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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1896)
It i iTwnnfc&asci mi h yTaaawBasssvcztcg i t "nil in in lEBCBtaasas. ' .EUOENIE LOST HElt WAGER. , nr .' ' - ' ' ilod the Ban ot HhjaI (luard, liut Us Did Nut More. Nothing could bo moro magnificent than tho nppenr.incc of everything np 'pertnlnlng to the court on nil public occiuslonB. Tho balls, ospccltilly, In the 'various splendid rooms, particularly In tho lmmenso "S lie des Marechaux," wero a sight not to bo forgotten, from tho first entrance, atad ascent by tho great staircase, adorned with flowen and fihrubs', whero on each Btop stood two of the "Cent-gardes" (tho emper or's body-guard) as motionless aa stat 'uea. Nothing wbb moro remarkable than tho drill which en bled thoso men on nir'occaslons when on duly at the palaco to remain without 'moving n muscle. Tho fatlguo of this Immoblll- ty Is said to bo so great that It could not bo endured beyond a certain tlmo; but it was'so eompleto that to come suddenly on ono of these guards in tho palaco wrs positively sturtllng. It 'waB senrcoly possible to believe that . they wero nllvo. They were all ro- mrtrkably fine moiisub-olnccrts chosen out of various regiments, and when the 'war came they proved that they were not merely parado soldiers, for thoy flg urod among the best and bravest troops. Ono d y tho llttlo prince, when a young child, In tho hupo of making ;tho sentinel move, poured a whole bag ot Bwects Into his boot, but without 'eliciting any sign of llfo from tho mlll 'tary statuo before him. This play of the child being mentioned' In tho pres- ouoo of Col. Verly, who commanded tho regiment, ho declared that nothing 'could make ono of his men tuovo when on duty. Tho emprcsn would not bo Mlove this assertion, and finally laid a ''wager that she would contrive to m ko ono of tho guards move. Col. Verly having accepted the wager, the em press went with him Into the neighbor ing gallery, where they walked back ward1 and forward before tho sentinel, tile 'empress trying by every means to attract his attention. Tho guard Htood as If turned Into stono. Col. Verly smiled. The ompresB, with her char acteristic Impotuoslty, then went straight to the soldier, and, according 'to familiar speech, "boxed his cars' .Not a musclo moved. The empress then acknowledged that Col. Verly had 'won tho day, and sont a handsome com pensation to the Boldler, who proudly ,. refused It, Baying that ho was sufli 'clcntly compensated by having had his 'sovereign July's hand on his cheek! "Llfo In tho Tullcries Under tho Sec end Empire" SHORTER LIFE FOR LAMPS. Incanileiiceiit f.lclits Now It un nt n lilglmr Trillion. New York Commerclnl-Advertlser: A short llfo and a merry one Is to bo tho 'guiding prlnclplo of tho now order ot Jlninn manufacture. At ono time an In candescent lamp cost bo much that it t woo m'udo to last as lpng as poaslblo, ' even If It had to ho run at much below Jt8 nominal candlo power. Now, lam3 j'Wo cheap, pnd people Insist on having ' light. A significant Blgn of the tend ency of tho times la that tho twenty-flve-candlo power lamp U dally being pui tn in pince 01 uie nriKtnai suuuirt.u ,'8lxteen-cundle-powor lamp. It Ib as sumed, .that when Kdlson adopted tne ', slxtep'n-candlo power staudard for his 'lamp" he took what was probably a very" good average ot tho Illumination "given out by five-foot gnB burners the country over. But during the last flf . teen years the, gaa standard httB been raised through' Improvements In mnnu 7jCantyre, ''and whereaB twenty-candle sa$,w. s onco seldom scon, the larger 'cities of this country now average well 'un in turAntv.flvn-rtniwDp p.ib Tli litlh yJIc has not been slbw to seo this, and 'mow demands a unit of