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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
# . : : ' rf 1f@Yn ! { : ' - ; i As S IlIn' u ell , OCol1l1tetl In th hod ' of u lUoth. . Hlltolllolollsts eclnre thl1t the su nr I alle hus i Yurletles of Inscct ellI.L , lUle . It 1-1 : estlmn ted thn t 3,000 11II\rI'Iuges tll'l' 11a II } ' performed thl'oughout the 1'O'Ill. ! , ' ! lIew Thct' tel' I runenls III Purls . , ' t'lll ' thl'ee nl'rcs of groull , all Is 1. Ie InI' ( 'st In the w01'lI1. , In Belgium se\'ere IlCnnltles nre 1m , , ' ) ! ; ( ' on lJel'ons who hl1 \ ' the l'lght to vote , uut o 1I0t \1\11 themsel\'cs ( If It , Soli WIlA l'ought UII fl'om n llell1h ot :1:1\1 : fpet f"Om u cOlli mine In Belgium , :1I1d 1'1'011I It HIII'ontcl1 wceds of u spa- IL' , nnlwowlI to hotllulsts. 'l'here Is Il hospltlll fOl' trees on the IJ11uks of the Seine III I'IlI'ls. 'recs \ whleh do 1I0t thrive 011 the houleYllrds Ul'e tlll.en thel'e to reCOYer , 'rhe British ! wIlller hns not Ilh\'n 's 'worll 11 rCII ulllfo1'1l1. Whlto WIIS the 1Il'e\'lIl11ng' colOl' UlIlIC1' llenr ' Yill. , : II III 11\1'1. : grcell 01' russet 111 th tlnll , of JoIIZlIhl'th , . lIetweellh1l1nguHcllr 111111 the coast i f 111I1In there .ne uhoutYlOOO Islunds , ( ) III ' UUO of which ur IlIhll lted , uut UlO t of which nre CUllllllle of t > UPI10rt- I jll n llOllllllltion. Xear the const of Cnlla u fresh-wuter ' pl'lng 1ll'lse : ! from the uottom of the J' OCl'\II , 111111 fOl' HOllie dlstullce roulld the wntel' Is IH'l'fecUr fl'esh. A slmllnr sull , JUnrllle sp1'lllg Is Imo\\'n to exist In the gnlf of SIJezzln. I . . 'l'he Inrgest und most cmn ersome form of mOlley Is found III Centrnl Af. 'rica. whm'e the nntlves ' . use Il el'Oss' ; hul1c Ingot of cOPIlOr ore ovel' ten Jllehes long , It Is henY } ' enough to Cl , n forml uhle weapon. . + ' 1'wo hun rc old people wlJOse oges Illtogteher omounted to 10,31-1 } 'eors lill Ye received haIr a sovereign upleee from the mnglstrates' pOOl' OX nt Brl hton , nghuu ] . Chnrles Green , one , of the recipients , Is 10i yeol'S ol and st1l1 retnlns all his foeultles. , Dr , Dayld Paulson , n Chlcngo nerve spl-elullst , declnres thut much drunk. cnness , especlull ' In young men , Is t cuuse b } ' hlghl } ' spiced food end the use U } ' cooks of pelper , mustur on similar relishes , To this nlso th oc- tor ftttrillutes the elgurette ho lt. " 'omen are more nnd more potronlz- , ing life Insurnnce , find many of the comlHwles malntuln a wOlUnn's eport- ment , lll'esided oyer by u female super- inten ent. 'he stattstlcs In lcate thot Imslness women and women of greet wculth nre the pI'lnclpal patrons. . l' Concessions have just een grarite to construct Ilnd run new 1Iranch lines of the Swedish 1'11 Wl\'S. , 'l'he new lines will covel' In oil 1dls - , tnnce of 2 O miles , on It means tl1at .Swe en will oguin hll ve occnslon to I Inn'chase u lorge quunllt } ' of rolling I , f * ' . 'r- stock , . All cmplorment of nuth'es In the 'Phlllllpines I on the pa ronc s'stem. , No Amel'lcan ean walk oilt und hire u I dO ien 1'lIIplnos to go to work for ' hlm'l lIe must Instead nrrange with u "lIoss" nn on Il commission for so mueh 10- or. 'llls Is the Phlllpl1lne suustltute' I . for t1'l\de unionism. I . \.n old convict ship fl'OI11.ustl'alla Is I on exhlhltlon ut the Wuterloo pier , I I ] .onon. ( It Is the Success , oWlled bv 0 ' : \ll'lhu\Il'ne firm and Iwpt solel ' for 'ex-I 11lhlllon 111111108e8 , und It remains IH'ue'l tlcull ' with the sume Ilttlngs it ha , when It was use for transporting con. ' viets from Bng-Iund to Botun } ' nay. Honest 1\I1Htako. The story Is toW of Il ilttle ew Bng- land gl1'l the wOI'l.lngs of whose Pm" flan comelence ; Inyolye her In dll1lcul. ties on one occoslon. She wus stu 'lng mental o1'lth. , metlc ut