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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1896)
k . v rv inoa FAin. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL FAIR AKD EXIII1UTI0N. To bo hold nt Omiihu August 27 Sep- torn bur 5, 1800. Will certainly bo tho GREATEST STATE FAIR r.Ycr bcltt KEIIRASKA IS HERSELF AGAIN, and those who bnve retained confidence are now rewarded hy a bountlfiri har vest, nnd all tho people, by prudent care, are able to attend this fair. The grounds at tho "WHITE CITY OF THE WEST" have lost all disagreeable features in cldcnt to their newness last year and arc in good shape. In addition to the best AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, DAIRY, TEXTILE, FINE ARTS, MECUANICAL ARTS. AND LIVE STOCK exhibits, special attractions in speed program and raro musical programs hare been arranged. The NORTHWESTERN SCANDINAVIAN SINGERS' ASSOCIATION Trill glvo free entcrtainmenton the fair ground, Friday, September 4th 1,000 yoIccs 5 bands of music all of r&ra merit The KNGIUTS OF AK-SAR-BEN will celebrate tho FEAST OF OLYM PIA. Grand parades each night Sep tember 1st to 6th inclusive, in the city, and special attractions at the theatres. THE FREMONT, ELKHORN AND MISSOURI VALLEY R. R. COMPA NY have made special provision to take care of tho people along1 their line by additional train service, and by extra facilities at torminala, Tho low rate of ONE FAIR FOR THE ROUND TRIP, plus 50 cents ad mission, will be made. Handbills ad vertising time of special trains and ad ditional attractions will bo issued shortly. HO ONJ3 CAN' AFFORD TO MISS TlflS FAIUAND IIXU'IUTION. Harper's Bazar of August 1st con tains a thoughtful article on Bryn Mawr College, written by Mrs. Agnes Bailey Ornisbce. Thero is also a sprightly account by John Corbln of an on-looker's share in one of the races at the recent nenley regatta, with an illustration of the scene of the race. In fiction there is a humorous short story entitled "A Violin Case," by Margaret Sutton Briscoe. IInU Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c IHHWIJHIIIIIIWI B BOWBMWOata IN WOMAN'S CORNER. A Vacuum. Kohlspring "Did you read that des cription Wiggins gave of the formation of a tornado? Something about' a vacuum into which currents of air were rushing.'- Clint Onstrete "Oh, VViggins made that up out of his own head." Buffalo Times. I beliovo mr prompt use of Piso's Cun prevented quick consumption. llrs. Lucy Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Doe. 12, lb'jj. To Rpinove Grease Spot. A kerosene oil stain evaporates after a time, leaving scarcely a trace behind. If you wish to hasten the process covei tho spot with wheat flour, leave if for twenty-four hours, brush oft the flour, ,and repeat if necessary. To removo a ,grease spot from the leaf of a book 'cover thp blemish with finely-powdered 'French chalk, brush it off, and repeal the process until the spot disappears. If the llnby is Cutting Tcotn. nn and im that old and well-tried remedy, Una. ITanow'i SooTawo Slier for Children Toethlnjc- Mrs. Catherwood begins a new story In tho August Atlantic "Tho Spirit ol an Illinois Town," in the first install- ment of which there is a stirring pic 'turo of tho vigorous beginning of a prairie city. Those who prefer our (home-made romances to tales of other lands and times will find in this ardent love story a justification of their pre ference. How to Qrow 40c Wheat. Salzer's Fall Seed Catalogue tells you. It's worth thousands to the wideawake farmer. Send 4-cent stump for catalogue and free samples of grains and grasses for fall sowing. John A Salzer Seed Co., LaCrosse, Wis. A dollar is worth more every day; don't throw money away so readily. Gladness Comes With a better understanding' of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of cickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which tho pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who valuo good health. Its beneficial effects are duo to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating tho organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. jf in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but If In need of a laxative, one should havo tho bqst, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely 1ued and .rlves most general satisfaction. INTERESTING READING FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. Hams I'nslitnii nt the Sen-Shorn Cur rent Notes of tho Model Hinl Illnti for tho L'p-to-Dnto Housekeeper, Menu CnrtU. Tilb 1 All HARBOR Is tho scone of unu sual gaiety