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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1896)
f lUftilfc (WJIJVf 'I vJiJI VOL. 2, HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DEC, 11. 1896. NO & flfoffc I r a V The Herald, OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX &UTTE COUNTY. rn1)Hel.l every Friday will entered at tho nost-olHee In HemliiRfonl, Nobraska. as second class mall nutter. Tub llKtui.D Is dovotwl to the Interest of llcniinefpril and llox Hutto pounty. THOS. O'KnEPB, Piblllier, BUBBCMPTION It web: ONE YKAH Bix nonius .. .75 COUNTY OFFlCElta. F. M. Puzlto ..rierk. A. M.MlLLun Treasurer. Jar. II. H. Hkwett 'J.aAS' K.V. Hwekkit.,...., Hherlflf. H.F. Gimiw .Attornny. Nibs A. E. NEEtAND ,,..Buperlntendcnt. rnxs.UtujiH , Burveyor, r Dn. W. K. Milmsu , .. Coroner. iV. )R. b.W.llonUAK...... ........Physician. I n JamkBahr Commissioner 1st DUt. JA. Holukiiake.... rommlssloner 2nd Uist. D. W. DnNOAM.. ..,..., Commissioner 3ruiJiei. MAIL DIHECTOUY, HruisaroHD postollice. On week days door opons at 7 a. ni., soneral delivery opens at H a. m. and closes at 8 p. in. Open Sundays 9 to 10 a. m. llEMiNoroBD anr Box Botte itoge dally except Bnnday. lIsmiNOFOttD and LoNtAP stago, Monday Wednesday and Friday. New Short Lino to Helena, Butto Spokano, Seattle and Taeoma. Ch X. & "W. a. Time Card. KABT hound. No. M, nasftflnor nrrlvus nt ' 40f relent ' " 48 freight nrrlvos nt WEST BOUND. No. 41 passenger arrives at " 45frolulit " " 47 frnlcht arrives nt 11:30 p.m. 5::i7 p. m. 10:25 u. ni, 4:40 a. m. 11:30 p. m. siw p. ra All rrarnlnr trains rarrv rjassenfters, W. Si. Cope-and, Agon TUTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys at - Law, HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWriAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and rcsidenco in Br&ver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis eoesjof children . . .. F. E. HOLSTEN, Watchmaker AND- Jeweler, ALLIANCE NEB. (B. &M. Watch Examiner.) Charges reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at the Herald office will roco'yo prompt attention. EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock ( f Goods. Call and see the imraonsp variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand Now and CHEAP. C A BURLEW. " I have, four full blooded mas tiff pups for salo. H. .N. Earnest. 3SrQ"W GOODS at tho 3-Cil-llnery Store. The finest dis play of all kinds of Holiday Goods at Bean's Drug 3tore. J Attorney Tuttlo nindo a trip to Allianoo Wednesday. W. T. Caldwell, Allhnco's ex cellent photographer, has a now ad in thiB issue, Head it, Mrs. Bean is enjoying a visit from her little nieco, Miss Fran cis Langson, of Milwaukee, Albert Nolson and Matilda Cor nell were married by Judgo Hew ott Saturday. The finest display of Christmas goods ever brought to Homing ford at Bean's drug store. Mrs. M. J. Baurngarduer, of Box Butto waB a Ilemingford visitor Saturdit'. Attorney Iodcnco now has his office in the old Smith building. John Dillon's play "Wanted the earth," at Allianoo Friday night, is reported first-class. Those from here who attended were, Mesdames Bean, Giliunn, Ilustin, Miss Nee land; Messrs. Bean, Oilman, Tash, Copeland, H. F. Gpodenough, Reynolds, Sheldon. See the elegant lino of Holiday goods at Bean's drug store, and they're so cheap too. Johnny Eislor purchased Mr. Sherwood's interest in the meat murket and dray lino Tuesday. Henceforth the firm name will be Bushnoll & Eisler. E. C. Sheldon departed for Pennsylvania last week to look after his father's estate. Messrs. Evan O. Jones, W O'Mara and Mrs. Gilbert were among the Box Butto precinct peo ple who transacted business at the county capitol Tuesday. Miss Necland spent the fore part of the week at Chadron. Say, young man, don't you think you ought to buy your girl a Xmas present Bean has 'em. Mrs, E. W . Alexander visited friends in town a couple of days this week. Miss Jessie Sweeney and Mas ter Freddie were numbered with the sick the first of tho week. P. II. liensvold brought a Toad of brooms to town Mondaj'. The brooms manufactured by Mr. Rcnsvold'8 firm are equal fo the best and our citizens should pat ronize home industry. Christmas comes but once a year make the children happy with some of those pretty toys at Bean's they've very cheap. Mss Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Huot, of Spring Hill. Mont., died last Sunday and Birdie, their youngest chjUl, is not expect ed to live. Mr. and Mrs. Huot are certainly