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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1902)
t I . . ! ' . , tnster County Rcpubtlc3n . . . . - . . . . H , Attlll flEUlnY , F.tlilur fI' " ' [ 'nlt".hll' , . : ' ' 'R01IRX now , . - rmmuu - - - . - . . - - . . - -rt-I l' nIUllt bu ' , 'f1rJ" t 1J'lII or blln lhatnrlll ! 1111 Ihe fuw'l'nl'lll'r ( lC n f'IIII , - _ - - . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 7110 l ot1l1try III rll'llI n 1I11'Ido rlllll' t IiH. 'fhllt III Ullt ( jllr fllUIt-thllt I 1 > 0111' _ tsforltlue , , , - - - . TIm rlcheRt 1111111 111 Ocr1l111ny 18 the I JIUU1 who IIIl1lw1I1111 / : the rlchc8t mell . . America m'o th IKliUI. ! 11011118 , I' _ ' In EIIKII1J1d people 1I111rry their . rein. . aTea nUll 111 Irranrc the ' won.t 1II111'I'y I .t all. Whither I1rc our forl.lgn ! friends I tIrlCt1ng ? ! - Uerenfter the Ullitt'li Stllh ! ! ! will np- Jtenr UpOIl IIcarly ull the 1I111pS or the 'trarld tllat are uRed In I uropenn I 'khoo18. ' . , . VIolinist Kubelll , Rn ' 8 II. ; ! 10ve8 tllo . II. fomen. but IIIl.Y ! wOrl'y hllll , This. -'owe VI. ! r. 18 1\11 eXllerlence tlJl\t Ull.n ! , \au In comlllon. bo "reorgnlllzIlUon" of nn overcnpl. , I Iallzed corvol'nUon alwn 's IIICllns Il I I , J1 W IIno at vl1luublo experll.ncc ! ( or Iho . mlnorUr IItoc1ehohlers , I A Bcll.nU8t ! hns IIIndo lho InlercHUlIg JIICO\(1ry thnt the lIoul III loculed In . \ho \ spine. AllIlI for Iho hellllcckcIl1l11111 f \ "bo lIns no ono. - I , The dl8covory thllttherl. ! 18 dnnger 111 c'klug the 11111' of un I.lIvclupc ! will tnrnlHh the cUl'l.Cul ! mun 80mcthll1g elsu trom which ho cun swelll' otT. That Ulust ha0 been hn Intl.rl.Hllng ! ! tunrrel which two dUllf mules hud , BoUI got l'll UlpH In theil' nUJer uUll becnmo "spcechless with rllge , " A mnn WUII I1nell'IOO for 8lall1lng wlfu. It WUII n l'lghteous l1ennlty. but lhe poor woman IIIUY 111I Ve to JlUY the flue by pl1wnlng her jewelry uull tvnrdl'Obu. Sir rhomlls 1..lpton hns lrelmred an. ether hlg ullvertisellleut for his ten tm8Ine . lIe has ol'llered work begun IQIl Shamroek Ill. Gooll luck to ' 1'010 , , the teu and the 1.Jout , The New YOI'I , uSHulll1.JI 'nuU1 who hits Introduced a hill muklng tIIrUng on the ' atreet 11. misdellleanor ought to Illld II acetlon requiring IIIrtntlous wen 111111 women to welu' blinders. - Decomlng h 'sterlclIl over musical ebl'ILIes Is enl : , ' 1111 IIdvllIce stllge I' lhe absurd IIIl'ectuUon which CUllses ple who Imow nothing IIhout musIc b I)11Y a or $ ' ) for Il Bent lit gI' 11l1 ope1'l1 terrol'mllnces. A. 8hlllent of muulcllHlI mqHJl1lllhu'cs ns recenUy I'emarl'ell thllt mnll. } ' LmOl'lcan clUes lIeem to ho I'owln tor cent In pOJlulnUon ench 'eur. a IIC ! ' Unt In valtmtlon , 4 per cent In Income , " . . per cent In IXIHJlulitmes. IIUll n pel' tenlln hlllehtedneH8. 'fhls 18 u ( ol'1n of ' , , AprogrcBHlon" whIch every community . f IIVllldo wel1 to uvold , . I , Girts to Institutions of lenrnlng con. tlUoned on the rlllsing of nn equnl , mount by tIll. ! Institutions themselves ; kre applleatlolls of the dOl'LI'llIe of sclf. : elp. 'l'ho frlelllls of collcges ntlll i . tchools shoult1. welcome oPIIOl'lunlUes : to do UH'lr best when such \'ewlIl'dR oC 1 txerUolI nwalt thcm. Glvlllg Is not I less gell'rous heCIH1 1 ! It recognizes all bnportnllt n1ll1 slllutnr ' prillciple. 1 Queen Vletorln wna lIomellmell nc. mscd of heh1g paro/illl1onloul ! , but In , : 'ome resleets wn ! ! exlra'lIgllnt , I\lng : En\\"nl'll eertnlnl ' Is notnlggll\'III ' , hut Ulat ho hns II notion of huslness Is In , Clcatell h. } ' the stutemcnt thnt pctt : , ' 1I01'\'auts of the ro 'ul housoholtl who ha'o hcretofore t1'l11'11'11 Ih'Ht clnsR will bnly he II110wed third ( 'III fill' ! ! ! ! for hl.'lr JO\1rne 'lu R to om1 fr011l T,011l10n. , I It Is not Impossible thot the hlllorlnn : : bf the fuluro mn ) ' nsslgn to IIn c\'eut of Inst Decemhel' IIU hnllortnnee equul to that of the IIl'st ! hy tele l'l\l1h ' r tlw t1rst word hy callic betweeu gn . 11\1111 111111 Aml.rlclI ! , 'rhe W01'111 WIIS t Itnrt1od b ' Sl nor larcolIl'R aunounce- mcul thnt he IIIu1 succeel1'd In sCIlllln ! ; \ lIH'ssu e from Cornwn11 IICI'OSS the Atlalltlc to Nowrounl1lnllll , II dlHlllllce or 1.iOO mll,8 , without the USl ! uf wh'es. To ho SU1'I' . the messlIgc WUS unh' the ' tbree dots or the R of the lol't l ! 