. , . " " . . , . . . . . : . . I ' 1 CASTORIA , 'For Infants nnd Children , ! The Kind You Have Always Dought f ' . Boars the / / , 6Ignntnrooc t 1 . . . . InlllllnllAbhllr rrll.Il't. . I ! ) roreSor W. .T. McGee or the bu. I t'ellll ot ethnology , tells 11 ooll stoQ' . 01 his last trip to the land of tIll' Sl" ' 'fIt , tis , the lUost dangerous ut nil lo > : l. D trlbcs. neVns lealnhlK till' trords dIIotln ! rela tlunsh I V , liuch 11- : . lattJerllIuther , then went UII to (11111\ \ MIII1 lJahr. He fClrel ; ] the COlI'ec ! ' word for baby In thc l'rl tlJnllllt. I .nd 0180 lur twlnsj but whcn hIJ asked tor the ono lIIealllll 1 rlpllts ! II , "dc1. n change came u\'er lhe eulIll' IIruup surrounding him , EVl'ry 11I1111 wowan nnd child sulelllnly I1ruse unll t.nrnlng their bacles ou him walklcl : itway. He 1hen learned that the al' ' pcaranee ot triplets In a falllilyVII . a. lOng thcse Indians , a cl'lllle pllll' Ishable with death to the talhel , Inother and m311Y ut the fallllly , : lIIel that the mere mentloll or sch ) a Ielll' QUS ollense cOllld 1I0t be tolerated In , elite socletWa& llngon tar. tiltH I. . , . ry JJIII. : : U.la. A tencher ot Frcnch now In thb cIty tells a slory of the dll1lculty she experlEn.1cd III leal'll\l \ EII lIsh wlwu 6hc'Jlrst came here and tit Slllle of thu ludicrous blu'udlJrs she mude , now , that she apprcciatcs tilt ) full furce ur certain ot the tenus and wlllds that made up hIJr carlOl''ocalmlay. . ' ! 'he teaCb'Jl ba grown tired uf chopi and steaks , an 0110 or two rnurl' Itandard articles ot flO , and sh ' 7CUI ned f'r a mcal made up ( It slJch tblngs as she bad eaten aL h , IC , 110' : tllb y cult's hl'ains a Ja \ . i nL. iret i \ . I . " ) plnacb chopPIJd Hne with11 . lJ ' .rcssnK , and olle or two othcr dbh'- . ibe wade uut hp.r b11l or tare all II. , L 811tl1 she came to the IJrains , UUU 1 , Iud nD equlva1eut she bad rccouisc to bel' diction nary. ' 1'bI8 is wl1a1 , she ItBked tor at a lJulcher's shop : "A 11I1 plecs some ot-sollle of l.e intel1ljl DC < < It ze calt.II-.New Yurk 'l'lwcs , . . TO MOTHERS JIrs. J. II. Haskins , of Chicago DI. , President C cngo Areadt Clubt. Addresses Comforting W orus to lVomen .lWgardlng I Clilldbirt . ' " U DnA.n Mns. Pt KnAM : - 'Mothers d not. dread chlldbcaring niter thcy know the valu ! ) of L 'c.lht E. l ink- ham's Vegetable UompoulUl. While 1 loved childrcn I dreaded the erdeal. for it leU mo weak and sick ' y / , ' = ' Iii' < " , , ' " -tr . : z ' ; ! f & r'f. \ \ /f. - - = : : : 1 lS. J. n. JIASKD > 3. . ' tor months : Lfter , nnd at the time I thought death was Q. welcome relicf ; Imt before my Inst. chill1 was horn " IfOd ncl hhor ndvlsed Lydia E.I > > inlc- ham's Vegetable CODlllound , and 1 used that , wg'Qther with 'our Pills and SanatiTe Wash for four months . \ bcoro 'Lhe child's birth ; - it brought me wondcrful relict. I hardly had nn ache or pain , nnd whcn tbe child wal ten days old I lcn my bcd strong in health. Every sprinrr Imdfall I nowtJll ( .hottlco ! Lyj E.Plndmm'RVcg- etable CompoulUl and find It ] ( eps me in coutinual excellent henlth.