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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1901)
8Ute Hltt Librarian Soolilj VOL. XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 25 , 1901-ElGHT PAGES , NO , 6 A GOOD PAIR , Every well reg-ulated pock et should carry the pile , ami ' well household ever } regulated hold have the other. I In this working1 season its an economical proposition I for you to have time , both in your pocket and iu the house. The man who is alwaj's asking some one for the time is behind the times and the only way to get up and stay up is to suppty his pocket and his house with v these two essentials of a I well regulated life. Graduate of CUicueo Opthutinlc College. School Books , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT J. G. Haeberle's : , PURE Pickling vinegars at J. C. Bowen't ? . You can save money by ordering your reading matter through the REPUBLICAN. Wo can furniuh vou nearly all the papers and magazine ' tor leas than publishers price * . PURF extracts at J. C. Bowen's. Notleetothe Public. Owners of city property are hereby notified to cut the weeds on their lota and streets and save cost. If let stand until cut by the city , the expense will bo charged to the property and added ta your tax C-27-tf. P. M. TOWOUCY , Marshal. FOUND By Lou and Paul Athoy a caddie of tobacco , Sunday , which the owner can have by proving prodorty and ppying lor this notice. ALL KINDS of Nut and Krnit Candies at Walteis Candj Kiloh- en , 3 doors north of postofh'ne. 6-20 tf. Headquarters For Dry Goods , Groceries , Boots and Shoes. j. . Our Royal Worcester Corsets Have No Superiors For Ease and Comfort. I Local ' Mention , | Airs J II Karr , of Atisley. was a city vuitor Thursday of lunl wtok. See W. D. Blaokwell at Kanm-is Ba'ik for Kirr , I'j clone and Torna do intiuranoo. ? ! if Mr. and Mr. " . DuNVit , of Auwley , w&ro viniling in llio city Sunday with their daughter filrH. L ) . N. WatHon. itrn. C. Waters and HOU came over from the Bow Tuesday and will remain hurj for the present ) with her huoband , vrlu i one of he courteous clerks in the new de triment atort1. Uatlaway Tribune. Wo are authorized to aunounou lie irinib of John AlcQraw , of Gateij , UH a candidate for uhccilr , tibject lo the decision ol the ie nbiican party. Mr. McUraw is no of Cuister uounty'd progressive arnii-i'd and would m-iko a good liontl' should he be the suuce ful andulate. ROSA aud Tony Blair loft TUCH- ay moroiug on a visft with their randpareutH in Jefferson counlj lus blale. Veruu hud Ada went lo lullinrt to visit with their aunt ilra. Ctiuabeok. They expect to be one nutil about thu lirat of October , n the meanwhile Billy will batch nd board alternately. C. J. Voso , of Gates , was a riendly caller Tuesday. lie was n the city after twine to bind hia wheat He reports Unit there are a lumber of fields of wheat in his vicinity not uifccteo with chinch bugs and that Ihoro is mill hopea ot uile a peed deal of corn where well tended if rain comes soon. Mru. Wilho Cadwoll and child. en loft Tujuday morning on a visit 0 Illinois whom limy will regain ovt-iol weekf. Mrs. Cad well and va and Hay are delcjnilea lo ihe tfalional B. Y. P. U , convention 'rom llio eonior and junior B. Y. P. J. orgauizx'ion , ol iirokou Bow. Fha uonvuntion is iu Ht'Soion at Chicago this weok. Following the populist ( UMivon- ion and thu nominalioiiH of ii.uuli- lates for th.j dlll'oront county ofll- oer.s t'ho ' n. mo of HlHudo 1'iokott ins been Hiiggcated in connection vith tht ) pceuions of county btipcr- n'.endont. Mr. Pickott la a young ua" ' of good traits , a graduvtfof 3roke i Bow Huhoola and a noldior if thb SSpanirth American War. Trof. W.V. . Waters ( a being avoraldy Hpoken of an a candidate or county Hiipennlimdont on t'o ) ropublioan tickat Mr.Vatern ban ho reputation of being a very abk- L-ducalor. He and bin wife uro radualoH of Ihe Broken Bo * * chooln aud of Ihe Hlato normal. ju in a young man of fine appear an co and txeolimU charaolur. Tto bpHt game of ball jla\od in oontral Nebriskn thi seaHon was iad at Broken Bow last Friday in 1 content between the home uluh of that city and thu Browster nine , the acoro standing 4 and 5 the tirt > t day aud 5 and t ! the nrcond day , each in favor of Broken Bow While the Broodier boys wore no laurels coming homo , they all re port a good time and were con vinced that they showed the other team a ' * hol limn. " L'ruwatur NHWS. EDITOR KKPUUUUAN : DtMir birr I read with very much interest your artiuli > , "Arnold a good trading point , " in your last Hiio. I endorse all that is sa there. Yet if I am nol preuumpu- m I would like to note the fact that Arnold ban a telephone line lo Oallauvy , due to the enterprise of Mr. Bin Ilardin. It also hay two frame aud one ted church , Chribtain Baptiut aud Melhodist The lasl Iwo having ntKidenl pastors , Revs. Judkina and Cosier. While the Christian church has Rev. Carrel , a former paatoi' , residing in tluir midst. Hti has ecen many yc-arn in thiH world. Yi I ie unusally brighl and vigorous , There are Iwo halls in which iue < ts the Maeonp Woodmen , Workmen and Mystic Legion. Dr B. E. llcdiinson in Ihc rcNidiMit phyaician and ban been loi-a't-d ihtT" bomu 8 or 0 years. 