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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1901)
t - - ' . / - zrrr ( ? Custcr County Republican , . AMBHKIIHY , Killtor nnd I'll " * " ? " > NKnllASKj ' Jean de llhich snys ( hat Amerlcit could Hlnrve Huropo , but wo prefer to feed It ; thin pnyn better. The .Sultan of Turkey ban lost Ills third wife and IH much affected. He has only eighty-four of them left. A Hliocplsli young mini took out n per mit to marry n lady , nnniod Mutton. AH she was nuke wealthy , It was ji case of mint bunco. The vncntlonlHtR who camp In the woods may be more In the open nlr , anil j t he out a Rood deal less than those who put up at expensive hotels. That man who killed his wife be cause Rhe wan lain in gutting his dinner ought to he sentenced to deal with a , few of. thu hired girls for a while. A bnnk clerk is going to try to Imvo 6 blui&elf recognized au a British peer. If i fie were anything but n bunk clerk it | might bo suspected now that he needed \t \ money. i , _ The more the action of the mission aries over In China is Investigated the more certain It becomes that there were some man over there who Hhould not have been there in the character of missionaries. It doesn't take a wide-awake people long to get fully into harmony with a new century. It IUIH been only a few months Hlnce thu nineteenth century disappeared , yet there la scarcely a nlnoteen-dollar bill In circulation to day , wlillo twenty-dollar bills arc plen tiful. Somebody has suggested that Ameri cans ought to have titles , as people do In countries where there are orders of. nobility , lie has evidently not been a close observer of our customs. Au American can he known as "Hon. " fcy merely running for justice of the peace. How many trees can you dUtlngulsb Jn the dark by the sound which the wind makes In blowing through their leafy branches ? Few practical exer cises in botany nro more Interesting than thu attempt thus to Identltfy trees. Kvery man should bu his own detective lo the extent of letting passIng - Ing BOimdH tell him as much as postd fole of what he cannot see. The flvle conscience needs no awak ning as to the small vices and the in dividual delinquencies with which the police have to deal. It is keen enougl in. detecting the moral obllnulty of tin man who carries homo , a Jag. Where it falls IK In the detection of the mora jobllqulty of the man who carries IIOIIIL a license to rob his neighbor to live . ff the labor of another to gather where lie has not sown. One may sympathize with the writer of a letter lately published In the Lon- dci Times , and yet not be able to re- preuw u smile. " 1 recently attempted 1 to alight from one of the now Ameri can , ram-cars , " wrlten tills Indignant HJuglib.iinan. "I am stye that I used 1i 1 the uttiost care , yet I was thrown nearly 1'ilrty feet ! " Evidently the poor man hud never before ridden on u i treot-cnr hlch moved fast enough to make It unsi fe to alight while the car was In motion. Ono Is led to think that , the plan to give London rcnl rapid tnin- lt is Bucceediiif. . To the memory of Charles SI. Schwab let a monument be erected that shall tower above all monuments. Never before In the history of man lias the mother-in-law boon so honored as the president of the United States Steel Corporation has honored his. The mother-in-law has been despised and rejected , her very name ha been a i term of reproach. There was no phu-o on the face of the earth bad enough for Jier. All that Is now changed. Charles "K. Schwab , as a testimonial to his jnother-ln-law , Mrs. Mary 15. Klnsey. has built win of the finest churches In Plttsburg , and that , too , wlillo his mother-in-law is still living. In this . he has net an example that is without parallel. For what has' TijUukefuUer done , what has Carnegie done com pared with the mural significance it Mr. Schwab's testimonial to his moth- r-ln-law ? For the Information of huslmnds mulcted In a decree of dlvorei , > with n Judgment which directs that alimony hull bo paltUto their former wives the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court on. the subject Hhould bo noted. A debt for alimony awarded in a divorce case cannot'bn