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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1902)
- - - - _ _ --.e - - - - " MORAL SUPPORT AT HOME. _ _ _ o _ I hll " 0 O\1' alltl o\"l r nHI\11I P't1 111- : stall'ps of hl'pal.f\owlI \ 111 'O\1nH Iwolllp , ; which b ' jUllIclolI mnllllgl'IIIl'lIt , ulIIl'al I , 1I11l1 ph 'sklll , 011 the IJllrl of thl' moth. I ! f - f ( ' 1' , l'oulli 1111\0 Ul'l'lI \'erll'l ! . I Iwow of t' ( 110 ch'l'um ! < tlIIl'I' whl'h so 11'pl ' IIC- I , I'll't the IWI"'OUS health 1I11l1 Ihl' happl- t IIl'SS , IlI'esellt IItIlI fUIIII'l' , of the chlltl , I liS thl' Intllllllte domestic 1''lallolls with , till' llI11'l'nt , It ! < pI'IIIS Ilos ! < lhll' for most I dllhlrell to IH'II' : It Hrellt dl'al of dl" . 1I111101utu1l'Jlt oUlslde 01' Iho dOIlll'stll' , life whell th ( ' ' feel sure of mornl SUII' Ilort II t hOllle. We heal' so IIIlIch of 'OUIIH girls not helJlg'IIHlel'toml : III their homes that we llro IIl1t to IIInla ! IIHht of : II HI ( ' 1111 It II foolish whllll , 111111 oftell wlthollt IlIjUStlCl ; uut , 011 the olh'I' h:1I111 : , It Is ( 'CIIIIIIl ' trlle thnl fretfuilless , ohstlllll- c ' , ( 'IIIJl'lelouslIllSS , IIl1wlse IIlIIhltiollS tlIHl tltfllilless lire OftI'll ralhel' the Ollt- cOllie 01' dlOI'lIl'l'l'li : lll'I"'OW ! H 'slellls thall themalllfcstutiollsofbjII : ( .ual- I z\IIced l.'llllml' l'r , Xow It II ! that thl' molhel' often falls \lllIlerlltlI1cl cXllctir how to I ren t tllo chlhl , I\lIlI Is to ? lII.elr to IIIl1lw IIIls- tlllH'I ! , which fn"quelltl , ) ' cOllie 1I1'rllollll- J ' Ill'ar helllH,111 allll lI'1'e\'ocahle OlleS , It II ! l'ssl'lItlll tllat Hho leal'lI to dlH- crlmllllltl' Iwtwl'ell what Is 1''lIlIy ller- "erSIICSH 011 the olle hallll allli the result - sult of "l1spt IIl'I'\'S 011 the olhl'r ; for , wlllle tIll' forlllrr rl'llIl1'es ! 11101'111 cor. rectloll , the 11I1\er cll'lIIalllls a Illfterellt care. 'l'he IIhr lcal , liS well IIH the mornl cOlHlItI- : Iwecls 111\l'1It101l.- \ .10111I 11. W. ! thelJl , 1. D" Iu IInrllel"s Bazllr , - - - hc l.o\"e8 " ' "rh. Jllss 1''lliu'lIII , u Irl of nthlptlc i tOI'm , l11useles l1url1 us lI'on , a face - g'lowln with rll.'hl'oIt ' IlI'altl1 , who hus tl1e lstlnction of hclu the olll ' wom- un hlncksl11ltl1 In Aml'I'lcu , Is now pur- fiullI hel' fourth ' ( 'ar III lIavul archl- tect\l1'l' lit the : 'laslchus1\s : llltllute of Techllolo r ulIll hils UUIl.'llISSl'll ' IUlln ) ' of 1\\1' ( masrlllllle assocla trs , Hhl' Is of wealth ' plrl'lItu : e ILI\I ( Is Iully- jn tlw , 'ol'atlon for ' ' IHu'e lo\'e of till' worl" : : ; he will finish the mILIIY CO\l1'II' : ; I of 1Ioton's falllolls school for en l- lWeI'S In anotlll'r 'ear unli hus hel'lI on'pref ! a ( losltloll In the lJl Cralllil shlpiJ1llldln l.'oncern ' lit I'hlludplphlll liS IIIL111 l.'Ol1St'IICtol' ' ! , If she accl'pt8 , the ClIlted Stall'li will hI ! the first cOllntl'r to hu\'e II wOl11nn uetl\'ely ( ! II- gllg-ell In this Il1'ofessloll , : ' 1 iss1'111 Is i 'l'urs ohl. IIII'III the hut Slunllll'l' 1II0llths slw WOl'k'd III the bluC'Imlth ! ' shOlls 1111 II ' 1'1'0111 U until , ! . Hhe hils hecallll' as l'xpprl a machinist as 1Jlue- ) slIIlth IInd rUI' l'r , 1111111I all Idnlis of IIIl1chllllsts' tools , liles , mllllllg' clllters , etc , , ( , p" , - " " , ; = - - i --'ifi IDJeJ' @ ; : : : , . . : : ; l QItll > . .rJ - - - - Ego ! ; Urlll'l.-Hl'at UII tl1l' whItes of tll1'Il' Pg'IS to a still' fl'oth 1I1\(1"tir them Intou cupl'ul 01' fresh harh'y 1Tul'l : nllow It tu stllllli 011 till' til'e II I'JW millutl'/j wlthuut Iwlllng , thell u d all ' Ua01'1111' dp.h'I' : , Turu Illto 1wulll ; lier\'l ! with ( 'uld CI'l'11 m , Apple lIu'e-Cut , Ileel ulIlI quarter till' UJlllles , COuk Iu It grnllltl' kettJu with l'lIoUgh wall'l' tu prl'\'put hUl'lIill , Couk till "l'I'tl'llIll'l' . , thl'lI IlIhl SU ILl' to tillite. If } Jl'tfe1'I'l11 the ' I1IU ' hi. ! cuol\l' 10llger , alld " 'oL'l'd lIu'ough II linn sle\'e 01' colllnder. tl'wl'd 'l'olUlltOl's-1 Jil ) the tomlttol" ! Into holllllg' wlltpr. 1l : > lI1ove tlw skIns I1n < 1 cut 11110 qUHl'll'rH , : ; tew hI U grulI- Ite Iwtlle olle IW\II' , Rl'n ell with (1(011- ( 111'1' , RUlt IlIHI bUlll'l' , If dt'sh'l'lI , the ) ' l11arJl' \ swOetl'lIpll with 1IItth , 6U1ur UIII thlclwlIl'll with ( , I'nelel' dllst , IHul'tlsh Hnlul.