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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1895)
s She Pmingfo? T, ?Tf !X .IT" rr VOL. 1 BKMINGtEORD. BOX BUTTE COUNT NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. DEC 27, 11)95. NO. 44 Cjk u i J "Ok WILL USE FORCE IN THE LEGISLATURE, SO SAYS THE GRIP, AND IN THE SAME ISSUE DE CLARES THE AGITATION DESTRUCTIVE TO THE IN TERESTS OP THE COUNTY. Tho wail of the Grip about county eeat removal petitions re tarding tho building up of tho county cornea with go. d grace from a paper located ut the seat of war, If it retard development why did you start the ball rolling? Hem ingford did not start it, so tho blamo all lies upon your own heads. "That if beaten Alliance vould go to tho legislature, and with force and influence law changed," is in tho "might makes employed by Alliance, but there is ,an old saying that ''it is hard tell ing where ti blind toad will jump," and Alliance may find out ihat force in legislatures is a poor weapon to use in America it is often a boomerang. Tho avticlo' )B a mass of mistakes; it blames Hemingford for not letting the .election come off to settlo tho mat ter, then declares it will contest it . -n, e i. i i.i , ... tfi l e m I l ing tliat a few pious wmls about ., 1 . .. .. ,. ... tho destructive agitation of the rnihlin minrf. h,. uimlil mn1i n good prchulo to the fabrication J hey expect to spring on tho legis laturo It gives a eulogy to Hcm- wigford holding odds at prcsent and then uives a dyinsr utteranco l About getting tho fight out of tho I tion in that city, was approached way-beforo sprhg:rIf'ycVwailt it"tt Tioft',timoag6b' one of ader Vfv w ..U HUJ vu v owj n"o rightfully takings, and not by force and might attempt tg change tho location. Humnigfqrd is in the fight to stay, but it is only be- causo Alliance forced the tight on to tho Hem;ugford people. Having gone into it. we ore here to stay, nnd stay we will until tho last dog is hung, bnt if Allianco wishes to quit, to say sjjo is sorry she spoke, and drop tho agitation, which sho claims is so destructive to the wel- fare of the county, there is no law against her doing $o. If tho Grip is in earnest in wishing the agita- tion stopped, as tho article suys, cud to have tho interest of tho county at heart, (she must bo, if the article is truthful about the do- atructiveuess of it) then it is easy to do. Just let the county seat stay wiiero it is, and tlio agitation is over. Alliance only cares for Alljanco, in fact sho can't see any- th on God's greop eorth but Alliance, and that is what causes the agitation. Tljink of these threats of force, might, etc., so often used by tho newspaper men pf tho little, railroad town. The Pioneer Grip and Alliance Times both have statements as to 4,, . . ,. . ... thc cot to tho taxpayers, by the .,ii f i. Lw.t ,,: ., , ., . , .. . i from them. This is one of tho onco, if such a thine should hup-f? , , . , . mi n .i . air and honorable" ways in pen. The Grip quotes tho cost at ',mi, -i ,,i . J ln . 11 mi m- i whichjMiese "honest" men aro en 50 ceuts per head. Tho Times' nnf, 4 ,,. . ., .. i 11 i deavcVag to get tho county seat, btates that a man who pays taxes J on S500 would pay 25 cents extra I uy uiti icuuuiy seui iramg removed !. .... .UA- 1.1 T II :rr-7, , '. But it finishes up by saying: There aro not five farmers in the county who would pay an addi-1 tional tax of 25 cents nor vear." , The Times is eminently correct in ' its last HtnlniiiPiir. fnr if m vara , , .. .v . ,U4J, doubtful whether there aro five farraors, giving him his own tig- ures, that would pay 25 cents per year extra to have the county seat at Alliance. On tho other hand, the very first statement is mislead- ing. He says for a basis that tho pxtra expocse to the county of maintaining tho county records nt Alliance is $434, ovor and abovo tho expense of maintaining them at Hemingford. Tho Times man readily admits that an extra ex pense will bo entailed: that is one thing ; gamed for Iloniingford, but uu iiues not uso i no. necessary amount of figures. Horo are tho figures that roprosont