Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 01, 1901, Image 2

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    Caster County Republican
P. ML. AMBIIKItHY , Itdltnr und I'ntillilief
The reason Anicrlmn glnsn Irf dis
placing the European product Is too
transparent for comment.
The "burglar proof" safe that was
robbed of ? ; ii)0 ( ) ( ( ) Is first cousin to the
"lire-proof" building that burns.
That mother who punished her boy
by making him wear his Sunday
clothes ought to be arrested for Impos
ing cruel and unusual punishment.
Those Gould children who tried to run
away from home and millions have
furnished another proof of the fact that
few people know a good thing when
they have It.
American roads must Improve greatly
before this country can hope to match
French feats with horseless vehicles.
Some day we shall have highways such
s are enjoyed In Europe. Then there
will be great race records for automo
biles on this side of the Atlantic.
The public appetite for great universi
ties has led too many Institutions which
have an honorable and useful work to
Co by being frankly small colleges to
deck themselves out with cheap pre
tense of laboratory practice , advanced
courses and scholarly research which
are of no serious advantage to the real
advanced Hcholnr , while they are an
Intellectual dissipation to the average
tudent , who needs thorough Instruc
tion In a few standard subjects rather
than a smattering at research In many.
A marriage like this llerron-Unnd
affair , exploited as this has been
through the newspapers , Is , for one
thing , calculated to cause a boom In
the bogus marriage market. There Is
no use mincing words over the matter.
The recognition of these "socialistic"
marriages as valid in any State places
In the hands of the unscrupulous an
argument by which they may lure un
thinking girls Into bogus marriages to
tlielr ruin. The example of such mar-
rlngcs Is bad ; under Federal regulation
they would be Impossible. .This West
ern reformer Is "exhibit A" In the ar
gument for Federal regulation of mar
riage and divorce.
The Review of Melbourne , Australia ,
uggests that as the fire companies
take measures to minimize their risks
by preventing fires or extinguishing
theul quickly , so the life companies
should take measures to minimize their
losses by promoting the health and
prolonging the lives of their policy
holders. Under the three heads of
"healthy homes , healthy "habits ,
healthy hopes , " the Kevlow gives hints
of certain methods which may bo
adopted by life companies In carrying
oqt the main suggestion. There Is lit
tle room to doubt that a great deal can
be done by the companies to prolong
the lives , and , Incidentally , so far us
their business Is concerned , to pro
mote the happiness and well-being of
their policy holders , If they proceed
wisely. The companies would gain ,
and the Insured would get something
more than provision for those depen
dent on them. The proposed new de
parture certainly seems to deserve so-
rlous'and studious attention ou the
part of the great life companies.
Not long ago , according to tlio Fargo
Dall , the wife of a North Dakota farmer
gave a dinner to the wives of fifteen
other farmers living In the neighbor
hood. It was a plain affair , wo are In
formed , there being but nine courses.
Also , nothing batter than cut-glass lin
ger bowls could be provided Ijy the
hostess for the use of her guests , and
the floral piece on the center of the
table was a poor little affair that cost
only $37. After dinner , It seems , the
ladles got to comparing notes , as ladies
who have troubles will , when It was
found that eleven of them had made
extended tours of Europe , three had
been as far away as India and others
had been to Egypt and the Holy Land.
The unfortunate ones who had never
been across the ocean Irad , however ,
pent winters In Florida and summers
on the Atlantic coast. Thus , says the
Chicago Record-Herald , we come to an
understanding of the himl-h'ps of life
outside our great cities. Let us sym
pathize with the unfortunate wives of
those North Dakota farmers. If they
lived In.tltp great centers of population
they would not go gadding about the
world just because they didn't llko itit
home. They would lemaln in thelrt lit
tle flats andiMivf the'r money for the
landlord nnd the grocer and the gas
vompnny nnd the Iceninn. No wonder
North Dakota is so thinly populated.