school , and took no pleosure ill It. One da } ' she tel her mother with much delll'ession of spirit thut she I Illld "failed oguin In mental Ul'Jthmo. tic , " I1ml on ueln uslwd whut pI'oulcm hal1pl'o\'ed her undoing she sorrowful. I ' mentioned thc request for' thc uddl , tlon of "lIlne und fOllr. " " . \.ml dl n't 'ou 1000W the auswer , dl'al' ? " aslwd hOl' mother , I "Yes'm , " said the little muld , "hilt I : rou know we m'e to write the answers i on 0111' slates , und efore I tl10ught mode fO\l1' 1I1lU'ls emI counted up , 'ten , 'leven , twel\'e , thli'teen ; ' IIn then of' ' course I 100ew that wmm't mentnl , so' ' J wrote twelve for the unswer , to hI ] . . . . l' all' , " " " " 01)Cn to Conjecture , It Is not quite leol' whether the fol. lowing excerpt from , a recent peech ot Ashbel P. Fitch , ex-controller of New Yor ! " sl10uld he consldere us a soclo. logll'al fuct or an Ingenious attempt to llUsh the ! Jllid-heade mnll still farther to t11e fOI'e. Snld 1\11' , Pitch : "When I was controller of New York I thorollghlr hlyesttgoted the subject of bul < 1I1HR , and reached the conclu , slon thnt It Is on Index of Intellect , In the last 'eor of lll ) ' IneUlnlwncy as con. troller m ) ' curlosltr Impelled llle to In. quire us to thl. ' huh' of the lIIlul1l'rs thot had hecn AI.'nt to the eoutlt } ' 11001'- hOllse , "Of the e1lht thousutlll feyetl 11l111. dred uml nl1lOt ' .t hreo po upcrs who ho como \11111cr the ehnr o of thc count } . thnt 'I'llr. thel'l' wns onlr onl' 1nld.h'odell llln n Ilud he hnd bel'l1 scnlped h ' the 11II1IIIn8. " "t. " ot Her Forte. "She ' she WOllld lIw ! to SII'S , get n wuy somewhCl'e wl1l're she would hn0 time to thlnl. . " "WolI , I ah\'o 's fenre sllo wnsn" cut out ( or a soelet } ' SIt'I.tI-Llfe. THE PRET Y SPANIARD. - - Scnllc of clf-l'o"lellllnn the n de A 1II0tU : the " 'lIlIIcn. 1"111' " fl'OIll uclllg the gu'I ' d.'e..CJsc LJellut ' , who 1'I11ses her HI.It'ts lIt1t os. tentlltlo\lslr IIl1'ts bchl1ll hcr { Ull.lie . 1 ' } llcul 11nu htel' of SIH\1I1 Is gl'U\'e , Ilulet , u\lCnlllllgl ' dl llllle , 81111111e 1111.1 hOllle.lo\'ln ' ' nrrcctlonnt In \ ! ; . "lngullll'I IIl'r dOlllestlc l'clutlo\lshlllS. 1'usslonote $ he call ouhtless ue , but } lusslon to u Spnnlsh womnn Is 11 1l\ntter of life 111111 dellth , fur too serious a moUur to uo plnrell with , IIn flirting Is unlmown to hel' , 'hnt 18 the secret oC thnt sllllple. lll1'ect ul'orlng nnll sl1eeeh of the Spon. Ish women , so fl'ct ! fl'olll the e111l11\1'1'n8s' Ing consclousncss or sex , which rcn ers 11 Spnnlsh womnn so ehurllllng , with a chnrlll In this nUll In 1llun ' olhcI' rc. spcets so unlike thnt of the I'rench , womlln ; nn the } lOOl'cSt of Slll\llish womcn , however ruclous she Illn ' lie , hns no 11I1IIcult } ' In con"c 'lng un nss\l1" 1\lleo of thCnct tllut sh uelongs to her. self , sn's n writer In the Nineteenth Cent\11' ' , 'he sn 'lng of 1'ol1e thnt "most WOIlll'lhn \'e nn chn1'lcter : ut ull" w\lIl ot nil c\'entl not hn'e suggested \rt.elr \ In Sll\ln : , when : th sense or III. I\lOst self.sulllcln ! ; Iwlf-possl'sslon seems tll ue the 1'1111' lI1110ng th wonHn of the orlllnfil' : IIOI1\1lutlon , who orten retnln I > oth'lta1lt ' 1\11(1 chm'lIof \ Illnlllll'r Into old IIgl , ' . I'hl'I'e Is no clnRs of the } lOp' 1I111t1on of wholl\ \ this Is not true , lll'r. IInlls least of all thllt I.'Inss ( on the \'cl'ge 01' gllls'dom ) whll'h HtllI IWI'I'I ! ' uIIhl' ' dnncl's of old Slmln 1'01' the .lor of 1111 ever sll\nlll'I' \ cll'cle. A uI'ond , the llnnces of Slnlll nre trnnsfe1'1'ell h ' the orlglnnl skill of IIn Otero 01' n CllI'll1l'ncitn ( Guer- I'ero ueln ! ; the splendid exccptlon ) ; ot hOllle tlll' ' 111'0 IIttcnuated In 1l01lte so. clet . , l'ell(11'rcd COlllll\onlllace \ In cufes. cllnntonts , Sll1111l'essed In