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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1902)
, t Caster County Rcpublicar , ! - - - . . AMIIIJCIULY , JCIUt r uad J'uhU.llfu . . DeHT' , . . Nmm.A KJ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . T.tae wort , 1l1'l\1l. ; ' h1l8 tll11P 10 IINII'II , : U & .tIft mnn who Ims ROl11ellllll to SIlY , e = Ohlcago honatR at 1,100 chllreh ( ' . , .Iomo "Rcrul ; HOUle l11erely orllllllH'lIllll , lIeney docsn't grow 011 lrcclI , hut It , eems to develop ] Iratt ) ' 1'11111111 , III all Iaaka. 7h cbllnces arc Ihut HIIIIRCII Aago JWtahCII thnt lIettle Orl'CII'R nl111 may bo If8 4 ana her lIen'e 1I1"Jng ! , - - - - - - - - - - - Dkt It ey& occur 10 you whnt wouht M.ppeB to the l'OllIIlry It the women's dub.wero nil IIlHltlcnly to dlHllolve7 Hr. Ol\rnegle talkR ot bllyllll ; 111111 op' . -Ung a number ot I\l'WlIllRIlOrR , Per , : bps he IH nol gettlllK rid ot his mOlloT .rut enollgh , Wet arc a thrltt ) ' Pl'OlIlc , RclllllgIt we , Jo wanlhllt to HUIISlIl , nlld IIlIIh ! " 10 ' ' ! Ulcnnllllle clLrrylll ! ; on 11ulto ' 1 war ot OU ! ' own , .J'ohn PICl1lOlIt MOI'gl1ll IR sllIIlIly 11 ' ' ' , Anll ho Jreat IJlg II\'CI'Jtrown IlI'ollwlcr lv'Ii Jl'Iut ! hlg O\'lI'rIIWIl ! cOlllmls. ) &ODJI Oil hll ; IlcnlR , L.U all nclol'o were lilt ! ! Ihe Inte 801 th HUIIRell noholly wOlIlII ha'e I\1IY auso to COlllplnl1l ot Ihe IlelIOI'ItIlGluK ! : ucnceH o tI IR " : 'I'Dln'llI ; ; Iu\'clltl'd ( fol' IlIIhllcatlon ) I -ono of Ihl' I'mltellt : wOliller's of 11I11I1- ern tlIIICII , " : 'III' , ' [ 'l'sllI hUll tl1l'lIed his , tUentioli 10 HUlllelhlllg eI e , , - , It 111 pre.'IlIlIll'rl tllut UIlJ IIIIIIWY COlin - " , n > ute ! ! hy AIIIC\'II'UIIII will IIIHl Pull. , rw I,1 IIhollt 1'0111' 'eHl'N. lie III COlli' tIlg hnll , : II tile 1'1111 of thRI tillie , - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - Ncw Yorl , IH 011lJ. ; lu eXllelll1 $ IOf ; ) " OCO Cor chlll'ehcII 1111I'111 ; ; II. . . . ( ' 011I111 : ( tC .t'-l1ll11ullt 1111 IIIl1eh liS thl' Il\'emu auagllnte Is wllllu ! ; to lay Ollt 011 hili luwlUcr coUue ; , - - - - - - - A 1II1111uII IIIUII hlH : IIIl 11 tell hhl hllh ) ' lnulIter , : I'l l'11II'1I11111 UIIIIIII , Hu 1IIII't III crnzy , hll\\\'r ! , UII IIII hllll Ih'Ht he , UllIlOlIl'II. hu III hlH ele\'ellth , I1I1lI thu .tber hm lu'e II\'III , I ! collle ! 1'1' cHicle lit IlIcll of JI'lef he- : Alllle the slllilell ! . . ' ! 11I111I't IIlw hllll , What u dl'olllllI ( olt 01' colleJo III'clIl- Jcnls UWI'e wllllll1 he If thlll cUlllplalnt t1 C11lUe clwl'ulI ' futui. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1rrnnk It , Stock tOil , 801 SlIIlth ItuII- , toll. J. SlerllnJ. ; : 'Ilm'luII , A IIII1S , J , 01111I' " , llIgII , l'ottl'r Pllllller , ArchhlllllOll Cur- 'r1Juu , Hrot lIal'tH 111111 Alltllll'lli Halllll- ton coIIIIUluie a lIal Ihal the worlll CUll ) ot 1080 wllhlllll llIllnfull ' IIIlsllllll ; , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .11'0(1(1 IIhul'lllI oillte thut whllt the , 'Barklllg 11I1111 IIUIIIH ! for his IlI'ollel' nourJsh 1111'11 t III 1111111I1 : : , CW III 1'1I101'h'lI nt' 3a00t UllltS , 'J'lIe 1111U1 who IIttelUllto to tced n hllll r ) ' WlII'ltlllIllI Oil calol'11'H III I1kcly to get IIlapllcll wllh the till 11111' aer pull. Hero Iii U lo\'ely I'efl'llill fm' Il IIl1WH' paper 1I0et-WhcII lIell ) ' 1'111111 Illr ! ; un. Ucrrellce ! tli Wullwl"lI rh1II11I1 ; 'Ictlonur ) ' will Hhow sclIt'es or Hllllu llo ' hyJDCB for "Oreell" allll "gllll" nllli hI ! tuUllt ue n IIf1 ! ! I ) ' IlOor urllm' or Iloot .who ClUlllot work 1111 a l111e111 of lIolill bulhUlU lII\\rlt 011 HllCh Il tlwlIIl' . AIIII wbl'.D lIetty riOI'll 111I11 her IIII tlll'l'I 'lI e Bomcthlll lIolllIII / 11' 1l1 clrclell. - - - - - - - - - - Dr. OyruH I 1I1101l , hcnllh olllcer or W York , Illltlll IIULlI ) ' I'I'USOIISIIY repuLnulc Ilh'Hlclnlls IIhOllll1 nlh'CI'tlHI ! tbelr bUsJICIIH ! III th ( ' IInll ) ' IIlJWHlllllwrH , l1ee1des the hellcllts to the doctur hllll' .cle-bellellts to wl1lch he Is cllJnl'ly entlUed 111111 of which ho IH I'ohhl'll hr tms.11'CtlIlK lo lIh'cl'tI.e ( It-It 1M 11 rcnt 'CUnvmlellee to tlw "lIhlle to Icnl'll nt 11rat 11111111 whel'l lo 111111 a Ilh 'slclnll w1l0 mnkclii 1Illl'clnll ' of 11 IllIrtlclllllr IUGI'I or III SI' III'IlH. ' ! DI' , I' IIIIOII 1101 cUIIII- dcnt UlI1t till ! hall 011 lul\'ertlHIIIg will BOOn be relllo\'III , You IIII1Y ! ; O IIhollt 1111I0111 { 111111' . telltllH oC t11l l'olllfol'tnhll' hUIIIl'1-I III ai , JUost I1UY cl\'lIIzcll COli II h' ) ' 11111Ihlll \ that lhe 8un III l'Ulllltl'll h ' Iho 1 'IIII'1I1 hOllsowUe hCl' l'slll'c1nl fol' , Rho Ilup , ot nllow hllll 1'\1'11 to 111'1'11 Illto hl'l' ' : u1or , thllt holr or 110111'11. Whl'l'I' hl'l' 1umt rllrllllurlJ 11111111'1' \ IIlll'Hl l'al1H'I tUld ( ! o.1t11I'sl hlllglllgH : 11m-oil , IIO ! ! 