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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
. , I - - . Guster Gounty Republican I D. ] d. AIBIIJ l'UIIL1smm BROKEN now , NEDHASI\A - . . . . - - . - , It lleope ! were ns wJlle n8 theJ' think , they ore tbo une1tech'd ! would u"t'r ' hnlllJCn. It Is Bu ! : ostcd thAt Itlllr'w I ( 'Ar , uo le reAtly ( ( 'ArA to die rich he IIII ht bohl n worh1's (1IIr. . The phYfllclAn who IlIflCO\ ' ( ' the . ftl t ClBe ot pe-ItYI1hlltl1l III hl potlents Is sure ot tree nll\"ortlllng , There Is no tllllit to tlll' t1 < 111llJllltlt's o ( n country thnt CAU hn\'e 8l1uwlltorltli r In June and 8tulltrokes ! III Jnllullr ' . , It mny be b'tter to gl\"e thnn to re. Mt't' l:1ut : the gIrl \\'bo Is tr 'ln ( : on her ; -etnl'nt rlub doesu't look at It thllt 'IJT.1. ! . 1tJ.ay " mnn thinks the worlll hns II I f _ 3J:1'lnst hlltl , when the worlll . 't knoW' Ulnt there Is "lIuy Huch n . . , XMh 1lrohahl" waR the flrHt l'lIlltnlll &t hulustr } ' . .At lellst It III ollly fllh' to 5UppO C thAt III } sn" to the " "U tel'llIj ; of UK' stock. Ullcle lluHsell Sn e tllI1I II ( ! hall heNI J \Torldllg for lIearlr H"\'ellt } . Y'lIrS , 110 bnll IIIHO put III IIll11ut the Hallie 1I1t10ullt n . ' o ( tlmo In oltllttlu 'to ho workell h } ' 1"\ otherl'l , , , , , " \ ! I . \III01'lca If ! lIullllOlIell to ho the place 1 i whcm the AIIIII hty Doll II l' IR wor- 1 J shilICCl , hl1t AIIH'rlcall11 do lIot hd t 1II01le ' 011 tI\ ( ) lIfo 01' Ilell th of II HIck , J lIIall who III olllcllli hClIlI oC the nlltloll , f 1 , . \ Hlatute l'l'llI"eiwlltlllg a IIreCl'lIrltI' ho } ' hnH hl'CIi 1'lIlHl'Il III olin oC lIw Uhl. CIO paI'ltl'l , It HlwwlI : hllll 111:1 : ho'llI 011 i \ the glol'lo\lll FOIl1'th , Now let the oill , IImltlll IIl1d old Illwhelor9 1'1IIHe n C\l1II1 , Cor n Htllt\le Hhowln the IIrecl'fielwl' ! } 00) ' ns he 111111111'11 011 the Plfth , Another WOIIIIIII hnH Hhot the Ilnll who rl'C\lHl'1I to 11I111'1' : . 11l'1' . , lmt whr Hhootlll II 1I11\n Hho\llli IIIl1lw hllll morn , wllllll ; ; to IIIlIrrr , Ilro\'IIIl'd he 1lIU'\'I\II ! , IR not enH } ' \1IlIlerHtllllcl , 'rhe mnll who will 1I0t well with n whole Hkln9 \ 11l\rtlly IIIwl } ' to 'elU'n Cor the womnn wllO perCorllte9 It. Youu AIConso's mntrhnonlnl Inten. tlons o\1'er \ P0991hllltll'lI : to our ambitious ) 'oung womcn whoHo Ilnllns ha\'o mnde . . It plio In pork or su nr or steet. Consill. l'rln the Itnte : ! or Altonso's bnnk , account - count , he sbou1l1 come as cbenp ns n ' } , 'rench mllrquls nnd nt grent deal lower IIgure thnn an l < } nJl\sh \ duke. ' Benlell bids shoulll be Bent In nt once. . , ; Bu\1'nlo \ nnd Boston Itny nurllerleR nrb tralnlllg 'o\mg gIrls to bo nurse mnhls , The courHe In the Boston Institution - tution , OCCUII'lug sb : months , qUl\lltleR a gh'l to Ceelt nnd " , nsh the hnby , coolt Ducl sew ( or' hIm , nmuse him In yarloulI ! I wnys , 111111 tenell blm mornls nllll man. lIers nCter the metholl or the Idnder- IlIrt'n , 'l'he demntlll for theilO Itllowl- Igenhle mahlens greatl } . exc ells tbe ' 3uppl } ' , It Is Rnhl , Yet It can bnrlily ho mnlntnlnod thnt the bu lnef'B or I hllh . .telHlIng Is "n new 11l'OroSHIon tor , women , " ' 1'he enl } ' finJ ; e\'er allow ell to lIoat Ilbo..e the StarR nl1l1 St1'IIHH on the \08 , Kohl oC our nn\ ' ' Is tbe cburch flng1 hl'Onll white strenmer wltb n bhl < crOSH , Its presence marltll ono or thl I most Impressl\'o sIghts on Bhlpbonrll- ) tbe BAcrell service boll1 e\'ery S\ltIlln3 mornillg , ntteuclL'l by nil otllcel'H 11111 mono Nearl } ' nil the dellomlnntlons , Ir lhelr nntlonnl nllsembl\es : \ , hll\'o IntelJ Ilrotcsto < l ngalnst tbe growing secularl 1.1\tlon or the I..ord's dar. In nt lenR' ' DUO hrAnch or ilie go\'ernmont sel'\'lce lho na\'y , SUl1Iln } ' hns Jalned ruthel thlln lost WlU1 the } 'cars In toltens 0 ' . I'espect. . Iost 0111 snws are nlltshells CIIII 0 Illlclcnt and accciltell errors nl1l1 ono 0 the most I1nclent , the most gonernll ; IIccepted amI the 1tI0Ht erroncous 0 nil Is the saying thnt n rollln aton' ' athers no moss. 