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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1902)
Jd _ . - . - . . . . . ' _ . . . . . . _ . } _ ' ' ' ' , " ' ' ' ' ' ' 'r - - ' - : ; ' 'n. " , ' ' . ' : : ; 'I1-- -i' ' - _ . _ . KEEP ON lIGUING ODGE COUNTY COAL FIND TC BE FULLY 'rESTED. . I II I Ownf'r f 1 lIrm Quit. . CnnOtlent-BntlIOf'c\ ' , I With Olb..r. 'l'hftt Fu 1 In 1'011"1 Qun"IIII II Itla , 11 < : ' Found-To Sink 8uYtorni ] [ ol . . lfremont , Neb.-Dlllllng to estnb- 1fsh the l'xtellli alld mlue of the ro el'lt Jumcstowll coal Ilnd wll. be started Inlluedlately on the furnl of Elisha Helllll'ele ' , nurth of that place. The work will be In chllrgo of IIl1rry J ( . Brown of this city , who struck ten felt ! of a l1Iedlum grade of hllnl oal t11el'o on L'elJruury 27 while bor. fng a well fur Mr. HmlllUele. Several ules arc to be sunk at places nlt far remuve froUl the orglnul one , with he ohject of determining whether t11e coal exists In merely a pocket or spreads out as a regu- areln. . A variety or plang for brlllging up quuntltles of tile cpal to lake pos : > lblo a meuns for I1ndlng out. Ole concerning Its quality have bcen suggeste . Olle of these which Reems to mcet wi th favor is as fol- .ows : A large drill Is tu be used un- in the coal Is ellcouutered , when ili will be tuken ouli and a smaller olle bsed In Its place. Wben the lattcr 111l has penetrated through the coal land to some distance below It , it 1Ii In tUln be remuved alld a section bf pipe or the same diameter lowered to the bottom attached to a rope. , U'hen olJe of the drllls wlli be put to rork again , causing pieces of the ( Wal to IJreak oil and fall Into the ube , which Is to be closed at the bottom. In this way good slzl'd frug- / . . hnents of the deposit may be brought the smface. 'I'hls Idea was pro- osed by 11. O. Drown , fatber of tbe , oung man who is superintending tbo IProspectlng operatluns. : Tbo well which was bored at the hne of the coal discovery has been compleled , water ha\'ln. . : been struck jat a depth of about 250 feet. .rlw re- I I ort tbat a second vein of hard coal bad been reached was based on er- i I''neous conclusions. Tbo drlll did IILrlke a black substance several feet tillcl. , and this was thought to bo . ] ore coal , but careful scrutinizing IIbowed that It was notiling but slate. I It Is the unshaken belief of aU wbo _ , a\'e had anthllig to do with the lJdlng uf tbe carbon depuslt at lameslown that Mr. Hellllllele's farm Blld adjllnln plelei ulland are und - d r1ald wltb coal In goud worklug 4 Hllltities. ' .rho sinking of new boles , which Is to be dune at 1\11' . DruwlI's expCllse , pruves that his faltb In the discovery Is strollg. 'l'ho tate reward or $4OUU Is pa'able to r the owner of the land where coal Is \ round extellsl\'ely euuugh to make tnJulllg 1I1'Olitahle. MI' . Helllmele has pnmlscd to share the mlJney eqllally \Vilh lr. BruwII s1l0ulll the result or tlwlr contluued plUspectllJg be what tbey "otoiC for. 'l'ue tellIot vein that has been located lies at a depth of 206 feet , "hlch Is b ) ' no mealls a dIscouraging clrcllmst lice. In Illlllols one or two ; hafts ha'e been sUIII. to the depth ( Jf nee feet In order to get at 11'e feet of coal. g\'en If Iii should be ascer- tan led that the Jalllestown layer Is ot uulfurmly ten feet tblck , the alue of the discovery can not bo questioned provided the deposit ex- t.ends 0\1'1' allY cousldemhle area. 011lclals of the Fremont railroad re keeping close watch of wllUte\'er de\'elopments take place In regard to the search for coal. In common wilh , plany others who ha ve no reason to "VIew the matter In any other but a conservath'e : lIght , they arc sanguine tbat another Industry beretofore unknown - known In Nebraska is ubout to bo ! Opened up to the stute. Btrlltcrfl 11"(101116 Violent. Olnclnnatl , Ma-ch 12.