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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1903)
. , , " , , ' , 'I'f , " ' ' " ' 1. " . . ; . J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gustcr County Hcnblican } ) II. Y. Alt6I11U\J\Y. JWI'ron . \ rUIII.ISlllt : - - - " ' . aUOKEN BOW , NJmnASKA - - _ . . - , . " 1\11' . < . ' 111'1\11' \ , : Mllfi'C'I'4 ! ( ! 'UIII 1111111.:1'11' UOII , 'I'hlll III fWlIll'th 1lg' hI' CIIlI't loti\ ' ( ) Ilwn ' . - - - - - - It IH CIH ' III prO\'I ! Ill'll till' 11'1111 ISII't londed ItIlIlH'llInll'I ' IIftl'r the nc. cldellt. AnII'tlst IIInd < , a ( Ol'tulle painting purple landscnpes-IIIHI lost It palntlllg refl towns. WhclIc"er a wan. whose lito Is In. lured tor } looOOO , Is acl'ldcntlllly shot tbcre Is IIlwuys more or lesii tnn , ohout .u t e. - - - - - - - - - - - - SllIun WIIS content 10 pllt In her bill against Vlnezueln. 1"01' I'cnsons un. DeCefJllry to stutc , she SI'lIt 10 wnr- IhlplI. Tbo benr thllt wlllkR lIIe n IIInn IR now pointIng' lit Itud 'nl'd KlpJlIIg' IInd enJoyln 11 smile nt EIIIIJCror Wlllle'l ! expense. Tbere Is a dlfi'crl'nce hetwcen get- Uni $10.000 n 'ellr hl'CIIIISO 'Oll 111'1' worth It nnd beln ; : : worth $10,000 a rcnr becnuse you get It. J , Pierpont Mor nn hllR IIIndl ! * ,12- pooOOO dllrlng the 111l8t 'ear. IIc lIlust Dnd It ralher dlRnllpolnltng thllt he WIIH unnlile to malw It IIn e\'en $ .JrjOOOOOO , - - - - - - - l.'hel Ohlcn o cll ' selller hns fOllnd II conI denier who IH 111shoneHt enollgh t sell 2OO : ! pOllnds for II ton , IIc , lJoull1 be prosecutell to the limit of the taw. The cIeris , mnle fillIl fcmule , In 0110 ot Ohlcn o's d'pnrtmellt stores , nro n w deslgnllted by the mllnngem'lIt u "snlespersolls. " Slowly but surely U10 lIne 18 belllg obllternted. Mrs. Lllllo Derel'cllux mnla ! SIl ' 8 there nre III till ! ! country 2 , OOOOO UII , married mell who eoullln'l I III0 wivcs If the ' wllllted them , It Is II\'ett . bard , howe\'er , to Hot some hllchelort ! to Ullllldng' . If nfter hu\'ln 100lOd nt Genoml l.Ulos the old Empl'esJ Downgor of Ohlna cOlltlnues to thlnl. she IH the moat dnzzllll { thlllJ ; 011 I'nrth It will hn'\'e tn ho conccded lit onl'o thnt Rho Is slmplr el'nzy. Ar111 ' OmCerR cOlll111nln thnt they cmlllot flllllllclnl1 ' I.eell up with the UJhtnl11J ; chnng'es in uniforms. Iorc attentlo11 Sl'cms to he dovoled to f ! ; h. tOll plntes thnn to seolng Ihnt Ihel'e nro enough compelent men to Use the cOllot.doColIse machlnory. Jud \n\'nllngh , of Ohlcngo , Is right In sn 'III thn t I he 108s nf u I ) ( ) "s ' ( mlul la mol'c Ihnll $ rOO to hllll' Olr nnl } the 111oth01' hc hlld RUl1ported before nn ncch1ellt rCllllercd him Ulltlt tor work. It Is gooll 10 Imow thllt our courts stnnd between the unfOl'tullnte and nn unjust PI'1\/lto soltlement In 511Ch cl1ses. mperor WllIlnm deeillres thut there is no dUero11ce between him who -nIxes ; and presents n polsonoll8 draCt to I\nothor nnd him who rohs his tollnw JTlItn of his honornblo IIl1me , nnll tl'om ho snto abeltor of his edllorlnl snnc- t1llIt , with the Ilolso11ed dllrts of hlR slanders kills him by the 1110ntnl tortures - tures ho Inflict ! ! , 1.'here will he mllll ' n hearty amen to the R < 'IIt1ment. Reports from LImn , Pel'll. sny that n stonn thnt otn1ck thnt A II dell II clt . recently spread n foot of snow 011 the streets nnd dropped the merclIl' ' to degrees belo' zero , A Cew mete- orologtcn1 effects of Ihls Idnd wonld work a radIcal chn11ge In the gor < , I'I1' mental II.Bvects of South Amerlea. It t100 peoVlo down there would ent more jUowbnll and less red l1 < 'ppel' thl' ' 70uldn't be 10 keen (01' the r'olu - ttonRry camo. he denth.rato ot tbe Htllte of Mns- en.chusetts has been fu11l1l sll'ndlly tor ten years and In the Inl > t year WIIS lower than ever before. General eon- 'dlt1oWl are changing tor the'better. . an the mortnllty from consumption JUld some other Intoctlous dlsenses hns decreased. The Stnte Bonrd ot l1 < , ullh suggests that the gnln Is In a meas. uro duo to Imml rat1on since most ot I I the ImmIgrants nro sound.bodl < 'd per- aODI or a favorable nge. Imml I'nnts do not alwaYI got credit tor tholr11" tues , physIcal or other ; but o\'en If tWe deD ) them the possession of tender - der QuaUtles. wo would bo willing to admit that the are toujoth. The American I ) ple live nnd 1I10\'e an < 1 haTe tholr being In nn I1tmollllhero et harmle. . shnms , U1nn ' ot which take form as titles and dignities. 'fhey are pure wInd nnd menn nothing at all. There are jUdges who Imow 1I0th- ing of law. There nre docto1's of IlIws , medicine. theology nnd IIhl1 I ol1h ' who novel' even IIlSRld throu h the prImary school , to say noUllng ot I1CCU- .I11ulntlng unlverslt . degrl'es. 'l'here are colonels gnloro , genernls not u few and n captnln here and there who docs bet lrno\V the dlCferencl' between n reventlng rUle nnd nn Austrnllan's boomerang and never smelt gllnpow. del' except on the lrourth of , Tul ' . The average man likes nothing het- ter than be g with his flUUll ' If he liven bnlt a how. But evcn If t be hll beat pleasure other duties , . still prevent him from giving au W spare Ume to It. lIt'lle desires . . . . . " _ _ _ - - - n " . " ' " ' " , ' h'H ' IIIlnll mill 11 11 , ' . " 1'"flY ' 111011111111 It III" ' Itl' 1'1" I 1111111" II r.j It ( 111'1'1' Ihlll It IH olll ' lite , \1'1' . " Itll" " ' ' pl'lIpll' ' who 110 IIlId tllnl' 10 I 1'\111 i \'II II' IIII'll' 1II11Ir1-hl' Illuls It 111I' I JlolI"'iltll' " t1l1lll1flll'\ol'ily \ to fIn 10 ; III Ihl' flllllll\ , ' follIllI ; room , Ho till' "IIIIIII'I ! Ih'II" IInl < : 1'\01\1'11 liS II IIIlItlt'r of 111'1'11. 'J'IJllt H hn. . hl'l'lI l'Ill'I'll'li ' Iulo II flld hllM Inkl'lI 1111 1111I11."hll"1'8 " Ihat lira 1'ldll'lIlollS 1101'1 ! 1I0t IIrrel't ' IIIe filI'I t hilt 10 1II1111 ' 1111'11 It OIII'IIS uln wOl'ld ' o ( 11 < , lIghtH. - - - - - - - - - - - : -\\W YOI'I > Is wlllll ' 1'111 hUHlnHtlc o\'m' Dr. Lor'l'uz , thc VleuIIII ph 'slcjllll. nnll 11hllllnthl'011181. who hliH lIecII curiri/ / ; crIpples nllil Ilm'fol'lIIlng dlll1rlllt- , OhllOHt IrlilloSHI1.JIe-HtII'gII'1I1 0"e1'l1t10Ils wllhollt 1111' use of the 1\I1lfe. Ills ten , dl'r Ill'al't ' Is responslhle fOl' his grellt dCCIIs , It Is Hllhl. lIe hils n horrol' of the UH' of the Imlfe , oC IlIlIIdlrllinin / , of Ihc IIeceMmr ' ! : ! J'ngl'l'y of 1110111'1'11 aurc ! ' . AIHI RO , wllh hit ! grl'ul hllnlls. hllc1' < ' 11 1111 h ' powcl'ful lIIuscll'I ! , ho 1I0I'H things Ihnt hllvc hl'ln ! III'CIIICIIIIII- posshl-HII'III ( hlllIH t'I'OO' ' " d Illllhs 111111 f1I\'CH hUlllnll helugR fO ( ' II\'e8 of uSIfulIll'RR. 