'colle , but the shunl WIIS rellllIt1'll oftell enough (1111'Iu the d/l / ) ' to cou\'llIee llIr' roll I thut It was n rellllt ) . IIlIll not 1\ \ I . tllnr ' , \ , A Il'lIrul'\l IlI'ofl'ssor of Ilh 'skK III 111' Fl1st'l'n IIUI\'CI'lilty eXIIlilins wh ) ' 1'1111 rOllll l1IJIJI'ers sometimes do uot heN , 11jllllls which Ihoy 8 ( 'I ! . It IWe11lS tlw : , It 114 Ilosslhle fUl' n mUll to "set ! ph 'sl cn11r wlthuut : ; ! lul ; } ) ) 'I'holo lclI11 ' . ' I 1\Ieutnl nhsll'nl'lilln will < 'IIUSC him te lice without llUrcclvhlJ ; . An engine ! ! I1Il1r SI'O n ! i1 IIIII , IInd 'et LII 111111hlo tl lmU the tluoltll : ! . . \ sudllel1 Intl.usl ! ! ! : lit UUtl011 1I111 ' CUUHlJ n tI'mllornl' ) ' 1)II1'nl ' .Is of , "OUIl ! flurt or his 1I\1IItai ! 11IIIchln ery. " 1"1'011I the thln seen to lhe 1'\J rmllallt nctlon tlwrnre n I1l11uber 0 IH'OI'lIiSeS , Ilud Ihe Irrcnk In UI1) ' resnlt In I'l\ral 'sls. I"h'st , the Impl'cslolI I mn,1I' , ou I hi' rcllun of Iho l'ye : then tit , optic ner\'I' IIIU t commuulcate wltl the hrull1 ; tlWII thl' will scnds COUI IIIl1uds 10 the 1II0tOl' acth'ltl11 ; 8tolll'lI C hI Intl'hI [ II'OC/S rmmlts II helpll"Hsllcss. " Ill'rot ! Is ml\terllll for : gocll dl'fl'nSe h ' U Ulnn "who hall Iwe : .Jmllcl'll Oil IIccount of n railroad IIccl _ dent due to hlB fl1l1ure to obey IIlgIIIIII Ho COU I\llmlt that he IIlnT' tll l11 nUl - 'tl1en ' plr.n11 thaI he wnll tompor/lrlly I pI\l'III \ 'zlel 111111 lIence ullnhlo to olleY 'tllI'lII. ' lie will nruc. 01' learned couu' I flel will IIrgue for him. that willie the 'olllle ' 1101'\0 IIIny IIl1vc eOllllllulllcated I wllh IIIH h1'l1ll1 , for HOIIII. ! Ulllwown rell' Ron his will seut Uo COlIIlIIlIllIls 10 IIht ' IIl'Llvltll'tI. A jlll' ' whll'h III fu1l1 IJIHIl'uctolilhout 1111 Ihe I1l.lIclltl. ! ! 11I11' ( 'III11orr. which hils 10 IH' III gool1 worl , . 'llig ' orelur to Illsure III'ollll.t . olwlIIl.uctJ ! I to u slglllll , will /Iud / It mllwl' hlll'd to cOII\'lct 111I1\ol1y \ who luslHt.a thllt Illrou/-th / 110lull of his OWU hili I11ll1d fltolllH11 ! wOI'lduJ ; IIt/l crillcill 1II0munt. It IIIUllt he 1IIIIIIIllcli thllt In loml. ! of the1. ! CU/WI ! /lccillelltltis hard to de. cldl' Oil I lie I'xteul of'IIctulII crlllllullllty nud till. ! prullcr lIIellHtII'1. ! of JlUlllllhulCnt. "There 18'OI'y lIttll. ! succC8a where lhel'o III lIttio Inughtm' , 'l'ho workmlU1 who rl.jolcClf ! lu hili WOl'le 111111 luugh ! ! aWIlY ItH dlscomfOl'tH la the U11111 whu Ifl sure to rIfle. " ' 1'hu8 A11llrew Curue. glo , II IIII1U who hus Jlrollu deeply Illto the philosophy of succcsS. It la ouly mCeHsllry to look lute Ihe CllceK of the Bucccssful mou everywhere to pro\'o Mr , Cnl'l1eglo's assertloll. . PeHslmlsts do uot usulllly get ou , It la your e\'er. hopeful , O\'OI'.smlllug , hl.nrty.ll1ughlu ! : ; ollthuilit who Callll to Hue lho 110118 111 the WilY. Dllllculties dissolve In the magic of n Inugh. 'fho Ulan who bCe : ; ' ollly the dllrlt sll1e Is dlsmll 'ed by the dlll'kness , ' 1'hero Is uo dnrlmoss to the mUll who sees "UIO IIgllt thllt no\'er waR on lllull or Ilea. " 'l'he light Iu the eyl. ! oC the enthulliast dlfpels the gOOI11 ) , A I1ll1poHltlolI to luugh III II IIlgn of gooll henllh , It III'olllotes , dlgeHtlon IUIII olher CUlldlolls of the boll ) ' . ns IUlY 1 1)'lIlclllu will teU 'OU. "Lllugh nnd grow fut. " III n maxim e\'ol\'ed from the eXIIC.'l'ellco ! of the rllca. Your pessl- mlfit 18 IlIclillCll to ho morose IIlId dls. agl'eellhle , Iris stomueh 11I111 IIvol' Ill' terCm'o not ollly with his hl'allh hut with his ImslllesH , No ono IlIwli to 110 huslllesfI with till ! crall11l'11 hnlOl'hon. eh'llIc.101'0001' : . the IlIuJh huhlt III:1Y Lla cultlYlllm1. Much of course 11l'lIe11l18 Ullon temperamellt. SOlUa 11orllonll nre hound to porllotunl melnuc'holy hy IWI'eI1lty , With most pll'80IlS. howe\'er , In ugh tor Is n cultlvlltcd hahlt. ' .rho hllhlt com11 CI'om It porslstent dlsposl. tlon to tulw e\'l.ry ! IHlvantnge of e\'ery 011portllulty to luugh. It Is enslel' to laUlh thnu to cry. It Is euslor to laugh thnu to grow glum nUll 11111101'\10118 to' ' thl. ! humor thut Is 1111 IIhout and only Wl\ltlng to bo dlsCOVOl'I ! ( , It 114 yours hy right of dillco\'ery. Aud It p(1)/I : big dlvldeudlJ. One of the most IInllortnnt fenturer. of the lIuuunl statilltics Is the l'I.