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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1902)
Q 11' \ Ll t\&n \ aoc\e\f . " . . . " , USTER OUN t EPUBLIC1N. , : ' , , ESTABLISHED 1882. 'fIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUS'1'ER COUNTY. LARGES'1' CIRCULATION Ol ANY PAPEH IN THE COUN'l'Y. . . ! , - - . - - VOL. XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , tHURSDAY , JUNE 26 , 1902--EIGHT PAGES , NO.2. . . y ' . . , . . . , . . . . . . " 'fhe Kind 'I'hat Wcars.II I . Magozlno RODdors , . B\'crywhcre arc familiar . " with Ute mcrits of , . "i . SimJnons' . Watch Cha ns. . , ' 'fhis popular brand of chaint : has bccn widcly nll\'crti cII allll I we can buttlt. . ! our 11nquntificll etHlorsclllcnt of thdr wcarin quntitic5. l\lnde of the , "cry \lest \ RollI fillcll stock , in the ncwcst strles for ladies 1\1111 entlellleli. 1'hey ha\'c stoOlI thc test of the tilllC and arc 110t . . fouud wanting. ' OIllU'l1l1tl'cll. , : . , Everyone Stl'ictly . Gcntlclllen's Vcst Chains , $3.50 . to 6.00. I.allics' I.orgnctle : Challis , $4.00 to $7.50. Genl1e- men's Fob Chains , $4.00 to $6. , " I ' 1 , . Wc'ro 1)1,118l'cl to Skew Th'lII. d r " . : ' ; ! A'J ! ' . . 't' ' . . 0..1 ) " "I t..r ( 'hi" . ' 0.1 h.lml. . " " , . j . . . . . . . . . . . " . . - - - . - - . . , ) . . . -f-- { S tlO ( lB - ks- _ - . \ ! ' 1' . , , , :7' : " t ' . ' 'k . ' l' a bl ets _ , I , 0- ' 01' . 1 * t * -AND- . 'I' . , , School Supplies , , ' --AT-- I , J. G. Haeberle's ; I _ ' ! t- . 'I' 11\- 11DR. . Pel Ie Elizab. th Fields , m ! } ! ) ! l'itMB : II lD B mh , r. OItFICI HOURS : f ) a. m. to 12 m. 1:30 : to 4 p. m. Or by appointment. 116r0ffice o\'er Anderson's Jcwelry Storc in Rcally Block , Broken llQw , Ncbraska. 'HAll ! HAil ! 1'11e old ] 'etiable 8t , Paul Fire & Marine , Insurance Co. , of St. Paul , Minn. , with OVCI' ' $3,000,000 cash assets - sets , offers th farmers - ors of Custer county ub&olute inc1cmnlt } againsi loss by Hail Low rates , Honorabl ( n \stmeni j and Spo.1 cash settlements. Insure - sure Jour crop aga ns1 ] luiL J. A.'HAl RIS Agent Office P . : - , Opposite , ' . 0. , Broken Bov , Nell . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 ' "nx Oil lI"blcH. ' _ . : ' . ( Extrcmc hot wcathcr is a grciJ , tax upon' thc digcstive powcr e babiesj whcn PUilY and fecbJ I they should be given a few dose - ofYhite's Cream Vermifug' ' the childrens' tonic. It wi stimulate and facilitate t1 : " I . digestion of their food , so Uti I I they soon become strong ; ) heall11 I and active. 25c at Ed. M Comas' Broken Bow and Mcrn I lUurltet Itcport lor ToduJ' ; . , \" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oata Harley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Z @ Corn. . ' , Uyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J"III , . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ' , buRhel. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I J'/llJItClC' Ilcr , , ' \M. - . On'on .l'or bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I r . pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ? . (1blollpIl8. . . . . . llor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 110gB. " " ' . . . ( .oWl ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tt. : @ 4 .j. Stt.ClI8. . . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,5O@1 I . . Mund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , \ . Tn IItraw. eJ8. per per cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UIJ.New. er too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ff ' Iusar : ! ; , par cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f " . , , : i j " . . I f' . . r ; 't.i. . . . ' : . , , : 't. 