-Atter the rallure of the conference last night to adjust the differences between the proprietors of Cincinnati , Oovlngton blnd Newport breweries and the unl- d brewery workmen there were several - eral engineers assaulted and two of them are reported seriously Injured today. There were several acts of , 'flolence again today wblch caused patrol wagons to haul away Injured plen. As the stationary engineers .nslat on remaining under the juris- lctlon of the engineer's union and cfuse to abide by the orders ot the United brewery workmen , the engl- veers at the breweries ure the ones 'attacked most , but the new drivers tind all others who are worlc1n fore be brewerlos at this time are subject o to assallits rrom the crowds tlmt as. aemble nbout the breweries. J ONltI' " : lIan J . .cnle. . . Geneva , Neb. , March n.-Notlce W IS sent to the sherllf yesterday that p. A. Strickland. who was paroled trolll the f.lncoln asylum a few weeks ligo had become dangerous. Deputy herlff a 4/en went to the family ome and brou ht him to town. ullng the night bo escaped and valked back to his home , about - wolve miles , where he was recaptured - tured at no early this mornlDi bJ llerUr Dlnneea. , , , " \ - . - - L..ITT/.E. / GIRL SHOT IN I. G. Darele. . Dnlldltng or " 0. . Dau. . . . . Ytlrtlnjllr" l\lartlm \ G Icsselmnn , ot A rllnton. lhe el ht-'ear-uld ( Iau hter of II , II. nlcsselullln was nccldcllIlIlIy shot In Lho I'I ht le SlInday afternoon just 'bu\'e the ullklc. She 111111 her IHIII111 ) Ioll er were III her fal hm's machine ahcd In cllmpan ) ' with I.'red Wollf , ; h. hired . .mtn , whll wns IOlll < llllt III a , "n. The weapon WIIS olle which \1' . Gelssetrllall kept ! 'unglng In the lied 1'10 that it coulll ue tllkclI down In a mOlllcnt ulld used to 1 < 111 Ellgllsh . .Hlrruws , It was kept , COllslanlly htded , uut this fact W i ullknown t.o . h'ollf. lie had lIe\er had a IIU or Ills 01\11 alld was not thorouhly [ ! tn- I lIIar with the handllll of one. , hlle he had one barrel ut half wck I lie load was dlscha.rged Hnd Clltered L .c little I-Irl's ; lImh. ' 1'he lIl'sh was frightfully torn and h\'o Illdies 0 f the la rJ.c ; 1I0lle was , mtterell hy the shot. The chilli1 s " 1'l'1I for at her home durln.t : the IIi-ht : and taken to the hospital at "I emont on morulllg train. " "rlllt : . . 1'1" , . . Stewart Hill , a ed ulne years , died It ! JOII vcr fWIn the eUccts of a bulleL 1\01111(1 In the breast reeeh cd ) 'esh'r- ilay while ellgH-tect ! In a mimic 11\(11.11I \ ! latlle. .1allll's Butson , aNl ! tWI'I\'j' ! ,1'IlIS , Is under arrest , charl'd wltl IlIUder , FOllr hoJ's. all twelve yearl' ! Ilf age or under , stat lOlled thelllselvl's Ill'hind barrkades abollt thirty yalds apart , and had eXl'lIallged ablllt Iyellty shots when 11111 fell , plercl'lI IImJllj.h ! the Illnl ! . Accordlllg to tht' thcr bo's 11111 stepped bu'k : out III the open when Duts"n took dell her. tle allll and 1lr'ed. Ohlef of pollee 1rmsl'onJ. . ; saJ's he lutlI&ls ! to take " 'easllres ' a alnst those who arc Ie- 4pllnslblo for tb boys having I1re. trillS. Bc\'rnl Nnrrllw t : " . . , . . , : Dazed and half stJ. , 'cated by smokC' vhlch 1I1letl his : oem , Hudolph En - .eclc , a jeweler , rushed throllgh a ' ( ) flame and threw hlmselt frolll I & three story wlndo\v of a boarc1ln I I house at :104 : Eric street Chllcgo. On Ithe pavement below a number of Ure. , Inen were holding a net. EllglC'cke , , his clothl's ablaze , whirled In the l'r bs he shot towal'd the ground , th J I strucJ. on ono sldo or the net , and I : I hrmncerl to the stone walk. lIe BUS' Ilallled Illternal InJllrles , a fractnred I wrist , alld was severely burned about I the head and hody. I Twelvc other occupants or thl' lJIIlldlng had narrow escapes from death. Mrs. Katherine Dc\1te , who I cflnrllJcted the bo\rrllng : \ hoose , and , I , Qarl G. Cosner , II. lodger , WCN pulL- ! : Pully lmrned. : I Gret B"l'Ih."nt. The belief that the United Irish I .eagllo Is about to be procl-1lmed callsell great excitement at 1I:1Irush , countv Clare , and the arrest of t\\O Inen named Crowley and EI"tace : , who were charled with IIrlng Into , the 11'Illse of a woman who 11'1d pur- I chased hay from a farmer who was under the ball of the I A man named O'D'mnell has been nnesterl unll selltenced to olle month "I ) nrlson fol' tr.