Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
..-. J- - 1 1 I- ?tjifcy- .vMmw 4vIi-it, ititi rnu.'i f.r I,-, ritrr. 'mri-ii).l,riMto-fcni . ij VSRY DEPERATF. Aa AU$vr-r M-trjt it i.unuh oti ' Milliner; AlHffftUlrs cob gTol6njr wny Hh out eatlnjf, tint iflpiieu lluy do rH a ohnrieont wlutt U cnllM a square jural jhoy malt short worft f It It lb n't pecin to matter rault ta tho nlllyator what tho square mwil eonalsts of ko long1 as hojcnn tfct It down. Anything that ho dan devour without hurting' his tcoth or unduly htrotohlnjfhfa shallow ing nppnruluit is food for Him, A number of pcnnlfrvtailtmr tlio Zoo in Con trui pirlr, New York woro gnth Wod about the alligators' Uuik, wnti'h ing tho reptile disporting IhenwlvoH in llie w.ttcr. Sudd.' ly n gust of wind cnutriit tho broad-br mined hat rf n young gill in tho watching crowd, whinlted it off bur )ictul and landed it on tho edgn of tho bnnlr. Uoforo it could bo recovered ono of the alligators caught n ght of it-, his attention was attracted, no dbubt, by the beautiful nrtlllelnl roses with which it wr i trimmod. lie guvod at it rapt In mlnii njion for nn iustUtiU Ills juwh nlowly opened and then closed with a Minoorortho lint, which dlMippeaicd down tho e rotiiro'a throat all except uMuglo rose, which, however, did not escape, for in moiiuuit the olllgiitor'H oyo rested upon it, and it n quickly followed the rost of tho hut into the creature's - capacious interior. Then tho alligator winked his olhar eyo. as much us to pay: "That was fine, (live mo a doreu moro." Bvory ono onjoyed tho spectacle ovcopt the young girl wlnlrfittho hat, whtj la still, ns bho wns thru, undoubtedly of the opinion that alligators oro very Jmpolllo crea tures, whatever othor virtues they may possess. CARE OF 1HC PIANO. If Von lliippon to Jlivo O14B, ThU I How ti Trent IT." A skilled pianist nevor nllcws Ills beloved instrument to staud up against the wall in his room, a ripawsof at loast a foot being allowed, nuy a music dealer. This is to prevout damp and allow a passage of dry, warm air. The ' precaution is especially nojcssary in a briolc house where tho wall 5b 'an outr fildo one. Ilrtclcs aro tiuything but damp proof, and unlovi tho wall is "furred" there will bo considerable, dampness, especially when tho first flre'ls lighted for the fall. Dampness Is fatal to a piano, because, among other reasons, tho rosewood used in making tho frame is tropical wood, ,ar.d notcapab'o of resisting uioisturo for any length of Unit. In n carelessly kept piano tho is bud, and the varnish looks as though nn ai my of insets had been at work on It. This h bo 'nnso the wood has , stretched and shrunk with rapidity owing to getting damp and than J&liig dilcd again, and a musi cian seldom enres to buy huefi an in .sthinrtfnt, knowing that tho delicate interior has buffered at least to some flxj,eht with the exterior. Taking ,barb of 11 plnno is lialf tho battle, and llie less dampness tho less expenditure iiwTT&.sury iu ucuv u m uuie. WiT TIMEPIECE. The Womtnrfol OloeU 'TJut Ornnuionts IlflliiilMpliU's Town Hull. Tho greatest horologlenl wonder lr the world to day is th-3 gigantic cloak in the tower of the immense "public" at Philadelphia. When everything is iu running order this .marvel of tho cloekmalter's art will bo 'stationed a distance of 315 foot from tJ'C pavement. Its boll imighs be 'Weau 30,000 and 23,000 pounds, un.l is the second largest bell of any kind in America, the gre'it ball at Montreal peing tho largest, weighing 28,000 pounds. The dial of this Philadelphia tifin is twenty-flvo feet in diameter, ,&mj the btrlk nj hain.nier llJ as largo as ivpllo driver welgiit. Tho minute h tnd i uvclvo and the hour hand nine feet MtSdqntjth. The machinery is arranged so tha't tho clook will srjko every fif teen minutes, tho quarter, half, three quarters and hours. Tho Homsin numerals op the faee aro cash two "e,t.'elg'ht Whw in