Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1899)
o \ I make the correct fitting of Glasses a Specialty. JF. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. O o T 5 f > THfe T T * " \ / Has a very complete rh/KLc/Y * Qiieensf are , Mm , Dry Goois , j oots and Shoes , Wagons , Buggies , AndLcr10 , : FAR M MPLEMEN1S , Come and sec me , and 1 promise you good goods and prices as low as the lowest. O. DP * . For Infants and Children. The Kind Yotr Have Always Bought slmilating U\cTooclandEcqula- \ ling ItieStQiiiflcbs aiulDo\vcls of Bears the i * 1 Signature Promolcs'DIgieslion.Ciiccrful- nessandltest.Coalcilns nratlvcr Opium"Morpliinc nor Mneral. NOT NARCOTIC. The Kir Apcrfccf Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach Dial rhoea. Worms .Convulsions ncssaridLossoi You liava TacSimile Si nnlurc "f t Sj & * KEW YORK. . . THE CCNTAUn OOMPANY. niWTORK CITY. 3& S. II HfHNIIAM. I'ru-ldiMil I Inc. In , Neb H O. HOGKRS , Cashier , Broken Bow. O. I1. IMSHLKV , V 1'rt'i , Hi lu n How J M KIMUEIILINQ , Am't Cafblcr First National Bank , " OF BROKEN HOW. General Banking Bininoss Transacted. DIKKCTOUH : a. II. liurnlmm. L. U. Jowcti H C. Tallmt. o. P. Pcrley. II. O. Hogen. United Statct Nittloml Uank , Om iha nil mo Natlonnl Unn'c , XB\T Tork Amerlcnn Kxclmnnii llnnb , Lincoln. Plrat Nntlonm Uink Ornnil Uland , First National Unnk , North I'lntto. Neb F. C. WOH AU < . I'tooideiit J. A. \niI3 ( , Cnihlor. A. J. KOMKHTSON. Vlro I'nm. W D ULACKWELL , Ass't Oasblor. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a GonerJinking \ Busineas. County Claims and Warrants Its Easy Writ Ing If its a BHckensderfer No. 5. The universal favorite \ \ ith all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy y machine. JVore "Blicks" In use among Iowa and Ne braska newspapers than all tlie rest of the $100 machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar work that is sold at a popular price. DnrtHiaiS 28 hT3' , ° ' Characters , and Letters ; Portable , weighing but Six F'ounds with case. , .Cofies ! ana Manifolds peifectly.-rs carbon copies being easily taken at one writing. Py ! one pn e M : ° ° netOn ten days ap proval to any responsible man in Iowa or Nebraska. HARDER & BUSH , General Agents. 90.f910 Alain Street , DUBUQUE , IOWA. U. S. Land Office , JAMKS W1I1TJCUKAI ) . - lH. . YOUNO , - . - - itconlvor 0. SUnil | Onic . IJroken IloNeb. . , I fcl. fiUi. 1HK . ( Notice la hereby Ki\tn that , " MK1" A HOOD , of 81. l' nl , Neb. , has filed notice of Intention to mike flnal proof before He glitor find Heoclvor t their nfflro In Ilrohcn Va\r , Neb. , on Thursday , he I6h ! day of .March , 1809. ou timber culture nppllontlon No. 7048 , for the Lots 1,2 , 3 And 4 , In ncctlon No. 14 , In towtif hip No It * N. , range No. 18 W. He nm08ltneiicx : J on K. Kvan , noctor U Kvnnn , Henry Mete , Weldy LUeruiore , ft lot Sargent > eb. JAMKS WH1TKHEAD , Kegnter. Land Offlco at IJrokon How , Ncl > I Feb. 8 , IhVii. f Notloo Is lioroby given that the follow Itm.nam. oil settler has flleil iiotlco ot Itlit Intention to raako flual proof In npi > ort of his oltlm. and tlmt Bald proof will bo mailo before Hoylntcr nd Hccclvor , At UroKon How , Ucb. , ou March 18Ui , 1BW , vie- Hiiiiiuul Ilonlmvr , ot Broken How , Nob. , for the oVi to'i i c. J3 , and WK awK