light at least eipial to tho prevailing standard gas unit. The central stations, fortunately for them, re llze tho situation, and tho ;uoe ot high economy lamps Is growing. Jt 1b noted, too, that the time-honored 00 hourB of life la not nearly so often finRlBted on as formerly. Indeed, tho poclfic requirement uow commonly mado la.for-a.lamp that will maintain !lta candle fcower at high economy for "from 300 to 400 hours. The introduc tion of lamps of twenty-uvo-candle ower, although already started upon, ,vlll doubtless bo gradual, as It must 'naturally bo accompanied by a corre sponding change iu tho fittings, out cuts, wiring, etc., It applied to existing Installations. i non't He Too frltli-nl. Whatever you do never Bet up for a critic, v We don't mean a newsp per .one, but in private life, in tha domestic Eoraa Sortxpinga. Mrs. UolKtun's lm'ij" Is quite- sick. iMtos Allnnlu Vnugn Isjudtliig with Edna Mati'tu!. Miss Edna Johnson, who Ib teach ing school near llmmlng Water, spci t the holldnys at home.. Miss Lilly' Jnhrifion, who tins been teaching fdiMil near Lakenldc, in the and hillb,' was ut home during the holiday?. Mis. S. A. CuiIIh lias just cloned a Mim.Hlul term or school in district No. 1!J. ilr. Cuilis Is. "tl.o hoht teacher we have had in thia cllbtrlet for many yeurf. "I he Iinmiiii.h lu'c nt W. .T. John oil's iiliK'u was a decided ' success ImiIIj llfty people wi-re piesi'iit, nod evcrybody'reeeive.l a jirtMnt ol some ii- , an ciiJo.MiiK thhiiHflvc'H itn .ui'iiM'ly. The li'Sllvala wcie uihIlm the auspices of the IJerca Sundii) school society. ' Quite an inteicst Ih manifested In lie count) .seat question, and man) of our hard working ittners aio won dering how any suae man could for n u uu in iMiiiMdui the piopeft tii'.i ol vying hlnhi r i.iXt" on the ulrcuii) ivoi Ijiirclfind taxpayers. Lit wei enough alone, gentlemen, apd let the county scat iciniilh whero it Is, wheie It Justly belongs, to sa," uott in,' of ttio uxpcnsn it wuulu involve In hav ing lb removed. "rlroln. In society. It will not do nnv ona J...-.-, . .. may. good, and It will do you harm If iyou mind belns called disagreeable. If lyou don't like any oue'a nose, or object to any one's chin, don't put your fee1 Jngs Into words. If any ono'a manners don't please you remember your'qwn. People are not all made to suit one tasto; recollect that. T. ke 'things as you find them, unless you can ;nlter them. Even a dinner, after it Is -swallowed, cannot be made any better. 'Continual fault-finding, continual crltl- 'clam of the conduct ot this one, and the speech ot that ono, the dress ot tho other ant tho opinions of t'other, will Inako homo the unhapplest pi. ce under jthe Bun. If you are never pleased with any one, no one will over bo pleased wlth you. And, If It la known that you are hard to &ult, tew will tako pains to suit you. ' j Tho Threadbare Apology. "Tho officer arrested you for being drunk," said the Judge, severely; "very 'drunk Indeed." "Yes) your honor;" replied tho cul- prlt; "but thero were extenuating clr Jcumstancea." ' "What were they?" "WjhjC' your hbnor, you see I wns un 4r tKpnllusnce of liquor at the time." "JVaEMnstan Kning Star. m . Postmaster Wilson has been giving the frainlulent ndvcitlscrs a shaking up'j and the icsult is ihnt qullu a nuinbei ot i lit in have been shut out of tho mail. The pohtofllce puoplu do their betit to keep tho pub lic from being defrauded by thesi sharks, but so long as thcie arc people who will be caught by promises ol KviWiiih lir ii thine, these framlc will continue to do business. As soon is they uie shut out of the niail. tt. uler one name thc luw anoihei. -lightly cbiiii) their scliemo, and po ri,lil again, until caught bj the olllciais. W. S. l.Iowanl, it traveling re pre