tho cost for tho first year to tho taxpayers, if it ia moved; Presenf court house $0,000 S!iK 3 Sr 1600 be 22.3 times 25 cents, or $5.57.5 1 extra for 500, and $11.15 for $1,000. Look this up, taxpayers, figiue for yourselves, and then vote. Tho figures given above are based on the removal of the county seat, in which case the present, court house and grounds revert to tho townsito coinpany. Which is the best for the interests of tho "ixpayorsr 10 nave no extra cost for removal or maintaining county , , , . ,, fa . , othces, by leaving the county seat , . . , ,i, ' . """" . VyuiSm aaueu burdon of $5.57.5 oich on 6500 assesspd, by having moTed to Alliance. every it ro- A citiznn of A11mnr.wlin hnlilc n resnonsihln nnil Inhrnt.ivn ici. oituy, ,iiiu uskuu io sign xne re moval petition. He refused, be cause ho was an honest, consci entious, liberty-loving citizen, n l .1 1 .1 J 11 and told them so. Ho paid Ijodid pot intond signing, as it meant increased taxation, and oventu- ally the issuing of bonds, if Alii' mice won. Upon his refusing tho request of this hired potition circulator said circulator reported to tho ahiof of "der gang." "Der gang" flien held an indignation meeting and unanimously ro- solved fhat this "upstart," who dared to stick up for his rights, should bo ousted from his job if "der gang" had "pull" enough with tho workingman's employer, or else bo compelled to sign. Tho result was that tho man was co- crqed into signing, as is every other man that holds a job under men who stand in with this gang. Alliance bankers have oven inti- mated to farmers, on whoso homes they lipid mortgagos, that if they (tho farmers) were wise? and intorested in their own wel- fare thev would Ki-n witlmnf. delay. This practically meant that if these farmers, on whom tho bankers had a "string," did u - -- aubw ("ufoiii, uiutpmuturs wouimoro- i t i i j. i ! close and tak0 thc- homes away not sign, the jankers would fore A prominent farmer of Liberty precinct was in town Monday. 113 a .. Buuei lou rl,ortor umt t,ur,S the previous week ho was ap- proached by an Alliance petition circulator and asked to hign. Ho nromntlv rttfiisml. TIip nntUiim circulator then tried to buy him, .... - 1 .,i,n,i i.:. i.: : hm.- ,w4 iub, ,, 4110 jjucu, xne farmer told him that the 'only way ho could bo induced to sign was for tho Allianco agitators to buy ins farm, as it would bo worthless, if Alliance won, and ho wanted to dispose of it before ho signed (he petition. The deal has not yot u cloacd, ' r' ahuiiii vviaa . , (... ijlii .- in 1,111 i iim in TinW fim,Vn 9.w Grin, but tho nartv that did so is DUKen Umtmany try to shirk." onoy question . T.lortM,... .., i Kim ..Jii., .i:..: .... i.. i This IS also correct, mid tluiv nnf Will OXCUO moil to action ton jutcvitiMi u&jjBiioua. ........ . x,uuu uiiuui J111111U4UII8 JUH, Ui Jim 111UIIU " ' ' ., , .vpwuiimio Uost of maintaining county , of examination was vorv dofoctivn. oU,y try but succeed admirably "" a raorai qosuon includinjr two W1..W, uvu-i uiiu uuuvu uic ... Thn funis m-n flint tlmr,, nnvor no won, as is siiown ov mo tax rec-1 " " "uu '""vu "" ". 'vvar- vo mGrohiints. ..111.., -v.. 1 l Lt 1 11 I t .1 . Hflll t-l- .V..,n !.. I . . . expense now incurred..,. 431 .. ,4 - -,.,., oris. Thov do not hnlinvn in nnv. iciousnoss has ovor bean the bono tn,m n.i rnt..i Mm( mmnv in m,,v ,,,.; n,i f... mc taxes thomselvos, but are will- ol "niun imppiness, ana. uio count v kphi n ........ . Oll.UOi J .W..MU..V) ....V. ... On tho basis of tho Times' calcu- A Lie Nailed. I Tho Allianco Grip scorns to got very patriotic ovoy tho invasion of English capital into Box Hutto ...... i iii.. u uuiiuij, iiuu uit;uiuiiy xzt'Jimig ford. We prcsutno thoy do this on account of our strained relit- on ummnt of our 8h,lined tions with England just at this tium. They say that they havV J V tf made investigation, and find that vestimtion. and find thhr (,ur littlo city should bo damned. , bocnU80 jt ft owuetl by J3nnBJj Cftpitnl N do fc k who made the examination for the ther, the company that owns Borne ' i. city is entirely owned by the resi dents of