6chlIce hnN 1.11':11'1) : ' HIIII\\'n thllt 1011111' 1Ig1lt 111'0111'1'1) ' IINI'II III'I'I'I'IIIII'H 1II01'tllll. ty. Both Ilh'slenll ' nllil IIlOrllll ' \ \ ' Mhollld I\\l the NIIIIIIJht hll1' fl'l'l' l'jhl ; ot WilY Into 011I' lI\'cII , If we Ipt II IlItll tl1n Ill1YHlcnl sllhcro It will 111111 II 'W1l" Into the lIIorn ! . ' 1'111'1' ( ' IH no SlIl'Il 1hlng as too IIIll1'h HIIIIII ht. - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . 'VhcII ) ' 011 111.1' 'I'III'nlllg for wenlll did YOII ( H'r Htoll to'oillier If 'Ol rOllld alunll It'/ 1'0\'l'rl ' 111I11 wrl'da'l tll\\ minds of IIIII\I ' , Hlllllien nll\lIl'nl'l \ bAN IIIu1 the Hnlllo l'I'HIIlI. It Inl.I'1I I hy1 heaul to wlI hHtnlll1 t II\ ! 1I11I > l'k 0 .uddell IlroslIcrllr , . \ 'Ollllg 11I1111 II lIue ot thl' 'Vest Hlntl'H nlwn'H wlllltel 1IIOUl'1. 111' trlr'll n lot of'I'lItm'I' 11mt dllln't 111I ) ' , ulIII Ilnllll ' weill Inll 1/11111 "llel'lIll1tlun , HI' took III $ : : .f ) ( In thr ( ' ( ! w'I'I'N 111111'I'llt IItlll'I. , glllhl'l 1111 : ( ' 1117.Y. 'l'hl'ee thullslIllIl Ilolll1rtllNII' 111 11l.'h. Ir. Mor 1I11 CII II III IllIt I wll' thut IImount 111 hili 1IIIIIIIe 1IIII'I\I't 11111 fOflet It. Hut rll'III'H Ill' ' ' COIIIIUl\'lItlVI 11011111' III II ( ortlllh' 10 II lu'mur 1m ( 'cntH 1001'0 like ; ; rl'lIt w'alth III tll &vpmJe bll ) ' , 'fo II\\ \ ! ) 'OIIllJ : mlln Ihl uloitcy I'lmll'tl llleu 111'11111111'(1 ' ( Wl'a Itl He ; ; 11 ye dlJ\1li lHI 1'111111 1lI111 111111'1 boxes to hlo trlends , Ilfl'H'l1ted ! U 1111 , , r J wilicoll III : I hili' " ell'h'l'r , 'l'hN1 hI' W'lfl ' ' Sl'lit to 1111 fllNlll1e 1111)111111. ' 1'111' IIIII'II- ! ! 111011 of II III II I'Y III lIo(1 ( nllli 1111 II 111 hll 1011 to hOIlI'1 ! I ' J1I111 IHIII' 111011 IIfl'ml I I h IH III 11I111 hll' , ThlH 1'11 > ; 0 fllrllply IIhO\\1I thllt 1111I II I'y wllhollt hr/llllll 10 1'111'1' fOl' II , wlillOllt 1111'111111 hnllllll'l' 10 1IIIIItI' JtIlC II I IINI' of II. III 11 cal/llllily IlIlItl'llll of 1111 1111\11 II III g" , Whell YIIII eI"1II1l1111 " frlllll I 11'1011111) ' rl'/lt \\'clI1th , 11111 , ( ( II' WIHllol1I wll h II , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "A I'W rlll'l , 11I1111 rl'CI'IIt11'lIl1l'll 011 1II1 ! , " HlII.1 . CX-CUllllllllllllollI'r I''IIII ! ! re- celltly , "lIl1hllllltl'll II list of 11ft ) ' 1111'11 111111 IIHltI'il 1111' If tll ( ' 11111114'1:1 : of III1Y of them WI'I' ( ' 011 the 1II'IISlll11 1'1I1114 , 'Dllr' III lIw CI'II111' , ' he Halrl , .tlwre WIIH II hllllk Oil thl' river frollt III I'w 11J1'k. AI'rOll1l thp Htrl'l'l WIIR II l'I'I'rlllt/lIg / 11111. lIOII , Dill' rlay IIrly rl'Cl'lIl111 I'llme 111111 the hllnk III II hmly 1I11c1 1'111'11 ellJlIlI'Iltl'rl hili hOllll11' NOIIC' or thl'l1I hnK I\'er cl1l1ed lo ohlnlll hll 1II01ll'Y , Intel'l'Ht Willi II110wod for tWI'III-two 'l'lIrll , Iy \'llIltor Willi tr'hlJ { to IO/I te thl'III' 11 Il'II , HO lhl ! ltel'olllllll IIIIJthl be clolll'ii. I 111111 thl ! 1I'IIsion l'ollJi I'XIIIII 1111'11 n 1111 r011l1l1 Hlx of tlw nUIIWI o ( the tlrt 1111'11 who hlld delloHIII'C ) the 1II0lley furty yel1l'H U O. 1 I\'h ( or lhl ! Hlx , hy 1II'II\'IIIg hb IIlolltlly , will rL'C'h'e II hlrJe Slllll , " , . - - - - - - - - - - - - The ullllreclntlollK or I'rnlll'll Bret Hurle r:1I111 1 turlh hl hili 111'lith lut\'I ! HlruIIJtl'ly ollllttl'li to Kl\'e hllll till ! Cl'lllIt ! hI' CII'HCI'\'eH liS UII } f/lthl'r of Ule 111 011 I'm shol'l IIl0ry. IIIH Her\'lclJ to IIterlllll ' III this l'I' IH"Ct Is 1II0re cll'nrl ) ' dlHcerllcd Itl BIIJttllIl ) , tllllll 111 , \lIlel'I'II ( , We hn\'c lIut ) 'I't fllll ' g'I'lIslwcI the fUI'l lhul 10 Bn't Illirte , IIIClI'e Ihllil 10 IIny utllI'r wrlll'l' . 1"101110(11 tlw hOIlOI' or g-f\'llIg' the 1III0I'l 'Clol' ' 11.:1 : Illost 11'I'fl'd ' 111111 hlllllllll ! iII'III , 1'11I' II 1111 11Wi ( hOI'IIt' 111111 Itl'ollgh t till ! oldl'r Ivpe or HllII' . ' 0 1II'I'r , ( , tloll. hilt IIIII' rleult Il\rgl' ] ' I\'lth 1111 IIIIII IIIIII'Y \\01'111. It l'I'IIIIIII\I'd \ fut. Brul 1IIII'tl' 1II'lIdlIII1 ' to ( 'l'l'lIle the IItOl'Y : of loclIl cllior IIl1cl " , ' 1111'111 I'hllr- IIl'tl'l'H. II'I'CIIII till' 1111111'111'11111'1' 01' " ' 1'11l ! 