\'llI to prevent tills : nap from se1l1ng hay. I IIlIld. . 'I'urllo\ , " 111111 Ihle. . ' .rhe American le atiJn at Constan. : Inople has presen t ell to the porte the second note refcrrl n to the capture - ture of Miss Ellen M. Stone. I In this note It Is pointed out that os 1\IIss Stone was captured , the ran. ( jom paid , and the prlsoncrs dell\'eled In 'Jurlwy , the brl allds mllst bo within the 'l'urklsh trontler and shollld therefore be captured. The note denies that the authorltes , iyere e\'er required to lesson their vigilance on the r'OlItler , and asserts that only the movements of the troops In the Interior were Interfered with. .rhe first note presented to the porte by the United States lr atlon nt Constantinople III the matter of Miss Stone's capture by brigands demanded - manded the punishment of the gullty parties. 'l'he porte , In replying , re- ? udlated responsl b11l ty. I Unycllptl AII"J'orlcnlVlneluw. . At the req'lest of the resIdent clcr. y of The Hague , Holland , Stanford Newell , United States mlnlstor to the Netherlands. unveiled the window - dow In the \ngllcan church present. cd by the mayor of New York as an American memorial of the work accomplished - complished by .rho lIague peace con- fcrence to which the IU Iyor was a del ( 'gate frOln th United States. \ ' .rho window Is In four srctlollS find represents Ohrlst and allegorical fig. JreB of Faith , llope and Charity. l"nlrluont IIn"Ior Injure'd , While out hunt-lng last Saturday Eel Foster and Oharley Welch , . .wc ! Ity boys about fifteen years or a e , ' of Palrmont , met with an' ellt. 'l'he Foster boy , while trying to ( 't. tract shell from his ' ! an empty ro\'u- vcr by some ! ! leans exploded a shell , the blllleli strlklll him neilI' the nose on the right cheek enterh , the mouth , knucklng Ollt two teeth ; the bullet has not been extracted yet. The wound Is not fJfl serious natwe. I - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - DEArrn AS llESUL'l" I SINGLETON B. CAIN .SUCCUMBS AT NEWMAN GROVE. I 1114 InJurlf's f"tr Inl1lch'tl--Ihoot. ! 111m Jtcl'cnh'II , . In 111 IlIe 1.'terlUlned Hr. furt tll nl.-No HInt of Iutho fur 11 11 Jtullh AcL I Singleton B. CIIIII , n ho1l10r 011 Ilr e re 11 estate Interests In and arIIIIHl Newman Gw\'e. , ill'S dead nt , Is home , III lhc eastern part of own , I.he result of Ills own rush net. I uast lllldn' ( III hl , lIuout 8 o'cl. . ck II ! Cllllle dllwu tllwlI , ha\'hlg prom- ied hi ! : > family that he wlluld mcet l1em at church , \ \ I\'re \ fI'\'I\'U1 ser- Ices were belllg helel. lIc lIad passed he church two hlodiS , nllli WitS In he IH'art of thl ! huslllcss sl'l'tlon , nt he Inters'el'tlon of Fn'mollt nlld Ilale I reels. whell he ralscel his right IIId with It :18-callllre : re\'uh'er nlld Pllt a blllltt III to his head , A few eCfllld elIHl'd : ) alld Lhe shot WIIB ro cned. 'l'hc few people who were on I'lestreet ' wetO atlract.lel ! II ) ' the Sh'lt , hilt COllld 1101 , IlIclllc the dlrec- Ion Oil accollnt of I he ( .1'110 , \\'hen lie sl'colld shllt Ill Cllrreel the IIIltn vas scen to staler ! 111111 fall , alld be- . lII'e IIIIof \ those Iwarcst could reneh . 1111I , lie \ \ Ith his left halld hll1clnl- : h R hud ) ' In a 611 t In Iwsture , IIred two 111 ro shilts III quick sUl'cessloll , 111. . ono of which IH'ol.mlJly tuol , e Teet. 