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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1896)
gemywMi MONTHS AFTERWARD. OSSIP it'fl a con fottndod nuisance, that's what I call it! Why can't thoy lot ub nlono? I am ,Mffig w ncctiBtomod to any a?p?v A amount of cosaln: poople must havo something to talk nbout, and I'm suro I'm delighted to ho ablo to nfford thorn nny amusoment, hut when It comes to being smnclted ou tho back and con gratulated six times In ono afternoon, it's coming It a bit too strong. I don't mind for my own Bake a man can look after himselfbut I'm thinking of you. I waB in hopes that you had not heard." "Not heard, indeed! I had two lot tors this morning, and thrco this after noon; four wnnting to know when tho wedding was to be, nnd a fifth from a elrl asking to bo bridesmaid. I am afraid to go out. I'coplo fly at mo at every corner, shako my hand oft and snjr how delighted thoy nro and how charming It Is and how they always know It would conio to this, nnd that wo nro mado for ono another they never did know two pcoplo so exactly suited." "Extraordinary! That's what thoy cay to mo. I never was so takon aback In my life. Of courao, wo'vo always been good frlci but" 1 "Cortnlnly not." . "And I don't think" "Neither do I. It's absurdl Utter noneoiiBo!" "No, but really let us havo It out whllo wo nro about It. What can havo given rlso to ouch a ridiculous report? Wo havo been a good deal together, of courao, bocaueo wo aro In tho same set, nnd always soem to hit it orf, and you nro such a Jolly good dancer, and all that kind of thing, but I can't boo what wo have dono to set people talking at tills rftto. Honestly, now 1 am anxious tafcnow did you ever imagine that It to say did you think I mean, have I over " "You nover have! No, Captain May and I havo nover Imagined! On tho contrary, I don't mind admitting, now that wo aro upon tho subject, that I havo cherished a secret grudge agnlnst you because you havo nover given mo nn opportunity of refusing you. That sort of neglect rankled In a woman's mind and now you see for youreolf tho awkward position In which It has placod mo. When people ask if I nm onguged to you I am obliged to confess that I havo novur been asked. You ought to havo thought of this and pro vided against it. It would hnvc boon so easy somo night at a ball, or In nn In terval at tho theater tho wholo thing might havo been over in five minutes, nnd then I should havo been ablo to say that I had refused you, and every thing would havo boon happy and com fortable I don't tool as if I could over forglvo you I" "Sorry, indeed! You Bee I Bhould havo been most happy, only I could nover feol qulto suro that you really would re" "How odious you aro! You need not havo been afraid; there never was any thing moro certain since tho beginning of tho world. I wouldn't marry you to eavo your llfo! I would ns soon think of falling In lovo with tho man In tho moon! Wo have always been friends, of course, but that counts for nothing. Ono may like a person very much, and yot find It qulto Impossible to go any further. I could better love a horso man!" "Samo with mo! I think no end of you, but when Lewis camo and congrat ulated mo tho other day I was struck all of a heap. If ho had said tho samo thing about a dozen other girls I should havo been less surprised, but it never occurred to mo to look upon you in that llg'at." "DON'T CONTRADICT!" "0, indeed! I'm awfully obliged, I'm suro, but I don't think much of your taste. There aro a dozen other mon who wouldn't agree with you, that's one comfort. Am I so utterly repulsive in your eyes. I think I had better say 'Good afternoon' at once, and relievo you of my presence." "What nonsense you talk! I never said a word about your api:?arance that I know of. That'd the worst of arguing with a woman she flies of at a tangent and there's no doing any good with her. I don't see why you should bo of fended. You seem to think it Ju3t ns impossible to fall In lovo with me." "That's different