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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1902)
. . . . , . , . . " " . . . ' ' . " . ' . . ' . . . . . _ ' , I n'Io < QIuntcr Qto. 1lcpubUcQU , - " - t'nbllehCllo''ty 't'hnr , , lfty III lhe Conuly Bollt. - - - - - - - n. I. Ammmmy. . . JMltur _ I.'f11co In Cn lcr lII0ck. I'onrlh ve. . . . " , _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ -------0- ' " Rnll'rl'lI 01 U" , loMlon\cI \ ( nt IIrnkclI lIuw , Noh. , as N1I1.olnDIIHer for tfRo mlp lolI throllKh the U. M , Millis. , . - - - - - - " " 8U1I8CJUI"rIUN ) 'HIOK : OoeYl1l1r.hllldvnllro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00 . . . - - - - - - . . - . . - . - A\JVlm'1'18INO \ ItA't'ltH. nile ( 'olumll. I'U 111ol1lh , 7.JO. Onr.II"lf col. limn. l'l'r mOllth. 510.1 ( lllllrlrr collimll , 1'1'1' ' Alolllh..r.o : IA'p IImll 111111'f'r \ cui II III II , W COl1t J1er Illch J1er mOllth. Or.rnll Oil 1I1 1 J10KO ( , I ) cOI1I J1er IlIth , 1'01' ' 1I101llh J..oc/lIIIlvorll / , h , 1\ I''II' ' I'M ' IIno l'IIcll ln cr. UOII. UOII.NoUI ( IIf chllrrh fnlr . oclnllh' nl1tl "l1lmlnlll' 111"11111 wlwru Innlll' ) ' I. ehlllltl'l , 1I1.hlllf , rnlr , HotlolUOUCI1R CII" " 'P"IIIUIIII. , ollt'hnlr fIIl. . , Wl'lldlng I otlC"1I In'c. h,1 ! 1"11' " for 1)lIhll"III , IIAt of ' ( ' ' ' ' ' . DOllt 11101"011 frr' " , hnl ! Irle" , for J111hllphll1 obltllllr ) ' 1I0tle"II. " 1111 cnr , ! " or Ihollk8. IAO nllloUcu' III 1'111' " Iruvhlcd , hI 8'l1tnh 1I of NelJ/8sk" . 'I'hursday , AIIg" . H , lCI02. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stn to TlolwL } : 'or Uovcrnllr- .I. 11. l\IICKKY , of 1'011 < . ! . 'or Llcull'lIf1nl.jooycnfl' { E. O. l\IcG I UPON , of Douglas. l'or g'crntnr , or HI > II- Ug01 GE W. l\IA I SJ I , or It lellarll801l. I For Tr lI.nrl- ! PE'l'gR l\lOHTj SI N , of Volley. For A1HJllu- C1 LAl 14gS WESTON , I Uf I\lJcrlllen. . ' . 1.'ur AlInrnpv.Qnnnrnt - FRANK X. pr OLJ'Iof ( ; age. 1' ( > , I 'omlnIOAlon'r rnhlt ' 1."r1 11111' IInlll1l' , - < :1101g : ; D. FI. ) / l\O ( ( I , II r : > IuckollK ( for ( 'onllnlp'onpr ' "IIt:1r " : In.'rurllon- WILT4IAl\1 K. J"OWII' / I , \\/I.lIllIllnll : - - - Congro8slollnl Tlclot. } : 'ur CongrO.1I13' " Ixlh 1I'Ilrl- , l\1. 1' . KINKA I D , or o' ell. Roproaontnt Ivo Tlokot. I'or IIrllr"POn'BtI\/ . IJ 111. " h t _ A. lI. COPSKY , of Wcstcn'ille. S. C. WAI4DHON , of Over. - - County Ticket. 1 < " 01' ' Cuunty A1Inrl"'Y- A. H. llUl\IPI11 gy. Broken Bow Township Ticket. For : : ' , 'lJlnllJl.lrl. t- G. n. TJlORPI . For'ro\\"lIsh'p ' mo.k- . I A. D. I ANGS. For Town.hlt , 'I'r"IIAII"'r- .I. M. K11\1Bl RI4TNG. For 'l'owmh'lI ' AAPC. . ' > r- W , 1\1. V ANNICg. I'or Roa" OVl'rACl'r III. . , "t Nil lIb l- Ib CUSJll\IA N. For Hoa1 ! OVI"'I'r 11rlct \ ' 0. \ ! - JOllN KI' NNOygR Eor 1111/111 fV , " " " ' " II.A rlo' " ; 11 :1- : 14. l\TcCANDJ41 SS. For 110.,111\,11' . " " , 1 1 1'lct Nil. .1- r411 ONARD II gl Sll. I'or Hoall Ov"r l'or ) ) I. rlrl . . ' - C. E. l EC'rO R 1'01' HO/III Ovl'r.Jletttt / Nn.ll- HI NHY l ggDI R Iror nOR,1 OVLr o I' Dlllr'lll ' " 0.7- J. N. WII S'I\ . UCIHthllcun Senutorial ConnmllclII. 