Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 18, 1899, Image 1

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A !
W S &i
The mystery of our pronounced and uncqunlod
success is not because wo arc gifted with any supernatural -
natural qualification ; , nor is it duo to our liberal ad
vertising ; not in our "system" nor in our ability to
convince people that black is white when it isn't.
The explanation is very simple. The position wo
have acquired as the leading aud most successful Dry
Goods house is only due to the fact that wo give the
and doing so enables us to hold our custom. Host LL
Muslin always in stock at 3o to customers only ; other
prices aceording.
Leaders in Low Prices.
: K > u ? s K 3J : xfs J JS } sl5.v : ! ssM ; i8 { ! !
> JxV six \ls Nts xlx six \Is \Is xix six \ix xtx xlx vlx MXls J i.
Banes' Studio
is now newly furnished and fitted
with large and the latest scientif
ic instruments. Largs groups
taken as well as the smallest pic
tures. Call and see the new work.
$ $ ? $ ' &
Is always in the lead with low prices.
Quality the True Test of Value ,
We don't handle any snyde goods. Ev
erything guaranteed as represented. Every
thing away below all competition. Call
and examine our goods and be convinced.
Preminm tickets given with , each pur
chase. A new lot of Prints just received.
Silverware given away. Highest price
paid for eggs , Yours for Bargains ,
Tlie Racket Store.
If you appreciate easy run
ning qualities you will find
them in Eagle , 2 point dust
proof bearings.
EDWIN F. MVHKS , Agent ,
Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
"Wholesale Cigar Store , j
ARont tor A.T , Morris , of Cinoin-
nattl.Ohlo Beet brands of Cigars
and Tobacco at wboloaalo ami re
tail First door south of Itopub-
llcan olllco.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oflioc.
Caunon City coal at Diorkn
Lumber Co *
Harry O'Noill , of Omaha , wan in
the oily Friday.
Hereford bulls for Halo ; yearling
and two year old. 4 E , SKINNKU.
A cup of good tea is health. Try
the ton loaf. J. C. BOOEN.
I have alfalfa and millet seed for
sale. J. N. PKAT.U.
Ror.Iiornaday will preaoh at Prairie
irio Hill next Sunday afternoon.
I buy and Bell corn and oats.
J. N. Pcalo.
Curtain poles , now and nobby ,
go at 25o. A.W. DRAKE
VV.D. Robinson of Eudoll wan
among our welcome callers today.
A. R. Humphrey went to Lin
coln Tuesday on legal business.
Geo. W. Dewey , of Gates , made
this office a friendly call yester
All kinds of bulk ard package
garden seed for sale at J. N.
Alba Hay wood and his peerless
oompauy will be at Broken Bow
May 31st.
A Bath Cabinet ifl a homo oom-
fort. Price only $4 75.
Have you had a plans of the ioo
cre&m soda at Ed MoCoinas' south
side drug store.
Rev. J. J. Clifton and wife , of
Arnold , wcro oity visitors the latter
part of last weak.
The Custer County Medical So.
oioty will hold ite next meeting at
Callaway , May 23rd.
G. W.M.Bodoll of Stop Table was
a oity visitor yesterday. Wo ac
knowledge a friendly call.
CATTLE Fen SALE : At all tunus
011 my ranch six iniloH south west of
Broken Bow Jesse Gandy.
Fou SALE A six room house
barn and other improvements. For
particulars call at this oflice. tf
Mrs. JPH. Poale returned from
her visit of several weeks at Kirks-
viUe , Mo , last Saturday night.
Herman Diorksof Lincoln , of the
firm of Diorks Lumber & Coal Co. ,
was a business visitor Friday.
Schools close next week , and
the little folks are correspond
ingly happy in the thought.
City and I arm property insured
against tire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KIMDEUI.INQ.
Try a glass of those elegant phos
phates with any llavoi at Ed Me
Comna' south side drug store.
Doctor Day lian looattd in our
oity and has his office over Ryer-
aon's grocery store south of Post-
Juat received , a new line of ladies
and gents pocket books at roasona.
prices at Ed McComaa' south side
drug More.
W. II. Predmoro is resident agent
for the Farmers Mutual Hail In
surance Annotation , af Fairfielti.
Neb ; also agent for hog cholera
insurance. Innuranoo at actual
jcost. Olliou at Hycraon's store.
When wheeling stop and got a
drink of ioo cold aoda water at K'l
MoCornaB * south side drug storo.
Fou SALE Two houses ; one two
blocks east of pqiiaro , and one west
of Glebe hotel. Enquire at Bangs'
Jas. Dooley has leased his feed
barn to Whedon Moore , of Cen
tral City , who has recently lo-
caled here.
While driving you can have ice
cold soiln served in your carriage nt
Ed MoComnH1 south s do drug
Bed room suits lower than over ;
tine couches ; to appreciate quality
and price come aud see thorn.