scntiitlve of an Omaha scrap iron aim rag-plckiig csUbllshment, paid this cit a business isita fo.v days agi that resulted disastrously for him, am nenrly so for other people, lie had n lent plched nl the 8hlc of tlie black, smith shop owned by Richard Kevins, Dining tlie afternoon ho had a lire in the stove that was in his lnt, ami a supper tlmo went away and leftli. During the night the tent caught llr. and was entirely destroyed, Including Mr. Howard's extensive and vanei asMirfinent or rags. Levins' blackstnit i nw' would also .Mie been dcstroyci had It not been for the timely tirrlva of Hevlns, who extinguished the fin and also treated the r.igmt-n to a verj luluHMlng curtafn lecliiro. Speaker Rvd was given a taste oi tho kind of a job he has on his hun.u- when that bund bill was put throngi the house, and the result was prob ably one of the worst half hours In ever spent. He won. and tho bil went through by a majority of thirt) three, but If the vote uo'ild have been put oil" until today It is believed In would have lost, and the bill bai LUentl been deieateil, insieao n ociug set over to ''the- senate to dlo by bniij. smothered by amendments. It wn not a coincidence that the revolt n;. republicans weie mostly McKiuli nien. It was, on the contrary, a ver.. plain intimation to Mr. Heed that to McKinleyltes intend to make thing unpleasant for him whenever the get an opportunity Another notabl. thing about this short, but shai. skirmish was the indication of an un derstandlng having been reached be tween tho Heed and Allison republi cans of the houso. Mr. Heed is m doubt very glad that the house con eluded to make this week a holiday It will give him time to pull himseii together and arrange his program. Mrs. "Wheeler oxpects to start for Illinois in a few days, to visit her daughter, Miss Crrauio. Tho "roprebontutivo bushiest men" of Alliance who jumped out on election day and fought tho ar tesian well proposition by yelling BONDS, aro tho same gang who ate now yelling county beat re moval. Olo Peterson died at tho homo of his daughter, Mio.Mat linstimsseu, WodiMwday night. Mr. Potorson wna about 70 voars of :ie. Pun- oral will take place on Saturday, He J. E. Thoun otimlucting the soiTices. Mrs. Mean apd daughter returned home Tuesday moinlng from a low dajs1 visit at HrokoJ Row. THE $TY ,11. H. Austin returned from Dead Woodbiiuday night. Herncall wants tomo dressed hops. JJerca Items were received too late for publication last week. Wildy's received u newJino of clothing. K. C. Sheldon called Tuesday and renewed for Tint IIkiiald. Older your stove repairs at Anton U brig's. Will O'Marn and Jeseiih Manlon of Uox Uutte were ui town Saturday. A now lot of shoes just received by W. IC. Herncall. Mrs. 11. N. Earnest returned Mon day tiom a weeks' visit wall Mrs. Uen Price. 20 lbs dried apples for $1.00 at Wildy's. Miss Rosa Parkin closed a success- .til itMin ot school in the Sella t II dis trict last Friday. California, cuuued goods 15 cents a c.ui at W. K. lleincitii'jj. ' Uelge Oiiodenougli, our elllcieiit uHisoiial aillst, was go the sick list lor a couple of diys last week. L waul all the diesai d poultry in .lie county. W. K. JIuuxuall. 11. It. Green lias purcuased K. Mc L.eod's lino lcsideucc. .Mr. Gieeu lias ..mi in Hit liutiie ot Ho. i liigloul. Skateh A fine lino of ice skates' just received ut ii. Ii. vjreen's Hard ware store. Leoru litis. in closed her school in Liu: ilemiiigfoid ui&ttici h'ridny. Slie c. guuil bcilisfactiiiu as a teacher. if you want u suit, overcoat, iVciails, cloak, cape, or slmwl. neap a big hue ut lldy'b. Attorney Tuttle spout sovural days with friends in Liboity pro cmt lust week. ?f ii W. K. jHernall, the flerch.nt. "Winter has corao. we nro aWpro, "With its wind and driftingvmow, And the place for Btich wcathYf to prepare Is yhat wo all want tokii6,'. Where wo can satisfactorily trade Our produco for coffee and bread, Hats, caps, mittens, gloves, silks, Boots, shoes, overshoes and quilts, Clothing and underwear, Overshirts and jackets) And all kinds of neckwear, Done up iu a nice packet. 