- Arns. J. II. n..BKlNS , 32-18 IDlUnna. Ave'l Chhmgo , 111.16000 forfeft If bou tntlmo. IIhtJ I. " " g.nu/"f/ , Care al1tl careful counsel is what tIlc expectant amI woultl-IIE mutlwr neetlB , 1\11(1 this counseJ . .c can sccurc without cost b3 writing to l\Irs. Fln1ehl1Jl\ LyDD , Mass. JUSTTHINKOFI1 , , . . EYIll1 t rmer his UW'l A' lalldloN 110 100UIII aJJ : brJIocesblabJluk l'C < ) UII , ' p Incl'1alnlC ' by & ! Yt'ur 1e&l 5'1 lInl . 100IId value IIICl'1a.llI s\90. . hlcr6AIlDitllJlf'u VJ " 1 ! . . . . did 13 Illn II t e. no 11011 ( i" schools a d churl'h , low tI1uUon. blib price lor l-aUI" l ' lu. ' 1l'ver " lill < Itl'1 u" rallwllY " < Vulb II comfu" . 'l'bb b &b" ooudl& on at th' ' lumer In Wederll Callada PI't11'IIICII of MHnUob &lId dldrl" . . ur ullilLoi Salk tch WIUl . .II' ' , Alberta. 1'boullilld. or AmericAbs arll 110'09 seHlt' " , eM lkduC'.ed rawl 011 ll rRllwu1I ror bOIll k rs IUld leUler" , New dls&ricU ur 11f11I ep.metl UII &hl Yl'lIr. Tbe lie" ollIJII A&II , ' ! u W"HI rnCILllada lellt tf\'e toBIIIIJlPl1cUIIU , A Pl'ly t . . . I'edley , SUl't. or hlluILrll\lou. 0'1111..11. Call. . 11 to W. V. lI..nu"U.801 New York Life IlId ! : . , Olll ba. eb. , A"t ; : fur &lit ! Guverllweut or lIlldll. . . DO YOU WORK IN TUB : WET : , I I THE ORIGINAL. I 4 r II t O\'VEll I J J ' I"SH BR \ \ I , I OILE.D I CLaOTHING , . . . . . - ru.a at " Ttu.OW . " Ii : : ; - - ' & . 5UR PROTCCTlor Z"- ' " " AND IS t.r.rM ltTfki ll\tlA t r" 5trtVICI i o rOfl C"T L04UES fRee. at10WIN fULL LINE 01' 6AJU1f m > HAT , t A..TOW . R CO" 05TONtM , r . - . . " . . , . . , ' , . . , . . . . :1 : .411 fi I , 'HUMOR OF THE \VEEK B ORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN .OF THE PRESS. t1. Cnrlou. Rlld Lnurlanbte "hnee. of Uumoll Noture Ornlhlcnt17 I'or- trn'ct1 by l lIIllIeut Wonl Artl.t. ot . Our OWII Iuy-\ Il.lldrct ot 1'.Tlu. 'h'st Wolter-Wlmt UN ) 'ou t11luklnll about ? Set'Ond Wnller-I'm wondering whether to 1111 myselt out tor 11 tip Crom t110t mnn or not. 1 can't tell whether It'R hlg wife or nn actress b"8 ot wlt11 hlru.-l'hllodclphln 1'1..1111. Ju"t to ( 'I 'IHO tlcr. . - . ( . . \I 110 glv me de black { 'yet I guv It to meRel ! ; 'cause me lohly treu' Judd Eha l\Icd \ black ercs. " A moit ! I'ult Dcllef. HIIo , , " hnltl-hcnded Uucle Henry III , Iml" cxelulmed Willie 1l0eruUl. ' "Ye ! ! , " l'CslIonded Mr. BoerulU 1m. Ilressh'ely , "to look at 111m you would IIl'\'er H\lppOSe that your 1ncle 1Ienry was once a fnlUou/ football plu'cr.- llroold'n Eagle. 