tec. 84 , tp IB N. , IL 81 W. Ho the following \vltne cs to proru his con- Llnnons roJldruconpon and cultivation of. tald land , viz : Hcnjatuln Holcomb , I'cter Slohat , UuTld Alspaugh , Frank Porter , Ml of Hrokon Uow , Neb. JAMEi WHITKHEAU , HogUtcr U. S. Land Offlco , Uroken Uow , Neb. , I Feb. 15th , 1899. ( Notice la hereby glren that I.c-roj II Acklo , BS heir and for heirs of Warren Ack. ley , deceased , has filed notlcu of Intention to make final proof bcforo Heritor and ItcccUcr , nt tholr office In llroittn Uow , Nob. , on bntnr- day , the 18th day of March , 1809 , on timber cul ture application No S3 , for the neM'oM BO } ncW eectlon No. 38 , In tonnfhlp No. SON. , range xo. 21 W honutnoj witnesses : Frank rccry. George I'cery. Thomtit > tmsty , Hath Gcoycl , nil of Auselmo , hcl ) . JAJ1E8 WUITKIIKAD , IleglsUr. Land Ofllce at North Platte , Neb , I February 8th , Ic99 | o Notice la hereby kivui that the followlng-iimn ed foltlcr has fllou notice of lila Intention to-rankc On 1 proof In suppirt of his clnlm , and tlmt ealil | iion' will bo made before the ( ounty Juil o of Cnstur county , at IJrokcu I3owNcb , on Atari h 25 , 1890 , rlz : MulterC. 1 etcrson , 11. E. No IGISS , for the noM aoK eve. 17 , twp It N. , K 21 W. Ho nnines the following wltriCMo * to prove MB rtcii- Llnnous residence upon and cultivation of , sa'il loud , vlr : Christian Ororgard , Nlcl ) Joiuipon , Jacob 1'otOMou. George < ; . McMullcn , nil or oconto , Neb GKO , U FHKNOll , Land Onica at North Platte , Neb. , I febrnary 81 h , 1M)9. ) f Notice Is hereby glrcn that the following nnm- cd 8L tiler lias flled notice of hi * Intention to mane final uronf In suppurt of his claim and that Mild proof will bo made bcforo tin ; County Jiulpe , Cnitur conuty , Hrokun DonNub , on March 25 h. 1800 , TZ ! : IN nry Draper , 11. K. No lt5Sf ! ) , f. r the vrH nw ! < and \WS cwtf tec. 'JO , twp UN , II. 81 W Ho irunes the following Mltneeeoa to prove his continuous reslilcncu up"- m and cultivation of , f aid land , viz : George U MrMullen , GodUlb Hrnilor , llarrlsuu .MoOwcna , Frank Majo , all of Oconto , Nrb. QKO. K. FUKNCH , Ileglster U. S L nil Cinro , Uroken Dow , Neb . I Feb. Oth , ls > 99. f Notice In hereby glTfii llml Homer T Sco field , of Auro'u , Nib. , has llled notice ot Inton Ion to make final proof before llcglBtcr and He- cclver , t tlinir > < > 'co ' In Uroken How , Ncl ) , oil I'rlduj. tlio 17tb day of March. IsPO , on timber rultiiro upplicntlon No Iii35l. for 1 ts 45 , 6 mid 7. Hcctl n No. 13 In townsol ) ) No. 21 N , ranio No Jj. lie iiuines usvltnci > eet < : James H Lunghinn minis LiuiLliruii , Jr , of Dunning , Haivuy U Andrews , James Llndlcv , of Ausrlmo , Neb. JAMKSUITICI1BAI ) Ucglatnr rUHLIC LAND SALE I , S. Lund Ofllce , Broken How , Noli , I March 4th , Ibu'J f Notice IB hereby Riven that In pureuanco of iit-tru , lions Irom the Cominla-luucr of Hie iion- ernl Land i lllco , under authority vo < * ed In him by Section B4.r > 5 , U H KIT | , . | t-t tllten , BH nmcndcd by the act of Oongroes , approved Fub ! ( ! ( , 1895 , vo uill proccot. to offorat I'ubllc Sulo on tlie 17th day of j.rll , 18W , next , at tlilH ofilco , lie follotvlng tract of liuul , to nit : Au } { au > < see , 11 , toniifhlp 18 N , 11,82 W Any and all persons claiming adversely the