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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1902)
, Sltl\o 1l\at \ L\brariau \ odc\J \ . , " USTEROUNTY ' , ' EPUBLICAN. . "j " t ES1'ABr ISIlED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OIi' CUS'l'ER COUN1'Y. r4ARGli S'r CIHCUT4A'I'ION Oli' ANY PAPgl IN 'rIII COUN'l'Y. , = - . - - - - - - VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 3 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.31 - y . . . . . . . . . . . , .eve.1 ' WAITING , FOR. A REPORT 'J , . I I - - - - - - ! i'l1m rot : . ! UTWS. I Time to l\we your timepiece overhauled and pul in order. You may he contcmplating 1\ vacation-then ' . summer - you'll ! nced time-accuratl : time. Time . \ 1I1a ) ' bc ) 'Qurs at smnll expcllse. I'll spend it for you ill repahin your watch ill n competent mt'lllner. I'm doing it for . others , mill holl1 my pntrolls- . I I : ulu\ulte of CLlC"O oDllfr.amlo ClIllOg6' /1 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . / . , , , - - " - - - - - Books , I tl-SCh , . , 'I' t . Tablets , I , - ( - 'I' . J ) * - - ND-- { * iE- ' . ; School Supp1ies , * . " . . " , . ' . - -A.T- - - - - - -r-- " . - * L " * J. a-Haeberle"is : : * } ( . . ' 1' , : - _ . - - - - - - - - - \ . Perle Ehzabnh Fields , DR. m ! ) JJ } ) n ll } 1lThID m illl O1fFIC HOURS : 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1:30 to 4 p. m : Or by appointment. 6"j"Office ( , , 'cr Andcr onJewe1ry Store in Realty BJock , Broken lIow , Nebraska. - . . - . - . . . . . . . - . - . . _ - " - . _ - - - - - . . - , HAil ! HAil ! The old reliable St. Paul Fire & Marine InRurufice 00. , of St. Pa1J.I , :1\1 : ' inn. , "rith oyer $3'-000,000 cash assets - sets , offers the fhl'nl" " ( I'S of Custer 'ounty abbol ut.e iHde nnlt.y upainst ; lO-3S : hy Baii. I.Jo\y rnte ; Ilon l'ahle adjustll1ellL and Spot cash settjenlent . In- RUl'e your crop against hail. J. A , llAltltIS , t. Agent. Office , Opposite PI ( ) " Brotcll Bo\vNeh , . . . . - - - - - - = - I.fn , ' 1t.llt" " EaHt. The Burlillgton Route nlln0\1IlCCS 'rate of $39.35 to Providcnce , R. 1. , and re. t\JrI1 un account of the Inltrnational Baptist Young People's t'nion. 'rickets ou sale July 6 , 7 anel 8. For AhHtion l iuforlllatioll ask the nearest J1urliugton Route agent or write , J. IfN\NCIS , Gel1erall'astellger AeJlt ! , 3,4 Omaha , Nebr. . : : 'IIllritet ' UCp01.t for ' ! 'goay. 'VLet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , J .fl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 : Harley. 0.18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 @ . nfU. Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii lluuor H\:18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 ' . bll& \ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { jI Potllo ( per . . hgste\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.f I . . . . . Onlonpr.r > , - , . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t Cblcen 110 < < . , : . . . . . . J . "r . . . PQund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . 7.11 ( .OWil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a.t\ : ! @ 4.0. Rtt. lll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( .W } 7.0 ' , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1 Tnrke8 pcr pounc t-Iraw.percwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 Da"Ne\f. ptr BllIar , per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii.t > : : : : : : : JI 'rhe Hnpunr.lcAN and Intcr Occan , S1.50. Both huuses of congress ad- joul'ncll without dat July 1. Herman Hachburgh of Ansel- mo , was a friendly caller at this otlice 'I'ucsday. Jas. Boggs of Elton , made this ot1ice a friendlv call while