Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 06, 1902, Image 7

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    . ,
. " " . . , . .
. . : . .
I '
, 'For Infants nnd Children ,
! The Kind You Have Always Dought
f ' . Boars the / /
, 6Ignntnrooc
t 1
. . . .
InlllllnllAbhllr rrll.Il't. .
! ) roreSor W. .T. McGee or the bu.
t'ellll ot ethnology , tells 11 ooll stoQ'
. 01 his last trip to the land of tIll' Sl" '
'fIt , tis , the lUost dangerous ut nil lo > : l.
D trlbcs. neVns lealnhlK till'
trords dIIotln ! rela tlunsh I V , liuch 11- : .
lattJerllIuther , then went UII to (11111\ \
MIII1 lJahr. He fClrel ; ] the COlI'ec ! '
word for baby In thc l'rl tlJnllllt.
.nd 0180 lur twlnsj but whcn hIJ
asked tor the ono lIIealllll 1 rlpllts ! II
, "dc1. n change came u\'er lhe eulIll'
IIruup surrounding him , EVl'ry 11I1111
wowan nnd child sulelllnly I1ruse unll
t.nrnlng their bacles ou him walklcl :
itway. He 1hen learned that the al' '
pcaranee ot triplets In a falllilyVII .
a. lOng thcse Indians , a cl'lllle pllll'
Ishable with death to the talhel ,
Inother and m311Y ut the fallllly , : lIIel
that the mere mentloll or sch ) a Ielll'
QUS ollense cOllld 1I0t be tolerated In
, elite socletWa& llngon tar.
tiltH I. . , . ry JJIII. : :
A tencher ot Frcnch now In thb
cIty tells a slory of the dll1lculty she
experlEn.1cd III leal'll\l \ EII lIsh wlwu
6hc'Jlrst came here and tit Slllle of thu
ludicrous blu'udlJrs she mude , now
, that she apprcciatcs tilt ) full furce ur
certain ot the tenus and wlllds that
made up hIJr carlOl''ocalmlay. . ' ! 'he
teaCb'Jl ba grown tired uf chopi
and steaks , an 0110 or two rnurl'
Itandard articles ot flO , and sh
' 7CUI ned f'r a mcal made up ( It slJch
tblngs as she bad eaten aL h , IC , 110'
: tllb y cult's hl'ains a Ja \ . i nL. iret i \
. I .
" ) plnacb chopPIJd Hne with11 . lJ
' .rcssnK , and olle or two othcr dbh'- .
ibe wade uut hp.r b11l or tare all II. , L
811tl1 she came to the IJrains , UUU 1 ,
Iud nD equlva1eut she bad rccouisc
to bel' diction nary. ' 1'bI8 is wl1a1 , she
ItBked tor at a lJulcher's shop : "A 11I1
plecs some ot-sollle of l.e intel1ljl DC
< < It ze calt.II-.New Yurk 'l'lwcs ,
JIrs. J. II. Haskins , of Chicago
DI. , President C cngo Areadt
Clubt. Addresses Comforting
W orus to lVomen .lWgardlng
I Clilldbirt .
' "
U DnA.n Mns. Pt KnAM : - 'Mothers
d not. dread chlldbcaring niter thcy
know the valu ! ) of L 'c.lht E. l ink-
ham's Vegetable UompoulUl.
While 1 loved childrcn I dreaded the
erdeal. for it leU mo weak and sick
/ , ' = ' Iii' < "
, , ' " -tr
. : z ' ; ! f &
r'f. \ \
/f. - - = : : :
1 lS. J. n. JIASKD > 3.
. '
tor months : Lfter , nnd at the time I
thought death was Q. welcome relicf ;
Imt before my Inst. chill1 was horn "
IfOd ncl hhor ndvlsed Lydia E.I > > inlc-
ham's Vegetable CODlllound , and
1 used that , wg'Qther with 'our Pills
and SanatiTe Wash for four months
. \ bcoro 'Lhe child's birth ; - it brought
me wondcrful relict. I hardly had nn
ache or pain , nnd whcn tbe child wal
ten days old I lcn my bcd strong in
health. Every sprinrr Imdfall I nowtJll (
.hottlco ! Lyj E.Plndmm'RVcg-
etable CompoulUl and find It ] ( eps
me in coutinual excellent henlth.-
Arns. J. II. n..BKlNS , 32-18 IDlUnna. Ave'l
Chhmgo , 111.16000 forfeft If bou tntlmo.