a'ONc described lands nro advised to tile tliolr claim'in this lllceono befor the dix ubo\c dc lKinited for the commoi cement of Raid sale othciwlHO tlulr rli his will bo forfeited. JAMES WHITKIIKAND. Ucglatsr. FltANK II. YOUNU , lacclvor March 4th , 1&09 I'UHLIO LAND BALK , tr. S. Land Ofllce , IJrokim How , Neb , I March 4th , 18'JO ; ) Notice U her by g vcn tlmt , la pursuance of InstiuctloiiH from uiu Coinm f loner of the ( itn cral Land OUlcc , under authority vested In him I y brctinn 2155 , U. 8. Ituv. Ht t. , as amended b ) tlitittctof Congress , approved Feb SBth , 1895 , we will pr ci-cd toolfurnt public a e on the 14th dny of April , IbW , next , at this office , the fo'- lowing t act of Is d , to-rrlt : uw1 sirK sec , M , tplHN. , U.23W. Any and all persons claiming adverseljr the abovu described lane's are advised to file their claims In this ofllco on or before th day above dcilumttcd for ti u coiumtnceraent of said sale. 01 h > rwlto their right * will bo forfeited. JAM 8 WUITKHBAI ) , BogUUr FUANK II YOUNG , Uecolver. Match 4th , 1899. 1'UDLIC LAND SAI.K U. . Land Office , TJroke i Bow , Neb. , I March 4tn , IBU'J f Motlco Is hereby gl on th.t , In pursuance of Instructions from the Comm < eiionor of the Gen eral LaiJ Ofllce , nnder authority vested in him by section 2155 , U. S. Her. SUt. . as amrndtd by the act of Congress , approved Fob 20th , 1685vf e will proceed to otTe > at pub tc rale on the IMIi day of A all , 1809 , next , at tills ofllec , the follow. Ing tract ot laud , to-wit : no ! > i swX eec < " > 'f IV N , U. 22V , Any and all persons claiming edvenrely the above dcroribed lunils are ndvUcd to fllu their claims In lulu ofllce on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale otherwlro their rights will bo for felted. JAMES WH1TKUEAU , Itegtster. FKANK H. YOUNO , Receiver. March 4th , 1839. U S. Land Offce , North I'la te. Neb , I March ; M. IHU'I I Notice Is hereby given that Joet > h II. Qrahtm has filed notlcu of Intention to miVo ilnal proo beforn County Judge , at 11 * ofllco In Hrokci How , Net ) . , on Tnei-dav , the 18th day of April 1899 , ou timber < ulturc implication No. IJM7 , fo the 'WJi of tectlon Mo , 27. in townhip No 1U N. , rniiRC N . "IV He names IIH wltnoaHes W li. Wllils , jHtues Led kh , Vlncen J Stodry Ileemmi H. r'qulin. allot Hiokcn How. Nub QUO. K. FHENCH , Itegleter Land Ofllcn at North Pintle Neb . I March 3.1899. f Notice Is hereby given that tlio following u&m ed eettler hai flleil notice ot Ills Intention to make final proof In support ot his claim , and that sail Eroof will bo made before County Judge , nt Uro en Bow Neb. , ou April 18th , I8U9 , vln : Charlr A Hich , H. E No's 17265 and 17089 , for the o ! n\\H noU awK of IHC. 20. and suM HW ( of eec 17 , towni'lilp 14 North , range 21 West n names the. folloivlhg witnesses to prove hi conllnuonn residence upon and cultivation ol liald land , vlr : Harvard Lomax , Andrew Snyde of Ilroktn Uow , John Uonluy , John Mlddleswart ofOcouto , Nrb. QEO. E. FltKNCH , Ueglster U. S. Land Olllce , Ilroken How , Vel ) . , March 14 , 189U , I > otco ! U hereby given that OILI1EHT Ot YLK of Nnlworth , Neb , tits nlcd notlco of Intention to make llml proof bcfore Ib-gUttr and Hccclror , at their otn o In Ilrokon Uovr , Noli , on Thursday - day , tlio 