'l'hc l cpublicans of thc I.'if- tccnth Senatorial District of Nc. braslm arc hereby called to mcet in a convcntion in the city of Onl , in said District on londay , Scp- tcmber 1st , 1cJ02 at 10 o'c1ock A. 1\1. ' , forthc purpose of pIacing" in in nomination a candidate for Statc Senator , tllIl for the transaction - saction of any othcr business which may propcrly come hefore said convcntion. 1. A. R1\NI\AU \ \ , Chairman Scnatorial Committee. , . . - - - - - - 'l'he I cpublican party i the onIy enc that has c\'cr nHlIIe an cfTort to enact Icgislation or bring suits to control the trusts of thc United States. 'I'rusts prospers most when timcs arc gOHI ( , hencc thc repnb- Iican party is responsiblc for the cxistance of trusts , according' to the logic of the popocrat or 'ans. Indidduals prosper most whell times arl' good , whkh is thl' reason - son that most people an' ag'aill voting thc fl'lIJlhlican tkkd. . - - - - Next t\hJJlIlay is the da tl' of t hl' rcpuhlican sl'natoral cOI1\'l'ntion. It , is callcII to meet at Ord. No mcmher of the Ilell'g'a t ion from Custcr county shouId fail to at- tenet. 'I'he importancc of thl' occasion demands that e\'cry del- cgate hl' prcsl"'nt. I t will he nccessary to start the day he fore. . - - - - - - W. G. ll astman , OIlC , of the gcntlcman who is running for rcprcsentativl' 011 thl" democratic ticket , is said to he a nice little man-allll wc preHlmc Ill' is , hut as a mcmher of the k'gislature of 181)8 be camc ahout as Ileal' hein ' an absolute nonelltity as cver held down a hig- chair in a legislative - lative body. Afiide from Ilraw. ing his saIary anll mileage , the only carthly thing' he did during the whole session was to intro- a bill handed to him by somc lobb'ist , anthorbdng the state to appropriate the sum of $350. 000 to help keep the hreath of . , .r , . ' . . . . ' . .A . . . . . J- ' - . Iire ill that sttl'rlItllttated ) old ! -oham ! ulOwn as tile ( ; ulf railroad. ( 'alIawa ) ' Courier. 'I'he JI ) -I -i aI i ; il'-tlltiOIl-o ! in 1J0uglas COli n ty looln very nlll ! ' h lil' / DaVI ! l\lercer will hl'dl'katl'd in thc prilllaries forrellolllillatioll to congress. 1 f the clailll of the Bee is trlle that Icrcl'r has ceased to he a resideltt of Olllaha and has his re ideltce ilt allothcr state , we do lIot hesitate to say he shollid IJl' tlll'lll'd down 110 lIIattl'r huw g"ood lIIay he his re- conI ill COllgresR. Whl'lI ascI'- \'allt of the pllhIic ill allY de- partllll'lIt hecollles so illlportallt that he is aho\'l' lIIillg"lillg" with his COllstitllellts he is to impor- " ' them and tallt to loltg"er rcpresl'lIt shollid be releg"atl'd to thl' rear wit hOIl t cermollY. 'I'hen' a 1'1' doubtll'shUlulreds uf othl'r good IIII'll , equally as well caklllated to IIInl < e g"ood cOllgressmell that could he chosen 1u jill thl' position that reside ill the district anti arc in touch with thc people. _ . _ - - - - 'I'he sole arg"ulllent advancl'd in hehalf of l\lr. Tooley a a call- didate for representativc is that if l'll'cteil he will do sOlllething" for thl' schools. 'I'hc sdlOols of Nehraka haw already been well cared for an(1 an' constantly IIn- der the l'are of . .tate and cOllnty sllperi 11 tentlell ts. 