this season, owing to tho influx of socie ty people, who know to tho full nil tho delights of tho beach and bathing. Perhaps at no other resort can bo seonsomnny unl'iito bathing costumes, many of them bi zarre beyond words, and others dainty enough for tho wearing of any hollo. Tho fashion of dawdling on tho beach in bathing clothes, of lolling on tho sands for hours, with no idea of enter ing tho water, reminds ono of gay Trou ville or Dieppe, where tho bath dress 1b only an excuse for nn exhibition of tho form and not at all for use. The girl who prepares herself for a genuine tussle with the waves Is quite a different creature from this fluttering butterfly, who poses for admiration. Sho equips herself ns for battle, with no fly-away toggery and not a useless ornament. Her bathing frock is tnllormado, though it may be of silk, mohair, cra vonette or flannel. Thoro is nothing risque in its design, or Biiggestive in any way. It is built for use, and not display. To go with it is a long bath cloak, full and big enough to envelop tho border interlaced with violets of forget-me-nots. Another pretty card is only two inches square, with just a siu glo blossom in tho center such as a roso or chrysnnthemum. To Cure Iturn. For burns, tnke equal pnrta of HnBood oil and llmo water mixed, nnd pour over tho burn. A rotton or linen cloth should then bo wrung out of tho mix ture nnd laid upon tho wound. If this preparation is used, it will bo found to removo pain nnd give n great deal of comfort. Puro glycerine is u most ex cellent romedy also. When tlrst ap plied it causes smarting, but this soon ceases, and tho actual pain from tho burn Is much relieved. Glycerine la said to favor rapid healing.. Tho soon er It is applied after the accident tho quicker good results will bo obtained. Thrno Tliluc Forgot. If you would incrcaso your happiness nnd prolong your life, forget your neighbors' faults. Forget all tho slnn dcr you havo over heard. Forget tho temptations. Forget the faultfinding and glvo a little thought to tho causo which provoked it. Forget tho pecu liarities of your friends, and only re member tho good points which malio you fond of them. Forget all personal quarrels or histories you may havo heard by accident, and which, If re peated, would seem a thousand times worse than they are. Blot out ns far as possible all the disagreeables of life; they will come, but they will only grow larger when you remember them, nnd constant thought of the acts of mean ness makes you more familiar with them. Obliterate everything disagree able from yesterday, start out with a clean sheet for to-dny, nnd writo upon It for sweet memory's Bake only those things which arc lovely and lovable. many times, but they nro ns fnshlon ablo to-day ns over and show no symp toms of declining from favor. They nr moro nnd moro trimmed ruches of gauze, plnltlngs, light ornnmcntntlons of all kinds, bows, bendod embroidery nnd applications of gutpuro. Cnpcs of silk as well ns other cloth aro embroid ered In openwork ovor n contrnstlng lining or n lining of tho snmo color, but different material. Thero Is qulto a fancy for combining different goods of tho Bamo ehado, a now .capo model bolng composed of mastic cloth em broidered In oponwork over n silk lin ing of mastic, tho trimming being ruch es of mnstlc gauze. It is now being tho thing to havo tho hosiery nnd silk pettlcont match tho gown exactly In color. This is a very extravagant fashion, for It necessitates n scpnrnto pottlcoat for ovcry gown and unlimited supplies of hosiery of nil shades. An illustration is glvon of a coa tumo of silk hnvlng a white ground with eucalyptus grcon nnd pink strlpos. Tho godct aklrt is plnin. A flgaro bod lco of white ribbed velvot opens ovor a chomlsetto of whlto lace, which la re tained nt tho waist by a narrow bolt nnd pasto bucklo nnd falls in a fichu ond upon tho skirt. Tho rovers of green silk Ho over a lnrgo collar of white Ince. The bouffant sleeves, which aro very tight around tho foroarm, nro of green silk nnd hnvo epaulets of whlto lace. Bows and choux of green silk adorn the shoulders. Old lint Krnoriitoil. Never throw away old hntB, no mat tor how dusty or forlorn they may look. Renovate them. It Is not nearly so impossible as it seems. For in stance, tako an old straw or felt hat. It Is dusty and misshapen. Whisk it thoroughly and get a hot Iron ready. I9S5sJSWi J. .. J.JLL1L1 ' ilL'-bl -'illWimPJJll JJI'llUL. J v fJ ; NEW DUST COAT AND PROTECTING HOOD. entire figure, which Is worn to the very edge of the surf, and then held by the maid until