Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 01, 1897, Image 2

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    tK W
TH03. J. O'lCERFFE, rnIlUh.r.
The poultry and Block show at Hast
tags was well attended.
Tho flro companies of Fremont will
organ Izo n mutual bcncllclary society.
Old soldiers at tho Mllford Homo re
tnrn thanks (or furnlturo donated.
Maj. J. II. Showaltor of Fremont
wants to succeed Frank Whlto as U. S.
Nebraska City's salvation army will
&Ito a freo dinner to tho poor on Christ
mas day.
An Otoo county patriarch of sixty
four was recently married to a blushing
wiuow or sixty.
Tho Salvation army of Nebraska
City gave a freo dinner to poor child
ren on Christmas.
II. P. Knapp shipped a ilno load ot
mules from Ithaca place last wcok to
tho St Louis market.
An Indian on tho reservation near
Rushvlllo kilted himself to cscapo ar
rest for horso stealing'.
0. 11 Jones of Nuckolls county sold
rt brood sow tho other day that tipped
tho beam at COS pounds.
Mr. llaker, Into agent of the Gllcrcst
Lumber company at Oconto, was con
victed of embezzling $140 from his em
ployers. Tho rcsldonco of Joseph Motzuor of
Arapahoo was destroyed by fire. Tho
contents wcro saved. Loss, $000; in
surance, 8400.
A. Ilocdcckcr of Plattsmouth was re
pairing a corn shcller when tho horses
suddenly started, and now ho has but
ono thumb.
Tho 15-months-old infant of Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Hardv of Elk Creek swal
lowed a safety pin and tho crisis passed
without Injury.
A hedgo fence deal was worked at
Wayne, and tho Republican says it was
a clear case of "a smooth conlldenco
- man taking in suckers."
Tho mayor and councilmon havo
started a subscription list for tho bene
fit of tho south Omnha hospital and
headed it with an individual donation.
Tho Ord irrigation district is making
arrangements to sell their $50,000 ot
bonds, and will push tho work of
ditch construction as rapidly as possi
ble. Firo broke out In tho residence of
I. F. Lccdom of Dakota City. Tho
building and contents wcro destroyed.
Loss about $1,000, with small insur
ance. Several cases of dipthcrla havo been
reported to tho David City board of
health in various parts of that place,
and It is feared that it may become an
usorgo Smith, aged 22, son of ffm
Smith, tl farmer near Octavia, was
killed by klclcrom a horse. Tho horso
was sick and young tiuilth was attend
ing to him.
Hog thloves aro operntlng north of
Pierce. One farmer went to town and
loadod up with Bhot and shell and
there may bo a fow human corpes lay
ing around thero ero long.
At Lincoln C. J. Wincingcr wns
bound over to tho district court in tho
sum of 500 to answer to tho chargo of
bastardy proferrcd by Mary Cizek. Ho
gavo bond and was released.
Tho pcoplo ot Milford havo decided
to hold an election, and tho candidate
rcclving the highest voto will bo tho
next postmaster, providing tho wishes
of tho community aro respected.
Thero is no market for shelled corn
at'Winskle, thero being fear that It
will heat. If car corn is taken HO
pounds to the bushel is required for
which tho holder is paid ton cents.
A Lyons farmer comes forward with
the statement that corn is not tho stuff
to burn. Ho says coal is cheaper nnd
ho advises farmers to sell their corn,
even at tho present prices, und buy
Frank Frodahlcr, a student at tho in
stitute for tho blind, Nebraska City,
fell from a second story window, strik
ing on tho brick walk, fracturing Ids
skull very badly, and at this writing is
very low.
There is a probability that tho hour
of meeting originally fixed for tho bi
metalllst stato conference at Lincoln,
may be changed from 2 o'clock in tho
afternoon of Jan. 0 to 11 o'clock, a. in.
of the samo day.
A, black mare, 8 years old and weigh
ing about 1,100 pounds, was stolen
from Groen Swayze's barn at Elkhorn.