in the ' city Saturday. King Edward is still improving - ing , and is reported in a fair way to rccovery. . C. C. Deal of Callaway , kindly remembcrcd this office Saturday while in th citJ' . The RnpUI1LICAN office acknowledges - knowledges a friendly call from Paul Hqumont of Elton , Monday. Judgc Sullivan held an adjourned - journed term of court Monday. Only a few equity cases were - dis-I posed f. Wm. StaJlillgs , Jr. , and Geo. : Keller , Jr , of New Helena , made. . this office a business call Monday. . ; while in our city. The band' gave a free concert in the piazza of the Grand Cen- trallast 'l'hursday , in which.tbey rendered somc "er ) ' fine mustc. Hon. James 'Vhitehead received - ed a telegram this morning from Schuyler , announcing the deat.h of Co ! . H. C. Russell. Burial : : ) aturday. S \'eralmembers of the M. B. . - will hold a picnic inVells' gro\'c a mile west of town on July 4. All members of the order - der are inv\te(1. \ L. H. House of Ansley , has established a cream station in this city for the lIygeia Cream- e'rv Co. of Omaha. He is selling the El pire separator. . . . Charles , the son of John Wehl- ing , who has been : , t.tteitding : sc1ool at , Columbus , this state , the past year , arrived home \Vednesday night of last week. G. N. Rawson has bought Hugh Kennoyer's stock of second hand goods and furniture. Mr. I Ra.wson will continue the business - ness at the. old stand , west side of public square. At the Commercial hotel in this citJ' on June 27 , 1902 , occurred - red the wedding of Mr. Robbin Beauchamp and Miss Elsie Hanna of Dunning. Rev. Geo. P. Trites ofticiating. N. L. Reynolds , the foreman f the RnI > UIII.ICAN office , went toTest Union Saturday , returning - ing Monday with his wife and children , who have been visiting there for the past three weeks. J. M. Kimberling drove down to Oconto last Saturday after his wife and chihlren , who have been vbiting in that vicinity for several - eral weeks. Owing to the rain Sunday they did not return until Monday. 'l'his omce acknowledges the receipt of a box of fine cherries from A. A. Collom of The Dalles , Washington , where Mr. Collom is doing an extensive conunission business in tropical and domestic fruits. W. S. Swan is handling his fruit it.l.this city. A nu nber of the boys got together - g-ether 'ruesday nig-ht and organized - ized a base hall club.Vill Stev- cns was elected captuin , C. 1\1. Shinn trl'aUrer , and Ji'rad Stack manager. After the IJoys havc had a little time to practice the ) ' will be ready to meet any team that may come. \Vm : F. Klatt of Am elt\1O amI Miss I'a Norton were married at I the Globe hotel in t.his city , Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. J. R. ' .reagarden officiating. 'I'hcse young people are highly respecterl and have the best wishes of a host of friends. ' ! 'hey will reside in the vicinity of Anselmo. Miss Francis Langsonof Chad- ron , who is visiting with her aunt Mrs. Leggitt and family of this city , entertained a number at the Grand Central Hotel , by the rendition of several high brrade and choice selections on the piano , last Thursday e\'ening , after : the concert g-iven by the band. Miss Langson is the daughter Dr. Langson formerly of this city. Miss Lang. SOl1 is only fourteen years old but bel' playing is marvelous for one of her age. Dr. J , J. Pickett of Central ' City , \'isiting in the city , 'I N. 1. Butler of Gates , . was a friemll ) ' caller at this office last Saturday. W.H.'Vallaceof Council Blulfs. Iowa , iR visiting in the city with his son , Frank. Mrs. Geo. Kiser of Grand Island - land , arrived in t1H city . Monda ) ' night on a visit. Dr. C. Pic1ictt'ill orate at Comstock tomorrow. Th Wood- maU celebratc thcre. H. G. Curtis , fOl'lllcrlv tellcr of the First National Ban'le of thi's ' city , is visiting- t11l dty. the gucst of Alpha lorg'an. Thtee coaches filled with people from Oscoa ) , 10w j Rassed through here yesterda y 6vbning on their way to Sherid .u , Wyom- , ing. They had a band wit1tt them. At the republican representative - tive convel1tion Saturday , A. H. 