Hemingford and vicinity; and is, in a great measure, occupied by its owners True, there is a lf1riivnf inn lnit r .i ( Kn Tninu State Townsito comnanv. which own tho major pJtt of tlio vacant property of Hemingford, and it is also true that Allianco has a cor poration known as tho Lincoln Land company, which owns tho major part of tho vacant property iiiuMuriy, and some of tho best imoroved i ... . Dusinpss property ot Alliance, antt is as much of un English syndi cate, if not mpre so, than is tho Intor-btato Toyvnsito company' Now, Mr. Grip, dou't get'ay. Wo are on your trail, and ar; pre pared to call you down on idlyoiir wijdstateracnti und if,.you-w111 please have a meeting of 'your county heat committee, and call a meeting of tho voters of 13ox Butfo county, to meet at tho county seat, and give us just one-third of tho timo, we will dibcusa these matters with you in a public way, and uso proper names and plain figures, to show tho voters what thoro is in fllfk tnnnllf until- viinAtfnl minni-Cn and wo are certain that you will lake your petition homo with half the names, which you now have on tho same, scratched off, and we will give you tho coming summer . to replace thorn. Put up or shut up. Tho new game law has many re visions, but this does not niter its severity. If anything tho changes give tha Jaw a more emphatic ex- pression. Here it is: Book agents may bo killed from August 1 to ""i "ua iiuuu, a uuuui ui xuilLrilu " - i-"J e . , , mw uunui, uuu October J; spring poets from voters and business men of Hem March to July; insurance agents ingford stand ready to do all in from January to December 31, in- their power; to put their shoul- elusive; umbrella borrowers from February 1 to May 1 Season open all tho year round on scandal ! mongers, scheming politipians, po tition circulators, and any of tho "400" caught off thoir reservation. ,... . ; What a parody on tax matters the Alliance naners have mado in - - -" the county seat fight by expressions such as "Tho tax question is a bug- a-ooo, scare-crow, etc." TJioy Have declared that the tax question did not cut any figure in the removal matter, and thoy are probably right m . . . trom an outcry that tho Allianco ur,P Plves m lt8 188lle 0 y- "The money in the treasury is now exhaustoJ, and unless people will Py up their delinquent taxes at om - o. ivnrrmitR i'hhiiivI itnnnofaith will have to bo hold until more .,,, ; ;,. i. .. -ni uiic.y ii iii mo ucuBuijr. xnuru is no reason why delinquent taxes should pot bo paid. People who owe them manage to raise money for everything else they want, Petitions fo- everything ure sub- scribed to liberally, and yet the small and just matter of civil taxes ,iea burtlen that many try tobbirk."J i Tho Grip is ominontly correct, Tlle'50 llK oC whom owe tho co""ty sovoml years' taxes, ,mvo l),on,y of mony lo P"1 on ncmmird iidfirntiimir. tlint ilrm-i(r --.., ...-, ....,.,u "uorniiy to oaurciios, bcliools and PuhliconlortainmontH, so tho pub- ,,c m Beornl will call thorn gen 0l'mH open-hearted philanthropists uml tou w got won on tliusa do ntls thoy avoid payment, as far as possible, of all honest dobts, in- eluding taxes. Tho Grip says: "J"t matters of civil take is a Jpg at the farmers should pay nil uvvfmn-y oiiiuuBUM. xnoy are mo ........... ...' pared with tho great and good ruco, whoso oitiscens are not only -ftm am'ur8 on tftXoa lmt bo,(Uy Pullsu the fact. What a grand assuranco una gives to Honest tax- Vv'CVSi ilmt AHionco has the gooc vm. UIO tuiiuy UIH1 JUJ liUIUlL'US UI lu-irf, whon her city is unable to C4 ,. .. .. j".i :. i" . cash city warrants until delinquent taxes are paid. This statement must bo consoling to those who have paid their taxes, and wish to ' "- hec mo ctmntv woU governed in a imimnirit ii'tiv In b-iwwi. financial way, to know that the taxpayers in the grand city of Alli anco are so fur behind in taxes as to have distress warrants issuod. ilomembor, taxpayers, that if a business man ia failing when ho has everything cotniug his way it is&elmfd -liropowltion to inti-UBt your business to him. Alliaiice is such a subject, and with all her