An unknown man was seen tho day
before walking west with a saddle, anil
ho Is supposed to bo the man who stole
the animal.
D. W. Stevenson, for several years a
resident near Monroo, left for parts
unknown tho other night Ho aban
dons his farm, which, it is claimed, is
mortgaged for more than it is worth.
He is said to leave other debts.
D. S. Zimmerman, representative
elect for York county, was repairing a
fence at his suburban residence, and
threw his coat and vest over a post
When ho returned to get them, both
articles, with tho valuables they con
tained, were gone.
Mrs. Smith, wife of tho Missouri
Pacific section foreman at Paul, was sc
severely beaten, by her husband as to
rcqulro medical aid. Smith has been
in jail for beating his wife before. The
county attorney of Otoe tonnty will
have a warrant issued for his arrest.
A. 1). Dort of ISurchard lias just fin.
ished husking 0,000 bushels of corn
from eighty. live acres of "round. He
plrnted and cultivated this cutirc Held
alone, besides doing his other farm
work, with the help of one man, did
the husking.
A result of tho meeting of Cuban
sympathizers in Lincoln, is tho circula
tion of a report that an agent is in tho
city enrolling names of volunteers for
Cuban service. A number of members
of local military companies are sa 1 to
have signed and are to report ut Kan
sas City at the proper time.
l'rpnrlnj; tlio Way for .tnollirr Interim
ttnnnl Confrrrncn Along tho Limn Lalil
Down In tho fct. Limit 1'lnt form -Con-altlrrnlily
Kncntirncctl Oier Iloports of
1'roL'nblo Success.
Tor Silver Itrrognttlnn.
Washington, Dec. 29.- A resolution
oirercd in Republican caucus by Sena
tor Wotcolt for the issuance of an in
vitation to tho principal powers to join
in u international monctnry conference
having been adopted, five scnutors,
friendly to silver, but not bolterH,
were appointed to formulate a plan.
Senator Woleott is working hard, and
tho plan will probably be presented to
the Senate soon after tho holiday
The tendency among tho members of
tho committee is to leave tho number
nml selection of tho conforrecs entirely
to tho president and thus depart from
tho precedent established In the Fifty
third Congress, when provision was
made for the representation of this
country at a conference then proposed
by dividing the selection of the con
forrecs between thu president und
Congress. An appropriation will bo
provided for carrying the net into ef
fect. It is not yet definitely determined
how far tho proposed legislation will
go in providing for this country to
tuko the Initiative in securing thu con
ference, but the probabilities aro that
this also will bo left to the discretion
of the President.
Thu bill is being prepared to provide
tho means for enrrying out tho Ilepub
licau platform, and tho members of
tho committee generally hold that Mi'.
McKlnluy vlll require only tho means
witli which to proceed to cause
him to use his utmost endeavors to se
cure an international agreement.
The committee has been considera
bly encouraged over tho reports re
ceived as to the probabilities of suc
cess. Senator Hoar, who is a member
of tho commltteo, has told the in that
France was aggressively in favor of an
international understanding, and that
tho sentiment In Germany was very
favorable, but that tho emperor was tho
stumbling block In that country. It
was also suggested that Englund would
bo found more traotablo than Is popu
larly thought, that pressure of a busi
ness character might bo brought to
bear and that the payment in sliver of
debts owed in this country to England
might bring tho English peoplo to a
realization of the importance of au
Humor Tlmt Hpnln AVI 11 Mnko Overtures
lo tho llcliela.
Nr.w Yoiik, Dec. 2 8 A Madrid spe
cial says: It is rumored tlmt General
Weyler. has delayed fresli operations
against tho insurgents in order to givo
time to discover tho disposition of tho
bands and their chiefs since tho death
of Mncco, with a view to feeling his
way to proparing tho ground for fin
islinig tho present Cuban war like the
past insurrections in Spain and Cuba,
where money and unotllcial negotia
tions prove more telling arguments
than force of arms, directly tho Insur
gents saw no moro hope of foreign aid.