\'lew ! I of the IUlllbl.r ! rcsolII'ces of the lIddlo Wost. flubllshed hy the Amerlcl1n \ ' bormnn , covCl'ln : ; the oul put of L\lm'l nud hemloclt lumber I1ml flosslhllltlel ! of Cutma prolluetlvlty In lIchl nn , : Unnesotll nud WISCOlHdll IInd lumber : mllnufl1ct1u'lng poilltli In lown IIl1d 1111. 110111 011 the lIsslsll)111 ! ) ItI\'CI' . 'Tha whlto IUIII Norwn ' 1.llIe . lumllOl' oUtpllt In 11 > 01 wusri,37 .8S0OO ( ) fept : oC Rlllngll's , , .1illU8-IOOO IIleces : of Ililll , 1.300SU3 , ' 000 pieces. 'rhe 1)lno Ilroluct ( showed n de1CI'cn e of 1 t3OOO,000 Cect. 'rhl. ! hl/h / , or Ilrlces IIIRt 'UI\I' stlmull1ted produc , tlon IIlId Hc1llu 111111 Htocl'lI were brought down so that with 11 contlnucd dmlllludlu'lces I'e OXIll'ctcll to Icccp up. 'l'ho producUon of IIllIe lumlI' ! Illst . } 'elll' . fi:17 : , a80OO ) feet , liS coml1l1rcd with 8r UjU 3OOO feet IU'ollucol1l11 18JO ! , would suggest thnt the lImc IH 1'll\lIy nfllll'OIHhlllg : when tllill grent lumber hltm'eHt will declllle I1l1tl NOl'thern whlto pine will dlsllllllcnr liS lumher mlllm'llIl 111 the mil t'lwt. ulliess stells nro tlliton b ) ' Hclelltltlc t'Ia ! tU1l'nt to re- 1I0W the gl'\lwth , IInel Ihe Southel'u n1ll1 Pllcltlc COIIst fOI'tsIH will 1111'C to sUJlPly the lumhor dllI1l1ll1l. 'rhe AlIIurlcnu Lumllormnn HnYR thnt the dccllne 111 outll1t'ns checlccd Inllt 'ellr olll ' hy thl ! most strenuous excrtlons IUIlI noth , hi/ / ; lilt ! ! fluch UII outll\lt \ cl\n ho loolwll fOl' 111 l00 . Of COIl1'SC , we hn'e nil hCltI'Il for ' ( 'nl'li Ihat 0111' white Jllne for. \JRtll IIrc 1'1I11\I11y \ fll1llu heuenth the hlo\\'s of tlw Illelsh'e AmerlclIlI UX , nUll such n IlIr e OUlll\1tlls thllt of 1I1Ht 'l'n1' \\011111 to ' dlNl'I'el1lt to the . \ \ HCl1111 J:1\'e ex. hllustloll thoOl' ' , lIut thCl'o Is l'oaSOIl to bellm'l ! thllt the , \mcl'lclln LUlllhel'lnnn Is rl ht , lIud I hll t the lll'clllle In the out. llUt Ince 1800 will contlllllc. In Inltll ! Ihoro Is still a conshlemblo oull.llt . ot Illne lUlI1hor hl'Cnulie tltPl'c has heell In. tOl'\'ention I\nd thl'l'e IH soml' nltmllloll 1)11 hi to till ! Ilroll'cllon oC Ihe ) 'ollngcr rowth of Umbl'I' . The Illl\u Which oh , tnlull glllm'nll ' In thlH eountr ' Iii to ( ' 011' \'OIt nil the 11\'lIlIuhll' comml'I'clal tim , her Illto ItIOI \ l' . } . without thl' sll hh'RI eOllslllerllUou oC the I'utme HUIIIII ' . COli' I'ess Is jUHt heglulllllg 10 tnl.o nil IUloI , lI ont "Iew of the loIuhject n1ll1 to I'eal' Ize to Home Oxtl'Ut , nt Il'lst. : thnt SUl" CI'HHful IImh'r eulhu'e mllst he C1ItoHI'I : : with 1111 other HucceSHful a I'II'IIIlIll'c t'l'l\uh'lng \ Silocllli trcnlmellt. 'l'lIl1 Uu\ ' , OI'nmll1t forcst rcserratlolls Hhouh l'ltch ho n sGhoul of II1'nl'lIcnl fOl'c-lI1'J : IIlId IIhjl'ct h'HsonR liS 10 the IHh'alltll 1 of Hl'll'lItllle fore1 I' ) ' to I he IIntion llInr 11\\'lll'rS or ! tu'Je ; 1II'I\'ah' fOl'l.'H InllllH III { ( ' 80wllnl Wllhh. W. O. Whit lIe ' , Gl'IC \ V\llIlcrhllt Ilre lllHllolIstm tln UII ! hOlWllcolI1 IIIIHtlhllltll's or : wl , ontlfic t'llrestt. , . 11I111 , l'UIISh1u1'11I1 ; till IlIll'rcst till' (1 lI\'erll 1\1 ( 'II t Is lal.llIg 11 thl' Huhjoet , 111111 1111' IlIlelllNtt ; 1111111 of IW YOI'I , :11111 : IItller llIttJ , tllm'l' I justllholltloll 111 thl' lH'llcor IlIlIt Wl' Ill' on tlw1'1:1' III' n IlI'W tlIlIl wholl' . lrl1l do\'elopmr.'lIt III our 1I11110Ilnlllt'(1 I'l'IIH , - . - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AUllllul 1 (1" " frllll1 I'ire. Lnst ellr'R recUt'11 In Ihe Ulllt1 Hlutes , lit los : > CI'III1I IlmVIIS nhol1 $170OOOOO. ) It Is col3l1l11ntl'lI thllt tll loss III twcnl "Hlx 'l'at's hns hl'l1I $ SUOOOOO ( ) , of whleh $1.iOOOOOOO ( ) WII covlrlHl h ) ' InSI11'lIlIcl' , \\11l'1I " chilit roCulIl'S to "tulw" t 1\1IY Olll. ! , Its mother thlnlal It IH'ell I. jolld l'\'hlellco HIli t the IwrHolI Is ! ; ullt rl or 60ml' ( ! nOrm0l18 crlmo , . - , - - . - SOIJDIEllS' STORIES. ENTERTAINING REMINISCENCES OF THE WAR. Ornlhlc AccoUllt of StlrrlnJt BcenCtl 'Vltllcn"ed Oil the Jlntttenetrl ollel In C"lIIlto-Veter , , " " fIr Ihe Ilehellloll He' cite I xl'erlcllco" or 'I' " 1'1111 ilK Nature. , - "No storle8 , " slIllI the Doctor , "give the 1IH'1I who HI.1'\'eli ! III Ihe rnlll'8 11101'0 comfolt thllll those In which high prl. \'U tCK 111 thl. ! renr I'll II It clime In conUlct with COIOIlOIIi nnd bl'l nlller or mnjor gencrals , I Imow II fellow who to this 1 day rejoices oVl.r ! the f/lct Ullt t he IU1I1 a lilt with Gunorlll Nl.lson ! and got oIl with U Rword sp:1nl.llI ! ; , Myoid trloll11 , .Tud e Blume. clln tell Y011 ot nnother who \\'ns paddled with 11 sword Lly Geu. ernl HosecrlluH nud hOll8tS ot It , " [ 11 ullothl.r ! eltile UII or erly sergol\lIt who wellt to his colollel's tent to pro- teRt IIgnlllst the [ lunlRhmeut at olle ot hla ml.l1y ! \ all otllcer outside his com. PIlIlY. nll who wn8 lIeremptorlly ordered - dered 10 his qunrters. suhl. "l'nlte otT 'our shoulder stmps tor Uva mInutes. colollel. nud let us dl8CUIIS this question mlln to 1111111. ' 'l'ho colollel. mlsunller. sll\ndlng thl. ! re1l1urlt. flung oil his cent 111 wmth. aud strIdIng up to the sere g'nut. thundel'ed : 'Whut do you mean. sir ? ' 1'hllt 1 nm afrllhI ot you or any IIvlllg 1I11111 ? By nil thut's good. young mnll , I will throw you out. ' " ' 1 dou't menu nnythlng of tha kind , ' rOflllcd the ser enllt , 'Whut I wanted to Sll ' to 'Oll , with nl1 due respect tor ' 1'I1l1le aull ' . Is Umt the . } 'our COlIl'IIgl. ! , mnn put 111 the gunl'dllUusc Lly that old stenmhont CUlltllln nnd trentcd no bl.t. ! 'tel' thnll It roustllbout or dcsertcr. Is n gent1lJlllnn horn nnd Llrcd : Is a South. el'11 ho ' who lert hIs own 1Ieople to Col. low IIII. ' Into the Union I1rmy to do his rul1 uty for the snlca of the old l1g. 1\1111 I wll11led to sny thllt you 1111I1 1 , In I the nllsonce of our ellplnln. who WI1S I I cl1)1turod ) yestel'llny. arc )1001' ) , mlserahle I cow:1rds If we 1I0I'mit nil o/11eer / oC nn. other regll11'nt toln11sll ' puulsh one i of our Iruest flud hcst men. " " ! 'hnt' ! ; whnt I wllnted to say. Iwd , by Georj.te. I hnvo ! 1llhl It , ' couch1l1ell the sergenut. 'IIUwhllt \ nre you golll to do ahout Wi' 1.01' II mluute the col. : I i onel g1lI'l'd , 111111 I hcu ) lU tllllg on his I COllt , sllld , 'I will o with ) .ou 111Id we I I will' hn\'e thnl IIIUU ont In ton min. ! utes , ' nnd ho'IIS aB oed /lR his WOI'l1. I Ionths lifter thnl , I SI1W thllt sergellnt , nnd his SOllllll'rn ) lrotege lenve n re- i ' trcntlng line of 111I111 ( ' nud run b:1ck In the vcry fUl'e of tIellem ' to drag tha colonel CrOll1 11I1111'1' 11 Clt1len horsl. ! I\IIlI fight their WII ) ' hne ! , to tholr own line , " 1"01' 11 tlllle. thl' ( 'olollel , stun11ed b ' his Call , 1001. nOII\1ot \ In the moll'e. ' 1'hen he cllught UI ) II lIIuslet nUll strucl < out I as vlclousl ' as hili rescuers , nnd the I tl1rl'e 1111\110 \ what the bo's ca1led n ! Jeut Uul I'unlllu lIht ; , n dozen or the I Hcrgellnl's com\lall \ ' 1'lInnlng hack to I brIng them III. " 'hull they rellchcd our II ser ) ' III'l'HRCd line Ihe colouel soclllcil to fOl'get thllt he WIIS In cOlllmnlll1 1\1111 I fought umonA' Ihn mOil as 0110 or them , Ulltll the sCI' ellnt , shllldn him , salll , I 'Uell1'mller 'our should'r slral ) . ' ! , mun : rOlllulllhor ) 'our ranI' . ' 'l'lIe colonul tool , this lu hl h dUlleonJut ! \ , IInnlly , mns- lret In haud , tool , command. re-formed Ills l'eglment. IInll took a 1Iosltlon Crom which he wns uot dl'h'eu. " "On the nUlI'ch to the sell , " Bald the [ lIjOl' . "Wh,11 the 'l'wentleth nrm1 COI'lS WIIS III Ihe vicinity of [ l1lodge- vllle , Gn. , nnll our dlvhlou eommlUlilcr , General .Tohu 'V. Gl'llI'Y. 111111 Olll' III'I . nde cOll1mUllller. GI'uerlll GCOl'gO S. Oreene. were rIding logether. 1111 Incl- dcnt occurred that both remembct'cd for 11 good IIInny 'enrH. All the two gcnerl s , theIr stulf otllcors , n11l1 escol'ls were IlIlssln n house nn nlcrt h'hdllum l)1ted ) ollt of the front doOl' with thrL'C chlclcens strl1l)11I1d to his kUUII < ; l\ck null a mnn " ( 'olored pntchwork silk I1t ll thrown nI'OH : his 111'111. "ITe wns PU1'S\W .b. } ' IL 'ouu hilt mlll1'onl 'looldug w01 1l1n , hewlllllllg tha loss of her silk 11ul1Slylng \ ) Gt'llImll Gellr ) ' . the womnu ran tu him 1\1111 asl- I'll hIs lutm'Coronee to SII\'O hl'l' 1111 Ill , The genor/ll dlslllounll'd Illlckl ' , gl'llll- ! Jell the Irlshmun hy tht , shouhh'r. turnl.d ! him nbout 111 II rough mUIIIWl' . UI1I1 ! nld : "Tlern. m ' ml1l1. l'I'tUnt thnt ' . ' ' 1'1w Irish mUll Ih'OIIICd the Irucl , 111111 Rulli : ' 1 f .OU were uot It I gCI11'l'I11 I woull11ll > o to HI'l' 'ou roh me. ' " ' ' ' tlw ' ' ' ' hl-l 'l'het'ou\1oU \ gl'lwl'al 111'011111'11 : 11lgnlty. mmle u rush for the 11'Ishll1an , the Inlll'r , to thl' nRtonllilllllcnl of nll Iho sll1n' ol1\'el'8. \ unsllnl-lln ; . : hlH ImuI-IlIel , nl1l1 Ieolln Cot' n light. In the mCIIII' time the gonol'lll WIIS cullin ; . : him nA ho \\011111 11 sl'llOu1lIo ' . Ill' Iw(1 ( no Ihought of reslslance. wlll'n till' [ I'IHhm/1II / IIliel- od elf 111.0 II hlll 'gont. III 1111 I. ! a I'un 111I11 I n juml. ) nm1 dcllYet'lll ! U hloKI1uI1I'el ; ) ' , on Ihl. ! Jellernl' : : ; 1eft jnv , , ' [ ' 1I1 > on un. ' 1 m\'lu' . the gen,1'111 tell. dl'l1 glng hl I ! I1S8111111Ut dowu with hIm. The Intter. 