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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1896)
lUminrffflft mtam v HEMINGFORD. BOX BDTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. DEC. 4. 1896. KQ- -41 VOL. 2. , V I. E. Task went this morning. TrH HERALD. OFFIC L PAPER OF sick this week. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. to Alliance Little Lydia Herncall was quite Ernust Oldag made a tnp to Harrison this week. fnV&&xS&$ I Miss Maggie Killeon made this Pff.fflSa,t,Th,Sl.t, ?iriSrTiiSifort "a uoxutiS, office a pleasant call to-day. AfklttltV- i . . TMOS. O'KpEPE. Publisher. BUBSonuiiox bates: ONE YEAR 5 BIX MONHIB 75 rnriNTY OKFlCEtts. A. M. TrcilKI' I Jas. II. H. Hewett .J'""?? IK. Ivhwkwry ;"""""" (11. F. OlLMN Anoriifj. Miss A. E. Neeland Saperinti-mlcnt. riiAf.!inNN B;!rvpri! Dll. W.K MIL1.TO ' " Tmn ii inn v I'ommiHSioner lnt IIIM. 1 Jab. HoLLiNnKR.... OommlwIoniTjndlHiit. kO. W. Donoan OommliiBloner 3rd Hist. MAIL DIHECTOllY. Himinopoud pontoUlco. On week days door openB at 7 a. m., Ronoral dpllvory opens at 8 a. ni. and cIosoh at S p. m. Open Sundays 0 to 10 a. in. Heminofoihj and Box Uutte atae dally except Hnnday. IlTMiKorono and Lcniap itago, Monday Wednesday and Friday. New Short Lino to Helena, Butto Spokane, Seattle and Tacotna Cr. H Se "W. O. Tims Oarci. KABT BOUND, No. . paflBonuor arrl os at 4C II WKBT BOUND itif " 48 frcljut nrrlvoB at 11:30 p.m. S:J7 p.m. 10:23 a. in. No, 41 pnsReniter arrives at " 4Sfrlrlit it fifht nrrltfpfl fit AU rtnlar trains carry passengers. au rt8 w SUCorELAND, Alien 4:40 a. in. 11 no p. in. 3.00 p. m TTJTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys - at Law, HFHINGF0RD. NEBRASKA. t. W. BOWflAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Draver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis eases of children . 10 Reward will be paid to anyone furnishing information that will lead to the conviction of the party or parties who recently stole the top off of house and stablejbelonging toW. D. Mar shall's farm formerly known as tlio Eckel place near Berea. W. T. Johnson. Bring in potatoes and wood on subscription. Taken up by the undersigned on section 24-28-48, Box Butte county, Nob., on Oct. 21, 189G. One bay mare, about 3 or 4 years old, strip in face, left front font, whim and risrht hind foot white, had halter on. One light bay horse colt, white spot in face and left hind foot white; over 1 year old. One black horse colt, white spot in face and right hind foot white; over one year old. Owner can have same by pay ing for this notice and damages. Anton Jelinek. Estrayed. On Sopt. 28, 1896, from sec. 29-28-48, one black steer calf; one one black heifer calf; both spring calves; both mulies. Liberal re ward will be paid for information leading to their recovery. Albert Nelson, Hemingford, Neb. Services at tho Catholic church Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 10 a. m. Miss Anna Wohlers spent h couple of days in Alliance this week. Rev. Preston went to Alliance Wednesday and will bo absent a week Mr. and Mrs. Pennor are visit ing relatives at Dunlap and Chad ron this week. Sup't Neeland is visiting schools in the eastern part of tho county this week. A communication from Lawn Was received too late tor tnis issue and will be published next week. P. "VV. Wheatly failed to se cure bail and was taken to Grand Island by Sheriff Sweeney Tues day. Evan O. Jones of Box Butte had his name enrolled on tho list of this family journal Wednes day. Tho board o county commis sioners is in session. Tho pro ceedings will be published next week. Born, on Dec. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Pronapfel, a boy. Mother and child are doing nicely and Leo wears a 2x4 smile. Jos. S. Dickinson .and Anna Hall, both of Sioux county, were united in marriage Saturday, Rev. Hazelton officiating Word has reached here that Gilford Gowing, better known as "Windmill" was killed in a saw mill in Montana a few days ago. Dr. Blackburn, formerly of this city, was recently married to a Miss Royco of Hastings and now resides at Doniphan, Neb. C J. Wildy has been under the weather for several days but the ladies are showing him the best attention with "pressed chicken" etc., and no doubt he'll be all right again in a few days. Tho fourteenth annual session of tho Nebraska State Teachers Ahsociation will be held at Lin coln. December 28. 