'Copsey \Vcstcrvi11c amI . C. Waldron of Ov r , were nominated. 'rhe minuets of the proceedings are \\na\'oidable \ crowded out this week but will , appear next week. ' . Another hea\'v rain \ ' sited this locality 'J\H sda.v 'night. 'J'be precipitation was 1.32 inches. 'l'wo hundred fcet of track on thc B. & 1\1. near J itchfielcl and Hazzard was washed out amI the traiu were delayed until a temporary - porary track could he Jaid. . . E. } . . Stepllcns. pl'Oprietor of the Crete Nurscrics , mHle this o11 ce a social call this morning in company with his son Frank. Mr. Stephens informs us that he expccts wbile here to mak arrangements - rangements with thc mercha lts of Broken Bow \0 \ handle hi $ I fruit. < I Attorney A. R. Humpl rcy. _ ceiv d notIce ye3terday ! from. the . snprcme court that the : judgment. of the district court in. the ' ; case' ' . of the city against the Dro en. Bw Water 'Yorks has been af- firmed. About $12,000 were involved - volved from which t e city is released. John 'Vehling of the West Table , has some fine Duroc Jersey pigs that are .rbeauties. : He brought down one pig two months ol that he had SQld to Ras , Anderson last ' .rhuf lay , that is as pretty as a picture. He informs us that he had 130 more like it at home. The old settlers meeting of , the north west quarter of Custer county will be held at Merna Nebraska \Vednesdoy July , l ( ) . An interesting program has been arranged and no doubt a pleasant time will be enjoyed by all who caw be present. The probrram will appear next woek. A basket picnic and celebration - tion will be held in the Park , July 4 for the benefit of tl1 ( chiidren an adults who will not be able to leave town to attend one of the number that 1m'e heen arranged for in othcr localities. A short program wilt be rendered - dered in the forenoon an\1 \ a swing ' has bcen erected for tlW'chil rpn. , . . . ' I 'J'he citr of BruKen How has I one of t h finest parks n I'en tral . Nebraska. } i'or its si ? ( ' , \VC he- lic\'c we arc safe in saying- that there is not a finer park in the state. But thC' fCllt c thnt in- closes it is in ver ) ' poor repair. A numhl'r of the : postH arc brokcn elI and arc enl ) ' supported by the cable which thc ) ' are intl'IUl d to sustained. ' .rhe rickety comli- tion of the fence is an 'cye sore that should be removed. A good substantial iron fence should replace - place the old at the earliest day possible , one that will not only be strong enough for hitching ' purposes but that' will be an ornament. RelJckab ttentioD. On account of the yearly meeting - ing night coming this we 1c on the Fourth of July , the ate has been changed to thc following night-Saturday. All members will take notice accordingly , and be on hand , as then : : will be degree - gree work and instalation of officers. I Destauctlon for Populist. : Judge Sullivan at the fusion ; I convention beld at Grand Island last week got over into the . 1I 1iddle of the road" and gavc his democratic allics somc hanl overhanded blows that the ) ' will not eon forget n l camc vcr\ , ' near th truth in prcdicting th \'ote of , the populist r mnant of Custer county. 'J'hc following Wl' clip fro111 thc Bee of the 2Mh which ! 