'I'he ma n was pll'l.ed lip for ( lead and rarrled to Anderson's drug store. I'hsldalls wel'e sUllll1loned nnd two I of I he b Illols extracted , altel' whllh. : . he was cal rled to his hOllie , where he pII'lInlly : re alned cOllsclousncss , enough lo rco nlze the mcmbers of his fnlllily. bit frolll the time he Ilred the first shot until he expired he lilt en'd 1111 SOU lid , not e\'en a groan. lie ll\ed Ilft3'-four hOllrs after IIIllIct- IlIg the mortal WOUIHI , dying this mornlllg Any of the tlllee 6hota that entered hill hrad were .mmc1ent to cause death. ' 1'he third bulleli was ( 'xtracted ) "esterday Illorning by trephing. The IIperaLlnn being done h ) ' Drs. Ji'rlllk aud Mc laholl , the hili helllJ , ! rl1Io\'erl from the opposl to side of the head frorn where It enter - ter u. Mr. Oain stood well In this COlli- m'lIIlty , was a promlncnt church and SUlldIY school worker , ardellt In pol- itles and tempel'ance , 1\ leader ID fmterllal sllclelles , IJI\'ln : lIIember- ship In the 1. O. O. F. , M. W. A. , the Iehekahs alld nOll Nel hbors. He lea\'cs a IIIIge fal\-ll1y \ in COlli- fortalJlc circlllllstances , ] Ie has left nil word , wl'ltten ur , that would III any way explain his rash nct. If all11'1 , , III was on 11 Is 11I111 c1 , wOl'rylllg hi III , he ) . ! ave nil sl II. ' lie was rather retil'ent regilrdllg his afTalrs. keeplnl ! his ow , " cOl/ncll. / 110 was bom ill Ohio , Iu Mill'cll 1,1 , 18i0. : : Frnn1 ( i'hnrl' 1''Ullli Guill ) ' . The jllry III thc ease of the state n alllst Fr.lIIl hal'p , of Platls- mOl/th / , Nubr. . I'rtlll'l/cd / a verdict of guilty of larceny as chlrgcd , alld rrc- olllllu'ndnd I hat , the COllI't sill w ! l'II- lenc ) ' towards t.he . pll.oller In pa ! > slllg senlenle. : ' 1'he'aille of the gllods which Shmp Is al'cused of lJa\'lng stolcII alld bhlpped Illto this COlllity was estimated at $ : lIiO , Sharp. who has been out on bOlld , w1l1 ha\'e to remain io jail ulltl1 the court sen- tellCl'S him. The prisoner's wife , lII11ther. sister and other rel.IU\'es . attended - tended the lr lal throughout , alld \ \ hen lhc'e1'l1l1't was made known their di"mllpointmont was \'ery up- parent. 'l'hl case had been tiled In Lallncster and : : ; arpy coulltles , buli each tlllle the state failed to coo\'lc\ \ ' till' man. 'rhe case of the state n alnst Ernest - est Meteer , char\ed \ with arson , Is now trial befme a jUl'Y. 1Ile'tllulll" )1 , , " ' 1' . . . . IInd , . . A sta rtll ng revelation has just come to light In rc ard to vhas-I- nln.gah , the famOiIS old Omaha Indian - dian ( hlef , who died at his hOllle 011 the reservation north of Decatur , Nebr , nlH1.ut a week ago. In the last stages of the old mnn's slcleness u medicine ollln or Jldlan ) d ctor was in attendallce , and the chi 'f was pronollliced dead , In the presence of OhJts.anln'Ja 1I's I llnlly. An undertaker rrOl1l that city was sent for and ho dlsclvered Indications - tions of life. 'l'he wellt to worl , upon the man alld In II short time he revived. ' .rhe family was us- tOllnded. and looked upon the ( cat as II miracle , IInd bel1eyo the rather lIud hushand had lice II called blI'k : to life lIy the Great Spl rl I. for sOllie hlll.v canse ullklown to them. But fur tile acuteness of Mr. l\11rley , the un- elertalc'r , ChaanlnJah ! : > mllhL ha\'e been hnrled IIlh'f' . ' 1'he resllst IcalLlln was of no consl'qllNlce , huwl'\'er fllr the 0111 man lingered only abuut f ur mOle days , Two I.htl. , I. . . t III " J lr. . . New York , March II.-Flre that destro'C'd the Iloslol1lce hul1dln at North Pelham tuday caused t he loss uf two lI\'es IInd the serlolls Injnry uf II Ollrd person. 'Ihe dcad lire : Edward - ward YOCII 111 , thlrtccil years old , a I ne\\sboy ; Mrs. Thomlls nuano , wUe 'r ' a mot"rman un the Ullloll railway. Mrs. Yocum , the mothcr uf the hllY who WIIS Jellied , jumped from a window - dow and had hel" back hadly wrenched. unel was otehrwlse Injured. . I ! II - , , . - - - - - - - - CRACKSMEN VISITS NEMAHA. - - J'arU , WN'4Ik a Hnnk 8"0 , Jlut & .on. . . No1''tl1 , NemahA , Neb. , Mllrch , O.