29, 30, 31, 1891. The executive committee has secured a one-faro railroad rate. P. H. Zobel, Sup't of the poor farm, transacted business at the court house yesterday. Ho was accompanied, by his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sheldon, of Kearney county. Tho Herald acknowl edges a pleasant call. D. P. Miller, of Canton, Henry Shiraek, of Lawn and Fred Hucke contributed money on subscription this week. Mr. Miller also added tho Worki- Herald to his list of papers for this winter's reading. Mrs. A, M. Miller returned this morning from her extended visit in Illinois. Of course our county treasurer was glad to imvn his wife return but wisnea Rev. E. S. Muonlch returned Now Photographic Studio. from W?Rp.nnsin wtinro ho Was T li.m Jnnf mnvivl into n now called by tho sickness of his brick building especially built and uncle, Very Rov. Msgr. J. S. fitted up for high clasa pbptog- I Muonlch. Ho also visited in raphy-north of opera Iioubo block Ohio and Indiana. Wo clip tho Alliance. following f'-om Cincinnati En-' My work needs no introduction quirer. to tho Hemingford peoplo. With "Rov. E. Muenich, nn alumnus mv improved facilities I expect to of Mount St. Mary's, now a zeal- contimio to do the high-grade pho- ous priest in the diocese of ..,., nf i,in ,,- i. , m do Omaha, spent a few days in tho "'bi"v , . city last week and was cordially it atpopular prices and to turn out welcomed by his friends as well work more uniform than over and as at his alma raator, wnoro no wltu jesg delay. celebrated Mass on Friday morn mg.' from Box Butte Items. Henry Hoffman roturned the Hills lust week. Miss Carrio Bissell olodedathroc mouths' term of school last Fri day. Charlie Haines closed a success ful term of school, south of this place, last Eriduy. MiBses Nannie and Julia Blair and Maeeio Ross came homo to spend Thanksgiving with their! folks. Mrs. H. A. Haines camo up from Alliance last week and visit ed her many friends for several days. The ladies of Box Butte had planned to give a Thanksgiving supper, but owing to the inclomen- enoy of the weather it was postponed. Literary has been organized and an interesting program was carried out Friday evening. Lot all at tend and take-part to help muko it a success. Program for Teachers Reading circh of Hemingford for Jan. 2nd. Opening at 1 o'clock p. m. Music. History, pageB 62 to 125. English Literature, to Queen Anne's age .... Mus Neeland. Colonial Government, Mr. Bauks. History of New York, Mrs. Blanchard. Missions, Miss Parkin Indian Wars Mr. Curtis. French and Indian War, Miss Goodenough. Nellie GoKlenough,',l Lee Rustin, 1 H. F. Fillmore, J D. K. Spacht, J Cabinet Photos. $2.50 per doz. Card 81.50; other sizes from locket to 8 x 10 in proportion. No oxtra charges for groups. W. T. Caldwell, Photographoi. Wo have a new Kimball organ for salo at a bargain . ELEGANT LINE OP NEW CLOAKS AND NEWMARK ETS, CHEAP AT C. A. BURLEW'S. Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! ; NEW GOODS1 New Priced! :; :New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows Com. Jovial Jolly John Dillon, pet of the public and everybody's fav orite, will appear at Alliance. Friday evening, Dec. 4th, pre senting his groat comedy, "Wanted the Earth." For thirty years John Dillon has stood in tho front rank of America's comedians and hisnamo and fame are sufficient to pack any theatre. Many of our people will avail themselves of tho opportunity of attending his charming performance. CORE CONSUMPTION, T. A. Slocum. M. C, tho Great Chem ist and Scientist, Offers to Send Free, to the Afflicted, 'f lirce Bot tles of