1'u _ _ _ . , . . . " , , , " r . . . , . lIII'I A 1I"1)lcloll" ClrClIlIIllltnuce ! , 1II1'tI. llukoru (1'mllRthlltlenll-WhYI ) whnt In t110 wOI'l ' / : / the matter , 1311' mnuth ) ' ? l\1rlJ. lIu'rnke ( sohblnsly-Ob ) , ltear , IllrI1W'B drlfUn' nwny fl'OIU me. I\n'- boo.boo--l'm Bura t11oro's uuthur WI- mou In thl ! COSl' . : \1rs. 11olorn-Wlly. wll t put IIlebI a\l1y \ Idenr In your hcal1 ? Mrs. llnYl'llkt'-llc went tV a bnr- ber's yesterday tow glt hIli hall' cut Instl.'ud uv h..ttln' me t'ut It. UII ho III Wtl.s 1111ue blfore.-l'uck. ! 8ettlu.r 111m UIJht. ' ' 1'herl8 nothing 1'0 Ill'-1'shu wI ) worlmble In knowing hu" to cook. I5ht-'l'hat's uU you Inow UlJlIUt It 'rhll'e Is everything lu the maklug of huII.-ChlcuGo ew8. - - A llrlht Uutlook. Clnl''l'he o uutumuul I1l1rl make ule Bud. Clnrl.'nce-Oh. eheor uP. dearlo ; WO'\ ! got IUllf u loud ot cOllI lolt uvor Crow 10llt ) 'ear. - - 11111 l\lcl1ulua : . It wall Rtter the ellUl'ell tulr , and he WRY IIUI'\'cJ'ln ! : his llUl'chuio. : "Wby do ) 'ou speak ot the cost t1l 'Thl ! Charge ot the Light lll'lgode ? " Bhe uskl.'d. "It sIJcms to we the chorg6 Willi n 111.0\'y one. " ' ' 'rr'ue ' , ' ' he udmltted ; "lJut c\'ery Sil'l ot thut tahle wus a blonde.-Cblcngo E\'culng 1'ost. A MUll to 1)ellpl.c. Guy-Arl ! ) 'OU mnklnl : a iood start tor 1002'/ l'Cl'cy-'l'hnt's wbnt. 1'\1. ' iot aU m next Clu'lt > twu ! ; Icts lJuuht : . nud pal 1'01' . " An Its8cutll11 IHlfcrcllco. Old I ' 1d-You UI'C looldng tor worJc , I lU'ei ! u1l11' . DU8ty nhodcs ( In n bUl'st ot conn. dcncc-'ell ) , no. mo'um , not exactlYI 1 nlU trying to look 118 It 1 we looldug for 1t.-SoUlcr\'lllc J ournul. - - - - 0' . . , AFTER A NIGHT OUT. I - i - ' I'l I ' I" "I' IJ./I ' V . . . .v ' -\t : IJ" " " / , : . . / ' : ' ' . . . - JIIWA1..iJ/ / , J. Why did you let Y0\1rIelt get Into the Iutch ( > s ot the wlltch lust ulght ? lOU could easily hnn' dOlll'l1 ! hIm. " " "l'\\'lIs my enl ' lIIon' . O/herw1ac / I'd III\\'c ot Into the clut.cllea ot my wife , " , The Coolc'e 'I'rot-flce. I "Dou't 'oU tllink the uow cook 19 prctt . . dCLU.'i" lJe mlll. I " [ I'm ! ruthel' , " gt'ullI le n , SIIeI ) ' se ) ' . "Au such beautlrul holr. 1 wll\lI I I Imtl It , " "ne potleut. " suld he. as hl ! exam. Ined It torkful ot hash , "and no doubt " 'I ' 11 both get It by egrceR.-Cntho- IIc Stl\Dlard Dn Times , The Renson Wh . fr' - , . . . : . . . . .oL..J. nt , . . II I I II I I i t .Jwl.-lt's no use ; your rather won't lI ten to Ule , anll ; ) 'et you 811urctl me thllt he wnntell to Ict you err his Ian nl1s. IIclen-PerbulIB tlll\t' . why he , you't listen to yon. CouKolll1a : . l'mwlopc-l cnnDot ! ; ee how 1 t11l1 ( 'nu lJen1' to hO\'e her Hence pIn ) ' foot. "all. Cllustaucl'-Oh , J tlll'l Is one of tlloe ! : lJl.'ullle who woul louk l'IIPI'clull ) ' wdl in lIIu\1I'ulul-Brookl'u J ol' \ . UVCI' the 'rC CIIII. " ; \lI1tol1 hntl I\n llJ.temVCl'Ctl wire , " 1m sl1l11. "aUlI Hlw lIuI111) ' h..rt hIs h\1sc. " . . ' . " ' ' 1.1\1 \ "anti \'C8 , lll'ur. rt'JllIl'd ; wire. when she WUt ; Jone he wrotl ! 