It is also bolioved in diplomatic cir
cles that Spain will tuko advantage of
the dispositions of Presldeu Cleveland
nnd Secretury Gluey to negotiate
quickly and directly with tho United
States to secure American neutrality
by granting discriminating concessions
in tho contemplated Cuban tariff and
fair promises of colonial autonomy be
fore the accession of MeKlnley.
"Kansn Kill" Contrite.
Spatti.k, Wash., Dec. 28. Gay
Harshman, alias "The Kansas Kid,"
who was convicted recently of passing
810,000 worth of counterfeit money,
lias made a statement totheefl'cet that
his pal, George Colliding, who is now
serving time for counterfeiting, and
who squealed on him, confessed to
him that ho was ono of the three men
who held up the Northern Pacific train
at Hot Springs in 1801, when tho pas
sengers in tho sleeper wero relieved of
S3.000. It is believed tlmt Hurshmnn
also had a hand in tho hold up. Conk
ling is not a bad man, but Harshman is
an old criminal nnd a desperate man.
lli'lelum's MlnUtir Itct-allctl.
Wasminoton, Dec. 28. After seven
years' service in Washington, as repre
sentative of his government, Alfred
Lcghoyt, tho Helgian minister, pre
sented his formal letter of recall to
President Cleveland to-day and ex
pressed the regret he felt at being ob
liged to sunder the ties which had
bound him to America. The President
responded in suitable terms. He has
been transferred to St, Petersburg.
London llolltluy Tr.ulo (.runt.
London, Dec. 28. The Christmas
weather has been of the mildest de
scription, foggy, without snow. Hut
tho holiday trade has been the best in
years, especially in jewelry, fancy nr
tleb's, books and mechanical toys. Tho
receipts last Monduy at ono liig co
operative store alone was S112,00.. An
average of 200.COO parcels were handled
daily at tho main parcel office, where
1,100 clerks worked night and day.
A fjoduUti Woman' Durst.
Pouti.ANP, Ore,, Dee, 28. Miss Mary
Ellen Thaxtcr of Sedalia, Mo , is hero
endeavoring to obtain positive evidence
of the death of her fn titer, Everett
Thaxter if he is indeed dead to ex
pedite th distribution of a 5500,000
estate in St. Louis, in which nhi; Is in
terested td the extent of S250.QQO.
Uljr imv York I'lrr.
Xhw Yoiik, Dec. 28. Firo Yesterenv
morning destroyed two big buildings
on East Twenty-Third street, partially
destroyed tho New York Polyclinic
hospital, and compelled tho removal of
its patients, drove a score of familius
from" thetr hornet in adjoining build
ings, and did 5500,000 damage.
('Ire nt Bun l-'raiit'lttcD.
San Fkancuco, Dec. 28. Fire yes
terday noon destroyed the plant of
l'raiu is Valentine A. Co , ono of the
largest pi nting l'nus in the city.
Loss g;o 000, A tircman was fatally
Reports of Spanish Aid Id Cuba Entire!
Washington, Dec. 23. It is denied
ofllclally und authoritatively that any
European government either direct
or inuirccuy nan mnae any representa
tions whatever to tho United States to
restrain or prevent its free action in
connection with tho Cuban Insurrec
tion, A similar report was denied by
authority several weeks ago. A. Von
Unicning, secretary of the German cm
bissy, Fald that so far as the embassy
here was concerned no such intimation
had been received. He discredited tho
whole story. "Wo havo not hoard ti
word concerning Cuba," said he, "for
threo months."
