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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1901)
State Illst Llbtirfflu Society VUL , XX , tROKEN BOW , CUSThR COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , iBOl.-hlUHT PAGES , NO , 12 , IUMJS AM ) THIM1S F < W IIU'Y Hnby nntff In m d ovnl , lijrht \ \ -i ht , nnxiiiiiii und henvr. In olden ttnii'H It v\nn tlioii > ; M ho who placed u riiik' on bal-y'B ' llnu'cr uniild b. Hhowctcd with i-od lnol ; I'o'ii tw'lveni"nlli ( Jot u rniR fi'r tln > baby , d'iefii't matter \\liivo h. b\'i ii'i'l bo fol low * (1 with KO ' I fortune- . Haliy KponsiH. cups ixmi trliiketa in ureat vunety. K 0 ( rnilimtu of Clilcniro Oiitlinlmlo Collo'c. | > & * . School Hooks , Tablets - AND - School Supplies , AT J. G. Haeberle's ; 'Attractions Booked . . . .I-'or ( ho . . Six nit-hts , Kept. 2nl : ! to 28tb , llio Lennon Stock Company. Ononitrht , ( Mohor 18th , thu Which is Wlio' Company. Ono niRlit , Uctobor Hint , Wood nud " \Vanl , in tlioir Joliy Jiutliii ( ; Farce , " The Mo try Tritinps. " Ono uitiht , Jiuiuiiry U"rd , "Maloncy'R D.iy. " Taken up at my place of resi dence , a cow , branded with fiHiuo 5 on rit hl hip , circle on left side , letter - tor S on left hip. The owner is required to prove property aud pay charges , BKUT FRANCOIS , 9-5 41 Round Valley , Neb. CHIN aim llrulst-H $ > nlcUly Ctuinb ( > rlalnH'uin H Jm applied tea a cut. bnuao. burn , tcivld or like injury will instantly ally the puin niul will heal llu ) purtri in I"HH time than any other tiKatmont Unleatlm Injury is voiy B vo.r it will not luavn a uonr. 1'iiin Hulnt UPO ! KIIVB rhuiiiniitiRin , BpnutiH , fl\\eilinrfl ( und lumoni'S . Eor Silo py Ji G. ll.iul > crlo. ! To THIS OKA ! ' A rich lady , cured or i i DoafnoBs and Noisct ) in the llearl by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Eitr Drums , gave 825,000 to his In stitute , HO that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums , may have thum free , Address No. D 1-ia , The Nioholyon Institute , 780 , Eight Avenue , New Vork. jan3 ly School Books And I Supplies Arc things the school children need. ren p We have the most comI ( I ! pletc'line of school supplies | in Western Nebraska. We sell them at Bottom Prices. Come a'ml let us figure on | your school supplies. Come in and Examine Ed McConias , Broken Bow and Merna. A New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring "Wagons , and Farm Wagons. G , W. Apple. Rj Local L Mention. K H7-HHga'idSHP.- ! ' l 'V'.acd'rl/l.l ! ? TtHa : J J , Wilhon wenl to York Tuoa- , ) av morning. Scott 1 1mini 1 of Mcrnn , was a oily visitor I'ucbday. T H Russell of AuHfilino , WOH a lily visitor Tuunday. II. II. Dtnvey of Elk Creek , was i city visitor Monday. A Fonda , of Oconto , was a city visitor llio tirat of the week. ( rlon Johnson of Ansloy , was via tliiiK iu thu oity Tueaday. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Robinson , of Arnold , wcru oil/ visitors Monday. Nola Leo and won Andrew , wont f.o Lincoln Tuesday to the state tair. J.iinen Lcdwiuh wont to Ilnokoi jniinty on legal business StinJay II. J. Ellington of Eiat Castor , was a friendly caller at this office Monday. S > eV. . D. Blaokwoll at Farmers Hank for Fire , Cyolouo and Torna do insurance. 7-11 tf The Analcy Chroniolo tolla of the death of Mrs. Fred Dewey of Elk Crook last week , Money loaned on improved farms- JAMKS LEDWICH , 18 tf Broken liow , Nobr- I Mrs. Willis Cadwoll and children , returned Friday night from a viait1 of several weeks iu Illinois. Avalo Vanuico went to York Monday morning preparatory to attending college thora agahi the euHuing year. L. E Kirkpatrict went to Lin coln Monday morning from where 10 will go woHt. He will bo gouo a week or two. Mrs. J. A. Harris and children , who have beau visiting in Indiana t'or ccvoral weeks , returned homo tiaturday night. MrH. L. 11. Jowott , Mra. R. J. Morton and Mrs D. W. Thomp- aon , went to Luiooln Tuesday moruing to the state fair. Mies X Snydcr returned Satur day morning from an extended visit of three months with the fain- ly of M. J. Johnson at WHttnau. IT. E. Zimmerman of Ansloy , was a fiiondly caller at , this oflice Tues lay. Ho Hays ho will have more corn this season than ho had last. Mina EtlHl Wilson , of Anselmo , shcd through the city Tueaday