'l'hl'l'l' ' 18 II gooll doni of J < 'lIloIlH ' lu the 1IIl'III1'al 11I'ofe8sI01l. YOIII' fnllltl . lIoetOl' will ndlllit thllt If 'Oll nsl , hllll. But wlll'u It cOllies to ( , rogl'I'ss. to hlghl'r ' sell'IIc < " to ctll'ln n grl'ntpr 1101'1/011 / of the slhy \ 1\110\11- \ Ing 1'1\1111'111 nnd IIl1rlng lIIel hodH , t hll t n 11101I < , el' hllH showlI to he Jood , JI'III- OIlHY IH lost sight of. No ( 'llIss of lIIen nnd WOlllOn nw IIIOI'C ontlmsnstle ! O\'C1' the Jrcllt lIecoIIIIIllHhlllent8 of IhlH 11I1111 from o\'er Ihe sen limn thc Ilh 'lIlclllnl ! . 'l'ho ' chl'er < 'll hllll In Now 1'01'1 , when hc Iml'llIll'll ahoy's clllhfoot futn RllIlIll' . HOllie dn ' It RePIIIH ullllost IlosHlhle thnt therc will he 110 ( 'I'II1(1II'H. ( selmce wlII hn\'c tl1la'n f'Om the ( ' \111. \ (11'1'11 I hl'lr crutches. plncell thell' feet on thc rollnll nnll hnlle Ih11 wnlk. I1Ulll11S wIII dl8l1ppeur , nnl1 palll-IIIOl' ! ! pllill thlln WOI'IIH clm mel1HlII'e-UllI1 slld ncss , too , w1II hn1111 hut dlsaplH'I\I'el. Pel'hlll ) ! ! Dr. LOl'ellz ' IR hlnzln the WilY for this grcut Rtrlde In the God-giving Hclenco of henllng. I 1 No nSI1CCt of the grent 1l1Ilush'lal cOlllll11lnllollll of Ihe dny hllll IJl'en mOI'o I1nxlollsl ' conshlered tllIlII tholr Ilrohl1blo Inllllonee on the de\'Cloplllcnt of Indlvillul11 ClI11I1clty. lIow 110 thl' ' nrrect the 'ounr ; lIIun's chnnces of Ruccess ? nl111 ho tilt' Sl1mc Olllortu- ( nlt . now thllt II < ' 111111 twentfive or , IIft . 'enrs I1go ? Clln he begin uow us he did then. with nothing , anll by hili In 'Igence , l11eIlty . ! nnll "push" crl'nto u IIll1ce I1tHl CIII'\'e out u fori line for hlmllcIr ? Cm.tninly condltionH hl1\'o gl'elltl ' chllnged , but It Is by no mcnll cerlllitl thl1t 011IOI'tunlties ! hl10 les- sened. A Inrge t'o\11l1l1ny of men gnlh , ered recentl . to do honor to un old friend nnl1 omplo ' ( 'r on his olghtloth hlrtlHln ' . B ' his In\'entlons nnd 1m- 11rove111cnts In processes he hlld mude 11 fOl't ' uno I1nd C0111 ! . ' to he cl1llcd "Ihe 11'011 ' mnster. " lIe rose fl'om ' the work , Ing rnnls under Ih ! . ' old eondltlons. But the RI1111e I1I111Cl'S ' which rOllorte this hlr'lhdl1 ' ( 'el'lIl'nlton had refer- enccs nlso 10 tilt' henl1 of the grea1 Hhh1pln comhlnnllon , the presldenl I of Iho "steol trusl. " the hl'ud of the ! gr < , al'st sh''ot rnllwny s 'stem In the wOl'II1 , IInll the Im'gl'st contrnctor In thf W 01'1 11. 'l'he ' represent. In 11I\1't I at least , the new 1'011l1l1l0ns , 'et e\'l'r : one of tIl < 'm hnR risen from the rnnlts , It ! H douhtful If the t'llIltlces nro lel' I I fl'o < ] ll < 'nt : It Is not dOllhtflll thnt thl' I 110l11n11l1 for < ] unlltles whldl c0111111an\1 \ : SUCCl'HS hns IncrenHell. lIoroo'Cth I I'l1wnl'llH hlH' ( ' grown Il1r < , r , 111111 the I 111111' III whleh the ' mn ' he WOII Illn : Rhol'II'nel1. 