15M dny nf April , ISKt on timber culture application No 80. for the nw' < of ccctlon > o IU , In township No ill N , rangn No 1UV Hv iiami's as wltntppt'BV ! II Tout , Arthii * II Kurd , gf G ICB , Neb , tiiorve II Cochran , I.onls IKai-iT , ofesl Union. Nub JAMKS WIIITKHBA' * , Hi-gliler Land Ofllrc at Ncrtli Plattu , Ni-li , I M rch Utb , iby . f Notice h licrtby glrcn that tlio following nain ed M'ttmr has flltd notlcu of her Intention to m ko Unal proof In support of her claim , and tlmt sad P'oof will bu inailn Imforc J. A Arinoui , County Judge at Ilioki'ii Uow , Nol ) on April 81 , IBOU.Uz jHnu Thornbnr. ' wldon f William C Thorii' burg , H E No ] 6i 7 , for the u\\M of see. ai , T , HI N . It ill W. Bho names the following wltnoati'i to prove her continuous roolJcnce upon und ciiltUiUloii of raid land , viz : Charier 11. JelTonls , Setia tlHii Neth , Uharlea Sliov , Jumcn Kmn ail ot llrokun llow , Neb QEO K. ritUNCII Itcgluter. OUUEIt ON 1'ROUATE OF WILL. The Htnto n' Nebraska I c onnty C"urt fo Custcr County , f said County Atarcarlo of thu County Court , hold at th Oounty Court Room , In and for sai [ C'ocnty , a Uroken How , on the 2Mb daof February , A I ) , 1899 Present , J A , Armour , Co. Judge In th matter of the oatate of John Growler , drccaicd. Whereas , I.ettcrc of administration have thin ay been k'ranto.l to HebastUn Noth , us rater of the ritatan'Joh' > Crowlor. Ordered , 'nnt rlxrnontln 1'nllowrtt for creditors to precut - cut their claims against Mltl citato for adjac ent and allowance , mid one j-car bo allowo I aid ad InlMrntor to settle up raid estate , from IIP 3d day of March , A.D. 18W And It Is fur.h- r ordered , That notice ho pivca to the creditor * f raid estate to appear before u o. at the county ouri room , in BalJ county , on the 7tU day of April 1F99 , on the 7th day of .Two , 1899. and on ho 7th dat ol Botitombcr , 1899 , at 10o'clock n. m. ach dayby publication In the lli-tmbllcan , a uewspanurpilnttd lu raid county , fear weclir. uccestlvely prior to thu 7th day of April , IbW , or the purpose of prviontlne their claims for ndjuitiLent and allowance , Truocony. J. A. Alt.MOUH. Connty Judgo. OltDKUON HEAKINO PETITION FOK AD- MINISTRATION. The Stale of Nebraska , I . . B > Custet Oounty , ( Ala i-ension of the County Court , for the county ot Castor , hold u at the County Court Koota lu Uroken Uow , on the 13th day ot February , IBW. Prudent , J A. Armour , County Judge. In the ntr c ! th estate of Adalluo D. Johuion , de. oeaiod. On application by petition ot W , J. Woods , of Irokon Uow , Neb , , representing among other hlngs that Adnlluo D. Johnson , an Inhabitant ot ahl county , on the 3d day of February , A. D. 899 , In raid county , died lnteiUtolotvloir oittto o bo ftdmlnlatorcd. Tkat the petitioner li crod- tor of said deceased , tnd prayn that admlnlstra- Ion of raid deceased bo granted to J. M. Kim icrllng or some other suitable porcou. Ills or- ored , That raid application be heard at the County Court Hooiu. at the Court Uouie , In the Ity of Ilroken llow , on the 9th day ot March , bV9 , at 10 o'clock a. m. It Is farther ordered , hat notice thereof bo given to all notions by mbllcntlon of inch notlo * at least thruo wookn ucccsslvely , pr vlou to the time appointed , In ho Republican , n weekly nowipapor