'here did you ;say? W. k. HERNCALL'S, Why, at the best Place in town, g.TiiinTiiMir.i " "'"' "BBTttTnriTrr7i A Beautiful Woman Attracts Attention Evekywheiie. is not as handsome to look at as a Beautiful woman, bui An Ugly Woman Can Make Bettkr Bkead With Qold - Lef - Flotu than a bkautifdl woman can WITh ANY OTHER BBAND. After Giving it a Trial You will wonder how You Ever Got Along without it ESEnXZCTGKETOIESID LXXJUJZTOr COMPJLITT oee iid, before you Bell your nos, ioUi r, butler, egjB, cheese or t(iiiaicOi. Hallor, tho dentist, will bo hero Friday, January 10. Ho will only stay ono day. ohojcs ot ad kinds, styles and prices. Can lit any fool anil pocket uodk. W. K. 11EUNCAI.L. Ed. Kinsley attended the party .it .Mr. Miinion's, near Box Butte Tuesday evening and reports a very pleasant time. A number irora hero intended going, but thought tho weather a little too "fresh." l'viiut, Glass and oils of all kin(l ,old accoiduiK to tin haul times ueaper tli.iii the cheapest, at Anton Uiituo's. Prof. Worden, the noted fiee luiuu .tilist will give un exhibition of lib wuiulertul skill lu flee huljcl drawings it the Methodist uiiurcu this uveiiiu All Interested in tho artistic aro cor dially invited to attend. The lecture is free, and as the 1'rolessor has no eiptal In his line iu this c untry ou .Mil inKs a rare Heat if you tail lu L. W. BO WHAN Physician and Surgeon ALLIANCE, NEB. Oijice in Norton's Mock. Calls attended promptly. Chaiges reasonable. wKESjj!EjIn 'Mffl fl Heavy Hardware, alji 7?iFirtriIsSi New SI ort Line t.) Helena, Bu to Spokane, Seattle and Tacoino: CJ . I. &a "W. O. TlrxiQ Card. KAST BOUND. o. ii. imssHimiT aril es ii' li:25p. in. " jOliniuht ' " fi:0oi. in. ' 4H f relultt nrrlvisK at 10:10 u. iu, WEST IIOUND. o,4l piieiiKoriirrlvos nl 6;2t a.m. " 4ftfroi ht ' " H:W P. m. " 41 frf.lulit arrives nt 3:35 p. in All trains curry nassoncers. F. W. WiiGAiixY. AkciU. Tho IIekalo and tho Omaha aomi-weekly World-ilerald both ono year for $1.75. CtuiKiess has. hy a Joint ri'Milulinn, Aiiich passed without opposition, uu- uoi i zed the M.-cri't.iry of the navy to accept lite, Kalalidin. which was i ejected by the president tor lailuru to mako the speed recpiiied in tlie contract, at the contract price, it Having been shown that the buildeis were not to blame, th-y buving cou ntiucted lite vessel on government plans. The genuine Hound Oak costs no more than an Imitation. Why not buy the one that everyone Knows is tight. Unrig sells them. Piesident Cleveland will, on Janu ,iiy 4, issue his pioelamation declar ing Utah a state, and the republicans expect its leglsbttuie, which willjcou visiiu on tlie 0th. to ekct two republi can senutors at once. They may wait for the arrival of those two seuutois before electing the otllcei's of the sen ate. You cannot tlud iu these United States thu equal of the genuine Umind Oak. You may trj; you'd gel lull, llouiitiuiior it's Ihe combination ot good poiir.s that nmUos tlie poite l stove, liny ill" genuine mm waaii' tied. S e tho name on ihe Uy, l'oi a.ile at tiling's. The looignnizution of the seiiatt onimi tutu, has bueu ..11 arr.tng'd. and tliis week the republicans will This Cam is lo ' eneL Gush V uyers. (Don't Lose Ii. 20 2:. 10U j 100 1UQ 100 1U0 1 10U 100 1 50 50 2u -Jo ' "20 25 20 25 I H. R. GREEN, Hardware. 