IIhtJ I. " ""f/ ,
Care al1tl careful counsel is
what tIlc expectant amI woultl-IIE
mutlwr neetlB , 1\11(1 this counseJ
. .c can sccurc without cost b3
writing to l\Irs. Fln1ehl1Jl\
LyDD , Mass.
, . . EYIll1 t rmer his UW'l
A' lalldloN 110 100UIII
aJJ : brJIocesblabJluk l'C < ) UII
, ' p Incl'1alnlC ' by &
! Yt'ur 1e&l
5'1 lInl .
100IId value IIICl'1a.llI
s\90. . hlcr6AIlDitllJlf'u
VJ " 1 ! . . . . did 13 Illn II t e. no 11011
( i" schools a d churl'h ,
low tI1uUon. blib price
lor l-aUI" l ' lu. ' 1l'ver
" lill < Itl'1 u" rallwllY " <
Vulb II comfu" . 'l'bb b &b" ooudl& on at th' '
lumer In Wederll Callada PI't11'IIICII of MHnUob
&lId dldrl" . . ur ullilLoi Salk tch WIUl . .II' '
, Alberta. 1'boullilld. or AmericAbs arll 110'09 seHlt'
" , eM lkduC'.ed rawl 011 ll rRllwu1I ror bOIll
k rs IUld leUler" , New dls&ricU ur 11f11I
ep.metl UII &hl Yl'lIr. Tbe lie" ollIJII A&II , ' ! u
W"HI rnCILllada lellt tf\'e toBIIIIJlPl1cUIIU , A Pl'ly t
. . . I'edley , SUl't. or hlluILrll\lou. 0'1111..11. Call. . 11
to W. V."U.801 New York Life IlId ! : . , Olll
ba. eb. , A"t ; : fur &lit ! Guverllweut or lIlldll.
. .
I 4 r II t O\'VEll
I J J ' I"SH BR \ \
, . . . . . - ru.a at " Ttu.OW
. " Ii : : ; - - ' & . 5UR PROTCCTlor
Z"- ' " " AND IS
t.r.rM ltTfki ll\tlA t r" 5trtVICI
i o rOfl C"T L04UES fRee.
at10WIN fULL LINE 01' 6AJU1f m > HAT ,
t A..TOW . R CO" 05TONtM ,
. - . .
" . .
, .
. ,
' ,
. ,
. . . . :1 : .411 fi I ,
t1. Cnrlou. Rlld Lnurlanbte "hnee.
of Uumoll Noture Ornlhlcnt17 I'or-
trn'ct1 by l lIIllIeut Wonl Artl.t. ot
Our OWII Iuy-\ Il.lldrct ot 1'.Tlu.
'h'st Wolter-Wlmt UN ) 'ou t11luklnll
about ?
Set'Ond Wnller-I'm wondering
whether to 1111 myselt out tor 11 tip
Crom t110t mnn or not. 1 can't tell
whether It'R hlg wife or nn actress b"8
ot wlt11 hlru.-l'hllodclphln 1'1..1111.
Ju"t to ( 'I 'IHO tlcr.
. - .
. . \I 110 glv me de black { 'yet I guv It
to meRel ! ; 'cause me lohly treu' Judd
Eha l\Icd \ black ercs. "
A moit ! I'ult Dcllef.
HIIo , , " hnltl-hcnded Uucle Henry III ,
Iml" cxelulmed Willie 1l0eruUl. '
"Ye ! ! , " l'CslIonded Mr. BoerulU 1m.
Ilressh'ely , "to look at 111m you would
IIl'\'er H\lppOSe that your 1ncle 1Ienry
was once a fnlUou/ football plu'cr.-
llroold'n Eagle.
1'u _ _ _
, .
. .
" r
. .
. , . lIII'I
A 1I"1)lcloll" ClrClIlIIllltnuce ! ,
1II1'tI. llukoru (1'mllRthlltlenll-WhYI )
whnt In t110 wOI'l ' / : / the matter , 1311'
mnuth ) ' ?
l\1rlJ. lIu'rnke ( sohblnsly-Ob ) , ltear ,
IllrI1W'B drlfUn' nwny fl'OIU me. I\n'-'m Bura t11oro's uuthur WI-
mou In thl ! COSl' .
: \1rs. 11olorn-Wlly. wll t put IIlebI
a\l1y \ Idenr In your hcal1 ?