-Thl''e l'UIIS of Uuked hh1l'tlsh , olle-half tl'llspoollful Sl\lt , olle- fourth tl'uspoollful whltl' lJeI'lwl' ' , OIW- fO\ll'th cUll oll\'e oil , 0111' luhh'sloolltul } ltll'J.'UI' , 1"lnlw " the hllll'Ush tll'at1 ' nml ll1Ul'llIute 1'1'1' 1111 hour with a 1"I''I1 " < 'h IlresfjlllA' 11111111 , 1'1'011I thl' oil , , 'lrwJur 111111 6en01l1l1JH , ; , . \n'l\lIJl' 011 11 IIl' > lt of Itt- tuce 111111 SC'I'\'l' with u 1II11 'oUllaheJII' / - IIlsh11 with eho\llH'd \ 011"11 , - - - - - - - 'l'I1IH h'llwt ! : HOllie. X 0 one who II > 1I0t olll It 1111 the time l\11ows the 1l1ll01lllt of I1hrslcul lu- \Jor \ IIl1d the 1I11\1I ' Htl'I'S 1'111111'1'11 to A'l't , ( J\II II COllllu\1'ntl\'el ' , ,1111(110 ( 1lIIlIIl'r , , - 'l'hnl Is to snr 1I01hllll ; about ( ' 1l'l\rlll \Ill Ill'tp1' It'hldl Is I1110thl'I' mulll'l' , ThI'll tol't II dllllll'I' I\lId tl' ' to Hit dO\\11 10 It'Ith A'lIr ! > ts ( Iollhl. . . thl' In' ilor , I t Is IIII1l.'h ' euslpr for Ihe 111/1111 / who 8rl'\'I'S It , 1'i\1'8 : Ill' tllll1s us sIlO goes HlolI , Ilnll thell qllletl ' ( ll\ts IIl'r dl1l11l'l' Il\t'I' 1l1l1l110'l's \ ( 110t IIIlx with l1t'r ( ) ffm'ts to 1110 / e\'er 'thlll11'0)11'1'1) \ ) ' 1II'\'ell nu I\t (1'11I11 ( t t o Hn ' the I'iht ; thin ; . ; I\t the right U1OlI1l'l\t to l'nl'1 ! or 1)1' Ulsts. It hnsJeen \ Buld 1\111.1 l'l > ( 'Ol'tll'll as a I'tl'l\lIl-e fnet thllt the A'I'I'ut cooks 111' ( ' nl\\I's 1I1'n , fUHI l'oolllI ) ; 1'1i IiUllllu ! > I'11 to ho pUI.tlculurl ) ' Iu wom:1I1's : slherl' ) , 0110 "er ' A'00l1 l'el\Iooll ; fOl' this fllllllrl' In WOIIWll to 1'/'l1eh till' h ! : : hest pllll'eli I , . , thllt tlH' treat : ( OIJok Iltlilli to Ills tit/WI' / I1bllltll's thut of Iolrl'lIth ; ; , alld It 15 au'lIt1nl 1'\flul1'PIIII'lIt , 'fho hl'st ( 'vi" don bleu \\'lthout It ( 'unnut l'IIUI\I him , WeHr Your Bre , . . . Ault , It Is lIh\'n 'H 1I1ol'l' ( 'ollrlt'IJUM III a ! nan , . ( to IlfiY 11 'ulUl h\II ' 'UU Ilu'u lu\'lwd to go to the tlwl1tcr till' CUlUlIllIUl'Dt uf " , earln ! ; ) ' 11\11' \ Ill'ess tlult , fOl' she will \11111otllltodl ' tlllw the trouble 10 WillI' a rathol' 8m/H'tI' / : ; OWI1 than hur ( mil. lIfir - : : Ilreot costmne , sU 's the ow I ' ' - . . , , , , , - - - - - - - - - - . - - " , , , ' t - \ ' . . . . , \ . . . , ' . , . ' , - - " ' - . . , . . . . . . . . . 1'01'1 , 11l'I'lIhl. 'I'hl'l'l' ' 111'1 gJ':1t : 11I1111' l't'lI oU why ! t IIln ' Uut hI' lIOlllhle for YOIl 10 Wl'l\r ' II < lI'l'SS 1I1t. 1'011 IIU\ ' 1I0t 11:1\1' : tllIlI" III' 'Oll 1II11 ' 1I0t tie III the hn hit ot' wtI'11I1- : : 01\ \ ( ' , hut If 'ou IIrl' III thl' Iwhlt of \\'I'III'tIg' ! Ollt' It ( ' 1'1" tllllll ' \\'oulll Spl'lII'r ' ! ; tJ'lItl e 10 ( 'IIOIIlP Ihll OlJlOI'IIIIIIt ' 1'01' ' ' ) 1I0t'l'I'III : It , IIIHII1l1lollhtrlll ' till' 'ollIlH IIIII ' would Iw "I'I' ' IIII1l'h 1)lelll'ed ) If rOil did 1 > 0 , - A t the Inst Hl' "lolI of the lnl'"llIJ1l ! le lsllllllru II IIIWIIS plls ell 1IIIIfll ; WOUICU elll-lhie : to 1IIIIIIIssloII to the hnl' , : 'IlHS mIll II. 1lIlllox : hns slIccessfllllv 1111 HSI't1 1111 ( , : < l1l11ll1atloll IImI hUH hL ( 'Ollie the IIl'st WOIIIIIII In w 'er III thu tilnle of : 'll1r 'llIlId. 1'11I -p1l1 hllH uel'ollle qllite the fllAh. 10lluhle lIlIIe III 'I'lIl'ke ' , where It Is plu 'l'11 with the rrreatest ellthllslnSIII h ' IlIdll , 'I'hl' Ihl'ill'nh , 1II0thl'I' to till ! 1.lwdl\'e of E 'llt , hns n 1IIIIg-JlOII tlhie III hl'r IIIn lIitkullt 11\\ ' Ilallll'l' 011 t1w BosIIOl'US 111111 Ill.'r 11\l1I's Illn ' e\'pr ' dll ' . Olle I'ent IId\'lllltnJl' : ; thllt t1I1' ' hll\'e Is n IIl1l11her of sIll \'es III nt- t'IIIIIIIIC ( ' , who AII\'e them the trouble uf Illcldng' IIJI their unlls. Qllite n 1I111111JCl' 01' tlt1111 Inllles hl1\'e forsnlwlI the IlIxlIl'll's of thell' llollle life to de\'ote thulIIsel\'ps to chnrltnllie works III lI\11lt1pl'leH , ' 1'wo sisters of thu Dlllw of01'1'011" Iul : ) ' 1 I'nlll'S Hrl'tle , Lnd ' Edith nenhlgh IIl1d lIIallY otlll'l'1I UI'e thlls 1I\'llIg Ollt theh' prlncl- ph's , It 1''Jlort If ! to he Iwlle\'l'tl , 110 Il'ss versoll thllll Qlleen : 'lnrgherltu of Ital ' Is contemllnt.ln ) the tnltlng of t1w'ell , Hllmol' h ! amo hURr with the IIl1l11e of till ! pxQllel'nlItnlle of el'- \'Ia , who Is Ilpsrl'lhell ns II lIkel ' clln. diliute for the rellglollH life. To CICIlII I1rIlHH Trll'H. Brnss tl'llJs nre IPllt In ol'dpr hy slm ! III ' \\'aHhlll thrill In holllllJ : hot Hln ! 