'I'here arc sOllie olld things of'ital intercst to Custer cOllnty farlllcrs that neetl legislative attention hall'y ' , and Olll' of thl'lII is thc lIIatter of as- 'sesslllcnt ' anti taxation. All that l\1 r. Toolcy cOlllcl tlo for the schools wOIIId be to introducc a hiII to ) cate a normal school at Brokcn Bow. Such a hiII woultl ha\'c no show of passing , but 1\11' . Tooley , as its espccial champion would fritter tilt ! wholc session away trying to get it throllgh to the cxclllsion of hllsiness of morl' importancc to his farmcr consti- tucnts. Waldron alul Copsey wOlllel hOtl1'otc to get a state 1I0mai school for Custcr cOlin ty , hut that will not be thc soIe husi- ncss at 14incoln. 'I'hcy arc plellg- cel , if elcctcd , to work fur a IIni- for hasis of'aluation fot' the purposc of taxation , in all the countics of thc state , thlls doing away with a system which for years has rohheel thc taxpaycrs of Cllstcr cOllnty of thollsands of dollars annllally.--Callaway COllrier. ' ' ' , ' 'I'ho Slwl'iIl'I'I'I'Ho Unelcr thc aho\'c caption the Cllster COllnty Beacon devoted a colllmn anll a half in a vaill en- IIl'a\'or to refnte our article two weeks ago in which we prollllced fig'llres to show that the sheri IT lIIilage fees for colleccting' dcli- lI"l'n t taxes where ex horbia tal'lIt anel not with ill the limits of the law. law.Not Not withstanding the thinlless of thc arg-llmellt put lip we ha\'e a desire to cOIlg"ratulate the Beacon for its fairncss in its e ITort to defcnel the sherilT in his over chargl's. OnlonCl' in the article diel till' wrifer resort to personal inuelulos to holstcr lip his IIl1popllIar calise. 'I'he Beacon. which two weel- ; a 'o was the agTl'ssor ill this ( Iis- cIIssion showell the weakncss of its cOllse last Wl'l'k forsaking its position anel taldn'g' lip the dc- fense. ' It is all ulIllsual tllrn of at1iairs for an editor much Icss fill' a law\'er. 'I'w ) wecl < s ag'o thc Bcacon assertl'II : "Thl' l'ollllty hoanll'lItcrcll illto II l'OIl- tral'l ill ils Jllly Illeetill lI rccillg to pav hcl \rlllstlOlIg : I ' l'Cllts per mill' flir l'al'h mill' 1Il'tlllllly IIlId t\l'l'cssarily lravcl- I'd ill SI'I"\'illg llistn'ss warrallts , IIlId ill IlIlrSllalll' ( ' thell'or , ltiredl'll Ihe COllllt\ " tn'aslln'r 10 iS'Hle ; ror Wllrrallts Ihc l'olll'- liOIl or II IlIrJe : ( 1IIII01lllt or delillqlll'lIt pl'r- sOllal ta"'l's. " \ \ \ , Ill'll iell t he assert ion a lul stateel that the slH.'rifT olTerl'd to do the work for 2Y cents a mile. Hilt therc was no reconl that thc I'rop1sition was e\'er accepted by t hl' hoarll. Thl' Bl'acon n'ceeds from the first Iledaratioll anel pleaels : " 1Ierc is 1111 mlmiosioll that , \Ilnslrollg lold Ihe hoard hc wOIlItIl'1u1I"l' : lJJ l'Cllls I'cr lIIile. 