'l'ho sA'lnJ , : hn bloclwd mnllY 11 YO\1ng mnn's th'Ht BtI 1 10 Cortuno And n career. Unless n utnl 110es Il mod crute nmollnt or rolling h will Bettle In Il rut 111111 go on , tore\ ' ( ! ) Iw\'er rllllng 1111I1 never hnll1'O\'IIII ; , 01' \IOl'hmlty \ must bo sOllght. It mn } ' b : hnt nil things come to him who walt ! ( l1.t It comes much llIoro qlllckly to hll wlto goes out looklug Cor It. Opport\ ' IIltr , IIIto 11 womnll , 'Ieills more renllll , 10 1111 ardent wooer , l'el'hn118 110 UlIRHlolll1r } ' over prenehe I In moro lU\rts o ( the worlll tllIIlI the lilt Bishop WlIlll1m 'rl1'lor , or the Mellu r lst Church , whoso denth hns bee rIOted recelltl } . . lIe wellt to Cullfornl mlsslollnr ' with the "Cort as n } ulolll { nlners ; " then he prol1ched In Cn 111\11 I ' 1'henco he went to I < } nglaml nnd tlJ contlnont , vIsiting Eg'llt IlUtl the Hol l.and , holding evangelistic ser\'lc ( wherever It was Isslblo. Ll1tor I' wrlccd In Australln , Tasmanln , Ne' ( ' , Indln , South Atrlca , tbe Con e lon , the West Indies , nnd In varlo\ oUIlt.ies In South and CentrAl Allie : A , thllR covering ( ! \'ery continent nIl he Islnnds or the soa. IIo literally WOl nto ull tbo world , preaciling the g0911 ( One I'ason wby theru Is npprehlJDRlc I In EnHlllnd over the posslblo llo\t11 i Inng Edwnrd Is thnt there Is IIttlo eOI , I\llence In the heir apparent. 'fhe Dill or York may have kIng tlmher In hit but he hns not "hown It , Ho Is an u social tort or mnn 8nd dlsllOsed to 111 boolcs bettcr tban sports. lIe doest : lccm to 11ayo any red blood III bls veh along wlili bls'blue blool ! . flit av ( . . . . _ _ _ _ _ 1 n I' 1\1 It' ' h1' 111.1'11 his klll to ho dig' I 1I111lII , nil rcht ! , hilt he wantA him to bl' 1I'lIIorrntll' else , ' 1'hnt Is ono ren. son wh.Y'I lIwnrd I , . Ilopull1r. AR l'rillce or WnlcI h ( ' wns uncon\'entlonnl. 110- I rlnl , lH'orlr. domocrntlc. l ltwnrll hi not enl ' 1I1'ltIocrntic In hllll1ll1nn'rs nlll ! I tMt ( ' bllt In Ills \'ll'\\8 oC thing , . . In Jlollllc h ( ' Is lI rol 111111 brolllllll1t1ltell , lie Wfig nn Inll'II'I' Rllmlrl'r or 0111' Blnlne tn Ibt' h\ttrr'K 1I1l ' nnll wns n PYIU\1t\thl't\t' \ \ mlllwl'r AIlII Crl'nll or GIAII8tOIll''l'lI Whl'll thnt Jrcnt 1 1lJ ; ' IIRhlUlI1I < \ Unl1(1)1l1tnr ) nt his 1II0ther'A rOllrt , 11111 t'l\tl' In thl' 1I0ul or Lords WfiS nlwnnc 011 thl' IIlIl'rnl Rillo Allci' th ( ' ) ' Is 110 doubt he Jreatl } . ailled thl ! Boer IH'Ul'l' Il got\ntlolll \ , ' 1'I1l' 111lJ ; hnR h'ell ( 'oIlHillI'rnhle oC n 1I)101't ) In hIs tlme'l hut thnt hUH Ilot hurt him murh In the , l'lIthuntlon of the 1'IIJII1h : , Iueh II ! Cor. Inn I'o'nlt ' where ro'nlt . Is the' to } } } } rnshloll. gllJIIIIIII'K kln hll8 1I0t gh'en , to the .1'0)111 how ! ! ! thut'I'II01'I1t1ol1 nnll dee)1 ) rCII)1eet ) which \'Idorla COllllllllllll. l'1I. It wns lIot III him to 110 thnt. His t cnrc'r nK llrillco did not fit him Cor. IIIII 'III Hllt'h n pnrt , But he has mnlle the 1II0Rt ot hllllfolelf Alnco he cnme to' the throlle 11I111 Cew Idllgs ha\'e heeu IIIOl'e llOlluln 1' , Prohllbly the recellt train rohbery will Het HOllie 1IIIII0uhtellly brllvo men to declllrlllJ. ; who t the } ' would hll v . dOllu If tlwy 111111 herll Oil the en lne or III the eXllrl'SS CIII' . They thlllit the } woultl hll'I mllde 11 lI ht oC It , J II stm' } ) HhoWH thut thl' } ' woullt 1I0t , No mntter : how 11m "I' a IIInli II , he lIucculllbs to "Ihe dl'oll" when It Is helll on him b ' 11 mllll who hnll ( 'rl'ry remon to Ihoot lit the HII htelltlll n oC l'ellistunce , 'l'hl" l'ecol'dH of Cnl' WClltU1'II HIII e 1'0hbel'le.q Hhow thnt hUlltlretl1l of the coolest ; bl'O'Cllt mOil 011 thIs conthwnt-or III' the worlll , fm' thllt II1ntter-ha\'e l'lln ( 'd thelllHch'cR nt thu Hide oC n ronl whlll ! n slllgio hl hwll 'IIUln "went through" thelll , Glren 1111 e\'l'n chllllce IlIlIll\Ilr OIlC oC thl'lII woulll hll ve 11111110 a hllttlu oC It , Glvell 011 I } ' a IIghtlllg' C'hnllce , problllll } ' halC of thl'm woulll hnro ncccptell It , Bl1t to In\'lIe llructl' cnll } ' cel'tJdn lIenth Is a hel ht oC bra. "er } ' thll t Is lIot l'enchcIl In I'eslstlll hl hwn 'lIIell , It Is attllilled olll } ' hy Iwllllcrs In the [ 1erfOrlllllnce oC their dut . h ' life b ' the } , } Ranrs hlRlllred ! ; rl\lulest o ( 1II0tl\'OS 11I111 h ' ellLImslnsts -l'ell/lou9 / , polltlclll or Hoclal-who nre wllllllg to IHe thnt the cnuso which they IIcl\'oCllto Rhall } 1rOlller. 