'hould be be read b ) ' C\'C\'Y \ democrat and popu1i t in Custer count ) . : i l'In a scathing spe ch Judg' : HOUlcr 1\1. Sullh'an of Cu ter county dcclared that all hope of SlICCCS ! ; hall alrcluh' hccn re li n- qu ished. " ' ( ' 0 11l1llii na h' II dcmu- crat at the head of our ticket , " Ill' exclaimed , I'mcans till' ( I - structiOJ1 of our part\ . . It l11eaJ1 defeat at the polls , lind if I am to go down to l"ertain dcfl at l would mthcr g down with m\ ' flag Hying' , iighting for populit .principles behind a ticket madc up o popuJi ts , than to go dowlt behind a dcmocrat forced on us hy outside inllucnces. I want to sa ) ' that no demucmtie cluul tlate for governur can poll within : ! : Jcr cent of thl' populist \'ott. . l'hat was secn out in III ) ' count.y last year whcn wc submitted to Hollenheck as thc numinec for , supremc judge. We ha\'c in Cnster count ) . : ! ,200 populist votCrHj but Ilollenbcck fell short 700 of polling thcir full strcngth , , md I say that just as sure as Wl' ugree to a dcmocrat at thc head of the ticket this . veal' we wi1l'not p 111,200 votes in.Custer county. " He went on further to protcst ag-ainst the sacrificc of the pop- I unst organization for the purpose of stcmming for Bryan the rising I tide of the reorganizers . in the democratic party. n'\ \ VAN NO'\'l'Ol'UT.AH 1))01 , . Q. "If ) 'ou read the rcport , " he added , "not a singlc democratic convent.ion in any state east of th.c Mississippi this .rear reassert- devotion -Bryan. . Some' ' .of. you talk of Drydl" " for pre i .ent again in 1904 , hut T want to f ll you that there is no certaint ) ' that Bryan's friends will be in the majority two years hence. I want to preserve t.he populist party so that he can come to it rather than to destroy the party that Br'an may use its prcstige I .in hif ? own party , on which he is losing his grip. " I Attempted SulcltJe. I T. C. Baldwin , a highly re- 'spected ' citizen of means , shot : himself twice last night in the : head with sucidal intent. Both i balls glanced upward. ncither pcnetrating- smll ] sufficicntly to necessarily prove fated. 'I'em- porar ) ' insanity was no doubt thc cause. Col. } ' M. Uublec. , Sunday F. 1Rublee and wife left here for Lincoln preparAtory to acccimpanying Gov. Savage and party to Seattle , \Yashing- ton to wftncss the c nuonies attending - tending thc la > 'ingof the kecl of the .battlesll1p Nebraska , Jul ) ' ,1. .Mr. Ruhlec has recently hecn appoiuted tu the rank of COIOl1l'1 on COa'age's Staff and will occupy the position of aid altadll' to stalT on th < . ' trip , The C ovcrnor and partlcft r 4i nloln : Sunday night o\'er the Burlington - - ton for Rcattlc , passing through Brokt n Buw at h:04 : Monda ) ' morning' in it special car. ' 1'h" , trip win be it dclightful one and : nunc will better eujoj' it tlwn' . ' Col. Ruble\ ' . and his Wifl' . Mr. Ruhlee will \'isit mauy places of iuterest on the cost hcfon' rl'turn- inK. He expects to be gOI1l' thn l' wccks. . - - - - - - - - County } : t1itol'IRl As"uclt&tlolt ! fueling' ' ! 'he Annual meeting of the Custer county Editorial Association - tion will be held in this city Tuesday , J ul ) ' 1 ; . As t his will be the 1irst annual mceting of the ; lssociation the I1Icmhers havc decided'to invite their wivl s to meet with them on this occasion and icnjoy the spread. with them. _ _ _ . 0- . 'X'O Whom It Itl. ' ) ' C""c rll Berwyn , Neh. , Junc 2h , 1905.- I am. using the Empire Scpcrat- or No. and am well pleased with it. It Skims pcrfcctl ) . clean and runs easy and asy to wash. I tried the De-Laval amI I mpire at the Harne time. I like the Empre best because it runs easier and is easier washed and handled. I purchased it of L. H. House. W. H. MAUK. - SOUIO l IIIO Urnln. John Wehling' of the WClt ! : ' .rabIe , lcft at this ollicc a few dl 'ys ago somc fine samples of wmtcr wheat , ryc and oat growing - ing on his farlll. 