, In Cleveland a well known woman ,
intelligent and rich , has divorced her
husband and married her coachman.
She and the coaclrnuiu have settled on
-u farm. They are planting tlielr own
vegetables and , a cording to the Indig
nant reporters , Cleveland society Is
shocked to learn that the lady and her
coachman appear to be very happy.
The good people of Cleveland find In
this event a moral lesson. In the opin
ion of the Chicago American they make
thu mistake , however , of aiming the
moral lesson at the woman who mar
ried the coachman.
The lesson is one
which men should Ket fixed In their
heads , and this Is
the lesson : A wo
man demands , and bin- has a right to
expect , kindness , dexotlon , genuine Interest -
terest in her welfare and In her wishes.
.The In this
woman particular case was
married to a man from whom i-ho got a
divorce because he was drunken ami
cruel. She married a eoachiuan neither
drunken nor cruel , who In return for
her kindness In willing to do the bent
ho can to initlco her llfo agreeable. The
woman , says the Ainerlcnn , 1ms acted
with good judgment nnd has adminis
tered n valuable rebuke to her former
husband and to other men who Im
agine that definite virtues reside In
their baseless assumption of social su
periority. A coachman who at least
trios to be n gentleman Is a consider-
ublo linproyoincnt on thu so-called "gen-
tleiunn" who displays drunken cruelty.
The present very general discussion
of the modern girl nnd her prospects In
life takes on u new and Interesting turn
In the argument now ndvanced by some
ladles that a sir ! who takes a husband
accepts u serious handicap In the ef
fort to achieve her ambitions. One opin
ion holds , according to the Chicago
News , that n girl cannot divide her
time and Interest between her llt'ework
and a husband ; another holds that wo
men who succeed In a conspicuous way
are almost always husbnndless , and u
third suggests that a young woman
should make up her mind never to
marry unless she Is certain that n hus
band will not be a detriment to her
prospects. The weight of opinion seema
( o bo on the side that the husband , con
sidered as a factor In society , Is dele-j
terloiis. The question , "What shall bo
done with our husbands ? " however , Isj
a problem of actual conditions , and ,
like the question of Indians or ex-Pres-1
Idents , cannot bo solved by theory
alone. Husbands form a numerous1
class ; many of them are orderly nndl
abstemious and yield readily to refin
ing Influences. In perhaps a majority
of households It Is still considered de
sirable to have one about. Treated )
kindly but firmly , they often become !
gentle and affectionate and show lntcl- |
llgence to a "degree. Admitting , then ,
that they sometimes get in the way , It
would seem to be only justice to give
the subject further study before pass
ing judgment Indiscriminately and voting
ing to abolish the Institution. The hus
band may not be all that he should be ,
but he has his good qualities. These
should at least be considered before It
is decided to suppress him.
CHI-IOIIH Oriel" of u I'll rune llsc.l All
Over the Civilized World.
Every one has heard and most people
have used the phrase "he has a skele
ton In his closet. " It Is Intended by
this to convey a hint of the existence
in the family of the person alluded to
of some secret which It Is desirable to
keep concealed from the public gaze.
The phrase Is not peculiar to the En
glish tongue , for , somewhat changed to
suit environment , It Is found In almost
every language In Europe. Its first ap
pearance In literature was In one of
those curious collections of stories
which the monks of the middle agea
were fond of making both for their
own amusement and for the Instruction
of youth. In one of these collections ,
compiled by an unknown hand about
the middle of the tenth century , there
Is a story of n wealthy lady who , hav
ing a secret grief , conlldcd It to a friend
who was apparently a perfectly happy
She was the wife of a nobleman who
lived In his castle In the south of
France. She and her husband were
outwardly on the most loving terms.
Not a care cloud seemed to cast a
shadow on her path. A/ter hearing the
story of her ufillcted friend the noble
lady took her by the hand and led her
to a secret chamber adjoining her bed
room , there opened the door of a closet
and exposed a skeleton.