wiped out ; by bankruptcy proceed I iii ; . Alimony for a divorced wife Is a continuously accumulating debt. It runs without wumtlon. It does not outlnw with the lapse of tlmo , bocauae it Is connected by liability from first to last Ilko an open account In which now oiilrltM are dally made. If an uneasy husband could olttii'.n a dlvorco and then absolve Jilniseli' by bankruptcy proceedings from the Judgment of alimony and to pay for the support of his children It would make the bankrupt laws the re- i * ort of every rascal who wanted to g i > t rid of his family and at the same time of his obligation to support them. Ali mony past dinIK governed by the same rule as alimony that Is accruing from time to lime. This bit of law Is a val liable part nf the system of dlvorco tin the a'.itntes of the various States As it relates to the bankruptcy courts , the decision was madu In tlio United Stales .tynpcrtilc Court. That Is how the United States Interfere In divorces under State lawn. Succcfls nowadays la measured largo- > by wealth. What , then , Is thu magic key that unlocks the mysteries of ' ' money getting ? Great minds have been vainly searching for ages to find It t ) jut It remained for Senator Ucpew at ' New York to discover It right hero In our day and generation. The Senator i few days ago , In response to a ques ! tion put to him by some one who was inxlous to learn the rules essential to .he acquisition of wealth , replied thai ' n his view it was a mistake to lay too nuch fltross upon habits of economy , even of Industry or perseverance , or In fact to rely upon any general rules of conduct , since In his own experience he had met with many men who had jccn industrious , capable , economical i , and prudent , and yet had been unable to do any more than earn a fair In- j conic. On the other hand lie had mown men who were not habitually ndnstrloiis , though capable of great . spurts in Industry , who were prodigal . with their money , who were not noted for persistency of purpose , and yet who lad amassed great fortunes. Half in cfit the Senator said that the only es sential for the acquisition of n grout ! 'ortune , or for the achieving of great success , was the possession of the 'money bug. " It Is n metaphor that nany of the Senator's intimate friends vill at once recognize ns one that he 19 end of using. By the "money l | " le meant thu possession of two quail- lefl , one being judgment and the other'1 courage , or that resolute daring which s , In the colloquialism of tlio day ailed "nerve. " The man who pos"r sesses these two qualities will , In the Senator's opinion , and he Is supported n his view by many men who have succeeded , stand a butter chance of nc lulrlng great wealth than would bii possible through plodding Industry , mi- llnchlng persistency , and rigid ccono * ny. Cultivate Judgment and courage , therefore , If you wish to succeed Hud bo rich. The troubled and distracted house- wife need worry no longer over the "Horvnnt girl problem. " The whole iiuestlon that lias disrupted so many honiOK and driven so many kind hus bands to drink ham at last been solved by modern students of domestic ccon- omy. Their advice is : ' 'Put domestic service on a business hauls , " This solu- tlon was handed out to thu National Suffrage Convention by n young ladyjoi who has made a study of the servant girl question "for the government. " Of course the factory Idea of running a i household is not n now one. It bus been advanced boforc. But it is now urged strenuously .and olllcinliy and 1 witlt such conildout boldness thut no i woman him had the temerity as yet to combat IU Putting anything "on it business basis" always has great at'C triictlvcness for unsontlmenta.1 people. It IH a pleasant-sounding Idea , whether I has any sense to it or not , and many teoplo who never attempted the manv igemont of an average homo will he i harmed by It. The young , lady who nvostlgated the question "for the govc Tinneiit" IK unmarried , and it la mitnl ill for liur to be captivated by tho. 