Senator-elect Money of Mississippi,
now n member of the House foreign
niYuirs committee, proposes to leave
Tampa, Flu., next Saturday morning
for Havana, to remain a wcclc or ten
days in Cuba. Ho will seek an audi
enee with Captain General Weyler and
will ask him to provide an escort and
a flag of truce, so that he can go into
the heart of the territory occupied by
the insurgents, with a view of finding
out what is going on. Mr. Money says
he is determined to make as lengthy a
journey into tho interior of Cuba as
his time will permit, and it is under
stood that he will endeavor to com
municate with the insurgents whether
Captain General Weyler grants him
permission or not. He realizes that it
will be a risky thing for him to proceed
on his own account if a permit is refused
hiin. However, he is so titixioun to
have trustworthy information that ho
will take the chances, even if lie finds
himself luter locked up in prison. It
is his intention to stato frankly to the
captain general that ho visits the
island because it is Impossible to
procure from President Cleveland or
Secretary Olney tiny ofllclnl Informa
tion regarding the condition of affairs
in Cuba, und, as a member of Congress
and of the House committee on foreign
afl'alrs,"ho wishes to know what ho is
doing before he casts his vote for or
against any ono of tho several resolu
tions pending.
Mr. Money was tin ofllcer in tho Con
federate army during the war under
General Forrest, and his four years'
service in the field whetted his interest
in military operations. He thinks
that his visit will nt least enable him
to learn moro than he could by depend
ing on jtlio btato department lor in
Illinois National Hank OllU'crx nro l'cnl
tent. Washington, Dec. 28. When a com
mltteo of directors of the collapsed
National Hank of Illinois called on
Comptroller Ecklcs to-day for it per
sonal conference regarding tho bank's
affairs, the doors wero locked and
slrict secrecy obsorved.
Tho directors stated to Mr. Eckels
that they desired to mako a stntemftrt
in regard to their connection with the
affairs of the bank and toexplnin their
relation to its management, sinec the
letter written to them in 1895.
Mr. Eckels said that he felt confident
that the management of the bank had
been very negligent, nnd the directors
explained that since the receipt of Mr.
Eckels' letter they had repeatedly tried
to close negotiations for the sale of
the Calumet Electric railway, but the
business conditions of the country, the
long political campaign and the trouble
with tho Diamond Match company had
caused a failure of these negotiations
thus far. They expressed a desire to
do everything In their power to aid tho
receiver in realizing the utmost from
tho assets of tho bank.
Mr. Eckels Impressed upon the di
rectors that ho would expect them to
make every possible effort to realize
from the Calumet road and nt the best
figure possible.
Tho delegation informed the comp
troller that they had no one to recom
mend for receiver, and no protest to
make against the appointment of any
one, and wero perfectly willing to co
operate with nnyone Mr. Eckels might
see fit to appoint.
The delegation said the directors
were very hopeful that the affairs of
the bank would be completely settled
within the next twelve months and
that every obligation would bo met,
and that the assets probably would be
sufficient to leave the real esthto cicar.
This afternoon Mr. Adams of tho
commltteo gave out tho following:
"We had a very pleasant interview
with tho comptroller. Our purpose
was to show whut we had tried to do
to Improvo the condition of the bank
sineo tho receipt of the comptroller's
letter a year ago. Our talk was main
ly about the Calumet Electric. We
feel that the comptroller will do nil he
can to realize all that can possibly bo
realized out of the assets."
(.'mulcted of Hancln? IIli Wife.
Clahkr, S. I)., Dec. 28. Christian
Christiansen has just been convicted of
wife murder and sentenced to tho pen
itentiary for life. It was supposed
that his wife had committed suicide,
us she was found hanging to a trco in
a tree claim. It now appears that ho
hung her to the tree from his wagon
and then drove out from under, leav
ing her there. Circumstantial evl
ecueo was found which rendered the
suicide theory untenable.
Notnl .MuslclniiK United.
Sax FitAXt'isco, Cnl., Dec. 'J8. Ous
tuv Hinrichs, the musical director, and
Miss Montgomery Fleming, contralto,
wero married tit the home, of his par
ents in Alameda, Dec. 17. There were
present only the parents of the bride
nnd groom and Carl Uhllg, who acted
ns best man.
Urutal Jefferson City Murder.