'l : . . . ! 4. . . . . - . - - . , - - 1l : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 J.USTA Indlo9 gold watch. HultnlJlo rcwnl'dlo the limIer or It. MUS J. O. IJAEUEItLE. The RnpuDLlcAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50. ' 1'he county board adjourned last Saturda ) ' . . li'rank Griflltb of Ryno , spent I . Sunday in our cit ) , . 'I. ' R. M. Bowman wcnt to Alliance - ance Monday light. P. G. Green of Grcen post ofiice , was a city \'isitor ' 1'uesda ) ' . Katc Christy rcturned to her home near Ansclmo Sunday e\'en- ing. . , J. F. S. Mercer and wife , of Mason City , returned hoUtc'Suu- day morning. . J. R. Rhodes of Mason City , was circulating among his friends in the city last week. A hea\ ' ) ' frost visited this section - tion of the county last Friday night , hut no great damage will result. August Jager of Callaway , attended - tended the Masoll1c Banquet at the Grand Central hotel Saturday - day night. Mrs. C. L. Mullins returned home from the eastern part of the state , where she had bcen visiting , Sunday evening. . Mrs. R. W. Wilkins , who has been been visiting with friends in thc northea5teru , part of the state returned home Sundax. An interesting program has been prepared for thc celcbration in Mosley's Grove , twelve miles northeast of Broken Bow , July 4. C. M. Blowers and E. S. Finch of Arnold , attended thc ballu t given by the Masons at the Grand Central hotel last Saturday - day night. John'1'icrney , who has been attending school at St. Mar } ' ) Kansas , rcturned home last week. He is home on a vacation and will return about September. Emerson Purcell was a pas. senger Sunday morning for Omaha. He stoppcd off at Grand Island on his rcturn to attend the populist state convention. ' 1'he band concert' in the parll Saturday evening was very fine , I and was appreciated by a large audience. Broken Bow has good cause to be proud of her band. Jesse \Vilson and Alvin Burke wcre passcngers east on Sunda ) morning's train , stating tha1 i Bcrw'n was their destination ! but we believc that Lincoln wa I the point in vicw. , Mason.City extends an im'ita' . tion to the citizens of BrokeI1 Bow and vicinity to celebrate the . 4th of July with thcm. The in , vitation came to late for us h publish it last week. . r J. M. Chistensen of Berwyn was a fricndly caller last Thurs 'day. He reports the hail Satur day pre\'ious did considerabl. . damagc to crops anel windo\ ' glass in his locality. The pops and democrats hell two representative conycntion last Saturday night. Strange a , it may seem , they did not fuse but they nominated the sam candidates , Tooley and Eastmar . II. G. Rogers and family hav moved from Chicago to Manche ter , N. 1-1. , where they expect t build and make their home Miss Ncttiegraduated thissprin with high houors in one of th Ltf best musical colleges in Chicag < Ie Mrs. Lizzie DIt ield of Denve : s Colo. , mother of Gilbert an ) Kate Duffield , formerly employe 11 as clerk in Bowen's store al ] IC teacher in our public schools rl It dpcctivcly , was visiting in t1 IY family of Mr. Bowen and friend c- She returned home Sunda ) ' mOl'l a. ing. ing.At At the State Sunday Schol convention held at Central Cil : last week , there were twent . four that passed examinations' : r.thc Normal Course of Study t ! .1 past ) 'ear , and of the number r ceiving diplomas scven of the :06 : were of Broken Bow , viz : ] : : Lomax , Edith Lomax , Edw "fVhite , Ta\'a Burke , Helen LeI :10 : ing , Alice Leming , and A. ] : VanLandingham. . Ramah Rycrsor1 is transacting' business at Gate tmla ) ' . Cassic Re'nolds was visiting at H.yno the first of thc week. li'red Rinnc wcnt to Grand Island - land 'fuesdav to attend thc detU- ocratic c011\'cntion. Senator F. M. Currie will be the principal orator of the day at Moslcy's Grove , Jul , "fh. H. J. Marten of . .llna , kindly remembered this officc last 'rllUrsday while in the city. G. O. Joyner and wife were city visitors ' 1'uesday. Mr. JO- nef made this otlice a friencll ) ' call. 