1'ou will Lxciifo me ubiuling you ihcai ) f < iutH. My only txun-u is , that having an appreciation iof your ef fort io bring forward ihe merits o our OTunty , I thouphl you would welcome aome few additional fautB. I would like to suggoHt that aome- one write up for the benefit of yonr readers the community iu which they live , Uiat wo may have a growing - ing appreciation of CuiUer , us Ihe outcome ol a growing knowledge of same. Truly YOITS , WALTER 12 MATTIIKWS. Wj would suggortl that thy writer put In a preaching into prnctii-e by ii\iujj ; lib n vuilo Up of Wuoterville. Id ) . tiiliiciitioiml All va lit ayes of Children. l'ai > ar reuil by Miss Gridi Taj lor , nt Olfl uiecilnt ; , t LliiJU-yV Ottivo , July t " Thia subject : Thu Educational Advantages of 1'ionuer Clnldruni miglil well bo tunned the Educa- Uoiiul Disadvantages of 1'iotuibr Oliililrcn , Bui it HoeniB to mo , that the ad- vaiUagea gamed through the wiae education of children , whatever at tl urn or opportunities in life , tuu so very IIUIULTOHB uud reasonable thai they aifj 01 should lie uppre- ciutiid by alt. Education is , we nitU' bay , a word synonymous wil'h oivilmaliou : it is at leant a pcitnnt laulor in produc lug the energy inltlliijenco and re-- tiuemenl f-o nucesHiivy lc high oivili- aalion. U IH the science of human culture , and the art of Ircming Urn faculliea of man to their bunt uses und tboir highest romi'ls. ' By U the > oung are prepared 'to lullill their duties in omlizud life and by ptoptM1 development of iho mind and boaltby growth of the body , to become useful and important in their oommunilies having senau of liiVa responsibilities. Wo aru apt to &eo only the die- advantages which invariably Hl.uid in tliu way of pioneer children al- U'lnpling to secure an education. They may seem over to outweigh the advantages derived from imch labor. But all things idiould bowen won by oarneet eil'ort , ai'd 1 believe that tlu person wlio in youth haste to cotitond more or lot's with advor- nity in strengthened thereby , and bettor prepared for thu bittlo of life , than bin soomiugly mor far- lunalu brother who has been reuied n the ! t\p of luxury , enjoying eve y )08tiniblo opportunity in ihu way ol it is not true , that wo value the prize according to the Hlruggio ? Especially should patuntH roahzo the value of this. By si-ning de fects in their own training duo possibly - sibly to lack C'f proper education , they hhould endeavor to HO train the child'ri mind and bung ; such in fluence in Iheii IIVCN that ihoy uu q'liru ' an atlinity ( or learning , indua try , and , education in itn fullest souse , that in , being practical aud the poanefsor of good , common nenae and the ability of using it In this way they are made lo real- i lhal there are possibilities for them , that no obstacle HO unsur- nountablo , no diliicully HO great that it cannot be overcome. How many children grow up in in atmosphere of ig-ioianco where they do not know , have never seen ind cannot appter.rlo good litera ture ! They know nothing beyond liard daily labor. Tina is very commendable , Una industry and energy which as a rule characterize the children laboring people. But we Hhould hot ho extremists. We should combine our physical hbor wiln a proper development of Ihe mind. It ha ? been said that , "The rioul ia planed in the body hlcu a roi'gh ' diamond , and must bu polish ed or the luster of it will never sip- pear and it ia manifest that an the national aoul diHtirrguiflhus us from brutcN , so education earrieii on that dihtinetion , and make * Htmo IO.H bullish than others. " { 301110 may Bay , "Oh yes , educa tion is all righl , but wo bohovu in .saving the dimes and dollars in in * creasing our poasepKioiiH. Our ohildrou can be. of more IIHO to us in our hurd loll , than lo ha spend ing our hard earned money on auch , high flown , nonsensical notions. " But right hero ia where ho many have a miatakrn idea. No one of us , I hope , admire the frivolous and shallow minda of society , who HO like to impress their green country cousins with their great mental superiority. "All ia not gold tint glitlerfl , " and fiuiely iheso exemplify that oft qiu-ted truth. They arn not the educators