11 is also eOIll'edc 1 thai Ihc loalll onh'rl'lla large 1I1111111l'r or diotn'ss \lallanl ! > plm'ed ill Ihl' sl\l'ritT's \ hallds IIlIdlhal Ihl' sheriff pl'rfollll:11 : his dlltv. III IIIW , Ihis is a l'ulllrnl't liS hillllillg as "if ill \I rilillg , 111111 nectls nothillg fmlhl'r to make it hinlling- . The rl'al l'ontral'l , howcvcr , was , that thc hoanl wouhl pa , ' II thl' rate or : I I'cnts pcr mill' for th'e chslanl'l' frolll thc conntycat ! to thc hOllle or l'ach Ileli'lllcnt 11I111 rcturn 10 lImkl'n I ow. . ' 'hat was the ag-n'cltlt'nt. whether In Wrltlllgor not , nnd daims I IIccunlin ! ; to that ngrcemcnt havc bcctl " " . . . . . . . . . . . .t > otv _ . I - allowcfl herol'c 111111 ! liltl'I' Ihe rcjcction or Ihl' Olll' 11m" in ' 1nl''Iliotl. ' ' 'I'hc reader will Ilote that ill .luly the Dcacoll a"serts that thc she'rilT claims to havc madc a contract to collect 011 the lIistress warrants , charging" only half the fee the law provillevis II. ! cents a milc for each milt. actuallv and neccssarily travell.d. It w'ill he n'lIIemlwrl'd in this conncction that the sheri IT's hill in .Iul\ ' is the onl' in contru'ersand' the nllC thl' hoard refllsl'1 ; to pay. 'I'hl' " " "the hoarcl alledg"illg" , charge as 111 ( ; tgl' is cxcessive and III- l'g-al. " 'I'he distre - ; warrant. . \\'l'J' ( ' plan'd in thl' sheri IT" hanll- ! I for coIled ion as earl\ ' as last I ( ) l'cl'mhl'r 011 which tile Beacon claims , "thl' sherin' had perform- l'd his duty" an 1 his olTer in July to do thl' work III .I 11 Iv could not in an y scnse he const ri lied as a contritd hctwecn him and thc hoard. ' Hut we are of the opinioll that I th ! ' Hl'acon is olT in its Ilates , and ' I' t hat the 0 ITer of t he sheri IT was madl' prior to .Iuly. But our contention is that the ! 1herifT's hill is illeg-al fot' the rl'aon t hat hI' c : h a rg"ed m i leag-e nut IInly in l'xcessuf the 2 c ( nts a mill , hut ill excess of 5 Cl'nts a mill , 1'111' l'ach milc actually and IIl' 'essarltravch'd. . 'I'he 'hoard \'l ry wi-l:1 v rejectell claims for milcag"c fjr the si III I'll' reason that it n'prl'sented more miles tran'led than wOlild ha\'e hl'cn possihle for the sheri IT and his deputy to ha\'e traveell ! ill a year at 50 milet each a day , six days a wl'ck. For installce , his claim ! on milcagc alollc for distress warrallts not collcctcll were : 1\1 arch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ( IO 35 .Innl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hl1 00 'I'otal. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ H71 25 Hall hc only chargcd 2j : ! cents per mile hc would ha\'c traveled thirty four thousand , cight hun- IIred lift\ , four milcs , which at 50 miles a < Ia \ ' wouhl havc takcn hl17 da\'s , lilOre thall two years of worldllg" days. Does thc hOliest alul un predjuced reader he ! ic\'e for a minute that he travelcd that Iltllnher of miles from .Ianu- ary 15 , I cJ02 , to .Iunc 1'JU2 , only ahollt Ii\'c mouths and stopped OJI thc route and tried to collcct cach of the distress warrants against thl' party whom heVl'nt to seer Docs thc taxpaYl'r want the board to ailow any such amount to thcir reform shl'riIT or any sheriff fOl' ' traveling' cxpcnsei ? 'I'he plea that thc sheri IT ma \ ' ha'e to , 'isit soml' of thosl' feir whom he has distress warrants three 01' fOlll' times alld go in a ig' ag" diredioll from one to thc othl'r docs not make' it any more plarusiblc that Ill' trn'cleil ; , HX54 miles in live months 011 u IIcollectcd warrall ts whl'n , in thc s , ne space of time he travel- cd S , 110 miles tosecurl' the monl'V he colledell , liglll'ing at 2 ! : cen- ; a mill' for which he collcctl'd of those he distressed , $207.75. 