'fhc Sunday Schools of this community arc invited to attend the h sket picnic in the city park on July 4th. Jesse Gamh" amI C. H. JetTonls - I wcre among the nnmber that I went to Grand Island to attend. . thc pop convention Tn selay. I Mrs. E. A. Scoville of Ansel- mo , called a few days ago and had hcr sulscription advanced and ord.ercd the Inter Ocean. ReS. . 'V. Richards has ac- ceptcd an invitation to deliver the address of the day at the 4th of Jul ) ' celebration at Arnold. Callaway nevcr does things by halves , an she is to give a good old-fashioned celebration on the 4th of July. Many of our people will go there on that day. C. W. 'Willis of Ash Creer } , brought in a load of hogs yesterday - day that averaged 260 , for which he received $7.10 per hundred. How is that for rcpublican pros- perity. The Brokcn Bow band has becn engaged' play for Calla- the 4th .of.Ju ' . Call way on .of. ) - wa ' extends an 111v1tahon to the citizens of Broken Bow to celebrate - brate with them. Mace "b"'ors'the , who has bce 1 ' \ 'absent ' from his store for sc\'eral weeks 011 account of ill health , is again at his post of duty. For three or four weeks he has been out \Vyoming recupcrating. King Edward , that was to have been crowned ycstcrday , had to . f > ubmit to a surgical operation on two days previous and th . . cQro- nation was postponed. The king is in a critical condition , but hopcs are'entcrtained that he will recover. U. L.Vard has sold his livery I stock to C. U. Richardson and Eli Armstrong. They took possession - session of their new purchase last .Saturday. Scott McGraw , will remain in charge. Mr. 'Vard ' thinks of engaging in buying - ing 'and selling horses. 'fhe quarantine was lifted from the home of the Pickett famil } ' last 'l'uesday. Owing to the - strict quarantine , the small-po I has been confined to two familie and only four cascs in all. not. withstanding parties have reo ) ported there wcre 17 cascs in the city.The The R.i\PUnUCAN acknowledgc ! - the receipt of a basket Of till ( - Richmond cherrics Thursday 01 last week from E. F. Stephens 0 v the Crcte Nurseries. Mr Stephens is.a pioncer in the frui raising business of this state and from long expcrience h i : enabled to furnish the best varie ties of trees for this climate His trees delivered here las e . spring werc in primc condition I. and as far as we have bcen abl e to learn his trees are all living which is not truc of all stock 0 o othcr nurseries that dcliverc here last spring. The Loup Valley Queen is tl latest ncwspaper venture I Custer county that has reache our desk. It iti a six colum quarto published at Callaway b 'V. Ii' . Zumbrul1l. The initi. . d number is a credit to the town e Id Callaway as well as itspublishe - It is not only well filled' wit : Ie news matter , but it has a larg . s. advertising patronage. Callaw : ! tl- merchants are thc most libcr : advertisers in Central Nebrask. . 01 If there is a town in the statc c ly 400 population where three ncw r- papers can live and prosper Ca ! 111 away is the town. Political' ' IlC the Queen is rcpublican. ' 1'h 'e- ivcs Callaway two republic m papcrs and one democra [ 1. li'ormerly when thcre werc t1m in papers in Callaway their politil - wcrc the reverse. This is a 111-1 other evidence that CallawayaJ vicinity are progressive.I . I It took the t1CUlocrats all night and uttt 110 o'clock thc ncxt clay to swollow thc pops , but the ' did a goo II job of it. Thcr-c IS no mor pop } > arly in Nebraska. 