length, tho dark part pf tho figures beiug three and jtdireo-fourth Inehos in width. As it is ehlirelj out of tho question to talk of .winding puch a monstjr by hand, a 'tlneo hors "pqj;er engine has been pHced at the' square of tho towor for that especial purpose. ". A Ilnwo-Made Turklih llith. Any "ono can fl up n Turkish or va por bath lu his 'own bodroom at littlo or no oxpenso. A wood-seated chair ton be placed over a tub of boi ing "Xatbr.aad tho bather has only tos'ton fhb. chair and cover hlmsolf from hls. uovn wards wttli a heavy blanket to get a tlrst-class vapor bath. gmo people vary the arrangement by putting hay into the tub as well as tho titling water, but this is unnecessary nijd,oiily'adds to the trouble aud mess. Tho same precautions aro neoded against catching co'd as with n regu lar Turkish, bqJUi wltlj tho udvantajo i,n favor of ttie homo affair that you 1riiret Into bed without having to go out of doors after getting overheated. The simple '"bath as deaorlbod will cure ilieuraatism and cpratns as well ns re duce weight o an appreciable extent- . -'B'uebcarU'4 Oaitlp. Few are awuro of tho oxlstcnco of the veritable Bluebeard's castle. 6t a recent writer assures ua that this is situtttod a mllq or two beyond in rlakep, on a lonely, well-shaded ta uataln road. Upon looking up the svuodud hillside, just at a bond in the lnue, owe-'noea tho ruins of an old castle Vu y moss-cov.eced walls now remain, which are the liaunta of bats, binls, viol inieets, but Its btately columns in (i it.-iu ourly grandeur. AInny doubt i tueh'C oharaeter as Hluebeawl 'ived, but hi Uiut portion of th d the storj is believed und told by .tivfts, until one fancied lie hfeg ia ft slater nt Uie tower window, 1 "" '"'et. A G7 h - y &ivcltiur eonjo eiga of Uer r , ' t ' t I Final Proof Notices Jlo.v. tf. W. Wwix. .7 iu Itolttor. IfoXi l'. M. lluooar, ltwwlver. IVtle linrtmrnrttl(Blntiiliitliimti aw re nuerUft) to rMl tlipwuiwonrelullv ami rwrnrt lo Hit olllfl: n oilpl. Tliln for wirrwliw fthr Mrpr yibtwr fill lifPtonl vumudiq upihj in tnnklna nof. '.anil oifiro nt Alliuiico, Nob., Dio. 17, IttuO. Hottco lictobj IMj that John W. Piorce, of Hrmlnttfortl. Nob , 1ms fll il notlco of inten tion t iiinka Dual rooMtrfonJti j Icr or Ito cotvrrat Alllat.c. f'ol... on tlin Stday jT Jijn narj 1WJ7. on tlintH'r nilMinl iitiplifatlon No IK I forthnsoUMsUVtliS'Mi.rVjw. Ilonnmm R w'!1C"'w'I,.J'Vn ' J'n.18' Jainw A lluuUrr, WIMiorn 1). Crowi, Hnmlltoli JUII. Ml ot Hcmlnfor.l. Nnn. I ....1 fllllfn n( llttnnr-o Vol) . t)(T. 7. lMM. Notice In hereby lwi tlist tlipfollotii imm 1 wttlor linn (llnl notlcn ot Ids intention to niaUc final ltroor in suppori oum ," 5 Hint wild proor will lioitjiido lforo ltilj tcror ltecc'lfrrnt Alliance, Ncti. on Jan. 10, IWW, Mt. Vojtooh CJhltulolr, of Diuilnii, Nob., wlio mndfl II K. No. 26M for tlmii o li pe S5, li.n, r. Iloimmvn lit foUowliiir tvltn.Bci lrvo IiIk continuous rwlilwicnutMin and riiltlTAtion of Hiiid land, vlra Upiii Mi hto John l'"e ll, (IlirlMoj.h Molitn. Ilprnard I ondrich, All of Diiniaii, Noli. J. W. Y, t UN, Jit., II winter Und Ollici'. Allhuire, Neb., Dec. 2, 13W. Notlco In ln-robi nt veil tliat Tohij C. Aloxandor, of Anlmoro.8 I)., has filed notlco of Intention to niaku final proof Ix-fore M. J. Illowctt, clerk diMrlct court wU M l1Iiw- In Harrison, Nob., on .1finniirytMM)7; oil llmlM'r culture- nppllention No Mil, for Hum w U of hou 14, IpVSn.rlS WilneKM'H will u'Uc toxtimony beforo relBtT or rwotiorat Alliaticn, Neb. H tiaines at wlt hwm' '11ioman li. HopkiiiH, Win J. llritlon, Joint Jdllnek, Win. I). Johnnon, nil of Hemin fonl, Neb. J. W. Wkhk, Jn., UettlBter. Inml Ollleoat Alliance, Neb., Nov. 25. 1800. Notieo Ih horeby (,'iliiii tout Hosier A. Fallot1, noo Ilnrkor, has filed notice of Intuition to make final proof beforo Iti'MlMt r or Hocolier at Alliance, Nob., on January 4, 1M7, on timber rultnro application No. KJ1, for tho n w H boo 21, tn 20 n, ru 10 w. Bho luimeH as wIIemmoh: Is. Vauuhn, J H. Jowett. W. It.JpwBtt, of Herca, Neb., (I. W. Yountt, of Alliancfl.