1'1 cn1'l'h'\1 ' h ' the splt'lt \ nWII. } of llI1t1le , ) ; WHiI HIl'lIdng ut till' Jl'lwral 11 fl ( , I' till. ! 'I mnuuer of a trnl1wrl IIU lIIRt. WlH'U the I i sInO' enmc to Iho t'I : 'l'Ue , WhclI 1111 'I WI'I' ( ' 011 thl'lr fpul. Conl'rnl : Ol':1r ' ( 'X- _ I tl'lIll'el his hUllllto th 111I ! lstleII'I'UtO \ . mill "nlll wllh 11 rlllllillliln. ' 1 j:111'IiS 1(1\1 o got the besl or IL , ' \ II " 'I'11l' lI'lhm:1n rl'lllIl'll. ' 11'nlth , S'II' 11 , ornl , hlI101'H n,1' alf : ' , hut I Ihlnl < [ s i ollhl : t\l hl1"e m ' 111111I. ' 'I'het11)t'ul / ! ) 0 : 10111 hIm to I''joln hlH n' l1l1l'nr 1111(1 ( \ ) nl'\'l'r ho l'l\\Ight In 1I11 ' morl' Mer : ! I ) ! lice II tlli' ono 111 which he hilI ! just hCOI1 III- dul lng. "I t 18 mcsnlf that wlll OlH'Y , orl1lrN , ' 1m III the 11'I hml1l1 , 111111 ho \ ' ( ' I1wn ' without IIIH ( Iulll or his It ehll'lwlIs , In a sluh : of 1\111117.1'11I1'111 o\'r l ! eSCnllug NO ousUy , . . I "Uencrnl (11'111' ) ' cUl"rh'1I a hlacl. cyo II tor two or three llllrA. butlw IUll1 811eh I I1JIII'celntion of tile 1I1uck ntlll ) jldl1 ere o the mun who hall glvclI It to him Ihat l' ' Ill ! hot'a uo rl'senhnrmt. f10ltle ot hit ! I Mlall otllCOI'8 wl'ro Oltll'nl'l1 ; lit the In. Y dlsnllr put lI110n n 1I1\'lsloll mlornl nnd - . , - - ' - - ' 'It ' their recommlnl1ntlon8 bnlt been net. ' e upon the 8lenl'r ot the chicken" I I would havl. ! hel.n ! severely dontt with , But Genr "H exp'rlence In Iexlco. Cnl. lrorllin. n1ll ) 1\nnlll111 : Innucllced him tu tulw 11. II1l1re tolel'lnt'll.w ! , nnd flO It I hnpp'ncll Ihnt Pl1tl'll'l , 1I- . the enl ' I prl"ate In the IIrm ' prohl1111y who ever Ilmocked 11 hl'lg lller llllerl down. es. t cl1l1ecl 1111 Ilunhdllucnt. 111111 Ih'od to tell I the story 10 his ( 'hlhlr'n ntH ) g1'1ludchll' dren.-Chlcngo Inter Ocoan. Clrc""tul1ce8 Alter COge"- During the curly lInrt ot Genora1 Dot- , Il.r's ! reign In Nl.w ! Orleuns rtl oUIcor ot I the UnIon nrmy CUlll'll on a weulthy fllml1y with Wh0111 ho hud lIravlou81y \ hoen on the 1I10St Crlelldly rellltlon8. Aa ! the Cl'lendll hnd otten donI. ! him ncls of kindness , the o/11ccr / thought he wight nt Ihls tlllll. ! relurn the fn vorl , lie rung the hell , Imt no one appoured nt the front door. Conndent that the folks wcrl. ! In the hou80. he went around to the Idtchen , where he tound tha col. ored ludy sel'\'ant , whom he UsltL'll WI to the wherenLlollts of her mistress. "Dc misses am done gOl1e away , " swd the 0111 aunty. " 'l'hen where Is the dnughter. MI88 Mnry 7" , " I15S Inry nm also done gone. " Conndent that the tn11111y were In i , till ! homm the otl1cer said he wns going Into the lInrlor to wliit lInUl they caml. ! back. l1ud. suiting his I1ctlon to hit ! words , wnllwd Illto the legunUy fnr. nlshe pllrlors and proceeded to awuso ! pln'lng on a gultur ho found lying on the piano , It was 80mo Umn betore uny ono came In , hut nully ho hear a I'ustllng of sm , ou the stnlr- wny. I\nd the duugl1ter Mllry came hUllghlily Into the lurlor. 'l'he Union olllcer orose Ilnd offered hIs ha11d. which was refused. She hellped all sorts ot ubuse on the olllcer nnd t01l1 him her mother sl\l It she should seu him wOllnllcll and dIng Rhe would 110t give him 11 drlnlt of wnler. After the full ot Ylclshurg the snml ! olllcer cume to Now Orloa118 , In com- mllnd of the III1shlp ; lnd , liawk. with orders for Admh'ul I"url'l1gut , The first 11lght he reacholl the Crescent City ho was nollfi d thllt n Iud ) ' WIIS on tI " bent deslro'us ot seeing him. Ho went to lhe torwur cubln und found lrs. - , who In 1802 trentcd him BO shab- ItIy. ttnd hud snld shl. ! would do nothing for him It he WIUJ brought bnek to her house d'lng , "Cerlulnly you are not M1'I'I. - . " slIld the otllcer. stating whnt her dnugb- tel' reported she hu sl1hl. "Oh , yes , [ am , " saId she , "I ncver snld what you reponl. We ure no longer Confodorates. Pierre hns n tweh'e hun. drl'll-dollnr elcrlshlp In tha postotUce. ' ' 'ulter hu. ! n nIne hundredolIur place In the Custom Housc. George Is In the Commissioner Genet'al's of1lce. James Is Iteglslry Clerk on the 11.