I mean, I don't faro what you think; but other people think that's to say, I havo always heen told Somo people think I am very nico if you don't. I think it's per fectly hateful of you to say such things! I should like to know, Just as a matter of curiosity, what it is in me that you obJoH to so much?" "You won't like It, you know, when you do hear you'll bo In a bigger rage than over. Much better leave it alone. Well. If you will have it, I dislike the way you do your hair. Walt a moment It means more than you think. It Is nut only ugly in ltsolf, but it shows a fatal want of perception. Your beauty It you will allow me to say so is of a classic order, and if you adopt a more natural style of coiffure, your appoar nuce would roally be er uncommonly ictchins! 'Stead of that, you persist In pJn m.l i rj K fashion, wlvlch destroys your Indlvldu - nllty and is utterly unsulted to your stylo. It scorns a small thing in ltsolf, but it has far-reaching consequences. Tho moment wo meet I notico it, don't you know, and feel annoyed. Tho wholo time I nm with you I am worry ing about it. It sets up a chronic state of nxasperatlon. Perhaps you don't understand tho fcollng " "Oh, yes, I do! Perfectly! I feel tho samo toward you becauso you will in sist on wearing enormous stand-up col lars. I call that a want of perception, If you liko! I wouldn't bo personal for tho world, but I havo seen men with longer necks. When you want to speak to your neighbor you havo to twist your wholo body. It makes mo dlo with laughing to seo you." "Delighted to afford you so much amusement. Sorry I mako myself so ridiculous! You aro excessively pollto, I'm suro!" "You were a great deal worso your self. You said that I" "Nothing of tho kind! You misun derstood me. I simply remarked " "Don't contradict! You said I was nn ugly thing, and that It oxosperntod you only to see mo. You did! It makes it worso to deny it. I can't think how you can look mo In tho fnco!" "Why got excited? It's really not worth while, and you will mako your self hot. It's not becoming to bo hot I was nbout to say, when you so rudely Interrupted mo, that you had misunder stood the meaning of my remarks. I simply observed' "I don't caro a little bit what you observed. I'm not going to talk to you nny longer. Good afternoon, Cap tain Mny. You needn't dance with mo at Lady Bolton's this evening, as my linir annoys you so much!" "I shall ask Miss Cunlirfe instead. She is n capital waltzer. Your mother is waiting for you at tho door. Fourth and sixth, wasn't it, and tho first extra? I must ask her at once, ns sho is so much engaged. Good afternoon, then, Miss Blanchnrd, if you will go, and as the good little boys say, 'Thnnk you bo much for tho pleasant afternoon!' " "He never thought of such a thing. It never occurred to him to think of her in that light. Hateful creature! And why not, I should liko to know? Doesn't ho think I'm nlco? I never cared for him, but ho hud no business not to liko mo. What horrid tasto! "And to talk of a dozen other girls' Thnt means Luclo Charvle, I suppose, and Adeline Rowc. I havo noticed that ho dances with them. I don't seo why ho should liko them bet ter than me. I'm tho prettiest, and I can bo awfully nico if I liko. I have nover been really nlco to him not my vory nicest, or ho wouldn't havo talked as he did today. I might try tho effect this evening. "I meant to bo offended, but perhaps tho other would havo moro effect. I bellovo I'll try It. No ono can over say that I am a flirt, but there are occa sions when it is a girl's duty to teach a man a lesson, and ho had no business to say that about my hair. l wonder if ho was right? Ho has awfully good taste, as a rule. "I believe after all, it would bo rather becoming. v got Elsio to try tonight, and wear my now white dress, and tho pearls, and I'll say to him tho very first thing that I'm sorry, and ask him to danco with mo all tho same. Then, when ho sees how nice I nm ho -will bo vexed with himself for being so nasty. It will do him no