-Neb .... J W. WniN, Ju., Henlstor. Iind Olilco nt Alliance, Nob . Nov. 18. 181W. Notice is heroby Kicn that tho following named settlor liax filed iiotk-o of hih intention to make final proof In mipport of bin claim and that said proof will bu tnaito beforo Keclstor or Ucceiver at Alliance, Neb., on Dec. ', lbVO, I Josoph Duhon, of Hemlnatford, Nob., who tuado II E No. 8617 for tho o U seo tEl, tp '2H n, rni w. lIoiian"K tlio following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ftli'l citlliiation of said land, viz: Anton ('li)tka, Jnincs Torek, Hubert Anderson, Henry tihimek, all of Luwn Neb. J. W. Wees. Jn., IteslBtor. XI. ft. lind Otfin, Alllaneo, Nob., II o v. 18l)0. NotiLO is nerooy civm mat John C. Livmmors, of llnhhi llle, Nob., has filcsl notlco of intention to make final proof beforo KeRisler or llecetvor at Alllaneo, Nob., on Deeomlwr 'il, lbflO, on tim ber rultuioappliention Ni. P08, for tho n o U bpo SJ, tp 27 n, r 47 w. m Hu names an witnexsos: Christopher C. H"B Bles, Albert Marundy, O. II. Webster, of Hox Butt", Nob., I'etcr i Borensou. of Uiisliiille, Nub. J. W. Wtnw.JK., Itetjistnr. Dunliip chee&o is tho best on the marlcot Try it. Bushnell & Sherwood will pay .ho highest market price for hogs. All parties desiring to make final proof can hayo their papers matlo out at Tim IIekald ofllco, freo of charge, and promptly transmitted to tho land offlco. ' ' Tioro will ho hold in Hemjn.g ford, Nuhraskn, a Bihlu institute, conducted hy Rov. Frady, begin ning Jan. 20, 1897 aud continuing in sijsskm four days. The work of the institute will ho a study of four 'Gospels :tho life of Christ. Circulars concerning the institute may he had from Rov. Ilazelton. Rov. Preston, 0. J. "VVjldy or Mr. Shorwcol. Everyone is invited to attend. A largo class is desired. A meeting concerning tho in stitute will bo hold at M. E. church next Tuesday ovening Nov. 24, 7:30 p. fa. Everyone come. Anna Ncoland, Sec. Photos. While your family is all at homo and in health why not havo thoir picture taken together mayho you. would, not part with such a picturo at any price in a few years. W. T."'0aldwlu:, Photographer, Alliance. Comfort to California. Every Thursday afternoon a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lako Cjty, San Franoisco and Los An gelcso leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; baft spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, beddings, towels, soap and etc. An experienced excursion con ductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to tho Pacific coast. While neither as expensively furnished nor as fine to look at as a palace hleoper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets are honored and the price of a berth, wide 'enough and- big enough for two, is only 5. For a folder giving full par ticulars, call at tho neatest B. & M. It. R. tickiH ofriee. Or, write to J. Francis. Gen'l.Pass'r Ajient Burlington Route Omaha, Neb. ELEGANT LINE OF NEW CLOAKS AND NEWMARK ETS, CHEAP AT - G, A. BURLEW'S. ni CloaiDg Out I have made up my mind to g out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing: and Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, , . . W. K. HERNCALL. mi m W The ladies of the Congregational clutrcliAwilI hold a fair next Friday afternoon and evening Dec. 18th at the church. Everyone come and buy a Christmas presenter friends. You can find indoles both useful and ornamental 'moic beautiful and cheaper than you can make tlioni. Como and co tho display, ltcfiesh nients will be berved from U o'clock to 10 p. in CURE CONSUMPTION. 