Jeffkhhox Cm, Mo., Dee. '". Tho
body of a l"-year-old colored girl was
found in the rear of Stamtlis' furni
ture store with the head crushed and
the abdomen cut open. Tobo Laua
ban, a negro, was arrested, but the
evidence against hiin is meager and
cncumstantial. A lynching Is possb
A Negro Uoy ShootH u VoUceiumi.
Pakis. Ky , Doc. 28. .lohnborfllowe,
a 15 -year-old negro uoy, lataih
;iU sli.it
Po'icsmau Lacy at Cvnthiuna;
mas eve wheu the ofuccr nlti-nt-tcd to
arrest him. Last night he was lrouc'lit
here for safe keeping
Tlio President Mainly to Itlmnn Illrertn
1'hrc lipclnres that Cnluinrt Loam
Nnvrr Appeared on tlio Hooks Submit
ted to tho Loan Commltteo A Schema
for nn Immense fortune In Stock.
Hank Directors Misled.
Chicago, Dec. 21. "Never did i see
on the book kept for the purpose, of
informing the directors of tho bank ns
to who were the applicants for loans
the mine of the Calumet Electric rail
way." said Director Page of the defunct
National Hank of Illinois to-day when
asked how such large loans were made
by the bank and ostensibly given with
the sanction of the directors.
Mr. Pago said as to the manner in
which tho business of tho bank, us far
as tho directors were concerned, was
conducted: "The directors appointed
from among themselves what you
might term for convenience sake
an auditing committee The plan
was to let one director drop out
caeli mouth, some other taking his
place. Eacli day the committee would
meet at the bank. Its business being to-
p;m upon tho applications for loans.
A record of these applications was
kept in a book designed for the pur
pose. In this book was also kept op
posite the name of each applicant a
record of the collntcrnl offered to ef
fect tho loan. When the committee
wns ready for business Mr. Schneider
would come into the room, bringing
with him this book and with it an
other book in which was recorded the
daily balance of the would-be bor
rower and also a record of how much
ho had previously borrowed."
i'iii:9ii)i:NT hchnkiukii to iilami:.
"You say that Mr. Schneider used to
bring this in?-'
"Almost invariably. Seldom was
Mr. Hammond before the committee.
At odd times he would bo called In to
answer some question as to an appli
cant's business or to clear up a point
about some collateral offered, but Cap
tain Schneider was almost always tho
bearer of the books. The committee
would look over the books carefully,
and in some instances refuse to sanc
tion a loan. In others tlio loan nsked
for would be cut down, nud In cases
where the applicant and security wero
nil right the accommodation was of
course granted."'
"Did the committee never ask to
see the actual collateral offered or did
they simply take the word of Mr.
Schneider or Mr. Hammond that the
security was actually in tho bank and
actually what it purported to be in
the memorandum book'?''
"Wo had been in business with Mr.
Schneider nnd Mr. Hammond many of
us for thirty years. To havo made
such a demand of them would have
bfcen a personal insult."
"Were not the suspicions of the com
mittee ever aroused by the lnrge sums
loaned to the Calumet Electric'.'" .
"Never did I see the name of the
Calumet Electric railway appear on
this book as an applicant for n loan."
"What have you to say about the
published statements regarding Mr.
Hammond s connection with tlio un
explained transactions?"
"They aro all true; every one of
them " I
The Post declares that W. A. Ham
mond, second vice president of the
closed National Hank of Illinois, is to
be made tho scapegoat of the failure,
and continues, quoting a friend of
Hammond: "Hammond is a broken
man to-day, but he is not any more to
blame for tho amount of money loaned
on Calumet securities than are the
members of the finance committee
of the bank and Its directors. It wns
necessary to tlio purposes of it man
conncctc'd with tho South Chicago City
railway and an ofllcer of one of tho
best known banks of this city, to de
preciate the Calumet Electric road's
stock, and to this end these two men
brought about the wrecking of the
Notional Hank of Illinois. Of tho
bank's funds S2, 17.",0!)() had been loaned
on the Calumet sccuritio. The plun
for wrecking was brilliant. Cause
on investigation, depreciate Calu
met stock und buy it. Then com
bine this valuable property of sixty
three miles of new track equipment
and franchise with the South Chicngo
railway, eventually combining with
tlio Chicago City railway and make n
fortune of millions within five or ten
years. The truth of the mat-er is that
members of the finance committee nnd
certain directors of the Nntional Dank
of Illinois have known the amount of
the Calumet loan an I have hoped to
make individual fortunes on the suc
cess of the venture.