end of good. "I'd give worlds If ho would only pro pose to me before tho season is over! I'd refuse him, of course, but that wouldn't matter; it would bo kind of mo to take tho troubfe, becauso it is dreadful to seo a man so conceited, and, If it were not for that, ho would bo quite charm ing. I'll begin this evening. How exciting! Poor Captain May!" "Sho looked disgracefully pretty! Nothing liko putting a girl in a good stand-up rago to seo what sho's mado of. I nover know sho hnd so much in her before. And she would Just as soon think of falling in love with tho man in tho moon, would she? That's pretty tall! Hang it all! Why do they put things In a fellow's head? I was happy enough before, and now this has un settled mo altogether. A man may not want to marry a girl, but that's no reason why she should bo so precious indifferent. "I nlways fancied thnt sho had a de cided weakness. So Bho wants to laugh at me, does Bhe? Little wretch! Sho is always up to somo mis chief. "I wouldn't object If it was at somo other fellow, for those dimples aro un commonly fetching. "I believe sho Is right about tho col lars, all tho same thought so myself moro than once. If another shape would suit mo better, It seems rather absurd to stick to these. 'Man in tho moon,' eh? Humph! Well, it doesn't do to bo too awfully Bure, It's a bad thing to get into tho way of boasting. How would it bo if I took her in hand and tried to work a cure? Do her all tho good in the world to be brought down a peg or two, and find her own level, and the process would not bo un plcnsant. HI, cabby! stop at tho first decent hosier's you come to, I want to get out." Extract from tho Times of four months later: . On the 28th instant, at St. George's, Hanover square, by tho lit. Rov. tho bishop of Oxbridge, assisted by tho Rev. Noel Blanchard, the brother of tho bride, Cyril Aubrey May, captain of Royal Horse guard.second son of James Eaton May, Esq., of Drompton manor, Hants, to Phyllis Mary Olivia, only daughter of Major Blanchard of Bar combo, County Wlcklow and Floraire. Superstition Overcome. "I have cured BUggins of hla horrible superstition at last," tho philanthro pist exclaimed. "How did you manage It?" "I ofTered to lend him ?13." Woon socket Reporter. ! tVYVMTWRTPTrT. ATP TITTJ " VhVihllli U.U DJaJJ. MONSTROUSVESSEL, DESK3NED TO CARRY MEN AND ARMS. Supported y Itnltnn nm! Propelled by Siilla A Greyhound of the Air, the Creation of i 1'rencli Inventor for Us In Cnbn. HH Cuban Junta threatens a fin de slcclo system of warfnro against Spain In Cuba which promises to revolutionize all other modern meth ods. Since Febru ary 24, 1895, tho brightest military minds of tho Cuban army of liberation havo been trying to ovorcomo the troops of the young King Alfonso, but beyond gaining an occa sional victory, keeping out of harm's way and showing tho world how well they can outgeneral and outwit their oncmlc3, tho Cubans havo accomplished little toward gaining Independence. says tho New York Herald. Spain hns been forced to spend a vast amount of money and sacrifice tho lives of thousands of her young men, but her towns and provinces aro still crowded with patriotic youths. "The war in Cuba is suro to last two or threo years longer," wrote President Clsneros a week ago to a friend in this city, "unless some quicker agent of de struction Is employed against the Span iards here. The old methods of warfare are too slow for tho topography of Cuba. As soon as we reduce tho enemy in one' quarter tho homo government sends out a fresh installment of young soldiers to tnko tho place of those who have fallen victims of tho machete and fe ver. Any honorablo means of warfare will bo gladly hailed as beneficial to tho Cubans If It Is only swift and destruct ive, and ahead of any means now at our disposal." This answer had boon written In re ly to a representative of a French indicate now in Now York, who had submitted to tho Constituent Congress at Cubltas a plan to mako war on the Spanlnrds from tho clouds by