'rho mnll who Is "helll up" hy a robber Is not 0 cownrd hy nn } ' meons , lIe declines to stnke his life n alllRt his valuables , COt tllnt Is ren1ly the Illsue. Shall I rltl ! ; my life ror A ( ew dollnrs ? Is the queg : tlon be has to nnswer. There Is ne grCJ\ principle at stnlte. lIe cllr ncble\"e no grent glory It he comes oUI or tile con1lct'Ictorlous \ ; he loses hI ! lIe Ir ho sulTers deCeat. In 8uch r position most men will do wbat till trnlnmen did-hold U1 tbelr hanlla , ) , man cnn rrcoup his Itnnnclnl tortunes but ho cnn't rekindle the vltnl sparl once It hnB been snulTed out. One or Ule 8trongcst dl\'orce cnses 0 : record deals with : \1rs , Inrgnret lItHI son ' 1'homas , or nrooltl'n. She suc < 1.'mnle I. . ' 1'homas , 'l'he meat In th cnHe Is thllt 1.'Tlnlt : " ot nUlIl" I1holl sOlllethlll nUll t Ollllell talkln , ' 1'he. . lI\'e1 ! to eth'r , ate to etlll'r. nnd not wm'll 1111 II : : ! ell hili 1I11S , At tahle h woulll 111I11 out n little tnb anl1 wrlt ( "Pnss the butter , " 01' "The lIIent I rare , " or sOllie other bit of IlIfOl'ml tlon , nllll IlOlellllll } ' hallll It to his wlCI She stool ! two ' ( 'IlI'4 of It n 1111 tllI'n lei him , A gOOlI wOlllan will IIII\1'er \ IIlUC to n\'olll HCllllllal. Shl ! will hilio IIhll1tJ allli teaI'll , 111111 Huffer mentnl lIuli twml tlIIH'fi } 1h'slcIII , torture , Rooner tlm Hllrelul her Rorrow I\Core the rude e } ' ( of a Imhlle thnt 80llwthnell Hmlll whell It IIhouhl he S'm11l : thetlc. 'l't mnll who 1IIIIIIIIhell "hili womnn" IJ reCulllI to Hllelllt to 111'1' IR ellel'ltl : } ' petulllllt , "Ilollmi chilli III mali's clothe a 1111 no m01'C II t to he at the hellll of hOIHwholt1 thall n bllh } ' . lIe plalls 1 trnll1 U1 his wlt' ( ' , to dlllellll1no hN' 0 cnHlolIlIlI ' , wlll'lI the chalices are thl she hus l'Orotten ! 1111 much 1111 he kllow SoIlWtlllHS Iw 1IIIIIIshes her b } ' tllllh toI / Ithe ocIhy IdHs nt the 1100 ' It CUtH her IIIto a Imlfu thl'ust , 111111 I commits hlH'IIIIt } ' 111111 lelll'lls thllt ' womoll Hhoulll lIot he IIlIoweli Ill'r 0\\ WII } ' too much , Ol' he reCu1 : : ! to Hlwnle to her , for Il dn } ' , I Il wel'lt , Ol' for II perlOlI cn Ie Intell to hl'llI her to all 1I11I'lIunto u dl'l'litnnlllllJ : ( oC hel' HhlH au II hili III 1I1t ' . YCH , these thln s reull ' ha11e } } , . DOlI't thlllk heclluse lo\'e 1'Ull'S III ' 01 11011I1' , nllli hllPIIIII1'8S Ii' ' ! 'lI\ll'I'I , thllt f of the mell 111'0 J00l1 aull 1111 ot tl WOIIICII sweet. tr a mall ClllI't ru without hecollllll a stuh1l01'11 nss nl actillIIIw / 11 fool , It he cnu't mllilitn Tl'SIH'l't 111111 IIn'l'etiou 11 ' liI'se1'\'hlJ , : he will 111'\1' mnlte his IHllnt h ' II II telll of IIl1l11b ' ' ' which tOl'lm' ( , Is more he Ih'cnlll'lI thllll hlowlI. " 'enl'ln& & : lIntll In Church. 'i'he Wl'u'III : or huts III church w a "ore Iwillt with UIO ell'r } . of the HI tcellth 111111 1Ie\lItcellth celltu1'les , Sill uel Pell ' : : ! Wl'lIt to chm'ch olle SUIll1 : h the l'I'I/:1I / of Chlll'lell 11" nllll dll 1I0tl'll the rllct III hlH Itlar } ' , 1\111111 with rererenco to the II m' III 0 11 , thllt hel\1'll "a 11I11I111e Cellow 011 the prill [ 0 oC church music nl1l1 oxl'lnlml IS I1gnlllst the mell wellrlll theIr hnts r. the church , " It Slems Ilrohnhle II 111 mOil took 01T their hnts throu hollt t 1t Her\'lce , hut IlIIt th,11011 I1gllll1 lIurl t. the lIermOll , gnrl } ' III the tlO\'lIt'el : cClltur } ' Ulnll } ' ot the cler ! ; ' helall In nttnc" the custom I1nd 111ellllcli j > r more refilled a 1111 becomllig helm \ . 