'business" ' idea of running a homo , t'hero nro no doubt ninny department of domestic service that may bu Im- ' iroved by the introduction of what are viiown as "business" methods. Cor- alnly tlio thuiiicjiil end of household ' ' nanageniont mny he placed on a "busl- toss basis , " much to the profit and com fort of the family. But it should never 10 forgotten that the average American loiiKoliold. with a normal family In It tf nnuot bo managed like u tnck factory. i department store or a H ten in laundry. The homo is the oltadel of sentiment | mil nlVectlon. At Its hearthstone children 1" ren nro bolng roared. Its precincts are sanctltled by the holiest relations of ll'o. Sickliest * sometimes invades II ' , calling for patlont vigils nnd louder uirslng , and doatli Is not an unknown vistor. It Is easy 1o see that Kiieh an nsllliitlon cannot lie run like a shou 'notary , whore every employe drops Us work at the sound of tlio whistle. ' It Is easy to see that the relation of the ono who engages to do domestic l' - vice In a homo lo thu ones who employ her Is a peculiar one. not to bo rcgulut- d by the Indexible rules that govern store or a factory. It would be fur inoro to the point and much moru pro- IJtttblo to discuss the possibility of put ting domestic Horvlco upon a inoro hit- mane basis. j.-jrr-r.rr--- " ' ' " ' " A 1'loasimt Kuiiilny. He had nailed downhill ovnr rough ; stones until he was Jolted Into nervous despair. Ho was hoping for a better H'v way back , but in his deslro to llnd now roads and now experiences ho had wan dered far , and In ; was lost. lie ills- mounted and leaned disconsolately over the blcyclo. Suddenly a native came around the bend of the way. "Can you tell mo how 1 can get back ; to town ? " ho askoil. "Y kin go the way yc come , but I guess yo'll hev to carry Unit thins on yor back. " "Yes , I know ; but IK there no other road ? " 'Yo kin go 'round by ( lie schoolhouse , but the sand Is 'bout n foot deep. " "Is that the only way ? " "No ; yo kin go over ' river way , hut oz the bridge WIH .od away week I guess yo'll h whn a good bit to git across. " "Then what am I to do ? " "I don't know , mister , but of I was lit your place I'd pray for n balloon. " Lesllo'H Weekly. 1-3very dlvorco probably results In making uomo married people more con- tout. - A few weoka before he returned to America , Aiarlc Twain went to consult i well-known West Knd dentlul In Lou- Ion noted for keeping his patients walt- , ng a long time , and for Inilliference lo : hu age of the magazines and papers ioft on Ills waiting-room table to be- , jullu their tedium. Mr. Clemens was cept waiting for a Holld hour , and when aln turn camcjils patience had given jut. But he contented himself , as he iiitered tlio consulting-room , with the MitiHtic remark : "t sec , by your papers , that there is prospect of war with the Transvaal I" ! i An amusing Incident occir 'ed during ' 'the Easter holidays at Bouioyne. The ] ' editor of a London weekly a gentle-j iiinn who bears a striking resemblance to King Edward waa enjoying hit ; cigar In ono of thu principal cafes in tlio town , when lie suddenly became aware that his presence was causing unwonted Interest and no little conuno- tlon. Presently an old gentleman rose up nnd shouted : "Vive le rol de 1'An- Btlelurru ! " a sentiment which was heartily - ily joined In by most of the people in the cafe. Thu conductor of the orches tra , not to be behindhand , Immediately struck "God Save the " . . , up King , but this ; was too much for the Journalist , who ] made n bolt for the door and es- j capcd. ' It Is said that once , when tlio Into Dr. Tanner had asked in the House wheth er It was true that the Duke of Cam bridge had resigned his position as com- maiider-In-chlef ( , a Major .Tones , of ( was so outraged that he challenged ' Or. Tanner to n duel , and the ' following telegraphic correspond ence took place : "In reply to your Jesplcublu ! question about thu Duku of Cambridge ' , I designate you n coward. Delighted to give you satisfaction across the water. Pistols. " To which Ur. Tanner at once replied : "Wire re ceived. Will meet you to-morrow In Oonstanople , under the Tower of Gala- tit , midnight. Being challenged , prefer torpedoes. Bring another ass. Tan ner. President K. D. Underwood , of the Uric Ifciilroad , tolls of an engineer of a J fast freight train who