8011llSlllls uIIII thl'1I lat1l1'l'llIg' thelll wl'lI , a lit tll' sonp hl'llI IIsl'll If tJl'Y IIrt' \'el'y 11Irt ' , Olll' WII ' ot'l'11'1I11111 tlll'm Is to sift tllle 1II'II'klhlst till It Is'pl' ' IIl1e IllIwl1 < 'r , 'l'nlw 1111 a o(1 portion of this 011 hnlf n lelllon ( lll'l'rloIlKI ' IIRed III Il'l1lollIIde 01'hl'l'hl't : 1II111,11I ) HI 111 I'uh the tl'lL ) ' wl'll'el' wllh thl ! ; , ( 'lIn" fllll ' olll (1\1'1' nil'Ita , ! ' Ills till n'- 1II0\'cl , nHl tl1On I'IIISIII and 1l'tt1n It IIry. 'l'I'elltl'cl In thlR 111:111111.1' : tI'U 'H ; ( , ' ( ' 11'1111 :11111 I\n \ 1,111111'1I111 < ' ( ' 0101' 1'01' IL 10llg tlnH' , Ielal Iiollsh nllcl tmeh thlllgs Rllnll thl' ( 'n.IOI' , : : d\'ln It a Yl'liow tlll I' flIlte 11lfTl'rl'nt frolll thl' oltlell hraHH It ' loo.s ] whell l'i ( > III'I(1 ( wltl. . lelllon Juice IL wi IIlIe bl'lcld IIftt. - - IlClllceliCM fur " 'rillldc. . . Olll' 01' lhe best IIl'e"l'lIl1\-ls 1'01'1'111 Ides Is to it'llI'll fllcllli l'l'pOSl' , Kel'11 thl' ' hI ' so weII nom'lshell thnt the fa'l' \ \ ' 111IUI'l' \ III Ihu gl'IIl'I'al weII 1IlIIlg , 1\11l l'\'II1l'II,1' to this h ' Its plulllp- III'SS I1ml IlIck of l1ugLlIILI'It ' , Theil It Is hUpol'tallt to I'p ( ) > the teuth III lIuII ( 'olHlItloll , so thllt tlll'I'O wllI be no sa ' going' In of the C'll'l'lH'hl'I'1' \ tel'th lire IlIisHllIg , : 'II1RHa l' 1'01' I he 1'uce Is Ilfte ( , xl'rl'lse 1'01' tht > I'l'Ht 01' the ! loci ) ' , nlld If IIHl'l 1'01' Ihe IlIlIllOHI' of tonlllg 1111 the IIl11sl'il'S It Is hl'lIl'lI11I1. The I'lwral lHI'l''tloll of tlw HIl'okl's Oil the I'lLce shOllld Ill' 1I } > \ \ 'I1'11lUll 0111 wlIl'l1 III 01'- del' to 11ft lip :11111 : sU'l'nttlll'1I ! : I he fnll- Ing Il1l1scles-Lndll's' ) I ollie .JolIl'llal. ; \lolu Yc. FI\'e dl'OPS crutoll UII. Oue lll'll1l1 tnrtul' emellc. On-llnl1' dl'll h 'l ( - ollnce ll IIlnstnr , 81) ) ' ( > 1\11 the ) Jlustel' the exact Hlze of the mole IInli lweI ) Il on till tlle 1I10le I'I\IIS , then tnlw It ofT I\nd nlIow the IIla'e to henl. ILlle 'lIc neill , 1I10lstenc with aleohol 01' J'lr'el'llI ; : , buunl1 on u moll' 1'01' 1\ half hO\l1' , Is recolUllll'n el1. Allollt thl'eo ilJlvllC'atlon8 nl'e lIe'esslll' ' , - - - - - - Short 1I1 < 1'Ctt\OIlH. \\'llI'n a lock wurl. " I'tI111) ' , till the har. 1'01 of t he I.e ' with 011 ILlIll IIl1t It Into the loci. , ' 1'ho effect will ellel'tllr : he oxcelll'nt , 1ello\'nto : IJI'l\s chllWlelll'I's which hIL'l ! Ill'eullw 1II1'I ' 11 nil discolored h ' wtLslllng thl'lIl with wlltel' In which onluns hn n' bC)1I ) hvllml. If tL chllnlle ' l'utcJws tIre , throw a hnllltlflli of HIIIIllm' ( Illto the ! ; rnte8 the HIIIlhUl'OUS ( fllllles nSPl'nd the I1re III the chlll1ne111 ( I ! . . ! Ollt. Herol'e nttolllJltlng' to t\l1'11 out n jl'll ' 1111\0 tlH ! n\Ohl 1'01' n fo\\ ' seconds In hut wntl'l' , You will thell 1)(1 I1ble to tlll'l1 out the jelly without the fenr of url'l1k. In : ; It , To set the color of ] lrlllt dresRes , soal. them In vl'r ' hot hl'lnl' , It thl'lII rl'l11l1ln IInlll the Wl1tJ' Is cohl nn thrllTln out I1nd wfish In the URII111 11IUIIUI'I' , \\'hell ( ' 1l'l1ull11 ; wnll lJaller , UNe n duugh ! UUltt ! of 11uuI' mixed with ' \'Utl'l' COIIIUlulllJ : u little ' \'IIt111IIl sll a , 'I'hu IiO < lU wlll nut IlIj ul'e the 11I11H'1' fincl till ! \\'uI'I. will ! Ju ,101le llIorl ! CJull''I ' ' . lulI ) ' lll'oille thlnl. It 1wll e of time to 11'011 IItClcl.III I ! , ! Jut If thl' ' 1I111.'e ' filld out tbu diU'uI'unco Iwt\\'I''U durnlllg h'ulll'llnlld unlrolwd stucklll tJlI ! ' will Sllll'd l ' cllullgo tlwlr Idl'lU. , , Hust ' Ih'o Imns slluuld ue l'Ubbt-.1 ; well ! wl\I1 SWl'ot oil , lefL wet for two 01' tlll''u I Il > 'S null thl'il l'uhlll'li wIth unslnlwtl ' limo. 'ruls111 rllUO\'o the l'ust , 1\1)(1 thou the l1'on5 IMY lit ) ( loUshed us usual , - - - - - - - - - - - . , . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - PERISH IN A FIRE I FEARFUL FATE OVERTAKES A GERING FAMILY. - TWO DEAD , THREE DYING HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD FIRST TO SUCCUMB , START FIRE WITH COALOIL II'II' " ' lIlnlh..r nllel I II r > l II I ur II I' , , , , . JlIIJ 1:11\1111" tlUuIMcIt'rIIIIICM : Urn , . . AlIt'lIIl'l I. . J"M'II" , Gcrln , Neb" Au . O.-'l'\\'o pcr. son , > deHl : , Ilm o lIIure altho point of death , a sixth fcarfnl1y UUrJIed 1111(1 ( a resldcnLe In GOIIII III ashes , Is the ICSUJt , of the lI hllllg of a Iho with la'Tl.Iwlle ! at noon 'ruesday. O. N , MeCOIllsey , wllllse \ \ Ife had heen 111 for se\'oral days , was IIttelllJtln ] lo st ll't a Iho I n a woorl stuvo whell the 011 cl'ploded , setting IIle to his 111othlnl ! and 1I11owing Ihe uurnlng Iltlhl all uver the room. 110 WIIS felll- tuly 'JurIled und ran serellllling out of the house. Hefore help could are rive the IIro had also uurtlod his helpless - less wife , a baby ollly u lew days old , lhelr two-yoar-old SOli and the two IIlllo dau l1trs ) of LuUtl'r A. Coole , a nehlluor , who were pluyluH wllh the MeColllsoy boy , County 'l'reasurer Ed. , r. Whlpplo , who was att raetod hyMcColllseY's : : ' cries , was the IIr8l to ani0 aud although the house was a mass \lames \ rushed Inlwd carried out the burning woman and three of lho chlldrclI. The fourth chl'd had in sOllie way escuped. A 11 of them were frl htful\y \ ullIned. McComsey IIngerod In agony tor sevcral hours , when ho died , and the IIttlo uau ) ' III al"o doad. The death of Mrs , Mc- Comsey and the two Cool. children is momentarily expected and the physicians - cians olfer 111 tie hopes tor ! iny ot tbem. NOT AS SICK AS SUPPOSED. Plttshurg , Aug. : . ! O.-Th prlvl\H car Loretto , bolonglng to Cblrlcs ! M. Schwab , pre&hlent of the United SIates St ci corporation , wus attached to the day express , wblah left for tbo cast Tuesday mornillg. No Informa- tloll could be obtained from the al- tendants of t.ho car , but it was said that 1\1 \ r. Schwab and parly would board tbe car at Cresson , 1'a. , 101' NelV Yorl. and would sail for l uropo tomorruw. New Ycnl { , Au . : ! -Charles 1\1. \ Schwab , president of tile UlIll.ed Stales Steel C IJpol'ation , arrl\'od here lhls e\'cnlng , Ho was accolII- panled hy his hrothel' , Joseph , Schwab , aud his pl'l\ato selJl'eLliry. He sleppcci bllskly frow the car allll 'as he did so lie "alc11o a ! lulllber of 1I0wspaper men IHesent : "Now , gentlemen , 11\111 going to t)11 ) yuu 1I11'eo things and 1 don't want you lo asl { 1110 further ques- tlolIS , In the lirst place , 1 don't lee ! , : 1I1.e a slclIIan. . 111 the secollll plllce 1 feel the necessl ty of a rest and 1 1111I gel ng to talw one. 1 n the third place , 11111I not golllg lo leslgn anel ha\'e no Inlentlon of rotlrlllg from the Il1'csldellcy of the Ullited fitates stl'el corporat Ion , " "Arc you golllg to Europe ? " was asked of II' , chwab. "Yes , " ho leplled , "Utlt don't asl { me atlY more IIIJI btlonSj that's all 1 ha\'o to say. " BAD WRECK AT HOLDREGE. Holdrege , Neb" Aug. : ! O-A dls- t 1St rOils \\'I'ecl { OCJII ed hero luday al 13 : :10 : p. III , on the lIu I'll tlgton traek just east of the r'Jtllld house. Will- lalll } 1'rullclsco , en 1 necr un freight I.l'IIln No.7 ] \ was kl'led , while Ed. 1'rluntaugc aud U G. . lIouchllll welo sf\rlotlsly IlIj tlrel. The frolght train No , 117 , drawn by engine o. 101 , WIIS just ( llIlllng out UII the lIIalu line amI wa" to he followed II } ' the light ellgillo o. Ilti , with Ed. 1'Hll.anbu ' as en ncer En- rrlne No , llIi was run tip the hij11 II lie , eXllecting to go dowlI IJhe ( 'ul"lf onto the lIIalu line. All eXlJ,1 frel ht , with douhle-heuler : , ( 'omlng down the high line , strtlc ! , ellglnc o , IIi I \ as It was parUy on the outolT ancl was throwlI agalnsl onLtle : Xu,1\I \ ) 011 the mal n 11 no , Both eng Inos 011 the hIgh 11110 train were thrown from the track and arc com pletely WI'CI'Il'd. Englno o , Iln has a tellder wreL'iwrl , while No. ! ! II Is stripped 01 Its eab on the engineer's sldo , brokell badly aud tlw tenrlor dalllagod. AIl the engineers jUllle(1. ( A car 01 shelled corn was t1u own 011 Fra n cisco - co , blll'j'lng hllll , and It Is supposed , causing death Instantly.'hen he was leslJIlCd It was found he hud a great gash over the loft telllple. ills chest waS crusld ) I n and several ribs lJrolwn. - - - - BATTLE ISLAND VSSEMBLY La Cr"sse " , Wls" Aug. : ! II , This wa ! ! Iowa day a t the Bat tic 1 sland asst'JII- blly. Se\'eral excurslollS were run trolllthat stale today , brlnLlng ! litany vlsl tors to the groullds. At 10 u'clocl { all adc1rss ! or welcome was mude to the visitors , whleu was responded to by several IOW,1'Isl WI'S. 