uorning ou her way to Lincoln to iltoud the conservatory of muaio. W. J. MuColough of Elk Creek , made this olh'oo a friendly call Monday , and had hia subscription icoount advanced , well along in 1902. John & Knorr has aold their stock of goodu to Mr. Swackey. Tlio store ia now closed ow ing to attachments by'credi - IOIH of the linn. Mrs. G. P. Bnttertield and child ren lolt for Sheridan , Wyoming , thiH morning , where Mr. Butterfield has boon working at his trade the pest two months. Mias Sarah Z. Snyder wont to Ausloy Monday morning , where she will teach the graminor grade in the public schools for thn com ing year , thia being her third year in Ansloy. Geo. Harris of Alrnaria , was in the city laat week with a load of vppotabli'H. Ho aaya Uo raised 1,000 bushels of potatoes , 100 biiHholfl of tomatoes , besides a good quantity of sthor vegetables this season. G. I1. Butterh'eld wiitos from bhoridan , Wyoming , to have his address changed to that place , and saya work is plenty and wages good , lie sayp J. W. Burns is thorp , and la working ou the Sher idan Enterpaisu and ia doing well. J. G llaeberle'adrug store had u great run the firat of the week on school books. The now order of the school board requiring all pupils to purolnso their books was the cause. The board had made llaoberle'a ntore thoidopository for the books. Geo. Sohwako ia in the oity in charge of John & Knorr'fl atook of goods , which ho informs us he has purchased. The recent attachments run on the Hlook by the Farmers Hank and others will , in all proba bility , prevent a reopening of the store for some time to come. Calico . ' > conta a yard at Mnnkjs Hargain Store. The Cpmatock Index lias boon consolidated with the Sargent New- En. % Extra good s cd rye for aalo ; also old corn in ear.t few immune nnle pign. J tin 1C AY. Ml a. HuxtabJo and son of Chioa- yo , are here visiting their BOH and brother , F. K , Huxtable. Hoadorn wanted at private resi dence by Mrs Eva Martin , on" block south east of public square. O. II. Conrad's aielor-in-law and child who have boon vuiting here for fomotimo , loft Friduy night for Alliance. J. W. Scott and family of Woia. sort , spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting with the family of F. R. Iluxtablo. Hank Weak 1 MI , near Berwyn , is said tohftvo threaahud ti. OO busliela of fall wheat recently that ho raised this season. ( jheriff Armstrong and wife wont down to Norfolk Monday night with Mra. Lamb , who has been judged insane. Mr. and Mra. Elijih Crawford of Corroydon , Iowa , arrived Tuesday night on a viHit with their daughter Mrs. G. T. Robinson south of town. Rosa and Tony Blair returned Tueaday night from the eastern part of the atato , where they have boc'H visaing for several weeks with rclativee. Ttio Now Lexington Tribune , of Ohio , of the 15th of August , lolls of the death of Mra. Jacob Cavonoo at her homo in Perry county , Ohio , on the 8th of August , at the ripe age of 105. She ia said to bo the ol'Ient woman in Ohio. She had 3VU dcoondnntB , and waa an aunt of J. E. Cavunoo of thia county. Soronn Pike , formerly of this county , who baa been residing at Neosho , Newton county , Missouri , uameMn Tuesday night on - & vimt * llo ia engaged in raising fruit in MibHouri and ia very * much pleased with his new location . Strawberries in one of the paying crops there. Ho still has 80 acres on the Middle Loup , north of Gatea , on which one of Ins HO no liven. 'I hn Callawav Courier says that on Tuesday of last week , ouo of their dealers in farm maoluuqry sold liftoon corn binders and the dealer gave each of the purchaser a uhanon on a hay . rako. Alfred Schroyur who waa one of the purchasers drew the lucky number and took homo with iu addition to the corn binder a hay rake free , of cost. cost.The The Broken Bow Business College opened Monday morning wiih an enrollment of fifty-eight. This is regarded as a splendid start. Nearly twice as many more have contracted to enter withm the year. The building and rooma are in ollogant shape and every indication ia that the school will be a success from the lirst. The earnestness which the pupilti and toachera mani fest in the start pretends a success ful year. No George of Cumro , had lha misfortune to have the wheat that arew ; on forty acrofi of land and a nindred