1.111'1 , of HOllrlll CIIIIIII" III Ihl ! 0\\1'- Inllli 1llIthl ' III UiiO WI' IIIIlY .Il1Htly 1111' ' " thl' I'INI' o..lhl' IIUIIII'I'II hll'l ! tltHl' ) ' , With / IIIIHh of I'1I1t11l 1114' 'OIlIlLt II uthm' JllIl 11110 hlH 1IIIt'II Ihe Htl'lIlIg ( ' . willI , Iwlt'JllolIl'olllt. IIfl' of thl' lulllillg' CIIIIIIIII IIH Iw II/III / IWI'II It III hlH IlIOHt 1111111'1\1- /'IloJlII / ' hit , ' ' 'I\ " > I , /'II'ItJII / ' elII'll JlIt.tlll'e 11110 1111 ' fl'/lIIII'\\'III'I ' . cXIJlllsltl' / \ \ , of Rlpl'l.n IWt'III'I' ) ' , 1I11c1 c'lIsllli111'1' / his II II 1"11I lit Chlll'llP ! I'I' jllst l'lIl1l1/h / IIf I hn IIIIIIOIII' of 1'011111111'1' 10 11I111" , tlll'lII lIt1rll'lh ' . ' 1'111' 11I1I11I11'1h' ( ' IIIIII ahollt till' slol'll'lI Willi thl'lI' 1'IIIII'IItlnll'culllllll-Ull'lr fl'lllll. 11\'ll"u ' 1I1 of 1'1'111 I'hlll'lIl'l ( > I's III II 111'- cllllllr ell\'ll'IlIlIlIl'lIt , 'I'hiH IYlu' of Htlll'\ , ' hus hl'COIIII' 1010 1I111\'I'I'HIII IIIIW Ihllt wc tllla' IllIs 1II1I1t1' ' IIf ' ' a ! 1'01ll'Se , Ir , 1I0w- 1'1111 hllll uIIIIIII 1 till' lIIelhod to : > : uw I II- Jtlul1ll , Ir , Cahlt' 10 1,11111111111111 , : : 'Ir. I'UI ! ! III \11'111111 , , Ir , , \111'11 10 KI'II- llle.y ] , lI' , Klpllll 10 11111111 , 111111 so Oil Ihl'llllJth the IIHl IIf tile hl'it lito I' ) ' \\'I'1I1'I'H IIr the lillY , 'I'hl' HllIlI't IItory IIOW IH cllINl'r to till' hl'lIl'tR of the ( lL'O' I II\ \ ( ' lhlll1 an ' ullllI' ! f01'1II of IIterlltul"c , It will m'e ! ' remllill nrl l lIurte'H chlor llIr ' tllllt he hl'OlI/hl / It Ollt uf thl' IIlr /11111 / IloWI1 tll the 14011 111111 IhL' lI\'cH 01' rl'lIllIIl'li IInll WOI1WII. - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ol'la I . 'lIsllIlIlS 111'1' II III It 1'1'1of 1/1 tI. I tlllll' 111111 10llg\llllll' \ as 11'111) ' 10e11lY19 I hl'y'jI'e wlu'll I. . \ IIIh1'\lSI' III'I'III'CII , Ihllt III 1t0llW he 1"111 ClIst 011 lIllIr- rIIIY9 , ulthllllgh 111 11I/l1I hc did ' 11111'1 'l'hl'r ( ' IH h11t olle 1II\'II1'Iahh' I'IIII ! COI' thl' , ) 'Ollll WOIIIIIII who wlllhl'lI hl'l' IIrt1clIl'l or 1111 IIOclll1 forlllN 10 II1'III'I'eel. . " It III IIr IIU UHe fill' IWI' III WI'ItI' tll Ihl' lIIel1ll11' IIf 111111I1''Olllllll' CIIIIIIIII1" III 1 II 1\II\'IIIIalll'r , 10 IU'Jt flll'l1 11lIl1ll'llIl't 011 IhlH , Ihl1t III' Ihl ! IIlhet' 11I'lIhll'lII 1)1' 1111111. : 11 e I'll , 'I'hu'I'I'llIct \\111 he lit' 111I \1111 , fOl' IItlwr "lIestlllllH will Hllrlll 1111' ' 1I1'0l1nll It IIko lIIuslll'IHJIIIS , 'l'hl' IIIII ' l'IIIII'SI' Cllr I h" 111111111'1'1' IH 10 10111111) ' l'll1'l flllly till ! 1'01I111111111) ! ' III whll'h Il\'r lilt 1:1 ( 'IIHI. 'I'hull Hhe IIII1HI sull't' ! I hI' hlghl'Nl stallllllrll I hl're SI'I 1111. IlIlIk ( ' II h'I' OWI1 , IIl1el alluru It wll h IIlIl'h SIII'I' III 1 1111(1 ( 1"1" SIIIIIII jrllI'I'S liS Hhl ! 11I11) ' IHJ II 111'11 II , 111I' I\Xallllllt . III I he 1I1t1t'r 1':11-111'1'11 : cltll's tile 111'01111' hll VI' 111'1'11 HIIIWI ' 111'1\1'11 , h ' 11111111'111'1'11111'11'11 allli 1I11111l'rollS , III 1I01I1l'Ihllll ; 1'I'/'II'IIIhllllg / ' I hi' 1' ' \lrIlJlI'III1 lit- III lilli , 10wIII'ci I'hlllHI'II1III I' 1'01' Yllllllj. ; glrlll , I \'I'II whl'u IIII' 1'1111111'1'1I11 III 11 . 11I01'1' III. Il'lI UII\\'I'II'OIlIl' hlll'llI'lI to 1 hn "hllll. " Hili' III 1I0W ' ' ' ! ! ns II lIIalhn' nf l'nlll'SC , Bill In 1IIII'lIIhll't ! 1'IIII'h ' a HI'hollll' IIf 11111'1111 111'1' IlItll a \\'I'sll'rll 1'1'011111'1' IoWIi III' 111111 lIIall ' II I'W 1'11- ; 1:1I1t1'IIIIIJtI' : wOlIlII hI' 1111 a hSI\I'IIII ' , 011 111 ( ' \\'I'HII'I'II 11I'IIII'h' IIII' girl woulll IlI'oha hl ' 11111' III 1111. , ' 1'111'1' II\ \ ' till ! 1,111I 11- ' ' ' wl'lI as IIf hl'l'-H'I\ : - \ ' , III Ihl' I'\\ ' 1'1111111111'lIhl ' ; I' I hi' Hll'alglltfOl'\\'III'd. . . I sl'lI lh\ \ ( ' , 1'lIllUhl , , ' Irl would hi' III- ,1' , ' > 11111'11 h ' Ihl' HlIg l'sllllll Ihal sill ! .1111 I I 1101111111' hm' IIWII sl'I\"I'I'SIIl'l't \ IIII' \1'1111 \ nt' hl'11I' \ 1 WIStllll1l ( ai' allll\'l' , I'uhll , 'l'hl''I'I' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ! ! \'I'I' fl'l'l'lllIlII IIC till' 11I'lIiI'\ \ ( . \lroll'l'llnll , ' 1'1" , " , ' \ " slllllll"It of III\ ' ! I \111111.1' : IIILlws : th , ' 1'01111111.11 . t.,1 11I01 i'I' i I . allli IIII' 1'IIIIlth'Nlhll' 11111111111' IIUlhllll.