1\ . In church. Dr. 1)01111 ( ' , lIellll o ( .0 Pl\ul's , "vol.e out sterlll } ' a alnst tl 11 , 111'l\ctlce , ' u , { e N'url ) ' e\'er } ' l\erSOn 'ou moet . 't looklllg tor "elicournJement. " 'Dut 1 I1S most 8uccesstulmen hn'e round It n ! l' c/tory to encournge thelUselves. , , . . . . _ _ _ . -A _ _ . . - - - - . . I 2:1. n5 " . . " . / - . . : . . - - - - , . . , ; : : . { . : > , : = l J , : . - - [ J- - . , . . . . - There Ar" I.I cstnbllshmentR , em. 1110'llIg ns11Ilyo / mnkl rs , In the t'lIlh'l1 8tlltl' ' ' , . \ . crl'ot IInlllln'l ! ' employed on rail. rOllll work north o ( 1l1rlllette , Wls , ; lit ruck rcc'lltl on n'ollllt ot the mos. 11ultol' ! ! . IIll'rl'Afll'S hn\'e heell mnlle by the II. IInols Cl'lItrnl rallrolllJ In the wnges or tell'Jrallhcrl ! nt ( 'erlnl1 stntlons nrHL O\'ul'tlllle grllllh cllIll cr certnln condl. tlolIS. A hsolutel ' the lIowest thing In or" nlllzl'lIlnllor Is the Grl'ater = , ew York Shoe 1'01l8hl'I's' VlllolI , No , I , which has juat been formell , with the object ot ! rcgullltlllJt Ilrlces 111111 hours. It has a melllbel'ship of SOO. 1'hls III a relllarkllble ! ! tory which cornell from ( nllsachuseUs of the mUll who , In order to tnke his wlCe IIbroad to IInlsh the trlllnlllg or her \'olce , hils closed his fllctOl' } ' RlIII thrown l , oo ell1plo'es out of wOI'I. , A report Issued b } ' the Cellsus u. rellu ou the textile Industry or the Ulllteci Stntes IIhows thllt the capllnl III\"cstcd lu cottoll IllIIUufActurlng In the Southcrn Stll tes Incrensed Crom * 20,41:1"1 : H In 1880 to $112.112\i20 : \ lu 1SDO IInd to $ lail i2. G1 In 1000 , 'l'h're Is tt'ouhle IIrewlng hetween the AIJIl'd Il'tal Ieehllncs : IUIII the Intl't'IIntlonlll 1l1'othl'I'hoOll of Blnck- smiths , 'I'he fOl'llwr wallt to clllim jurlslilction ovcr the hllll'1tsmlthll' help. ers , hut the hl'otherhooll olllclnis l'e' Cuse to 1001. at the mnUm' lu that light , Secl'ela1' ' Bl'all1wooll of the IUtN'- lIational 'l'nlO l'IIphlelll Ulllon , palll IleI' cllplta tax 011 .J2lH melllhOl's to the Amerlclln Fcderntlon of Lnbor COl' the Illonth oC III } ' this 'enr , 'l'hls Is the 1III''lIt / uumber of membm's the or. gnnlzlltion haN hnd since Itl ! Coundlltlou fiO } 'ellrs no. . A CClltme oC the new scale slgnell h } , the Hl'IHlhllc Iron nnd Steel compllny oC t'lttshm'g , which hils not as 'et lIlned promillence , Is thnt the com. lUln } ' IIgreell to estllhlllh an eight-hour da } ' In Its mills where\'er prnetlcahle , 'I'he ol11cllllll or \mlllgnmntecl nsso. clutlou recognize thlll ns \'Ictory , H , n. Alley oC Sellttle ," hns re. turned rrom Austrlllln , where he snys he Becurell $ lfiooOOO cnpltal to erect nncl opernte n woolen 111111 In Seattle , 'l'he wool growers o ( Australia nnll New ZelllnlHl nre Interested In hA\'lng n market ( or their product In the rap. Idly de\'eloplng northwct. Plnns In. clude n regulnr line or steamships be. tweon Seattle anll Austrnlln. An ngltntlon ( or n labor temple II' Chlcngo wns Inunchell At tbe last , meet Ing o ( the Ohlcago I.'ederatlon ot IJn bor. Chicago hns nearly OO unions Exceptln the Brlcklnyers nnd Stonl Insons' Uulon , nit rent bnlls Cor thel : meetings nnd helulquarters ( or the or ficluls , It Is estimated thnt n qunrto or . n million Ilollnrs III pllill out An uuull } ' In Chll'lIgo Cor hnlt rents mil meetluJ : : 111aceR , 'rho l'ec'nt con\'entlou of the Inter Imtlonnl Bl'lltherhoOlI oC Booltbhlller : del'hlt'd to sul.llnlt to rcfm'olilium ot the lIIemhcrH n Ilrollosltiou Cor th , pa'lIIont oC a Ilcllth henellt , It nisI UllllOllIted n commltteo on n boolt blllllCl'S' "home , " 1111tterllell nftel' th 1'I'IIItm's' home at Colorado Slll'ln . \Irelld ' $ : ! . OOOO hos hcen subscrlbel Cor the project , I t Is lIkel } ' the Instl tutlou will he IIltullted at Colornll ' : , g , \y , ' 1'atulO wns re-electel Internntlonnl pl'csldent. 