George Schneider, tho president of
tho National Dank of Illinois, lives in
u rather showy brick residence at 2000
Michigan avenue. He is 73 years of
age and Is rather feeble In health.
When called upon to-day he said he
should havo no statement whatever to
make and sciincd unite broken.
Only Ono 151(1 of 83,000,000 MhiIo for
tho lto.ul.
IlASTixns, Neb., Dec, 24. The public
sale of tlio St. Joseph .t (Irand Island
rullroad was held at tho depot here to
day. Edward Slmonton, special mas
ter of M. Paul, Minn., had charge.
There was but one bid nnd that was
by William Hull for Frank II. Olcott,
who represents the fir.it mortgage
bondholders of New York. Tho road
sold for S.1,000,000.
A Illrli Mioitrlun ti sitli'lilv.
j'liflr Giiovk, Mo., Deo. "M. William
J. WvSli. ti wealthy cattleman of Hell
Air, eoirfmltted suicide yesterday by
hanirino hifsiell i the loft of his barn
Jle was an 'nl
ntial Democrat anil a
Mason of note
for some time.
d been insauo
LWJneen I llluoKnl.ttii TraSiHl?'
Nkw Okllaxs, I. a I)oc, ' l!l&eu
wi 'iiuYim ttrrncu lit
I'll nn'niin
ri, tiviiiiwin ii uy .urn.
.w ... ..'..! t... X
l'..'.'jm iiidhcrtwn (U iiwn. Afilnn.
an 1 V" i u v aid vn I a ii.a'e attend
"nt,f H - hft imivPatc-ly c -r tho
Ljj'stiilo a NashM 'e for Inc North
time a c
removed to N
has reason to bo it!
tho fact that ho is today.
every cent, oi n mauo on n
i.asi year usyoi no tiatt sju acres in
corn,250 acres in small grain, 2d horses,
CO head of cattlo und 150 hogs.
In our "NnmtASKA Hook" U0 pages
with maps and illustrations, nro doz
ens of statements like that of Mr. Thor
rell. They are made by farmers who
havo made a success of farming. They
show that Nebraska is as good a stato
as any in tho Union.
The book in which they npnear is as
different from the ordinnry agricul
tural pamphlet as day is from night.
It is interesting, practical and truthful.
In n straightforward, simple fashion,
it tells you everything you need to
know about Nebraska Its climate,
people, schools, churches, railroads,
markets, soil and crops. It explains
why the Nebraska farmer makes mon-
I cy in spite of low prices and hard
times. Why land is cheap. And how
it is aS easy for an intelligent and in
dustrious man to HUY n Nebraska
farm as it is to rent one in any state
cast of the Missouri river.
Every farm renter who wnnts to be
come a farm owner; every farm owner
who is tired ot trying to make money
off high-priced land; every father who
wants to givo his sons a start on tho
high road to independence, should write
for a copy. Free.
1 T l.M A -"MO
Gcu'l Pass'r Agt., Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
A woman can pick out a brido as far as
l.liQjnn seo her.
Liens and Users nro too weak lunged to
t mi more than halt a mile.
Ptso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me largo doctor hi K C. L. Hnker, -1288 Ho
Rent Sq.. Phi ndelphia, Pa , Dot. 8. 1MI5.