'I'he ryc IIIcas- Ul'CS four fect six ; inchcs , wheat thrce fcct four incHcs , and the oa ts t h rCl' fed two i nches , 'I'ltl oats was just twg'inning to head ! lice I ) ' . 'l'hc ' wilin ! all prohahil- It.gTOW a loot tI1 len th yct , ! f the wet weather l O\ltJUUe \ ! as It hl for the l'a ' t month. . - - - - - "I'ho I'm'k 1'1'ubl'mll. 'I'h" followi ngis the prugram of tll ( ' Broken Bow R\ltltlay \ c1wol Pknic to h helcl in the south sich' park , .Iuly . 4th , Ilt " o'dock sharpe : 111 Chnr e of 1'1IJ t'IIlII-l' . II. "Juuk. 111 Chllll l' of , : 'hl : > lc.Inlllah H v ( rsolt. ( : ra'o Untlgilis .Orgllllisl. . \ ' II lie ' . UlIIM l1Ielltsel' lit ) l'IHII\RA \ I"m. nllg- , \ IIlCril'lI. 1'\11\\1'- Ih \ ' . hetlcr. O\lg \ .N anr 1\1" ( :011 : to Thee. ' HClllill } . : I 1t'\ lnt'lltinll' J1u1c'Pl'luh'lIce- J. n. l1Iilh. ollg-.lIl1i1 l'olulllhil\ . 1 < 1 : \l lllltcS SPI'I'ch . . ReGI'O , 'trites. \lilllltes Spcl'chRcIlIisou. . SOllgMnle ! . , ! artette. ' 10 1\I illutes SpCCCh-Jl'SS ( ' 'l'cagnnlclI , Recital1oll. ollnlioll. ollg---Cm An im.itation is cxt ncled to all children and adnlts not leav iug- town for the rc pective ccle- hmtiults. Come and bring ) 'onr haskets. Amusl'ments will he furnishcd for all. , Ordl'r of Com. Sol' ui luh\rtn\nmeut. : \ \ - COtlW and cnjo\ ' your clf at. the . social g'en hy l Y. P. S. C. m. at the Christian chnrdl on the c\'cning- Jul ) ' 10 , ItJO . No chargeR wi11 hc matle , and the ' I following program will be ren- dercd : Rcfre h1lletlts nt H p. 111. 1\I11.ic-C. ; H' . Ml\I\llolln \ Cluh. Rccitatioll-Iuln , l\rowl1. \ l\luric--I.ltlies Quartette. Vocal \ ' R\'erlioll , Solo-l\1ntt\ \ Select Rcni1iIllae H c with. . JllutruJllelllnl Solo-Ramuh Rycnoll. Vocal olo-llerhcrt Watts. Select H eadiug'-'Zoc . Bisholl. Vocal Solo-Violn Heckwit I. Vornl Dtld-Mis5 > cS Borce nlll Sprill er. ' -'lusic-l'tIule ! . . ! tlartette. : CJlurcb tCI'VlceH. IIAI"rIS'l' CHURCH. Itntrutlc ScrvlceK , Next Sunday will be ohsc rvcd in the : Baptist Chureh as Palrotir dn ) ' . 1\1\ \ . : (1res ! > es will be delivcre(1 iu the lIIorninj { I at 11 o'clock h ) " J. 11. mith , Jos. Pigman I and uthers. In the evening at 8 o'cloc ! . : \V. W. Cowlcs 1\1111 olhers will spea ! . : . Spedn1 music will be an importent fcature of holh sl:1"\'il-es. Hveryhody cordially invited. S. W. RlcnAIW . Pastor , /tI'ISCOI' / ' ' ' , CIIIJltCJI. Sen'ices Sunday July 6. .l\orn lIj { praycr , Holy Commonnn nlill renllon , I I u. m. Evellingpraycr nlld hermOI1 8 p , 111. Suuday school 10 a. nt. 'fhe public is conliall ) ' illVilcl\ \ ' \V. I I. x , , lHiRS , Rector. - I M. ) . ; . cnUHCJI. I I\lthc 1\1. H. church ; uddI\Y lIIorning I "Deserters frotllllatlle. " 'l'ext 1'6a. 78:9. : Hnninj { crtllon II pntrolic uhlrcss "The Natiolls ( Ieatlless. " Text l'sa. 33:12. : All arc illvited. nHC ) . 1' . 'I'Rn'fis , , Pastor. I'HHSII\"l./tIUAN / CIWHl'lI. St'J"\'in's JI'xl Sahhath al II a. 111. lIh cel , "JlliJa : hH'auol. " Evcllillg . . . " 'I'lwirl' uf hl'n'let. al H p.lII. nhjecl / ) .1 MOl1l1tain. \ ' . 1' . . C. H. at 7 : I , 111. i''yc ! ' nl tllllsie iu lh ewning. . \ II I nre \ \ e kU1l1e . CIIIO 'I'I.O : l'I1LIH'11. I snlll l > cn'in's lIext Iont's lJaBible chool topic " ( ivillg ofIannll : , ' " : .It the Hulll'avo ! ' W\ . will stlldy of " 'fhe Ifathers . . " . . of IIlornill ' Call. Suhj\.t , M'rlllolIg "Cllrisi a liLl'rutllthl'I'Clllllgscullon \ will Ill' till' first ill 1Cril'l > 011 Christian HvidclIl'l's.Oll't / forg'l l he pra vcr tIIcelillg'ClhICl > tlU ) eH'lIillg. Suhject to Ill' htudil',1 , at 1'1":1):1' : mceting is , "Amcrica's Hopc. " Bible CIlll > s Thurs- tIll ) " e\'l'lIilll { \ \ ill lril'fly cover the old 'j''l > tmnellt history Irom th ( ' ( Icalh uf Jacoh to the'iug ! IIf the at l\1t. Silln ! . Spc'ial IllHlltl.ltl' . l\lusic hoth 11101 lIing 111111.t'ning. . COIIIl' . C. V. AII.lhOIiuibler. ! ; ! . 