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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1902)
- . _ . . . - . . , ' I -A- ' r : I OIul1tcr oro. . McpubUcRn t'obllebc\1 OTery 'l'bur tlsy at the County Bollt. D. t. A lsmmltr. . . HIlItor U.)111cc In Uoelor lIIock.l/ourtb ATe. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entered ILL the , ' 09tofficO al Broken Uow , Nub. . IU ocolIIl.olM8lJ1nttcr ror LraneJnI ! IQn till OtlKh the U. S. . Mallll. _ _ . _ _ _ u _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ RUUSOHIl'1'JON t'IUOR : One Yonr. In advnnco , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1.00 . - - - - - - - - - - A1 > VEWI'ISINO UA'l'ltS. Onu column , Iter month,11.00. Ono.halt cnl- umn , ter mOllth $1.00 Illiartor cnlumn. "er month , $2.W Lop than 1IIIIIIlor colllllln , ( JJ conll ! pcr Inch pcr ! nonth. Ollrlll on firet PIlRo , f ( ) conle "er IIICh , I'or month l.ocal nh'orllelng 1cl'llie I.or IIrIO each . tlOII , . Notlco or church ralrp , eocln"lee nnd ontorlaln. Incnla'hcru monor I. chllrel. ! ollo.halr rntce. Rnolol ) ' nottc08 nud repnilitlon ! , ollc./Ialt / rulce. WOlldlng rlOtle' R trlle. haIr llrlet' ror IIII"lhnIIlK IIRL or ' ! > fJnIP. Jealilloticue rrl'o. h 1t "rice tor IlubllKhlrlK I obllunry notlceR , mill CBfIP ! or thOllk. . wCalnotlco" at tftll'8 I'ro\'lded hy a'ntulcR or Nehrll.Ln. - - - - - 'l'hurstlay , July 10 , 1'J02. REPU BLICAN TICKET. - - - - - - State Tlckot. 1.'or Uo\'erllor- J. 11. MICKEY , of Polk. } < 'or 1lcu..IUtul.j"orllur-- . , E. O. McGIJ/rON , of Douglas. 'or Scemtary or Htlltu- GEOI GE W. IA HSJI , or Itlcluml ol1. } or 1'rcltmror- PETER l\lOR'I'RNSEN , or Valley. For Audllor- CIIAIU-41 S WES'l'ON , or Hherhlln. I < 'or AUornnv.Qollorul - FHANK N. PHOU'l' , of Gage. 1 < 'or Comllll Hlonor l'ubllo 1.1118 I\nd lIu\lclug.- \ , GEORGE D. FOI-4I-4MER , or Nuckolls tror Comml loncr 1'1I"lIc IIl lrucllon- \YILI-4IAl\1 K. 1i'OWT-4I H , or Wll8blllglon. - - Congressional Tlokot. For CongrcMmln. . SIxth m.Lrlcl- M. P. KINKAID , Ot 0" ell. Reprosontatlve Tlckot. For HoprceontlltvcR ! , Wth DJ Lrlct- A. H. COPSEY , of Westerville. S. C. W ALDHON , of Over. - - County Tlokot. For Counly Altofll"Y- A. H. HUMPHREY. Broken Bow Township Tlokot , For MapervlHllr. 'I'hlnl DI lrlcl- . G. II. THORPE. For Township rJlclk- A. D. BANGS. For To\Vmblll 'frCBRUflJr- J. M. KIMBERI4ING. For 'l'owmhlp AR e 8 < ) r- ' \Y. M. VANNICE. For Road OverReer mR.r ct No 1- L. CUSHMAN. For fload Over.rer m.rrleL " 0.2- JOHN KENNOYER. Ear Rend O'oroOlD , . rto' 'Jo 3- L. McCANDI4ESS. For ROld ( ) v rel'er I latrleL No , 4- LEONARD HERSH. For Ro.d OVelBCPr DI.trlct Nn - C. R. REC'l'OR. For 110011 O""r " "r DI'lrtct No 0- HENRY REEDER. For Hand Ov r u r UI.lrlot ' 10 ; 7- J. N. WES'1' . Milce Harrington has the credit - it of etraying the populhit party into the hands .of the democrats. It witt now be just and proper that l\Ii1cc should bc fIle nomince of the ring circus for congress from the Sixth district. - - - - - - No lcss a man than l ditor AIl- enj formcrly Unitec States senator - ator , sa's J. II. Mickcy , thc republican - ' - ublican nominec for governcr , is bettcr than his ' ' party. 'l'hat wouId look as though the latc conventi n madc no mistake anr- : , how.-Blair Courier ' 1'hc Union Paei fic car men I have exerciscd good judgmcnt in . deciding to remain at work. 