- IIhll' 10 lilt " 1111'1' " ' ! Jtil'l allll till' ' hl h- I 11I111111'11 her , " 111111111'1 Ihal WIIUIII hu I IlI1wlSl' In thl' Jlrl , hrl'll III 1'III'nlll'lIl1 : 11'111111101111 I 11111 so IIIIWINI' \ olhl'r 1'40- ' I'lal l'ollll\tOIlS \ ( of ' ' ' 111111' 01' 111111'1' , 'I'hl' gil'l who Ih''I'llIllIt' ' ' ; I hili'Ihl' / ' will III , WII1'lIno"l' "tilt' 111'-1 : 11l'1-I1" Whl'l'I'\'I'I' IIhl' Is IIl'l'cl 11111 fl'II' : hl'lIl.111111:1'11 / l'usllI. " bl'l'IIIISl' hl'l' 1\01'1111 ' ' ' \ nh-I'I'\'IIIII'I'S III' " lint tXllI'tI ) ' I htlsl' of IInlllllll nl' 1.1111.11111. . - - - 'l'hl''I'INh , 1'1\111:111\1:0 . \t II 1'l'l'clIl I'llItl'lhll'Il ( at DIIIJtI'II.\ " R " ' 1111'1-1 , olin 01' Ihl' prilll'lpal 11111'111",1'- : - stntl' { ( lhllt III IHil a/'l / ' 1II1111 ' liS 1.11011 , 11111 I lI'rSII II II NIHlliI' \\1'11111 , hili III ISIII ' - thl' IIl1l11hl'l' hllli t'1I111'1I In IIllSO-a : II. . ' II'I'IUH' ! : lit' 1I 1.81I , tllIlIl 1I Ihl' 1lOlllIl Uo , 111111 1I1l'I111W h III' IIII'\'I'IISI'II. , - - . - Shm'C-I.l\'l'II , " 11IK IIIlItlll'lll 1'01111101411101114 al'hh'\1 sOllie Utlh ! Ilolllllllrlt ' , hili IIl1t 1'0. . IOIl ' " "Thlll'N so : jllllt thlrlIIII ' 1I0h's , liS i WI'I't-l'hlllllll'IJlhlll I'rl' , - - - - - - - - Work 18 IIl'ett , . I IItI'll , Iukl' It l'Ollllt , , , . . " , - ' - 1':1 : l - - , . . , pr . . . < ' ' ! ill ' _ . . - . . . , . ! fi.1' ( . . . . . . . 'lR"- " ' ' " ' : : ; ; ; - : . ilJ , . [ i ; 1 . - . . r ft rt f ! ' ' ' - . . 1 , : , " " . .4i'W--'M -r'J - ; = .1l" , . - . ' ' - " ' l' y . _ W.L.'Si" ; { Or t ; ; , . . : ' . . . . . - . : - ; I'J ) , , , - - - - , . , ' - - " ' - . : - ; " htJ " - . F- . . . . I rrllu tllIL : n Jo'rm HurllclI , : 'IIIIII ' flll'l1l1'rll ( I'l'l so suru of sIWl''SR wHh II l'tI 111'1111'lIll'rlll IlIlIt tlll' ' I1l'e JllIltlll ! ; rloWII UI'II'tjnll1'1111 ( autl III- tl'lId 10 bllild l'I'SI'I'\'oll's IIH HOOU IIH 11O ! . ' IIlhle , the' Il/lHl / drJ' SI'IIHOIHI l'III1SIIl 1I11'm .to rl'nllze thc ueccIINIt ' ot II lIIost l'OIlHtlllll HIIPIII ) ' o ( 1I10lstlll'e , : > : clII'ly nil tile \\1'1111 IIl'e IlIcll1i 111 IlInllll'tm' II1IUl l'OSt from it ( ) to 80 CClltH Iter toot. 'j'he tlow 1ll1101llltll to rrol11 1/'i / ' to S gllllolls per I11lrlUtC , OIW : lIJ.lI1l'h,11 tllat CONt $ OO IIl1d III : W ; ; feet 1I1''JI IlowlI Ilhout 1aOO 1I1101l11 lie I' millutl' , UlOuJtI1 till ! 1I11101llit hl\o 1I1'\'cr heell ac- curlltlI ) ' I11clIsllretl , I. IN tholl/ht / the tlow of H0l110 wellH 1\l'lIr \ thlll Inr e on lIuH dll11lulHhld ! nlld It Is IIOIIHlhlc thnt lilo IIrtelilllll wuter ! HlI1111)JUlY be 11m. Ited , A ( ew fleld8 ilA'C hl'ell lloodcd or "wet 1111" dlfl'Ct fl'OIl1 tlleso'l'lIs dllr. 11Ig- tile filII nlld willter. nlld hn \ ' ( ' pm- dUI'I'(1 ( the ( ollowlnJ. ; HeusOIl r to ao : ' hllshels of whcnt to the nCl'e , nud oUlUr I I cropH 111 III'oportioll willie tll'1I1H lIot o , tl'entel1 prUI111Cl'd { I'.R : thlll1 hlilf thlfl , nllloll ll. Il'I'lgntioll hen' la 1111'11'1 ! ' COli. I i I1l1ed to gnl'llellH , the wlltel' 111 'l11olil cnllC ! ! lIClllg IIlIed dlre'l rl'OI11 the wl'II'C. hill a fcw fnrl11el'f ! hll \ ' ( , retcI'\-ol1'H I . whll'lI IIld 111 the I'C0I1011111'1I1 IIHe of thn ! Wlltet' , thus glvlu I11ll1'h IlI'ttm' re mll ! ! . 0111' gllrdt:1I : bua bl'cII Irl'lllIted Il\'e. . . _ _ - - - - - - n I , - . - , _ . . . : ; ; , : , . - = " : ' : ' ' ' ' : : - ' . . . : : . . " - = - > vY' . . . . - < - " , - ; ; : ; ur . . . - . - - ' . . - . . : : : : . . : : " " : - _ - I I Ai AlIl'lSIi1'1:11 Sl'l'l'LY , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ( 'III'S I1l1d 11'1 Ilrlllltll'I11Jt 1111 1\llIds of \'I' l'lnhll'H III IIbllll\llIl1l'l' 111111 uf tllle II 1111 111 \ " . . \ Cew ! ; lIrrll'lI11 hll\'c 111'1'11 wlltl'l'11 ( h ' WilllI-lllllllpS , 'I'hl ! > ! 1IIl'1I1\hl ' \ I \'I'H I'Xl'pllellt l'l'IIII1tIll'/'IllI'l'Iall ' / ' ' whim ! II HIIIIIII 1"'lIel'\'ol1' Is IISI'II. Othl'l' ; . ; ar- dellH lIu'P hccll WII tW'1'11 hy IIl1l11pll1 1'1'0111 SII'I'IIIIIS. 'l'hiN ' 1I1\Hle of Irl'lglitloll I 11111111 III'CI'IIIIIII'IIr : bo 11I1I1Il'I ' ( , liS II" , I 1IIIIIIIIIIl of'lItl'r 111 I\ll'CIIIII Iii'I'I' ' HIIIIIII 1IIII'IIIJt II ( h' ' tllIIl' , 111 I'll I't , I han ! : WCII 1ll11nhlst dr ) ' , 'I'hl' ' wIIII'r III IISIIIIII ' 1'1111 IwtwI'l'lI 1I1l' I'II\\'H of till'111'1011 : : l'I'OII , ' ; 01111'- UIIII'S hel WI'I'II I'\'I'I' ' I'OW , III' a I IIIU ! > ! t e\'I'I' ' thlt'll or I'olll'th I"IIW , 'I'hl' IIlnll III'ollo-ell : : Is to 11110 11111111 IlItt'IIlN ! , with I ! ! 