having more than their share of trouble. Thoy have tho sympathy of their many Hem ingford friends in their bereave ment. Mrs. Akin and son Roger, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hassolton for several weeks, de parted for their home at Waterloo, Iowa, Wednesday. There are a few in every com munity who have not yet discover ed that they are tho loser by send ing to Montgomery Ward &Co., Sears, Roebuck & Co., and other eastern firms for merchandise. Thoy may see "flowery" quota tions in catalogues and think they aro getting bargains but if thoy would take into consideration tho fact that almost invariably they receive shoddy, shelf worn goods, it wnrild soon be a case of "self pure." You can buy a superior uality of goods and for loss money f your home merchant every time. ELEGANT LINE OF NEW CLOAKS AND NEWMARK ETS, CHEAP AT BURLEW'S. A. M. Clark and Mi'hs Lucy Smith were united in marriago by Rev. James Shoppard at tho Bap tist parsonage last Monday. Both the contracting parties aro woll known in Dawes county and moro particulary in educational circles, tho groom being county superin tendent of schools and the bride an instructor of exceptional ability. Chadron Journal. Tho meeting of the Northwest Nebraska Teachers' Association held in this city was a very inter esting Bcssion, and greatly enjoyed by the largo number of educators who were present from Dawes and surrounding counties. At the business meeting Prin. John N. Bennett of Chadron, was elected president; Prin. 0. F. Leotham, Crawford, vice-presidont; Miss Anna Neeland, Hemingford, secretary; Prin. Frank Disney, Rushville, treasurer Crawford Gazette. Tlie executive committee have tie cided to posponc tho mooting of tho liox Butto. County Theacera associa tion, which was to be hold in Allinnco December 12, 1890, until the last Saturday in January, 1807, Ina 1. Marshal-, Sec. Lawn. Death of a Faithful Old Horse, at tho Age of Thirty Years. On the- 8Qth ult., faithful old Mike the family horse belonging to John W. Broshar died of old ago. Old Mike was a very intelligent horse, possess ing more than average horso sense. For several years years he has been n privileged chracter, exempt from work on the farm and his name did not appear on the assessor's book fvr taxes. Mike seemed to realize his greatness and also to appreciate his freedom as he roamed unmolested through the neighborhood. Mike was a neigborly borse; ho would call on a neighbor at any nour of tho night and in a very familiar way rub up against the door, window or side of the house When Mike introduced this fashion able method of calling on the neigh bors at first some wero a (ittlo alarmed thinking it might be foot-pads till dUcoveey proved It was only good old Mike, so thB-.arjned wife and children when disturbed in their slumber by the rub, rub, or tramp, tramp, would be quieted by the hus band and father saying gently "Oh that is John Broshar's old Mike making an evening call." We shall miss his gentle rub- rub at our door or window and his steady but llrm tramp about the house. Mrs. Bush gave a Thanksgiving dinner in honor of her son Mr Andy Leavltt. who returned from Spcarllbh to remain during the winter and now intends to farm his mother's placo bhuuld the prospects for a crop ap pear favorable next spring. Andy is a very iuterpribing young man. full of life and energy. The dinner was a success, as Airs. Bush is an exper ienced hand la the art of entertaining. There were a large number of friends and neighbors pi esent, all appeared happy uud much pleased with the entertainment of the host and the ninny thrilling stories that Andy had prepared of army life. Andy advanced several new theories as to how Box Butte county might be successfully irrigated apd his hearers were so favorably Impressed with Andy's ideas (hat they agreed to give them duo co sldcrHtiou during the long winter evenings and Jvlll report on Christmas eyo as to what parts of bis theories they considered practi cal for the irrigation of Box Butte county. Faumeu. A New Year A New Deal. Another year Is rolling by, Hat oar mill keepa rolling on, Oar brands ot floor (or quality, You may depend upon. We do no credit bosineea, Hut a wood excha.uga we ntyk. We'll ie jqq m lba. of flour and krAn, For a buihel ot yonr wheat. Farmers, e would be pleased to have Of your patronage a share, And ycju'p'find in dealing with yon, We'll trpat you fair and sqnare. Herningford Milling Co,-- Box Butte Items. The ladies of Box Butte will glvo a supper