'l'he company guarantees that evcry man shall make as much as he did nder the aId daily wage scale , and will get a premium for all o\'cr 53.00 a day. - - 'Yhen thc story of thc steclc1ad battleship Nehraska comcs to be written a truthful historian will I not omit that at the laying of of the first keel the stalT of the ' of Nebraslm gon'crnor completel ) ' outshone the staff of the governor of 'Yashington in their gorgeous uniforms amI superb dccorations. And they were colonels'evcry one of thcm.-llce Republicans in the wcst part of the state are very enthusiastic and witl go into the campaign this fall with a dct < 'rmination to I elect every cat1l1 ida te on the tickct. If thc republicans of the cast part go into thc fight with as much enthusiasm as wiB thosc of the I west part , the state tic1wt wiU re cive a majority of 5,000.- North Platte 'l'ribune . R. R. Brnard , who for two or three years' has bccn associated with Geo. B. Mail' in thc publication - cation of the Callaway Courier , has disposed of his interest in the Courier to 1\11' . Mail' , and has accepted the position of business , managcl' of th. . . f.4oup Valley Oucl'n , bu t reccn tt , } ' started . by Mr. umlJrulII. Mr. Hanlan I. IS a 1-ood newspaper 1I1i111 , and till' ( .c ; ) nl'ell , under his husincss man- - dou ht wi1l hCl'oml' ag-l'men t , no , Olle of the leading' factors of Custer county. - - ' 1'l1e Cust I ditorial Association celehratell tlw sel'ond annual occurencc with a halllJUl'l at the Grand Central 'I\uesday nig-ht hy a numhcr of th ( ' mem- bCr ! , accompanied hy their wives. 'I\he occasion was olle very much enjoycd hy all. A. J. JWiott , thl' proprictor of thc Grand Central - , tral , made himsclf solid with thc fraternity for all timc to comc , ! for his gcncros tj. and most ex- ccllent treatment. Mr. JWiott :11111 : his housc is deservedly growing - ing more popular with the public cvery day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Presidcnt Hoose\'elt formerly dcclared the restoration of peace in thc Philippine Archipclago , July 4 , and placed thc islands under complete civil control , and has extcnded g-cneral amesty to the li'iJipinos , who have bccn in rebcllion. Aguillaldo , who has hccn favorcd with a guard to protect him from his own countrymen - trymen , has bcen given his Iiber- ty along with thc rest. He will now have to protect himsclf from the friends of Gen. 14una , and other Filipinos , who he put to death without cause. Ncbrnskn Stnto i'nlr , lUO . Promptcd by thc extraordinary agricultural promise in Nebraska , for thc ycar 11J02 , the Management of the State Fair to be hcId at I incoln , Septembcr 1st to 5th is anxious to demonstrate that no other State in thc Union can xcc1 us in all staplc products. 1'0 this end , all means at conl1nand wi ) ) be used to prescnt such an xhibition as has nevcr hefore bcen made. 't'hosc who miss scc- ing it will make the mistake of lhcirlivcg. Go and makc the great holiday and sight seeing of l1J02 an event long to be remembcred. Sce that the wifc and children , i\vcethearts , cousins , sisters , : LUnts and everybody elsc sharc with you this great show. - _ . - - - ( ) remn ShlJlments. In thc month of June , the Broken - ken Bow Dairy Association shipped - ped to the Bcatrice Crcamcry Co. 170 cans of cream , containing 13,600 pounds of cream , or 5)3 ( , pounds of hutter fat , for which was paid to the farmcrs $1,014.- 4S. 'l'he number of customcrs for the month of Junc increascd from 7 to 34. We learn from Mr. Ii'oster , who has charge of lhe creamery station here , that lhe amount paid for cream. for J unc , 1901 , was but S41 . 