811Oclllllzul1on , concenlra.I I tlon ure the OI'dl'r of the I1n ' , nnd the I , quulltl < 'R mORt In l1emnnlll11'o ex < , cullvc 1 qllnlllles. It Is nn lI e of I'en t un- , derlnklngs. l.'he mlln who sllcceellE : h < 'Ht IR he who cnn not enl ' WOl'I ; : , I1t11clentIr hlmselt. hilt who clm Rhow 1 others how to work. 'I'he men who hnre mulll1 thell' wuy to thl1 top und Ilccumulnl < ,11 forhlllCR hS' the time they , are forl ' yenrs old ure no longer rnre : ' hut when the ' hll\'e renehed u plnce I of sufl1clent IInportllnco to wnrrunt n hlogl'llphy , nl1l1 the hlo rnph ' Is w1'1t. ten , In nlmost e\'Cry cnse it nppellra Ihllt two things nro trllo of thom' 'I'hey performed the little tnsks of theIr onrI ' expf'rlenco thorolljothly nnd Intel. I lI ent1y , nnd they were ulwnys on the lool > out for hlgger thlnHR to 110. .Just 1Girl. . Mnny n throne hnB hnrI to fnll } > "or n Irl , JUBt n girl : Mnny a kln hnB had to crnwl For n girl , JURt n girl. When the hero goes to wnr 110 mllY bnttle for the right , But 'UR lIIeller by fRr That he ullle forth to fight } 1"or n girl , JURt n girl , When the doctor turns to Bny : "H'B n jlrl , .TuBt a girl , " ( rapn murmurB with dlsmny : "Whnt ! A girl , Just \I glrI1" Ah , but why the sl\llneRs there ? Why the Illtterness dlsplaYt'd ? S0l110 dny 601\10 Btrong mnn will Rwonr 'l'llItt the grl'nt round world wnR mnlio l or that Idrl , Just thnt girl. Why did Adam take the bite ? I I or a girl , Just a girl. Why wns 1.1'0) ' swept out of Iliht ? POI' a girl. J list n girl. o " , oulll hen\'Cn stili bo bright. And would nny good mnn Cllrl' ' 1'0 nchlo"o It , If he might No"cr c1nlm forer thorl' , Just n girl , Glo1'lollH girl ? -Chicago necordlIernlll , It Is n plt . thnt the word "honor. lle" Is not more popular tn socJety l.hnn 1he word "accompllsbed. , " - - - - - - -.o.J.JL _ _ = = - = ------f' - - - - - V\fhy \ BecJse. . e , f f f1Q : Its componcnt p rts are all wholcsome. i ; : ( ) I . S . . . Jyr Up. t. It ncls gently wilhout nnplcnsnul nflcr.elTeol3. IS is free from objectionable substanccs. ' It wholly l , 1. . .t - fJ - ( ] \ - b \.1 : ) I ( 'tt\ml , Y I 8Jlt. IVtr . I' ' It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the canninative principles of plants , It is pure , It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which arc and to the taste. agreeable refreshing I "f' It is gcntle. . ' ' All are pure. : It l'S p I casan 1. . I' An are dchcate 1 y bl en d e d . , } : It is cfficacious. A11 are skillfully and scicntifical1y compounded. I : It is not expcnsive. Its valuc is due to our mcthod of manufacture and to : 1" I t. It is good for children . the originality and simplicity of the combina on. I ; 1\ \ . I 1 r : : It is cxccl1cnl for ladies. To gct its bcncficial effccts- buy the gcnuine. I 1r It is convcnicnt for business men Manufacturcd by ! 