'rho feattlre or the afternoon was au 'address 1Jj' Mr . II1IJeJ r , CoulJln , general see retary of the Wh I to Cros , I .society , _ ' _ _ r - _ - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ISLAND IN RUINS ERUPTION OF A VOLCANO OVERWHELMS - WHELMS TOItISHIMA. Yolwhallla , Aug. IU.-'l'hl ! IItLlo Io- ! land uf 'l'orlshltna was overwhelmed 1.Ir \'olclllliu uIIlptlon , uotweoll Au. gusL 1:1 : alld Iii alld all the IlIhn1.l1. tanls , IInlllherlnl l > O persolls , were IIllllutlulcdly 1.l\Ietl. \ 'J'he Island Is cU\'eH"d wl\.ll \ volcall 111 deurls al\l ( all the houses ou It ha\'I' dlsi\lIpelrltI. : ! The ttlJlLlolilsstl11procnolIn ( : tlltl Is aceolllpanled uy IJUhmul'ltlo erup. tlons It ! the \'Iolnlly , whlclt make II , IJ.'IILl'I'OIl ' fur vcssels to 1II1I1I'UII'h ( Lho Islam1. 'I'orlshlma Is GIIO of the cltllill of Island- < tentll nbetwe \ < , n thu BUIIII Isantl. IIItI 1I0lltlo , the uiggest Island of , Japan. IW.\\ANCU ' RUDBLY SI1 'nURUn , fllllllholc1t , Neb , A II , ! ! I , - ] \'OnlR of the past few wl'l'kit In th I 01 ty tl'lId to ru ely . the rumtnco : whlclt WIlS sllll'ted In Llm'oln III J ul ) , ! HOI , when (1o\'ernol' Ra'a o hIIHIl' : < 1 II plll'llon I , ( ) Benjamin \111'1\ , a con\'lct selll UII from some wesletll conllly un II chall e uf pctJury. tlto t'olldltlons IJclng tltat , h many irs , lllry 1111\\ty : , a wlduw or this t'lty who petltloued tlto O\\J'lIor's p'r- sClnally to gl'allt tlte nllII's : I'elelse. : ' 1'ho IlIltrtlage loolc plane III lite ( : tlll- tal city nntl after the cercllluny was r'omplutetl the , gO\'l'rnor l1andCl1 tht" bride IUI ullcotHlitlollal pttrdun for her hushand. 'rhe lIIurrlago as not without Ils Illterestlllg teatures , , lite wltluhelng IlllsseRsolluf propert } ' 10 Iho et1l1la : tt' < 1. va lue of $ IOOlltl , nlO > ; I , of It in Hlcharclsoll county real est.ale , Most people thoulht t hI' - ( ) [ \ ' most tortullate In dropplllgOIl slll'h a cOlllforlable , lJerth. ' 1'he couple at ; CIIICO c.lllle tu nlTSOII and took up their lesldence , I1nd for II 1lme , 1IIlt- : lOl's ran along SlIIoothly , the happy hrlde ( lurchaslng a harllt'r shop IIncl IIxtl\ro \ for her hllsuHI : who \\'oll < c ! } at his ! tn.le 11 shorL time , , Iftcrwallis b' COlIIIII , 1115atlslled and sellln oul. 'l'hcl'C were tYo ch I tI rell , Iho , frill ts of the widow's former alliance , Hlld whell It callie t.o the mattl'r , of 1:0\- ernlng thl' YOllllgsters the Hrst cloutl the matilmollial 1101'1- appeared 1\(1011 \ ( - SOil. 'I'ho stepra lher IlIslst otl u pOI\ \ correcting the hey alltl 1'.11'1 : ulIl , lIe- eorlll ng to the atm y tolll h.r t.he wife , was not always palt leiliaI' wh ther he chose hlllllalle lIIethlHls or lIot. 'I'ho wife rehelletl flllll Valek t IIrn't1 his attentloll t.o her with the I''sult. that , he was a few 1II0uths a o haulecl Inlo pollee court and finet1 on ( \ ehargo of wife-healing , NoL pit- sI'5slng tIle necescary funrlS he was thlll\\11 Inlo jail : lIId rOlllalned nntll lhe wlf ( ) relenled and pallLast \ , weel , IIWl'e I louhle of the $111I0 J.lnel callie lip and they seporated , the wlfn JlIIII appllcatloll III dl.trld ( 'OIlit for a III'OrCll , Valelc Is a IlIan 01 IIlen appearance and seellls to ho well etlu. I'ated , O L Y STRANtRS AT nEA TlIlHm Kearney , Neh. , A II ! ! , 111-\11" ; . , Foncla Lallof \ Calaway died III t.he I'Ity hospital In Koarlll'Y SlIr'dayof Iyphllul , f'ver 1'1'5111 Un ! ! fr 011I ( ' 011I- plica tlon of a Ilmrllt s , Hr"1onsl ! hIe fill' hrr trouhlcs , I\'hil'h , II. Is n\lp\CI \ \ ! , sill' ( 'ame to Kearney t" hide , Iq a YOllng lIIan of the , 'll'lnlty ' of Calla. way , who cllsappl'llrl'd