72. lIe stimates that for the month of Junc , 1')02 , that in addition to lhe crcam that has bcen shippcd from Broken Bow that thcrc were : ; hipped 13,000 pounds of buttcr , for which the rcceived 15c per pound , hrInging 51,950. Had the milk which prOiluccd that butter heen handled h ) ' separators - arators , it wouId ha\'c made 17- 300 pounds , and sold at lSc would have bronght 53,114. 'l'he resnlt is a los to the community of 1 , 164.00 in one month. - - - - - ( : ustcr County'tI UCllourccs. Onc of the grcat clemcnts from which thc pcople of Custer wun t.y wi 11 cIcri vc an cnormous income this ) 'ear , if present prospects - pects do not fail us is her cult i- \'atcd land. 'I'he assesorsreports from 23 of the 5 townships of the county givc the number of acres in cultivation in the county 289,553. 'I'his docs not include the townships of Cliff and Gar- ficld. Of this acreage in cultivation - tion lS,153 acres are in corn , 5,997 in wheat , : 9. 71 in rye , 23,775 acrcs in oats , 3,4SJ in barley and 1,285 acres of potatocs'rids lc\\'es : about 9000 acres that reports docs not show to what they are planted. Bnt with a little Jignring- and by cstimating thc yield of corn , wheat , oats , rye , baric ) ' and potatoes , prescnt prospects , oIt . - presents an encouragi ng out-look. I ! ' ; timating the yicld of corn at an averagc of o bushcls to the acre , it g'es 5,5H4.5110 bush cIs. li'igure the corn worth enl ) ' 25 ccnts a bushel ( allll it will he worth douhle that to fecIl to caUll' ami hogs ) and it is worth $1,3- 147.50. 'I\he 2S'J7 acres of wheat will , without doubt , a\'erag'e IS bushels - els to the acrc , as a g-rea l deal of it will , caisly double that. 'I'his will give -lrI7H7 ( , bushels , which , at SOc a hushel , would he worth , ) . Calcnlating' upon the saltH' l'onser\'a t'c basis for thc ) ' " oats , barlcy and potato crop it makes thc value of the crop S2,2H3,8cJ1. , It is to be rcmcmbered in this ! conltection that thcsc calculations are baised only on land in cuIti- , vation in 3 of the 25 townships. ' 1'0 this estimate fully one sixth should be a ded for CIiIT and Garfield townships , which would make about $380,648 morc. 'I'his cnormous sum is equal to $133 for every man , woman and child in the connty. In connce tion with the crops ' arc the dairy procluct , thc pork , beef , ponltry , eggs , and garden products which are not estimat- cd. ' 1'he stock industry is OfH' of the principlc industries of our county. Take thc profits deriv- cd from our cattl , hogs , etc. , and add to thc vdue : of our crops and the procceds would reach full fonr millions this year. It is bccause of thesc conli- tions that we have sccn our pco- pIe in five years emcrge from a tatc of ' to thc bankrupts ) position - tion of competancj' . In cver locali ty in the coun t j' farmers are getting in good shape tinaneiallYi most of them arc out of dcbt. Ncarly all ha\'c a'l > unch of stock cattle and arc selling cream from 5 to 5 cows that costs them nothing but thc labor of milking. 'l'hey have the grass wasting on which their stock feed. 'We know of nowhere that the opportunitics arc otierec1 to the poor man to gct a start t1 a t is now open to him in Custer c9unty. , 'rhere is ) 'ct thousands of acrcs of pasture land that can be bought cheap and on easy terms. 