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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1903)
' " ' , q' ! " 'If'I/ > > " - ' . i l Uuar"l1 toole'1 ! ' " \1\0 lUat _ . . . . . , . . . .aall . CUSTER OUNTY " . .EPUBLICAN. : ; , , . , , : J . - . , . . ' . Es'rABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LJGES'l' CIRCU ATTON OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. : . ' - I VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , T iuRSDJ\YJ MARCH 5 , 1903. . . IGHT PAGES. NO. 38. - ! , v , . . , . . . . . . . . . .CW'tD 'f.J ' ' ' - , Ii I i , I , : BETWEEN TIMES t . The showing of clocks here is all that could be desired. Every style is repreented froUl the inexpensive - expensive but veri serviceable WHIJI'1 ; 1U , I C'J.'K to thc ele ant finished Bronze Clocks with handsomc figures , Cllthedral Gongs and other attractive - tractive feature : ; . The move. ments are all rcliable , being we11111alle and perfectly adjust- eel , A ] ] these clocks are accur- , . . - , - - - . - - - - - t : lOOl Books. hk y" ! _ Tablet fl. . " \"ff. , " -ANJI- t : l-J ? : . .1" t. r ; . : : . chool Supplies , ( ! : 'I' . . .J' . * . , . ; , " (4 . . -AT- < * . J. G. Haeberle s. _ _ ' L. . . . _ . . . _ - - - - - - , V" . c.rv , , ' & 1 , . . . - - N ' --t ; ti S-ECU'2X'rr' . 8 8 Money kept at home is neither 8 safe or convenient. ' 'fhe profesS - S sional thief has no difficulty in S gettin at it while the rightful 8 owner often has. The cash is at S " R the wrong cnd of the line when an : Jccount has to be settled. By deS - S positing money with the S Custer National Bank 8 8 this difficulty with others is remove N 8 cd. A check book carried in the S pocket cnablcsthe depo itor to make 8 a paymcnt any time at lIny place. H. LOMAX , cast tb : .r.r.r..rA _ r _ I'-OR ' SALE-A good improve(1 farm consisting of 320 acres ; 9 ( acres under cultivation , first-c1a5 well. oed farm buildings , 20 ( acres 111 past.ure , eight mile ! north-cast of Anselmo , Neb. 38-4 ( ) FRANK PERRY. I : : : ; : : : : : : : I ! - ' . A $50,000 fire vIsited the city of Hastings last Saturday. John Wclsh of Wcsterville , madc this oOice a friendly aU li'riday. Rev. Markland , pastor of the Baptist church at Ansley , was a friendly caller at this ofiice today. Judge Gutterson returned $ un- da ) ' morning from Lexington , where he held a tcrm of court last week. Weary Willie 'Walker is the name of the farce comey to be at the Opera House ncxt Wednesday 'night March 11. H. B. Drake of the firm of Wilson & Drake , is now in the east purchasing goods for spring trade for his store. Mrs. L. A. Wells went to Vapariso this state this morning to visit her sist r , whQ is reported - ed danger9usly tI1. " \V. J. Clay moved his household - hold goods to Ansley the first of the week , where he will farm this coming season. Mike Scanlon returned Friday morning from a visit of five weeks with his people in Chicago. He reports hav1l1g a good time. Mrs. B. O. Hutton , who has been visiting with her parents at Emerson Iowa , several weeks , returned home last Friday. B. O. met her at Omaha and accompanied - panied her home. S. F. Clayton , who has been at Friend the past month in charge of W. A. George's store returned to Broken Bow yesterday morn- ing. He boxed the good8 and shipped them to Broken Bow before - fore starting home. Will Penn has moved into the Baldwin resident property in the easte1'J1 part. of the city which he r cel1tly purchased of O. P'I Perley. It is splendid property ! and it puts Mr. Penn in a morc convement location for his ! business. . Are you going ? You can't. afford to miss it. What ? Thc Union Young Peoples Convention to be held in the Presbyterian church. March 8 , 1903. Read program of it