'I'his wouillmakc a gralul total of ' 12,1Jh'lmiles in 150 days , or : Eito711.10 for tra\'cling CXpCIISCS aIonl' ill li\'e mouths , for which he does lIot account to the county hesules drawing' a salary of $20UU a \'l'ar. \Vl' think ttw Beacon concludes wisley when it saill that : " \\'hen a I \\I \ lit cts Ilnlllk L' lhcr 011 h:1I1 : whiskey or corrupt parlisanislll. he ner : l'all ! > ee anything righI , and thl' onl' l'a c or inlo\ication : is as hIli I a ! ' . Ihe Ollll'alltl rnlly liS tll' " Wl' arl' indinell to think thc pnblic willexclalln in toncs that can not he mistakcn whcn thc\ ' rcach the hallot hex the 4th o'f ncxt No\'embcr that "Thou art thl' man" and the party that endorses - dorses that kind of reform will he sl\llwl'd so deep that thc trumpet of ( ; a hrid wi II not resmrect it on thl' da \ ' of J ullgl'ml'nl. . Olllrcdl'cmill/l' Ilualit . V in the Beacons article is the ac1mowlcclg- l'mcnt that the lHl'tTIIlICAN was currect whcn wc stated that the shcritT llid not account to thc coullty fur the fees hl. ' cullects on miIeage hut retainecl them for ' allll in the " expenl'e ; following" language says : "The statctllCllt or thc lIal'oll that Iht. 1II01ll'y ill controvcrsy"onhl go bal'k 10 Ihe trl'aSttry WllO ; IlOt"holty " l'OI't"I'l't. " Thl' asscrtion of the Beacon that no sherin'of thc coullty or state al'counts for milag'c' cllW' " not lIIale it right. If truc. it is surdtillle that a halt was call- l'llu w. 'I'hc law was ne\'l'r in- tl'nclell t ha t such enorlllous l'X. Pl'USl' fees shoulcl he paid to thl' shl'ri ITs. ' 1'11 ( ' Ileal'on ilia kcs a nut hl'r stateml'nt that only re'luirL's fl'- Jll' at i n g' t n I a'y ha rc its I'a I' I sit.Y . I t sa vs ill slh'a ki ng' 0 r how t hl' sh'erilT l'xpclllls thc milcagl' that : . . .It 'is a tI 10 pay till' 1''pclI ! > es of tht. sherilT ilt thc serv l'e or tlistlcss"lInnllts " ntlll olher papcrs plncell ill his hntllis fur Mt'\'il'l' . Hc tlllI 1 pay hiH Ilepllty. Int. , or hire tenlll . pay the CXpCIICCS of hIS Ileplll v nt\ll \ Il'lItll while IIInking- . atlll to l'o\l' : ! ' ulher cxpellses COlllledcl wilh thl' UI1 Cl' . " E\'cryonc lwow : ; that the , , J . . e . . , . . . - - T r _ ' - " deputy ! ' ; lIcriff i a110wcd a salary I of S700 a veal' bv the count ) ' and I" in"tead 01' the siwrilT paying' him with till' lIIilcagc fces as claimecl' ' , ' hy ttll' Beacon hl' is paicl out of : : the fees accountedfol' . See thc I rcport of thc sheri IT in his sellli- I. illlllual rcport as puhlished ill thc Beacon as wl'il as lIearl , ) ' all thc f othcr papcrs of the county. 11e cloei ! 