'fhe lawn social givcn at the homc of C. S. Martin last night bv Ute ladies of the llaptist cin\rch , was largcly attcr led and was a social \Il financial suc- cess. ' 1'he pops returned from Graml Island a crest fallcn set. 'fheir efforts to look pleased did not disguisc their Idisappoiutmcnt. 'l'hcy realized that the last prop was knock c1 from under thcm. ' ! 'hc Highlanders of Broken Dow initiatecl twcnty two refuges last ' 1'hursc1a ) ' night and one dn Tnesc1a ) ' night previous. M. I. Pro. , 'V. l . : : ) harpe of Lincoln was present and assisted in thc initation after which he gave II talk on the work of the order. At th conclusion of the exercises refreshments were served. 'l'he evening was ver ) " much enjoyed b ) ' all prest'nt. 'l'he.refreshmcnts were a result of a contest between P. H. Munk and John Henry who \ ere appointed captains of their respectivc sides , with the vicw of soliciting new mcmbers. The I side thet s cured the less 1\\\111ber of cane11dates iu 30 days wcre to furnish suppcr for the lodge. The contest was very close but' ' the supper \yas furnished by Henry and IllS assIstants. - - - - HCIo. . NotCH. ( IIr rnUK 1 , . WJI.L'AlfR. ) Supt. I.cwis i9 g'ins : : his elnss in AriUuuel c sOllie good drills in fructions. Irof. GeorRc's hislory clnss is t1oill cxcellent work in rC\'lewin the Civil Wnr. Plenty of hllrd work is the order of the I1llY now , find espccinlly in the first grade work. . A few 5tudents hnve enrollcd since the Inst writing-the prcscnt cnrollincnt he. iu sixty. . . - ' : ' 'hc Dotany. Class is 1IIaking- rapid pro- rcss. under the lemlershlp of pro ( . Vanlllce. A fcw of Miss Hennc's RtuIlcnts lire wresUin with the proposition in Geometry. " 'I'he Sunlight I.itcrILl" ) ' avc ullplelUlill program on last Frillay afternoon. Thc question IIRcsol\'ed thllt the free text book law should be > ealccl"'IIS discussed - cussed and thc jullgcs rel ecidCII in favor of thc afiir11luti . Anothcr program witt be given on ncxt Friday aftemoon. All arc cordinlly invited. l\l \ flonlc Iht lluct. One of the most plcasant social evcnts that has occul'ed in this city for some time was the banquet - quet given by the Masonic lodge of this city last Saturday night at the Grand Central Hotcl. It was the occa sion ot the instalation of the Officer's elect of Emmet Crawford Idge A. Ii' . l & A. M. No. 148. Before the instalation the lodge raiscd one mcmber to the third degree. C 'fhat with the instalation made it 11 o'clock before the work was - - complete , It gave everybod ) ' an appetitc for the feast that the retiring worshipful Mastcr Hagadorn had arranged for at the Grand Central. On arriving at the hotel Mine Host , Elliott had the dining room attired in iJ most inviting manner and the tables testely arraranged form , ing a Creek Cross , wherc hi ! * uest were promptly seated l'hey were fully prepared for the affray. A more genial ) civil am rcpresentative crowd of mel prohabl ) ' cvcr sat in that hall l'he attendance was not large compared with th.e largc member ship 9f the order of this placc but thcv were not shor in capacity. The spread wa ! hihl ) ' palatable and very muc ! enJo 'ed. Mr. Elliott untirinj in IllS efforts to serve and hi , genial , \ > leasant , unostentatiou manner 111 looking after th it ] elividual comforts and desires ( J each showed him to be an eJ : taincr of a high order. Mr r , Elliott who superintended tll h culinary department and tl1 e lady waiters carne in for the : lY share of compliments for th al most splendid spread and the eH a. patch and legallt manner i of which it was served. Hon. A. R. Humphrcy aSSU1 ] eel the role of toast master al : nearly an honr the crowd Wi entertained with a flow of wi humor and logic that furnish ( amuscmcnt and instruction th : all enjoyed. Among those who responde to toasts were C. L. Gntterso B. B. Hawthorne , M. K. Hag dorn , C. M. Blowers , E. 1 Purccll , S. B. 