8mllo thnt Snvml 11.lfo. . H , SOllie time aJo a dl'lIrate though IU n tlstlc h'l of lIllloR , 11111 Hlzzl hy nnnH ld ' lIell'na I ' of Queen Baa 11hotol1'1l1lh c- whIch Ill'r mlljcHt ' was rl'preseuted 1 \1 : a tholl htful nwotl. Stl'lllJhtway sh s , cOllceh'cl1 the hII'll of painting a 1101 I ! l'nlt of h'r lIo\'l'rl'l n alld of henutlC 'r. III It wllh a smile , which WllS wholl IU IncklnJ , : In the 11hoto rllllh. 'a 'l'hIRllhe dill , 111111 wlllll her work WI1 IInlshell she sunt It to the queen , wit thl'Ne wm'lh ; : " III ' hCl' IIIl1jest } ' Bmll In this mllllllCl' 1111 hOl' IIfl' . " . \ few lIa 'f ! Illter the child hecnme Sl l'lousl ' 111 IIl1d the Ilh 'l'Ilch\ll : : ! decide to IWl'fol'm an Ol11'I'ntlon 011 hl'l' , leRl whlll' the tJlll'cn 111\11 lellrned who hn SlJllt thc 111I11Itlll/ / : , 1111I1 the r8ult WII thl1 t n few hUlII's IH'fm'c tlw IIxell tlllI rOl' the ollerlltlull Dl' , Qnh'lco , the COIl1 Ilh 'sldllll , ( mtN'r1 ! IIta Hlzzl' : : ! hOIl : with hlSl'uetlolls ! from tlw Queen 1 tllltO the lI'st IHI slllll' ( 'Ill'l' of hel' , SOil after hIm callie thl' l'onlltl'"s : " Unlccln dlnl , enl ! oC thc QIICl'II'S rllllll's III wal In , wllh Il IIII' I' hex fl1l1 oC henutlfl 11rl'Sollts , nlllon them heln hexes I choll'o paint" , bl'U hl's , I'nI'1I'llIgH , jewell'lI hrool'h 1111I1 n tine Ilortrnit ot II tll ! Pl'lncess YU11111111" hclm\ ' which wel written sOllie klmll } ' wOl'lIs lIr the q\le ( lilt hcrselt. It } - - II } An 1 l1Icll'nt OI1l1'I'r. I . . \ . mlln who WI1S "Wlllltl'II" III lhl/oll ! 11ft hml br'n photorllphl'd , : In t'lx Clin't'I'I 1 ISI1 Iloslllol1s 111111 the Illct\lrel' WNI' Iltl n . clrculntctl limon ! ; the police 11l'11111 III mellts. 'rhe chh't of olle or these wro II\t , to hl'Hlql1nl'tcnI : n few dn 's after II ho IKS\lO or the "et oC Ilortrnits 111111 Htlltr ng "Sir , 1 hn\'e Ihll ' rl'cel\'l'11 the 1101'11'/1 Ith or the six ml Crl'lIlIts whose eaptu t Is desIred , I ha'e lII'rl'8tl'11 II'e rOl them 111111 the Rlxth Is11111 < ' 1' ohKer\ ' 101 Uon allll will he securell t"llIl'tJ } ' , " St - - liis. Ever rl1lnnrk how peoille IIdmlre 1101lto , sellslbll' , well.hl'llln'ed , huh' \1'10\18 boy ? Wh ' not bo tbnt khl Is bO ' 8 ? no's , nonr lack l\J1preclntli : h when tbe } ' beha\'o themselves. And Is a8ler to behave thnn It Is to act t : cc ' L , - - - . ' . . - - - - - Hl'r 'Vn . ' I IIDOlI't } 'OU thlllk she'f ! 111cda 111 0 tI t \ ( ' \ ' 7" " \\'h ' , h'r ohl1l11'ell Are lItUo teL' ro ! " "Y'R : but she wrltrs sll'h oed pa lIeril COI' our mothers' meetings. " 11111 8ujtJtelltlon : , 'HoW' cnn 1 malte m ' honrdlnA' housl more populor ? " Allkecl Irs , Snwedge , " 1'011 might , " repllell the stnr bonrd ( ' 1' , RflUllrlllJ ; lip to n bll oC stenk , "yot might luh'l'rlle ! Illls Curnlllhln nil tlu allrantlleS ! oC n } 'mIlAslllm , " Con ncctcll. "The } ' ( 'llIlm to be cOllect,11 wit ) Mme or the h'st film Illes. " "By tl'lellholle1" " 1.nycII In the 8hnllc. " , : - ' . - - A 0011I1 I.llItener. rr. , TlImIlcr-Yoll seem to like to tall to WhllkR , [ r. Jlmps-Yes ; he nerer r'ads thl papers , AIIII erer'thlng you ten him II new , " 'hen 01ll1"810n 18 8nCC088 , Clllra-Rhnll I write CouII11I Eliza thnt " 'e thllli. we will come O\lt to'Islt hel' ? CIIll'I'II'e-Xo ; the Inst tlmo we wl'Ote 'ou rememhel' , she got n wa } ' berore WI " nrrl\"ed there , : \TnrrlnJc ; 11 l nilurC' . PolII'n , llJ'l' so dccal\'ln , : : , nell } ' " 'h ' ? Pollr-Oh , Phil lIsed to rA\'e onr tII IIl1gel col.e ; allcl IIOW he Iloe/oln't like II bCCl1l1He I cnn't mllke 11Ig'erbread. ] ) lschnrJell. , Tl1I1ge-Yol1r wife has brollght slIl' lIgnlnst 'ou for Ilesel'tloll , sir , Whn hn\'e J'ou to SII } ' Cor } 'ourself. Acculled-lt thlll ' ' lIon - wns wn , 'ollr or ; ) ' 011 s'e , m ' wife IIskcd me to ben the carpet , alll- ! , T\ltlge-Ello\lgh ; you nro dlschnrgell IIcartlell" . SOIl\1leSR \ Snm-It's a henrtless world pard , GIl'SII whllt a woman done th , other dn } ' when 1 IIsked her t' glmm , somethln' t' keep hody nnd soul to getJ'r , l..ollg Ike-Dllnno , Son pless Sam-She glmme n snet : pIn. Correct. - V - = - - - , - . \ \ ! 'l'encher-Johnllle Stoles , how man mnlte a million ? Johnllll.