balloon. The matter was referred to General Carlos Roloff, the Cuban minister of war, nnd ho at once gave favorable con sideration to the scheme of tho French men. General Roloff, who is an expert in tho manufacture and manipulation of high explosives, thought well of the arrangements and plans submitted to him, becauso ho Is a firm believer In tho use of balloons for signaling and despatching messages In war tlmc3. A FRENCHMAN'S INVENTION While tho Cubans were negotiating with Capt. E. Lagrifoule, of Marseilles, who camo to this city about two months ngo, other aspirants for fame and for tune appeared In tho persons of Dr. Rufus Gibbon Wells and Senors Morel and Hardinas, of the Junta, who claim to havo discovered tho secret of navlgn tlng a balloon in tho upper regions so as to drive it In any direction they choose. Dr. Wells Is so confident of tho success of his aerial Invention that he is now attempting to raise $20,000 at St. Louis, where ho claims to be well known, for the purpose of making a practical test of his machine. I understand from the Cubans who frequent the Junta, at No. C6 New street, that the Invention which finds tho greatest favor is that of an Ameri can in the military balloon corps of the French army, and which Is now controlled by French capitalists. Cap tain Lagrifoule, who has greatly Im proved upon the American's air snip, and who calls it his balloon, called upon Allen S. Williams, general man ager of tho Newark Cuban festival, last weok, and after showing him the plans of his air ship and exhibiting his cre dentials from the proper authorities he tried to secure tho services of Mr. Carl Meyer, a noted balloonist, who mado a balloon ascension at Waverly, N. J., on July 4 under Mr. Williams' manage ment, and who has twice crossed Wey ler's famous trocha in Pluar del Rio in an air ship of his own construction with dispatches from Antonio Maceo to Jose Maria Agulrre. Captain Lagrifoule Is to begin tho eonstructlon of ono of his air ships at once, In a seclut'ed grovo In Florida. When it Is completed, which will be, bo he claims, within a few weeks, Mr. Carl Meyer will pilot tho balloon, or rather tho cluster of balloons, for of sucn is tno snip constructed, to Cuba. This ono air ship will carry 125 mon, 1,000 rifles, n half million rounds of rlflo ammunition, material from which to mako dynamite nnd a largo quantity of hospital stores, to be sent out by tho Cuban Army Sanitary Corps. I saw Captain Lagriroulo when he called on Mr. Wllllnms at tho Market street headquarters in Newark, and in reply to my quoetlons about his project and his balloon, ho said: "In this age of progress there Is noth ing Impossible. Somo things may look very difficult to dp, but human ingenui ty can surmount all obstacles. Tho up per atmosphere Is not an unknown re gion to neronauts, who have made a scientific study of it. Ballooning is a science, like anything else. Tho ordi nary balloon crank who ventures into upper space without knowing tho re gion generally ends up with an accl dont. It Is much safer up thero in the cloud region than down here, because if a cyclone or corkscrew storm breaks aown ncro you are at its mercv on thn earth, while up thero we can see it coming or gathering hours ahead, and can rido above, in tho bright sunshine, while the poor mortals below are fight ing it for their lives. "Tho balloon in which I propose to go to Cuba will be the first complete and efficient airship over directed through upper spaco by the hand of man, and I am proud to let tho Herald havo a sketch of it. This is no day dream it is a scientific fact, and It is going to solve tho problem of rapid transit through tho cloud regions. I havo everything ready and shall pro ceed to build my airship Just as soon ns I can conclude some business arrange ments with tho Junta." Tho airship is ono of the most re markable things of its kind over con ceived by an aeronaut. Its chief fea ture, which excites the greatest wonder, is its extreme lightness considering its tremendous