1I . ) UIHh' 1 t:8tllrclI , U1 1l'kl1t ads , pimpll' ! ; , gr.cas ) ' faces a 11I1 muclcly l'Olllpll'xlons , whkh an' o C01l11110n a1l1ong WOlllen , espedally : rirts at it certain - tain - hl'ant ' dis- age , destroyinghl'ant ) , Jig-uring and makingrepuls \'e features which would utherwi e appear attractivc ancl retined , indicate that th ( ' liver is out of orcll'r. An occasional dose of Hcrhinc will c1l'ansc the howels regulate the H\'C'r ancl su cstahlsh a clear , hcalthy l'ompltxion. ! 50c at Bd. McCowas' llrol. n Bow and 1\lerna. , - - - - "TUI. , . . . 'lIt : : . cOIJa A.1'tUVOIU'IS OI 1I' , . .liE ; CtU.P. l..x'Uve Ur.JlI1lrijululud ' 1'.bllll. .oru . 1:011111 0111111&1. Nu Curdlu 1'111. l'rtce 2i : C41llU. . . ) f . I P alnts , Oils and Wall Paper . .at. . Ed. McOomas'o Drug Store. . - - - - - - K m m [ BUSINESS POINTERS , m Maa. . MW ! J. C. Moore . , abstracting. 2tf - Job printing at this office. Money loaned on improved farms. JAMl\S LUDWICD , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. Dr. T. W. Ba s , dentist , office northwest corner of Realty Block. 8t tf. For insurance and rea ) est:1.te go to Moore & Taylor , in Realty Block. . - Comc in and let me sllow you the finest lot of buggies rou ever saw in Custer county. 2-3 C. S. MARTIN. - - - - - W Rt Union , Nebraska-Yes , we will pay a p lrt cash for butter - ter aUlI eggs. RUFUS G. CARH. Fanns for sale anl ( lands for ren t. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , ' as the cheap farms ar all goin , a1 < 1 prices are advancing - vancing rapldly.-J. G. Brenlzer. received a. car of hedge postsmt .DicrJs Lumber & ( ( Hll C.b. in : ttiis city. Price , 12 ilrtd H , ccnts. ' f FOlt SAI.It OR TRADn-T1wl1 lots and a. few fi e acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm land.-Allen . , Reyncr. - , Lubricating oi1 , df all kinds at Wilkin's drug storc : UJucll a.r . Twlr1c. Don't purchase your twine until - til you get my prices. . 2 3 C. S. MARTIN. STHA vnD-Four steers , one blue , branded -C on left'side. BRltltU HunsT , 2-3 Broken Bow , Neb. li'oR SAL : -Onc top buggy , nearly new ; one lumber wagon , at my farm 12.16-20.-Frank Norton. 46tf FOR RnNT-A : double room on sccond 1100r of the Custer block. Enquire at this office , , , - - - - Don't forget the date you ar to see about your eresl ; while Dr. Bllrne is at the Grand Central Saturday , July 12 , 3-4 You can bur a sick.le for a Deering or Plauo muwer of C , S. J\lartin for $2.50 and sections for 5 cents each. 2-3 Pepsin Gum ; two paakages for a nickel at Wilki ls' Pharmacy. It'oK SAI.HI'e ! acres of land in g-ood state of cultivation a - joining Broken Bow for $200. lnqllire hi office. 3-27 tf Dierks Lumber Co. has in stock a car load of fine cedar post for the trade. Sevcral brood farms for sale 'at a hargain , including my own.- JHS H GANJ\ ' . 44tf Shallow brravel wells madc and guaranteed hy Frank Kelsey. 47-4 FoR. SALIt-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , in Jewett's addition to Broken Bow. Enquire at tbis office. 11-21 tf If you intend to build can at Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. peclal Chungc. , - - The Milburn store is for sale , nice clean stock and store furniture - ture , and buildings , well established - shed business in a fine location. Annual sales $7,000 , stock will invoice about $2,000 , i1diJ1g and fixturesabollt$700. Address , 'V. E. SWnNG I. , I 52-tf Milburn , Neb. .