'l'his land if occupicd and used for stock raising and dairying could be made pay for its elf in a fcw : rears. ' 1'110 UCllUhllcl1n Stl1to 'l'lckct. IIoldredge Citizen : 'I'he re- dublican statc tickct givcs evident satisfaction to republican voten. and \'igorous and united effort shoul be made by Phelps county rcpublicans to give it evcn strongcr cndorsemcnt than was givcn the repu lican tickct last fal1. 1i'usion as exemplificd in Ncbraska mcans a combination of poIitical parties , at the sa rifice of principle , for thc purpose of obtaining oHice. - - - Ii'all City Journal : It is amusing to watch thc opposition in the franticelTorts to tind some- thing' upon which to basc a fight against J. II. Mic1 ej. It is from the very tonc of their expressions that thej' rcalie : . : that they arc up against the real thing. The statemcnt that Mickey is an upright and hOl able man is enc that wiU no . lmit of successful contradic- . . . 11on . . . , am 1 no one rea 1. lzes t 1 tat more fully than fhc Nebraska fusion ists . - - - - - Uene\'a Signal : 'I'he tic1il't : is in many respect one of the strongcst and ever nominated hy the rebublicans of N braska. Several of the candidates arl' already - ready scrng - first terms in a hig-hl , } ' satisfactory manncr. 'I'he several candidates will bc .tliscusscd individually as tae campaign progresscs It is a little carl , } ' yct to worry too much about politics and republicans of this country ought doubtless to be allowcd to reco\'cr somewhat from thcir spring siege - - N ort h PIa ttc 'L'ri bune : Not for a number of ycars has a re- } Htblican ticlcct becn so strongl , } ' . allli . tllHlnininlOusly cndorsed as the one which the voters arc a < ; lwd to support l1ext fall 'l'here i not a ca nd id a te on the ticket who will l1eed a defencc ; not one for wl1o111 an l'xcuse is nccessary It is a ticket of whith evcry r'publican lIIay well fcel proud , al1d one which appeals strongl ) ' to all who want the atTairs of statc transacted in a fair , competent , husincss- e manner. - - - \V a'ne I cpu hlican : 'I'he t ickct nOIll i na ted hy t he l cpu bl ican state con\'ention is an unusally stroltl onc. I spccially is this true in regard to the nomination of John II. Mickey for governor. 'l'hc nominee is a man of most exccllent qualifications. thorugh- I ) ' fitted to fill the position with crcdit to thc statc and honor to the party he represents , a man who will not be putTed up by bcing nominatcd to the position , bu t will recogn ic : . : each and cvery cltien : . : the same as e\'ery othcr citizen. Mr. l\1ic1cey is a farmer , a banker , an old soldier and a pi- onecr of Nehraska and his elcc 'tion is just as sure as it is that I the slm riscs in thc morning. ' " Itcl'uhllcl1n ' UCl'l'cscntnth'o ' Convcntlon. Broken now , June 28 , 1902. 'I'he repubIican representative. . convcntion of the 5 ( ) District , ! composcd of Custcr a 11(1 Logan ! . I counties wns called to ordcr at 2 p. m. by J. O. 'l'aylor , chairman of the Ccntral Committcc. R. Hoagland of Gandy was chosen chairman and C. C. Gardner - ner of Sargent , secretary. On motion the chairman was Authoried : . : to appoint a com- mittce of thrce on credentials , threc on order of busines and threc on permanelit organiatlOn : . : and three on resolutions. 'I'he chairman made thc following - ing appointments : Credcntials-A , II. Pestcr , Myron Hopkins , ' \Y. L. Cox. Permancnt Organization--J. E. Ca'encc , C. S , E11ison , n. McClay. Order of Business-Jules Hau- mont , E. N. Bishop , D. 1\1. Sa'ille. . Rcsolutions-J. Ii' . Foxworth\ ' , C. T4. Gutterson , D. C. Konke1. 