Mrs. llnYl'llkt'-llc went tV a bnr-
ber's yesterday tow glt hIli hall' cut
Instl.'ud uv h..ttln' me t'ut It. UII ho III
Wtl.s 1111ue blfore.-l'uck. !
8ettlu.r 111m UIJht.
' ' 1'herl8 nothing 1'0
Ill'-1'shu wI )
worlmble In knowing hu" to cook.
I5ht-'l'hat's uU you Inow UlJlIUt It
'rhll'e Is everything lu the maklug of
huII.-ChlcuGo ew8.
- -
A llrlht Uutlook.
Clnl''l'he o uutumuul I1l1rl make
ule Bud.
Clnrl.'nce-Oh. eheor uP. dearlo ; WO'\ !
got IUllf u loud ot cOllI lolt uvor Crow
10llt ) 'ear.
- -
11111 l\lcl1ulua : .
It wall Rtter the ellUl'ell tulr , and he
WRY IIUI'\'cJ'ln ! : his llUl'chuio. :
"Wby do ) 'ou speak ot the cost t1l
'Thl ! Charge ot the Light lll'lgode ? "
Bhe uskl.'d. "It sIJcms to we the chorg6
Willi n 111.0\'y one. "
' ' 'rr'ue ' , ' ' he udmltted ; "lJut c\'ery Sil'l
ot thut tahle wus a blonde.-Cblcngo
E\'culng 1'ost.
A MUll to 1)ellpl.c.
Guy-Arl ! ) 'OU mnklnl : a iood start
tor 1002'/
l'Cl'cy-'l'hnt's wbnt. 1'\1. ' iot aU m
next Clu'lt > twu ! ; Icts lJuuht : . nud pal
1'01' . "
An Its8cutll11 IHlfcrcllco.
Old I ' 1d-You UI'C looldng tor worJc ,
I lU'ei ! u1l11' .
DU8ty nhodcs ( In n bUl'st ot conn.
dcncc-'ell ) , no. mo'um , not exactlYI
1 nlU trying to look 118 It 1 we looldug
for 1t.-SoUlcr\'lllc J ournul.
- - -
- 0' . .
I'l I ' I" "I' IJ./I ' V . . . .v '
-\t : IJ" " " / ,
: . . / ' : ' ' . . . -
JIIWA1..iJ/ / ,
Why did you let Y0\1rIelt get Into the Iutch ( > s ot the wlltch lust ulght ?
lOU could easily hnn' dOlll'l1 ! hIm. "
" "l'\\'lIs my enl ' lIIon' . O/herw1ac / I'd III\\'c ot Into the clut.cllea ot my
wife , "
The Coolc'e 'I'rot-flce.
"Dou't 'oU tllink the uow cook 19
prctt . . dCLU.'i" lJe mlll. I
" [ I'm ! ruthel' , " gt'ullI le n , SIIeI ) '
se ) ' .
"Au such beautlrul holr. 1 wll\lI I I
Imtl It , "
"ne potleut. " suld he. as hl ! exam.
Ined It torkful ot hash , "and no doubt
" 'I ' 11 both get It by egrceR.-Cntho-
IIc Stl\Dlard Dn Times ,
The Renson Wh .
fr' - , . . . : . . . . .oL..J. nt , . .
.Jwl.-lt's no use ; your rather won't
lI ten to Ule , anll ; ) 'et you 811urctl me
thllt he wnntell to Ict you err his
Ian nl1s.
IIclen-PerbulIB tlll\t' . why he , you't
listen to yon.
CouKolll1a : .
l'mwlopc-l cnnDot ! ; ee how 1 t11l1
( 'nu lJen1' to hO\'e her Hence pIn ) ' foot.
Cllustaucl'-Oh , J tlll'l Is one of tlloe !
: lJl.'ullle who woul louk l'IIPI'clull ) ' wdl
in lIIu\1I'ulul-Brookl'u J ol' \ .
UVCI' the 'rC CIIII.
" ; \lI1tol1 hntl I\n llJ.temVCl'Ctl wire , "
1m sl1l11. "aUlI Hlw lIuI111) ' h..rt hIs
h\1sc. "
. . ' . " ' ' 1.1\1 \ "anti
\'C8 , lll'ur. rt'JllIl'd ; wire.
when she WUt ; Jone he wrotl ! 'Pnrnd\m \ !
1,0SI.Atlnnla ConstHutiou.