4 T. A. Slocum. M. C, tho Great Chem ist and Scientist, pffers to Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bot tles of His Newly Discovcicd Ilemcdics to Cure Consump tion and AULung Tioublcs. Nothing cuukl be fairer, moro phll anthtoplcor carry moro J joy In its wake than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C, of 183 Pearl street, New Yoik City. Confident that he has discovered an absolute euro for consumption aud all milni.'Hiurv comrdaints, and to to make its greatj merits known, he will send, free, tlnce bottles (the Slocum now system of; medicine) to any reader of the Herald who suf fering from chest, throat and lung troubles or consumption. He invites those desirous of ob taining the remedies to simply send him their expiess and postotllce ad dress, and receive in return the three free bottles. Aheady tills "new scientific course of medicine" lias permanently cuied thousands of apparently hopeless cases. He considers it his religious duty a duty which lie owes to huuniiity to donate. Ids infallible cuic. ' Offered freely, apart fiom its ad heient strength, is enougli to com mend It, and moie so is the perfect confidence of the groat chemist mak ing the offer. He has proved consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt. There will bu no mistake iu send ing the mlstaKo will he In overlook ing tlio Doctor's generous invitation. He lias on llle in his American and European laboratories thousands of testimonials of experience from'thoso cured, in all parts of the world. ' Delays are dangerous; mall your address to T A. Slocum. M. C, J8.3 l'carl sticet, New Yoik, and when writing tlio Doctor, please ment'.o" rending tl,i.s utUle in 'Jhb IIeua!, F. E. HOLSTEN, Watchmaker AND Jewelo ALLIANCE NEH. (B. & M. Watch Examiner.) Charges reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at tho Heuald ollice will reco'vo prompt attention. COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OnTAIN A PATENT t For o rrptnpt antwer and nn honott opinion, vrtlto to IU I'NNit CO., who ha o bad nearly flftx jcara! cjperlenco Id the patent bintneis. Comiuunlcu. ttona nrlctlr connrtentlnl. A 1 1 nndliooU of In formation concernliui Patents and bow to ob tain ibomeont free. Also a catalogue of moclutu lorn and MlentlHo hooka tent freo. 1'atcnti taken tl'roush lutm & Co. rccclro Ff orml notloeln the Hrlrnllllc Amerlriiii. and tecs are hrontiht wldeir belnrotbq public with out coft to tlio InTCntnr. this aplendld paper, fuued weaWlj.elecantlf lllujtrBte.l.h!i by fur tlio larutat nrculatlou of any eclentldc work Iu the world. S.J a year. Mmple copies ant frea. nrm. j.i a year, hampie copies ant 1 Hulldlnu KdltlOD. luonthlr, tiJUia year inioju J.l ccnta. KTrr numha.r rtnntnli llulldlna Udltlon. luonthlr, tlJUia year. Blnslo tlful platea. In colors, and photographs of new liouko. with plana, enabling bulldor to show the laleatdenlgna and secure cent rnria. Address " UVXX COMrnr Yout, SU1 BuoADvri.y. 'I B 9 k wljf igmmmMJmw fWt-kXWW & ale ! . . . ai Photographic Views. Photographer W. T. Caldwell of Alliance has made arragoincnls with Mr. W. T. Andrews, a pho loraphorMiavingryears of exper ience, who will take views of tho country within a raclius of fifty miles in all directions "from Alli ance for the next few months. Ho is equippodwith a lirst-class outfit aud all tho work will bo fur iiishcdj atjtho popular Caldwell Studio, aud willbo furnished the same us tho best jmcle of portrait work. Parties wanting work of this kind done, by dropping a 'card to either of the above panics at Alliance- will bo notified'when Mr. Andrews isjjxpected to bo in this vicinity Tho executive sonfmlttec have de cided to posponc the meeting of the Box Butte County Tlieacers associa tion, which was to be held in Alliance December 12, 1800, until the last Saturday inJnnuary, 1807, Ina I. Mausiiall, Sec. Wo havo a uow Kimball organ for sale at a bargain . The CHICAGO CHRi THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Will bs sent postpaid to any address olx days a vvook for ono yoar for FOUR DOLLARS. Tho Ohronlolo la tho moat