of our land today. IH it because they have no oppor tunities in the the way of educa tion ? The high nohool , nuadr-my , college Ihoy have free access to , and they are able to take advantage ol their privilege , but disdain that which is proffered them. It fipfiina that human nature ia so constituted that , that which hea within our grasp and can be BO easily obtained , ia rejected its a thing of no-value. Wo value wealth and life t > e' > ms to bu one great Htruirglo for it. But imagine a person in the midst of wealth , gold lying in abundance about ; he has but to lake it ami gratify every wish , every whim I DOOM ho value the dollar aH wo do ? No hn cannot realise , cannot appreciate it. U in the 8-unu in the matter of education. How many fail to see and use the golden opportunity ! Suppose two children in your minds oye. Plaoo them Hide by bide. It will emphasize the con trast. One the pampered child of wnalth , the other a pioneer child of the prairies and srd houses. One NeeniH completely at a IONH as com pared with the other. Ytt follow their life history. One a life ol pleasure , the ether : i series of Htrug- plort against adversity some now dittioully continually confronting him. If he has the ambition and perseverance , if ho has implanted in his mind \ho value of learning , ho will overcome thrm. "livery hill wo climb in attaining an educa tion makes us stronger for the next" This pioneer child advantages wo all know how limited they nre. Ho bet inH school ia the little sod sohool house with its \\ooden benches and few books ; poHaibly walks or drives two or three or mnro miles , in all kindu of weather when not obliged , to I remain at homo to labor. Ho finishes the country pohool. There is a senae of unsatmfaction with himself he has not enough knowledge. So he delves away gathering bits of learn ing from every possible source , until some day , it may take IOMK years but the time will oomo when he will have reached tlo ) goal , and he is ready for hfe'd work and re sponsibilities. Jlut where is his companion , the wealthy child who is raised prob ably , in the onator Htato or city , .lias dit-da'tiod education , has likely wearied of the labor of study and dropu it for the more congenial booioty of pleauuroloviim people ( irndually his ambitions disttapponi and at , last are swallowed by the infatuation for gaiety and fast liv ing. Ho now stands at a great dis advantage fin compared with the pioneer child. Ono senteifo ex- piert-en it. One him failed oven to take advantage of his advantage , the other lias taken advantage of IUH disadvantage. . Were the people as a class more educated , wealth would not rnlo so completely as it ( iflen docn. Think of KiiHKia's ignorant millions and how they are kept under opproHsion by a tyrannical rule. America's common classes are educating them selves and hence their greater free dom. And even hero in our own countiy conditions mig'ut bo great ly improved. Our greatest men have been of most humble origin and it wan through their pluck and perseverance that they stand today before I ho world as men to bo re spected , honored and are indeed worthy patterns for we pioneers who realixo what adversity is. Education is not merely some thing to bo gained through the use of books , but by a proper study of them , they will open our eyes and mind to what was unappreciable bo fore. Perhaps all will not collude , master the hard languages , the intricacies of higher mathema tics. But all can obinin a good practical education , which in much the rohtilt of intelligouco and ex periences we muet with in every walk of life. And that is where the pioneer has the oppottunity of gaining strength through his poor opptunU ties. Again I repeat , thia fact would I emphasize , that the great educational advantage of pioneei children , uonsiuta it > the over com ing of the many disadvantage * . Itepiiljlidan Primaries. WK8T UNION I'RKCINCT. ' 1 ho republican electors rf West Union township are hereby called to meet at the Walworth pchool house on Saturday , August 3rd , at three o'clock p. m. to elect & dele gates to the county convention to bo held at Brol.-on Uow , on Augunt 10th , 1001 , at 10 o'clock n. m , and to oleot 8 delegates co tint super visors convention not > ut called , and to nominate township olUuern and to transact any otlnr business that may come before the caucus. J. 0. PnuiJMOKK , Com. CUFF PKKCIHCT. 