11111 RefzJlllUt.
" 'l'hat uum ODet ! otrcrcli me mOlley
( Ul' lilY "ote , " rC 1urkt'd the prnctlcnl
. j' ,1It1c\un. \
" . \nd ) 'ou rduIIl'd It wl1h Icom'r
" "i did. ty COIH.clcDl'C won1tln't pcr.
mlt me to tul.e It. It wnfu't ! more tbJ1n
Co hnlr ot whnt Is l'ulltuwllrlly paid , unl1
I coultln't bUTt' looked my tellow mew.
11 111' ot tbt > , LCj. tllntum In tk8 tlee It I
. . .
had cut prk. > n.Wulalsagtoll Star.
( ) t IHwcouruied.
Northern YIsltor- , lId you 8n ) yet
l-nchl.'ll the wrou ! ; man 0/11y 0 fe'1
hOUl'S ul-'o ? IIcovenHI SometWn. : ouj11 ,
to be douc.
Southt'l'I1er-Bomethlng L bolu' douQ
ptrIUlgt'r. 'l'heID bloodhounds bnrk us I
t1.le ) ' " ' I1 ou the rIght traek now.-
HOMh'1I 01117 Rivul
"Iu yonI' vermltorm appendIx , " the
turhreon told him attor tbe opuratlol
WUII oyer. "we round , struuKe to 11:1)
It SlUU1l brasil tu < ! k. "
" 'l'llUt pl'OyeS 1 wus rl.:11t , " te bly an
IIwerel1 tbe sick wun. "when 1 1Il.ld II
wus sOlllltlllng 1 hud ltieu 111 mln < < : ,
ple.-ChlcoJo Uecol'd.ll rl\ld.
Proot of It.
Dr. Ucupcr-l tell you , the c l1utomo
bill' ' ' ' tll't ! grcnt. 1 CI1U 1l1.1kt ! twice IU
1l1UIIY ca1ls as 1 tOl'nwrl1 could.
Cnstletun - Well , 1 ulwa/I though !
those 111l\chlnes WUl'lt bouu to In
c/'cnt1e tht ! dt'nth l'nte.-J\It1 6.
In Afrle-II.
1"1\'st ut1vo-'l'hl. IIIlssluutIl'les woulc
Uk to tltop ( 'l1nulbllJJlUl ) ,
( ! cond 1'\ntn-'rlll. ! , ) ' would ? 1 dOD' ,
s'c why 1111an shouhlu't eat nccllr lD ,
to the tllctl\t s ot hiM luI1Rclence.-
Nuturaal ICrror.
Dellk Editor-Well , tllut'8 roug-b.
Desk Idltor's ; Wlfo-What's the ma1
' ' '
ter' '
! JeRk Editor-Oil , 1 wrote. "A Seen.
< Tt HIIN' Be:1ut ) . " tor 11 hcn ) Jue eve
the st01' ) ' ot 111\11 , nu the lIroorrcndl\
haN let 1t Jo. "A Sceue ot Hllre Bl.'ltuty. '
-SoUlm'l\1e \ Jom'nnl.
A SUIl Country.
" 'l'he/H ! 1lI0011811lnel's UI'U very II ule
wlllle t1w ' 1\1'l ! g\'llig ! till ! IIlurll1 ubou
, tlw nllJu'ouch ot till ! rl"CUUC otllecl'S. '
"Sort of Il tlll.altll'III , ehOll Icu ,
t.'ws ,
- -
ttrul ht from the HJllluldcr.
" . \wl [ lrfI ) ' , lilr , " Hoitl the ) lrollIec
I Un' (1I11I1'1'-ln-ll1w , " " , hut llo J'ou t'J\
'l1\'t ' 10 l5e1tle 011 my tluUJ.'htl.'l' , UIII
I whall'l' 'ou golug to ) J\'t. ! on ? "
"Olt. " I'' tI\l' mlltter'Ur.rue
YOI1t1I , "I III It'/Hl / to I'et1le m"i1elt 0 :
.Jour Ilnll hltr ! :1/111 / 1 urn golll to llv ,
on ) ' 011 , Cl-Cbll' go t."WII.
A Hhnmell' ' ' ' ' 1\llIld.
IIUn JIlghullp-I tbhdt ) I1I1R OIobt
trott oucllt to tJo nsbau1l'11 or hl'l'tIelJ
Bbe flUY" she fouut ! tbe Du1ntlup 0
the 0141 Jnnstcra I1r..d.tu.lJy .tu1'll1.