Ills Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consump tion and All Lung Tioubles. Nothing could ho fairer, more phil anthropic or curry more joy In its wake than tho offer of T. A. Blocum, M. C, of 183 Pearl street, New York City. Confltloiit that he has discovered an absolute cure for consumption and all pulmonary complaints, and to to make Its great merits known, he will send, free, three bottles (the Slocum new system of medicine) to any reader of tho Herald who is suf fering from chest, throat and lung troubles or consumption. He invites those desirous of ob taining the remedies to simply send him their express and postofflco ad dress, and receive in return the three free bottles. Already tills "now sclcntine course of medicine" has permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. He considers it his religious duty a duty which he owes to humanity to donate his infallible cure. Offured freely, apart from Its ad herent strength. Is enough to coin mend It, and more so is tho perfect confidence of the groat chemist mak ing the offer. He lias proved consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt. There will bu no mistake in Rend ingthe mistake will bo in overlook ing the Doctor's generous Invitation. He lias on tile In his American and European laboratoricH thousands of testimonials of experience from those cured, in all parts of the world. Delays are dangerous; mail your address to T A. Slocum. M. C, 183 Pearl utreot, New York, and when writing tho Doctor, pleuso mcutlou reading this article In This Hbhakd. ANTON UHRIQ, - PIONEER- - Harflware and Saddlery, TnE Oldest .Establishment in TnK County Charter Oak Cook Sto?es, Genuine .Round M Beating StOYes, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc , Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock c f Goods. HEMINGFORD MILLING CO, .MANUFACTURERS OF. FLOUR, FEED, ETO We Guarantee Our Flour Equal to Any Other. Try Jt. ALSO' DEALKIl IN x-i-crnnBExe AND ALL KINDS OK CO-sTi iTi i? NEW CASTLE,.... SHERIP AN, AND . . . .FELIX, GLENROCK,. . . .CANON .CITY. HL HL PIERCE, that sho had remained away one Call and see the immense variety dav longer so that ho could have attended tho theatre in Alliance this evening. Henry Lichte, tho Dunlap mail carrier, has our thanks for n Viif fnt iacK raDon unu v. TO RENT. Wl.n innrirrnod Will rent his farm in Sec. 12-80-48, at tt anatah Cladlk who mnnufacturos tho postoffiee, Dawes county, for the j pelobraed Dunlap cheese, re year 1897. Will furnUh seed, membered us with a "young teams and machinery if required. Americailt Verily, those Dun- nf Drv Goods. Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods ., Shoes, Notions, 1 Groceries, Brand Now and UHEAP. C A BURLEW. Livery , ,. Proprjetpr of J" Feed Stables I have four full blooded mas tiff pups for salo. H. N. Earnest. Theq. Giiidinb, Wanatah, Neb. lap peoplo aro small in st-ttuo but have great big hearts. NEJAAT OOOrjS a.t t.X& Jitil ljnery 3torj Comfort to California. Every Thursday morning, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los An geleso leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, beddings, towels, soap and etc. An experienced excursion con ductor and. a uniformed Pullman portor accompany it through to tho Pacific coast. While neither as oxponsivoly furnished nor ns fine to look at as a palaoo sleeper, it is just as good to ri'do in. Second clnss tickets aro honored and tho price of a berth, wide enough and big onougl) for two, is only $5. For a folder giving full par ticulars, call at tho nearest B. & M. R, R. ticket office. Or, write tp J. Francis. Gen'l.Pass'r Agent Burlington Route. Omaha, Jfob. We have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which we, urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating bqardor ar unexcelled in the city. Give us a call. ' Stable Corner Box Butto Avenuo and Sheridan fitroat. Fred Krug Brewing Company CABINET BOTTLED BEgE A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY O&ce 1007 Jtckso Street, Omrtft, Nek. i