1'\'I'I'1I1 Hl'ls of Intl'I'nIs ' \'hllm : I hc lIl'hlH Illto ' ' ' ' ' . ' size 1111"111'1'1'1'Ill'J'11I1. : 111 IIC- cI"III1 ( ( to till' Hhllll' of IIII' Inlld. (11- ( otend or IlItl'llcs I'm' thl' N'I'OIHII't : : IIf III tt'l'li IH , hllcl , (11I'ro\\'s IIIny 11111' 10 he 1m hlltl lilt 1'1 I Ir I III ! IIl'ldll ' hn1' 11I111'11 Hlol'I' ' . fill' tlte wnter Is too \lll1ahll' 10 I perl11lt of wustl' , 'I'he 1I11111t1'ttloll : IIhows how n rp"clltl'h" tl\l' wnll'l' fl'OI11 II 1'1 I'HIII II wellR , It 11111) ' II\ ! 11114- : trlhll"11 111'1 hest HUltS the gnrlcllel' ( 01' rlll'lII1'-I. , n , BClldl'lclN , 111 1-111'111 allil 11 0 111 I ! , Thc nrmlllH Pcu. 1 Thosl' wllo IInd till ! 111'111 111'0111 III 1'11111- IlIg Ih ( ' wrlllldl'd'lIl'lelll's IIf III'IIS h ( ' Jtlll 10 hl'I I hI' llrlls , IIhoWI In thl' IIIIHII'ltioll : ol ollly Is thl' , "Rly of thlH'lrlet ' eqlnl 10 tlat of 11\ ' \\'rlllll'd SII1 , hut I III hcttel' I h/ll Ul ) ' of ' 1'II1'Iy 111 tl HUooth Hortl thlt 111' 1tIIII , ' 11' nllhlH l'IIIIII'H Illlll ' wih l'xll'lI l'lllleSS 11111 I'XU'I'III Ilro- ( hl.t\I'II'NS , : test ot Ihe wrlllldl'll sorll 11'1' 1'1 hll' I "llllr , 1'1 t hil1 . rltI ' lay - - - - - . . . . . Jt . . . . Tim 11,11 . r 11.\ . - - - - - - - ht' Ilhlh'll all 1'11'1' IH 111 ' If tll' sUollth SII'IH wihout Iljl' ' . :111 s salcl to hI' the ollly \\'I'llldl'll \rll wih whllh Ihls 1'111 he 1III . 'I'h. ' \I'owlh If 11'111 Is sll.tlI 11\1 hlalh ' , 1111 tll' Iclrlng Illlltll's II' , . ' 'hl' oil- : : ' . , II tll' hoil ( oil11' 1111.W holl. thg ' , \ \ ' Ihl' Cru1 IIhl II tl'l IIIS'hll slrt III l'u1Jlral ' IIW . , 1 hiI hll'l ' ' ' ' \ ' ' , Ir It { ' h'III'11 1IIIIt C'XII'IIII\'I'I ) 1111 1's \ ' ' ' ' - III Ihl' ' IH \\1 ICl'I'II 11-1 Iwalltll' : wlwrn II ( ' ' II ht' hl h1 I'SIIII wi 11 11'11lltOI Bee II 111WIII. " 'I' IISt'l to Illh\ ! ' ( ! III whlt we 1'1'111 , ,11l'1 ' ( IIhollt Ihe \ ' ' - mllJ Ihe'alH' 01 Illw- III Ih11 tn hlhlJt 111 tl 11'I'tllll ' thll t hlil 1'11'hl'l IlnWI thrlulh tl Hlrrll'l' sol II to tl Illhsoll , C III' 011111011'I i CIWIII't Whl'lI we h'HII'it II CII'I'II Illo\ll 11(011 I 11'11 wih I l'ln1111 thnt ' , . WI' tel Hol 111ntli wih cur 1.1 , ( ' ; llrlnl'lls hn'c 1111' thllrllljhl ' ( 'Oi \'lnCl'l us tllt lh' ( ' ( Illowlll ; . hhlll we 111 II 1 1'llth oC 1011' t hn II fOI' h ] six IlchC. : " HIII11 hl'lll'ln :1 : 11 : 1'1111' , whnl"\'P' II 11Il' III Itll1 IH'Clols ( f the cUllllr'l'h" CI'oils 1" . W 1- - . o ; - - - " - . I 1'01'11 , thlt ikI' 10 1111'1'111 their root 1Ilr th ( ' HI'fll'I' WII'I'I' the sol III ) ' , ' till' 1111 , ' ' do WI 1'1 1,1 I ) ! l'l'rtlllly lot 111'11 In 1II'e Ihl' Plrtl Itfel VCI'Y I 1II'IJIJ' for 111 , whll' thuHI tllt 1:1 1 ' : tlPl' 10tll luwl Illo the SUIHWI , iK UI 1 ( II II. l'lo\'r , helts ! , l'tc" cal 10 10 I I I 011 1 tll'ollJ1 thc IUllest IHhllOI or 11 ' 1 hlll l'xI'eIIUIJ : 1 grl1 III whll'h tl"I'I' Is 10 10lsture-Alellcal CulU ' , \'alor telcct 0001 Heel. HUllltllJt III the lellll obnoxIous to tl' (1l'lIwrs , 11'II'e t hl'Y should selecl , gooll N'l'rl , Whel ) llltll nro mlNslnJ In I th ( ' hlR or 1'0\\1 tie 1111clrlnce of the I teld IH lot I ! Il I'l VC , I Is beter 1.1 l'hl'lIer to bll ' ' ) Helectll Sl''d thln to ' "C'fOI'1 ) the Ilhor or l'llllnntng thlt which wOllld he ' ' ' I uII'ceRRIU' ) IInd "hlc ! ) could hi' Iln'elte(1 ( h ) ' Ilking n Ilrollcr , hl'KIIIIII , 'Ih fllllre to IrolllJ' ! pre- IIIr ( ' Ihc grolll , 100 lte CII'e Ivcn to I i tl I'o\'erllg of tll ol'cdl nnd economlz , ' I III 11 the Ill or NIedH ! lre 11180 CI\SI'I , ot 10SR , I Ror hlll tur Htock Fecllnc. Al ) ' ( Irllr who CIU row cor suc , 'cl'fflll ! ' I'nll l\cceed wih sorghum , nud will Il 11 ' to I Ild 1'ldc Iddlton t1 wilter Huppl ) ' ot Block fed , III I ! hollgh thoHe wilhout 1 b'relt deal o , expel'II'nce wih It sel to think It I call he 1 II I'd to nll'ulltllg-e onlJ' :1' l' ' lllph'llnt to the pllsture , ' 1'0 grow : 1I0'gluI suece sful ' the soi Itt ! hE , I pill III oed ( oldlton , hroken 111 d el ) . I :1111 II-elll'ed. III { the seed hed I : flc alil sow the sl'Cd IIJ' time tils' ' I mouth , ' tor ' , the OIO"'U hlJ' Heed Is I IIOWU hl'Olll'lst lt tl 1111' 01' two I hUNhels 11'1' IWI'I' 1111 larrowed In , hit I It Is 1)11'1' to gl'ow It II l'OW8 two or I thl'I'1 fl't 1 111 rt , the 11 Icr Ilstnlco I Iwlu11'l'fI'lhll' / , lahlng ole to culU. I : \'ate wih tl' 10lse , "heu ; ; I'own II , . rows Ih. ' cllllll'P : -h : 011 ll he Ow slme as wih eUI'U , :11 Ihe 1II0t Hholl1 he 1.l'pt fl'cc 1101 WI'I'IIH , tok of lB Illis I'at sl ( hll re111 ' 11(1 ( I wi III ' to fxJlrlll'nt wih 1 slnl I10t of I t 1111 S 11 ! 