"Know , my friend , " she said , "no one
Is happy. Every day I am forced by
my husband to kiss this grinning death
head , which Is that of a gentleman who
was my husband's rival and whom I
would have married had not my par
ents willed otherwise. "
Growth of KoyH ; uul Hit-Is.
At 5 years of age boys are mainly
taller than girls , but the girls appear to
equal them at the seventh year , and
.continue thus up to and Including the
ninth year , after which the boys rise
again above the girls for two years.
At about twelve yearsthe girls sudden
ly become taller than the boys , contla- )
ulng until the fifteenth year , when the1
hoys finally regain their superiority In I
stature. After the age of seventeen !
there seems to be very little , if any , j
Increase In the stature of girls , while j
boys are atlll growing vigorously nt
eighteen. Hoys have a larger lung ca
pacity than girls at all ages. The dif
ference Is not so large from six to thir
teen , 'but subsequently the difference
between the sexes Increased very rup.
The Tuniiimny Tiger.
The origin of the tiger as an emblem
of Tammany Is said by W. C. Mon-
tayne , a coffee and spice dealer In New
York , to date from the time when Will-
lam M. Tweed , then foreman of "Ri
Six" lire company , took a fancy to a
picture of a rojal Bengal tiger In the
store of Montaylie's father In the 50's.
Tweed adopted the emblem for the
Amerlcus Club , and It soon was accept
ed by all Tammany.
CllillUhO UH Ilil
The average Chinaman possesses a re
markable menuirj. lie will learn to
make himself understood In almost any
foreign language In ICKS than half thu
time It requires an Intelligent English
man or American to make himself un
derstood In any of the many Chiuesu
A Neighborly DlHlurlwiice.
First Neighbor Well , my daughter
doesn't play the piano any worse than
your son writes poetry.
" Second Neighbor Perhaps not , but It
can be heard so much farther. Detroit
Free Press.
I'M I ii tinir KIIMII KM IM Ini ; .
Some one has said that "paint nnd
putty are like charity , they cover up a
multitude of sins , " or faults would
have been a better word , as not all
faults deserve to be callt-d sins. When
the spring rains are over , and the wood
Is dry. but before the files got plenty.
Is a g'ood time to paint farm buildings ,
carts and tools. It Is not necessary
to have a skilled painter to do all this If
economy Is to be studied. The ready
mixed paints , properly used , will last
as long , look as well , and preserve the
wood as well as those mixed by the
painter , and any hired man or smart
boy can soon learn to spread them , not
as well as the man who learned the
trade , but well enough to cover the
buildings. When we first tried such a
job we received these directions which
helped us much : "Keep the paint well
mixed , do not get too much on the
brush , and carry the hand steadily In
a. straight line. " Begin on something
or some old building where looks Is not
very Important , and a considerable Im
provement will bo seen In the workman
ship after oven a day's practice , and
when a second coat Is put on It should
be smooth enough to hide the defects
of the first attempt. Most of the ready
mixed paints are Improved by the addi
tion of a little more oil and turpentine ,
nt least toward the bottom of the can ,
as but few will keep them sulllclcntly
well stirred. American Cultivator.
Kcllnlile Knrni Siphon.
A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer
describes a siphon which he made him
self , of three-quarter-Inch galvanized
pipe. It lifts the wa- t r"
tori ho says , 18 to 22
feet perpendicularly
from a well and de
livers it Into a water
ing trough something °
like 100 yards from
and OV6 feet below
the water level of
the well. It works
as well at 22 feet
from top , but not
quite as fast as it IS
feet. The one ti'lm ;
that Is Indispensable
toslphoii water this height Is a valve at
A to close and hold water In pipe while
filling. This valve Is similar to the
lower valve In a suction pump ; just fits
in a three-quarter-inch coupling , anil
admits a full stream when open.