Tho fatter a woman is
the less hair sho
'J ho test timo for
hours after n meal.
exercise is ntout two
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of tho
transient nature of the muny phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
tho knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness nro not due to any actual (lis-
r.isp. butsimnlv to rt constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrupof Figs, prompt-
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionsof families, and is
everywhere esteemed bo highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects nre duo to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
clcuiiliucss without debilitating the
organs on which it nets. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in tho enjoyment of good health,
and tho system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies tire then not needed. If
afflicted with any nctunl disease, one
may bo commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have tho best, and with the
"well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
., ...1 n nlnnLi mncf ironnral cnticfri Alfin.
Oat!.1 UliU m WIUJ.ftWMV.M WMWWV . .w
l liter l'rool .siicnllilnix or am material, me
Vial ai :n imi i v i:ot)i iMjto.,iA.Miit,.,.j.
DLHIXCo actual Iluaixrs 1'kom Tub
bTAitT Teaches business liy Uoln-; business.
Alio tlKiroiiL'li Instruction In all lunncliea
by mull. I.lfo sebolntslilp n. MX month-,
couro SSO. Corner ltSth and Capitol Avenue,
Dtnaiia, rscnrasKa.
ft A f"fc SSanagor ana Ajrents unntcil
1-4 U Y lor Ur Knv's I'tcrino Tonlo. no
mo'icy rcqulrcil until cooils arc sola "Woinau
hood." a vnluablo booklet on femal ilie.iso
tree Pr II J Kav Medical Co Oinnhi. NeU
Cloir I'.rpslr for ; HJ ' ' "tir,
'gg'aThompson's Eye Water.
MifJy ' "
-iRk.ouAUTriLnrriKTnnroi.'-'Ai'icr. ami nut in a c
$W$WAMMMM7y Xl ,bl""ttc Tribune
$miIjZjmm&i -oral da-vjrtbune.
Vj?.y'y.-'r 1 IT - - Cheap Limit anil Unmet
STRoXWATERPROOF.rB-- Are to be had on tho Frisco Line in
KottUSTnor HATTM!. outtn-M ( or fro... Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas. Jho
A-i-IR'c':?M"'W bost route from St. Louis to Texas and
" MOHr-w,Ht
a I hnmhrniv lorxiire
CI ATTICA. St. Jacobs Oil J
It turni back the screw. -It unwind
t4,MtH')"M'HMCKi-HK-M HM Hf HH-
-CO" A
CTio Best In fact tho Ono Trno Wood Parkier-.
Hnnd'; Pill; cur0 I,Tcr llls
easy to
take, cosy to operate. 25a
.Minting n Lop With n llenr.
Incidental to tho recent great storm,
many stories will undoubtedly got Into
circulation that will exhibit heroism,
romance nnd ludicrous incidents dove
tailed with the accounts of loss of prop
erty and the wreckings of fortunes.
John Baker came down Miller river on
a big fir tree. Mr. Baker seated him
self at tlio butt end of tho tree, and af
ter going down about a half n mile he
had company. A hugo black bear,
swimming for his life in tho seething
water, climbed on tho tree and station
ed himself about thirty feet from tho
man. In addition to hisalready preca
rious situation, that bear nearly fright
ened Mr. Baker to death. But Mr.
Bear was about as badly frightened as
tho other fellow, and when the current
finally drifted the tree to dry land, tho
bear took to ills heels with as much
alacrity as Baker. Seattlo Post
A no-Cent Cnlendnr Tree.
J'rrlinps the lnont licnullfiil rnlcmlnr ImieJ for
t)ipiar'ii7l The Vot rn foirNio Art Csl
Irmliir, nlileli l Klen to rsch kiiljscrliier to tint
psiierfor tliejiar'Ui. It I wailc up of fimreharm
ln pictured, ucautlfnllyrcprofluceil In twclw Imp
mnnlmi colors. It l hi form a fottrpasc folder,
ulilcli. when I'xlemleil. I 10x21 liieheslimlM1. The
ciilijects arc (UllKhttully attractive. This calendar
uinki ft a ddlraliln ornament for n mantle, centre
tabic or wrltliiK link. It la offi'reil for ale only
liy the pnlillriif rs of Tlir Yoitii' C'omi'VMos at.