pabllohcd n said county True copy. Seal. ) J. A. AIIMODR. Conntv Judgo. n the District Court of Custor Co.i Nebraika. ( argarct Campbell , plalutlll , 1 vi , I Hugh ( i. Clark , Katy Clark , Lebanon I National Hank , The Olobc Investment I Co und Henry A. Wymnn , Hecolver of snld Olobo Investment Co. , dotendants. J .D the Lebanon National Hunk , Olobo Invest ment Co. , and Henry A. Wynmu , Its Receiver , non-KHUlcnt defendants : You , mid oncli of yon , will take iiotloe ( that ou he 28th dux ot Ftbrutiry , IS'J'J ' , the rlalntllt lu the bove untliliMl ncflon tiled bur petition lu the Mstrlut Court of Cuxtor county , Neb. , the object nil prnyor of nhlch petition are to foreclose a urtnln murtgage , txcctitcd by Hugh U. Clark lid K lu Clarke to tlio Olobo Invoslmout Co. , nd dul ) usMgncd to this plaintiff , upon the fol- owldg durcrlbcd prcmUci , to-wlt : The uwM of action II , to\Mililp 18 , north of range U4 , woat t thoGth P. M , c'tuntcil In the county of Oua- cr nml nte of Nrbriiska. t ald inorlgago given 0 secure the payment of a certain promissory ote , with coupons attached , dated on the fl'st ay ot Oc'ober. I80J. and duo and pavablo on the 1 stdayoi October. I HOT ; said principal note bo- ig for the sum of SSUO.X ( ) and flvo unpaid coupons f i-8 OU each That there li now due upon the aid note , toupons and mortgage the sum ot I 003 W , togethui 1 h Interest thuroon nt ten ler cent from the. llrwt day of March , 1890 You , nd.cnch of > i IMI'U required to answer said po tion on or bc.fore Monday , the loth day of April. 809. MARGARET ( AMPIIELL , 1'lalntlll , lly Holcomb Hros , AttorueyH n the DlaTlct Court , Cuiter County , Vllllaui K Qry , 1 > s. J- i in in ft M. Gruy. ) 'o Kmma M. ( Irny , non-renldonl defendant : You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of lurch , 1809 , V , illlam F , Gray riled a petition giilnst you lu thu llstrlot0ourt ; of Custur Co , Nebraska , tbo object nii'l p n > or ot whloh nre o obtain a dlvorou from j u , on th" ground that ou have wlllully abandoned the plalntllT with- ut good canro for the term of two vtara lait ) 'at. Yon nro required to nnswor said petition n or bcforo Mommy , thu 24th day of April , 1899. DatoM this 15th ( Ny of Mnrch , 1S99. 10-4 WILLIAM T GRAY , Plaintiff , lly Holcomb Bros , his attorneys. In the District Court of CiiHter''ounty , r > cl > r. n tie matter of the estate of Jesse I ) . Hhjrwood , deceased Order to bhow Canfe. This catieo carao on for hearing upon the pollen - on nf A , a , llollman , administrator of the cs- ate of Jeirn I ) Shernood , deceased , before mo , 1 , M Grimes. Judge of the District Court of i-e l.'Uli JiuMcliU DlHtrlct of the Htuto of Ne- iraekn , elttlnu in open court , hold at the Court louse In uroko How , tufter county , No'irnska. ' aid pott ion i rnylng f r license to soil the no'X f t-octlon Jl , In township 17 , north of range 25 , not , and the a r ! < of sec 9 , in tp 10 n. ot r 25 V' s ( , nil In Cnhtor county , Nebraska , or a eufll- lent amount thereof t > bring the aum of $300.00 , or the pn ) n.I'M of dohts allowed agalnet said s'ate ' , anil the costs of administration , there not icing aufllclcnluirsonal property to pity aald cbtn und oxpontes. It arpcnr.nR thit H M. Snlllvan , Judge of the ith Ju icial district of the Stnto