The lower end at B Is handled as a
feed pipe from storage tank , with a
float valve. Have a plug , C , outside , to
connect with a hose. At the top have
a short piece of pipe bent down at
either side of the tee , E , E , to Insure
D being the highest point in the pipe
from well to trough. At the upper hole
at D have a piece of pipe , G , say three
feet long , with good-sl/.ed holes at F , F.
Have the pipe inclosed as the core to
chamber C , L ; chamber made of heavy
copper soldered to pipe above and below -
low F , F. 'Have pipe threads protrud
ing at II so as to connect a three-quar
ter-Inch steam valve S. This Is safer
and more convenient than a nine. Have
a bit of threaded pipe screwed into top
of valve , T , with enough threads , say
one Inch , protruding to screw on a fun
nel , R. Our chamber Is three feet of
three-Inch pipe connected by graduates
at H and D , but they are not kept ex
cept at the largo plumbing shops and
the chamber Is not as I would like.
The chamber should hold three or four
gallons and then the siphon will run
for two weeks or more with one filling.
To fill siphon , close valve B first ,
then till funnel , R ; next open valve S
and weight of water In pipe will close
valve A. You cannot pump air out at
valve S or B. Siphon runs about foiii'
gnllons per minute with ( i'/d feet head
below water level , with valve B wide
open. v
MI Ik from Knrrriw Cow * .
The milk of cows jthat have long
passed the season of greatest produc
tion , which Is soon aftl-r farrowing , Is
much richer In buter fats than that
which the same cownj give soon after
dropping their cnlyus , says an ex
change. If they Imd/iot been bred , the
milk also usually cmitaius more of the
albuminoids also. tVav this reason it Is
harder to digest , iftid , as cows' milk Is
at best unsuited Jo the stomach of a
young Infant , th new milk
cows , where prc always to
be preferred , the cow if
too rich In fats , ng the infant to
throw It up soon erYtuklng a qnan-
tity. It may be kcjived by diluting
it with warm wai' ' uade quite sweet
with pure sugar , farrow cows'
milk thus prepnr be used with
safety If the llged to suck
It through n tube , h It can
only get a small ai time.
We used to knov o claimed
that he found It jrow pop-
corn every year He used
land that was 11 nnd wo
thought scarcel ) gh for n
very good crop d gave It
n fairly good dressing of manure , and
he said his crop usually exceeded twen
ty bushels of ears to the acre , and wo
think he said he had grown over thirty
bushels. He kept It until well dried erIn
In condition for parching , and had a
local demand for It at n higher prlco
than was paid for that grown In the
West. We think It used to bring from
$2 to ? ! l a bushel In the car. New Eng.
land Homestead.
Coop fur Youii'i Ch'cW * .
In raising young chick/ / * half the bat
tle Is In keeping them well protected
from damp weather , and yet giving
them an abundance cf air for proper
ventilation. The coop Illustrated has
been thoroughly tested. It Is built of
matched boards , and raised two Inches
from the ground by nailing cleats two
Inches thick around the bottom edges.
noon coop roll CHICKS.
The front Is hinged , and during the day
Is used as a feeding board for both the
chicks and the mother hen. At night ,
and when cold and stormy , the front Is
closed over the slats arid fastened with
a button. In the top front of the coop
holes arc bored , which provide ample
ventilation. The form of the house
may be as the builder wills , although
the shape shown Is less expensive than
the gable roof , and If matched boards
are used , as advised , will be quite us
Care oCTetum.