-An nt- tom pt WitS nll\llo ea rly th Is 1II0rn In to rob the hank at Nenll\ha. Just berore 2 o'clock nn l'Xllloslon was hOllrel , IInd pcrsons H\'lnj.t IHOSS the atreet frllm the bank saw that the bank was bolnlrobhed : , Anutterupli WIIS made to Het IIU t enonHh men to I'alturc Ule robbers , but this waR nhamlllncd aml 'nn alarm raised. lIe- fore mell coulcl bo raised a second explosion - plosion tnoli place. 'l'ho robbers thcn became frl htened nnd lett. \\'hen mUleI' I . A lien , the cnshlor , nrrh'ed at the bank ho fOllnd the IllIter door of the SlIfo blown out , bllt the IlIlIer door had not been opened , IIlId nothllllt was secllred , so far as Iall : be tolll \ \ Ithmlt a closer examln- ' 1llon than has ) 'et heen made. Entrance - trance had bcen secured uy raising n bad < window. 'fho cxploslon callsed : lIlIshlera ulo ,111 ma e to 1.ho bu lid In , one larLto window Itlass bolng broken Inl'(1 ' flH mellts alld In twu or thl'ee IIltl'es : pleees of the safe , probnlJly , had becn hlown thl'oll h the slele ot the 111I11111 ng. ] \I r. A lien telephoned 10 Ileal I 1ce for the bloodhounds und I hey will bo here sometime today. In the ! IIca n tlmo ropes hn0 bl'en itretchedl\hout the rear or the tllnk blllldllll-t to keep the people aWIIY. It Is 1I0t kllown how many were con. cerlled In the fO'llJery. A ftcI' the a 11I'm wns KI ven they 91.IIIIICd Ihlt and took a handcar rrom Iho nurllll tn tlack , IH une Is missing this morn1nll , alld ! une was heard jtolll. . past Dro ker ! ; hortly nfter 2 o'clo k , Telelrallls have bOlm sent to all plllnis on hoth the Ihlrlllll-ton ; and M. P. to watch for the hnmll ar. No. _ and tr dlscovored the bloodhoullrs / will IJO taken tllore to tuke up the . tra 11. The books In the 8ate were dam- a ed. The postllllstresJ ! hnd a lot or stamps In the bank saro In a 8mall bllX , ' 1'hls box : waR taken and laid oiucf\llly \ to one Bide. So far as cnn : bo told nuthlrll. ! Wl\q \ tal < en. I GOLDSBERRY TRIAL AT AUBURN , ratltlr ! allel SO" . A cu"ol of JCftc &vlllC Stulell II or. . . ' . Auburn , Neb. , March { ) . -Jue1 e , Jl'ssen , with a jllry , Is still en lI ed In the tl'lal ur the CIISO IIgalnst 1..0nl- 11111 ' 1' . Goldsberry IIl1d his two SOliS Meh'l" and Guy , charged with re- lef\'llIg ! stolen h"lses , Itlld It Is hOlled that all or the e'ldence111 be put In tonl ht. It tOIiI. the defl'use UII- 1Iliate this aftel'lloon to . et In It ! ; case thnn the slate IIsed a 11I1'J.l' ; amo\lnt \ 'or rebut tal o\'IIlcl'e ( , till ! ' qllite larely ! In the WilY or Iml1ealh. : ' \lent \ e\'ldl'nce. HI lice the case ha beell clllled tor trIal the court 1011111 hII' : ; It all times been cl'Owdetl to lis follest capacity wllh Illterested lis. tellers , most or110111 are farmels tre,1II this cOII""unlty , who lire fOI. I' ' wln e\"ery IJlt of ! .he evlllclll'c. Messrs. 1\l'JIljtar alld FCl'lIeau , whr. . were cll'fellcllnlthe : prisoners , with clrew from the I'aso the ( Irst dny III I the trial , IInd l'tlat GCIIII of Platls- lIIe\lth. \ was suusUt\lted \ , ' 1'he sLatl' I hils IIs11 ! ahu\lt \ ' : .wenty-follr . wltnessl's , Iin pJttln : In Its case In chief aucl t Ie derense already sOllie thllty. SEND HER A CHECI < FOR $50. \ \ ' 0,111Vho Th. " , : h ! Sill'V. . . . Blul , ! ; II Trulll Ihw.rll1ll. Sioux Olty , In. , 1\Ialch 9.-1'111' Glcnt Nortl'ern Haliroad COIl1PU : , ) ' has rem"m1Jered Mrs. Mllry Sdwrer , who last fall by wa\'ln her sklrl 11 g ed an IncollI I ng l1as enger train on thcj I'acilic Short Llno west of 1tlcl"ean , Neb. I Pires'hilh : had been burning along I , Ihe rl ht-or-way , had b\l1'lled \ up to n bridge , and the stringers were begin. nl ng to blllze a II ttle , Just II t 1 h Is Mille the passenger train wa due and while here was no real dallger , Mrs , : ; chorer , who lives ncar , thou ht there Ivns dan er , IInd hurrylllg dowlI I the track she took elf her skirt and : . : the train. lIer Intention WitS ull right and the company yesterday , ent bel' a check for $ fIO. I Foraer at N , ' . , ralKu < < 'It , . . Nebraska , City , Neb. , Mafl'h 9.