'Pnrnd\m \ ! 1,0SI.Atlnnla ConstHutiou. 11111 RefzJlllUt. " 'l'hat uum ODet ! otrcrcli me mOlley ( Ul' lilY "ote , " rC 1urkt'd the prnctlcnl . j' ,1It1c\un. \ " . \nd ) 'ou rduIIl'd It wl1h Icom'r " "i did. ty COIH.clcDl'C won1tln't pcr. mlt me to tul.e It. It wnfu't ! more tbJ1n Co hnlr ot whnt Is l'ulltuwllrlly paid , unl1 I coultln't bUTt' looked my tellow mew. ) 11 111' ot tbt > , LCj. tllntum In tk8 tlee It I . . . had cut prk. > n.Wulalsagtoll Star. ( ) t IHwcouruied. Northern YIsltor- , lId you 8n ) yet l-nchl.'ll the wrou ! ; man 0/11y 0 fe'1 hOUl'S ul-'o ? IIcovenHI SometWn. : ouj11 , to be douc. Southt'l'I1er-Bomethlng L bolu' douQ ptrIUlgt'r. 'l'heID bloodhounds bnrk us I t1.le ) ' " ' I1 ou the rIght traek now.- 1'Ul.'k. HOMh'1I 01117 Rivul "Iu yonI' vermltorm appendIx , " the turhreon told him attor tbe opuratlol WUII oyer. "we round , struuKe to 11:1) It SlUU1l brasil tu < ! k. " " 'l'llUt pl'OyeS 1 wus rl.:11t , " te bly an IIwerel1 tbe sick wun. "when 1 1Il.ld II wus sOlllltlllng 1 hud ltieu 111 mln < < : , ple.-ChlcoJo Uecol'd.ll rl\ld. Proot of It. Dr. Ucupcr-l tell you , the c l1utomo bill' ' ' ' tll't ! grcnt. 1 CI1U 1l1.1kt ! twice IU 1l1UIIY ca1ls as 1 tOl'nwrl1 could. Cnstletun - Well , 1 ulwa/I though ! those 111l\chlnes WUl'lt bouu to In c/'cnt1e tht ! dt'nth l'nte.-J\It1 6. In Afrle-II. 1"1\'st ut1vo-'l'hl. IIIlssluutIl'les woulc Uk to tltop ( 'l1nulbllJJlUl ) , ( ! cond 1'\ntn-'rlll. ! , ) ' would ? 1 dOD' , s'c why 1111an shouhlu't eat nccllr lD , to the tllctl\t s ot hiM luI1Rclence.- Puck. Nuturaal ICrror. Dellk Editor-Well , tllut'8 roug-b. Desk Idltor's ; Wlfo-What's the ma1 ' ' ' ter' ' ! JeRk Editor-Oil , 1 wrote. "A Seen. < Tt HIIN' Be:1ut ) . " tor 11 hcn ) Jue eve the st01' ) ' ot 111\11 , nu the lIroorrcndl\ haN let 1t Jo. "A Sceue ot Hllre Bl.'ltuty. ' -SoUlm'l\1e \ Jom'nnl. A SUIl Country. " 'l'he/H ! 1lI0011811lnel's UI'U very II ule wlllle t1w ' 1\1'l ! g\'llig ! till ! IIlurll1 ubou , tlw nllJu'ouch ot till ! rl"CUUC otllecl'S. ' "Sort of Il tlll.altll'III , ehOll Icu , t.'ws , - - ttrul ht from the HJllluldcr. " . \wl [ lrfI ) ' , lilr , " Hoitl the ) lrollIec I Un' (1I11I1'1'-ln-ll1w , " " , hut llo J'ou t'J\ 'l1\'t ' 10 l5e1tle 011 my tluUJ.'htl.'l' , UIII I whall'l' 'ou golug to ) J\'t. ! on ? " "Olt. " I''jllhll.tl tI\l' mlltter'Ur.rue YOI1t1I , "I III It'/Hl / to I'et1le m"i1elt 0 : .Jour Ilnll hltr ! :1/111 / 1 urn golll to llv , on ) ' 011 , Cl-Cbll' go t."WII. A Hhnmell' ' ' ' ' 1\llIld. IIUn JIlghullp-I tbhdt ) I1I1R OIobt trott oucllt to tJo nsbau1l'11 or hl'l'tIelJ . Bbe flUY" she fouut ! tbe Du1ntlup 0 the 0141 Jnnstcra I1r..d.tu.lJy .tu1'll1. ! Utl Wn\lpp-Bo t10 WUD1 other. . MlslI Illgbupp-Ye . Inat t MI'II -Nt'w York Wet"IIlr. . ' . . . . . . J- ' , . . . I ' " . . / , , > ' . ' . ' _ ; " " " ' . . , ' . . " , , . " I ' , ' . . . . , " . . . . . ' . ' . . \ , . " . ' . . , ( ' . . , . I ' . \ ' , \ ' . " " , . 