Dongola Souvenirs. Sunbonnets , Ginghams , Velvet Ribbons. , E. Reyner & CO. , Brok.ell Bo"v. - - NebI asla. : . . . . : . . . . , ' " - - - - - . , . . . . - ' . Lega'I Notices , ' - LEOAL ADVEnTlSEMESTS. Il ndY8rthement under tbls huad will bu charged tor "t leval ratl : " , vii. : 11.00 p r Bqnull for IIrst IUAertlon. and We per Iquaro tor eacll .nbsequo tlnecr on. . "square" Is ten IIn08 or traction thereot. Unlled Statc8 l.lJod onlc\ : . l lJruken U09Nrll. . , Junu 20. t903. f Notlco Is lIerob , IOhen : that till ! tolluwln uom. ed @tJ.tler . has filed nutlco ot hie Intuntlon to malll ! final proot In aupport ot hll claim .Blld tbar sl1hl , "Ill lie Iliadu lIeforu Helllt.rau Heculvul' t ir"kolJ " Do , , . , Nub. . ou .Jul , : Z , 190J vlz : Wllll m 11. 81l1etd of Gruu , NIIJ : , tur tllull. U. No. IH2 , w ne ! , ectlun 2" . Townablp 18 N. Hange 20 W. H" name tll folluwlnlt w1tn 8jea to prove IIle contlnuou ! ! resld nce upon atld eultlvatlou ot lalll land'vlr : : William Uhlr an 01 Round ValllJY , Neb. ; Fritz J. Uhlman of Hound YahoYLoNell. . David Myeu , of Greeu , Nell , Edward vo ot Greeu. Nell. J MKII WUITBIIKAD. 2.7-5 Hcglster. . - U. 8. Lau O lre. l Broken lJow , Nebraska , JUlie 13 , 1903. f Notlco I. her"lIv glvull tllat tto folloWII.g . nlm' ed settler lias med nutice of hie Intentloll to make tlnlp'ouf ; III upport of hlB claim. No. 892 , and tllat .ald proof will lIu mad. , before ReglAte , rld Hecelvor at Uroken Uow Nellraskll , on Monday. July 20 , 1903. vlzf JOMef Zuruk , Comstook. Nehraska. for tile Lote 3 and 4. Huctlou 1. TownshIp IB Nortb Range 17 Wcst ot 6th .1' 1'11. Ho nameB tbe fohowlng wltne 8eB to provl' ! his contlnnoue residence upou and eultlVftluII of uld land , vlz : Perry Wolcott of OomRtock , Noll. Fred Qmolkoll of Comstock , Neb. l'etr.r Nemoskoll of Comstock , : -Iell" John KlulIl of Comstock , Neb. J ; uEa WUlTEU&AD , 1.6- . . . . Register. NOrlCE TO ON.RESlDBNT : DEFENDAN'I' . In JUltlee Oourt lJefoo J J : Snider ; Jnstlce of the Pe&ce. : Arthnr N. Robinett. vs. Marlon Trottor. 31arlon Trotter will take DeUce , that on the 13th day of Juno , 1903. J J. Snyd'Jr ' a JUallce of tbe peace of Cueter county. NelJrn.ka. IRsued an order of attacbment for the 8um of $10.00 111 an action pending before hIm , wherein Arthur N. Robinette was plaintiff and Marlnn Trottot was de fen dent , tbat propert i of the defendaut. cou. slstlngof ono tablo. one lJox of . .ullliryItlcles , one heatlnl ! ; stove and plpo , one box contaIning bed , blankets. dleb08 , elc. has been attached nn. der .aId ord r. ald CRnse was colltloued to the 6th day ot AUItU t. 1903 , at 10 o'Jlock a. m Daled July Isl , t903. A. N. ROBIS&TTE. Plaintiff. 3.6-46 N. 'I' . O D1J , AU'y. In the District Conrt of Cnster County. Nellra ikti . Frank J. Morgan. 1'l lntllf. VS. EdwardQ.Keaabyaentulverof the T L. V. Luud J ; l.aUle Co. . Charlce F. Tierney. Barnard J. Tlernoy , Tierney Urotlltre. B. Lincoln Oeno. diet. III Executor of tblJ l.aet Will and Tu tamont of Clrarles L Uenedlct , , lecI'lIs.rt , Cllarlt C. I'Jirmele. B. Llnculll Uetlcdlct , " 'Illellty Tru . Oompllny. ct III , jetendant ' 1'0 ltd\vard Q. K Delly liS Rec lver ot tll T. I. . V. Land an ( ; attlo COlllpallY. 