'l'hompson , A. Morgan , Has Anderson , D. M. Amsherr ) ' , II. 140max , Chesnc ) ' 'l'homson } , HcGeo. . P. 'l'rites and J. J. 'Wilson. 'l'he occasion was vcry much enjoyed by all and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were highl ) " complimented - ed for their cunfrilmtions to the succcssful c\'cnt. CI.llrc" tterviccli. . ' ' ' ' ' . 11.\1'1'15'1' CnURC1I. Sunday school III 10 II. 111. Prcaching lit 11 n. m. 1\1\11 H p. III. Junior 11. Y. 1' . U. lit 3 p. m. Scnlor U. Y. p , U. lit 7 p. III , You lire kh\llly h1\'ilcd lo nUcIlIll theRc ser\'iccR. S. \ "AIl1 > , 1:1\5tOI' : . CHRISTIAN CIlUnCII. Sundny school ncxt's nil ) ' nt9:45 : , a. III. Communion scn'lcc nt II n. 111. i foUowell hy prcachin . Christlnn Hn- I dCI\\'ur Society..ut. 7:45 : I } III. 1'l'cachlnJ { at 8 p. 111. l'rA'cr IIIccting WI.'tlncslla ) ' night lit 8 I > . III. A continI in\'itntlon Is extcnded to c\'cry one tu atlclul thesc scn'ices , al1l1 especially to our R\IInlllCr school \'iRltorll. Briug your Diblc ! ! 1\1111 come prepared to help'1IIakc thcsc differ- ; cnt scn'iccs hoth plcnRIUltnlll1 profitnblc. i C. V , Ar.T/ISON , Minister. 1It. . CIIURCII. Thc mornins : : subjcct nt the 1\1. . l . chureh SlIt\llar wltl be "ls 'I..lthlu l\IlII later ) ' ? : ' 'text , Malt. 23.23. In the cvelllng UII Illustrated scrlllon on "How We Gi\'c. " ' ! 'ext I.ukc 6 : 8. S\\ccial lIIulllc nt hoth these scn.tces. A \ lllrc , in\'itcct. G. 1' . ' 1'11.1'1'115 , Pllstor. U. 11. CIIUltCII. Atl1ufu. n. church SUllday l\Iornln the Suhjcct will hc "Christ fIl1 Cltllcn- ship. " 'I'he cvcnill suhtcct wlt1 he 1A 'fhorll illthc Vlcsh. " ' .1 he HlIlllents of the SUIIIUlcr school lire cspcciaUy inrlll ll lo hcar thc 1IIornin di6courllc. 11. H. 1\l\'ltRS , Pnstor. - - - - - I Me'II'1I 'i'cn l)31't.y. . 'l'he laelied of thc M. B. church have inangcrated a new plan in tea partics which i \ uniquc and should be a winner. Circle No. 2. of the M. E. church will givc a tca party to mcn tomorrow , Friday from 2 to o'clock in the . building east of Da.y's store. M rt' are especially invited. . Fourth or .1uly Piclll . 'l'he farmers wilt have a 4th of July picnic in theJIolcolllbgrovc , just wcst of thc Holcomb school house ill ' ! 'appcn Vallc } " , two miles north of town. Ev rybodY come and havc a good time. Dfwocrnt Win. ' 1'he dcmocrats and pojmlists nominated at Grand Island : yesterday W. II. 'fhompson uf Grand Island for Govcrnor , E. A. Gilbcrt of York , Licutcnant Governorj J as. B. Brcnnan of Omaha , Land Commissioner ; John H. Powers of Hitchcock , Secretary of statc ) J. H. Broady of Lincoln , Attorney Generalj J. N. L'man of Adiuns , 'freasur- erj ClaucJc Smith of Dawson , Hu perintcllclen t. ' ! 'he canelidates for Governor , Attorney General and Io/and Commissioner are democrats , th < < ; i other candidates pops. AnothcJl' lhUlk Ucpl. . - - F. A. Voung , President of t111 Custer National Banl < , ' ! 'he Ansley State Bank and the L Callaway State Bank not onb believes in ex { > cllsion hut , prove his faith hy IllS worl < s. lIe wenl ovcr to' Sargent Saturday ani bought both the Gardner and thl NichoH hanks. 