of Nebraska. Is disqualified frm sitting and hearlnp ; the pctltlo , lercln , by ronson of interest In said estate and tie property to ho sold. U Is by mo ordered that all persoui interested n sold estate appear before mo , or such other ludgo ai the same may be heard by , at the Court lousn , In Urokon How , Neb , on the 1st day ot May , 189'J ' , at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day , to show cuuo why a license should not be granted to i aid administrator to sell the above dtscrlbcd real estatti of said deceased , or so much thereof asahallbi necessary to pay said debts and ex- > enies. Notice of this ordir to be given by P b- Icatlop , as required bp law. Uat. d thle 9th day of March. 1899. mavl li. U. GRIMES , Dlitrlot Judge Presldtnt. Frazer Axle Grease JPMNI T . 'WHATI CHAU > I loOAFTIKTHi ; ( ' Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Award * at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. . pRAZER LUBRCATOB | o0ij Factories : Chclago , St Louli , New York. Uurllngton Koute Calllornia Excursions Cheap ; quick ; comfortablo. Leave Onmhii 4:35 : p. m. Lin- doln 0:10 : p. m. and HaatingH 8:50 : p. in. every Thursday , in clean , modern , not crowded tonriet sleep- era. No transfers ; cars run .right through to Sun Franoiaco and LOB Angeles over the Soenio Route- through Denver and Salt Lske City. Cars are carpeted ; upholfltored in rattan ; have apnng woatH and backs and are provided with curtainH , bedding , towles , soap , etc Uni- formi'd porterH and exporiflnood ox- ourKion conductors ncootnpany each excurriion , relieving paHuengerH of all bother about baggage , pointing out bVijuotH of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a dolighlful oxper iuncc. Seoond oladH tiekota nre hnnoro.l. Borthri | ; s. For folder giving full informa tion , call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office , or write to J. FranciH , general paHBonger agent Omaha , Neb Job printing of every description neatly and promptly executed at thin oflioo. You Now Have the Opportunity of cotifliiHIniMHii'of Iho lending phy i- cinns ntul Mir Honp ( in the troaitnidit ot clironlu ntul nervous dls nsefl ) of thu country , DR. REA. Hu Inwoll knov\n In NVbrnHkn , ntul lt > lelUblu HA well as ominunt In his pro- fi'Bslon , ntul IIRH but fiuv Btiporlora In his line of busluoec , nnd from ropo'ts oi tdo press , hla rooms nro crowded wher ever ho Rtops. By thi ) request ot hit ! ninny friends nnd patlouls who Imvo us- unity KOIIO n IOIIK dUtitnce to too him. ho has decided to visit HllOKKN UOW nnd will bo nt the ( WAND CEN'TUAL HOTEL on WEDNKSDAY , Mnruii VKJoJ , 1809 one dny only , nUuriiliiD every four weuke ( or olx months. Con- Biiltutlon nnd cxiuninntion FREE to nil , DR. HE < V. Ills TREATMENTS nnd nxmuinn- tiotiH wo tindcrstnnd tire bueetl upon new nettiodB , nnd tire slinllnr to those Iven lu the Eni'oru ' and Soutliern hnspllnl where he lonrni'd hla IniHlneaH. lie Lrrula chromo and nurvoutulieuusce otironlo ontarrh , dieonuus ot thu cur. noeo throutnnd IUIIKH , dlcnepeU , UrlRht'c dlseaoe , dlahotop , livur titomnuli , conatl- pntlon , rlieutnntisui , ehroulo futunlo nml oxitr.l dlsuitst'H , neiiralKlit , BCliitieti , illxi - ss , norvou nt'e ? , slow growth In chil dren nnd nil wanting ( ItfunaeH In adults