! Utl Wn\lpp-Bo t10 WUD1 other. .
MlslI Illgbupp-Ye . Inat t MI'II
-Nt'w York Wet"IIlr.
. ' . . . . . . J- ' , . . . I ' " . . / , , > ' .
' . ' _ ; " " "
' . . , ' . . " , , . "
I ' , ' . . . . , " . . . . . ' . ' . . \ , . " . ' . . , ( ' . . , . I ' . \ ' , \ ' . " " , . 0 I : . " .
, ' . , . " . . . . , . " . . . , . . : . . . :
. . t ' . ' . . ' , ' ' . ' . . I
. , ,
. - ' " '
' , '
. ' '
' -
' " . " - . ' , " , ' . - - . . . , ,
' . . . - . . . - , . . . . ! . I"\ . . .
. _ . _ , , _ _ . . . .
- = - _ \ - - " - - : - _ ' . l .
. .
. .l
. . DUcn.t ) ly formed CUll } gently l'C1\l'Cll , women will I
find , In all the sC sons of their Jh'cs , I\S maills or wives .
01' motlwrs , thn ( . the ono Bhnilic. wholesome remedy
wJJleh nets gently ami } lteI18I\nt1 . 1U1l1 nl\turl\lIy. Ilnt !
which m 1' bo usell with truly beneflclu1 otrccts , unller
nn ' condltlnllswhen the s 'stcm needs nIIUII\UVc-ls-
S "l'llli of 1"lgs. It Is well lmo\\'n to bo Shl1lJlo com-
bhmtloll of fllo laxative nml cl1l'lIllrmth'tll'lnolllles \ of
1III\IIts with IllelHII\nt , n1'onllltic IItlUllls , which 1\1'0
ngrecablo Ilmll'cfl'cshlng to the /1ndnccelltublo /
to the S 'stl'1U when Its gentle clenluilnlr Is ( leslrcd.
! lany of the ills from which , , "onum sutror are or
n. trunslent nnturo unll 110 not COIIIO from uny org'l\nlo
trouble nlUllt Is plel1sant to know thn.t tlHJY ) ' 10111 so
' . to the boncllcllll effccts '
IJ1'OlUptl ) f 8yrl111 of II'lg 1
but whell ullythlug moro t1l11n n. Ittxntl\'o Is neeliCtI it
Is best to COIiSUlt th"o fU1I\Ily \ Ilhysichm nml to It\'olll
the o1l1.tlmo cl1thn.rtlcs IlUlI JOUllly ml\'ortlsCllnoB-
trumB of the llrcscnt ( tuy. Whcn ono lleel1s only to
romo\'o the stl'llln. the t01'IIOr , the congestlon , or
shultllr ills , which atteml upon 11. coustllln.tetl conlll-
HOIl of the s 'stel11 , use the 1.1'110 . mIll gentle renI1 ( ' -
8Y1'IIp of Figs-mill euJoy frcedom from the l1QlIres-
siou , the uclws nmlllllhuJ , collis mill hmuluches. which
nl'O lIuo to In ctlvlt.y of the bowols.
Only these who buy the gmmlno Syrup of l IIJ'8 , t ,
can hope to gqt its HlIc11cln.1 ! etrects I\mllls "gullr- "
untce of the excel1onco of the rcmclt ) . the full nl111\0 \
or tLO ! COllllllU\y-Callforull\ 8 'I'IIP Co.-Is
Ilrlntcllon the front of o\'el'Y Il1ckngo ! mill without
It uny llrclln.rnHon otrol'elllls 8)'I'UII of 1"lhY'S 13 fl'lUlll-
1Ilont fUltl s wuhlbo l1eol'ncl1. ' ' 1'0 tllo JO who Imow the
qUltlity of this excellellt Ju..xn.U\'e , the olfor of uny
substitute , when S1'I'UII of 1.'lgs Is cnllClI for. Is
n.lWlt's l'esclltel1by It trnllscl' of Imtronugo to S0l110
111'31-01I1ss llrug cstnbllsh1l\ont \ , where they do nut
rCCollllllemt , nor 8el1 false brnulls , nOl' Imitation . .
1'eUlctUes. ' .rllo gclluluo n.rticle mn.y bo bought of nIl
rclhtblc llrul.rglst8 cvorywhol'O u.t GO ceuts per bottle.
An elehpaut sleeps only about tour
hours out of the twellty.Cour.
Use the fnmous Ued Cross llnll DIne.