'l'he ofiicers 0 I the new org-anization arc , Pres. t ident , ] i' . II. Y oungj'iccpresi . dent , W. P. Biggoins ; cm hier , Harry Sherman. In acl ilion b - thc above otUcers , Jt11. . Currit and A , Morgan were elected ( Ii rectors , they baing stock holden _ . . _ - - - - - - Jillblic Sail ! . I will sell at public Halc at tll' farm two miles south of Loci Nebraska , 'l'ueselay , July 1 , 190 : at 10 o'clock sharp , one hundre and sixt ) . head of cattlc , consis' ing of cows , yearlinbrs and t w : year old steers , scvcral horse ! farm machincry and houschol furniture. J. i. > . LliINJ > SAV , 1 . D. SUI.I.IVAN , Auctionecr. NTOI- " TilE CVOU ANDWOh"KUFFTH CO l.axUVtl Uroll1o-QulnlllCl 'l'ablel. ruro" colli OIlU dl' , Nt ) Cure , No l'u ) . ! 'rlc"I. \ . , cOllI. . I'rlze for llctureK. 'fo ad\'crtise Nebraska the Jlurtingtc Koutc wanlq photolraphs of Ncbras' ' farm amI stock sceneY , ntlll Jots of thc ! Pr 7es ranglug frolll " 5.00 to $2 .OO cOMh anll includins : : tripy lo Chlcng'o , : d I.ouis , Dcnrer and through the BIll lIU1s hure bccn IIIUIO\mccd : by J. lrranc n , Gencral Passengcr Ag nt , Ol1laha , W a- will scnll additional illfonuatiori to u\ . one interested. 51 . . ( . lf1 "ff Paints , Oils and Wall Paper . . .a t. . i Ed. McComas' Drug Store. ! . - . . - - - : - = : r& Cf- J. C. Moore , ahstractil\g. 2tf Job printing at this Q ce. Money loaned 011 improved farms. JAl\tJtS ItHDWICII. 7 18 tf Brol < en.ow . , Neb. , Dr. ' 1' . 'V. Bass , dentist , oOice northwest corner of Realt ) " Block. 8-1 tf. For insurance nnd real estnte go to Moore & 'faylor , in Realty B\oc1r. \ Comc' in allc1l 't mc show yon the fincstlot of bnggies you ever saw in Custer county. 2-3 C. . MAH.1'IN. West Union , Nebraslm-Yes. we will1 > ay a part cash for butter - ter and eggs. RUIrus G. CA l n. - li'arl11s for sale ar.d lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as thc chcap farms . are all gcin , and prices are advancing - vancing ropldly.-J. G : JUit ! received a car of hedge Rests at Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. in this city. Price , 12 and 1 ( , cents. 2 If - 11'oR SAI.It OR ' 1'HADu-Tr .vn lots and a few five acre lots itt this city ) for cattle , horses or farm land.-Allen Reyner. MOllCY to loan on improved farms.-Moore & Taylor , Realty Dlock. 1-23 tf S'rHAvnD-li'our steers , one blue , branc1 dC on left side. BRumI IIUHBT , Brokcnllow , Neb , POR SAI.It-OUC : top buggy , ncarly new ; one lumbcr wagon , at my farm 12-16-20.-1i'rank Norton , 46tf FOJ HltNT-A double room on sccond 1100r of the Custer block. Enquire at thi office. - You can buy a sicJde for a Deering or PIano mower of C. S. Martin for $2.50 and sections for 5 cents each. 2-3 Pepsin Gum , two pacMmgc:6 for a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. FOR SALIt-Five acres of land in good sti1te of cultivation ael- joining Brokcn Bow for $200. Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf Dicrks Lumber Co. has in stock a car load of fine ccda1' P.osts for the trac1e. - Several good farms for tI a bnrgain , including my own.- JnssH GA1U > \ . 4 ti Shallow gravel wells made and guaranteed by Frank Kelsey. 47-4 V"'OH. SALH-Lots 1 , 2 7 and 8 , block 5 , in Jewett's addition to ' Broken Dow. Enquire at this oflicc. 11-21 . . tf If you inteud to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. amt get prices. . S'l'RA VItD-A brown mare , years old , weight , 1100 pounds , i long scar 011 left hip. Partie , ; lcnowing of hcr will please notif ) me or bring her to my lace four miles north and enc m11e east of Broken Bow. 'V.V. . BISI10P , . Broken Bow , Neb. 10 . . Hpcclal Chancc. 'fhe Mi1bu n store is for sale , )11 nice clcan stock and store furni- ka ture , and buildingi ! ) well establi- II ; shcd business in a fine location : t. Annual salcs $7.000 , stock will k invoice about $2,000 , Building S' and fixtures about $700. Address , I t 'V. E. SWnNGItL , Milburn Neb. [ -J 52-tf .1 ,