elsewhcre. Every one is invited to come and \1elp \ to make this the best meeting we have ever had. An interesting Teachers meeting - ing was held at Callaway on the 21st. There were 25 teachers present from the south west quarter of the count ) ' . Supt. Lewis is entitled to credit forthe interest he maintains among the teachers of the county and for : his general activity in school I work. I : MARRmD-Purcell-\Vimmer , at : the U. B. parsonage byV. . H. Perry , pastor of the U.B. church , : Wednesday , February 25 , 1903 , i Fred R. Purcell and Miss Jennie I M. Wimmer , both of Custer ! county , were united in marriage. Mr. Purcell is a well known and highly respected young farmer , while Miss Wimmer is a sister of E. E.Vimmet of the Beaco'n , and is held in high esteem. The RUPUDI.ICAN joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Purcell in congratulations and wish them a happy and prospcrom life. - , - , - - - - - - - - - - f . . . . . . . ' . E-H'f-E-GE-E-f.E-E''U'I-H'E'E-.E.I-f' IF W EARY .Jr \Ii A comedy play with allurlllll' musical numbers , If' I \11 amll1roll'rcssvle Valldeville crculons . I W . W3'H , - ' 't--t"l't-t't't-l't-l-lJ" ' " ' ' ( - 3'H3 -J - ! - 3't : - " . . . " . " . # \ W-"Qf. 8 50Illctl1 1I1I' Doillir" W ILLIE A hostof pretty Illrls , / Hal ! the Tillie. aDd famou8 farceur" " . > > " : o ! ' . { I . . . . . . ' ttH'E-H'i-E-I-E-E-fH'I-.I-I-f' : i I \If \Ii lllluloUi : exhilaration folll curtain to 'I' \ \ W A LK ER ( . curtain. Yocifurous praise aUest Its worth. 'I' I -3 - ! ii31"111 " i-l'ti .i . One Grand Carnival of Fun ; J One Continual ] olification. B ) " a Special. Company of rare excellence , headed by the tal- i ented comedwns. Mr. Rube Welch and Miss 1ltty Francis 'I . . . 7. 'l'his is not a tramp Drama , but the big musical farce contcd ) ' a chorus of pretty girls , introducing the very latest musIcal successes. I f \ r , . , , . - " , , , - r lit . The fifty-seventh congress of the United States passed into history at 12 o'clock last night. A. M. Smith , P. Sullivan and , B. J. Sillivan came over from Sargent y sterday returning to- daY. Jessc Vanllnskirk of Merna , has leased the Globe barn. He took possession the first of the week. S. C. Waldron of OVC1' , made this office a friendly call yester- day. Mr.Valdron i wintering 160 he d of catte , which he says are doing well. J Will Frey has sold half interest - est in his stock to Newt. MarcU ! and leased him his ranch , where he has moved and taken charge of the property. Papineau & Drake , contractors and builders , have built a car- pcnter shop for themselves on the east side of Fourth avenue just north of Johnson's blacksmith shop. PresIdent l oosevelt has Issued a proclamation convening the senate in extra session today to pass upon the canal treat ) . , vith other important matters that were not disposed of in the regular - lar session. Elza E. Peacoclc , who bought the Freed barber shop a few weeks ago has sold the shop to R. J. Holman. Mr. Holman is a professional in the tonsooiat art and we predict for him success. Chris Sharper of Mason City , was 111 the city Saturday making , final proof before the clerk of the' district court on a 40 acre tract of land. Jacob Cover and C. H. Hilderbrandt of Mason CitY were with him as witnesses. This office acknowledges a friendly - ly call. . The "Weary Willie \\T.alker" is the next attraction for the theater - ter patrons of Br01een Bow. This company is said to e first-class i in cv ry particular ; headed by well , known and po ular .y.oung actor , Rube Welch , with Miss Kitty Francis , next Wednesday : night , March 11 , 1903. DIIW.-'UMPLAR.--At the home of its parents in Lillian , February 20 , 1903. Child of Mr. ! and Mrs. Geo. 