thell' favorite IlIlulils ) ' the UI11' ( gllr lng Sll\nlnrd : , In Se\'llIe nl'orl } ' C\I' ' h011\e of reel tlntl\'e llanclng Is now closell ; In 1\Ial , ngn 'ou 1l\o } ' think ) 'OU latow e\'er " thing , IInd yet Ile\'CI' scc 01' hem' of the Chlnltos , with Its 11\1110dorOlls aplrooeh , with the strl1nge old world llicture It 11l'csents within , such as one sees In seycnteenth cent\1rr Dutch pulntlngs , Here one mu } ' sometimes witness tl1e ucst pcrformonees In Spllln , POPE LEO'S OLD NURSE. \Voman Now Ovcr One HundrcII Years CulJs ut the Yatleun. The Pope recently gnye an on lence to Anna IOl'onl , a women over 100 } 'ears old , wl1o , as a } 'oung girl , octed us his n\\1'se , She wes eon ucted o\'er the "ro'al staircase , " otherwIse re- ser\'ed for so\'erelgns , end sat opposite the Pope In u ulg nrmcholr , 1l1so an extraordlnor } ' fo VOl' , much against Yilt- Ican etiquette , 'l'he holy fother smlle henlgnuntl } ' on "Signora .Anna , " cuu- tlonlng her to rest well uefore she spoke. Arter a while tl1e oM womnn commenee to tull. of ol times on old friends. "Do } 'OU rememller when good old Auntie Pl'otpel'l sa\'ed ) ' 0\1 fl'om tl1e lld lIoys on the 1I1urlet plllc In nel. letrl ? 'l'he ' would hll ye whipped you sure If Iluntle hadn't Inter1'Ol'e , for 'ou wen ! not a stl'ong lIor , " 'l'he two old frlendH 1:11Il'd : for over an hO\\1' , Dr. Lllpponl oecaslonull ) ' In. tel'll'etillg ! , for lIolh Annu Ilnd Leo ure hllrd of henl'lng , As she ho.Jhlcd ! nwo } ' the old WOllllln eXl'uscd hel'self for ha'Ing gl ven the doctol' so much tro\1- ule. ule."l'hut's "l'hut's nil l'lght , Annlnll , " mld the hol ) ' futher ; "hoth of us hcard so much In 011\ ' long IIfc no wonller our eors refuse to sern' , " Annu 11't the Yntleun In ( u plll1ul cnr- rla e. holdln In her lup the golden rosar ) ' Leo hud h'l'n hcr on a document - ment grnntltl hel' an umple life pension - sion , pa'uule uy the Yntlcon tl'ensury. - - - - - VOTING BY TELEGRAPH. 1 lectric I > e\'icc ' \ OIiCC I'lunncd for Ger- IlIlIn 'here Is nly one rererenee to mo- chanlcal votln In the thirteen reports on forclgn parllllments which hu\'e re- eentl ' ueen Issuc . 'l'hls ocem's In n memol'llIlllum on thc subject of dl. \'Islons In the 1' lchstllg IIlld I'l'usslnn lun tng. As long ugo os lSGD a motion wes Introd\1l'cd \ In the Prllssilln lower hOUSH In fa01' of estnullshlng 11 s'stem , culled the \'otn ! telegmph , nn elech'le 111. \'entlon dcslgnc b } ' the IIrm of Sle. lI1l'ns & IIahilw , Bllch lUember wus to 11I1\'e ut his pluce u hundle to tU1'l1 to right or left os he wlsl1ed to'oto " } 'es" or "no , " nnd this humlle could lie hu'ncl ( enl ' hy the lUem.Jel' to whom the sent lIelonged. eneh memll'r lIelng provided with a speeh\l Iey. ' 1'he time for tal\lng the \'otes of tl1e lower house woul , nccordln ! ; to this scheme. ha'e oceuple less thllll two minutes. 'hcre were no Pl'l1ctlcol olljeetlons mude to the n uchll1e , suys the London Chronkle , lIut It was rejecte , portly beclluse no ] ll'es.lng need exlste f9r shortening the dl\181011s an PI\1'tl } . on account ot the udvllntuges of on oral process of voting. New Ym'k Boas 1\llIst J > opullluR Street. The most populous street III the world Is ! mld to ue thot In New York extend. Ing fl'om Amstel'dllm to West Elld a\'e. nue und from SIlt.first : , street to Six. ' -s'eollll. tho\lllllnd ' hun , t - ( Bight \ 80\'en dl'cd hmllun heln s , ot twent ' .slx na. tlollnlllil's. of o\'er } ' mce , color end CI'CI'e Inull11cd to ethCl' In IIvo nn" ' ! Ix-stor } ' tencments. \\'Ith .Tu ) ' . Sorrow e\'er comelh ' 1'0 s:1I1.ll'n I1I1 Clitroy , Bnt III It .ll1lsPll . ( l1Icn ow Wp'rt' han .llI.hull with joy ! -Atlanta COllsrillltiulI , - . r.lfe Is short IIntl IIrt Is long. Most 1ll111 resemhle 111'1. ' mlhel' thlln