It will soon be time to start the mow
ing machines at work , nnd possibly
many have done so already , although
flu > iri-'iss II.-IH lint miiinrud na pnrlv no
It docs In some seasons. It Is a satis
faction to watch the grass fall before
the rapidly playing knives , and to feel
that the horses are doing the work so
much faster and better than it used to
bo done by hand labor. Hdw we used
to sweat and swelter In haying time ,
and how often we used to need to
quench our thirst as we came to the
end of the swath , some with water and
some with more potent beverages. Now
the man on the machine does not per
spire as much , or need to drink as of
ten , and we fear that ho sometimes for
gets that the animals which arc doinp
the hard labor for htm also need to
quench their thirst more frequently
than they would If quietly standing In
a well-ventilated stable. They should
not be expected to keep busily at work
for more than five hours nt a time , and
thejp will do that much more comfort
ably If they are given a half-pailful ol
water about twice In that time. Take
a cask and bucket along to the field 11
the watering place Is not handy , and
offer them water occasionally. Massa
chusetts Ploughman.
Tlip White Grul > .
The white grub , which often In n drj
season eats off the roots of the grass
and corn , and will eat almost any reel
which Is not too hard , Is the larva of
what Is known as the Juno beetlcplu
and farther South as the May beetle.
It often Is so abundant as to make It
necessary to plow up fields where thej
have destroyed all the grass , and ever
then It is difficult to destroy the grub
But we have seen It stated that tlu
beetle , though It tiles mostly by night.
Is a leaf-eating Insect , and where tlu
trees are sprayed with arsenltes manj
of them are killed. As one of their fa
vorite foods Is the leaf of the hlckon
tree , that should be sprayed rcgularlj
each year. American Cultivator.
Wnrtw on Cnlvca.
Take a blunt knife and scrape the top
of the wart and apply a little terchlo
ride of antimony to It with a feather
.Repeat every third day until it Is lowei
than the skin. Then mix one ounc <
of oxide of zinc with two ounces of vas
line and rub on a little once a day" .
Vnrin Note- * .
Don't begrudge robin a few cherries
No weeds are more Injurious thar
Anybody can raise strawberrles-
with a spoon.
Economy In youth means an easj
chair In old age.
An ounce of cultivation Is worth i
pound of manure.
Berries well picked and packed an
well received In market.
Do not let the wheat and rye gei
dead ripe before harvesting.
Even a nice , refined girl may have i
rough chap on her hands.
The dovll owes much of his RUQCCSI
to the fact that lie Is always on hand
Do-your pears crack ? The remedy h
to spray with Bordeaux mixture. Dt
it now.
Just as like as not your lima beai
poles are too long. It makt's the vinei
tired to climb so high.
Spray the grafts just put In ; oftar
they do not start oil" well , on account
of tungl , which Bordeaux mixture wll
Don't wait until your plants are bad
ly Injured by plant lice before apply
Ing the kerosene emulsion or tobaeci
To preserve raw fruits or vegetable !
In perfect condition , wrap in tlssm
paper soaked In u solution of sulIcySi
acid and dried.
The Iron Moulders' Uulon of North
America reports that during 1000 It
paid out $1012,035 to members as sick
The coke oven Industry , unknown In
1800 , turned out a product In the
United States last year valued at $31-
533,418 , au Increase since 1889 of 110
per cent. The by-products added near
ly $1,000,000 more.
Last year the coinage of gold lu the
United States amounted to $107,037,110 ,
bringing the total of gold colued from
the foundation of the mint to $12,147-
DSS.lia. At the present rate that total
vlll bo duplicated within the next twen
ty years.
The labor laws passed by the Colorado
rado Legislature are : An eight-hour
amendment , an employers' act , a bi
weekly pay-day , street-car vestlbulo
bill , coal weighing at the mouth of the
mine , extension of the hours of rest of
nil railroad men lu the train service ,
and the repeal of tbo law against boy
Hopkins County , Kentucky , a place
which for the past ten years has fur
nished men to break every miners'
strike In Indiana , Illinois , and other
fields where the coal miners were bat
tllng for unionism , has succumbed to
unionism. Fourteen hundred of the 2-
100 miners working In that county have
been organized.