boasted iufluonce, might nnd force, sho is a city of delinquents, who want tho management of tho busi ness of this county, so ns to got enormous rent from tho county offices to bolster up her trembling position. Think of this," farmers, and when you look at the county records notice the Allianco delin quent list at tho same time. If yon do this Ilomingford will con tinue to bo tho county seat of Box Butte county. Let Harmony Prevail. Tjje Herald is ready and will ing tof give its columns to tho write-up of Box Butto county, her resources, towns, and superior indugoments to capitalists, and to adyanco hor every intorest in every way possible, and the ders to tho wheel, and work for Box Butto county first, last, and all tho time, and we, as a people, lqok down on any movemont that topds to separate tho people and causo strife and discontent, and cast to the world anything that would prove disadvantageous to o u .... ...i... !t ii"jr uiii in unity. jJUIj WIIOH lb comes to tho point of completely destroying one part of tho countv for tho upbuilding of tho other, then wo lose all our patriotism, nnri ooni.;nit.r ii,n it our own hearth nlaco Wn nrn. sumo our Alliance brothers think it would only bo patriotic for us to look wise and say nothin" and seo 0Ur families turned outdoors No, "self-preservation is tho first i ... patriotism wo most omnhrX w...1...,v.w.j denotmco this sintrlo-handed cus sedness and so lontr as The Her" AhT j.cnmins a circulating dium just so lon will wo m-o' claim our wrongs to tho world" if OUr sister city desires ne-tco progress and happiness wo extend our hand but so lorn? as thev trv ttfb-lot us or any other part of the county out, and tramplo us under her feet, wo will proclaim our rights, and wo firmly boliovo that tho timo will novor como wlmn onnl, inni.i. .... ,..... ,,..u.. MllVu vji.umj una vuuiiuur Let Us Not Engage In Strife, for We Are Brethren. EuiTon Hkiuld: As wo are Hearing tho tlmo whon our Alii nnco friends hopo to pross upon us tho question of county soatro moval, I deem it a privilege to speak upon the subject. I regret to know that a -money nuostiou lLoa OI a ww nas Joel to. tho t ....v..., mwiii,n,w ; ens to destroy tho friondly rela ens to nostrnv fi-imniitr vnin- tions that have existed in this county for a long timo. That tho county soat, from a moral standpoint, should remain at Hemingford is admitted by evory candid man. Situated as it is, near tho contor of the county, and tho only part of tho county that will ovor support anything but a scattered popula nun, means untie it is but justlco to our temporarily scattered pop- ulation bocauso of poor crop's to retain tho county soat at Hem ingford. That Allianco seeks to removo tho county seat whon so many are away from ihoir homos, and unablo to defend their rights, shows an avaraoiousness that characterized tho man who for a foW pieCOS Of Sllvor Sold his Lord.' Ha, as AlUce-ia -'doingWyour own dear county. Look now, discardod tho moral life for at your lust election, and see how u few sholcels. Notwithstanding mauyofyour important officers this, I am glad to learn by con- were selected from Alliance, or versation that thoro aro some its immediate vtclnitv. Mr. Grin Alliance citizens who will not voto for a removal of tho county soat, on account of the injustice in the matter. That two towns aro better for tho county than one is demon strated by tho merchants of Alli anco, themselves. For instance, tho writer, when In Allianco, was ..j . offered, and bought goods at a vorv hivirn rllsf.niinf.fmm flw, M. , " a .. w.v. 0 Ulai pi'ico, Simply becauso ho ro- Sided in Homm.rfnrrl WitU TTnm wo ulro this information to the public? When MUXU in ilGmmglOl U, With Hem- HcmlnKford has to resort to tho moms roferred ingford competition destroyed tllO , abov" 'tahowa pretty couctnsUely tho straits Allianco mQrfiliantflwnnlr1vo,,i,.,Dy ro rfUucwl to la th fttht-AllUwo thoy saw fit to demand. Whilo Allianco contends that tho re-1 mnvnl nf llin nmi( --..( ...ill uuus noi maiio rignt." Tlio lact -. , !