called on him ono ilday ! and united him to prevent a deaf j old woman from walking on the tracks along ono. section of that division. Scv- loral times the engineer had barely ' t'missed running over her , and hu was terrlfic'd lest a fatal accident should happen to her. "The only way to pro- j I ' vent a deaf person from walking on the track , " said Mr. Underwood , "would be to cut his legs off. " "That Is Just what I will do for my deaf old woman 1C you 'cannot stop her , " replied the engineer. it ( Investigation showed that she was nc- 'custonicd to go to a .summer hotel to soil baskets and embroidery , and that rithe railroad afforded her a short cut lo .her destination. She was remonstrated iwith , but it did no good. "And. do you know , " uald Mr. Underwood , " .she was | finally ( ! run over. That very engineer called on me , with tears running down | his l : cheeks , ono day , and reported : 'I've . K ot the old lady at last , sir. " The Duke of Wellington wan In the habit j , of siC'iulIng tlio most elaborate re- lilies to letters which -most persons ! would have thrown Into the waste pa- 'per ' ( basket. Thus , for example , an unknown - known ( , quack once sent him 'a box of salvo , and received the following ac knowledgment In thu Dnko.'s hand writ- ! j : "Sir : I have received your letter : tnd Hit' box of salves , etc. , which you j have sent me. This last will bo returned 'to ( yon by the coach of Monday. I bog I you to accept my best thanks for your attention. , I think that you and I have \ some reason to complain of thu editors of , newspapers. Gnu of thum thought ! proper to publish an account or me , 'tjmt ( I was affected by a rigidity of the , muscles , of the face. You have decided [ ' ; that ( the disorder must he tlcdoulon- ,1'ou.x , , for which yon send mo your salve us , a remedy. I have no disorder In my ' ' 'faco. I am affected by lumbago or rheumatism , In my loins , shoulders , nock and buolc , a disorder to which many , are liable who have passed days iind , nights exposed to the wouthor In bad cllmatoN. 1 am attended by the best | inedlcnl advisers In England , and , 1 | must attend to their advice. I cannot - not make u o of salvos sent to me by a gentleman , however respectable , of i , whom 1 know nothing , and who knows ' nothing of the case excepting A\ lint lie i rends In the newspapers. " NEW TYPE OF' RHINOCEROS. Hi-rclt of the P [ > c.leiVliltf in Color , UNcoverel In l > 'irket Afrlcn. There are albinos In nearly every spe- Holes ' of created thingswldte negroes. , whlto elephants , white mice and white deer but up to a recent date no one Iliad over seen a white rhinoceros. It Is now reported that these are In ex- Istoneo hi a recently explored portion of Aft lea. They nro almost extinct nnd probably not moru than a doxcn or | so are left. The Uovue Selentlfiqiie prints an account of n recent mooting j with a small herd of animals In N'atal. Fortunately , they are strictly j protected by law , and , fortunately also , j the party that met the animals Inelnd- ifd tlio ( Joveni'ir of tlio colony , other- | wlsu the species might have been now moro nearly extinct than ever before , for hunters are not very scrupulous In such matters. They ( tlio rhluocerl ) wore moving at a slow pace toward a Jungle and easily allowed tly observers to approach. The pni'ty ciuno within fifty yards of the huge quadrupeds , which were cropping the grass on the plain. The ill nicer ! ria. apparently were not at all disturbed. 'Tho horsemen dismounted nnd ' approached preached yet nearer , stopping-ub'out twenty yards from the herd. During n minute or hyo the animals seemed 10 pay 'no nltentlon whatever to the hu man beings who wore watching them nnd kept on browsing. Soon they be gan to sulir the air , as if they had dis covered something disquieting or d's- agreeable , yut , ciuloiiHly enough , th y ficomed not to BCC thu vlHltors , althiuh the latter were not hidden. After a short time , during which they showed 11 sort of vague preoccupation , th y withdrew , first walking nil 1 final y trotting. Doubtless It is very seldom that tlicsu animals may be seen for so long at such short range. The herd was composed of four adults ( one a powerful male. ) and if one animal about thrcu-qliiirturs gro , u. The sauio day u herd of three other rhlnocerl weru stou , ouo male , one Ic male and n young one. Thus eight In dlvldnnls were seen , nnd probab y tlieso comprise all that Is left of the species hi the region , except , perhaps , ono or two animals. It Is cs iinntcd that there may be ten altogether. It Is believed that there arc also a few In the Ubombo chain , but this Is doubt ful. The white rhlnoccrl are as stnct- ly protected as possible. It Is abso lutely forbidden to hunt them on pen alty of a fine of ? 