'I'he report of comn.littee on order of busincss provided for : 1. Report of com mH tce on credcn tials. I 2. I cport of committce on Permancn t Organ iza tion. 3. Hcport of committee on I esolu tions. 4. Elcction of Ccntral Committec. ' 5. Nomination of candidates for rcprcscntatives. 'l'he committce on Credentials reportcd finding the crcdentials tilel regular and recommcnded seating thc delegatcs rcportcd from Logan and Custer. Rcp rt adoptcil. 'I'he com mi ttee on permancn t organization recommcndcd the temporarj' organ izatio l bc made pcrmancnt. I el'ort ' adopted. On motion J. 0 , 'J'aylor was clectcd committecman from Custer connty and Chairman , R. Hogland w'as elected committce- man from J ogan. 'l'he committee on 1 esolutions reported as follows : 'rhc republican party in Rc- prescntativc convention assembled - ed endorse the H'solutions passcd by thc State , Congressional and county c011\'entions. Anti wc pledge thl' nomith.'l'S of this con- vcntion if ell'l'tcd to snpport an _ -u- Sold everywhere In COlUS- nlllirn. Made by Stllnd rd 011 \ . . . L ComllIny . - . . . . . . - _ . . . . , ' . - , . - I _ _ _ . . . - _ . . . , . ' - - - . i . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 't. . : . . . . , . " , . . . . . . .01 , . .t. " . " ' , ! , ' .1-4. : f."i . i : li'.be' " " . : JI.II..I. : ' ' ' ; "ot.t. : . ' ' ' " : "i . S. , ' ; . . . . . : < ; "le rioOJ. ! ' ; ' . . . ; . ' n.'a .1.,1" " : : . , . " .I ' . : . ; . " . ' ! . , ; . : . Ii . . . . ; : .Ii-f ' : j U ! # 'I ; : : . : ' : I' , . ' ; - - ; : i" 't t ' " . . ' J. C. BO VV EN . : : r r : " . . I : : . . I . . . . ' V 1 I l . , < l. ' . ' " . ' " " \ , , . \ ' : . . " ' . > , 'ii . . : . : ' ,1/ . . . / ' " i ; : . . . . , { U . : \ - pe t't" 1011 111 ! : : \ a. . il " 'ii ; : L1\ADS frU1 s 111 theIr season. i ! i. W take 111 exchange for ! ; : : I 'j anytll1ng 111 stock , Poultry , 1r1 ; 1 Butter , : Eggs , and all classes i' I of country producc.Ve give m ' t ordcrs for any thing wc do not . ! i I carry. . Our stock of Grocerics i ! r'ii : . ! IS Completc-Always l : \ resh. . ; Q Crockery , Patcnt Mcdicinc.s , l I l and 'Vall Papcr always 111 I I stock. J6..Pure Old Cidcr ; : ! h ! ! r ; Vinegar , is our trade mark. li. : : I : ! i Yours For Busincss , J t .i , : " ) . tr , . . . ; 'ii d : . : , I. Q ! ; ; , ' : :1 : : i ij . : ' M'ii' ; ; : ' ( ! " J. C. BOWEN , ' . ' ! ; : : : . . . . .I' _ 1 .1 . . , . . . , , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . ' . . . . ' . , , . ' . . . ' . . . . . , . . . . .1:1 , , . . . , . . . . . " . . ' . . , , , , ; : I . " " - " " . " ' ' ' ' ' > " . 't.'I > . . : I } -.11.1 . i"l1."O- : : f : ' 1.1 ' ; . . ef.oo . : . ; . ! : . . ' , ' . .I. . . . , ' : . ! . . . , . i"j.I. ! . : . , " " ' , , : ( . . . : . ; . ; ; . : . ; , . . .j J , : ! . : . . : . ! . . . : . , : i.t . . . ' : ! . . .v. . , . : . ; : . , ' , u04'.I' nfeJ : ! ' ; ; ! . . . : . ; . ; . : , " . . ( , ; ! . . . : . i' . III : . : , .t , , . . ) : ' , t..l. : ' ; - amendent to thc constitution of the state , so that the permanent school fund n1a ) ' he invcsted in school district bonds. And we furthcr pledge our candidates if elected to support and work for a iB amcnding the' ' rcvenue laws of the state so that i each county in the state will be I requircd and compel1ed to bear its just and