1 : I ' , It is perfcctly safe under all circumstanc , { 1'1 , ) It is used y millions of fal i1ics t e wor1 ver. G ! II ; ' , i @ ! fO IA N1R ! p E j It stands lughest , as a laxative , wIth physlcInns. II " ' ! : ' .j If you use it you have the best laxative the world : { Snn FrD.nclsco , CIlI. I : : ' ; pro d uces. Loulsvll1o , Ky. Now Yorlc , N. Y. , I I f ; FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. .j11' ' : f : , ' : ; i'l : - ' " - - _ _ _ _ _ I. I , : - = = - = = = - = - = = - _ . - .It , . . . : ; 7'I" . ' : ' 'f''I' : : ! " " : : : : ; : ' : : . . : . . . : . , . . . . . - . . . : , : ; . , . , . . . : : ; . . : : . . : ; : G. , . , - - - - - - - - PROSPERITY IN CANADA. I The Inrmcr in " 'cltcrn Cnlludu Achlc\'ctl " 'OIHlcrflll SUCCCR. . I One ot the Ih'Ht thlllJs thllt tIle I1Il\n I\'ho wlslwt ! to chnnc ! his relldence en-I lien \01'S to IInli Ollt Is whm'e he enn go 111111 Hlleceed. It lIed ! o n muttcr of little dUllllt or hlilecision noDill' - Ing the Pllst fOllr or 1I\'c 'ellrs the de- \'elolHIll'nt of WCHtl'rn Canlldll hils been so 1'1111111 , IIml the cOlldltlons of IIfo thcrc 110 whll'l ' ' Iwown , thllt up- \\'III'ds of 100,000 Allwl'lelllls hll'e taknn 1111 their hOllll's thl'l'C , allll the OXlhl'I. I 1'IH'O of thesc 1II'0\llc \ III thll t thc > ' Ill'e thOl'oll/hly satlslled with their p.holclJ of 1I0Ule. 'I'he methOlIH of farl11lng th < , re nre slmlllu' to those allopted In thc l'nltcd statl's , hilt thc Olll'1'atlolll > 111'0 sll11iller , the yeJ(1 ! of l'Hln Jl'eater , nnll Ihe profits more HatlRfaelol' ' . Hnnchln II ! cllrricil 011 with lots f HnCCt'Ss. Mix- [ 'II fll'mlllg Is IIlwlI 'S IH'olltahle11l1e lho resulls In gl'llln-rlllsltl arq as ( ' 1.1'- lllill ns s\llonllld \ soli , l'xccllcnt c1hull to [ 11111 lots of Clltl gl\'e. 'rhe 'lc1dR of-hut nothln lR as snt- IsfllclOl'r IlS the experIence ot Ihe fllrm. r hlmsclf , and extracts 111'0 selected rrom one. A gooll Intelligent farmer named : 'Ienrs-Johu 1\Iears , to be eXllct-lefl' 01111 lieI' Connty , North Dal.otll , I wo rellrs n o , IIl1d followed the thousands \\'ho hnll nlronlly one to Cnnlldn. Ill' hnll twpntfi11 'eurs' experllIco in llnlll'sta. ' In huyhlg' Jrllin. illcludlng flax : lIutlll 1111 his l''tl1l'l'lonce he novel' II w n IIlstrlct so well suited to thc rowth of 1IlIx liS Wl'stel'll ( 'unnln. Thl' IInnnclnll'esuHs ot )11' . ) Ienrs' op- Pl'ntlol1s In slllJlo season n1' ( , ns follows - lows : Wh < , nt. 3.000 bllsh < , ls 1 hllrd lit : i7 Ie. ! $1.7S : .OO ; 2n:1O : huslwls 1 1)J'lh. [ 'I'n lit .J ( ' , $1.4 7.20 ; oals , l,7 O hush- Is II t lt c , $ tI12.r O ; slIoltz , H 4 huslll'ls II t 71ic , $1 H .r O ; 1IlIx ; : J24 bn8hl'Is n t 2 , $ li2S. ' 1'01111 , ; .j , ! { ) S,20. A return of mol'U thnn $ , IriOO fl'om 11 lIttle O\'el' 20 ; ; CI'I' , un n\'l'I'nge of $18 11 < ' 1' IH'I' < ' , Is slII'el > ' teslll110ny sum'l'ntl . st\'on ! ; ' to 1It1sf ' thl1 11I0St IIIt'redulons 1111 to the mone10 III' 1I11111l' Ollt of the 1'011 of the Call1liIlnn West. It 15 to fncts IlIw Lhl'M'-arglll11 < 'IIIH OXIH' < , sHlhle a 11I1 111'111- l1I1Htrnhle III dollnrs lI11d cents-thnt the slellllr 1IOrthwllrI11110'l11l'lIt ' of A 111 111'1- ( 'all furmors Is duc. 1I' . ) Iellrs is set- lied neilI' Arcoill. ASAn. A lIul11ber of Americans who ha\ ' , 'hos < , n Welltorn Cnnllilu nR n home Itllll Lhe Idell thll t u man clIJo 'ell lesR fl'ee- 110m In Cnnndn , ut the ' SOOIl found Lhelr 111 Istll 1,1' , nllil 8a ' the Inws of Cn 