General President George W. Per
kins , of the Cigar Makers' International
Union , reports : "For the first time In
the history of our union the annual
money transactions have amounted to
over $1,000,000 , and while this enor
mous amount passed through the hands
of a multitude of local otllcers , It Is a
matter of pride and satisfaction to bo
able to say that not over $200 was lost
through the shortcomings of the finan
cial officers. The total amount paid
for benefits of all kinds was $410,705.-
20 for the year 1000 , and the grand to
tal since the commencement 1870 of
the recorded payments of benefits Is
$4,737,550.50 , near five million dollars. "
When Miss McGrew of Denver , Colo. ,
was traveling abroad , she was Intro
duced to Lieut. Alexander Schonberp
of the Royal Reserves of Germany. Up
to that time she had been thoroughly
American. She had asserted that
American girls should select American
husbands. All her Yankee ideas went
glimmering in the face of that flaxen-
lialrcd soldier. They were married re
cently , and will live lu Dresden. She
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Anderson McGrew. They an
wealthy and prominent.
as Yalot to Crow.
"Tom" was the name given to a
lordly young crow about whom Flor
ence Morse Klngsley writes In the La
dles' Homo Journal. Beauty was a
snow-white pigeon of about the crow's
age , with whom he was reared. " .Just
how It came about we never knew , but
we soon discovered that Beauty regu
larly acted as mald-of-all-vork to Tom.
She fetched and carried morsels of food
at his Imperious command , nnd one ot
her unvarying duties wab the pieonlng
of her master's feathers.-Toni was very
much of a dandy ; his coal-black plu
mage always appeared perfectly
dressed and shining , but the arduous
labor of his toilet was performed for
him twice every day by the humble and
affectionate pigeon. Our line gentle
man would come In from a roll In thu
dust or a dip In the fountain , and , seat
ing himself upon a certain railing ,
utter a short , sharp call. Instantly
Beauty would descend to his side and
Wgin her task , fluttering anxiously
from sldo to side as she worked , drawIng -
Ing each shining black feather carefully
out to Its full length in her pink bill ;
Turn , meanwhile , dozing luxuriously
with closed eyes , after the manner of
the complacent patron of a skillful bar
ber. If Beauty unfortunately pulled a
feather too hard a squawk and a sud
den peck Informed her of her mistake. "
Had Not Changed Her Ml int.
"Before bho married him , you know ,
she used to say there wasn't another
man like him In the world. "
"Yes , but now she says she'd hate to
think that there was. " Philadelphia
Ijump-Chlmney Manufacture.
In this country about 12,000 persons
ire engaged making lamp chimneys.
A woman never knows how old she
s getting until she goes to a milliner's
jUnd tries on hats.
Vets that Stnmp the Human with tbo
liil ! ( tof Nobility.
What nuisances these small boys are
lometlnics. The streets are full of
ilium. They piny tricks upou us. They ,
mowball our tall hats. They steal up
behind us and placard our backs with
1 am blind , " or "Wanted to buy 100
; nts. " We are made awiue of It only
by the people who pass us , stopping
tnd pointing and sneering at us. How ,
ingry wo arol And then we discover
peeping around the corner three or four
imall boys. They are so comical wa
burst Into a laugh ; that Is , If we are
tvise , nnd remember that we have been
boys ourselves some time In the past.
And so the incident passes wlthyth *
comment , "Boys will be boys. "
For our part , we like small boys.V
can get along with their pranks. W *
; au endure the noise they make , muddy
footprints on the carpet , pillow lights
In the morning when wo would llko to-
sleep , the now suits all bedraggled and
muddy with holes In the knee , the
stubbed toe that must bo washed and
done up , bedlam In the house In gen
eral. Why this moralizing upon the
subject of the small boy ? you ask.
Just this. We saw a small boy , as wo
were passing along the crowded street ,
stop and caress a horse. It was not
11 royally bred , high-toned beauty , but
an ordinary work horse , standing wear
ily by the sidewalk waiting for { 'Get up
bore , " and perhaps the lash of the whip.