IlIrKc 2 oz. l'noiIW6 ' I ) celltl. 'rho RUlls
ollll'nny , South Dend , Ind ,
lIoueyed words do 1I0t always con
: : eal bitter feelings.
Se1fThreadln Sewlnsr Machine Needle
Ohe " , UII or your lI\"rlllll" . .ell,1 , V7 "nil . .lid wu
"III , o..Urou : " ' " ' 1'10 1'.k.Il" ur . . . "rh'd , 11.,11. . .
l\lIolI..1 AUlol""II ( ' ( ' lIlu Cu. , I O : \.u 1 1
: > I" " Y.ak lII"-1(1 uta Wan led.
Men otten waste their substance III
! ! JJllntl" clIort.s at rcforlll ,
Don t forgE't R IlIr:6 ! 2 oz. ( lIICJU ! ( Rcd
ares BlIlI Hlue. oul ) ' 6 cent. . 1'h" ILu1t1l
( ' ; OIl1PUII1' . Soulh l""nll , Inl1.
. No olle belle\'es a wOlUan wbeD she
prore ses to despise men.
I cl\nnot lIrnl e 1'1110'9 Cure enolllch to :
thc won erll It hilS work,11 ID curIng me.
-It. H. S\l eJ , 220U Olive Itre-ct. t.
Louta. lo. . April 11 $ . IDOl.
lI.war. OlnUn nl. fur CRtanla tbl\t
( Qul ln 1.rlul'7 ,
U mercury will hurcly d6.truy the 6ClL'iC of !
.lIIell 1'1111 cOlllplelely llenullCc 1110 whole bY lelu
when 011 to ring It throlllh the UlUCOUS surf ( ) .
Iuch : ! ! Portldll hhollll1 novel' 1 > 0 w.ed exclliit on
JIf&crllJtlon ; { rom & JlhtY IClall. . l1l0
JIIIIIB/lC / 'hey will du \ ) f ll'urold 0 Iho 110011 ) 'OU
enn poshlblv dorhc ( rom &II/Jm. )11111'11 l'ulllrrl1
Cure , Inuoufacluretl hy 1" . .1. Ch'ney & Co" Tulu-
11010. . cOlltnllLl ! 110 mercury. Bnd b IlIken IIlIor-
Da l1. &CUn ! ! dllocUy upon the blood lIul1 IIIU. I
l'OU hurfatell : of the "ytt/Jm. In buylJll ( lIaU' " II I
Calurrh Cure bll Mlro ) OU 1I:0t : lbu 1(1'lIul1l ! ! . It 19
tnlwn Ilitornl\Uv. lUul nll\l1o In Tolu.lo , Ohio. by
V. J. Chelley & ( 'u. 'lCUlllolllnli frt.'C.
rv-StJ ! II ) ' IIruJmhl , plhO 7r.c. per OOlllc.
lIaU'j iI'.wIlJ' PUIs re tbe beat.
'l'here Is olle physIcian In the pres
cnt senate ulld four physicians III the
present house ot represe/ltnt.1 veSt
'I'here Is one clergyman In tbe pres.
ent house ot represelltat1vclI.
'rhe crust ot the earth blls takcD a
drop lIellr Mount Carmel. PUt A
square mHe ot Jand tbere has sudden-
11 sunk two and u hair teet.
! lft , Wln.lo.1 BOU1'IUIfO ariU1P ror eh.Uc1I'IIn
Itel4tlllt. IIOtUIIA Ihe 11'I. . . . . udllO < I tAlI..U .
dla , . "a.1.n.I.uro : . . .hili "ollc , I > uIU. .
A slip ot the tonJue bU9 oaused the
undoing ot moru than oue good Ulun.
Set ph ruses cOllstlt.ute the strength
of mllllY un uUa.swell's cODversution.
Pop-try hus a grouter charm tor the
maiden than tor the wutroll.
A grcut mind w11l Dolther give un
llfrout 1I0r heur I t.-lIoUle.
It Is lIatural tor womcn to wonder
. \ ' . IJnd a diu rill In hmnellness.
Women usuully estimate the worth
Jf their Jewels at twice the vulue.
Elyls Cream Dalm I ,
talY : and plel1lllllL III
111' . COlitalll1 uo 10' i
MO/ltana's latest natural "o/ICkr / Is
tl , 'ust CI\\'e , which lIa.'l Jllst l.Je 1I ls.