The Broken Bow hospital is in
splendid condition for caring for
the sick. Trained uureoB in attend-
uuoo. Prices ruanouablo. tf
Judge Sullivan made a trip to
his ranch near llalsey , last Tuesday
AK'K Piruio , of Weissort , wan a
city visitor last Monday.
Wanted , a girl to do general
bousn work. Good wayos to the
right person.
tf Mus. JAMKB Licuwum ,
AH our physicians say , wo can
not have health unless wo oat pure
food productH. They can bo ob
tained only of J. C BOWKN.
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting tooth ia absolutely pain
less. No sore mouth , as in the use
of othoi local anoHthotioH. n25
The annual convention of the
Ousler Count ) Sunday School as
sooiation will be held in this city ,
in tht M. E. church , May 31st and
Juno 1st and 2nd.
The case of the Hints against W.
D. Cole , on the oilaigod selling in-
laxioating liquors , that was to have
boon tried on the 10th inst- , was
continued to May 'JOlh.
Mrs.Lovina HonU loft thin morn
ing for Salt Lake , where who will
spend tlui Hummer with nor qistcr.
Her son. Gcorgii aecompaniod her
as far as Grand Inland.
Miss Pearl Liggett and her
mother have put in a stock of new
millinery goods in the Realty
block , in the room formerly occu
pied by Ner Hartley.
Patriarchs of Anchor Encamp
ment , I.O.O.F. , are requested to
moot at their hall Saturday evening -
ing , May 20th. Election of officers
and business of importance.
Farms for sale and lands for rent
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
aa the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G Brouizor.
Good ooffea is a blessing to any
homo. J C. Bowen is agent for the
County of Cuutor , | Try it
Chase & Sanborn , > for
15c , 20o , 25e , 30o , 37o. ) breakfast.
B. M. Agent Johnson , of Mullen
Nobr. , returned to his duties at that
place on Monday night's passenger ,
after having spent two weeks visit
ing with J. J. Snyder and family in
this city.
The Grand Army of the Repub
lic of Broken Bow is making ar
rangements for properly observ
ing Decoration Day , May 30th.
The program will be published
next week.
Before having any hail insurance
written on your crops HOO W. D.
Blaokwoll the agent of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire and
Marine insurance Co. and got bin
rates and teirns.
The First National Bank has
had a twelve foot walk laid on
the south and east-of the build
ing , in place of the eight foot
walk that was there , which is
appreciated by the public.
Owing to the limited seating ca
pacity of the Episcopal church
building , theservioes of the Epinco-
pal chuioh next Sunday morning
with the high school graduating
sermon , will bo hold m the Mo lio-
dist church.
To the members of Som and
Daughters of Protection : You are
each requested to bo present at the
next regular meeting , Friday , May
10th. A literary and musical pro
gram will bo given in addition to
the regular work.
1,000 head of cattle wanted to
pasture for summer season , in CUH-
tor county , Neb. Fine range , blue
stem , roa top and Buffalo grahf- ;
abundance of water ; grans land all
fenced. 11. J. VAUOHAN ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Following is the list of dead let
ters for the wonk ending May Oth :
John W.Lewis ; A. J. Riokotts :
Mrs. Emma Dowue ; Mr. Anton
Nelson. Parties calling for any of
the above will please say adverttneil.
L. H. JEWKTT , P.M ,
Mandolins , three only left ; no
room for thorn ; they go at otio
fourth prioo. P.istol and oil pic
tures go for less than coal of frame
Iron beds fcl.fiO to $75. I buy all
kinda of good * , and advance money
on any artiolo of value.
Every now Hubnonbor to the
REPUIIMOAN for the next thirty
days will got the Farm Journal for
h'vo years frco. Now is your time
to subscribe. Thm offer alio in-
eludes all drlinquont HubscrihorH
who pay up arrearages and ono
year in advance.
The oity council has bought H
team of horses and ordered a sprink
lor. This will give the city a team
to work on the HtreeU nt will and
have them sprinkled when needed.
H may prove more expensive to
keep a loam and man , but doubtless -
less moro satisfactory
S. P. Great , of Ansclmo , has
traded his ranch property west of
Ansclmo to Frank Smith , of this
city , for the Globe hotel and barn.
Mr. Great expects to move here
soon with his family. At present
Mr. Wright , who now has charge ,
will continue to run the hotel.
WANTKU A few good "oarpon-
tors ; a few good common laborers ;
nnd also work for mrmonn and pain-
tors. Work in the vicinity of
Broken Bow and Sargent. These
wishing work of this kind will do
well to HOO mo soon while the places
are vacant. Call on or addrcsH mo
at Broken Bow or Sargent , Nobr.