deformities club foot , curvature of tbn spine , dieortsoa ol the brain , ( mralyalB , heart disease , OCKIMUII , viiricoouln nnd hydrouvle. Cnncern , tuniori < , wens aud birthmarks removed , Y ting , middle ntfcd nnd old , nmrled i r single men , and all who suffer with lost manhood , nor-ous debility , Bpcrtmi torrnoen , comiii I louses , decay , liullnu memory , weak e > os , tuntcd dovelope- mcnt , luck of energy , Impoverished blood pimples , also blood und akin dls Eruption , hnlr fulling , bone palt > swellings , P ire thront , itluoro , effect ol mercury , kidney and bladder troubles oalc hack burning urine , Incontlnece gleet , Blrleuro , receive sonrchlng treat inont , prompt relief. 13oth sexes treated conlidentlnly niul privately. Piles , llstuln , liesuro nnd rupture by our new method Throuch Tourlstl Seepcra to tlie northweBt. The Burlington Route liu uHtab- Ijahod a twice a week touritU Oar 1'tie from KinniH City to ButU > , Spo kane , 'I'acomti and Scattlo * CarH leave KatiHuH City , Linuoin and Grand Inland cvtry Tuorday and Thursday , ariving ut Seattle lollow ing Friday and Sunday. They an upholstered in rattan. The bud linen and furnirihingH are clean and of good qiulity. The heatingven tilating and toilet arrangomeniH are all that can bo desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter , whose aolo duty is to attend to the wants of passengers Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate froniLincoln to Taoorua or Seattle is only $5.00. To intermodule points , it in proper tionately low. Montana and the Puget Souiu country are now enjoying a poriot of unexampled prosperity. A a consequence , travel to the Norlli- wo t in rapidly attaining large pro portions This now tourist car line has been established vrith a view o caring for ih Burlington'H Hharu o it in the beat possible manner. Berths , tickets and fell infounation can bo had on application to an ; Burlington Route ticket agent or it ; addressing ) . Francifl , G I'.A Omaha Neb Juno 20th TJieV * y To Co To California is in a tourist sleeping car person ally conducted via the Burlingtoi Route. You don't change oars You mike fast time. You sue tin finest scenery on the ( . ; lotx > . You car is not so expensively nor BO line to look at as n palac sleeper , but it is just as clean , jut as comfortable , just as good to rid in and NEARLY $20 CIIEAPKU The Burlington excursion leav every Thursday reaching San Fran cisco Sunday and Los Angeles 01 Monday. Porter will : each cai Excursion manager with oaeh party For folder giving full informatioi call at nearest B. & M. R. R. de pot or write to J. Francis , Genera Passenger Agent , Omahi , Neb C ) Anyone nonitlim n * ki quickly tui'crtn n i . . . Jnvontlon u iir i.u ' tlonniitrlctlyc'.i tlupnii tl I ieiiilri'0. it i i in i 1'ntontB taUtu tlinnu ' . \ t , witli 11 t cli i. Scientific \ Imnilnimii'i' cnlutlon of n fonr : four . Uruucli OHIro. 025 I hiV i'ii. . n , Wm. F. Hopkins , COMTKACTOR Plani and Sppclnratlnni ; on short notltt. Ma- orlal fuinlshpil and buildings comn'ctwl ' ctiiawr ban any manln the itato. 8 llKf cUou nara - cod ai to plant and rpcclflcntloni. Clinton Day , UYHICIAJS HCRQKOK , Urokun Bow , Neb. Ollloo over Uyerson'B grocery , Rwly enoo ( Hh houao west of .Baptist ohurob. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PlIYHlOIAN AND SuRQBOH. Oll'mo ever pout oflioo. Rosideooe , north Bido. K. II. . U. promptly nttondod day or night , Ollleo ever poatollloe , Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. , IIOMCKorATIUCIXN , Buccenorto UrJM. C. Ulyitont. Office over Chryslnl Drug Stort , Calls prompt ly Biiswired from otuce , day or nlghU Doctor Pennlngton , lomlier N.A.H.8. Rx-AsMilant Bargeon 81. J nd U. I. It. K ; Mao K. .t O. H. It. UU grad. nto of the Unlroriltr ot 1'onnirlTtnlft : tOfflea ircu doors foiitli of Id McComan drnc Itort. Allciillallllud , day or nlRht. The City Mills K. I'1. ' McOuiBB , Prop. lyu Flour and tirnhnm , ground on tone burr. All kinds of grinding QUO for toll or uzohango , to mil iiHtomorAuunt for oondonted * * , * * ' Stock Food. MCNN & DOH1U8 , HLAOKSMITUS. All < liuls of work In our Una done iromptly itiul In llret-oldBs order. Red ih.ip on the corner , west of ilio boiv Glvo us n trial. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public , - and Justice nf the Peace. Snooltl atUutloi fflr- K tn collection ! ! . Depositions takoi , iitnilou vouchers neatly ozrcatod , and all kinds of ltf l inpurs wrlttou. Ofllco weft ild iquari. Brok ) iiw. Not ) . OAMKUON AltKESK , vrrous vrt .t couNdttLLorts A.T LAW. KOI ins rt-Vlti | < nlty tilnck , Hrokon Uotr , H k. Thos. A. Turabull , CONTKAOTOU AND BlTILOBU. faithful work done , pnues rcftion- able anil all vTorit guu iYlee < l. Bow , Nebrtikiv. School and.Church , Furniture. For School Furnltiiio , School Hupplle * > r Clituoli Furnlturu , J oUor th beat ( unnattio markut affords. JOI1N DKOIOU3 , Broken Uow , Neb. A. THOMPSON . 1IUIL.DMK. ? nud oetltnatea on | flborl no due. Urokon Uow , Neb. ORR. . II. AIoOROSBON , TIME TABLE , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denter , Omaha , , Chicago , Dulte , St. Jocotili , Portland , KSIIBUB Oltj , HMt Lak City ijf I.ouls , and alt Han Franoltco points tact and south. and all polnti weit TUAIN8 LEAVE AS FOLLOWS- EA8T. No. li. Local oxpresa dally , Lincoln , Omaha , niul ull poliitH c ul . -.8:80 : .m. No , 40. Through freight uaet dallT..6fil : a. m. Nit. 48. Local froitjtit eait eaeit dally 'J.\ ' > p. a , DupnrtB at . 1.03p.m. Eicopt t-uiulay. No. 41. Local fxpreux dally , lleUna , UatU I'ortland , nil poliitB wwt . 10l7p. in No.ll. . " " wtft " 10-68 p. m No. 47. " " " " 2-1B p. m UeiwrU at . a.45p , m Except Hiinilny. SlcopInK , dlnliiK und rucllnlnt ; chair cur * ( neat ! Irco ) on thraigh trnlnn. Tlrki-d sold and b g- KiiL'u chocked to uny p < Inl In v < u United SUitui nnu Caimdu , No. 4H haft invroliaiidUo cm * Tuosdayi , Tlinr - duyR iinilHaturdayu. No. IB u III carry | in4 onger for AnMuio , Hal wy , btnocii , Whltmnn nnd MhMi , e. wo. < il will cnrry i a.ocr for IliTonni tinnitl Ihliind Y"rl , s-i'wi < nnd Lincoln. ( iiforiiia'lini , niiipr' , liiur lublm ctid ticket fall un or rllc t 11 L , drniBby. ji.iit. ; or J KrnnuK ft. I' . A , Oimihu. Nuiiranku. 11 1 . OliMB > . An-tjt I'or l. ( > rl | | te Vl'iHl-l-f * Co. , 240 \ ? ibhhh - , corner .luckron airtet , onO of oldivt nnd most prominent reeooimnndid Chttmberlniu'i itt'inedy ( or lagrlppo , as It not only Kivee a prcuniU ami ocmipleto rellof but ls > countcrHcte itnv tendoncv'of la Krippu to result m pueumouia , For aU by nil tlruggleta ,