0 I : . " . , ' . , . " . . . . , . " . . . , . . : . . . : . . t ' . ' . . ' , ' ' . ' . . I . , , . - ' " ' ' , ' . ' ' ' - ' " . " - . ' , " , ' . - - . . . , , . ' . . . - . . . - , . . . . ! . I"\ . . . . _ . _ , , _ _ . . . . - = - _ \ - - " - - : - _ ' . l . I"I I . . . .l , \ . . DUcn.t ) ly formed CUll } gently l'C1\l'Cll , women will I find , In all the sC sons of their Jh'cs , I\S maills or wives . 01' motlwrs , thn ( . the ono Bhnilic. wholesome remedy wJJleh nets gently ami } lteI18I\nt1 . 1U1l1 nl\turl\lIy. Ilnt ! which m 1' bo usell with truly beneflclu1 otrccts , unller nn ' condltlnllswhen the s 'stcm needs nIIUII\UVc-ls- S "l'llli of 1"lgs. It Is well lmo\\'n to bo Shl1lJlo com- bhmtloll of fllo laxative nml cl1l'lIllrmth'tll'lnolllles \ of 1III\IIts with IllelHII\nt , n1'onllltic IItlUllls , which 1\1'0 ngrecablo Ilmll'cfl'cshlng to the /1ndnccelltublo / to the S 'stl'1U when Its gentle clenluilnlr Is ( leslrcd. ! lany of the ills from which , , "onum sutror are or n. trunslent nnturo unll 110 not COIIIO from uny org'l\nlo trouble nlUllt Is plel1sant to know thn.t tlHJY ) ' 10111 so ' . to the boncllcllll effccts ' IJ1'OlUptl ) f 8yrl111 of II'lg 1 but whell ullythlug moro t1l11n n. Ittxntl\'o Is neeliCtI it Is best to COIiSUlt th"o fU1I\Ily \ Ilhysichm nml to It\'olll the o1l1.tlmo cl1thn.rtlcs IlUlI JOUllly ml\'ortlsCllnoB- trumB of the llrcscnt ( tuy. Whcn ono lleel1s only to romo\'o the stl'llln. the t01'IIOr , the congestlon , or shultllr ills , which atteml upon 11. coustllln.tetl conlll- HOIl of the s 'stel11 , use the 1.1'110 . mIll gentle renI1 ( ' - 8Y1'IIp of Figs-mill euJoy frcedom from the l1QlIres- siou , the uclws nmlllllhuJ , collis mill hmuluches. which nl'O lIuo to In ctlvlt.y of the bowols. Only these who buy the gmmlno Syrup of l IIJ'8 , t , can hope to gqt its HlIc11cln.1 ! etrects I\mllls "gullr- " untce of the excel1onco of the rcmclt ) . the full nl111\0 \ or tLO ! COllllllU\y-Callforull\ 8 'I'IIP Co.-Is Ilrlntcllon the front of o\'el'Y Il1ckngo ! mill without It uny llrclln.rnHon otrol'elllls 8)'I'UII of 1"lhY'S 13 fl'lUlll- 1Ilont fUltl s wuhlbo l1eol'ncl1. ' ' 1'0 tllo JO who Imow the qUltlity of this excellellt Ju..xn.U\'e , the olfor of uny substitute , when S1'I'UII of 1.'lgs Is cnllClI for. Is n.lWlt's l'esclltel1by It trnllscl' of Imtronugo to S0l110 111'31-01I1ss llrug cstnbllsh1l\ont \ , where they do nut rCCollllllemt , nor 8el1 false brnulls , nOl' Imitation . . 