The Grand Central hotel has
undergone quite an improvement
in the past few weeks. A veran
da has been built on the entire
west front of the building , and
fxtcmls neyoml tbcsuictloi3i < 'en
trance on the south. A door has
been put in the second story , to
admit of entrance to the upper
deck. The entire building is
being repainted white , all of
which adds very materially to the
general appearance of the build
J. G. Loming , who is at Deadwood -
wood and expects to bo absent clnr
ing the summer , has tender d his
resignation as member of the school
board. At a special meeting of
the board Monday the resignation
was accepted , ana I. A , Rcncati
was appointed to till the vacancy
Owing to the condition of the finan
ces , the hoard decided to charge an
admission fee of ton cents to the
commencement exorcises , to pay
the expennn of the diplomaH and
fommonoement cards. The board
has started out with the laudable
ambition of keeping the expense
down as near the income as pos-
As soon as an attraction is booked -
od at the Opra House it in the cus
tomary question for the public to
ask : ' Uow many are there in the
company ? " The question that
phould bo asked IH ; "Who are | ] >
actors or artists , and are they good i"
It only requires a moment's reflection -
ion to rcalizo that no manager can
carry a company of ten , fifteen or
twenty artists and have them at
first class , for good artists not only
demand a largo sahry but insist on
its being paid. Mr. Hey wood
believes that the general public pro.
for to HOO six or eight first-class
oity artists to a whole stagj full of
"Barnstormers" and has surrounded
himself with artists as fine in their
respective lines as Hoywood is in
his. The result is a performance
that from rise to fall of curtain is
fuil of pure fresh fun , popular
musio , entertaining specialties and
beautiful women. This attraction
is to appear hero on the evening of
May 31.
Claude Pickett , of the Third
Nebraska volunteer regiment , re
turned Monday night from Cuba ,
having been discharged with the
rest of his regiment. While he
did not have an opportunity to
engage in battle during his expe
rience at soldiering , he learned
something about camp life and
guard duty , which he will prob
ably never forget. Then one of
the most consoling thoughts in
connection with the trip will be
the consciousness , when he has
grown old , that he was one of the
number who gave his services to
his country in defense of her honor
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum bating powders rc the greatest
mcnaccrsio health of the present day.
and the bettcnncnt of the condi
tion of a portion of the human
family. He reports having fared
well while he was gone , and es
pecially after they readied Cuba ,
bast summer he says the fresh
beef furnished them vras not in as
good condition as he would ex
pect had he been at home , but
the climate , and not the govern
ment , was to blame for its condi
tion. The weather was so warm
that it was difficult to keep it
fresh. In speaking of Col. Bryan
resigning and coming home , he
said some of the boys were .very
much put out , others thought it
was all right. But he , with a
large per cent of the regiment ,
were glad of it , as his successor ,
Col. Vifquain , was much more
competent to fill the position , be
sides ' he knew what the boys
ic'cilcd , and more than that he
cnew how to get it. In the ten
uonths the regiment was out , he
says they lost thirty while in the
Jnitcd.StatcSiby sickness in seven
nunths' , and only two during the
.hrec months they were in Cuba ,
ilis regiment was six days on the
water returning , and live days in
niarantine. They were detained
uwu dafl'tt uAT Tortugas , where
they were intending to laud" , but
were prevented by the high seas.
Claude is looking heart } ' and has
a soldierly appearance , lie claims
to be only nine pounds lighter
than when he left.
Prof. Soliold , wno was arrested
on complaint , on the charge of violating
lating the law relating to Uio prac
tice of medicine , had his prelimi
nary trial last Friday. The law
which ho is charged with violating
provides that. "It shall bo the duty
of all poisons intending to practioo
medicine , surgery or obstetrics iu
the state of Nebraska , before beginning -
ginning the practice thereof in any
branch thereof , to preHunt his di
ploma to the ftato inudical board ,
together with his affidavit , that ho
is a lawful possessor of the same ;
that ho has attended the full course
of ritndy required for the dogruo of
M. D. , and that ho is the person
therein named. " Upon complying
with the above , the law provides
that the Htato boaid shall issue the
applicant a certifioiv'o , signed by Us
secretaries , staling such fact , and
that "it nhall ho the duly of the
applicant before practicing , to file
such ofHificalo or copy thereof , iu
the office 01 the county clerk of the
county in which ho in'onds to
prautico " A number of witnesaoi
were called lo prove lhat Sotiold
had been treating patients by the
"magnetic" proucns , and that he
had received piy therefor. Clerk
Kichtmyor was called ID provo that
the Raid Sofield had not 15led a cor-
tiUoate , as required by law. The
defendant did not attempt lo provo
to the contrary , bti < rested hh case
upon the plea of his attorneys that
his practice did not como under the
meaning of the law , aud that ho
was not guilty. The court hold
that under the interpretation given
the law by the higher courts that
there was probable cause for notion ,
and bound the defendant over to
the district o mrl in the mini of
* 300 , which ho gave. Allornoya
Giillorson and Cainm-cu appealed
for the defendant and L E. Kirk-
patriek for the state ,
The board of directors of the
Lillian Lriuation District will moot
on the ( Kit day of Juno as a board
of equalization. G.W. DKWKY ,
Moved !
on cor. south of P. O. ,
Watchmaker aud Jeweler , formerly
north bide ,