at aholll the Lillie Lhellrl's trollhll'sl'lIimlllalPlll1I ' this ( 'Ity. The YOlln lady's pal'onts 11\0 011 a farlll neal "allllwa.ane1 " . are said to lIe In oo' ' CIlCUlIstaII''s [ [ , hilt , It Is tJhal' ed , 'Ioy ' ahandolled her entlroly , and ellldn lho woel.s she was III the hosp'lal hero Ihey would have nothllll ! to do with hal' , WOllid not 1'0/110 lo SIe ! heH or conlil. hl1le nllylhlng to her erJIIlfort 01 IIIn11111'IIIII'I' : , 'rhe ) ' I\'nro kepl ad- \18(1 01' the ( . : Irl's conditlollllncl wuro tol'Jraphecl Hall1rcJny lu cOllie \iO \ fIJ IrllOY at OIWC If t hey would see their rlaulhtlr ! all\'e , A tell'gl'all1 was spnt HUllday alvl"llIj. ! ! lhelll ot her death , bllt Lho lat.her Infused lo Jlay for or I'ecol\'o the lcle l'alll and cqllld 110 1II0re than slIllIIlse the COII- tClltS , ' \'ho \ fllnoral was held I his afterlloon frolll an IIIH1ert nl.llI ! ! rJIIII ( , 'l'ho en" tire l'xpenso of the slnlCllOS" and hllr- lal of lls" Lan/ / . ! has ! Jeen 1101'I1C hy the erl1l11ty , hut as "flC II a mlnol' anll the father Is able to pay the cia 111I hns tJel'n gl\'en to an attorney who will call on the father IIlId illvlte hi 111 1,0 1If ! III da te , - - - - - KILl.I1) DImINO CRAP ( } , \ME rurJlhysboro , IiI. , AII , 17-Slx person , > have 1II0t'lo10llt doalhs III , lllI'kson county cJurln the past weol" The Illtest olltlJleak : \'lolUlwe was In the shrlotllh ! today or'lIllam SlIIlthalll\ \ sou , Jacoi : ) tical' Had. ders\'llle , - - - - - - - - - - WIl.L NBVEI { BB OIRrt NI7. D Borlln , JII , lI-J\ ! fervid assem , hlage 01 t..u tllUusulld Poles here yesterday - terday chcled'hut ) wns called the l"ollsh dOllloc'IIIey. ' 1'hcre WIIS II scel1e or extr aOlCllnn rj' ( ) n th tJsl liS III , lIerr'l'ubeIl \ , editor or a plIlIsh 1I0WSI > : lIer ) puhlisllOd I tJ Berllu duro ing the OUUISO ot a speech exclallll'd : "Prllssla wlIi disappear from the mllp heloro thej' succeed In Gorlllan. Izlng thu PuicR alld destroYing t/Jelr / hope ot t'bo resurcctlou of l > olul1d , " , - - - . III . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CALLED HI' ' " BEAST. MRS , OARTHOLIN KNEW HER SON WAS FULL OF EVil , CIt ICllgo. A II , : I.-'I'ho ( 'oroncr's J\lI ) ' lit tlte IlIqllrst 'I'hlltstlll ) ' O\'J the lJI ) ' of tJs , J\lInll Bnrlhullll ht'ollght III a "l'nll't 1'L'colllll1l'lIdlng lhat Iwr SOIl \\'llIlam 1Iurlhollu , UO II 1'1 estetl I1l1d IH'hl liS 11\ \ 11\1 pa I for hOI II1I11'tlor , alltl lhnl ( ) sl'ar 'l'IHlIlIlSOU ) and I' tlwl\rd COli tlsul II1U II , who ale IIlIdor arrest at'cllsell of ( 'OIIlIIIl..Ity , III lho 11\11I(101' \ ( or llntllo 11t'holl , lie hohl lo I he I'll1(1 ( JIII ' liS nl''I'ssOl'I's lo the ( 'llnH' , 'I'ho jlllY fOllnelthal lrs. Bal tholill came lo hel ( leaLh 011 or IIbottt ,1111) ' i , death belrg clllO t , ) st ra II 11111 t I 011 , DtllllI.110 \ ItHlllesL , lls. ta ) ' 11I0WII , n rOll1l1l1' nolgnbol' ot I rH , BIll thulIlI , l'slIlieti thllt the old Illtly WIIS slIsplclulls : lIlIcl 11 ve(1 ( III delIl1 : ' fear of her Sllll , Aceordlng to ? llrs , IIrowlI's testlmon } ' , lrs. lIaoLho1l11 III ' dll's hOrOll' II fOll\'elsatloll II Cow ) her dell t h hacl told the wi tlless Lila' ) 'CHlllg lIal tholltl WIIS lIolhlllgIt a lIl'asl and that Iho lltchell faml ! ) wuultl l'l'ot ! the day they allowcd \ 1illlllotltchell lo ha\'o IIIl'tlllllg } II do with hlll1. \lrs. Bartholin III re- laUII ! ! her llollbles declalel1 that she belle\'o(1 ( hltu cllIl\hle : of 11III10st 1111) ' OI'llIIe. The police hope ror 11I01'0 SlIbsllltlal : 11'1I11s ' frolll this Inqlwst , lhall fl'ol1l 1I11) sllllllar proceetllll s yeslerday Itl the \ llnllll'lltchcll CIISO. Althollgh the Il'mlt of lho coronel"s jury \'el" diet } 'l'slorday WIIS the holdlllof ! : three lIIen to lhe gralld jllr ) ' fOl' COlli. pllclly III the IIIttrdl'r of the SlIllllOsod 1\lIlchell \ girl , such grl1\'O doubls exlt'll o\'er the Idellt.lty of lIw body that was lItlllel1 as M Iss lllehell that of. forts , \\'Cle renewed today to have the \1I tchell rUllllly ex h u lI1e lito budy fOI further IIIopeellon. fOUlltfhl hlentlty will he the bill" den of the defense of OSCIII 'l'holl1pSOII , John ClalTe ) ' alld l t1ward Coullselll1all who were held yeslerday to allswer 101' the supposed lllehell cl'llIIe. 