equal porportion of state taxes. ' \Vc endorse the poIicy of the present statc adnunistration in requiring thc heads of the differ- cnt state instutions to conduct thc business of the institutions within the approprations made by the last legislature for their support and maintainance , and we pledge thc nominccs of this convention to kecp the appropia- tions for state institutions to the lowest practiablc limit , consistent ; i with the welfarc of thc state in tutions. J. li' . FOXWOH'l'HV C. L. Gu'r'rJmSON } Com. D. C. KONKHT. I Report adopted. On motion thc convention proceeded - ceeded to informal ballot for candidates for the legislature. , Julcs Haumont was appointed assistent secrctary and C. L. utterson D. C. Konkel , _ _ tellcrs. \ The informal ballot rcsulted as follows : A. II. Copsc ) ' 14 , S. C. 'Val- dron 10 , A. 1-4. Mathcws 6 , C. L. Gutterson 5 , T. C. I-I. Bayer- . . .4. . hoffer 2 , M. E. Vandenburg 1. The several candidates were called before the convention for a spccch , . Mr. Guttcrson declined - clined to be a candidate and said h'e would not accept if nominated. The others votcd for signified their desire to be nominated , except - t cept Mr. Vandenburg who was I not prcsen t. The first formal ballot resulted as follows : Copsey 14Valdron 13 , Mathews - ews 6 , Bayerhoffer 4 and Vandcn- burg 1. Messrs Copsey and Waldron were declared the nominees. The successful candidates thanked the convention for the honor confered. The defeated I candidates plcdgcd their hearty I support to the nominecs. 'l'hc general feel ng of all was . I that thc convention had chosen I wiscly and that the nominces would secure the prizc. - I - I DRBAKINO A VICIOtJS KICKER ! LIVE AND LET LIVE 1 is my motto. I wi ] ] scll goods to the public cheaper than any othcr house west of Lincoln , and if ) .ou will spare a fcw minute-s I will gladly show you m ) ' goods and tell you 111) ' prices. ' 51.00 saved is 51.0q made. Come in and see. I take eggs in exchange. _ At Collom's old stand , west side of pubIic square. . Cash ' Dr ' Goods and Notions. Groccrj' , ) , . . . ' , T. W. COOI ( , and MRS. L. L. SHARP. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ' . . . . . , . . . , , , , , , . . . , , - : " ' ' ' ' . . " ' ' : ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' - " , , . . . . /1oCl. / " .t . . . : . , , .iJ _ i .r. : i. : , , . ' . . : . " " . . . . . , . . . ! : . ; . ' . , . : . . i . , I.e1Ntf'mit-.i n. , . ; . . ; . ; . . . . : . , " , " . . 1 . " . ' : . . . ' . : ' ' ' ' jl. j . . , . . ! . "t''if ! : ' \'It. . . ' . . . . , : r'r-4..o" : . : : . ; . ! . ! . . . . . . , . . : . . . ; . . - . j21"p . . " " " . . . .i.tJ'.e 'if : . : ! " . , . : , . .Ir'i tt. . : . ; . if : ; l ' " ; ; 2 i W.i ' : EAGLE GROCERY l' ( I : . . . . ' . 4 . - - , h. , . I ' All parties indebted to the Eagle Grooery , ara requeBted j kV to cnll ! lnd Bottle their I\ccount hy oash at on09. I mUBt Itave ! , I M : . r . money to pay hills , I cannot do businQss on wind. r ! " , I Yours truly , ' : ! i : : ' . J . .1' l" . W S SWAN : . : . . . J " . . , . : ' , . : , rz P roprletor. t 'j 1. O SO C ; : SA : r. : . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'th. . - . ' " . . : . A , - A . I . . . . . " " l" ' r : ' . ' . ' ' ' ' r ' . , . . . ' : ' 1.-- : : : : : " ; -i ! I ' : : r.- : - " ' - " ' . , .tX' : , ' . " ! 'i : , . r--l : : : ' : " " ' ; ' 4r : i : ' . 'r'J."l : i 't'H . . , r . . . ' . . , ,