1 1 II fel'dllJ I , 11 w1 1 111 fOOl1 tllll 11'1' 11'to the nnl- mils , 1hollid : : II ; . ; 'I'II Iu slll qlln- ll'lt : : Ilst Illt tIle anlmls ) J1't to lll'll It Al tllcrJrnllll Ci.tcrl , : II'S , 101 nel wlel' , 01 0' Brlt'l OOUI' I ' , \ ' 10wII ' : " ' \nll's 101l'stcud "WI 'Ol I ' I' ' ' ( plnu undr. ' Ill'a gl'l' 1 1(11 tor nu ( ! ' ' " llld ( ' ! lteru' : I : wOlld Ioue o II 11111 111 he II the hlm ; " ' 10 tll' Ihc edior of UI I . 10ll t'ld 1'eplll's : - "A clst'm 10 hll ( ' ( ' lot a'orlug I ( ( 'lstOlnrJlellolll wih _ _ L n I _ 111 1 tor _ 11' rai wn.III 11 I L till hotel Ir 10 ( I ! I ' ' ' ' ' Is ' , 1'1111' II tl' CINI'I'II hlil 1 tll'r I which l'olslstSI ! If I sold hl'll'k wlll Ildl II sol hlll { , A ) 'nd Illpl leaCs f111 Ihls 10 til' 1'lsh'l'l 111111 In 110 1\lI'hllI , . \ I IstlI'IS sholl(1 ( hi ! III'o\'ided wllh ' pipe 10 let on' Ihe ' I IU " 11'101 S\- pllH wnt'r II Ill's of 101c1 'Vc Ild ' this II hell'l pllll Ihlll 10 IlellClll 01 , I Clttl olT Ihe Ilw III Ihl' 11111'1 , n8 Il1at ! wlJI 1111111 hi' lIe lceled. i Trlnllll ! PIII TrccR. l ' 111 trlllllJ of plll tl'e ( 8 Is Rlml. II thut of th ( peach , Do 10t tlll u ] llm t1'CC' for two or thl'el' J'll1rH , : IR the Ittv shootl hllr the 11'1011 frllt , : I nld Ipt thl'm I'elniu 11 t I "Oi 1II'e r Ilel : ell 1'1011 , Arerwnrll trIm Ihe tl'i'S 8)'lt'nJtkal ' , ! 1 'S :11 81.11- I , n ' : > : , II'I'SI' ' mi 1 S\.I' sfll ew ) plll I , rower ' I.'urm Note. ! BOl'dl'llX mlxllle cOltrols IIoWI3 I hcalls , midew 01 lmn Thl' Irol lolntull 1M n rllh pClch I III IIlmo t melH 11 the mOlth , I , \ hllhazlld , o-ca-:3 : : WI ) ' In farm- ' III not to a blJt ' IIJ Ioln hrll prolt this 'IIII' , : Iali' the hlv's ' In thl flll I NO 1II'IIIIIIhll' , tll hI' wi hi' Inxlols t I mil" fll'mlnl Ils life wOlk. ' ( 'hl'tr 1'11 le was Ntalted hy 111 : Islllll t'urlwl"s se\'eral 'I'url ugo , IlIt I Cllillot IIJ' uIII hns Iceu uhaIHlol'1 ' ' ' ' ' wI'1I S the ' 11' fl'lIl'l' lS : hl"III'SN 1:1 wlo III ! ollg to fOl'ge to tit Irollt thl'so tll's Ii the 01' who thlllllld Ilia 1111. 11001 1'0'1 s 101lcl hu'e rl'CI Illt 1'lIll\'atloli 11 thl 111111tIIIC : : Iwo fl'lt hl h , 'I' hI'li Ihl' ( lltmtlol la ' II 110111'11 11111SH 1I11 h'l to l'ltllll lol t- I 111' ( ' , I I t hll 11'1 Imlonstrtcd thlt 11 the Iw'lIIS w Ilr I horolJth dra 111Jtl' III Irultl'I'11 11'1' ; l'IOIS ale 11'0.111'1 ( ' I'osl Whl'l' ' 111 lt 11''s Ihlll dl'llllge IS I I' Jt I cd I'll 'I'he ( ' 11I':1101'1 III I'I II ' to hl'gil wII'I. 11 III tl'll 11111'011111 01 Wlrl ' t h'I' , \ \ ' ' ' ' ' Is \ ( 10\\'I'I'I'd Illebol'e \\1 tl ' ' ' ' , ' ' with l'I'III'IJ' whll'l IIIJ' 1M mlll wu tel I' a 1IIIeil In til' II' ' ( ' 111 lou , I whlll' Ihl' , ICI\ ( ' are 11111 from 1'111 ' 1' Illw Htl'llf II'IIS 1':1 Ic' ohtulll'l ( Ilurlllg the ' ' ' ' h ' ! ; ' 1'111'1' 11111111'1 Illnltl 01'1 I 1111 h fOl' SI'I'pl > ; h'l' 11IPlll'S , 'I'ho Sl'l' " ; ( ' 1'11 II I t'g 11\I'kl ' 11 Wll ' ' ' , th ' Illnllls ' , \\'I'llhel' Ild ( grow 1'llllly 'I ( ' ' l'UU nl80 , li l'xtPINI\lI ) ' JIUWI I fol tlll'kll . Whl'u Ihe old Rt1wberr ' 11118 UI'O O\l of Ise plow thc'lllh'r ror 1111 ( 'uhlnI' or tlrlllS , I r prl'tU'rlll li I' I ! Illl 111 ' 11'1111 ror a Jtul'lhm ) lot : I ' Ilxt SI'III ! ut Ir s\ch IH 11'fl'rl'I,1 , Ill' 11'1 IllIHl II' , : ttll , 1.11 II ! 111 the ' 111 l'I'I'I' tllp 1111" wih IIpllUI'l' alll. , . \1:0\ : the 1110t 1\1t 1111'111 1 _ _ ' , + ' - . - - - - - IImm : " IM , . " . 'C = 1 , . " A MAN'S WAY AND A WQMAN'D. CCOIlI. ' : to lho I.ldles' Ulme , ' , this Is OUI' of the tUTlr. /'ulrRl between muullud : ld , WOIIIIIHI : Why Is It dl'cIld so necessary for . wOlnn to nfecl klowledge whell thl' III ' Upvul't'nt ? nIelt01 perfl'Cty I do 10t fn ' Ihlll this alTeclaton or knowledge III conllell to women , Hut ODe RceH I lesa I10ng men , A man 10 Cllckor to sny , "I dou't know nny. thhlJ abllt I , " uud thnt cuds the lutter Cor hll What IK It tlt make ! . womun cOIHiier It leeesur ' thn t she must le ni cul'unt with the ( Hissing radl oC the day ? I Is lIalpull ) ' nppar. tnt thut ahl ! cnnlol le , 'fll'lh ' Ir'tend thlt Bhc IH" 'Ihll hl hl'I' lIe- velopment Is rphl ) drifng IUlo 1 Il" \ 1111111'nt of Ilojether Ihc wren IIlde Df W01an , Ami It Is rlO very ll'gely to the fact that slw dO\11 nut Hemu to . n I hito CncNlr ' hm' Jower , ' 1'le Intnlenl mustery or all ' ( the' ' , Jl at greal sciences for which WOlal'H mind i 111 telllerment lre PICIIIUI'I ' adlpt. : t1 IH sllclent to ah orh al her en. I'glcl ILI ) )1\1'1' , " 'II ' Ilst ohe turn lslle trom :1 honl'lIt grNp of one lhlng to Il'qllre a seaterlllg Imowi. d e of 1 111l'n thlngs' : > : uthllg Is IC ' I lI"rl'h ' , ' 111 Ilform nCcoIJIHIIl'l : llol , } lcIH'l " 11 at 1'111101 II nut kowl. edgc , ' , , Knowlell' II IK IIlnl IlalYHls l'lear ' ' of n sOlethln ; 11'I'1\lol I Ilaly , hlhl\1 whll'h 'Ol elllot get. I 11 rnre to fnd a wuman who 1111 i plt ole great tllllg Il's I II her lfe : uld lhen lal ( 11 otl1r thln H Rceollllr ' to It , A mal dOI' ' thil lie Iluts his lHHl1lels th'lt , nlill ni thlls ILe ud. th'reto , thl1t'er ' . Illled ( II \'er Iljust. I Uelt of thllgs II's hil success , I 4 I ; e. ' - ; ' , It / - : > tl ; j , 1 - . . 