'l'bo FIdelity ' 1'rllst Company , aud U. LlIICOIIi Uene let for lrlmself. aud 118 Executor of Ihlll.RSt Will IInd 'l'U tlllOOlit of Charle L. Denedlcl. dcc09sed. Yon are each III ru y nutlned tllilt upon the Sih day of Jnly A D. 1903. the UlJddrsllne , ( . JiB platll- dlI. IIlnd hie petltlou In tllu Dis rlct court of i Cu ter ( ) onnty NellraekR , tire object aTld I'ruyer , of wilieh 18 to foreclose a trust . .u gh'cn by tou Ildend ot'1' . I. . Y. 1.lInd alld Cattl. . COlllpuuy. dated DecemlJer I , ISn. IInd duly tiled fur record In tbe County of LUg1U on tile 2 lb day of Decem. IJcr A. D. 189 III 5 o'clock p , m. In Vol. 4 of Mor" Kag s upon p.\u 24 , alld In the Cuunty of Custer on tile 31st day of December A D. 189 , at 11 o'clock a , m. in 1100" 47 of 1Itorlgsge un alu 330. glvt n 10 th l-'ldllllty Truat ( : olOlIauy bJ' tllu nalOe of lhu Fld 1Ity ' 1'11I0 and Deposit ! . ; ompallY , which trnEt I ced was blued tu ecuro twuuty tlve bondlof Iho face value of OIlU Thoulalill ( ' 1000) Dollars each , nllmlJured from one to t\\'enty.l1vo Inclusive. and becomllig tlue on the lit day of December A. D. 189 ; , wltll IlJteru t at thu rate of 6 per eellt IIIInum payable seml-lIn- IIuallv , ot wilich honds tbls plallitUf h tllo owner of five xmmlJored from elghteell to twenty.two rccpoctteIY. Jatd truat deu,1 conv.vlllthe / folloWlu ) ; dClcrlll d lands , In Logan cOUllty , e' to.wlt : S of SO . ( , ofsec. . B , 8w4' ! of 800. 9. Seoof ! Heu. 10 Nw } ( of ee. 10 , 8W } . ( of C. 10. Sw } ( ot See " , Nw } . ( IIf , e 14 , 8u } ( ut lice H. Hw } . ( rt ue 14 , 8e . ( c'f 8 c. 15. NY ot Nt } ' ot ! Jec. 17. Nw } ( ut SCI ! , 15 , all lu towmblp 19. nortb rankob. . N 01 Sw } ( . Sec. I , Wv. of thlJ : ! . 'iee , I , 8w ot tllo Nw } ( , S e. I , loUt 4. c. I , y of tllo Nw4' ! , Suc 2 , I ' 1 > I oftheSI\.8 e.2. . ! lC } lofllho Nu } ! . See. : ' : , . Lot , . .Scc 2. Me4' ! . au.1 NUl of Hw } ( . 8 r , 3 , 8 IIf the Nw } ( . 8 e 3. Nl' ' 01 the : : Ie } ( . 81'c 4. 8e } . ( ot Ib.Nl' } ( , .so : . 4 , lilt In town lIlp 19 , norlh r nl : " ' 7. WI' t J v. of' 1111 Sw ! of Bpe , 25. NIof thu 8w } . ( of See ) . 8wJ. ( IIf tbu Nw ' uf Bee. 25. all III lownsull' 20 , norlb If rlluge 27. we t ; nnd tllo tulluwlng .andlln tto CountyofCuUor. alld Ht1tu lit Ne. Draska , to. wit : BY of the Nw } ( . of Soe. 9. W = of tile N.4' ! of See , 9 , aUlu towullllip IS. nortb of rallgo ! 25 , and to have a necdcr appointed fur all of lIald propertlos ; and propose IlIauoh H celver 'rhnn1a lIollIday , IInd tor the enretiuN of plnlutlff trrllnlt II. Youog. , Thomne R. ! l'armele IIlId Ullarlea O. I'arlllille or ' ! lIe Amorlcan , 1I0ndlllg ( 'omplilivi .IId aR.uretle for the PrD' pOled Hecetvcr F'ink II Young and 'J'hoDiai R. l'armele or'l'bc Uoudlng Ooml'llny. ' 1'110 11:11111. , clition for rooulvor will 110 1I0.ld UpOll plBllllllf's petition and thO oral uvldpnro or Charles jo' . 