-A lever tOfl , er hils bC'en working In I this city for the past few da's , ancl 1 he'II'tinls lire \lnablo \ tn give uny desel'lptlon of him thut would le,1Il I tu his arrest. lie has bel'n passln I the checks that ho ISflued rllr slllllil lIms on the hutchers. ' 1'ho chel'k was cleverly Kotten up , a rubber stamp being used where ItVas nced- ed allll a machine useel to punch uut the alllount for which the checks was elra"'f1 TII" blallk c1H'cks wl're theRe usec1 by thc ballks , liut had lwen tlllted before lCln IIsed by the lIIen that passcd thelll , which a\'e them the appearance of safety papcr. ( hlo check for $12 wus passcd IIpon Mueller Brothers allCl the Ot1I 'I' " 'Iccks are /lut alld the pollcn arc try- - : ' to IlJcate Luo Ulan that passed tbem. IInrJlnn lit Arlllllton , I Fremont , 1eh , . March 9.-Several minor' burglalles are reported frolll A 11I1I tun , the t1 rst stu tlon on the lo'rellwllt ra\1road \ east of this city \\hlch took place last IIlght. A barber - ber shop oWlled by O. g , IIranson , the elleral mer'halldlse store of Jullll L. ' . J.ll'kerott unel James Novale's saloon were the places elltl'red. A few pell. 'tiles were secured at. the tlrst twCl places and ubout .1 In small chalJ"c l t1 tbc t.lJ < lw. - - - - - - - . - ItE.CEIVES CIIAlGE YOUNG MAN NEAR EXETER II CAUGHT IN WRONG HOUSE. hho" . Flarht Whtln Call1ht-Met at tI\ . j Inor by a Yonnl ( aha 'Vlth a Loatletl Oun and Ittl "h. . COllten. . fa Ihsh& Lttar Jut lelo11I h. Exeter , Nob. , Maroh 10.--Qtllulo1 Hode , a young mnn of nbout twenty- two years , living three miles north. cast of town , was shot just betoro noon toda at the home of Nols Jlln- Ben by Herbert Jansl'n , son ot Mr , Jansen. Bode \Vas oomlng out 01 the cellnl at the Jllnscn plnco. ne wns commanded - manded to 8urreDlIer but refused IInd lIIade ror ) 'otll1g Jl1nsen. lie selted the RUII , which was discharged In the seume , causlu 1very BO\'CrO wound in hlB right leg , just belo\V I his thl h. Bode had lIinod admittance to the house by enterlnH \vlnelllw , where , it Is believed , ho had Intended to cOlllmlt rouber ) ' . A ntlmuor of houscs Imve been cntereel ill the nelghum- hood and it Is now Hcnerally supposed he I the ul1ty party. Doctors hll0 Kline to the plnco of Will [ tyer's , about one IIIlIe from the .JallsclI homo which ) 'Otlllg Bode sue- ccedln in rellohlng after 110 was Bhut. Trl" " tll , , , " 110011\ , Ohlca o , March 10.-In an nnc1cav. ( lr to dlsco\'er the Idontlty of a lotteI' writer \\110 rrankly states thl1t his object Is to bl'cak up happy hOllie , Daniel n. Church. tul1nnor ! or the : -tandl1rd ) Embo glng com pliny , 40'1 Dearborn street , has OIllII\clyed \ Chicago - cage detectives IInd has I1nnouncod lIut ho will not cease his eIYorts until - til the IInIIlymous wrl ter Is tound and punished. 'l'he letters nre aU addressed to 1\Irs. Church , who WIIB Miss Josellhlno 1)lItton of 1)hlll\lel "hla , alld whoso nlUrrlnRo to Mr. Church IIts October Wa ! ; (11I0 or the lIotable soCial events In the PennRyl- vanholty. . : Mrs. Ohllrch , partly to make a vlRlt and partly to escape the , pro ecutlon of the unknown , went to the hOllle ot her'parents , 317 Jolfersln street , l'hlhulelphll\ weelm a o. Yesterday In Philadelphia MIs. Church said : "l have been receiving the most terrlhle unollymous letters JI1IJ : ln- ablc ever since our marrlllllcf. 