1I0t use OIlC cen t of his" mileag"l' to pav the cll'put"s salar ) ' , hut puts. it down in his : : OWII pod t to thc tunc of thousft : ands of dollars annuall\ ' and thcn ' : hwug"ht suit against IC county ; . hecause the repuhlican memhers : ' of thc hoal'll put thcir veto on ' : such lIIethods heing perpetuatl'cl. : ' Can allY one but a "blind part- : : isoll , " hlame them for illtel'\'l'lI- ( ' . illgin hehalf of the tax-payers ? For our part we are trulgIad thl' Hl'acoll hroug"ht up thl. t . , suh- ject. We hacl felt that the puh- lic should know thc truth of thl' wholc matter , hut Wl' werc loth to heg"in it as wc knew that some would charg"e that it wa' a repuhlican lil' for : political ciTed. Now theo.l'l' ; : thl' facts allll the n'pttll L'an : ml'mbers of the hoal'll an' ful1\ ' , justi lied ill the stand tal < l'1 . : . ' ( 'he on1\ . ' criticism we ha\'l' hl'ard is that. they shouIcl caught on : sooner. I - - - - : , ulit'e tu lIehucpwnt 'l'11 III1J"l'I'H I ! . - - - - As you oug-h t to know , personal - : al taxes arc clue Octohcr . 1st of ' , each ycar , a 11I1 arc dehnCluent , and subjcct to distrcss warrant i being issued li'cb. 1st of cach year following. 14alHl tax is due ! Oct. 1st , deliquent .May 1st , and ; aclvertised Oct. 1st , and sold to : highest bidder , or at prh'ate sale O1st aftcr date of hccoming' : dUl' - ' accorcl- . su g-oycrn yourseh'es - ingI ) ' . 'l'hc law says you shall appear at thc trcasurer's ofiicl' anll pay your lXl'S , and if you (10 Ilot , thc count\ ' treasurer shan collect personal ttXl'S ; by Ilistress warrant after the abovc datl's. 1 bclie\'c that ncarly c\'crybolly want. . , to pay their taxe without co.ts , ancl I ha\'e conclucled to takc this mealls of 1I0tifying' . l'\'l'ryonl' throug'h the press. Du lIot nl'glect this matter , hut at- tl'lId to it as soon as possihIe , as I do nat want to makc you a I' " extra expense , hut J Hiust an l will collect delinq11l'nt taxes ac- cording" to law , as 1 heIil'\'e that was what I was elcctcd'lIur tr'aSUl'l'r for.V. . A. ( ; HOHCg , 7 tf County'I'reasurer. " 'ntel Inr rt Chill. 1J0wl'\'er slight at this timl' of \ear and in this climatc , it is the 'forerunlling of malaria. A clj - position of yan , allll an an tired out I\'cling even comes bcfon' the chill. IIerbine , by its prompt stimlllativc adion on the liver , clri\'cs the malarial germs out of thc system , puri lies the blood , tones up thc systcm and restores health. SOc at ElI. McComas' Broken Bow and : l\ll'rna. 0111 SI tt1CI'S Auuuull'lcuil' . Will be heId in John WcIsl's gTO\ ' ( near Wcstcn'illc on Saturday - day , Septemher 13th , IIJU2. 'I'hl' sC\'l'ral committel's arc making' nccessar\ . ' arrangements and able speakers. will he present , among wh ich arc lIon. Ii' . 1\1. Currie , II. 1\1. Sulhvan , C. W. Bcal , and othcrs. 'Phose desiring to han' a g"ooll time and cnjoy a day of in shad ' ' .ill not ollting a ) grc\'e bl' d isa ppoi n ted. Bvcryone come both old and YOllng. AmpIL' shade for all , inclllding- your teams. , - - - - - - ' 1'0 c"n.l A COI.I ) IN ONH 1)- , ' 'I'/lko IaxnUlo JlIIHl1. . ( Julnluo Tllhl t8. . \ II tI1lltlst ! rnhlllll the mUlloy If It tllils 10 Cllro. t . \ \ " ( /rovu's / KlguRturo Is 011 each IJO . 