art. - - - - - - - - - - - - - It's nIl up wllb the drummer when he loses his Il'lu. DEALS OUT DE TH I TERRIBLE MONT PELEE CLAIMS NEW VICTIMS. , I DESTROY SECOND VILLAGE I 200 HUNDRED LOSE THEIH LIVES AT MORNE ROUGE. I 200 PEOPLE ARE DEAD I Terrlfio rul'tlon SI&turdny Nllht-Le Car- "el , u JuerIN'Illugo un Cunsl , " " .elt " ) ' n 'l'lIInl " 'n'I . CastrIes , Island or St. LUl'la , Urlt'l Ish W. I. , l:3el1t. : -1'ho llrltlsl1 steamer , } ( oruno , arrh'cd here Sun-I day evcnln from .I'ort ! Dc France , IslulHl of MartInlquo. It Is reported that a lorrP1Jc erup. tlon of .Mount Pulec occurred at ! ) o'clock Saturdny night and that peo. pIc who urn \'cd at , .I'ort ! Dc Franco from the northern end of the Island reported tl1at the \'lIla o of 1\101'110 ' It JUgo , near the district prl'vlously de\'nstated , had been entirely de. , strayed uno tba t Lo Cn rbet , a'l11a c on the COISt , whIch wus destloyed nt the thuo of the greut eruptIon , ha been slVept by a tidal wave. About 200 persons lost their IJves. Asleep sloop from the Island of St , Vincent wblob reached here ttls morning re. ports that tile Mount Pel co's crater Is quiet , but that the denotations durIng Saturday night were the loudest bearJ up to that tlmo and that tbo l'Jhabltants were torrlbly alarmed. TURKEY HELD RESPONSI LE. Constantinople , Sept. 2.-'I'ho roe port circulated In the UnIted States by a neWd agency that the .rurklsh government had addressed an nbrnpt note to United Itates : ; 'MInister Fleischman , In which It absolutely refused to further discuss the respon- slb11ltty tor the capture lJy lJrJ ands of Mis ; Ellen 1\1. Stone , the AmerIcan - can missionary and her companion 10 September , HIOI as the outrnao was I not comn.ltted on Turkish torrltory Is not true. As a matter of taut , the questIOn of tbo pope's responslbl1t1y Is 1ndlspenslble sl nee the capture , payment ot , the ransumc and llbora- tlon ot the captives all occured In Turkish terrl orr. ' I ' 'The correspt'odenee on the subject of the measures taken or the diSCOV- err and arrest of the lJrlgands continues - , ues , and the insul1lelency c.f the reports - ports displayed , by 1'urklsJ ! : authoritIes - tIes has lJeon the subject of complaInt by the United States legation. BIG BALLGON our OF SIGHT. Den vor , Sep. 2.-'rhe last report of I the progress of the baoon whIch was I Bent up from tbls cIty yesterday afternoon - ternoon In an efl'ort , to estalJlIsh a new lon distance amI time record was receIved from Castle Rocl , last nIght. It wus to the efl'ect that near tllltt point just at dusl" a quantity of Lal- last was tussed out and Immediately tbe balloon 'began to ascend , until a helght'of 4,000 feet was att lined. The lJallouu then sturted In a southwestern - ern direction , and when It. passed from view was apparently going at a high ! 'Ute of speed. .rhe story that a descent to the ground WlS made anywhere since Lhe start Is vigorously dellled lJy I those who should know. It is er- , peeted that the occupants of the ba- , lOaD will sooo release ClDO of the I p'll'nchute message carriers , the contents - tents ot which w1ll 10 tcletr ! Iphed here. SHOOTS PEACEMAKER DEAD. Wlntleld , Uolo. , Sept. 2.-111 n roe I volver and 1'1110 duel on Main street , here Gus Sjostron , aged th Irty-II , u swede miller , was IdHed ; Salll " Amsdon , nged thlry-tJve also a mIner , was shot through tl1e left ' breast and ulld mortally wounded. and Ohauncey Benn'tt , a lJartendor , , . , .as shut In tIO groin and perhaps tatally wounded. 