\'t'C. ! nnd lil\ITY IH In the slgnl11 serylce. Inry aud Emmn both ha"e promise ot good posl. tlons In tha postomco , nnd cousIn La Bert Is 1'0 be nppolnted solicitor or something. and Uncle Le Blnss Is ooon to he CUl1tuln of the i'orl. Oh. I am sri glnd to see 'ou. We nre ull Union now , and I " , nnt you to come to our hmlRo nnd maim It your home ns long 118 you sIll ) ' In Now OrlC ns , IIo\v glad our Co1ls w111 bl. ! to see yon. " HI t oriol11 Correctiona. .Tohu..Uood ( ! . the ollly Vlrglnlnn lI\'ln who was 11 memLler of tbe Confe orate Congress , wns one ot the spcllIcrs ut the unnulII meeting of Lee cump , hold at Itlchmol1l1. Ya. Mr , Geode took occuslon to eorr ct whut ho concclves to bo two errors In rl''lmt ( conlt'lbutlons to the history ot the 01vl1 Wur. lie stuted that ho hud It fl'Om the IIIIS o ( the ConCldorate com , missIoners who went to IInmpton roads to confer with I'rosldl.nt ! Lincoln thl11 I thl' enl ' thing 1..ll1l'oln would ugl'ce to wus , that Ihe Confle1'l1tcs ! ( "should go home IInd take otT th lr uniforms. " Ho denlod. In ( lmphullc lerms. that Llncol11 hnd ollercll to till ) ' Cor the 111 > crntlon ot the slnYl's. : \11' . Geode also 811111 he wantell to cor , red an error In a recent contrlbntloll to wnr history b ) ' ChlU'le Il'rnn'ls Ad. IIms , In which he mulies It appenr that Gl'nerl11 T favored SUl'l'ondel'lng hl urm ' heCorl' It reached Appomattox , 111111 Hlltt l'I'esldl'1I t Ua vIs wus respon , slhlo Cor Lec's lllans not being l'I\ITled out11' : . Geode snld he was flcnt Cor b ) Prl' ltlcllt nlvis unll General 1..1 : < 1 for a conCI'I''ncc. Genl'rnl Lee t lll ot the l'Olllllllon or hIs army , nndllRkCll It I th'lr lnlu IIl'0pll' would stund nn. olher drart upon them for fornge nnt ! I ) lro\'lsIOlIII , Ir. (10011e con fen-cd with I his IlsRol'lul's , aud the rnsl1lt wns , hoI hlformell Gl'nl'l'al 1.'e. that the Insl I eru-t ! ! oC hrend would he divided with ' nrm. ) ' . GI'nl'1'I11 Lee snld not u word I IIhout Aurrenderlng.-Phlladelphln Uel" 'on1. A Story from Chlc Jo , I Whl1l' In cllml1 at Cro I l'Ya I ro L't'I\'ell an order fl'om Hll' gClwrl11 111 ! c01l\nllllll1tllllt thl're should hi' no forng , lI11oWl(1. 'l'hiN order wus given out with the IlIstln't ' ' ( n11dl'l'\tlllllllng thai ' R)1I11l1r ( } ing ( 'ontrllry to thl I'\li ! ' wouill he sl'\\'rl'l ) ' pnl11'llCtl ! I , rllll o oC III ) ' Hllrlll'lsl' whl'D 0111' morll' I COli 11 11 nu 11'I"hnulII trudging Into ' ) wit h III1't' fnt nck 1':11111) n tll1ulng on hIs 1I11. III ; ) : l'll him t < 'rnly Ir ) W' did not know , thn t Ill' WltR dlJ01)'lug onwrH. ' " ( 'nlllllln , ns we wu Iaudng thu , ( :11'11111 YI1l"l1IO 'nut hort' this ; ; 001lE < callie i I' (1'0111 lIIur ! the tlnl' ( ' nIlll hissed I\t the : /lIIf / : . nnd I ahot the thrnltor dend , fit ! I I 1I0\'l'r unow IIUY on" to llUIuU our < < 11 , 01'1-1. " [ hnd > lI't hIm go. . \ " 'oll1on'sny. . Mr6 , 01'l1wtorll-lIo\ ran come to I1sk 'our hUf1mnc1 ( or nil auto' ! "h'il. CrnwCord-Whllo I knew hI ! , woulll rertlFI' . [ hopl'd he mlEht com. Ilroll1lso on nn automollllo cont. Thnt WM wlmt t rellny wnnted.-Judlo , . . - - - - - - . . i . . . . . . . . . . : " 000D . 3hort glorieS . " U , . . . - - . . . . , . . , . . It Is relntl'll tllilt once. when a cap- tllin In tlJe lII'my COMICI'C by the ( 'n. elllY. hI. ! ulielreRsed his 111en as ( ollows : " Iy lIIen , tight IIkl. ! dl.1I10llS ! until ) 'our Ilowdel' gh'e8 ant. then rWI. 1'01 a llt. tle In nw. I'll stl\rt now. " In nn ucter.dlnner speech ut the I..on. don SlI\'lIge Club recently. on the pur. Ity or the English tongue. Winston Churchill remnrlwd : "I ha vo written live books , thl. ! snlUe mu 1ber as lmCs -Llut 1 wlll not press the compnrlson. " It II ! Bllid that when 'l'11I1IIdeu8. 80me twent ) . , ) 'enril ngo , WIIS pnlntlng his rn. mous portrait of the Pope. hlH liollnes9 I.xclnlme ! : "liow old you wo look I" "nut are you not old'r aske the nrtls"Ah \ , ) 'CI ! . " suld the POlle. "but the Pllpney. the Idea which 1 rl.p' ! resent , Is al\\'Il's young. " Mark ' 1'wnln wlla rl.cently ! chnl11ng Sir ! ! Held on the \'n al'll.s ! of English pronuncilltlon. "You spell n nllme Be-n'I ) . : md pronotllH'u \lurehhanlII : , " ho sulel , "And 'ou do IlI'celsely the SUIIII. ! thll1g , " I'eplled We- 1II ' "r ; . "Whut do 'ou ml.lm ! " " replied Inrk Twnln , "Well , you spel1 your nn1lle C.I.