1 / , ' & - - MoHr8 Ilv'r hu\l' II ' trollle wih' ' thc natlrlly ( 'lrl ' loces of their dil- I rel I III the ! ! trhht ole : ' . thu1 per-I plex , If a hair be ' 11I llll)1 lrulhl'dl IIWILI II te11 ot II0wlwarr from II- i I rIUlJ'1 wllclll1lr a tnlhmcy 10 Clr ! b - tIle ell of the 11' 11'11' 1 , InlrllrelRllg II a rolull thnt dos 10t rcI'J\'e mich ateltlol In tw CIII' ut lttt' JlrlH , lrohahl.y 10t Oi' rolher In Iny ! tllle ( ! ! Ihc cOltour of her dUlglter's fUI'e wllh I vllw to neer- lg tulnllj. , ; Ihc 10st hll'orll : Ilar-lr'as- ' 10 tIl Illelgelt Illh'I' n hnhy' : ' 11olld he tlC hesl hul\x 10 I.hy - , ' ' ' - alcn ] conrlltlon 'J'he IWllh IlhJIrle very loulll ' : nr 11 I Ilsty , lxplollin' , ' , thu ' ' How ' tllgl' mlnner alI II'H'S fll'o- Iy , 'rie IIlcl' hUhJor the Oll' 01 Ule Vl're of sickness , crIes I'c\'lshl ) ' or , \hlll : III II low tle , ) Walch Ihe nUllll' In "hllh Iw buby , IHl'rfectI ' well It InklH IH ruoc I I \l'rfectI attm'k thc He ' ' wi hii JI'uI'dlly IlId wi 1\f'HK Is tutIrlllUOI Il\h In thc anil. mllll'r lS UI ' otlpr01 ull- Illhl1 Is , I ' sott 1111 IlurllclIll t ( ' nollet alll gl'111 I on tl other , ' hahJ ' food hU111 Ill' cOI\'IIIIntet It be Con' t0lhll I , or , alm' lastll ! ; , turll fll i he hure Ulre Is somc , thll wrOI , 1OI't piny "Ip to thl slr and down 'JtaIJ " Hulll tl' Ictll to the wonts ' Ihe ' , . tosKlu hulf-Ilellghh'd Illf. 1'11'1I nlll 1hol.pxpI'11 hahr se\'erni ( ' Ik 'wllrd IIld CIIlhlll him a8 Il tOle ! ! .10WI . wllp he : ( Ild trl'l- ) Ic , luIl'rldcl wilI hel' tll lal h or ! IHalll' hl\'e IWr'I' Ild 81ch rUII will Inke leulote 1111IJ'I'H at U en rl ' ale , EIIIaton 11 Ier 1.lfe " 'orlc. 'j'll IrHt WOIII III thl' hlHton' of the 1:1' aUolIll ( 'hulch to 1'l'c I\1 th ( ' ' ' ( ' of ( ' ' of Is 'l'IC lll'helol' ! 11\llltr : lsH FIOIfI' ' A , FI'I- Hlll of COlstaltl- 1011" ' , UIIII whom tw hUlul' Wil 1'- I'IIII ' l'olfl'l'l'l II ( 'hlgo. U 111 H1 ! . hurl ' ' : ' 111\11 \ I 1'll.e , 11 thl ( 'hl'lo The- . ologJnl lllllllr. 1 : I-R : : 1'\11 Ih a I IH I 1 ualn' of gnlt D 0 \ ; . ; II S , llbs. ll'H II.I.M. " llh' JOIIJ Nhe ' hl'r ' to I ' , , 1111)1 wih tlll A hl II ) r , rl'ln 1 ' ' ' ' . 81H ( ( hll' 1'llul'ulol lt CO' npl I1Hl 1111\\1. slhlI'II1It ' Ntlld ' - Il ! at til' ( 'II\ ! ' i\ ' of Illlll'h ; ' ' ' , , Oxforll a tl al 1lh'll'sll 1 < llllIld Af'r hl'l' Oxforl ( 'Oll'ehe ' : : WC'lt to , Whl'l'l' she ' ' t'IlIIIIIIOI ( OI'I'lllled thp ' of hi I ' ' ul ' I'hull I i1I - Il'rlll'n : 1'01- 11ln t1' l'I'\ lou 11 thl' , \ 1"1'1"1 ( ' 01- \I' \ ( ' ! ' , ' ! fol j'J'ls al Ilslltllol 101111'1 Iv .III'IUII 11 uo\ hells Ihl' 11- , " ; I'lllt (0"11011 of ,1':1 of tll' I'olll' e , \11 whl'l shl I'IIUI'IIS t tl' 'l'llsh ' ' Ihl' ' " \ shlwllliso aSSlll' 1111h' , \C 1'111I\1111 Th ( ' Chlrl'tcrl ( f llnl TCllIl'rl , Thl' ; a or Ihl' ' II tl ! 11 1'llllg rl'll'l' fro ! tl hllIl'.t II III 10wcHt "o"llolis 11' 10I-II'OI'sI\1' 1111 IHI- , FI'w UI'I' " ' , 11110111 111"1' Ihollhttll \ll'lItl : II al ' 111 ot l'th\lllou or or , , \ ' ' b jlsl nH " \011111 Nlw'arsill 11 111" ) f IljOIot' 1111 l'I'Sr ulll ( , ' ( ' I IljOI\ , : , . ( . ,11'Jt } rofl' ' ; II' ! as I 1'f : IIII " .11\ ; 'Ilit .1'111'11 . tlwol tlal:1l1 a l'IIII- :0II \ ell ' II ! : ( 'I'I\lt > 1 101 Oi tl ' ) ' 11011818 Ihat uull llrSOI1 wo Sl' " ' " ' I cure a positon nR tlllher ha\e renchI' their hl , ' I holllhltoll I1dn1'e coulelt to spend most of thllr tme lu merely holJlg whn t thl'J' II/I / \ IA I he WIY of Ivlug oul their 1010lonOllS l\'c wit the ICllulno ' ( ' . ' ' ' 'llwe nll l'lclol. 