'rhey arc all tYllOwrltten , "nslgned und arc mailed In every section of Ohlcajto. : All hcar t.he marks of the dc enoruto , the lan uage In lIIany cllses holng IIn. prlutahle. They tell 1110 that tn , homo will be hrokell liP , my happl , lIess rulnecl alld lilY conllclence In 111) hllsballd destroyed. WhclI we 11 VOl III allartmellls urtcr ollr IIIlIrrla o ] \Vas call II up hy l.elepl1ono dally by I his pers.1II until I l'crusecJ to answcl I'alls 1I1110"s a nalllo was gh'en lIlIIl was familiar to 11I0. So great hm I he UIlIIO.Vllnco uC'come thali now wc keep our place ot resldcnce It selrel. ! . , I his beillg' 'n ' uCI lIrcJilnce with lilY hllshand's wish. Ono very IOlllr let. ter was SCllt , to mil statlllg that a dll , pllcaLo was to he g-h'en to the Ohl. ( ! a o newspllICrs : , It was Hlled wltIl -cllrrl1olls slutelllents abollt my hilS' haud , 1II6elf , qllr social relations alle1 II'es St rangc to say. a COIy or the lettcr dl d reach a Oh Ica o rl'11Orter , aDd WIIS SCllt out from that city , hut I n vest' ' a tlon by the nuwspapers pro\'ed Its falsity. or course 110old 'If It was prilltecl. : My 1U1:1hand has clllployed Lhe bl'st c1etecth'es In Chi. cage to wOl'k on the case and It h our Intcutlon to discover the Identl. ty of the anonymous writer nnd end this lIulsane. : : Trllli orTo OnJe.u. Manila , March 1O.-Col. Jame ! i.'orlley , or the marl lie corps will preside - side at the cOllrt lIIurtlal to try Mujor Littleton , W. ' Walker and Lieut. , John II. A. Day , of the marine cl1rps , March 17 next on the charge of exe. cutln natives of the Island of Samar without trial. 'l'he court martial wlll be compused of army ol1lcers and onlcers of the lOarlne corps. The char es specify that Major Wallm und Lieutenant Day killed three na- tl ve stevedores on the streets of Da. sey , Island of Samar , wi thout trial. Theile stevedore9 were IImon those who IIccompanled the disastrous ex. perlltlelD or Mujor Waller und a de. tncllluollt or lIIarlnes to the luterlol of Salllar lust Decomber. 1 t Is claimed these ste\'cdores IIIU' tlnled unci proceedprl to the foothill ! where they dll camoles (11 ( variety oj sweet potatoes ) . 111111 Ihat they latel cOllcealed ancl refused to turu theu : oyer to Lho Amerlcuns , saylll t11a when the marines died of hun el they would huve n good supply oj arms and ammunition. Sympathy Is expres < ; ed for Major Waller , who , at that tlmo , WIIS suff , I'rlng from mental and physlca' ' slraln. Llellterlltllli Day uPlIarelltlJ obeyed Major Wuller's orders. S1'1I111r I.hlun 110 JIll or. . . IJlattsmouth , Neb. , March 10.- Se\'eral of the local saloon ruen urc helng se\'erely crltlclsed for vlolatln the city's ordinances In reg'ard t < se1l1 ng hq uor to minors. Bert Ell. ecJl-e ( , a 11 Heen ) 'ear old boy , WII ! fuund In un alley la"t nl ht so drunk that ho was unable to stand upor hi ! : > feet. It 18 prubaLlu that till I dealer who sold the boy liquor will tH I prosecuted , and an exawplo wad 01 tb1B case. case.'I 'I ' . , , . ' " . . , , " . . . . " ' ' . 't { : . . , . I . , . . . ' - - . ' . . t ir . \ , E E EE y NEBRASKA NOTES fA 1,1 . : > : > ; > t \ I , ! ! Vnhcy buslncss men have formed , commorlcal olub. . . A bank wllh $2fiOOO capital 8 ' / baB been formed ut Stuart. Amoll the munlolpal ornamcs" ) t the city of Lincoln w1\1 \ be aa. OOO totntaln ! , , A six weeks' Rcsson : ot the Rout ! ) . \Vest Nebrnsku toachers' Instltutc } ) eo. itlns ut , Oulbertson May 27. I 1 x.SherIlT Jn\'annUHh , of Colul bus , hus been ndjudlted Insnne nml wllllJc taleen to the Lincoln n83'lu. . . . , . I alto HItchcock nnd John DcDt-t \ ' rnln , of Frelllont , Im\'c been sou. Lf'lIccd to 18 mOllths ench in the dl trict cou rt fur ho steallnj.t. . It Is now thou ht thl\t lJ'rnnlc AJ. . len , or Grundy , who \\'nR balIy InJured - Jured by the ncchlentul dlschnr c ot a shotKUlI sovernl days ngo , will re- cover. 