11111111 II 1'0 the most lIherlll III the \\"or1d. nm1 such as pre\'nt the 1It1 a. lion which hreellR so 111uch hl1l1 fl'llIll- : betwcon people in the Ullited Stlltes IHH } costs them so denr III luwyer'j' fcos. ' 1'he Government hnR cstnhllRhell 1'ncleR nt St. Paul , ) lInn. ; Omaha. : -ch , ; lnnHns City , Mo. ; Ohlcago , ill. ; I 11111111111 1101Is. 11111. : ) llIwnul.f' , WIR. ; Wllu8nll. WIH. : Delrolt. nult to. : ' 11\I'lc 111111 l\larquott < " ) lIch. : 'l'olelo , Ohio ; WIIIl'rlown. 8. D. : Orlln < 1 Forl\8. : - : , n. , nn l Grent FllllsIonl. : . , 1111 < 1 the S\l ( 'Rtion is II1l1dl' thn t h ' nddres1111J. ; Illl ' of the1e. who arc the nuthorlzcd 11 I'ntll of tllo Go\'ernment , It wlll be tn the nd\'nntn c of the r < , nder , who wlll be J1\'on the rulll'st and most nu- Ihelltle Informntlon re nrdln t.he re-- Hull I ! of mixed farming , dulr 'l.lg , rnnchln and grnln.rnlsln , nnd also sU)1)1I ) ) ' Intormntlon as to frcl ht and pnHROII er rnteR. otc. , Cameos are being revi\'ed. . . . Smart modistes are doing n reat Il'al of slln pleating , Cig-arotto hexes come In U1e mission I'u ri It tu 1'0 st. 'les. In UIO hl lIat st 'le Is a pretty hat ) f rass 1Inon trimmed with chorrles. Blrlhday "charms" for the llllTer- 'nt monU1s arc at the jewelers. The Colosscum at Rome hadlwcom- Illodatiolts for 87,000 spcctators. When n man finds he hns lost \\1 fe's alTcctlon , ho scarches for flaws In her disposition. : -:0 IlIIISH or fnllures mn < 1e with PUT- : - : . \ I 1.'Alml.I SS DYES I t lakes but a small dcr cc of ldn - \lCSS \ to bring joy to the heart of a . \'oman. 'In. Wln.low' . SOOTIltNO SYRUr tor tlllldrrn ' 'Ihlnlr , . . .f".1 Ih. IlUtnl , nduu& Innamallon \lft1 . .alII , Url'l "Ind crlllle. ne bOIlI , . Woml'n's lo\'e 11aS Its Irlee. hut it is not aIWfI 's properly rated. A wife ( 'an always find an excuse for hl'lIe\'ln In her hushand's r'atness. A slIver "diploma box" is a gist trllle , soon to be seaosnable. Hed satin heartH are conspicuous among the bon bon hoxes. The man of retlc'nce often gets more credit tor ability than he des - s < 'T\'es. TO WOMEN FREE ' ] ; 0 ron' the heaUn " creansln power 0' ' PAXTINE TOILET ANTISEPTIC weVill mail large tri al treatment with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample , but a large package , enough to convince anyone that it is the most successful prcpara- tion known to medicine as a cleansing yaglnal douche and for the local trcat- ment of woman's speclnl ills , curing discharges and all inflamation. also to cleanse the tceth , mouth. and cure catarrh. Send to-day ; a postal will do. lold br : dr"I'IrI. , . or .eat " .tp..1 . 1Ir : uo , 60 . . . . . larI' ' ' bo . t"U.r..dlon .uar..teed. I. PAXTON O" 21 G Columbus Avo. Boston , Mall. Capsicum Vaseline Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. A Bubstltule tor and Supertor to Mnltllrdor anJ rthu pluler. and will not bUsier the l'Jost delloat. Ikln. Tbfl pain alluylng and curathe qnaUtiel 0' ibis anlclo are wonderful. It will atop tbe tooth 'Che at onoo , and r Ueve headl1cho anel sclatlcL We I'toommend it I1S the st n'Jd .atest ex ernrJ IC'nr.to1lrrUAr.t r.notrn , . 