'J1llC IIrst two already sluul1 liS prilleipal and accessOlY III the lI1url cr of lrs. lIa I'thollll. As J'ot 1I0th IlIg de IIn Ile has hcell heard of the wheroalJOlIls of \\'lIllalll , I. 1I:1I'thollll. : , Much ( Iouht exists , howe\'el' , al > to wheLherlIss lltcho'lls ' dead. , Irs. III1'wllleslilied ' that 1IlIlholln : had fle'lllelltly ' IJllal'l'eletl with his 1II0her alld strllclc hm' . She said I rs. HII : thollll 1 1:1 : < < I a consldel'llble ulI10unt ur 11I1100jllst \ hefore she dlsaplleal'etl. Late III the Ilay the COl'Ollel ' 's jury lelu1'll0tlu'ol'dlct that. . 1\1I'S , lIarthJ- 1111 CallIO lo hl'l' death on , Iuly r , froll1 stralJgulatlon alld l'eoonllllClHled t.haL Os' ar ' 1'holl1psoll ( who Is already held as plllwillal III the 1I1t1l'dOl' , ) alld I ( \ . ward Coullsellllall ho held lo the gl'llnd jlll'Y ulltll discharged hy due process of la w. 'I'ho JUl'y furl.hol' . recollllllellliell re. leaslll ! , : , Iolln Cia/fey / III this case alld that1 11 I as /lartJllUlIlI / he apII'o- ) ! tcll ed. MISTI KEN FOR A I3URGLAR. GlIlhrle , Okla. , Aug. : ! : ! , -I. \r. lc lol'Cls , all aged anpl well kllown resillellt of Challesloll , 111. , was IIIls- laken for a hili glar III the hOlllu of , I. I" . ShalrCl , at Okalhollla CILj this 1I101'1I111 a 11I1 shot hy Hta ! ITel' , woulllls lJ'III InlliclecJ froll ) which he cIled lonlght. ShulT)1' ) recenlly localod 110re , COlli 1111. ( from IJlxrm , II ! . \ \lon'ls enlered the house lhlllk- Ing his dall htel' , ) frs. l 'I'HI 'l'rout. IlIU II , Slill I'euplecl It and was helld. III ever the 01 II clio to caress his Slip- pnsed grand child when SlmlTol' shut 1I1r/1. \1 c1 orris' dying sla temen t , f xon- orated Shall'oL PArMCHUTE FAILS TO OPEN. Dall\'llIe , Ill. , Au . : .n-I , A. Sar- teIl , all aeronaut of Ji'alrwlI ) , i\llch. , was probably fatally Injur'd tudayas the reslllt of pa.rachute leap frolll a halloln I , : ! tlO ah'lve ' the cal th _ Whell hu loa ped frolll the IJaluolI Lhe lIarchllte failed to open and ho was dashed to the earth , Ills feOL were drl\'cn six IlIche. ; Intu the round and he sustaIned a compuulld fracture of both limbs , Sart.ell's wll'o was recently killed In a similar manner at Cairo , 111. RUNNING DowN SUSPECT.S Carbolldale , Ill. . Allg , : ! : ! , -Onu ar. rest , hils bee II lIIade III connectloll willi the Smith lIIurer ! , which oc- cnrodlast Sunday In the lIsslsslppl huttoms within two miles of the sceuo or the lUloy llOmlclclo of two weeks ago. Ahu AhoIllathy , a nOL:1'O : WllO , It Is said , witnessed lho kill I 1110 : was caught l\Ial \ A va yesterday lIIornlng , Ills 'prollmlnary trial has boell IllJstlJlJnod ulltll Hatunlay. A hCl'llahy's capture Is ( ) xpoclecl to lead to lIIore Itnporlaut Urlosts , FATAL FIGHT ON STREET. ( \oueheslel' \ , 0. , Aug. : : : Io-Perry Oxley , ur Lysalldpl' and Chal'I05 J\ , Brown of Uullpollls , were shot and Itlll'd lulhe strof'1 shortly aflol' mid- nlghtIJy FIIIIII , Smith. The men \\'or ( ) 1II0re or lesslntoxll'\- ; ted uud fJuUl'lolod , SlIIlth , w110 had II shot UII , ran tthe middle or the slre l. 'rho othol's rollowod and he shot thom both. Smith gnvo'ltll11so11 tip , UrownIud O loy WOl ( } ui1ltl ors , - - - - - - - - - - NE HASIA NOTES , ] ! elor Osran sold his fraln on ml10 IICII Lltoast or I'luiullt , this county , 'IInslslllJ1o : of lri2 IWles , ror $8GOO . : a511. - - - A 2.yrar.o\c1 \ Sllll of lIert l1ohlnson , , ( Carroll was drowned III /I / haIC ar- rei IIlIetl wilitValor whlclt hlg mother - er I\'IIS Sflul < ln.t ( . 