'l'empler. Age. 10 months and 15 days. The funeral was held Feb. 21st in the Lillian School house. Rev. J. R. Teagarden preaching the' sermon and the remains were laid to rest in the Lillian Cemetery : W. D. Grant , who has been imployed at his trade in Urbana , Illtn01s , for the past two years has accepted a position with Squires Bros. of this city. He returned Saturday morning and. , . went to work Monday for Squires Bros. in the tin and stove depart- ment. His family will return in June after the close of school which the children arc now at- tending. Friday evening , March 6 , the boys of the Broken Bow High Sd100l Basket Ball Club will give a fine entertainment in the room formerly occupied by John & Knerr in Realty hlocte. After the entertainment will occur a matched game of basket ball. The boys wish the presence Qf all who are interested 111 the welfare of the Broken Bow high school. 'rhere will be a small admission of 15c for adults. and WC for ch Hdrer } . 'l'he attention f the , readers of the RUPUDLICAN is called to the article of Willis Cadwell on trees. Mr. Cadwell is entitled to great credit for the interest he has manifested in tree planting in the city and that resulted in so many trees being planted last spring. This 8pring , from present - sent indications will be an ideal one for planting trees and those who contemplate putting out trees this season should see him at once about the number and kinds wanted as he desires tc order by car lot if possible as the trees thus shipped will be il1 better condition and more likel , } to b'TOW than where shipped il1 small quanities. In indeavoring to provide for all last seasor without an order being placec . beforehand he sustained a larg ( loss. It is a matter of but . short time when our city will bl well set in trees if everyone wiI I continue to help the good worl along. Elgin Dcal movcd to hi farm west. of tOWI1 that he rccenth. . pu hased yesterduy. J. G. Leming , returned to Deadwood , S. D. yesterday to look after his mining interests. He went by the way of Grand Island. Walter T. Henne of Springfield Illinois was a frie1Hll ) ' caller at this office today. He is on his way to Washington , hnt will visit - it his sister , Miss Lillie at Oconto before continuing his journcy west. , " Walker"Co.1 Thc"Wear ) ' Willie . is an up--to-date farce comedy , which , from all accounts in our exchanges , is calculated to furn-I ish a round of fun froin beginning - ning to .the . end for all who at. . tend. Eber Barber , four miles north cast of town lost six head of cattle the first of the week from exposure and lack of proper shelter. He estimated his loss at , $175 , nough to have built good sheds. A. R. Hucleelbcrry an old resident - dent of the county , who for some time lias been residing in the vicinity of Ryno tlied I last Saturday 'night. Mr. I Huckelberry had been in poor health for a number of years. An evening of delightful entertainment - tainment is assured at the Opera. . House next Wednesday night. : Ey rything is done decently and .in . umerous order and nothing to , offend the most fastidious. It is one laugh from first to last. Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens of Dietz , Wyomin'g , arrived in the city' ' to visit with relatives. Mrs. hrens is a sister of Mrs. Frank' Norton. Mrs. Ahrens will be remembered by taany of th citizens of this vicinity as Mrs. Al Henman. 'rhe shooting allery that has occupied the room north of this omce for thc past uiontb , moved the latter part of the week and we understand . was taken to Arc - . . . c di . . ! J..l1e"r om has'"be n ru- , pape'red'a' fitted up for a bil- liar(11lnll and rc.opcned } 'cster- day. . George Honder , came over from the Bow the fore part of the weel" and rcmnined over night shaking hands witli his many friends in this city. He expects , to malee a sale of the personal property he bas left in this community - munity before long.