or morn buahelH of oats in the sheaf burned a couple of weeks ago. It was caused by a stuck of [ ; rain being set on fire by a spark from the engine which was used in threshing his gram. The machine waa saved but all the grain not thrpshed and the straw alack wore burned. Be had his winter wheat , some of it which yoildod 30 bushels to the acre , threshed , and was threshing the oats when the stack caught tire. The Anthon Proas of Iowa in speaking of a halt pn ascension given in that town on a public OR- casaion laat week has the following in reference to Prof. Waid , the man who has been engaged by the managers of the county fair to give a baloone exhibition at the fair in thiH county. "Prof. Wards baleen ascenaiou waa all that anyone oould deairo , it darted up like an arrow until it reached point higher than the moht of the audfcrioo over saw a man go , whou ho out IOOFO the little rod parachute which conducted S. S. Engliah'q little dog back to oarh. : The billoon wont on and on with the Prof , until the gas gave out , when ho out loose from the balloon and started homoward. His paraohuto swinging to und fro ou account of a broken rope which required his utmost akill to balance and land himself safe on the earth. [ it was pronounced by all present a perfect SUOCUKB. " Iiiat Saturday and Again yester day this locality waa favored with nice rains. All ministers of Cnater county nro invited to bo present at the minister ? meeting inthe study of the U. U. Church , next Monday at 2 o'lilook p. m. Broken Bow schools opened Monday morning with an nmisunl largo attendance. Prof. M aoy with his able corps of assistant teachers starts out tuidor moat favorable ! auspices and wo predict for thora a successful school year. It ia possible - siblo in ore Uvnohurs will hnvo to bo employed to provide for the increase attendance later on. The Panoramic Pictures at the U. B. ohui eli last Sunday evening drew a line audience and command * od excellent attention. The subject next Sunday night ia one which has brought from the painter , the poet , and the orator hia greatest effort. The pictures ou "Jacob's Ladder" are of rare boanty showing the artista moat skillful tooohea and finely blended tints and colors. It also contains deep spiritual trutlip and practical lessons of Christian life. The morning subject will bo "Spiritual Surgery" . A welcome to all Come early and got choice of Heats. Special music. Call lor Supervisors Ooiivcnliou. The republican delegates iu dis trict No. 2 , are hereby called to moot at the Round Valley school house , on Saturday , September 21 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , to nominate a suporviaor to bo voted for at the general election , in Novombor,1001. W , S. MBTOAM ? , Com. The FiirnicrH Uank Oloscil. The Farmers Bank of this oily closed its doors yeatorday on an order from E. Royao , aecroUry of the atato banking board. The bank suspended payment at 11 o'clock Tuoaday hoping to bo able to secure currency to roaumo payment Wednesday morning. Falling in that the bank was not opened. The closing of thia bank will uot effect the other banks of thu city aiuHt ia thought the depositors o the dosed bank will be paid in full. ivho county's deposit of 84,500 is protected by a bond. Slow collections and poor paper ire said to bo the oaueo. The July statement of the bank showed $13 , 147 44 available caah. The lia bilities at the present time are re potted to be $45,000 , with assets Butlioiont to pay out. The necessity fur closing the bank is very much regretted by all , aa it elFoota the whole community , and especially the depositors , many of whom , doubtless , can ill afford to do without the use of their money temporarily. Our Hir-cnt Loader- Mrs. Mary Rainard , of Pawnee , Oklahoma , a daughter of N. B. Prodmoro , of West Union , arrived hero Monday night , and will visit with her parents and relatives. A very painful and serious acci dent befell the young son of Woi VogoUr last Thursday. He and IUH brother were playing with a corn knifoj when by some careless movement the other boy brought it across hia brother's face , cutting the eyobatl opon. Hn waa brought to Dr. Ilogan , who did hia best for the little Biifforor. North Loup Loy alist. Aueluy Chroujclu - Earl Morris is visiting in Ansley with hia grand parents , Mr. and Mra. Edgar Varnoy. Lorn MoCargar returned last Fri day to hia homo at Fort Scott , Kansas , Mr. S un of Ikorwyn , has moved his family into the Cottage hotel. Wo understand that thny intend to run a hotel. Mnbol ConiHtook left thia morn ing for Dodge , this statu , where she has boon employed to teach the grammor department of the city schools. Warren MoRao and family passed through town iu a covered wagon Monday. They were going on a visit to frisnds in York county. Lightning struck the house of Will Smith last Friday night , but did no serious damage. Mosus Daniels , a sou of Tip Dan iels , is laying dangerously ill with typhoid loyer at AHianco. John , the threo-yoar.old aoti of George Davis , was kicked in the face by a horao Tuesday , indicting an ugly gash. The child was wan dering to the htablo and waa play ing around the horses. Mary Sharploaa went to Broken Bow Tuoaday to got her teacher's certificate renewed. Saturday , morning she goes to Litohfiold , where she will commence teaching Monday. ' Wo understand that someone got into J. R. Lang'rt melon patch last Thursday and smashed up nearly all his melons and toro up the vines. This is a very little trick and shows how low some people Htoop in or der to do somu low down coward triok. Ansloy Citizen Among the Ansloyitoa who will attend the Btokon Bow Business College the coming year are Ogle Russell , Ruby Pinkloy , Libbio Scott and Charles DWICH. Ray Zimmerman left this morn ing for Eldorado , Kansas , for a two months utay , Gardiner Housnl linishod threfih- tng laat we'ek. His wheat averaged 22A- bushels and his rye UO bushels per ucro. The garden spot of the world has at last boon 'discovered aud ou it was located a small liold of winter wheat belonging to * Jainoa Fish , who lives throe miles east of town. It threshed out 35 buehols pur acre. Where is there a county in the ntato that can boat it. 0 ) lftw y Coailcr S. II. Yodor , formerly of thia place , how of Lexington , ia a can didate for the nomination of judge of Dawson county. Allio VauAntwc'rp has contract ed to commence a six months' term of school in the Lind distract Octo ber 1. Prof , Harry Kimball , of Broken Bow , made his appearance at Lodi last Manday , Ho will commence a term of eight months' yehaol at the Cornish school house next Monday. A ycarljng steer belonging to Clark Wellivor , of Logan precinct D.IWHOH county , oamo up musing , and although a hunt wan made for several days no trace of it could be found Sixteen days after ito dis appearance it was found. It had boon foodinu along w.hou it got directly ever a wolf don , whi h uavod through , wedging the steer into the hole in such ahapo that it could not got out. The only food it had in thu sixteen days waa a little strip of grans on o aoh side of the hole , near its head , and the only water was the occasional ehoworu that wet the grass. The animal was taken out turn although not in the Hlook condition that it was , it # J was provided with water and food , aud IB now all right. 93 oo Il-ewaril. I will pay live dollars for tha arrest aud conviction ot the party or parties that took the cases with empty pop bottles from the depot " last week. - E. WKISKNUBUBB" . 81CIt iteport lor Today. Wheat , . . . . v . S linrloy ; . . - .50 Oat 3 . . ,3JM Corn. M Ityc \U lluttor 10 . . ' ! Pocntova , | icr In I 13 Onlonu. per LmslieJ 1.50 lliirt * . p < r pound 05 Silting ffihlcltcnu , pur do/cn 3.UO O.fiO ow . M.75 8,00 Strom . ? n.G ) 4 00 TiirJvOjH , | > or pound . * C5 Hlrnw.iivr cwt . . . .10 liny , Nuw , par ton . 6.00 PURE extracts at J. C. Bowen's. , THE BROKEN BOW BUSINESS NORMAL SCHOOL Ononn Monday , September 2 , I9OI. Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete. We can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand Department iscomple/te and up-to-date. ' ' ( Pitman System. ) " If you desire to teach , attend our Normal Department. , Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught. Write , or call and see us. us.C. . W. ROUSH , Pres. FOSTER & SMITH LUMBER CO. , Always have the best qUality of Lumber and other building ma terials at the Lowest Paeon. 'Phono No. 70. W. L. RULE , Manager. , For a First Class Smoke Try the "A Martial and "AI II Corona Grande' i II I Cigars. MANUFACTURED BY E , H. DALBEY , , . -AY-- - - Nebraska.