conspicuous nawapapor suo ooss of tho day, tho dally cir culation oxcoedlns 75,000 coplos and tho Sunday clrau latlon oxooodlng 100,000 bop loo. It Is a flrat-olasa nows paperof 12 and lOpagos (Sun day 40 to 43 pagoa) and Is a stanch supporter of sound domooratlo prlnolples. TERRMS. Daily (cxcipt Sunday) 1 year S4.00 tt&lj!";;' I' Sinn Diiiy and Sunday, 6 months 3.00 D&'ly, 2 month 1.00 Pally and Sunday, 2 months 1.40 Dally, 1 month DO Daily and Sunday, 1 month 75 Sunday, 1 year 2.00 Saturday,! year 1.00 Samplo ooplos froo on appli cation. Addroaa THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 164-166 Washinston St., Chics ao. III. 00 YCAR8 EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIQfeS, OOPYRICHTS &.C Anyone eendlnR a nketrh and dPsrrlptlon may quickly ascertain, free, nhctbcr an Invention li l.rotuibly liatontablo. CommunlcoUona itrtctly connaentUU Oldrat ncency forM;urlipateuti tn AuiBrtoa. Wo have a ablnstpn offlco. i'atonu taken tbroujU Munn X Co. recclva ipeuu uollco lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of ny cutlflc journal. wckly,teiTOJ.0O a yearj SlJualx tuoutha. fpoclmen coplei and I1AMD Loou on I'ATCNTa acut froo. Addrca MUNN & CO.. 3G1 Drouttnar. ftuT York. jMtex. time octTTHBHH STYLE 201 Is sold by agents as high as $193 Toucan buy it at tho factory prlco from ua for $88 Height 75 tnchos, Fronch Nato Mirror, Patont Kail Board. Mouse Proof, BOLID WALNUT or OA II Guurantcod for 6 years by manufacturer and by ua. Wo pay freight t any point in Nebraska. Wo furnish stool, hoolc and chart. Write for terms. ORGANS from $20 aud up. t P. B. Our S2d year. iMentlca thlacaDsr.) Three Opinions: f'The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense othe word," Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. V "There Is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the truc journal istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECJpRD."-7 From t4Newspaperdom,f (New Yor). m " have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores.1 'Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st, flOu CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Bee r Purest In the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Office 1C07 Juckcon Street, Omnha, Neb. jlj. .i. .te. At. m. v. sit. -w&fl' A'&"' ''i!'&i-)i- fifiiiti &zgi&'i&lkk!k,ife UNDER THE MEANS.,. 1 16 PatGh8s to 1 Pair of Pants 8UB3CRIDE FOR THE "TlAZO SILVER CHH7PIONS The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. Tho bimetallic standard meaus good prices, good wages, permanent pro.spcrity for the producing classes. , The Farm, Field and Fireside, A 32 to 4-0 Page Weekly Farm and Family Paoor. Prloo, 81. OO a year While not ucglecting s superb Agricultural, Horticultural, Ilve Stock and Family Departments, eta, lus at the same time, for many years, upheld tlio P ..indnrd of the people against trusts and monopolies, more especially against dint nioU itiiquitons of all monopolies, tho single gold btandard, All who read it agree that it Is the beit paper of its class on earth. A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER 'e will scn4 the above great journal in connection with 'nrszEJ :e3::s:es.x-j:d 331.50 U0U1 one ye&r, postpaid, at the extremely low price of $C-i$ .... in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer who pays tea cents additional for postage and packing, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS 1 These seeds are the best in the mar ket. They cousist of Farm, Vegetable and Flower Seeds of your own selec tion from a list of 200 varieties. The packets are as large as seedmeu's mail packets. The seed alone at retail prices r worth 1 OO. Call and see us laaHalaBiaVvaaVwEU about this Breat offer at once, or end remittances to till offloe. 1 $5.00 per Mouth. I KinibaBI ORGAN PIANOS from $40 and up. A. HOSPE, Jr. Omaha. Hef r mi GOLD STANDARD '" " i Brewing TO I. I