15 iu & '20 I 25 20 25 !20"io" j 20 25 ' 20 ' 25 m m 1 H3 B 69 a i.UU HOW TO SAVE MONEY ' Head "What This Card ....Says.... When you pay Cash, let the Clerk punch out t io ambunt; and when you have paid us Twenty Dollars in cash, will givo you One 'Dollar In Goods Free of Charge. XOn all Roods except Rarb wiro Ilarijes bjr tho aei. 15 10 5 15 I 10 j 5 'l5""i'0"'o is j ib j"5 is'j'io'j's io"'fi6""5 i5"j"io"6 15 10 20 25 50T50 60 50 50 50 j 50 50 j 0 j In i 10 ! 5 We will not be undersold. iliv.iysuriKQ this Card with you. Calvin J. Wildy New Gc ods . Low Prices Quick sales is our motto. "Wo aro now showing a hotter lino of joods than oyer before, and wt would call particular attention to our now line of Men-.' and Boys' Clolhiiig, and Ladies' Cloaks and Capes, on which wo are making very low prices. Wo aro not sell ing out any old, bankrupt stock, but we are selling cheaper, quality considered, than anyone else. Wo buy for cash, and sell for cash, or exchange for produce. Wo are the oldest iirni in tho county. Our reputation is jncrited by our largo increase of patrouago, to whom wo feel grateful, and for which wo warrant a continuance of square dealing, and a saving of money by stuying with the undersigned humble servant. Tours Truly, OALVIH J. WILDY. H. Livery .Proprietor of H Aivn H Ui.l 1 Cp hem j ma Stables. Wo have first-class stock and double and siuslo rigs, which wo furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boardora are unexcelled in tho city. Give us a call. fisSfStablo Corner Box Butto Avenue and Sheridan Street. 75SZKSE2J5!HIL5!5Ej2S25 Great Prize Contest. .'st Prizo. KWASE PIAfdQ, stylo "P" S300 & 76 Prizo, Cash, - "d Prizo. Cosh, .-.-- O Cash Prizes, each $20, 60 J 2?9 !o f 50 b -? jasii rnzos, cacn 5iu, - - -r rj "Prizes, - 131390 l I'll- Hr: i-i'-.'. wilt he clven to the pp'.itn who consiruct-J uiv 8.irrin jq -. .. ... v., .h. onnfjiiritin.' nil Urn lciU'.-s tn ihe alnlne'. l.iootlt'T b-. V. .. ...w. -..i -. ...T ..,.- .-- . I I lake ohargo, but ii is not curiam j it free. Address CaTaU,aod Trade-ltaiU obtained and all Tat-i fentbusmcisconductedfor Moocratc Ftcc ) ioun orrice laoppoeiTt U.S. patent omcej $S-!d !VJbca5cca yax uUo few Uoie than tW (remote from Wa$htj-jicn. ji 5 Send model, drawing or photo wit'i descrip-J tlon. Wc advise, it patentable or m t, tree olS duree. Our feo not due till patent l erured. t ., . - How to Obtain Patents," wltbt coTt ol sino in the U. S. aud lomsn countncsj is vm'i' go in r'nlnr order to those competitors wboo icuteucts sUaJ p. ' a point dt Lrtvity. tn CONDITIONS. LH irfh of a sr-ntenon Is to be nwurod by tlw liuraber ot letters it L-j UL1I, If', Olu - -- - . ,-r la ctvsK two or moTe prize-winninu senieucM are i-j-iuu. -.uu.i . Hrt reveivp.1 will he plvcn profer-nr. fcvory amip.-llU.r who .. .. . . .i... a ,...... i ii,i i v.i i-ppcIvo Vl!ki& t'i ins work .tiwroivtr. Iiicludh)!; twelve oorr.pMo novels, whether he wiiu a pri Dt .. .:a.,.o...., ..nn f.ntr ni:irn 'h-inono scnu-nce nor coat'ine with ty '..r'eoniiwliiors Ueiblunw of Omaha ar not permitted to taUrt anr y 't. liri-ilv or in-l'- ' 'n thl cua't. Piano uow oq cxuibitioa at gj i 't .. i t On.nhn. Nob. tf? riijs rvl,ir ' ri r u mad by the Weeklv WobuHbiiawi, w h.cii ih JU. ex-conpri'ssman, VilLLlASfl J. BflYaH, Is EdHor, .ml it w r-iurHl that each competjm? s-ntpuco be enclos"d,vrlth ono dollar I ..r i n-ar. smMerlnilon: The Wekkly AVonLO-llKUALD is ssaed in ml j wwkh k.ftious and heuco h nearly as po.l cs a daily. His the western 3 ihiiiitMiin of free stiver coinase and tlie lcadin family newspaper of Ne! ruilui. Auuri1 "WcbK'u Worlfl-flerald. OmaHa. Neb. "" MaiR.HBf o. AA id YYljl. U UIIU MUIUIU, Ulliuiiu. nuu. rj MUs Collins wito vUitinjr friends whoniu. they ulll oleutlbe uuiwra in)GiAiOnUW(XiliUi) g5SS32s25ysssSHSESH5E5aS25SS25a5aS25ZSHSSSSZSESEK5ii5ZS m ...... tn., Fiul.., ami Saturday, j tue bcante until lute?- &l!X!ZZ?iZi , V 1