250. . Curect I 'Ht . W. S , Baily , P. O. Truc , writcs : " 1\1) ' wifc had been mlTering jivc years with paralysis in her arm , whcn I was perslladl'll to lISl' Hallai'll's Snow f4inimcnt , which cured her all rig'ht. I have also lISl'(1 it for 01 < 1 sores , frost hites , and skin l'ruptions. It licK'S thl' work. " 5c , 5lk and : : .1.0U hottle at Ell.kl'omas' Brol 'n Bow anlIIL'rna. . Some Reasons Why Yon Should huist on Uaving EUREKA HARNESS Oil " , \ ( " h } ' , IIIotlwr , Rl'H lh harlll'alhcr ! .iOU. ESPl'I't.lIlI'tl'p.ucd. . Il'l" ) ' " lIlIl " , Ill-r. A hl"\\ ' ) I'utcil ! oil. HARNESS All l'XI'dll III prl'scr\\tivt" . Rl'hll'l' ' ' 1'1I"t IIf011I' " .Irllc : > " . Nl'r "lint" IIw'll'.llhcr i li El1llll'nl'Y Is iucrea"ctl. Sl'curs hc.t Sl'rVlce , Slitcl1cl > kcpt { row brcaking. OIL I : > sold ill all Loculil1Cti MonntlU'tu , . . , ' 111 Rlnnlll&rll Ull ( umtIRDJ. 1 ' " , - ov- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " - 'fL' - - - s mm m , It Has Been Said That C { COIning Even ts Cast i hir ( ; Shadows 1jefoll 1j j 1 But \\c haven't seen the Shadow of the 1 Great Custer County l'air , ( All Day ) . , . : WITH ITS I I-lio.h I\ollino Street Fair , ( All Night ) "b h . . y : ; 'I'hl'sl' are Twin I''ellts , alld arc guarantced to appear on , : : tillH' . Sepkllll > L'r . , 24 , i , all < 1 21" )1102. ) , I . " . . ' . ' 'I'I'V' . . " . . . . . . ' . r . . " . . , " . . , " . . , , . ' , 'V' . . . . l" . . . . . . . , . . ' . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . : /'I.I. , " . . . " , . " . .j : . . . . . . . , , . . ' , . ! . . . . " . . . : . /.t. . . " ' ' ' . ' ' . . . . . . . ' . . , . ; , , " . . " . . . . . . , . , . , , . . . . . , . . " ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' , ' ' ' \ ' ' ) ' ' . " . , ' , . \ . , , , , . , ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' , . : , ' , > < . \ > . . ! . " " . ; ' . ' ' . ' . . " : . . OUR REPUTATION IS BEHIND THEM ALL. . , " " " . " : , ; " 'I 'I'I . , I " . , " " . i ' ' , . ' ' " . " ' . . . ' " . . ' , ' . . ' . . , . : /CItTAlOGUE HIE [ ; ' i. : W. L. DOUGLAS Sa.IOES ErN\ , ' Pair ( ; 00(1. , : BROWN SHOE CO'S. SHOES All ( ; 00 < 1. ! : HAMILTON BROWN SHOE CO'S. SHOES-Guaranteed. . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . . . , , " "W"J " . : " . . ' .M..N. " ' . ' . . ' N. . . ' N. " . - ' ' ' ' , ' , . ' . ' . ' ' , : . ' " " , MM' " " " " ' . ' , , ' . . " - ' , , " " " 'r . ' . ' . ' ' . . , .M. " ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . ' " . . - ' ' ' ' 1i , HHI'NG VGU , ! wUNGtl AND ; BABIES I . ; Dirl'ct to 0111' StoJ'l. ' We'HIook after the Babies all day and I : : , care . for tlH' LUlldl all . nig"ht . , or vicc . Vl'rsa. 'We'll do this to , l , g"1\'e you an opportul1lty to l11\'estlgat' our Immense Stock of Fall Goods , which an' just now begillning to arrh'c , and , , will be ( ; raI111er and L'hcapl'r than c\'er. Our 1\1' . 'Vilson is . . . . . i :1' : : noin till' l'a-t Chasing Bargains All Day anel Shadows all ' ; : Ilight , anll their is not a shadow of a doubt but that we will lay them all in thc shadl' as usual. Our Immense Shoe 'I H Stock for fall 1S ahout all in and read\ . ' for your inspection. ; ! Wc want cVl'ry kid in Custer county to. carr ) ' ofT enc of our : : j Four Leaf Carhon Slates , ( si e 5xX inches ) which wc are giving - I ; " : ing- away free with e\'ery pair of sthool : shoes , SI CS ! ) to 2 , : hougj1t of us for tash. : Every One Knows that Boys and , : . ( ; irls ! ! 