'was.n utulIIlI r Ui ' 1 tn plllllil In tha ch ! t auel stomach anoJ &U rhumatll , n"ur311tlo .nd INuty oompllllni. A tlul1\1ll provo whlltto claim tor It , and" will be found to be hlvalul1ble In the hou1ebold ttoOple . . aay . . It 11 the best ot aU your prepa- ration. . I'rlce 115 centl , at all rll bl. . or .other dealel'l. , fr by .enlllcl ( this amount to us In poltage atampa. we wllla nl ( you a tube by mall. I No article .hould be occeptpd by the publlo UII Ius the nme carrlea our label. al otherw1Je It lJ I act eenulne. I tJlESEDnOUGIl MANUfACTURING Co. II IJ State St. . New York City. I WESTERN CANADA : HAS FREE HOMES I FOR MILLIOflS 1 ! I 1 \ , ! Free Homestead of 160 Acres , Free : tbe onb charR' 1I.lnli 110 tor ntrr. Senel to tb , tolo,11I1I , foran Atlae nlld other IIlerRture./lI " . .II. . . tor erUficRtelIlrlu" JDU reduoed raU""J rat. . . , . . . . . . . 8uperlnt..ndent at ltnwhl' ' .tlon , OIlR" " , C"n. . or U \ j WtDenuetl , 001 Ne" York Llta Did ! ! . , Omaba Neb tbe authorized ORnadlan Oorornillenl A..nt RUNN N6 fOR covOC i / " , ' ,1/ THe ORIGtrlAL . / ; Y , rtOWEll.y , / : . : ' - . . . . ; ; . , " I7SR JJR : / ' OILED CLOTnlNG j j ; / / / / vJffr v Rybu / . . t , AND KfEP YOU DRY IN / -I , . THE WfTTf5T WfATIffR. 1 . . . t.urll. . , , ON SA ! . ! IVfRYWHRI ! . . .t 1 "or TAlle NO 3UUTlTun ) , . 'roA.J , TOWlR CO..1I05TONMA S UH. t 102 WeR CANAPWI ( O l dtf , TOIOHTOCAN. . - SA ; " I ! U'1IOlC81110 lJrlccs. , Our looo.l'llR'e cat\lolroe " ,111 be sent \1Ion receipt ot lI cenUi. 'l'bl. amount 110e" not even pay the l'ostnlle , but It hi ' sumclent 10 Rho , " us that YOU are u.ctlml ' . In JrOOd tntth. netter send ror It now , ! Your nehrbborl'18 wt\.h us-whY not ) "Ou also r cf7tG l@ ! I ! CHICAGO The bouf'l ! thnt tells the truth. i . : : : , = ! Thompson.s ye W t r Hril1lant ( ' is one of the newcst and ) o\jest } sl1ks to be had in exquisite colorings. An Indian head and a wmabawk malws up one of those pretty little German sl1yer trays. TJl'ather hound check books witb I indi\'idual designs come for tbc woman with a hanIaccount. : . Some of the newcst negligees arc dainty little alTairs reaching only to the waist. 'fhe man who is in love WJUI } 11m- self imagines that : .11 the worJ ) loves a lover. ' .rhe greatest trouble witb Ule average - erage reformer is that he 'begins work too far away trom borne. Some roM arc so exp1cit ! in their \J. \ . explanations that the fOlce of it is Jost. I ! you are so fortunate as to own any fine old carbuncles have them set' in 'our umbrel1a handlo. 5ia1Nertous l oJff l Jleur jic Headaches EMERSON'S qUICKLY UR D BY. Rm O-SHTZR [ ' - . \ A t . IDCENTS. ' . UJV\ ' . . - CURES ALL , , HEADACIIES. : em ! % : " " ' " 1 fJ' SOM'ERYPH . . I N' : Med cine Never Healed a Wound $ Natul'e performs the heallllJ , : ' pr Ccss amI medicine can only as- Rlst ltl'r In (1IIil1J. : ' her work in healln { . ! wounds and throwin olr diseases llIo.tcntl1s of t'le diseases of man and beast have their orlln { In somc form of [ { orms ancI If nllowecI to run nd multiply form compllcatiolls , 'Pile reason that LIquid 1\oal : prevents all 'II g'erms cltelS'S , an:1 : Clll' , S