250 to ? oOO or Imp.'ls- minion ) nml thn flnvnrnnr liltiifiplf cnii- not give permission to kill them. This Is very wlso , for oven if there remain ns many as twenty white rhinocerl In the world there arc certainly no more. And It Is rather late to take up the work of preserving this interesting spe cies. SCHOOL OF CHINESE POESY. Matiilnrlu fo Found n Urnnch of the "Guild of the LiKcloua Ncctnrine. " Happiness is at lust within thu reach ofdf the British public. A Chinese man darin has arlved In our midst to found it branch of the "Guild of the Luscious Nectarine , " thus proving conclusively that his countrymen are capable of doIng - Ing more than killing English mission aries. Tlio objects of tbo new society are set forth as follows : "It Is estab lished In the writings of our mntcliiesa elder brother , Wang-Ch'nng-Llng , that the treu of poetry nourishes In the gar den of friendship , and the goldfish of delight haunt the waters of agreeable conversation. Of late years , however , the pavilion of pleasant voices has been disturbed by the saucy exultation of the cookoo ! , and tlio spice gardens of thu east have been profaned by the poison flower devils of western bad manners. On this account the dusty scholars oJ humanity have ventured to form the benevolent Guild of the Luscious Nec tarine ) us a bower of delight for the lovera of gentle Intercourse. And rts , without the solace of composition , there is no outlet for the punt-up soul , liv Is ruled that the exalted stranger who performs the condescension of desiring to be acquainted with our con temptible ' regulations shall bo Informed that , before we permit ourselves to taste of his honeyed conversation , he is requested to gratify us with a speci men of hla exquisite skill as the poet of the luscious nectarine. Should , however - over , any member of our groveling as sociation , carried it way by the madness 0tl presumption , pretnnd to discern a tl ( law in Hie august composition sub mitted , we shall then despair of Intro ducing the illustrious nntlior to be stow upon us the fuller perfection of JiJs sublime company. ' Lut us , there- fore.lay bare thu Integrity of our own hearts , and prevent the operation of any possible intrigue by adhering closely to thf principles of honest friendship. " Chelsea has been select ed as the headquarters of this school of Oriental poesy and grandiloquent prose. London.Telegraph. . RECENT INVENTIONS. Veils can be fastened without tearing - ing or straining by n new dovlce con sisting of a rigid bar having a xlot along ono sldo into which thu veil Is pressed and hold In position by a flex ible cord nUndicd to one end of the bar and stretched across the slot to fasten nt the opposite end. Noodle butliH can bo taken in ordln- ary bathtubs by using a nuwly design ed discharge pipe , which is of spiral shape and lias perforations on the front Hide , the devh-u being mounted on the wall of the bathroom and connected to the water pipe by a rubber IIOHQ to throw jots of water Into the tub. To preserve perishable articles In bottles n patented apparatus has n no- le through which air IK exhausted t'rom the bottle , with a tube loosely fixed In the suction pipe. A plunger In- has si-nling material at the end , which drops as soon as the exhaustion of air Is completed and seals the bottle. In a now scrubbing brush the handle Is made hollow to hold water which can hu discharged In small quantities through a soap compartment lo the floor by turning thu pivoted handle so Us outlet registers with the opening leading to the son p.chamber , the latter being perforated on the under side to discharge the