En cent tier com. Only liccaue of the enormon
niimocr ptioiiMicu is u posmoic mr inc puoiinci
or Tub (ovrwios- to fend It fnl to all Com
. ... i".. .." .,.. .. ..
hmoj tubterllicr1.
A Gncnt Itlsk.
Two impecunious Scotsman came up
on a saloon. They had only "sax-
pence" between them, so they ordered
"one nip o' whutky." Thcyywcre hesi
tating who should have the ftrstdrinjf,
when an acquaintance" joined" them.
Pretending that they had just drank,
one of them handed thowhishy, re
questing him to join them in a drink,
llo drank, and after a few minutes of
painful and silent suspenec, said:
"Now, bovs. vou'll havo ono with
"Wasna tiiat wcel managed, mon?"
said ono to his pal afterward.
"Ay. it was," said tho other solemn-
J ly. "but it was a tlreadfu' risk. Argo
naut YOU WANT ". r-A'tffl nid v i havp.
Ml miles upstot Houston, nt CHESTcRVILLE.
the lett tract in Texas. High prairie, well
drained, olmiulnnl lulnfall, good soil, low
prices nud ensv touii. Don't fail to post
votirfcolf. Write nml receive our book "Fer
tile Farm hands" FREE nnd Information a
to cheap excursion nml FREE FARE. Addresi
Koutbcrn Texas Colonization Co . Joliti
Uuderholm.Mgr., HOltialto filJg., Chicago
A slippery Spot.
A short time ago an old lady went on
board Nelson's fiagship. the Victory.
.? J w T'
I "he different objects of
duly shown her. and, oi
interest wore
on rcacning me
spot where tho great naval hero was
wounded (which was marked by a
raised brass plate), the olliccr remarked
to her:
Here Nelson feUV
"And no wonder!" exclaimed the old
lady. "I nearly fell there myself!"
Louden Answers.
Merchants Hotel, Omaha,
( oitMii: nrrixxTii and i'ahxam si?.
Street car pass the door to and from
both depots; in business center of city.
Headquurters for state and local trade.
Bales S'.' and SII per day.
PAXTON &. HAVEN l'OBT, Prop's.
To Keep Vloleta l'reali.
To keep violets fresh when wearing
them on tho person, wrap the stems
first in cotton "dipped in salted water,
tho tops sprinkled and the wholo
covered closely with confectioner s pa-
ool place. in itus
all points west and southwest. L-or
iimns. time tables, pamphlets, eta, call
upon or address any agent of the com
pany, or, 1). Wishart, Ocn'l Passenger
Agent, St. Louis, Alo.
Dr. Kay's Lung Ha'm Is the infest, surest
ond pleasontest cure for all coughs.
Naturalihts ?uy that a healthy swallow
will coiiRiimo atout 0,000 swallows a day.
FITS sioppul fm-niiil permanently eured.
iifir lint ilny h ni or IJr. Kllne' t.rent
. er u
Ueiloi.T. ireessmaiiiuiiieai-irur
Mini to Pr KuiK,tai Arcli M . riillaiWIphU, 1
It is jouth. not
young i eoplo snuirt
learning, that make
noEenuin'ai C'umiilior Ice wllli Glycerine.
Hie original on J unly uenulue. Cure Chapped llanili
and Koce, Cold .sort", ".. O O.Clark A Co.,N.llaTen,Ct.
No ono etm fool U
foolh liimso'f.
man as easily as he
10 liic muuuji i -.- j
ncv Li i a
the twltt.- IT SOOTHES.- IT CURES. X
THAT Listless, Aimless, Dull, Lack-
Lustre feeling of yours shows that your
machinery is running too slowly.
BOWELS are languid
BLOOD is sluggish
(let amoie on without delay, or you'll be a vry iick (
Cascareis canny -.uinnriic rac j. "
your bowel regular, our blood pure, tnoe your
mactilntry. uuyn coxto-aavjany oruesiore. inc., c., '
soc, or mailed for price. XST Write lor booklet and free
' il