-m.e-n'8. und ) .ou pronounce It 'l'wnln. " An Edinburgh photographer WWI "Is. Ited the ether dny LI ) ' n man who wnnt. ed 11 unlquo picture tulccn , "You Sl.e ! , It'/I : IIlw thlH , " the strllngor hegun , " 1 hnd a girl thnt I loved. IInl1 wo was golllg to glt I1II11'rlod. She hud her things Ulllde up. nnd we W/l8 nil rendy. when shl' was tlll.ell lI111nlllIl.d. ( ! Now. whnt I wunt Is II pIcture of 1IIe sltlln' on her gmve Weelll1' . " 'l'he photog' rapher wall touched ut thl ! h01llely stul'y or St'ler. nnd told hIm he could send 11 1I1an wltlJ him to the grave , and hu\'o the picture tulen as he eslred. "It's some dlsta11ce. " the stranger explnln. ( ' (1. "It's over In Ireland. I expect It 'ud cost a lot to send o\'er your trl1lS fOl' whnt I want. " 'l'Lle photogl'nplJor auld It would , whereupon hIs visitor lidded : "I thought thut mobbe you could rl up 11 gru'e here In ) ' 0\11' shop , tmd I would weel ) on It. nnd It would do just 118 w'll. It.s no trouble Cor mete \Vl.cpllnywbere. ! . " A promhiont llryslclnn. the ether dny , told how he pla 'ed n practical Joke on an esteemed member oC the medical profession , who did 110t belle\'e In the germ thcol' ) ' , nnd refused to pursue nn1 stud , ) ' In tllat illl'ectlon , holding that It \Vus ull bORh. ' 1'he 11101'0 the hlldel'Jol- oglst 1118Isted. the more doubting the doctor LJCcame. " .uere Is no Ruch ding ns germ ! ' In tuberculosis. I111 not belief - lief It , " declnrel1 the Oormlln ph 'slclun. "Yes. but I have bucHIi which I CI\Il show 'ou under the IIIlcros ope :11Id prove asserUon " replied lhe ' 1111 , 111'0- fessor , "Und Id hns hend ulld t/lIl1" querIed tllo doctor. "COI'tnlnly. Como to my lahol'lltol'Y. nnd I'll show It to ) 'ou. " suld the bacteriologist. The duc- I tor vlsltl.d ! the luhorntory , I\nd the scl. entist IIhower1 him the SIecllnen uuder the mIcroscope. A peeullnr looking , wlggllnlt object , with the head of a monster IIml (1.lIthers ! sticking Corth like the wnr-lnth hend.gcnr of a sllvn Indian , Will ; preselltl.d. ! " I'ln gl'l1l'1ol1s ! U11d dot tlng Is ullve ? " cried the doc- tOl' ; "no vonller thc germs 1':1n ra vnge a mnn's lungs. I Ahal1 gct lIIe n micro- IICOIIl' lit \'OIlN ! . " 'l'IH. doctor was con. \(1rt'd to the go I'm thl'ory. but thl ! wlcl'll ( hllcterlologlRt Cnlled to I'oyenl to him thllt the lIal'lllus shown In the mlcrmwopc wnll a common I1l'a , ob. t1llned I"l'om Iht' bed ' or tlH' 8clenthit's pet hOUfe-dog. ; / ' 'Vhcl'O lUIU'ion Oran-forll " 'ritcR , Ii' .1\Iu 1'1011 Cm w (0 I'd fillllH his Idenl hOI1111 n hrI'7.I'Rwept villa , porl'lled high 011 the picturesque clll1'8 of SantO _ Augello (11 Sorrento , o\'p.rlooklng the hcnullful BIII of N111)1011 nnd III ! 1'0- mantIc 8hm'CR , 'fherl' Is. Indeed. no liner slle to lie fuund nnywhere uhout I h I fu'-l'l1l11ed : bay tlmn tllll I occuJlh' h ' Ihe'lIIa Crnwfol'd , " wllh Its l'hl'crful 111 11I1 wnl'll oulIool , ovel' 8l'lIt- lercd townR. ollve-cla hllh , :1\111 \ tra. ; ; rlll1l oranl ; gl'oves Ilotted with white- willii'll dwclllngs , to where Vl'SU\'ltls reurR hhJ mlghl , . con" nnd 1\nplos IUnl1lA It aUlong her fl1hject ; vlllnges , 1'1\1' out IICrOR ! ! the shining 11111 to the l'lll'hllntln Islu1Hl of Ist'hla , Hl't IIkl' n Imtl'Ous jl'Wt'l III the 'l' 'I'I'hl'nll1n eu , 'l'he houte l\twlf \ Is U11 uopr'nllous ' hulIl1l11 of lilucl'o 1111I1 rough shiue. It Iii rl'l\l'lH'd hy 'olluwln U l'ount I'V , road. o\'l'rhuug hy IIlIn' , Il'IIIUI1 I1l1d OI'lIl1-C : 11'I'I's. for IlIJOul a mile rrom Sl1rrl'1I10. Ihen l11rnlng through n : ; ra.-RtlHw utc- WI1Y. "mlJoWl'rcli In I\r , : llId going I1lun ; . : n narl'ow dl'h''wu. ) ' uhuoHt to Ihe Y\Jl'gl' of the cliO' . Whl'rtho yllla slulllla. sOllie two 1I111Hlr'd fl'I'1 uiloYI/ \l3y-Lndh'fI' nome .Jourual. lieI' Olnlon. "Ollt of III" gl'l'l1teRt erll ! ' In 11/ / ' ( . . . . fJhl the l'hlorl ' 1\"on n , "Ili III'Ol'l' 'HU. ' Jlutlon. " "I thluk o , to ( ) , " replh'd the 10UIl = 111111'1'h'll W1I1111\11. "I Iion't tl'e the sense or 11111 tlu : ; of011' / , \ guhlen wl'lhllug UI1' IIh'l'l'snry 1111 you Urt' m ) III' ; 0 1f'U'J oldWnshlnton Stnr , Floml ! ! of the Nile. 