11ls left arm was nmpulatecl. . Klllmtrlct Bros , nI\l \ C0111ns , or II. . ntrho : , hnve Reeured the contraot to lay :10 : mile ! : > of railroad rur the : Southern Pucill' ) from Moore to Ana , \Vork to begin at ouce. . S. B. Cain , polltlchm who has 1'00 : Bided at Ncwnll\u Gro\'o for many , ) 'cars , shot hllllself lu the head threCi\ times 1\nuclny O\'el1ll1l ; but fatlo ; ! to finish his Clucer. A IIIcetlng of the business mcn of 'rahlo Hocle was hold Saturc1ay nl h' at Woodman hall to orgnnlzo a cum- merclnl clul > . A temporury organization - zation was olTected , I ' .rhlo\'es entered the Rock Islaml depot ut ! J'nlrullr3' , nndgotuway wit. . . 85. IHoodho\lluls were brought trorn Beat.rlco on u special truln , but Im- 1IIedintely wenrl to the home of l\- I promlnont cltlzcn who Is above su. . plclon. . l dllltind Sohnellor was robbed . . 1tIilnJ.C Oity of 205 and a sold wl1teh. I lIe recognized his 118snll1111ts and met a complnlnt clmr lng 'l'homas Gar. shaw , Henry G.lrshnw , 1 c1ward Doty. llenry IngallB nnd Frnnk In ulls , n ot Hlslult , City with the crime. Tbe I men all pleaded not guilty. Albion Is rejoicing at 1ll\vlDg beol\- promised a ncw dcpot by the Unlolt . Pucillo railroad. 'l'Uo company fiskecl the el t.1 to vacu to a short IIno of street for the purpose of a statio. . ! silo , \Vh Ich the cl ty quickly d Id. 'l'lu w stut.1on111 bo placed close t < \ . the Ellcl1urn depot. , \ General Mana or D1lwell , ot thll ! , J 'khorn. ' allnounoed that his road . alld the Union 1)ao1110 WOllld begin r the Ionstructlon : of u new frel hh I warehous ! ! at Fremont within II short. [ tllllo. 'j'he hlllllil ng will cost bo- twccn $ :1UOOO : and $40,000. 'l'he prop- , crty hus not yet been bOllght. , I A t I he me1 In or the A lIIerlcan I LealIe ; \ of 1'101 ectlon at Lincoln , I there were dclelates In attendauce' , , fl'llm Wyoming , N ehraslm , Washington - , ton , Colorado IInd Ol'egon. A c1rlln , , was lIIacle In the Iollfltltullon : , so that. each harhol' of lI'teen ! or IIIore lIIem. , blJrs , coull1 ha\'c a represontatl\'e Ia , I tlle suprolllo harbor. I A ellspa tch haR lwen recel'ed that I O. W. lIullIJek , formerly of } { earney , has been sentcnced to eleath by a Oanlll1an : court , Itnd w11l be executed I March : lll , at Fort Saskatchewan , AI- uel'la. Bullock shot a friend named I I I3talltoll In000 / , alld WitS captured nft r a long sl'al'ch. t I I For the second tlmo in six weela { 1111's , Martha Gruln el' hils begun sul I in Lincoln for a dh'orce. Beforo" undl'r the name of Mrs. Da\'ls she . al1J1l1ed for a ell vorco frolll her prc CHI. husband. It was shown that she had ne\'er bnen divorced from Mr. ' ; , whrl sllllllves , so her mar. rlal-to with Mr. 1)a\16 was declared void. She now wishes to be divorced from her Ilrst husband. Brainard will from present indlcn. tlons ha\'e a flrst-llnsR : bulldlnl- : boom this spring' . 'I'ho 1.'rell1ell1t. Elkhnr & Missouri Valley Hallroad compnny I new , hilt ; seven car loads of matorlal 011 the sidetrack for the erection ot a new depot. A. J. l'osvar , as SOOI1 . as weather permits , wl1l build a I handsome two.story resldenco to cost I about $5,000. I Another tor ed check has turned : lip In Nebraska City. It Is an exact dupllcate of the one which was passed 'Ion Mullen Bros. 'l'hls one wa to Fred Boehm , butcher , Ia , _ t paymcnt for a small purchase , ao ; I was accepted and the change given \ to the stran er. : ! 'he flnHlunt of th ; check was $8.00. Cashier John W. Steinhart of the Otoo Oounty Na- . I tlonal banl. , on which the check wa . 'hawn , has sent It to the American i Utllkl'rs' : association , with a re < 1ues' tlrat the matter be Inyestlgatcd , 1 , At the last meetln or the vl1lagq trustees ten nCles of land adjolnlnl ( I town were ( lurchased , to bo useJ as a city park. Shade trees will soon b ) planted anll the site will be used for -I a uaso ball round amI other amuse. , I mentl ! . ' 1'he trustees also pur. : I chased alJout $500 worth of IIre-f1 ht ; . , I In apparatus , cOlIsIsllnl : : o a chem : ) I Ical enl ne , huclets. and hoe and ' truek. I I r ' Sheridan county wants n new caur' , bouse. . . .J .r , . . . 'i . . " : T ; , ' ; Ii1'\t. ; \ l , . : : ,