1'JHr the ' ' ' ' ul'leR ! a salsledlf ) Il'u w tll'l' Kl I thcy rel ( , I III not till' qunly oe reldllg lhlt develoIs teltnl 10wer or lrodels or dccclis 'the 80llrce lt knowledge. As much lS 111) ' ( o Is t read somethllg of 1 fu IU\e nature 11 order to IIIISS n"ny the 11e or , ni they , "tor ' , " ' sny reCl'eaUon 'rlllr rending Ie chien Work ) , ' mcntaldlssllill lol-'he Word' , Advice to Wlvef. Max O'nei , II his hook , Oler nora IIg-huess , W01 I , " ( ves this nlvlc. to wl\'es : 1'0 rulc J'our l1lhlll , 1T ( eur 1) ' , do eXlct ) 11 you please , but a ( ) ' pretend that 'ou do nI h. plelsc Thut Is whm'o your ublty' comes In , Men nre ruled , n8 chlhlrCt. . ae , hY the prol > ect of u rewlrr , The rcward . ot jour hushlnr Is ) 'our nml. abll , J'our Hwcot1sR , ) 'our do\'otlolL nnd YObeluty , of whIch you shoul take constlnt cnre. "Alwa 's let hl1 thlt sllIPoe Ils tor hIm thlt you wish to r011111 hClutful ' 1'le wOl11nn who helm'lH Hhc Is Isser. Ilg her Ildl'eldelce I'ver ' tme sht puts on n hit plrlCllll'lJ' 11s1leaslll to her hllshlid IR us ce\'er 111 Intel- Ollt ns the 11'18hm:1 : who buys a ru tl'n lt 11 rlllrold , t1p tclwt olee nnd on ellterln the clr rcmlrlH to the pas. IlelglrS , "I hnve bOI ht 11 rotur tclt- et , but 1 don't meun to comc baclt" " GlycerilC , . Many pCplo thlnl : gl ' a pet. tlrly good m11 lellllJ Ipplclton fet . the skin. ' 1111s Is 1 mlstalw ; lure Iy. eulle Is \Ul ) ' heltl ald Inrchll , SOlllthllell I his to hi' lakell Ilsteld or cOil Ivcl oi , IlId It 1111 \i 1 very In- ) ll'lsll Ild bllluln ! 1'Il'lsnUon ' In the tiroll I hll 1 strollatnly fo. WI Il'r , 11111 IhSOl'bs 11 thl ' ( from Iny slrfnee I IOlehes , so that It drlcs Ild hnrrlnH thp skill , Mother nnd JI'SISil Ioml111 nppl ' p1' 1 'I'crlul' to a blhY'H ll'llIlcl' , ! cllfed sldn , whll'h ; . ; I\e Il Illh ) lln 111 rel1 ' the sldll. < 1 ' ( 'lrJne ou ht " lo be mlxcd wih 1U Illul 11l1iJ' : of wul'r , HISI' wlIl'r or ehlot Hewer IURII'ld of )1111 wnt r mnlws It 101 Igl'l'llhle to lse , nlr It CIUl then be Illplk'l wih grcat hcultt to UI ( ' , most tendel' skin Girl " 'ho lnK Malc a Hecord. Miss IJlln Gote1 . who can'le ! the mull on thc 111'11 Ilell\'lry route out ot Hampton , 10wl Is O e r Uncll I : , , . _ _ 11'S fltlrU Her- \111s lud hnl jllHt clltllnglished her- sel (01' 111lnj. ; tl& Ilst money orler I'ecold In thc ruru R 'ltem In Iowa. . , he II 1 Yl'lr old nurl Wil OUe of lh& trHt gllls to beC01& I Iltl mnl cnl'rer. , Jf 1" nl"t/n1. r" . , " ; : i th y l l ULon'EI.l'Y , )11 ' nnll lt was edu- l'uted In the Edorl Ilhlc Hehools , lIe ! brother , Chllrles ( lotflI ' , his been given a ) osltlon simiar to thut of his Iccomplshed stster Iml hoth hnC th& wam regnrds of the flrlel' tllc1' sere , A Ilnt to Girl. . I wus a lte thlnJ hut the uthel rf ' 1 'onllg girl Wil 10lcId folowing IIcllel'R , two youlJt ! lll Ilto lie hl1 IH thl'J' tok thei' II'f1 Sie e\'e1 accomlnlll thel to the Rtooll , thiS u lolhtlll ' hccnlsl tll did 10t qlllte kl0w how to sn ) ' oolh ) ' Ild dlslls $ them In the ' , ' ' ; parlo' 'lhl'rn WIS 10tl- II formllln the cll which wns mere. l ' 1 drop-In of some Slhool ) 'H , bil It wonll hl\e hen 1 oed tme for thnt yomll Jlrl to IH'Illl'o thc 1t0 dl ll- . 11'11 cOI\'cl'satlon . ot the hostlss , thllt ) rI'Sl1t she wl'II' IIh nend , . \ Irl 1 1 J' be ni tllt Is dlarmlng nnd COlllllonlllo III ( 'o\llal 111 hosplt. nhl' , n11 'pt Iwesen'c thc ( 'lrlolllol ! fO\ls that . 11' ( ' thl 1'l'l'ssll' < of loclnl ' , InterCOlll'Sc.-llrplr's Bazar lcllh Inl Hculty 111t. , ' ' . ' 111'1' . ' ' ' Slllml'fll'l.I's 'asllr I'cmo\'cl h ' ' of ' ' . . 1/IIII'aloI8 111111'1 Il'mol .Illle. ' 1'0 romo\'c tl' OIoI lit ollolK from 'OI' hl'l'ath eal I lilI ( arslt ' lllllll \llelll' ur IIrlllk a l111 of stron cor. f ( , CI'umhels nlll strawhc1I's Irl' SOY- Irel1 ! cosmotell It prl'III.I1 lrolll'ly. I'\'en ' thu III whcl IIsC'1 mw former has u hl'ncl1ll PI'ct 01 I he Mkln :11i : the Iltter n hlenchlng ' on & tl'th , I'Iect 11& , Tooth powder l'nllltlJ rnllllor lIoml'Umct l'IINl' the Ilnmei ot 11& ' . t'lth 10 l'rlck , ul(1 ( then.for I Is hellr ! f\olll'I , Rllce th ( crll'klng' ot 11& ( ' 1111'1 mlnlS the tll sllge 11 the' Il. . II - of tl tl'eth , Hlleplll wih lowers 11 ) ' 0I'oom Is dlljerols , for dlrll the 11 lIt they gl\'e ol ! lie clu'holle ns ' 1m \ ' nlr tle 1m'I tal.(1 nil dlhlJt 1111' da ' , Ild , Il0ro. ( \1' , tll' ) ' COIISIISOI \ ( ot the OX'gcn , If 'olrselt tll' rOOI , , ni ot whll'h ) 'OU ue for , i " ' 01IU'8 grlulpst llrI 18 perrt't 11I1h , ' 1'1' ! cnlh ' WOIII tul III hOIIIII arc 111 cnthllslasl cUII'I' all\'Iton 1111 11rNlf , Is ndmlred by mcn . ( , 1111 11'1t1 h - otll'r women. She II 1l'\'pr 111111111'1\1) ' . jl'ulolIS , Irrlnblo , ox- lllhh' , llr\'oll ' ' or 1 to rdUtIi 'ltel'lcu luuJcr- r