strength. Tho airship consists of a boat Bhaped car that does not swing, but is held sol idly, though pendant, from a cluster of five balloons. These balloons aro held steadily in place by five aluminum belts, which go around the girths of tho balloons nnd are connected at the points of contact by easy working ball bearing Joints, so that there can bo no strain, and each belt can give gently one way or the other, as the balloon it holds might sway, without getting away from its mate. In this way tho balloons are al ways manageable. Besides tho system of network which surrounds the balloons and which holds them attached to tho car there aro FOR CUBAN WARFARE. aluminum braces securing the bclt3 or girths to the car below. These braces aro also the stays Tor tho sails forward and at tho sides for steering purposes. The principle upon which this won derful airship Is steered is the samo which governs tho sailing of a yacht. A series of uprights over tho car and Just under the lower valves of tho bal loons sustains a shaft, which is revolved by electricity and turns an immenso fan, or screw, at tho rear of tho ship, which acts as an air rudder as well as a propeller. Every piece of metal in tho entire construction of this grey hound of the air is of aluminum, and ovcry rivet or piece of machinery for tho Cuban boat Is already mado and packed for shipment to tho mysterious shipyard whero tho sections aro to bo put together. The Inferior Heathen. Tommy Paw, the Chinese invented gunpowder, didn't they? .Mr. Flgg Yes; but It never really amounted to much for killing purposes until tho Christian nations took hold of it. Exchange. Mean Knouch for Anything. He Would you like to look at a boautlful ring? Sho (blushlngly) I yes that is, I wouldn't mind looking at one. He Let U3 go to the window nnd look at it. There is a beauty around the moon to-night. Dressed for It. Mr. Twynn They say Mrs. Van Huf fer, tho new society leader, is right In the swim. Mrs. Twynn H'm, she dresses for It Vanity. SAf-l-fctt MkM . - . as their disbelievers; but whether they bo truo or false thero is a cardinal, a member of tho present colloge, who as cribes to their theorlos tho crowning success of his life, says tho New York Tribune. Some weeks ngo Don Antonio Casca- Jares, archbishop of Vnlladolld, Spain, called upon Senor Bosch, tho Spanish minister of public works, to announce his elevation to the rank of cardinal and receive his minister's congratula tions. They were heartily given, and tho new cardinal then made tho follow ing explanation of his visit: "I wished you to be the first to con gratulate me. I shall tell you why. Ono day when you, Senor Bosch, were about 12 years old, your father, Miguel Bo3ch, took you to his friend, Senor Indaleclo Mateo, then master of ceremonies at the court, in order to havo him admire your peculiar talent for tho exact sciences. As you and your father entered the .uu.ii ui muu.-u, uic tuner was taming to a captain of artillery. You were subS room of Mateo, the latter was talking Jected to nn examination, nnd tho threo men, Senor Mateo, your father and tho captain, were astonished at the unusual talent of the boy. The subject of phren ology then came up. Your father was ah ardent ndvocato of the teachings of Gall, but the captain, on tho other hand, had no faith In them. After your father had defended his point of view with all possible arguments he proposed, half In Jest and half In earnest, to examine. the head of his adversary, the captain. The latter readily submitted. After Senor Bosch had .passed his fingers over the captain's cranium, he eald: "My examination proves that you will never amount to much as a soldier. Tho bump of combatlveness is unusual ly small. On the other hand, mildness, humility and religion are extremely highly developed. I feel certain that if you exchango the sword for tho stolo nnd the uniform for tho priest's coat you will becomo a cardinal. "A short tlmo after this meeting the captain resigned from tho army and en tered a