1'eUlctUes. ' .rllo gclluluo n.rticle mn.y bo bought of nIl rclhtblc llrul.rglst8 cvorywhol'O u.t GO ceuts per bottle. " . . An elehpaut sleeps only about tour hours out of the twellty.Cour. Use the fnmous Ued Cross llnll DIne. IlIrKc 2 oz. l'noiIW6 ' I ) celltl. 'rho RUlls ollll'nny , South Dend , Ind , lIoueyed words do 1I0t always con : : eal bitter feelings. Se1fThreadln Sewlnsr Machine Needle Ohe " , UII or your lI\"rlllll" . .ell,1 , V7 "nil . .lid wu "III , o..Urou : " ' " ' 1'10 1'.k.Il" ur . . . "rh'd , 11.,11. . . l\lIolI..1 AUlol""II ( ' ( ' lIlu Cu. , I O : \.u 1 1 : > I" " Y.ak lII"-1(1 uta Wan led. Men otten waste their substance III ! ! JJllntl" clIort.s at rcforlll , Don t forgE't R IlIr:6 ! 2 oz. ( lIICJU ! ( Rcd ares BlIlI Hlue. oul ) ' 6 cent. . 1'h" ILu1t1l ( ' ; OIl1PUII1' . Soulh l""nll , Inl1. . No olle belle\'es a wOlUan wbeD she prore ses to despise men. . I cl\nnot lIrnl e 1'1110'9 Cure enolllch to : thc won erll It hilS work,11 ID curIng me. -It. H. S\l eJ , 220U Olive Itre-ct. t. Louta. lo. . April 11 $ . IDOl. lI.war. OlnUn nl. fur CRtanla tbl\t ( Qul ln 1.rlul'7 , U mercury will hurcly d6.truy the 6ClL'iC of ! .lIIell 1'1111 cOlllplelely llenullCc 1110 whole bY lelu when 011 to ring It throlllh the UlUCOUS surf ( ) . Iuch : ! ! Portldll hhollll1 novel' 1 > 0 w.ed exclliit on JIf&crllJtlon ; { rom & JlhtY IClall. . l1l0 JIIIIIB/lC / 'hey will du \ ) f ll'urold 0 Iho 110011 ) 'OU enn poshlblv dorhc ( rom &II/Jm. )11111'11 l'ulllrrl1 Cure , Inuoufacluretl hy 1" . .1. Ch'ney & Co" Tulu- 11010. . cOlltnllLl ! 110 mercury. Bnd b IlIken IIlIor- Da l1. &CUn ! ! dllocUy upon the blood lIul1 IIIU. I l'OU hurfatell : of the "ytt/Jm. In buylJll ( lIaU' " II I Calurrh Cure bll Mlro ) OU 1I:0t : lbu 1(1'lIul1l ! ! . It 19 tnlwn Ilitornl\Uv. lUul nll\l1o In Tolu.lo , Ohio. by V. J. Chelley & ( 'u. 'lCUlllolllnli frt.'C. rv-StJ ! II ) ' IIruJmhl , plhO 7r.c. per OOlllc. lIaU'j iI'.wIlJ' PUIs re tbe beat. 'l'here Is olle physIcian In the pres cnt senate ulld four physicians III the present house ot represe/ltnt.1 veSt 'I'here Is one clergyman In tbe pres. ent house ot represelltat1vclI. 'rhe crust ot the earth blls takcD a drop lIellr Mount Carmel. PUt A square mHe ot Jand tbere has sudden- 11 sunk two and u hair teet. ! lft , Wln.lo.1 BOU1'IUIfO ariU1P ror eh.Uc1I'IIn Itel4tlllt. IIOtUIIA Ihe 11'I. . . . . udllO < I tAlI..U . dla , . "a.1.n.I.uro : . . .hili "ollc , I > uIU. . A slip ot the tonJue bU9 oaused the undoing ot moru than oue good Ulun. Set ph ruses cOllstlt.ute the strength of mllllY un uUa.swell's cODversution. Pop-try hus a grouter charm tor the maiden than tor the wutroll. A grcut mind w11l Dolther give un llfrout 1I0r heur I t.