-\'cr ' rew 011 dls enrth , UI' AIIlInAt It , Smlth-What'll till' trollhle , old mAn YOIl look liS If a Sllllnll hnd strucl. 'OI , JoIII'S-WOrse thnn that ' ho ' I'\ ' - , III } } . \ Just heen stl'llelt h ' two 10111\1alls , , 811I It hWhr. . how's thn t' , , Iolles-Oot twills at 0111' hO\lse. " 'ent One notter. , T\IllOIl-S \ 'lIrl'd-\\'hy , the poor WOII nn was so hndiy frlghtl'nell tl1llt tllrnoll her hall' white III tWCllty-fOl : hO\ll'i ! , .T'stN'-JIllh ! I Imow se\'ernl Ir : . \\'ho ha'e 1\1 1'1I'd their hall' 'ellow I ess tlmo thnll thn t. : \lltlUnclerstoocl. He-Do 'Oll thllli. 'our Cnther wi e , ) hjeet to III ) ' slllt ? She-I 110ll't see wh } ' he shollld ; he' ' ot one pxnc\l \ ' II1te It. - - I'n Unll I'nrchnRclI 801llt' . I.lttin WIIlIc-Su ' , 111I , whn t nre sun : nAry II1I'HRllres ? Pn-gllrl ) ' ftrawherl' } ' hoxrs , my SOl Iln rnnc IA UII"8. lnI'la-OIll' I.IW ' sn ' 11 sillce sbo WCl to colle eoIh ( ' haH lelrIlI'd : to he nn e : i'l'I't chn 1I\1'I'IISe \ , 1 w011l1l'r whll t thl III'nlli ! , JIII'I1I11 ? JIII'nIll-Oh , jUlo1t anothel' nnme C ( Fench cook , I r'clwn , . . , - - - - - - - Hh : lIenclA. "I Fel' HOllie OIlC hns In\'ented 1h : thnt will ftn'I < 'h ton ' size , " "JI'III ! It lIIust b ( ' Illtellllcd for cc lee rHlunh'II : , " I'niltfllll ) ' l'ructlcnl. "I B.hnll tnlw I ; III ' motto , " snlll t1 nll1hl\lous \ } 'olltth , "thu 1IIIII10rtui worll 'Be FlIl'e } 'OU'l'l ! rl ht nmI thell ' ' " 1hl'nll , m " 'l'ha t II1n . do III tl'l' In IIC ( ' , " nllswer ( 3ellutor Ser um , "hut fill' the prcsrnt Ihoulll 8Ih'lsl' 'ou to he " 1Il'1' foll1ooth In rl'lIow Is Im'lt } ' ullll then l'utd1 011 11 ' Ilt hhllt.-WH hlllJton Rtnr. I ' Alhlltlonnl 1I&ht. 't , " : \0 , " salel Ir. Bickers to Ir. Gn tit " : UII , who \lnd \ r/olumed n Buhject dl 1111 USIII'11 till ! 1111 ' h'fOl' ( " "Oil that pol d : . " rou Ill'e Ilel'leh'ltI'roll , lit "But 'OIthouht ! I was qulto rl re 'csterdn ' . " protl'lIt < , d UUZZI1I1l , or "True , hut 1'\1' tlllltl'll tlu sllbjl' , U o\"l'r with 111 } ' wlfu ShICl'-Detr ( I ree Pfl'SII , a The New Arrh'nl. IS' "IIA'Oll sr11 the new hl1b1" a8 Id , ! II enthuslnlltle 'J'muIllY. IHI "No , " repllell Frellt ! ' . . It u".ell , he's 1blrlt ! " h "A bird 1 I glles : : ! thll t's why t' ' ttork brought blm. " - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . HUMOR OF TIlE 'VEEK STORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Olld , Cnrloull nml I.nuJhnh1e ; Phnllell of IIUIIII1I1 1'\l1turc Url1l'hlcl111 ) . Ior- tru'cil , h ) ' 1 lIIll1cut , , 'ord ArtilltH of Our OWII ] ) I1)-A IhulJct of ) uu. Bnntlo1WusIII ! ( ' ' wnl ! going to nsk ollt Blllllon Cor hli ! dnughter'l : ! hand , WUlo1l1'tll' \ " nlllllti-lJe did nsk him. Hnllits-llow did he come ollt ? Jullla\-l1I \ the hl1clt of his ncck , I be. lIe\'e-Jlld I" An Awful Jolt. "The fare Is nn Index to the mind , " sAhl the bOAnlN' who deals In quotn. tlOllR , "I dOIl't helle\'e It , " Hnnl1pell the An. JlIll1r flI1ale Ilt the ellll o ( the table , who Is entitled to ullownnco for nge , "One exception , " replied the qllotA' tlon dllo1pellHer , "If ! necessnry In order to III'O\'c the 1'1111' . 'Therefore It ftanlls ! to renRon thllt when n womAn's Cnce Is made 111 hel' mlnll Is 1I0t necelo1sllrll ' In the slime condltlon-ChleAgo News. Vl1ryln . Uncle-How old , lire } 'Oll , Jlmm ' ? , TlmmI nm 1:1 : nt hOllie , H n\ I I school nnd ] 1 In the trnln , He I.lIccl1 It Hnrc. [ r9 , YOlln Wife ( on , her first mnr , kl'tln tour-I ) wnnt two pOlllllls of beefstenl. , end hn\'e It rnre , Illel1sc. ne et It Al1 HIJtht. - . . r _ . . . . I Hill Collcrtor-Yoll su ' } 'OI1 Intend h. IlIl } ' this hill some time ; can't 'ou set a cel'taln dny ? LII \ \ ' 'cr Furst-Yes ; judgment dnr , , -Chlcllgo Amerlcnn , Cnrr-inJ : It to 1'xceRR. "Frisbie Is all exceedlnly ! polite I11l1n , " sold Cumso , "lIe cnrrles polltcness too Cnr , " replied - plied Cn wlwr. "I did not think tbat wns pORslhle , " "Well , 1'\'e Imown him to remo\'o his hat when tnlldng o\'er the telephone teA . . . A Ind } . Her Preference. Clnrn-Don't 'ou like to Jtet out In the woods on ) 'our knees where you cnn exnmlne the heautles or nnture ? ll\ull-l'd rather get on some ono 'else's knees , Needy Indeed. "Can't yer help a poor mnn dat Is wldout mone ) ' ? " whlnel1 the rusty Indl , \'ldulII on the shlewalk. "Hut how do I know thn t you nr < : without mone ' ? " demanded the pros. pl'l'OUS citizen. "How do 'er know ? 