fiuid to the bristles. Flies are killed by a now trap , which has n fiat board , on which sugar or molasses Is placed , a spring-hoard being suspended abovu it and released auto matically by a clock mechanism to fallen on the bottom board and catch tlio In. after which thu clock raises the boa id again and holds it long enough to allow inoro tiles to gather on the board. Hulcs < > r Wlh. "Some sage has said that the great rule of lifo is , 'Know thyself. ' " "Yes ; and there should bo .1 second rule , 'And when yon know yourself don't tell what you know. ' " - Philadel phia Itucord. LET US ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VA- HUMomsra rieounnt Incident * Occurring the World Over buyiniis thut Arc Lliccr * fill to Old or Youiic Kunnj ttclec * tion * tliut You Will Enjoy. , "Did yon have a good time on tin Fourth ? " "Never enjoyed anything so well It my life. You know that mean ol < 5 hunks that wakes me up so often a ( daybreak by running his lawn mower ? " "Yes. " "Well , the night before the Fourth I got nil the boye In my neighborhood to agree to shoot firecrackers In front of his house from midnight till 7 o'clock and then I went out Into the coun try. " Chicago Tribune. Vnt Nol Her Knee. Gussle Guoh Do you know I palntl Willie Softlelgh-Aw weally , Msi ! Gush , I nevoh noticed It Ohio Statd Journal. A Htra"ee Ve'notion. He ( reading notice ) I shouldn't bava thought > t The King , Careful Housekeeper Bridget , you may get all the preserves w canned last year , nnd boll them up again. I am afraid they have begun to work. Bridget Llk enough , mum , llk < j enough. Everything 'round this housJ has to. Harlem Life. After the ' ccnnclHufIon. Dooley Say , Hoolcy , ffln me a punch on th' jaw opposite phworc yer kicked me. me.Hooley Phat for ? " Dooley I want yea to straighten on ) me face. Baltimore World. A WUUn-r Youth. "You say that you don't care for tha salary , so long as you can get a chance j to work ? " said the bUlionnlra. "That's the Idea , " answered the youth , with the sharp nose nud chin. "I'm willing to start right In at a big roduc- tlon and take one of those ? 25,000 posl- tlons you sny are so hanl to flll at half the money. " Washington Star. Tnctfnl. Mrs. Nosepokc John , don't you think It's about time for us to call on our new neighbors ? Husband Why , Miey oniy moved In this morning. Mrs. NosepoV * O , I know , but all ' , their Bluff will be downstairs and I cap sec It better. Ohio State Journal. The Terrible Infant. Host So rorry you have to be going Guest Indeed , I am , too. By the way , I'm not sure about my traJn. It't nlnu-somethlng , but l Host's BldosU-It's 0:32. Pa said h t hoped you'd take that ue. Phlladi'l ] > hla Record. A French Duel. "Sir , 1 s hall be , at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning , at the Bols de Boulogne witt my seconds ! " "Sir , 3'ou will find that I am no't cnsllj frightened ! I shall boat the same houi to-morrow , with my cceomls , at tlu Bols de VIncenncsl" Denned. "Say. pop , I've tot to write a couipo sltlon on hope. AA'hat Is hope , any way ? " "Hope , my boy , ! the Joyous oxpceta tlon of being able to dodge our jus Life. in Arithmetic. "Now , Tommy , " juild the teaclier , "li your father had ten one-dollar bills aw your mother asked , him for half 01 thorn , how many would He have left ? ' "Ho'd still have the ten , " replied tut wlso I'hllrt. Philadelphia Itcuord. ! ifficiiltirn in tlio Was. Wlgjcles Do you call your kltchoi girl a maid ? AVagglcrf How can we ? Her name h Mr * , Morinrty , nnd she ha eight grown up children. Somcrvillo Journal. X ) I. Acum He sad li saw you in a toit the other day looking at trousers. Choily Twausrrs ! Tie ideal Why I never hvik at anything but twonscr tups. Twatisen arc all ready-made , y know.I'UHsdeJphla Only 10,909 .British reside on Uur contlncut. _ It'satrood thing to bo too busy tn make enemies , I am sure Piso's Cure for Oonsump Uon srtved my life tureo years ago. Mrs. Tlios. Robbins , Mapla street * Norwich , N. Y. , Feb. 17 , 1UOO. The big gray kangaroo of AnstratU measures about ten fce6 from the tlj of Its nose to the end of. Its tail. II can run faster than a horse , and thirty feet at a Jump. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE f duces the fastest ami hrlghtost cototu of any known dye stuff. "lie has a mat ricd fortune , but b Is too goneious lo keep It long. " ' "Why , even Ills wife has only to as $ liim for money and she get * ill" De troit Free Press. IIAM.'il CATAHllir CUKE is taken internally. Price , 75 oent Cure for Meliiticliolr. When you find yourself ered , as ic were , by melancholy , tlw hcbt way Is to go out and do sometliinj kind to somebody. Kcblo. IP YOU U II ItAI.L UIAJK , Get Bed CroFi Ilnll Blue , the beat Jlall Bin * , oz. packnga only i ccutB. Chnppin'a Lost Opportunity. "He was awful , "said Chappie , ID- dlgnantly. "Ilusald if I opened my mouth apaln he'd put a head on mo.M "Why didn't you accept his offer ? " Darlcm Life. TO CUHK A COLD IN ONB DAT Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. AIS- druggists refund tlirmoney uit tails to rare. E. W. Grorr'a eignntnrelsoneacu box. Tlio I'eannt Rjr Otlior Num , In Tennessee and Georgia the nut is known as the goober ; in Ally bama and the western gulf states , t > L'round pea : in the southeast of the United States and In the West Indies , a pitulal or pindor , ana la variow parts of England , a jurnut , an caitb nut or u mauila nut. Ask Tonr I ) aer for Allen' * Foot- A powder to sh ke into jour shoes , ( i rests the feet. Cure * Swollen , Soru , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sxvratiui ; feet anil In- growing Nails. Coma and Bunions. Foot-KiiHu makes new or tiiht ahof Sold by all druffKints a < i sboe stores , Sample mallei ) FUKL3. Address All KB Olinsted , L Roy. N. T. The Btorjr Seeraa Straight. A man in a Pennsylvania town resigned * his seat in the common conr > oil ' on the ground that a man vrhp | I wants ' to save his BOU ! cannot be a > ' Christian and In politics at the Bama time. From all accounts this is true in * ' Pennsylvania. ' YTJttOW CLOTHES AltB K ep them white with Red Cross Ball Bl i All grocers boll Urge 2 oz. package , fie. - , A horse can exist twenty-five uaya oy drinking as much water as it de- I sires ; seventeen days without eating 1 or drinking ; and only flvo days when i limited to sjolid food , without waters Jim. Wln low' 8OOTIU.VO. SVUUP for chtldra trMliltip , lefteru the Knm > , rvJtirei lnd mtlo ! ! } r | ' 1 , care * wind colic. ! 9o buttla. Svrcnr AVorno Tlinn riratv * . The natives of India are extraordr- narily glib in profanity. A native servant in Lahore was dismissed for dishonesty by an English professor of languages. The noxtday he appeared with a carving knife , but was refuse * admission to the house. He flat undez the window and began cursing. He cursed tlio prosessor along the gem- ealoglcal tree back to the llret ances tor of his race. Thou he dwelt upon every detail of his anatomy , from th top of his head to the end of his toes. For three consecutive hours he sat there and swore without once repeat ing a phrase. A. Happy Boy. Oldenburg , III. , Sept. 2. The doctor * ail failed In the casq of little thtrtctq- yenr-old Willie Koll , who suffered vrltk ucuto Itheunmtiuin. For over throe months , the poor little fellow suffered excruciating torture. His father , who had done everything he could think of , saw a new Ithcu- mutism Remedy advertised Dodd'e Kidney Pills. He bought some , ana soon his lit tie son showed signs of Improvement. Three boxes cured him completely , and ho has not a symptom of Rheumatism left. This miraculous euro of a case which had been given up by the physician , has electrilled Madison County , nnd Dodd's Kidney Pills are a much-talked- of medicine. riTP JVrnmuBiillyCurpJ. NofUiorntrTouenmiftu ri I u rtivt du > V UM ot Dr. Kllne'i Unuc iterro IU. rlurar Eralit1 ( : : * OO-rlulbu mi. a. H. KLIMU I.UI..Mvi st. . PAINT IN THE PALL Fall painting is best ; the paint gets well seasoned be fore the hot sun gets busy. You want your paint to last , and to protect your prop erty. If you use Devoe ready paint , you'll have both. Lasts longer than lead and oil ; costs less. Devoe is a safe name in paint things. Ask your denier for Devoe ; dent bo natiBfied with leas. Send for our pam phlet about paint and painting ; frc j things you ought to know. WOOD-PAINT DEVOE CHICAGO