-Arcaclia Champion. Altin Martin , the cleven year old son of C. S. Martin gave a birthday party to his associates - tes Thursday evening of last week. After having a royal good time at games the little folks were treated to refresh- ments. .They report a very pleasant. time. Jas. Peale and Lute Sheppard has bought the stock of groceries of Harry Day and moved them to the Union Block in the room between - tween the Rackct Store and O. H. Mevis. 'l'hese gentlemen are both e perienced grocerymen and are well and favorably known to the trading public. The Ru- PunT.lCAN wishes them success. 'l'he Lillie murder case of David Citl was concluded Tuesday - day , havmg lasted nearly four weeles. Mrs. Lillie was charged with killing hcr husband on October 24 , with a revolver while he was asleep. 'l'he verdict of the jury found her guilty of murder in the first degree and recommended she be imprisoned for life. The attention of the readers 01 the Rm'UDI.ICAN is called to the new advp.rtisements this week 01 C. S. Martin , J. C. Bowen , E Heyner , Custer National Bank J as. Ledwich. A. E. Anderson , W. A. George and Squire Bros of this city and J. S. Franci8 o ! Merna. 'l'hese parties have at I eye to business and when you arc . in need of anything in their line . you will find it to your interes to call on them. I 'rhe last day of thc } i'armer , Institute heldin - this city las I week was favored with addresse from F. M. Currie , E. C. Gib bans. J. E. Sargcnt and Jerom 'raylor. Mr. Currie gave an abl , address on the cattle industn 1 Mr. Gibbons' address was UP I the horse industry. J. E. Sar 11 gent discussed the stacking 0 ' 1 grain. Mr. Taylor's subject wa dairying. The speakers heinj . I IP . , \ . . A Buggy \ . . . < : > . . . ' t $15.00. ! The above is not what you buy a Buggy for , but " it is the amount ) 'ou sove in bUying your Buggies : - of me ; for this is the amount represented in the difference in cost of thc dealer who hUj's direct from the factor ) ' und the dealer who bn ) ' his goods froUt a jobhing house. 'l'hi holds good on all kinds of li'arm Machinery us well-in fact , cvcr- thin ' we handle comes direct from the factory and I belteve we have the distincHon of heing the only firm west 9f Grand Island who buys their goods oJ direct from the factory. My comJ.etitors . sell good goods and their marg111 of profit. IS small as they can do business on , for the ) ' have to help keep tti > those Omaha Jobbers who add 20 per cent. to thc factory price for their expenses and profits. Whcn in need of anything in our linc get the best prices , J ) 'ou can from these other dcalcrs and then come , and Bee us and we will then give } 'OU an occular , demonstration of the difIerenc in prices asleed bv - . l' ' the dealer who buys of the Jobber and the deale-r r who buys direct froll1 the factor ) ' . ; I C.S.MARTINMflaAgt. . . , . I AND DEALER IN r " AN"rl-'T US'1. GOODS. . ; I experienced in their sc"cral subjects - jects were able to prescnt interesting - esting and profitable suggestions on the questions they had undcr consideration. 