seminary, and tho prophesy of your father was fulfilled. Tho captain Is a cardinal for I was tho captain." Literary lilllvlilo. Col. Jones has just finished his "His tory of tho War." Nobody knows that ho was never in it. The Billvllle Literary Club captured a moonlight distillery last week and no business has been transacted since. The members of tho Billvlllo Literary Association aro now attending night school, and they will soon be ablo to give tho titles of the books on hand. Wo pay the highest market prices for poetry, by tho ton, and always weigh it on standard scales. Our wife says that our now book on the "Home Llfo of a Married Man" will not bo published as announced. Sub scribers can get their money back if thoy call before it is spent. Atlanta Constitution. Italzao on Color Influence. Balzac's curious speculations suggest tho extent to which color Influences our human life. Ho had noticed that a woman who had a taste for orango or green gown was qdarrelsomo; ono who wore a yellow or black apparel, with out apparent cause, was not to bo trusted; preference for white showed a coquetto spirit; gentle and thought ful women prefer pink; women who re gard themselves as being unfortunate prefer pearl gray; lilac Is tho Bhado particularly affected by "overripe beauties;" wherefore, tho great author held, lilac hats aro mostly worn by mothers on their daughters' marriage day and by women moro than 40 years old when they go visiting. Theso theories are founded upon tho principles of color, as already laid down namely, that red and yellow ex cite; green, tempered by blue, is bil ious; orango is fiery; gray is cold and melancholy; lilac is a light rhade of purplo, tho most retiring color of tho scale. Popular Sclouco Monthly. The Secret Oat. Her Suitor I'm going to get you a pony some day, Boddy. What kind do you want? Her Little Brother Ono that has a tall you can take off, liko sister'? hair. New York World. Ileen There Illimelf. Pullman Porter You can't Imagine how trying it is to havo people always making fun of you. Passenger Just guess I can. I was a member of 'the Fifty-third Congrssg. Washington Times. , wwmuwxsuaJ ARES' CAREER Frlnco of the Clinrcli Exchanged Ills Sword for n Stole. Tho principles of phrenology as laid down by Gall, Lavater and other teach - crs havo their ardent disciples as well United S...e. Tate-t omco Iteporf. ' T"ANSJlIRSII9SIPri IXVK.VTOnS. ' j,,8'1 patents wero issued to United S&X JJ? rc' ; ccived a patents, while 10 lorn! Invent- j ors wore rewarded, .fumes Gilbert of Omaha, ieura8i:a, rcjeivintr a patent for a thurst brarinjffor timrino engines while W. II. lalrchild. Diller, Cobras ka, received a patent for a corn planter. Amonght the notablo inventions are found n ralhvny track layer: a sand pa perinp machine; a fenco comprisnjr a split tubular rail having- a projecting serrated tongue; a vegetable cutter, Trader and dish strainer, n pa.l attach ing attachment for sewlnjr machines; a machlno for forglnpcar wheels; a pock et for prize fruit; n. hair curler compris ing1 a pliable web provided with lonpl tudinal rolls: a scif-feedinp mucilage) brush; a new tubin? for bicycle frames, comprising two half sections provided with projecting-flanges, between which half sections and flanges 1b jhcld a web plate; an electric Igniter for gas en gines; an Improved carpet sweeper; a eolf club; a support for musical per formances; a tire shrinkcr attachment for anvils; a bicycle shoo provided with an outer solo comprising a layer of fibrous material; a field anchor for check row corn planters; a step cover for stairs; an improved bicycle pump; a folding brush; a collapsible chair1, am int'A t,i-.i .7 r, , fil SS'fffiS. 