'cncralh' . are l'lIstler. . . conselluently a shoc . to give them ' \ , . " " , ; good servicl' IlIW t possess more than usuaIment- ; ' : " " ' Stock illust hc ( ; 0011 ; : ; rI"'hc Soles l\lust be Solid ; , : he Worl < nwnship Must he b'irst-Class ; and , Iast ; i hut not Icast , thl' Fit HI1I1 ; tyleIust ; he Proper and Up-to- : j Date ; for ho\'s , an\1 g'irls hHVl' a , "cry proper touch of twentieth : , cl'ntllt'y pridl' , and they will Wl'ar an IIp-to-llatc , well litting ; , ; shoe mud1 lon 'l'r than they will one that is repulsh'e looking. ! : : 'I'illle is pao.t'hl'n any old line of shol.'s will do for the boys I i and ! . ! , 'irls. " : ; j Our Shoe Lines Have Merit : Or They Would Not Be In Our Stock. j" , ; 1 Don't Forget the Slates , I < ids. You will all want one ; when , \'ou " 'l'l' thl'm , , look ill Our Snulh Window Saturday. . - ; . : ; ' . . . . , , ' : i < : , " , . . ' v. . . ' ! "lW glSOto.1 I . , DRAKE 1 : : ; ; ; ; ; , , " " : , : , . : , : < : , : , : . : , . : , : ; ; ; < ' ; : " " ' , : " ' . . . . . , : : < = . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . Wanting' to mala dlang'l' in my building and business I will . . . , . . . . . . L'Omml'nCl' SL'Jkmhl'r 1 , to. : Fi..ecl\Jlce 1\aI.Iy : S'tock. . FOR CASH FROM 5 TO 15 PER CENT. DISCOUNT , ( ) r will -l'll my l'ntire stock. l\ly stock consists of Hard ware , , Tin wa n' , Ston's , 11 a mess , White Sewing-l\lachincs , Carpets , I.'urnitllrc , 1m plcmcn ts , Buggies , Spri ng Wagons , Ii'armVagons , etc. All pcrsons indcbted tu mc , tJook account or note , and samc being - ' \ ingpasl due , wiII plcase call and. . . . . . . . , . SETTLE UP SAME. . CEO. VILLINC. ' A Conlplete Line of Undertaking Goods. - - . - . - . _ . _ .A } r AGLEGRo ERy i . j . . . j.o . - - . .o . . ' - - , .l All partio , " indohted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested ? i ; to call :1lotl : Hottlo al'count II ) Imfih at onoo. I mUHt have r. . . : ; m oClV to pay hill ! ' ! , I 1I\II110t : 110 hUAinPRR on wind. : : : . , 'l ' . ' - ! , 1'1' . \uurA truly , { tJ' . _ , li F " . . ' . ' \ 111 j . . " I ! . . n " - " ' " t\ II SWAN P.l ( : . . . , ' . ' . . ProI > rietor. Y1 . . . . . : . " . ' T" ' r. 'C n. s 10 J-rrrs Oi Soap for 250. cl . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ! I : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . " . , . . . " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : . . . . . . " . . , . . . . . . . " . . . . --1..u.- . . . . . . . . . _ . , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . f'r. . . : . . . . ! . e. . " . . . . " . . . o . . . ; -:1' . : . . . . " . . ' ! I. : . . . , . " . : . , ' : / I. , . . . . . . " . .iJi. . . : . . " . . , 'f".jl. " ,1'f. . . . " . : .r IIJ.J : . . . ; ! . . , . . . . , . . .1. . ! ei"'IJ. - . . 'fvoI. . . . - . . : . i' . ! . . ' ; ' 't.o ' ' ' 1. ! . : . ' II , : 'fvoI. ' .nl. : ! . .i' . . . . . .y. ' . .tI''t . . . . ; . . . : 'Ptj4iy..j ; : ! : ' 1- I , - -