'Ibo shootIng was the direct re- Bult at A msdon 's jealomy of the at. , I tentlons paid lJy Andy Mulloy , a I young m'ner ' to Amy Dltts , a I1rtoen- year.old girl with whom A msdon was In lovo. Amsdon , armed wltb a ritle , went on a hunt for Maloy. lIe sa w bls rl val on the streets and I'red ' two shots at him. Nolther , ' reached Its mark and Maloy escaped. Sjorstron laler attempted to make : peace between the two men' A mBdon ' resented the Interference , and the shooting followed. Denuot wns an Innocent bystander. ET' : 1EA VILY O-l SA V AUfE. Ohlcago , Sept. -John W. Gates , 111 discussing the victory of Savable I In the futurity race Oil Saturdny , made th 0 statement today thnt Chi. cage was richer 'JY $ [ ) OOUOO thall before - . fore the race. : Mr. Gates \Yould klve . , 110 na mes. " ' 1'he $ fiOO , "said Hr. Gates , "docs not Include whatever may ha\'o h , e I won hy Ohlcligo mOD whll wel'c lit the race track. It covers al mply what wus won by ml' ) heIe Satmdny. ' " 1 J fiNALLY LAND HIM. DI''l't'rnto C ! " . Turk t'Kru l1\\MIt'lt lItr'td .Jnll I New York , Sept. 3.-Jerry Hunter , the 1Iro ! who shot a number of 1I0- ! Icemen nlld sot IIro to bls house In' Queoll's boroug It last nllJbt , III an , elTort to ( 'scal1o arrest , wus caplllrc early tuday and locked ullln the As. I tor la ja II. In th fight between Hunler alld those who tried to arrest hIm elo\'enl policemen , three cItizens and Hunt- ! cr' wlfo were wounded. Mrs. 1Iunt- er , who assisted her husbluill In hIs elTlirts to eSCHDe , was taken to a hospltul , where It was saId toda ' she wus lJadlr Injured , Hunter was undly beaten In the struggle when he \ .caught. John McKenna , a patroleman , was shot III the he:1l : nn rl1l e. Buth hIe I c'es were destro 'ed nnd the wountl ! ! In his head wl1ro so serious lhat hie rcco\'er ' was thought to lJo doubrul. 'ho cltlzeus wou nded , \ ere mcn that had beclI called upon b ' the pollcl : to aid In subduIng HUlll. r. A list or the wnulld d follows : .John U'Nell , New York , shot In back and shoulder. WIlliam Urdman , Corona , L. 1'1 I.mclshot wound III shou1l1er. WlIIllam 'l'holl1e , 111'1 nter , NO\T YorlhUl'kshot wound III fllco. .TOIIII McKenna , 110llceOlall , both e 'es shot out , II ps shot oil' , head filled with buclshot ; wOUllds 1II\OIy fatal. Arthur Brill , pollcelllao , olle e 'o shot out , head , face and arms , lull of buckshot ; 'l'hollas Uassldy , pollcemon , cut on head and shoulder br sWdrd wielded uy II unter's wle. Pollee Cadtaln ' .rhomas Dacy , sllght gunshot wound In car. 1"0llce Sergeant Downey , face filled wIth buckshot. Thomas Horgan , policeman , sbot 'n ' leg and l1ead. P/llIceman IIealy. shot In leR. Patrlcl { Kernan , shot In leg. Frank PUlz , policeman , shot In leg. Thomas Rigney pollcemun , shot In rIght Jeg and thlgb. W. J. Wardpolleeman : , shot In the lert leg. Jeremiah Hunter , aged seventy , negro , beat In head aod face by po. lice. : Mrs JeremIah Hunter , shot In head scalp wounds and body bruIsed while resisting arrest. Hunter was employed as care taker of a large tract of land near North Beach. L. I. , Yeiterday he saw a roan digging sand worms on the property - erty and he shot at the Intruder , wlJO ran away and told Pollcernan McKenna what lIunter hud dono. McKenna ran to Hunter's 110mo and was shot by the negro. The pollee reser\'es were called au t then aDd u siege was hegun which lasted until after 2 o'clock this morning. E\'ery time a man moved flom cover a shot would be fired. .l ! ortunat lj' , for the police , 11 UII tel' seemed tu 1Ia ve only a shot gu n , Shortly after 20'chJck this mornln : lIunter set Jlre to the house and tried to escape. l\rrs. Hunter carried an old cavalry saber and wlLh this she fJII ht until overpowered , infllctl ng ! : \'ere wounds on Policeman Casld ' . HUliter ran for a bunch of wood near the house , lJut was caught and subducd after Ii struggle I n which he was lJadly wounded. RO ERS l\\URDER PO L.1 CEl\'i AN. Kansas Olty , Sept. 3.