ma bello shall emerge from tho brine. A dainty cloak Is made of a coarso blanket of creamy white, bor dered with bands of plalded scarlet and white and thick cords of black. It Is made to fit over tho shoulders, from where it hangs loose and full, caught in nt tho waist by a girdlo of tho cord. A huge hood lined with scarlet plaid and made smart by a big tassel spreads over tho back. The sleeves are big and full, and fin ished by a full, loose cuff of the plaid. A broad finish of the plaid sets around tho foot of the skirt. Menu t'nrclr. Menu cards are nowadays very expen sive. At one time they were very plain In design, but the present fashion runs greatly to-artistic decorations. Tho bill of a swell dinner must have a dainty back and front, and decorations In fruit and flowers aro most favored. At a dinner recently given in society the flowers that decorated tho table were reproduced on tho menu cards, being especially designed for tho occasion. Little rural views and pictures of cot tages in colors and etchings are also popular, and for theso designs good ar tlL s are engaged. All sorts of occasional dinners have their proper cards. Those given on yachts are headed with tho proper col ors, with tho vessel's name underneath, whllo for hunting parties appropriate sketches cover tho outEido; and all big clubs, sporting and social, have special designs of their own. Among the different shapes and sizes tho most popular o a twofold screen about four inches high n'JJi p y rolled Color, Hiaps Mini Trlminlntr. Fashion is now making for herself a middle course between the two ex tremes of tightness and bouffancy. Sleeves and skirts are decidedly mod erating In size, but have not yet be come mere .close cases for the limbs. There is much room for tho excrclso of individual tasto in color, shape and trimming. We are not commanded to wear all brilliant or all dull colors un der tho penalty of bolng out of date. Lay tho hat on nu Ironing tablo, placo a damp cloth over tho brim, press It thoroughly with the hot Iron, and do the same with tho crown, and you will find a crisp, bright, brand now hat-or as good. Trcntlnc Itunnlii T.enthor. Russia or brown leather may best bo treated with ordinary saddlo soap, and this Is tho method which is recom mended: Spongo off tho diist, rlnso out tho sponge In clear water and squeeze It nearly dry: Then rub into It as much soap as it will contain; rub that in turn thoroughly into the leather, and leave It to dry. Then pol ish with a chamois, either with or without tho addition of a little cream. For Mnnllns nnd Cotton". Pray remember, all you who wear muslins and cottons, that If you wish your garments to look fresh, it will be necessary to Iron them every day be foro donning them. It Is troublesome, but necessary, as nothing looks worse than a creased and crumpled gown. One reason for tho popularity of wash ing bilks is that they aro less llablo to look "tumbled" than cotton. Ilk mm Soiled White Shoe. Soiled white shoes may bo cleaned by rubbing with dry pipeclay, using an old tooth or nail brush, rubbing always with tho grain of tho leather. Or they may bo first rubbed with deodorized benzoin, then with a coat of pipeclay, which should remain on all night, then brushed off. Illch Tlinn to Interfere. "Tho civilized nations of tho world will surely Interfere in Cuba now," said the peace-loving man with a shudder. "Moro barbarity?" asked tho man who rather liked a good fight. "Only in prospect," replied tho peace loving man, "but it will be simply aw ful if Weyler Is allowed to carry out his prepent plan." "They have lot hlra do pretty much as hi pleased so far." "Very true. But ho has never at tempted anything bo atrocious as this, nnd I find It difficult to bellevo thnt It will bo permitted." "What does ho propose to do?" "Run a trolley line along the trocha." Chicago Post. Everything considered, this Is a very satisfactory season as far as the ward robe Is concerned. Capes continue to be worn In splto of rumors that thoy are to bo discarded. Tholr disappearance has been foretold Impreaied Him Moil. "How did Buffalo scenery affect you?" asked the newspaper native of his visitor, who had Just come in from a trolley rldo on tho avenues. "I was very much impressed," was tho reply. "I thought you'd be," Bald tho guest, proudly. "What Impressed you the most?" "Tho fat woman who was standing on my too most of the way down." Buffalo Timei Rtrnlncd. "So you hnd u chance to pay your respcols to tho czar when you woro in Kussiiu You must havo caught cold up there, for you are fearfully