1 The republican voters of Cliff precinct are hotoby called to meet at thu Center school hone in ClilF prooinct , August , 3rd , nt 3 o'clock p. m. for the purports of electing 8 delegates to attend the ormity convention at Broken Bow , August 10th , 1001 , also to elect delegates to supervisors conven tion not yet called , and also to put in nomination a full township ticket and thu transaction of any ether business that may como be fore the GHtiauD. f W. J. KICK , Com. GATJCS. To thu republican voters of Lil lian product. The primary will beheld held at the Oxford school house on Saturday , August 8,1001 , m a p m. for purpose of electing delegates to the county convention and delegates to thu Supervisors convention. G. W. DiewKY , Com. UAKFIKU ) 1'KUCINtrr. The republican olnolors of Gar- litild precinct are hereby called to muet in caucus on Saturpay , Aug ust U , 1001 , at i ] o'clock p. m. at the Swiss Vulloy hoholl house for the purpose of electing aix dulegat- OH to the county convention at Broken Bow , August J ; 11) , and six delegfttt'H to the Supervisors dis trict convention of the noooud dis- tri'Jt , the nomination of a township ticket and the transaction of nnuli other buainiia n may oomo before the caucus. JUI.KS HAUMOST , Com rilKCINOT. The republican electors of Bor * wyn precinct uro hereby called to meet in canons Friday , August ' - , 1901 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , in Berwyn uohoolhoiise , for the purpose of electing seven delegates to the county conventional Broken Bow August 10 , 1001 , thu nomination of township officers , seven delegates to the supervisory convention of the second district , not jet called , and for the transaction of mich ether business tl-at may properly oomo before the meeting. J. O. TAYI.OU , Com. DOUGLAS OllOVK TO\VNtiHll' . The ropublioan electors of Doug , las Grove township will moot at the Anthony Hohoolhoiise on Saturday , August : ) , 1001 , at o'clock p , m. , for the purpose of oleot in 1 1 dele gates to the County convention , and to place in nomination a townshirr ticket , and to transact any other businoHa that may properly como before the mooting. II . B. QI.OVKM , Com. CUSTKK PHKOtNOT. The republican voters of Ou < ter/ prcciuot are hereby called to meo at ihu Uiversido Hchoolhonse August 3rd at 2 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing 11 dele gates to ntiond the Counly coupon- lion at Urolcon Bow Augnal 10 , 11)01 ) ; alHo to elect llio same num ber of dolegalos to ntlond ihe Oth district Htiuurviflors * convention , not yet callud ; also to 'put in nomina tion a full township tiolcet. J. V. FoxwoimiY'Com. OllANT I'RKOINCT. The republican electors of Grant township are hereby called to meet nt the Iliuinstino HchoohouHo Situr- day , August : , 1901 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing 0 delegates to the republican coun ty convention to bo held ut Broken Bow August 10 , 1001 ; also the election of township committeeman - man , thu nomination of townlhip ollicers , and the truiiHaolicMi of any other business that may come be fore thu caucus. JOHN B. GILMOKK , Com. WOOD ItlVKK. The republican oloctora ofVpod River precinct are hereby called to moot in Ouonto Saturday , August It , 1001 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for the puipoau of electing 11 dologa'ea to the republican county convention to bo hold at Broken Bow August 10 , 1001 , and to elect the same number of delegates to the uupurvisor * con vention of the Sixth supervisors convention , not yet called ; also the nomination of township oiliuers , and for the tiaiiHtotion of such other busiiictm au mav como before the caucus. K. 1C. VANANTWUKI' , Com. imoiusN now Tin.1 electors of the republican party are hereby called to moot in primary at the court house in Bro ken Bow , Neb. , at 2 o'clock p. m. , Monday , August 5 , VJOl.for the pur- potto of piquing , in , i)0irn.ination ) a full townuliip UJcetlh.j.y5jfUti/n ( ( ! / of 32 delegates to attend tlio ounty con vention to bu baldAug.unt.40 , 1001 , and for the trnunatHKin < of miuh other ImtuuoHH at ) may regiilnrly como be fore naid oaueuH.- - * * " . ' All wbo believe itt'tho prinoiplea of t io republican party , progreea and reform are invited to attend and pauicipato in the proceedings. AIPHA MOHQA.V , Com. THE- BROKEN BOW BUSINESS : NORMAL SCHOOL Opens Nlondny , Soptomljor 2 , IOOI. Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete. We can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand Department is complete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you desire to teach , attend our Normal Department. Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught. Write , or call and see us. us.C. C. W. KOUSH , Pres. FOSTER & SMITH LUMBER CO. , Always have the best quality of Lumber and other building ma- teriala at the Lowest 1'iiceu. 'Phono No. 79. W. L. RULE , Manager. For a First Class Smoke Try the * < & ? § Martial and " v > * ! * ' : & S Corona Grande' I Cigars. i MANUFACTURED BY iH.