-At 3:30a. : m. today an attcmpt was made by three masked men to rob the Mctropolluan Street Hallway company car barn at ' 1'entli and Osage stl'eets , Armordalo. Watchman Mlnsker was ordered to hold up his han s and take Inside the rouhers , but befere the robbcrs secured any lJl10ty Policeman J. W. Morris entered through the lJack door , ! II Irrls dealt one of the tohbers a hea\y blow on the head wIth his club aud was shot through the heart and Instantly 1llIed by the sccond robher , Watchman Mlns\Cr ( was also shat and slightly Injured. Both roll- lJers made their escapo. Ike Johnson , a IIC I'O well known lJy the ( Jullce , Is bclng held tor In- vcstlgatlon. GAVE IT UP AS A AD JO . ' 1'ucson , Ariz. , Sept. : I.-Heflorta reul'h'd hero at a daring atteinpt by tbreo American bandIts to hold up the Intornatlonal express on the Sonora - nora railroad three miles frow Her- mosillo , Sunday mornIng. A torpedo slgllal caused the engIneer to l top. 'j'bree Americans steJflod ( out ot the brush , une coverlu the engine crew and two weut to the cxpre.s car and demanded adml ttallce. 'l'he messeuger replied with a , "ol- ley of shots through the dual' , the lJandits returnlllg his JJro. Se\'eml passengers urmed them- aeh'cs and were goIng to the aid t the pluely mCS8en er when the hl h- ! wa'men became fl'lghtcnecJ and gave up tlwlr attempt , disappearing Into ttle woods. I TEACI1ERS NOT SATISrIED ; Washlugton ept. :1.-1'ho : Manila I malls which have just arrived give e\'lcJellel ) of frIctIon which may prove' ' serIous III the cud In the workings of the educatlollalbuleau 111 Manila. It Is hard to IInd anything In the nature of tanglblo charges ! Jut tttero ale genclal eXIHe5slolls of dlscon. tent arnlln the teachers with the system ullder whh'h they arc opo at- Ing which may cause sumo Impol'tant changes In a tew months. . . . . . I t , ; I . . _ ROOSEVELTWRECKED WRECKED VERY NARROW ESCAPE FOR THE PRESIDENT TWO In LLED 0 UTRIGIIT COLLISION OCCASIONED BY CRIM. INAL CARELESSNESS. . .TWO MEN UNDER ARREST rill" Ihn J'rllrnlll ! 8hurl utilI Thn l'rt'"I- lie-ill Url I , ! " JlIt'f'etl0 O"Btt'r I1"y. IJenox , Mu s. , Sept. fi.-A terrlblo ilccldent overtllok the proslr1cllt's each a short dlstanco from Plttts- Ul'ld about ] 0 o'clock Wedn sdu ' lIornlng. After a short vIsit t ( ) the :1omo : of ex-enulor ! : ; Dawos the presl- dcnt sturted all the lon drive to rJIHlOX. JIo had not gone far when 11n electrlo car r'an Into hIs , "chIcle , Lhro" , Ing cveryoIIQ to tllo grounc1anc1 IJIHlIy damn lng the coaoh 'l'he president receh'ed a cut on the nelld Governor Crallo was bruIsed IInd \\'llIlum \ Orn 110 : the secIet son'lce mnn , was Instunt1y killed , ' 1'11e president was able to resume his journey to LenoJ' . lJut sout word that Ilhcad that there should bo 1\0 cheorlll . Artor Ie , ving Senator Dawcs' tJOuso the four carrlu C8 contalnlllg 'lho ' presIdent IIlId his Imruedlato par- : IY wore drlvon down South street , ' two carrh\ReS on eIther sIde. When , near the Country club und at the : railroad crossing an oloctrlc car waRI notlccd comhl ut n terrific ratc of speed. Mr. Uralg slgnll10d to Ulel motorman to stop but ho apparontyl } paId no attention to the warning am1' I the car came plunging on In Its work' ' Df deatll. A witness of the accldentl atated tbat tbe motorman , . , all speed- lug bla oar In .rdor to rench the club. , The presldont. Governor Orane and Secretary Cortelyou wore pllod up In a beap , The n we-stricken erowd : whlob wltDcS8ed tbc accldont rushcd to tbo .presldent's carrll1.\1o. \ with no expectation that he would lJo found . nUvo. The prctll ont was cut on the rl\lht \ sldo or his chIn and hl& face IS much swollon. Secret Agent W11IIam Craig was' klled nutrlgbt and D. J. Pratt , the drlvor of tbo coach , sustained a truc- ture ut the skull , which resulted ta- ta lIy. 