'I'hl' tlulIIls I1C Ille Nile ar ( ' 1111 l'e lIhu 111 tllI'lr l'lImlu that Cor hmlllrcdti 01 'I'a I'S I hl' ) ' hu't' nlll \rll'rl Il.lI ! dayl' In till' 11nlc of Ihelr nrrlTnl III glTl'lI 1111 III t. I < 'ow Hnwhoucflln lIuuJf1I'J" 111 1l11ll l1r ' t ht'r ( ' lire thoullInc1H 01 \1I1:1g8 : 11111 hmlllrl'llR of IImul1 10wnP , \'ltllllul a doclor withIn II'I ! mlleR. It Is slIld thnt pillow shamR IHe no : ; ( lIIhlonllllle , hut there lire nu. nterotJ ! ! olher Rhnme with which te fill the voId , , . . , . " . " " ' - : - . , --1 . . - . . . . . . . I : t , . , ACTS LIIE MAGIC CONQUERS ' . N * > . tJ , t vofoot- + + + + + ' ! ' > Ho + + 'H'HHoH' + + , : - 'here are at preseht more miles ot horse car lines In : New York City than In all the rest at the country combined. 1'he mileage at the mCoo tropolls Is 110 ; In the rest at the United - ted States , 107. : Detore long It Is probuble that thd dogs , us well as the daughters or rle" and fashIonable rolk may bo BCI i to Paris to tlnlsh 011 their education. A school for dogs has been established - lished In that city. This 18 Simply Wondcwl'nl. Ohunplon. Mich. , Mllrch li-Mrs , A. "Wellett. wlte ot n locnl I1hutosrapher , has ha a remarkable e.xperlencc rl-o cenUy. Mi'S. Wellett to11s the story this wnn ' ' 'I could not sleep. my teet werc cold , my limbs cramped. I hud nn u\\'ru har pain ncl'Oss my bac1e. I had toJA get Ul1 three or fOUl' tlmas every nIght , ; I'U8 yery nervous nnJ tearfully de- spondent. I hud very IILtle nplfcUto. "After I hnd 8utTered III thIs WilY toi five years. I began to U8e Dudd's Kid. . 110Y 1'111s. When I hnd talon a reY'1 pills you ought to hnve scen what cnmG fl'OIl1 lilY kIdneys. It looked. like a spollell egg. only darker. "I kept on USI11g Dodd's Kldnoy PlllJl till IVus cured. Now I CIl11 sleep well and do not have to get up 111 the night. I haYe no pain In my bl\clc 01' limbs anll I feel better than I 1111 ve tor yellrs. " - - - - ' - - Switzerland has , at Bex , salt mines which have been worked tor 348' year'3 , ' 11O gallerIes are 25 miles In ! length , and tiJC profits $75,000 a year. CherrIes In varying shades at red are used tor trimming felt hats tor younlt girls , lIkowlse wreaths of currants - rants wIth deep reen velvet leaves , while clusters at purple and wh'to ' grapes adorn some at the newest models In white beaver , . . . . , , H. Wlnolo. ' . SOOTIlING SVIIUP for oblldl'ell teethlnl : ' , .oelen. the IUm. , reduces InllAm..llon ; . .II. , . palo , cure. wind colle , 2 o botlle. Enough timber Is destroyed by fire ' ' 1 In the United States every year to supply all the pulp mills , thougn tl1ese can turn out 2,5000,00 tons of paper a year. We use PIso's Cure for Consumption ( II' ' preference to :1111 oUler cough medlc\Df \ ! -Mri. S. m. Borden , 442 P street , Wash. wton , D , 0. . . May . 2 : > , IDOl. - - - - - - Systematic Inqulrics iuto the present - ent condition or bird Jlfo In Missouri brings to light the surprising discoy. ery that within the Just 15 years In. . 6cCtl vorolls birds 11a ve decreased 0:1 : pel' cent and game hlrds 80 per con \ Y/HERE / DOCTORS FAIL'j ' ToCuro'Voman's llIs , LydIa Eo Pinkham's V cgcta hlo Compound - pound Succeeds. Mrs. Paulino' J ulson 'W rites : I . . Dr-An : Mr.s. } ) . - INKfi.UISoon nlter , my marriage t o .ycars n o I found j myself in constant pain , 'ho doctor , 6aid my womb was turned , nn this caused the pain with considerable In. fiammation. lie prescribed for me for \ , . . . / 'j . . . . , - , . . .s 11I3. P A UU E JUDSON , SOCl'Otuj' of SchermerlOrn Gall Club , rooklYD , Now York. four months. when my husband becamtt impatient bcenuso I grew , vorsc instead of better , nud in 6pealdng to the dru - IGt he ndvlse hIm to get I yUI1. ' . Plnlcham's Ye cfQb1 Compound : m ann.tI\'o 'Vash. How 1 wish 1 hud t.alcon that at firtJt. ; It would havtt meVcck of suEcrlng , It took three long monlhs to reslore me. but. it ia a happy relief , nnd we are both most grateful to you , Your Compound hUI ! brought joy > our I10mo null health to 111.MR. . . . . P UI.INL : JumlOrr , 47 lloyt trcet. Brooklyn , N , Y.- 15000 tor/tit II II Ol ( utlmonlIll , not gnuln. . It , , 'on1ll seem by tbt'i statement - ment tbat women , , "ou(1 51\\0 time ami much slcJrnt > ss If thcT- \\'oulel l't IJydfn. E. l : > > lnkltam' VCfctabJc Compound at oncC , Rnll nlso wrJto to Mrs. Pln1dmm nt L 'Jmt TITnS's. . tor specl 1 n - vico. It is t'I' O nnd always bclOS.