'YbJ. , can't Yl'l Bce 1 don't wCllr n panama hllO" The Trouhle. noan-What's the mntter with thl ! III n l'l' 'j m'l'cl-Shl"s lIlad hecame she thlllk her hn t Isn't on stt'lll ht , A Goo" IlIIltntion of SnCCCAI < . Frl'llerkk-l'ool' Felix , he Is n MIl 11l'lLln flll\ure \ ! I II/cnc-Fnl\ure / \ ? 110 hnR ot nenl" I ' thl'Oulh tire without enr doing 0 dll "s worl. , If the Trusts Continue. - II. ,111111'1 < - ; he'f stlllrlsllll- : ? IIl'o\\"n- ( 's ; soon a port'rhoul' wll l'Oot 11M lIlueh us n 11welllng house , _ Ie , A tllITerentll1tter , ' , 0 The Bell utBbllt 'ou tolllll\lla } 'Ol coulll Itke'p me In the st 'le 1 wes nc II I'ustolllell to , I Thl' B'nst-So I could , dear. It II er th ( ' fl' ( ' < ) uent ehnnglng ot the st 'le : 'Co tha t hrrn I.s me. Terrible Hncer. GUIlll'r-The ' sn } ' tbnt fntal nutomo z. hili' In ew Xork WAS shnped IIko I Is , l'Hnl' . ut Gu 'er- Well , It It h\ll been shnpel IlIw n clgnretto there would hn \ ' hI ! leell SOIllO excuse Cor It killing l1copl ( JnHt the I.onk" . c& & "I wish } 'OU"oullln't seAl your All lit 10UIIl''III'lIt enrlls , " said young Jone " \\'h ' not I" nskeclll1e tullor. "HI'l'IIU I' III } ' 1IIIIIIIIId } ' thinks tbe , k , ,1' ( ' hills , It hurtli UI } ' credIt. " Hel h'cr U. . ( rom Our Frlcncl8. "I 1Ilclll't Imow thc ) ' were engaged. " ' wern't hut their rrlends "The } : dl ht , 'hll'cl It wonllt he n splellllid Ulntch , R , here wus nnthln ; ; else ( or them to do , . - - - - - A u. , , " _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Canny Paupers Had E ' t Pat Bank Account t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' _ _ J Whether the town or Stnte shnl1 take' Action to recover nenrl } ' $1,200 said to. be on dellOslt III n Wllre , Iass" bnn14 to the l'redlt oC a Cnlllll } ' thut hus beel' ' I recelvlllg lInulJer 1'IItions from the tOWI * , tor tl'l1 } 'ellrs Is bothm'llIg the aut1l0rl4- tics III I'nllller. As fill' liS the town Is concerned Iii has lot : : ! nothlnl ; h ' the transnctlon nmi. It Is lIot IIkel } ' to , ulllcss It may bD- sOllie l'Xllcnse Inchlelltlll to nn nttem ' . . . . . . thllt will be III1Hle to reco\'er tile ; ' fol' the cOllllllonwenlth , which hns re4 hnbl1l'sed the to\\11 Cor the chnrlty ; doled onto . It hils been leorned that there I something o\'er $1.UOO oWlled In " 'ArO' b } . this Cnlllll ' , which hils been get. . tlng wel'k ncter week orders on busl lIess lIlen , so that nnllunlly the bill Coot cd Ull to nmounts between $ ; )0 allll $80 , , 'fh cnlle first came to the nttcntlolt or the I'nlmer o\'erseers liS tnI' bnck nil- I 18 { } IInd slnco then nld hAs been glvn en l'egulllrl } ' ncter It WIIS found thnt ; t fnlllll ' wes n State chnrge , nnd thllt the town WIIS merel } ' IIcting ns ngent : Cor the State In gl\'lng nsslstllnce. It ull10rs tha t occnslonnll . reAch"l the enrs or the ol1lclnls endell with th& 111\'l'stlgntions Allll legnl nd\'lce wnl : 1 talwlI III the mllttel' . 'l'he legal 0111nlon wns solicited In thl } I question as to whether It Is for the town or the State to tal.e netlon ; and thc IInswer wns that there beln no artlon of cOlltrnct between the State I and the famll ' It seenll. ! Incumbent on. , , the town to tnke It Ull with It. clause } speclf 'ln thllt the attemIlt to l'eeO\'OI' the monpy III to bo mnde In behnlf of the Stnte. . . It Will ! sUlgestec1 , sn's the New Y01'I\ : IIerahI , thnt IC the fnmlly got An Iden. or the Illtentioll the mone ' would be } wlthdl'HWlI , hut e\'en If this wns done It Is helll'\'ell there will rcmnln just ns stroll n case oC obtnlnlng money tJ. . , . , under fnlse 1ll'etenscs. CRANBERRY GROWING , l ruit Crop thnt Hcqulrol Cilpttnl for It'i Culture. Cl'Hnberr ' growers of the UnltOll Stntell had to their crelllt Inst } 'ear a crop of lOOOO ( ) ( ) bushels , Of the \'a- 1 rled Industries that hn\"e shown unusu- nl l'eHults there nre none with a more notnble reeord , Cor the Cl'Op or moo wns ( ) ! ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) hushelll , These fnets mean thnt the owners of the crllnberry bogs han recel\'ed nenrly $1 , iooooo , Cranberry ; raising Is nn Industry which , desl1lto the populnrlty of the rrult , bas com. ! mnnded smlln nttentlon trom othe tban those directly Intorested. Cnpltal Is an absolute necessity to engnge In It successfully , AS n prolluctlve bog costs trom $300 to $ OO nn ncre to bring t j a stnte of prolltnhle benrlng , ' In Septmnber the cranberry hArvest ; begin ! ! , Although Octoher mny moro properly be cnlled the hnn'est montb : When the section of the hog where the plcldng Is to Is selected It Is dl \'Idell Into rows , the boundar ) ' lines beIng Ing morlwd h ' stout twine running the r elltlre lellJth of the section , 'l'heso row \'aQ' In wlllth fro III two to three fcet. A row Is osglgllcd to Il plc'ltel' , who must strlll the \"Ines. thel'en ! thoroughl ' he1 fore he Is allowl'll to chllngo to anothelt row. The lII'tho < 1 of relllo\"lng the ber rlcs Crolll the \"IIIes Is simple nlld ex 1ledltloulo1 , The pll'lwr places his IIng erll I'IlIghtl . sl1l'elll : ollart henenth tlllj Yh1l' , or hU/olh , dOHe to the gl'OUIll1. . \1 ! } ulck upwllrll mo\'ement , IIl1d hIs hnnd hnyo strhlpclI the \"Ille oC Its fruit. The crnllhl'1'r ' bog blossoms In Juno nnd It Is Its 1I1)llellrnnce 11.1 this stagd of growth thnt gl\"es the berry Itri. name. , lust Iwfol'e expnlldlng Into per" Cect 1\ower \ the "telll , clIl 'x IInd petuI resl'mble the lIeek , h,1l11 IItIIl bill or I crane , lIeneo the name "cruneberry , ' \"hld1 usoge hils shartenell to "cran ; herr ' , " OVCI'crowllln : , : In 1.001lIon. . \ comlllittee of the LUlldon County Counell hns recrntl ' "tudlell the < 1UeR tlon of o\"lrerowllhl ! ; , bn/oled on the ceni BUS of 1001. 'l'clI 'eal's pre\'lousl ' , ht ISD1 , snIiUS : llel'lIolls were lI\'lng III H , 8-14 1011 ln 1I of less thnn lI\'e rooms , " 'Ing IIn n\'cl'nl : ( ' of 2.0U Ill'rsons pe 1'0011I , 1 n m01 , i2t1OfHi pel'solls WN'I 1I\'ln In 121iil ; Ih\"l'IIIII 1I oC less tlml l1\"e roe 11I/01 , " 'llIg IIn n\I'u o ot 2,8. 111'1'801111 IIl'l' room , In Ism thcl'e wl' :108,1118 : 11 WI'IIIIIJII oC II'e rooms 01' IIIOI' to the populntlon of lSS'i ! ) ; ; , or 11,1 t l1'rSIU8 1)1' ) clwl'lllll , III 11101 thcl'c wl'reli : \ , 11111w'lIhl S of fI\ ' ( ' rooms Ill' mOl'e to a pOll\llntlon ot 2OSii-.2 ( ; P/'l'- ' ' ' ' ' d ' , On OIlS , 01' six 11l'I'SOIlS ! ll'l' w'lIIlIg Ihe wholl' , tllI'lI , the ti1l'I'S Bhow n I 'I1I ht Impro\"l'IIIl'nt In the sItuation , " " " " 'ill lIl' un I ccontrilJ ) Inn. A rich 1U1I1 e'ccntrlc mnn who I1lel1 the other dn . III Berllll left n will whll'h was to he 01e11l'11 IUlIIIedlntel } ' IInd : t. codicil to he opened anl'l' the tunernl. 'i'he will Bllhl : "I"er } ' lII'mher of m } ' tnmn ' who shall nhstnlll (1'011I ntteml. Ing m ' tUllernlls to recel"o00 : \ mnrks. " AR n result the funeral wus nttelll1ed I h ) ' hIs houBeteeper ! , n IlIstnnt cousin. 1 On the colllcil helllJ , : opened It wn ( ounll to ellnet thnt the residue or hl9 fortnne was to be 11I\"lIlel1 nmon ! ; these who , notwithstllnlllllg the los ! ! ot the 300 marks , nttended his ( uneral. lIellco the housekol'pl'r gets nil ; but the helr threnten to II1s1II1to the will , I'lscntorlnl 'l'rutht\llnoss. "Fish will do slngulnr thlll S , " SA 'S n locnl cOllt11I110rnr ' . But IIohod } ' enr beard o ( n IIsh's 1"lng nhout the slzo ot the man thut cnught It.-Dotrolt Free Press , . . You would never know bow ImplJr , < tant some men are It tbey didn't lutorlll , you. . . . . - . . . - - - - - - . , - - - - - , , , . , J ; ' .