'l'he accident happened at a poInt , about a mile and u half fcum this city , near the IIJttsllold Country oluh Ih.JtJse. ' .rJJO IJroldent WHS enjoy.lng II coaching trip rl'om Dalon , Gov r- ollar Crane'a home , where the presl. , deut spent the night to Leoox , It dls.\ \ tanco ot twenty miles , over the Berlt- shire hills. ' .rho car was In chrtr o of Conduc. . tor .Tame3 ] { elly , with 1\otorllllln 'Lule ' J. Madden CHI the froll t ( llat- form. ' .rho car struck the coach In the tear and smashe In the uack of the vehlclo , tIpping It m'or and throwing its occupants to the ground. ' 1'110 oal wus not. badly damaged Mo. torman Mudden and Uuudutor : K611y were at once arrested alld taken to Vlttslleld. Pratt , the drIver of the coach. was also talten there and placed In the hospltul where h dle . Wednesday nlfolht. 'l he presldcnt , who In fal1ln from the coach slls\a'ned ' slight lJrtJlses IInd a few sl'rntches und SCCTotRry Geor e B. Cortelyou , who rmrfercd similarly , with the exceptilln that he , wus cut on the hoad. with the ether lIImnuors or the purtyTcnt to the Country clulJ near by , where their wounds were dressed. In a short tlmo they proceeded to the Cnrry , hlltol at Lenox , arriving at 11 o'clock. 'j'ho president tWllt his 111al conI- p03uro , ' althou h ho was solicItous or the rest of these 10 tlH' oarrJa e. 'l'llc excltelll'nt WIIS Intense and rumors flow thick and tast that the president - dent had been killed. ACter remnln- In at the Beene of the accident for IlU hour the presIdent determl ned to continue his journcJ' t'J Htockbrd ! e. A fter a brief stop at Lenox ho was driven to the train. In the next carrlngo to the presI- dent's when the 11Icldent happened WIIS Dr. G. A. Lung flf the na vy , who accompanlerl the president rOI just such emergencies as this Hnd wbo w s prCImptly on hand to render assIstance to the president. But the president was disinclined to receJv ( ' such uttentlon , saying ho was bill slightly l1urt. TRAGEDY IN A CEnETERY. Sprln ! led , 0. , Sept. fi-rrr. a 1)1 ( ' : Mrs. O. A. Drown were found 1)'lng dead In tlho cemetery at , Jamestown Wedncsday nl ht. ' 1'ho lIIan hll ! ) Ii hullet , hole , t1trou h hIs tom pIc lint : his wIfe hallH'en ( shllt In the ru"lIh , 1'he ' were Iylnit slile hy sldo , wltl their hea s on newspupcrR , IInrl II roe VO\'er ! was ly\n \ between them liS ( 1IIulo witness to the murder IInd sui , ( 'Id ( ' . 01' double sull'ldo. ' 1'ho tWQ CIUllO to Pumeson lunc1ny. : ; , " " \ - ' , t + + + : ; \lli \ ( } ? ; ; 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + If 'J'ho taCl egt crowd o ( people whlcl1 has been In PJuttsmouth at enc time lor many 'eurs wus' here to ceJobrate the oponlng or thi ! pontoon brld"f lust week. The I armers' Elevator compa.ny nt 'VlrlJlnln , Ooge county , was organIzed , ' 1'he company Is Cal ) tall zed for $10,000 , l\I\d , ,111 erect an elevator to Imndlo the ! -train of these rarmel'S who nra members or the organl7.rttlon. General Berry has ohallonged Tud o M. P. llnlmld to a serIes of debate ! ' ! In the Slxlh congressional d Istl'lot. Mr. Berry des res to tour the dlstrlot wltli his opponcnL and jointly discuss the Issues or the parties. While aL work In the canning fao. tory at l dnr ! , Oscar Byol's sll'ped , whllo carr'lng n hucket or bol1ln water nnd waR badl ) ' hurned ahout the facu , neck a 11I1 shouldel's. 1IIs right , arm al\1 \ hand arc also bad ly lJurn d. 'l'hc corner slono of the lIew MeUm- dIRt church \\'as laid at Genem SUlldl Y afternoon , Pastor B\\lIs ! cOlld uOI.l nit the ceremony , ' 1'ho ' church Is modeled - eled after the St. Paul's ut IJluclJln. It will be one of the IInestiln th state. 