-lIoUle. It Is lIatural tor womcn to wonder . \ 'h.men . IJnd a diu rill In hmnellness. Women usuully estimate the worth Jf their Jewels at twice the vulue. - TUB CLEA-iSINO - AND nl AI.INO CURE FOlt CATARRH 11 Elyls Cream Dalm I , talY : and plel1lllllL III 111' . COlitalll1 uo 10' i MO/ltana's latest natural "o/ICkr / Is tl , 'ust CI\\'e , which lIa.'l Jllst l.Je 1I ls. Govered ubout t1l'ty IIIlles east ot Butte. A lal' ! o rl\'er with 8 caturnct ot nbout IOU tcot wus explored ror II dlstunco ot several mlles without IJndlng Its SOl/fee / ot outlet. A tew articles ot stOIlC alii } COppl\f utc/lslli : and somc boucs were picked Ul ) III one of the JarJo almrlmenL'i cxplored. 'ro Inku Fuod AI'lluUalUI : . at the garnishing of dishes too I ! tlo Is thought III ordluury lu\tJSc. \ hulds but trll11ng expense am ) some cure wlll muko lIIany dishes ulrceuIJlc : to the c'eIS / well us the pillute. All soft deserts , eURt/lrds / etc. , look very pretty with spll1Jelluj.t of those tiny culored cUlidles culled "trlh. lJle311 'l hesc come In aU colors , Ulalll III a pouudllid / may be kept IndeJJllIle. Iy. Candled trllits add dclluac1 Hld tJnor to wuny dishes. A.v. . . . . t.e rOIfNJ..ho. Mawuraotllro l11ur . . .11 ' . . . . , . . . . . . fur III" . jl\IO < 1t. J'ln .al".IJI. UI" " ' " .kwlC .a.t. " Add' . . . . . The 1'1'01I < 1 _ N'ne1v c. . , K. . &I 111'11& & . . CI.fnLan4. 0 , A . . . . " . . \.aID 1"11I tDl'I1Ioo4 A "ertu.t J > l'\Igr " " ' ' ' pC'1I tOl th "UJlI. . To".4 0. . . K. . . IIn " ' . Uz lit. . "e. . TII'k , 1 ( , T. 11,16 1'1' . . . 1' , . . . . I"reel1'u. noon ! ( & , 11oLI1. . " , 'trlekj. , : CunIUI. " 'orth tl,15. 1'0111".111 t..r It . . . .t . . .tWled IDOD. . , rerunc1tC1. Ko , " " W leru 1aU ON r C..I1..ulhnr. . . "lA , IWx IA. all Ordu UUUM "all .Jo. . ' ' ' " Ialloe1. Uwu. . 1II.ecliAodlJ'll. olle , rdlUlIII > l1 It CotJd. t IU " 'III' " I..IIW. TiI'I1 > o tur prleH. I. C. , . , h06lor 0 < 1. . 1(0. I" " 11 ; , Ad41111U AYe. . Chic. " " . Ill. Qood . " " . . . . w&Dt.d , h..dle a DO' " IIINIItCI AI' Ilde , 110 tur . .unl.1. .ull uUcul&c. . AU.J It. . , . IJ& . . " Uox UI. Ed" . I' . . A.tuU : tD&Ullr.ture ) 'our 0"11 rhe 11I < I1101' III&klDR " " " , . . .100 lIIut "r."I < I tor I . A44rc > UI Io ' " Ce. . 1(0 , &OQI Olfllen IILl'hU. . . . I'a. Aarrllu pro re..lyel D > f.JjUr&CtUJe , Ollf " . . , . & 0011. . rtu yalwtble zoon"'lUaklll l4.'CreLd . . . , . . , II ' uo " , ( . , /pllltt : o. Mil" , " I 1ow. 1111111'11 c. . . . Uo , IIIII , " .ul , ! ! Ilao. 1 JAocut lllhaler. 8are cure tUl' " 'I lilt" ' , oo/dl. / bud , .wile. DC'UI .1 la. ele I'r/ce / , 260 . . . . .h. Eel.wIIt Iunlt , Cu , . 1(0 , 1S36 80. 3rll H& . . I'hll. . , I. . . . Uliid lI..d. . A IIU.I'tUII4-N . u , . . , for J.1.J"e6ll , lito. inulin" the "ru..th ut UI h/r. / wh"k J'1I. nr. . . " 01' 11I01" , , "t ul"oa ro > ( ' . .I" , or 21k1. Hperlol : lItl ! , Cu" : ( u , , , M. . . Ulh ! : it"1'1111. , . . . . . 