Govered ubout t1l'ty IIIlles east ot
Butte. A lal' ! o rl\'er with 8 caturnct
ot nbout IOU tcot wus explored ror II
dlstunco ot several mlles without
IJndlng Its SOl/fee / ot outlet. A tew
articles ot stOIlC alii } COppl\f utc/lslli :
and somc boucs were picked Ul ) III
one of the JarJo almrlmenL'i cxplored.
'ro Inku Fuod AI'lluUalUI : .
at the garnishing of dishes too
I ! tlo Is thought III ordluury lu\tJSc. \
hulds but trll11ng expense am ) some
cure wlll muko lIIany dishes ulrceuIJlc :
to the c'eIS / well us the pillute.
All soft deserts , eURt/lrds / etc. , look
very pretty with spll1Jelluj.t of those
tiny culored cUlidles culled "trlh.
'l hesc come In aU colors , Ulalll III
a pouudllid / may be kept IndeJJllIle.
Iy. Candled trllits add dclluac1 Hld
tJnor to wuny dishes.
A.v. . . . . t.e rOIfNJ..ho. Mawuraotllro l11ur . . .11
' . . . . , . . . . . . fur III" .
jl\IO < 1t. J'ln .al".IJI. UI" " ' " .kwlC .a.t. "
Add' . . . . . The 1'1'01I < 1 _ N'ne1v c. . , K. . &I 111'11& & . .
CI.fnLan4. 0 ,
A . . . . " . . \.aID 1"11I tDl'I1Ioo4 A "ertu.t J > l'\Igr " " ' ' ' pC'1I
tOl th "UJlI. . To".4 0. . . K. . . IIn " ' . Uz lit. .
"e. . TII'k , 1 ( , T.
11,16 1'1' . . . 1' , . . . . I"reel1'u. noon ! ( & , 11oLI1. . " , 'trlekj. ,
: CunIUI. " 'orth tl,15. 1'0111".111 t..r It . . . .t
. . .tWled IDOD. . , rerunc1tC1. Ko , " " W leru 1aU ON r
C..I1..ulhnr. . . "lA , IWx IA.
all Ordu UUUM "all .Jo. . ' ' ' " Ialloe1. Uwu. .
1II.ecliAodlJ'll. olle , rdlUlIII > l1 It CotJd. t IU " 'III' "
I..IIW. TiI'I1 > o tur prleH. I. C. , . , h06lor 0 < 1. . 1(0.
I" " 11 ; , Ad41111U AYe. . Chic. " " . Ill.
Qood . " " . . . . w&Dt.d , h..dle a DO' " IIINIItCI AI'
Ilde , 110 tur . .unl.1. .ull uUcul&c. . AU.J It. . , .
IJ& . . " Uox UI. Ed" . I' . .
A.tuU : tD&Ullr.ture ) 'our 0"11 rhe 11I < I1101'
III&klDR " " " , . . .100 lIIut "r."I < I tor I . A44rc > UI Io
' " Ce. . 1(0 , &OQI Olfllen IILl'hU. . . . I'a.
Aarrllu pro re..lyel D > f.JjUr&CtUJe , Ollf " . . , .
& 0011. . rtu yalwtble zoon"'lUaklll l4.'CreLd . . . , . . , II '
uo " , ( . , /pllltt : o. Mil" , " I 1ow. 1111111'11 c. . . . Uo ,
IIIII , " .ul , ! ! Ilao. 1
JAocut lllhaler. 8are cure tUl' " 'I lilt" ' , oo/dl. / bud ,
.wile. DC'UI .1 la. ele I'r/ce / , 260 . . . . .h. Eel.wIIt
Iunlt , Cu , . 1(0 , 1S36 80. 3rll H& . . I'hll. . , I. . . .
Uliid lI..d. . A IIU.I'tUII4-N . u , . . , for J.1.J"e6ll , lito.
inulin" the " ut UI h/r. / wh"k J'1I. nr. . . " 01'
11I01" , , "t ul"oa ro > ( ' . .I" , or 21k1. Hperlol : lItl ! , Cu" : ( u ,
, , M. . . Ulh ! : it"1'1111. , . . . . .
Comforting , Soothing ,
. .
Kills Pain Instantly , .
t Nothing So Good ! ,
, . . . . .