1\ . scab l11achlnlst worlIIIR for lho Union Pacilic attemllted ; to 1110VO al\ \ onHlno In the rOUIHlhlluso at NOIlh Platte 1..100 could n.t stop It , nnd 11 hole sIxteen feet wIde wus torn In the wnll. ' 1'h roof was wrecled and" tbe elJglno dnllla el. - According to 11 dIspatch reccl ved George Hlndly of l'eorlu , Ill. , wus killed In all accident. No partlcu. Inrs were given. Mr. Brady forl11or- Iy lived Ilt Gratton nnd was ern- , polyed In the Burllntgon shops ail ' McCool. 'l'ho old settlers of OtOI1 oounty hold their unnunl reunion Ilt Ne- brnslm CIt ' . A ohorus of fif.ty volC'es furnished the l1Iuslc and short speeches were mucio hy the mcn who settled the county when It was 0 wltdernels. , 'fhe safe In the store ot Howllrd , Miles of lleston was blown open and $125 In cash end drafts together wlth , several checls wore stolen. 'rho explosion attracted a lar o nUl1llJer at citizens lJut the robbers made their escnpe. A posse has been sent In pu rsu I t. George Lnw was arrested Snnl1ay t night on the ccmplalnt of Mls9 Grace MclJaslln who charges him with nt- tempted crll1ll11nl IIssnult. A t . .tho proll 11I1 nary hearing 'esterdny ho pleaded not it II II ty. Law hils only , receuttly como here from l alls CIty. : . W. II. Whlto of Nortolk , "liS Btrlcl\Cn with uou ralgla of the heart ; , while at work nt his onlce aud died II short tlllle l tcr. Ho was l11annger ; of the Singer Sewing machlno company - ' pany ttnd Imd only recently moved to Norfoll , with his fllmlly. Ho Ion ves II wire und son aged 7. - - - O. B. Turner at Adams wns taleen to a local hospital at LIncoln bo" cause he has lost his reason. lye was' tonllager of the Mel vlllo Lumber COIll- pauy at Adams and some dnys ngo' ' while sitting In his 0111co his reason gud1enly left him and since he haB i be on ns hollJless tiS 11 child. He Is 31 yeats ot a e. 1'ho doctors bellovo l ) ( } will eventually recuver. JtJeIlt'11 01' thu 1 > l1st. ' 1'ho lIc t nlll'lllltee of the tutuI'e Is , th record of the pllst and over fifty' thousund 11l'0111e have ] 1\1hllely testilled thllt Doun's Klllncy Pills have C'ul'ld ItheUl of n1l1llel'01l8 1.I1nay Ills , f'Om COUlIllOII haelcllchc to lIangcrous dill- I \ctCl . 1111\1 \ nil the Ilttenllllnt I\nno\1Ices : nnll sun'lrln " from urlnllrv IlIsoI' ers. ' ' 1'hp.y ha vo heen clU'ed to 'Rtll } ' 1\I1'cll. Here Is OIW Cll\ ! : Samuel .r. 'l'oylor. n retired cnl'pen- tel' , relhlln at :112 : South 'l'hlrll stl'ot , Goshen , 11111. , says : "On the 2 : th dny ot Allgusl. 1817 ! , I mnde IIn nUltln\'jt hoforo .rncob C. Monll , notary pullllc. stlltln Il ) ' experlellef ! with Dom's : Kltlnoy ] > 111 , ; . I hnd sl1lTnred COl' thll'ly 'cnrl ! 1\1111 wus COl1l1lelc ! at time ! ! to WRI ! , b ' thl' uill of crutches. frequently pllsHed gra \ ' l a1ll1 Hufl'ered excrutlat- , 11I11y. r took e\11ry medicine on the market that I hl'llrd nhout I1UlI 80mo a \0 me tel1lporary relief , I begall tal- . Ini : Donn's Kldne } ' Pills and the resulta I ltve to the 11Ilblle III the statement above reterred to , At this time. on the ) Bt1dny of .Jl1ly , 1002 , I mole this fur- 'ther ' IItntmnent thut llurlng tile fh'e : frllt's whll'h hu ve I'lnpsc I hn0 hnd . no ocellsloll to usn either DOlin's Kid- i ney Pills ot' nllY other me lclne for my 'lclllnc's. I ' , 'fhe cure el'teeted was n ler- luanellt olle : " , A It'nFJI 'J'IUAJ , of this grent kidney ml'lllcille which cured 1\11' . ' 1'aylor will he malll'l on npllllcatlon to ony part of the U. S. Address Irostel"-Mllhurn Co" BUlfulo , N , y , Iror sale uy all c1rul : lst8. IiDc 11er uox , l'rllcturo : of the 8111no. Whllo wrlllI on a. haystack MI. chaelCarrlg of Platte Center tell and IHtstaln'd a fracture of tbe spIne that rcsulUJd In a. complete paralysis from his chest down. ITo was taken to Columbus on a special traIn and taken to the St. Mury's hosplt.1I , lJut hiB ro- . co\'ery Is very doubtful. e Is a. lJrothor of SupervIsor O. J. Carrig and Is 20 yearso ! age. I