1ST. JACOBS OIL Comforting , Soothing , . . Kills Pain Instantly , . t Nothing So Good ! , , . . . . . t All J/.I& T"I : " . .or : ' .rhe aml\teur ] .II rim Chom1 cletyVas relHlerlllg the orlltloR.t "ParuuIso , " In church In l\loulJt- I1lalr. ] , ) llIot Marshnll , a yo\\nr. : Nevi York lawyer , WIIS 1I111Jr the bullfllntr. with 1vocll dtclalllUon ! t.hat " [ aal toll I lIe fell I Yes , limn fcllVI Ju" . . , ttum t.hcl'e was 1cl'l1sh. . A tJcnd full of men 1111(1 wOlllun In the horu , suddeilly l'Uke 1\11l11 huy 1111 fell. ' ! 'be 1I1Idience tumhled I1/HI III the laughter ; thl1 t to 1 wtll tlte fjoJlIlstdclllJack ul f ) . -Clo\'cla 11I1 lilal II 'Ihmlcr' . , z..tlIUUI..I'.f ' (1110..1. Nil I , . .rIIN-IUII" ' ' ' ' . . "It , , . . FITS II" ' " . \ . . , ' II' " ur IIr. I"IIIu"t 1'/ / " , . " II. . .lnI" ' U' 0,1 rr , f. ' II : \:1,111' : : ' , ' 1,11 buHI. l\d . . . .U. . . . VIL II. n. Kt.H".I. . . . . t ft , " ' " Ut..l'W".J ll'h" " , J'a. Capsicum Vaseline Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. Bul'BII/ul" ' / ror IIII SUIrll'r w ) lultI& w. . , lI&tler 1laut'r.IIII" will 1111' 1.lhler & 111' 11I118& de11cr.u , 11.:111. : 'rile "IIIIII1.'IIIJ. : allli 'l'urlltl" ' "lIIIl1&l. . vr t1th .rUele .re wII\IIIt'rrul. ) & will .t"\1 tbl' k".o. . & 01111 at ouc" . lIud rl'lIrve III'uol"cll. , 1111.1 . IChltkA. WII re < .Xlwllleud 1& "I till' t. . . IIII.J lutrl& Ixtuu. . . . oounl r.lrrU..llll.l1 : " ' 11. , ,110 III.U . . . .Hern l ret" . . . d , rur 1..1111 Iu II" , chuu UII.I 1&1.III1IUb 101101 a& rlaeuIDdh : , lI urllhlc IIl1d "lIIl C < llIIllllIluu. &ru.1 wUl Ilro" "h & 1clllllll ror It. . , . < 1. , ,111 Lo , fouud to Le IIIYl&lu"ll. Iu Ibll buult'bull. lu"1 lul':1I . . : u. , " 11 11 the l. " , ur all YOllr l\1 _ ' , I'll OIII I'rlce 18 ceil/a. , , & .11 drulll.h : or o&b r d..le or 1 ; ) ' l"uoIlI. . . ( tbb 1111I01111& to III ( u " " . &al : " .LaW" " we111 Blluol YOlllllul.u by 11I..11. : \u .rllcle IllOulJ " " IIccellLcd Iy thllpubUQ ' 1 _ _ Ie. . &III' & &IlIIe ltIrrlua our lllJt'J , Ii& u&llllrwhelt . . DO gllIlUIIl. . CIttBStUlWUOIt ! MANUIAC'fUHINU to. n Stale ! Urr./ / . New "or l t:1tJ. : - - - - E.UU IES'l' llUHHI\N 1\111 I ET \\111 you 00lhort or hlt } ' If so Illant . plcllty or thIs IlIudlmlly IIrollllu wJltL to H 'rUIII ! 01' Hloh IIny Per \Cl'fto J.rl. . . . . GO IIJ. . fl.DOI 100 II > . . to. I. . . . . . . " " , I 1oC. Jutm A. .Llzcr Sccd Cu" I.u , 10a.e. W1s. a Mh..II..I. . Fruit tu 1 _ : : 0 R S A L E . . " , " /011.0 " 1 11. . . . . , il . . . . II JJII1II1I1 101111&1. . , U.J 'r u..urlll. " . han. . . . m".w. Grand Island 1J Route t : ! IF Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. , fer Info'mltl n or Rltu. cIII uoa ; Ir . rau nOlt..t icn1. or < ' S. M. ADSIT , O. P. A. . 1 s'r. IOSEPI1. 1\10. - - - - GREGORY Se dsjooltl UIII1I.T ' ' . 'J'bn''r. " IUDII. & /111 for In. . , CAtJ.lo : 'tIt' , J. I.IL UURY ; ; MIJ.larLIbft.ld.b'L tM .U. NO , 709-10. YORK , HEI.