hoarse." ' "Yor 1 spoke with his majesty. That's why I'm so hoarse." "How's that? Bid ho glvo you that ley staroV" "No. You see, I thought I must ad dreBS him by lilt whole title. Awful job. Voice gavo out repeatedly. Had to begin thrco days beforo the timo for tho Interview. Seemed funny, but thoro were lots of others going It the samo time 1 wan. "Truth. Ily Steamer, Triiln or Hunt? Which of tlioso havo you toloctcd ns n mntiut of truvnlr Io mntti-r. Whichever It Is, rocollaot that for tcii-i('lti(. rtlsot ders of tho stomach, llvur nnd IjoyvcK en Koiidarcu hy rough locomotion tuul had fnod or wntor, uttd (or mtiluilnl lioubles, llostot tor'n Htomuch Hit tors H Din most uaoful Mirrlflc you enn tnko with you It It Inval uable also for rheumatism, kldnoy com plaint and norvotu trouble. Tendencies "Here," said tho person who was fa miliar with tendencies, "I would mako a suggestion. Yon havo your character fall into n brown study. Brown is such a common color and t.o trylug for tho ordinary complexion, don't you know." Detroit Tribune. "This hero papor says w got J strlckly do nothing congress," tnlfi Perry PntetUc to his oft tried frlond. "Well," answered Wayworn WaVl son, "it is about time the profession wns represented, I guess." Cincinnati! Enquirer. Ilrgeinnnuriimnhoi-Ice with Olrcerlna! The nrlrtnnl nnd only rr-tiulno. Mwil mid Fate, ColiJ Horn, Ac. c. U. Clark Co.,N.lIa3EI Anion? modern weapon tho tayonet hM thnuxed least Mnr-o Its lnventlou. ) Bane ICffl Beauty, OfW 5FITO MoppiM frro ami perminenttv cure-!. Ko U uftix tint On) uoii nf llr, Kllii(i'H(lri't Kcrro teMnrrr. Krr Silrml butiln uuii UpuIImi. Boud to Du.Kuiit. WlAtchBU, ruilaJclpbla, r. What hoi loioinu of tho o d fnshioned people who roforrcd to tho dovil as tho old Hnrry? Beauty's bane is' the fading or falling tho hair. Luxuriant tresses aro far moro to tho matron than to the maid whose cask! of charms Is yet vnrlflcd by timt. Beautiful women will be glad to b reminded that falling or fading hair is unknown to those who uso Ayer's Hair Vigor. j1gp,pspJJ!.ff?e5Jp3.5irl. "It's a Good Thing. Push it Along." " H iPrm &jJJfliMF PLUG Why buy a newspaper unless you can profit by the expense? For 5 cents you can get almost as much "BATTLE AX" as you can of other high grade brands for JO cents Herefs news that will repay you for the cost of your newspaper to-day. o fBlifSilEremreB )ll Trustworthy Bicycles Those who have $100 to pay for a bicycle buy Columbias, of course. They are standard. Those who have not $100 may be tempted by so-called bicycle bargains unless they know of the reliable HARTFORDS 65, 50, 45. Hartford Bicycles are made In a specially equipped fac tory, under the direct control and supervision of the Pope Mfgf. Co. The $65 Hartford is the sort of bicycle usually listed at $100. The $50 bicycle is 'the sort usually listed at $80 or more. The $45 boys' and girls' machines are unequalled value. Beautiful Art Ctloeue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycle U free If yon call upon any Columbia Agent ; by mall from ui (or two a-ctnt itampa. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Branch Storca and Agencies In almost every city and town. If Columbia am not properly lepresented in your vicinity, let us Know. Uintti AERM0I0F1 COMPANY. Clltaf.i Sts Frta riMO.CU.1 ruVTlMtk. ttn ltt.Bi..T.x.liv r cMQ.n. iiuui CH7.IU.IL.uU. I .! MUUII, I Dbu..DTtB I tori. IMS UMI... l J..1X1BBMMIU. . man i T.I.4.. u i . auottit., nil! FKrlLlll iDrtroit .BUS tBilt.w.nri Ptn I.i Clin EMlM.Mlu,i IKlCiawa, IC CII WHD UflUQ and If farm produce. labor and labor products doable In price, then metals must also double In pile. as tbey are 05 labor. If labor doubles In cost and the 1 uct of tbe mine doubles IncosL Aermotors. Pumps. Spiral ;. m..t- r.iinrf. f.-..i. -.. cu. ....... .... .!- .u. ' ripoi 1 iiuii(. v;uuuet. ifuMiuu guuiuuvtuiv wing tuv Droduct ot tba mine and labor, mutt also double In cost and price 1 mereiore, your si now will Duy as mucn astoi in same dollars 11 nner wins, or lr peeple mink it win win. a. .'.... ... IT IV V in I in lavcr 01 Dujinj now. joe II Iw Ct (U I advance may come In month or in a week. Acrmotcr prices will not advance unless , compelled bv an advance In labor aDd material. Oar prices on Brats Cylinders are uA belowanvtlilnc ever sueted. ana our otner coods are as low as tnev can be proaacea. ieen wun our inienaia laciiiura. a central roan 10 caver iiuiureneeas.wmia si puyssomucn,mayqaiCKiyeuiausODT 1 luiweniesiocKinu compel inaaavance. ureal saving can do atturea advance .vi !F YOU BUY KOW wmsmzzMmmMmza