'rler- , IIOY. Judd , tile I1ret nBmo ullknown. and ludl , otber evldel1clI a8 tllo court wlI tben recolv" , You IIro reqntred to an8wer paid potllloll 011 or borore th 2Hb day of UgU6t , . \ . D 1003 and UI" r on 1I1lddav , at 9 ' 1'clock 11. m. . sbow cautlt' . It I any obJrellon8 you have. to 'h above named I'ro- , posed receiver. r to tbe apl10lntllleut of are. , c lver. or to all' of tile Dboo proposetl euretiesl I and saM " ' 1pllcatlon wllllJe snbmltted npon IDIO . da , III 9 o'clock a. 1)1. or 8i soon thereafter as I plaintiff can bo heard , FnUK J. MonoAN , Plalnt'U. ' : llYItON CLAIIK , Attorney. -tH7 I - - . . . . - m GANDY. . & ! mC..E' . , . . . R al Esta t . , ) ' and Collections Farms lor Sale an Rent. Officc over N , Gleim's tailor shop. . . . . . . . Notarr Public. . m Brok.n Bow , . - N.brah. . . I : & ! & : : - ErISr : i : ! dl : D ! Make n i ! CI rII g vork. Ptlous reasollallie. . All work gllarlilltl'\d. Iall aUlI sue rno before glng , 6Isewhcr . Olllco-Ill Drokol ! Dow Itatu : ! Dank \luUdlng. \ : Broken Bow , NelJrnst.ll. I J. HNYDEl { , J. . . f : P li } ; D idffiaD } : , AN DNo\uRnlIc ; r 'ldO Juetlco ot the 1'co. Spoclal ultenton given to collcctions UopoRhlons takli , pi'nslon vouch. 'i " . neatly cxecntod alld aU klndl of legal papers . \ written. Otnco In the rear of nank of Commercu. Broken lIow. Nobraska. IV ( Bargains in Real Estate \ . r Jl'nrm laDl\ specialty Alfsifa. : corn ! > nd i : graz , . g lallds for 6als In Cueter. : : ! lIcrman , Uuf. falo and Daw on conntlee. Prices from $4.00 \ pur acrlJ Up. Uoeldenee. . miles south Ilnd 1 { mile east o Ma@on. Post omce addle@s , ( . : . LEVI IUNO , 'It , , Mason Olty , Nebraska. I ! FRANS MOORR , ; mIDJn lP ; ] IDID ID lJiI Two blocks north of Gr nd Oentrlll Hotel. Pat. ronago sollcltod. Prices reasonable. , , W. D. HALL. A. ll.lbnTLEY The belt bargllinein Vebra ka. Farm lands $1010 $ : ! 5 per acre. Scme line ran he8 cheap , . . . . . Hf\LL & lIARTLEY , Real eetatll , Loans Bnd Insur anco. Write ua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llurllngton Honte. Sargent , Nebraska. H ILL SIDE HERFORpS . /lnd Duroe Joreey Hogs bred and sold. eyt blOod orthclrclass. Addreps. G. E. OADWELf. , llroken Uow , Nebraska DH.8. H. . : & W. E. l'AI..B01' , PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. Olllce owr UllclJulll > 'S Oru ! ; Store. ' 1 BrokfJn Bow , - . - Nuhrafl.a. I W A. THOMPSON , , CONTItMlrOl , t nUIlIIEn. I1t""Plans IInd estimates on shorlnolicII. J1rokoll Huw , Nobr sua. DR. e. IJ. j'lUl IJlJN5 : , Physician Surgeou. \ 2nd HtalrwlIY from WA t eUllln Really Block ; { ro ldenco..3rd WIIst M. E. chnrcb , 011 ellln ! ! side ' ' of "truet. a' Brolten How , side'j' 'j' I WIIJIAIS CAnWEI IJ 1 - mm.'WeB memn' ltIBDflli.elIP. :11 :1\ : \ BANGS STUDIO. : " Up-to-date Photographs. \ . . . Flrt : pnze WlIll1cr at. state association - I sociation 1903. ; s. 1\1. \ DOrUUS , mnUIll3h : ! ! ! ! D1lm 1Ao ! AI. I.ll1 8 ut work In oar line don promptly ( alld In IInt. lalla ordor. ned Sbop on lhe orner west 01 tbo hose lIou8e. GXV" : UH A TUXAI. . . Urokeu How , . . . . Nebraska. ! CITY BARBEl { SUOP , 11. O. HUTTON. I'roprlr.tor. ( Flnt-clll 1 work Renr Uoom of HroktD Uow 1 , State Ilank , Bro en Bow. Nebraeka. . t \ & HICE9IC , CAl\lICHON f ff riys u c ; < Z.ll l'S AT I.A\\ . . \ o me 8 and 9. Realty lIIock. Urohn Itow. NOli. I t.j t .j DR. 'r. fJ FARN WOtt'rH , J ENTIST , . . ' " , IY'"Omce In Realty lIloek , Dr. Uau'd 01 I I < talld. CI4lNTON DAY , Physician ' - Surgeon. i I Ort\co III rear or tbo Uank of Commerco. Uosi. " dencil 6th honlo WJII of the Japtlst chnrch. ' Urokon Dow. N brIlAka. ' O.H. . eONRAD , . . . . . .Doaler In. . . . Pumpl. Wind MI11 , Tanke. 'lItllI't a a80llD Kpjlnee , ete. , etc. 1 Drokeu lIow , Nullnalla , ,