'rh two days session throughout was highly profitable. Homer Woodruff went to Oma- ba Wednesday for a wecte's visit. J. W. Snider t.he VentriloCJuist. will give his nment to night at the Woodman hall. .AnnOI1I1CCII1Cnt , I hereby extend to my fricnc1s and customcrs my sincere t.han1es for their liberal patronage since I have been in business in Brolcen Bow. As J have sold out my cn- tire stock 0 r goods to W. A. George and retired from bus ness it becomes necessary to balance my booles. Those owing me will confer - fer a favor by calling atonce and settling their accounts. For the present I can be found in t.he store building just .south of Wil- SOl1 & Drake's. Respectfully , " \V. S. SWAN. - - - - 'rho Stat' Grocerf. The Star Grocery has opened up for business' 111 the Union block. east side of square , witt't a full line of staple nd fancy groceries. Perry'Ii'oster. . the ' creamery man , wIll receive cream at oUt. place of husiness. He is now with us. us.PnAl.u & SUItPl'AIW. TO cunn A. COLI > > IN ONlt nAV Take I.l1xaUvo IIromo Quinine 'l'a"1eh. All' .1 rnll l refund the mOlilY It U tll\l8 \ to tUro. E W Grove's l@uatul1Jl on ( 'neh "ox. 2Sc. Newly refitted and furnished , 1'he best of accommodation ! ! , MOlern ( in aU respects. No dark rooms , Good sample - ple rooms. Free hack to und Crolll depot. The Commercial Hotel , C. II. KENNEDY , Prop. Drokcn Dow , Nebraska , l l- mm m r BUSINESS POINTERS. r : l : ! itM'.w ! ! : ? ms : : a ' J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U - - Money loaned on Improved farms. JAMUS LEDWICH , 7 18 tf Broken Bow. Neb. Mr. Fred Cummings and Mr. t F. M. Currie are shipping 1l half do en imported stallions to Sar- gent for sale to those farmers of Custer county who are interested in improving the stoc1e. It is a 'l'hcir horses laudable enterprise. should meet. with really sale. ] f Central Nebraska need ! > an ) ' ulle . thing more than another it is a t1 few good sires both of cattle and ' - horses. Cummings is now in f Iowa and will return in a few s days with six of the best stallions [ : ' ever seen in chraska. 3R-3J " - ' FOlt O1t 'l'RADI-Town j lots and a few five acre lots in : \ this city , for cattlc. horses or farm ! lanc1.-Allen Reyner. ! Squires Bros. are prepared to I do a111dnds of harness repairing. ! We have just receive our ne I line of spring wall paper. All 1903 patterns. Call and sce them ! at. Wilkin's drug store. 35 tf - . I Dierks 14\1t1iber & Coal Co. ; handles the Cannon City Pea ! coal for slack burners. 25tf. I , ; If you inteud to build call t J Dierks I/umber Co. aud get prices. - - - \V AN'I'lW1'0 hire two men that. have families. Hem es furn- ished.V ItST UNION MU..I.ING Co. 3Stf West Union , Neb. t First-class hnner at Squires , I Bros. 38tf I , Fen SALU.-A small quantity i of good hay. JnSSJt GANDY. I 37 tf ' Fen SAI.Itwo and 57-100 acres land , south part of city , good eight room house , well and pump. Excellent. place for rais- 111g pigs and chickens. 37-38 Dr. C. PICKUTT. For Cannon City Pea coal for slack burners go to Dierks Lumber - ber & ConI Co. 25tf Stamp Photo's at. Bangs' Studio. 21J-tf 'l'his omce for neat job work. Farms for sale and land8 for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms are all goin , and prices are advancing - vancing rapldly.-J. G. Bre izer. ' , Subscribe for the Custer County , Republican. ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I'rectll 'I'reCH ! 'I'rectll Notwithstanding' now storm , spring will soon be here and I am arranging with ex-Governor Fur- nas of rownville , for a ca.r'load of forest trees. Give me your order and let8 get a car loud. Trees. tOe and up cach. WII.LIS CADW I.L. FOR SALu-One male Poland China hog , weight about 200 lbs. Price $15.00. G. T. RODIN SON. Goto Squires Bros. for har- ness. 38tt The RltI'UBI.ICAN ahd' Inter Ocean , 81.50. . ,1 " " 'Ol ! . 'VA.l' > 6I'A"D. 'l'rustworthy , either sex , by Wholesale I\Iercandise Company of solid financial standing , to manage local representativcs who will orgat11ze clubs among consumcrs. Business no experi- ment. but a proven snccess. Sal- ar ) ' $18.00 a week , expenses lu1- vanced. Experience nnncces- I sary. Address , D. . Clarlffiol1 , Mfr. { , 334 Dearborn St. , Chicago , lilt nnb. 3743 . .