- I that the Egyptians hold tho Ho brows in bondage so lontr was no proof that their power bestowed upon them tho right of oppress ors. Uriah lost his lifo bocauso "'" luiiu uia iixu UUliUUMU David had the power to command tnat e should bo placed in a v that ho should bo placed in a I dangerous position m battlo. Tho late war of the rebellion was ! brought about because tho slave holders' power oxceeded that of tho slaves', yot, I daro say, not an Allianco man will contend that slavery was right. I am inclined to think, Mr. Editor, that tho Golden rule, if adhered to, would bring mora happiness into tho lives of all than would tho possession of a uozeu county seats. Alonzo Sherwood. Don't think lieouuao a stove Is round anil tlio maker has called It Oak, of some sort, that It's thoceuiitiio Round Oak. It Is not. as vmi'll Tnil to vnnr cost, If j-ou buy. Stc the name on the leg, Then jou'll he sure in get the geuiijae. Soli only by UUrig. . . vuijr BMV vi nun town of Allianco was just what materially increase taxation, yot wo stated, and tho 1895 tax every considerate man knows MVAS not included. After taking that it will entail an expense-of hoiimoand pains to secure an from $10,000 to $25,000 within accurate statement of tho delin tho next fow years. Wo only quent taxes in tho town of Al need to look ovor tho history of Uanco, the Times man displays tho past to know that "mijrht his innit,.n. h intir, MUST PAY TAXES THE ALLIANCE HIGHFLY ERS AND COUNTY SEAT AGITATORS CAN'T SHIRK ANY LONGER. Yostorday tho County Treas urer placed Twenty-seven dis tress w irrants in tho hands of Sheriff Hall with instructions to collect tho tnxoB. On the list wo notico tho names of sovoral o business mon" of tho ropresentu- one ropresenla other prominent :tllll.mvS fPlm nm who refuse to pay their own tax- os, nna now try to burdon the i , nonoot taxpayers, must square tnomsoives. Tlio county treas urer Is doing his duty.. Lot the. good work'5 go on. Inconsistent. Tho Grip last week struck tho nail on tho head whon it said: "The worst fate that can befall a new county Is to contain a major- itv of nartifian vnlnrn wlin will votofor nothing but their party, etc," Now, if tlio taxpavors of Box Butto county do not believe, this, simply put tho county seat and all its habilamonts at Alli anco, off in orto corner of tho county, and see how completely Allianco will dictate tho financial course of tho county, and four years from now you will notneod to refer to Dawes, Sheridan and Chnvnnnn nnnniina mf imn wfoi. i . no doubt you can remember tho old saying: "Consistency, thou art a jewel." Tho llemlniiford HcnAtD In lt last tsao rankea tho falre and tulBlcadltiK stati'moot that tho dcllutiucnt taxes of the cltiioiu of Allianco amount to tho mi mot $8,GO0, This amount in clude tlio tnxv for tho year IhOS, which aro not yot delinquent and do not commence to draw latere Ht until the flrt ot next February. Now Ilrothor O'Keeffo Vfblle you are giving no many "fa ts from thoTOcorls"Jut nubllah a tabulat- od lUtot tho delinquent taxea for each precinct i una year ana iiow un how tho wholo county ! dontlil matter. Willyoudolt or shall .Alm0()1 HM,n Bnfrtmn,f ,n i. rn,ra Ttv.nM.r ,.n murt nmr,,,nf. f ,iii.,.,f Jn t., t. - . 0...w -J IIUUIIIIIUS MiS '6 tliat it. a "flllcn mirl miclrxtlinr and at tho samo timo requesting us to publish a "tabulated list for each precinct and year." Bro. Ellis, what do you take us for? You aro paid for publishing tho rlnlinmmnf In,. 11- .1 uuiviuii uiJW liat UIIU WO Hi' ciwffniiir ncir ,,.. u : i,: Information to tho public." Wo i rf fMi, , vv .w "1IU1L UIUU JUU 11UVU UVW looked this matter up at all and simply taken a certain agitator's word for it. Now then, Bro, El lis, The Herald has not made one "false and misleading state ment" but this is the second ono the Times has mado. Don't you think you are injuring yourself more than any ono olso? Slifrlrt "S.uit.i Cldus" has camped in Alliance uud is tilling up the tocU of Mima of "the represent- tle business men" with nice Untie Christmas presents In the shape of distress warranty. Iu tha language of the Allianco editor: ,lthta tax bu laess is a senro'crowj don't bo' Ufmitl ofiU" V '