1111 for plcldlll Pill" poses , , Iohn Plzar nud I'rlllll , nOI ekll ] , two WYltJure SI\ \ loon IWl'pol' chared ! wi th selllllg IIl\uor \ Oil SlIlItlay were Jllled 'S ( ltll'1I01t 111 cIl\lnly \ courl , 'I'ho cases Wl're IIppealetllo the tllstrlot court. - - - - : 'Ilrs , 1I0rll1all Wiehe , II Iromincnt ) I psltlt'ut of lIealrlee wlto uIllerwent , III ol'rrallon sC\'ellll weels n n , tiled Ihls e\'elJllIg aged , II. Slto Is slIr- dvml by hel' husuantl antI ten chl1. dron. (1eot o 1 'I'aIH ls ' 1'11I111 was , IIccord- Ing tu his f011111'1 tleclaratloll , to , \ Illu 11 IOO'\'otll11e ! lIutobloJ.raphy. { Jlllt pet'llIIlls lit' hns heen just as wise lu c\lttlng otll nilloly.nlllo or the vol. IlIlIes IIntl puhlllhlng only olle. - - - - - - - 'l'hl' ' j lilY In the c.tse of the state agaInst , \\'l1Ilalll lIul'IIet.l of O'NolII on lrllll for horscsloalillg. ret\ll'lled 11 \'l'rtllct of g\lllLy after uolll ! ! out uut It folIIIll1ules. . A lIIotloU 101' 1ncw tlllll Iwlng 0\'ol'l'ulo(1 ' ( , he was son. lencOlI lo Itard luhOl' for live years in Lito penitentiary. .John II. Knight , ellllJloyed as : \ uool , blntler hy the Slale , Tottrllal cOlllpallY , dlod here SUlltlllY o\'cnlnjt a the IIge of 111 , lie WIIS uorn In Lon- dOli , but had beell a nat\lrallzed cltl- zell for 1It , I rly'ell rH , At ono tlmo ho wOl'lwtl fOl tlto PrlntlnJ. { company , 110 leaves II wlfo and daughlor , 1Ialllngton IInnth lectured beroro a vast crowd at 1 he Salem Chla t\llllua : , I n the lIIorn IlIg \I rs , gUJ.enla ( St. , Iohll of DOllver lectured on " ' 1'ho WOlllan In Politics , " In lite ovonlng Dr. lcClal'Y of Hochest.ol , N. Y. deli - li volOd all atldress , 'J1lC ! attendance Is excoptlonaIly good , "Peeplllg 'l'OIll" showed himself lit I ho resldollce or , I IItlge ' 1'uol < or 0 r 1I\1111bolllt Sat.urtlay ( , peering Inlo Irs. ' 1'ucl < or's willdow about , J1 o'oloelc. She ave the alarm , and Dr. Gandy's youllg hloodhoullds were placcd on the trail. 'J'Jtey followe It to the 1101'1,11 IlILrt of lito city ! whole It was lost , . Mrs W. L. . AIIoway , of Lincoln , , who abollt IIweel.s ) ago was badly hUTllod hy lIw explosion of gasolllle , wllh whleh she was IJngaged III cloan- IlIg , died Ralunlay evelling at 8 'J'cJock II. III. he lea \'eR two chll- clrell , one haby three wcels 0111. Ihe : ; IlIIproved sOl11ewhaL , bllt tllo Injuries were to gleat to he llr\'I\'od , Mr. Alloway Is a telegraph OIJcraLur. 'l'he HoHowlalJl Hills , who was senlenced two years ago lo tour years In the ponllelltlal'Y , has heell par- dOlled , ' 1'lIe ' no111 lis dcsOllel\ ( : wlfo 111 gngllllld Illld occupIed so\'eral I plseopal IJIIlplts III this country , \Jut \ ! te was relieved frolll each OliO on lho COllllllallit of his EII l1sh wICe , wlto Iwpt his hlshop III formed of h Is for 11I01' lalJSes. TII'III of the IIIlnlslry ho el\IIIO lu Hlalr alII wellt to work on a dairy tal'lII , alld after II time , lIIal'l'led the dau hter of the 0ner of the farlll , and with her wOllt \\'asl1lngton to leach , Ho was ul'I'eslml ' al 'l'acoma on the charge of bllalllY aud hrollght baclc here , whore his trial was held. II Is IIl'st wile came from Hugland to pros. ecute the I ase. Fre:1 ] lurtllng , father of G. Har- tllu/a / well kuowlI farlllel' of Fonta. nolle , dler1 at the l'relllont , 1I0spitai of appoploxy at Ow age of 70 years. II' , I1artllllg dru\'o tll Fromollt with a loael uJ' apph's , While tUl'lllug II conlCl' his lealll accltlcully I'HU o\'er a 11 LlIe dllul1 ler or G rau t Tlglwr , who was Iltllll a wheel. l'l ) ( ) girl WIIS hllcllbrulscl ! , but fOI'tuuatly ) 110 bOlles were Ilokeu , This acddont seolllod to upset the old ilia II , IJUt he clro\'o awaat , ollce. A few millutes lalel' the tlIIU : was seeu without II elrl\ ' ( ) ( IllJarly a IIIlIe from the acrl- dlJut. II' . Hartung's SOli was 1I0tl- Ilet ! o\'er the telopholle aud a thorough search was Instltuled. 'rho mlssllI' ' ; mall WlS : foulld lale at night lylJg unconscous In the drl'eway ur the basement or w , Eo Dorsey's liar n , He was taken to the hospl tal Hlltlilis wife sum mOiled arrl\'lng early tlto 1I0xt murlling.11' : , Hartullg , I an ol resldelltoJ''ashlnLtolll : count ) ' allel reslelecl with his SOli on a rarm lIenl' I ontanello. Ills romal ns will UO tlll\OIl to Fontanelle tur burial Jens Jellsen , a Danish farllll'r residing - siding ahout tell miles northwest fJI li'ronlOnt was adjuelgcd Ly the lI < 1.Hu . of Insaully Commlsslunors toll\y 11 fit subject ror the Lincoln IIsyllllll , 110 Is l1\urlcd \ , 1111111 about 31 ) 'eilrS ot age and hns ueon l1\entally \ ulIJal ! IIncd ) tor abotlt three Iltonths , nl COllellt 11111 tlrlally lIecamo so lIad tIlt\ ! his \\11'0 \ \ > I - Iluuulo to tale care 01 hllll and his frlouds dr.chlcd to 5(1)(1 ( h\1II \ to LIncoln ,