Friday nvoiiing and an inter esting program U being prepared, Everyone is invited to attend. School commonced In tho Llbby district lust Monday with Miss Cur. rln Blssell as teacher. Mr. lllcks and Mis. Trobrldgo wore tho guests of Mr, and Mrs. Judsnn Sunday. Mr. Council preached here last 31111 day to a well filled hoime. Geo Leo's school closed last Friday Mrs. Loomls has been very sick, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Banks, Hughes and Blair wero Alliance visitors Saturday. The ladles of tho Congregational church will hold a fair next Frjday afternoon and evening Dec. 17th at the church. Everyono coino and buy a Christmas present for frijMids. You can Qm) artloles both useful and ornamental moro beautiful and cheaper than you can make them. Come and see tho display. Refresh ments will be served from 2 o'clock to 10 p. nv Photographic Views. Photographer W. T. Caldwoll of Alliance has made arragemonts with Mr. W. T. Andrews, a pho tographer having yeurs of exper ience, who will take views of the country within a radius of fifty miles in all directions from Alli ance for the next few months. Ho is equipped with a first-class outfit and all the work will be fur nished at tho popular Caldwell Studio, and will bo furnished the same as the best grade of portrait work. Parties wanting work of this kind dono, by dropping a card to either of the abovo paatioB at Alliance will bo notified when Mr. Audresraia expected to bo in. thio. vicinity Wo have a new Kimball organ f pr salo at a bargain , CURE CONSUMPTION. T. A. Siocum. M. C, tho Great Chem ist and Scientist, Offers to Send ' 'Piee, to tho AflltcteiT, hree Bot tles of Ills Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consump tion and All Lung Troubles. Nothing could bo fairer, more phil anthropic or carry more joy In its wake than the offer of T. A. Siocum, M. 0., of 183 Tearl street, New York City. Confident that he has discovered an absolute cure for consumption and all pulmonary complaints, and to to make Its great merits known, ho will send, free, three bottles (the Siocum new system of medicine) to any reader of the Herald who is suf fering from chest, throat and lung troubles or consumption. He iuYjtes those dcsrous of ob taining the remedies to simply send him their express and postollice ad dress, and receive In return the three free bottles. Already this "now scientific course of medicine" has permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. He considers it his religious duty a duty which he owes to humanity to donate his infallible cure, Offered freely, apart from Its ad herent strength. Is enough to com mend it, and more ho is the perfect confidence of the great chemist mak ing the offer. He has proved consumption to be a curable disease beyond qny doubt. There will be no mistake In send ing tho mistake will bo Jn overlook ing the poctor'a generous Invitation, lie has on Ule In his American and European laboratories thousands of testimonials of experience from those cured, In all parts of the world. Delays arc dangerous; mail your address to T A. Siocum. M. C, 183 Tearl etieet, Now York, and when writing the Doctor, please mention reading this article in' Tim Huu.ko. Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! :: NEW GOODS! New Prices! :: New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows I a,,1. ; i.i ANTON PIONEER- Hardware and The oldest iisTAnusiiMitHT in tub CouNTy.... fiharffir flak Rook Stoves. &- Genuine Round Oak Seating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc -. Special Agent for BAILEE PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFOED , MANDFAOTURKIIH OV. FLOUR,FEED, E;Te. We Guarantee Our Flour Equal to Any Other: Try It. - ALSO -p TTTv TTSC 'L-L 'P AND ALL rif A IT . DEAL12H IN JJ w -WUJ)CjJ0 KINDS OK WW-JAn I I- NEJW CASTLE,. . . .SHERIDAN, AND .... FEJ4X, ...,...,..., GLENROQK, , , , . CANON C IT V. H. H. PIERCE, Proprietor of Livery and Feed Stables. We have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which we urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boai,-dor aro unexcelled in tho city. Give us a call. WSF" Stablo Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street. 33!ern.irJ.g,f'ord.- TeToxasia,- Fred Krug CABINET BOTTLED BEEB. A High Grade Lager Beei?, Purest rj t.he Market, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Offico 1C07 Jackson Street, Omaha, Neb ' i i a. UHRIG, & JIU " Jl '"- JHWiiiiil IMP MILLIE ,., Tf Saddlery. Brewing Company j f- I