The boy was eating au apple. He
stopped and patted the horse. He guva
him a part of his apple. lie caressed
his nose , placing it against his face.
You should have seen the mutual qulcle
understanding between horse and boy. i
Would we trust that boy ? Surely we
would with uncounted money. Ills
frank , honest face , his eyes speaking
sympathy and kindness , Intelligence *
and pent-up fun and life , were an Index ft
of his character and natural bent that \ J ,
were unmistakable. Boys , you arefe
soon to be men. Such Incidents as tho-
above are worth your consideration.
They ure Indexes of what you are and ! > , .j
what you may hope to be. They have-
a reflex Influence upon you , too , that
will help you In after years. The boy
was understood by the horse ; the ob
serving man understood the boy a
' well. Boston Traveler. '
John Milne' * Advice to ISiiildcra Ifg ) s
Miaky Countries. - . ,
Earthquakes have their pitch , and Iff \
persons living In lauds of seismic dls- \
turbauces will build their houses out of
tune/with mother earth's shivers they
will bo comparatively safe.
This Is what John Milne , or "Earth-- . . * $
quake M.lne , " as ho is called , says.
Mr. Milno Is the principal member of
the seismic section of the Royal So
ciety , and has for a long1 time been
studying earth vibrations at Newport ,
Isle of Wight , where he has instru
ments so delicate that they automat *
Ically record vibrations so slight thafc
it Is Impossible to detect them lu any ;
manner with the senses alone. His records -
ords , show that the whole earth shivers
every fifteen seconds.
By means of his "horizontal pendu
lums , " as he calls them , he has ascer
tained the pitch of earthquakes , on $
so advises that buildings be out of tune
with them to Insure protection , but
different portions of the building shouKS
have the same pitch , or our earthquake
disturbance will be sure to Injure them.
In earthquake countries he advises
deep ditches around houses to cut olT
the ripples along the earth's surface.
Mr. Milne has made yet another dis
covery , and says he has demonstrated
that the Interior of the earth Is neither
hollow nor liquid , but Is marvelously
rigid , even more rigid than cast steel
or the finest glass. He says that his
horizontal pendulums have registered
vibrations that have traveled through
the very center of the earth , and at a.
rate much higher than if the globe's In
terior were more dense than the most
rigid mineral known.
As ho says , vibrations do not travel
rapidly through gases or Hulds , and
very much more rapidly through dense
materials. They travel through glass
as quickly as through any substance
scientists know of , but through the
earth's Interior they travel two and
one-half times as fast as through glass.
The Toad in the Hock.
Of late days I have noted , says a recent -
cent writer , a considerable number of
reputed cases of the occurrence of
live frogs and toads In what were oJ-
leged to be solid rocks. This Is , of
course , an old , old story that appears
to possess perennial powers ( like the
| toad ) of revivification. I had thought
i that Dean Buckhmd ( father of th&
genial Frank ) had exploded the toart 1 ' ,
In the rock myth once for all. Thu > ?
Dean Inclosed toads and frogs In cells
cut In blocks of stone , and burled them
three feet deep In his garden. Hero
the conditions were even less rigorous
than those under which the amphibians
are reported to survive for ages in the.
"solid rock. " Dean Bucklaiul's toads
were nearly all dead by the end of tha-
first year of entombment , and none sur
vived the second year.
A Costly Funeral.
The most costly state funeral which ,
has ever taken place was perlmps that
of Alexander the Great. A round millIon - ' >
Ion was spent In laying Alexander to
his rest. The body was placed In a
coffin of gold , filled with costly nro-
matlcs , nnd a diadem W.IH placed on th
head. The funeral car was embellished
with ornaments of pure gold , and Its
weight was so great that It took eighty-
four mules more than a year to convey
It from Babylon to Syria.
A man should never withdraw the
sentinel he has on guard ; sometime *
when his wife Is pleasantest
' , she 10
blowing a Clue.