All J/.I& T"I : " . .or :
' .rhe aml\teur ] .II rim Chom1
cletyVas relHlerlllg the orlltloR.t
"ParuuIso , " In church In l\loulJt-
I1lalr. ] , ) llIot Marshnll , a yo\\nr. : Nevi
York lawyer , WIIS 1I111Jr the bullfllntr.
with 1vocll dtclalllUon ! t.hat " [ aal
toll I lIe fell I Yes , limn fcllVI Ju" .
, ttum t.hcl'e was 1cl'l1sh. . A tJcnd
full of men 1111(1 wOlllun In the horu ,
suddeilly l'Uke 1\11l11 huy 1111 fell. ' ! 'be
1I1Idience tumhled I1/HI III the laughter ;
thl1 t to 1 wtll tlte fjoJlIlstdclllJack ul f ) .
-Clo\'cla 11I1 lilal II 'Ihmlcr' .
z..tlIUUI..I'.f ' (1110..1. Nil I , . .rIIN-IUII" ' ' ' ' . . "It , , . .
FITS II" ' " . \ . . , ' II' " ur IIr. I"IIIu"t 1'/ / " , . " II. .
.lnI" ' U' 0,1 rr , f. ' II : \:1,111' : : ' , ' 1,11 buHI. l\d . . . .U. . . .
VIL II. n. Kt.H".I. . . . . t ft , " ' " Ut..l'W".J ll'h" " , J'a.
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
Bul'BII/ul" ' / ror IIII SUIrll'r w ) lultI& w. . ,
lI&tler 1laut'r.IIII" will 1111' 1.lhler & 111' 11I118& de11cr.u ,
11.:111. : 'rile "IIIIII1.'IIIJ. : allli 'l'urlltl" ' "lIIIl1&l. . vr
t1th .rUele .re wII\IIIt'rrul. ) & will .t"\1 tbl' k".o. .
& 01111 at ouc" . lIud rl'lIrve III'uol"cll. , 1111.1 . IChltkA.
WII re < .Xlwllleud 1& "I till' t. . . IIII.J lutrl& Ixtuu. . . .
oounl r.lrrU..llll.l1 : " ' 11. , ,110 III.U . . . .Hern l ret" . . .
d , rur 1..1111 Iu II" , chuu UII.I 1&1.III1IUb 101101 a&
rlaeuIDdh : , lI urllhlc IIl1d "lIIl C < llIIllllIluu.
&ru.1 wUl Ilro" "h & 1clllllll ror It. . , . < 1.
, ,111 Lo , fouud to Le IIIYl&lu"ll. Iu Ibll buult'bull.
lu"1 lul':1I . . : u. , " 11 11 the l. " , ur all YOllr l\1 _
' ,
I'rlce 18 ceil/a. , , & .11 drulll.h : or o&b r d..le
or 1 ; ) ' l"uoIlI. . . ( tbb 1111I01111& to III ( u " " . &al : " .LaW" "
we111 Blluol YOlllllul.u by 11I..11.
: \u .rllcle IllOulJ " " IIccellLcd Iy thllpubUQ ' 1 _ _
Ie. . &III' & &IlIIe ltIrrlua our lllJt'J , Ii& u&llllrwhelt . .
DO gllIlUIIl. .
n Stale ! Urr./ / . New "or l t:1tJ. :
- - - -
E.UU IES'l' llUHHI\N 1\111 I ET
\\111 you 00lhort or hlt } ' If so Illant .
plcllty or thIs IlIudlmlly IIrollllu wJltL
to H 'rUIII ! 01' Hloh IIny Per \Cl'fto
J.rl. . . . . GO IIJ. . fl.DOI 100 II > . . to. I. . . . . . . " " , I 1oC.
Jutm A. .Llzcr Sccd Cu" I.u , 10a.e. W1s. a
Mh..II..I. . Fruit tu
1 _ : : 0 R S A L E . . " , " /011.0 " 1 11. . . . . , il . . . .
II JJII1II1I1 101111&1. . , U.J 'r u..urlll. " . han. . . . m".w.
Grand Island
1J Route t :
! IF
Double Daily Service
fer Info'mltl n or Rltu. cIII uoa ; Ir . rau
nOlt..t icn1. or
< '
S. M. ADSIT , O. P. A. . 1
s'r. IOSEPI1. 1\10.
- - - -
Se dsjooltl UIII1I.T
' ' .
'J'bn''r. "
IUDII. & /111 for In. . , CAtJ.lo : 'tIt' ,
J. I.IL UURY ; ; MIJ.larLIbft.ld.b'L
tM .U. NO , 709-10. YORK , HEI.