them , unless formenlatlon and Inflamma- tlnn have too rar < 1c\'l'lopccl , is that It contains e\'ery antiseptIc . ami J.c'mlcrIa ! knowlI W science. Ail germ diseases such as ho , cholera , swlnc I 1. [ { Ill' , corn stalk diseasestl1bercolosls. blllckleg- and numerolls others call II. preventecl by giving' Liquid Koalln drInk- Inl ! wat'r , herause till' ) ' are erm diseases and no erm can lIve whp-re Ltc ) 'Jid ' I\.oal rl'acl1es It. Liquid Koal Is unaffected by tbe Jastrlc juIces of tilt > stomach , pas es through the intesLinca and from there ioto the circulation , permeat1n the whole system and stilI retains all its jermiclal : properties. DlIuted with \Vater , in the proportion of olle to one hundred , It makes the best ! Ice klller known , Price at Liquid Koal dell vered at your station . Is as fo110\\8 : ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEN GAL. .KEG , $2.50 PeR GAL ONE GALLON - - 3.00 I 25 GAL.-1-2 BBL. . $2.25 GAL FIVE GALLONS. $2.75 PER GAl. 50 GAL -ONE BBL" $2.00 GAL , Dr.CEM ER 24 , 1900. . . . . . \ Wo , the IInd rslln" ' , stork rllt8crs 01 Madison COllnty , Nebra ka , rn. sing from 100 to 200 hl'llor hm1sOl\ch ; VOir bllVO , I\l\er 1\ lair antllmp rtlallrlal 01 LIquid Koal ma\luluclurod by Ihn Naliouol ! leell1'al Comp"y. of l holdon , Iowa. I\lIel York. Ne. braska. . lotlnllt t , ) 116 11m Best Disinfectant. licrm Dettro'er ftnd AppellEer the. has on' plt'llsflro 10 IISl' , 11\1.1 we Jol.lIy , tblnk that. . man ts stondlu ! : In I.Ils own IIRht who . .tueslot try It. \\'Ilim th lr ftgent CllllS 110 advlso IIn ) ' stook ralICr to b\l ) ' onIII'o [ , (1) ( , leI Keel , (1I.1I1R 1.0te , urtulk. Nobr , Thomfts p , Wnde , attlo Cn'ok , Nebr. J E. MI'I\lto h , I'nwrlk ; , ebr. Wm. Hawktns , Mo dow Oro\'o , Nebr , l. 'J' , lo 111 1111 , Kmerlck. tJlJr. 1 > ' . I' . lIoman , Newman Grove. Nebr , DECEMBER , 1902. \ \ ' ' ' , ( ho UtU1Cfsigl1c.t . slack ralsl'rs and tarmerA JtlaeHy telIly to the . LIquId " 0111 lIIulu/actl1wd hy the Nallonal Modlral Co" of . . .helclon , IOlVa mor.ts , and ot York , : -chrtl klt. Wo' hltv& ! I1se' ' ! thl product with jrlttltylni : : MUOCUSS al1II1I1\'lIe , to gh' " It II Irluit \ honltl DO on " , 'cry farm In NetJre. I(1\ . \ all IlIIlI 'cltry , ! Ice , olJ1' Chris . , Hchall , Staplehl1rst , Nebr , J. II. FOllry , 11 "t' " . Nobr , . . . O. Meyer , Slaplchust , Nc"r. Geo. llIh IIl'C , Xl'hr , Oen. Rlng" erger , Seward , Nl'hr. WD ) , ' . , ; ' , elaplchnrsl , Nebr. J. Rlngebergcr , Sr" Oermltl1tolVn , NebI' , If your cIealer cIoes not kcep it write us dIrect. A : l2'pa c hook on the Diseases at Animals mailed free upon - ap- p1\catlon \ to the National Meellcal Oompany , York , Nebr. , and Sheldon , Iowa , National Oattle and Sheep Dip Is the best and cheapest Dip for kl1l1n off Tiels and Lice anel the treatment or Mall o , 'l'exa. Iwh and Scab In Sheep. It forms a perfeot emulsion wIth water and Is harmlcss to the membranes of the eye. H your dealer docs not keep It write us direot. Information Bent Cree. NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY YORK. NEBRASKA. SHLDON. ICWA \ I MA. . . IIU.'W.N.'N . . . . . .WMM.I I Ii i I \ I ,