'tfi rreirl tra form tAmU nations with interTenintr air Hns.. a. fire proof floor or roof; a combined chld's wapon and velocipede; a combi nation bloomer and divided sklrt;and a a lap board in tho form of a cylinder. Parties desiring: freo information rot ative to the law and practice- of patents may obtain the samo in addressing Sues & Co., United States Patent So licitors, BeeBuildinc, Omaha, Nobr. It takes Jnst one month to send mall from Bolnwayo to London. It costs 87 shillings a weslc to maintain aa English lifeboat. Personal. ANY ONE who has been benefited j tho use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, will recelvs information of much valua and interest by writlnp to "Pink Pills," P. O. Box 1S92, Philadelphia, Pa. The river Ithlns flows at three times tao rate of tho Thames. Cu res Talk In faror of Hood's Csrsaparllla as for n ether medicine. It has the greatest record ct cures ef sny nudlclne in the world. In fact. oo Is tli On Trut Blood 1'urifler. CL Sarsaparilla Haod'sPlllBCurcsIck headache. Ihdlgcstloa. Featherbone Edge BIA5 VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING has a strip of Featherbone stHcheel in one edge. It both flares and binds the skirt and holds it away from the feet; the newest of tho S H. & M. bindings. If your dealer will not supply you we will. Simples shoieirf letfh end tnateritls matttifrtt. "Home Dressmtk'nfcMade Easy." a new 72 paps teo!cby Miss Emma M. Hoop;r,o'the Ladles' Horns leurnal, tells In plain words how 1o make dresses at home without previous training : mailed (or 25c. 5. H. & M. Co., P. O. nx 6po, N. Y. City. 3 EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Notre Same, Indiana. r11 Ctrtt In ClMtlM, UtUn, Bt'nM, U, nil), euteil Uhl HMtrltsl IiiU.ertm.,ik !',, ritorr ud C.!,rll fn.t. vnn. ot m to all ttoJeuU wk t III tudtt resulted for aJmlulan Ibis bar mpIlo Uu junior Junior r SeuUr Twr, of aJir of ti OolltzUt uouneri. a llralUd nu: one. A llralUd numker of Candidal lor toe Bcelcslaillcal taw trill t rrcaired at cUl rat. H. EIW ball, i far tOTi urdtr IS Ttara. la ntau Hi snp!ttnMs rf IU rqnlmat. The 10JU rna vfii sr C.I atloa to TiRT BUT. a. loiuuiT. c n. c. Pr..u.t. pen ScotfiaW IU, 1IM. Ctt!rti cent rr a appla rOtRl BIBS, IKD. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART ST. JOSKl'II, MO. Tb court ef Initruotioa In this acudtmjr, eondaet4 b7 the ruilKlou of tt. Sacred Heart, ambraee th tfhol rane of aubjecta nteeaurjr to conatltato a aolld nd ratified education. Propriety of deportment, per. onal ncatneaa and the principles of morajllr are ob ject! of nnceailnr attention. Extenalr rrounda af ford the pupils afery facllltr for uaeful bodily eier. lei their health la aa object of constant iellcltuda, and in ekkneaa they are attended with maternal ear. rail Una opens Tuesday, Sept. 1. Terms fr aetslaa f S .months, payable In ailrance, nil, this Include. , tuition, board, washing, courses in French, Oermaa er Latin, us of library and physician's foe. For fur ther particulars address. TlIK talll'KRIUK. Academy Sacred Heart St Joseph, Mo, SOUTH WEST a Tho best Irult section In the West. No drouths. A failure of crops never known. Mild climate. 1'roductlve soil. Abundance ot good pure water. For-Mnps and Circulars ctvlnj full descrip tion ot the Rich Mineral, Krultund Acik-uliu-ral Lands In South West Tdtesourl, writ lo JOHN M. 1'UllDY. Manarorof the Missouri Land and Llvo Stock Company, Neosho, ton Co., Missouri. STEADY WE PAT CA8II WEEKLY and ant men everywhere to 8LLL STARK TREES efpToi"..; WORKS bsolutelybost."Suterbnutnts. nawsystera. BTAKK UIIOTilM'..',, Locisuxa, mo., uocaroRT, uu P ENSIONS. PATENTS. CLAIMS. JOHN W.MCaRIS,WA31li:iGT0N,0.a Late rrlaelaal Esamlaer D. s. Piiu.i lUr.i. t jrs. In last war, IS aJjudiciUn j clanu, a;i. . !.., f UI I IRS Mnjlt Curort. KktlnUJl. Thouand cured. Chea pest au J best cure. FaeETaiau State rase. I in. Mirsu. Quinrr. Mich. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Oataaa Bobool SvrrLT Co. Write for catalogue. Sire frelsbt cherces. LINDSEYuMAHARUBBERS! W. N. U., OMAHA 33-1800 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention this paper. Hee9 Hi CIS m X s . W J9'- V" P ISSOURi M "lfttS'W,HrfiI MUtSfTXlliK fcf fed Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso Hfl y3 In time. Bold by druyglsta. JZj it &1 TX IT. f -. -