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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1895)
& Paralysis Follows Blcoiilessness and'Neivous Prostration. A PATIENT WOMAN AFFLICTED FOR YEARS. Bhe TclU now at Lait 8I10 Wns reriuu nently Cured. Trora 1 ho lie, New York City. For moro than fifteen years, Mrs. A. Mather, who live at No. 411 East Onc-hun-dred-and-twclfth Street, Now York, was a sufferer from anajtula, which, in Bplto of tho treatment of physicians, gradually dc vooped Into nervous prostration until linally marked y tuptouut of paralysis set In. Mrs. Mather glad y gave tho reporter her experience, "For many years." Mrs. Mathor said, "I was n constant nuffcrer from nervousness. It was about fifteen j oars ago that my con dition began to grow worse. Soon I be came so affected that I was prostrated and, until about two years aqo, wns 11 part of tho tlmo unablo to loavo my bed. I em ployed several physicians from tlmo to time, my bills at tho drug storo lor pro scriptions, tomotimej, amounting to ns lniulins :o a month, hut all tho doctors oia lor mo Hid not scsra to help mo nt all My blood became greatly impoverished and utter years of suffering I was threatened iui naraiys s "When I walked I could scarcely dracr my fcot along mid at times my knees w,ould kiiduiiu; tu mm. xwuuiu almost nuiuowii. Keeling that doctors could not help mo I had little hopo of recovery, until ono day I read in n newspaper how a person, afflicted almost tho samo us I was, had been cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo Peo- nln. I nnrrlinnr1 n. linv nwrl tuiftnn tnUlntT jitho pills. The effect of this first box pleased mo bo uiucn mat. 1 uougnt auotnor. iieioro I had taken all tho pills in tho first box I began to oxpcrleneo relief and, after tho third box had been used, I was practically cured, It was really surprising what a speedy and pronounced effect tho medlclno had upon me. 'I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in tho house now, and when I fed any symptoms of nervousness find that they givomo certain relief." Mrs. Mather's daughter, Mtss Anna, cor roborated her mother's nccount, and told how she horse f had been cured of chronic indigestion by theso pills; nnd. too, how her cousin had been cured of anremia in tho same way. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all tho elements necessary to glvo new lifo and richness to tho blood anu rcstoro shattered norves. They aro also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregulari ties and all forms of w eakness. They build up tho blood, and rcstoro theglowof health to palo and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical euro in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or csccssos of whatever nature Pink Pills aro sold iu boxes (never in loose bulk) at COo. a box or six boxes for &.C0. and mav bo had of nil ' druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. WU Hams' Schenectady, Now York. Mnrr Jnne'a ltnmnncc. Mary Jane Holder of Lonnconing, Md., is tho heroine of a romance. Nineteen years ago Abram Laird, then aged 2l, rode from Lonaconing into tho west to seek his fortune, vowing some day to return to wed lary Jane, then a baby of 2 years. lie settled near Eureka, tvhero ho be came one of the owners of a lead and silver mine. About two weeks aao ho kiitermined to go back and visit his old 1" Mli o me. Among the first upon whom ho failed were tho Holders. Here ho j again taw Mary Jane, who had becomo Laird was cordlnlly welcomed and proceeded at once to "fall in love. The courtship was short and vigorous. They were married and loft for their western home. The I'llcrini. (Holiday Number.) Full of bright sketches prose, poetry and illustra tions by bright writers and artists. Entirely original, new and entertain ing. Mailed free to any address on re ceipt of six (0) cents in postage stamps. Write to Geo. II. Henfford, Publisher, 415 Old Colony building, Chicago, III. Kloctrlo AYeltllnc. At the gun works in Perm. Russia, welding have recently been successful ly carried out A bell, si feet in '"""height and six feet across tho mouth, that was cracked from top to bottom, was rondo quite solid again and its original touo completely restored This would have been quite impossible before the electric welding process was perfected. Comfort to California. Yes and economy, too. if you rntrouizo tho Uuriington Route's Personally Conduct ed oiKo-n-weok excursions which leavo Omaha overy Thursday morning. Through tourist sleepers Omaha to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Second-elats tickets accepted. 800 tho local nzent and arrange about Ik-Lots and tortlm. Or, write to J. KltAXCIS, G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. The Latent Slot Machine. A penny-ln-the-slot machino has made its uppearanco in tho Berlin rail road stations. A city directory can be consulted by tho outgoing and arriving passengers by depositing a penny in tho blot Upon insertion of the coin the box holding tho directory opens automatically, and is held open by a lever upon which tho depositor of tho coin places his foot Upon walking awuv the little lever Is released, and the box closes, omy to bo opened by l the next penny. Mup of the Uultett State. The wall muii fanned lv tho liurlincton Routo is three foot wide by four feet long; is printed in eoveu colors; is mounted on roLers ; shows every state, county, impor tant town and railroad in tho Union and forms n very doslrahlo and usoful adjunct to any househo.dor business establishment. Purchased iu large quantities, the moj s cost the Burlington Route moro than fifteen cuts each, but on receipt of that amount In htampa the undersigned wilt bo pleated to send you ono. Write immediately, as tho supply is limited. J. FiuNcin, G. P. &T. A. Burlington Route, Omaha, 2Teb. Every land Howl g with milk and honey has giants in it. WOMAN. Mrs. Charlotte Embden, a sister of (he poet Heine, is still living, at the -age of 95. Ellen Terry is passionately fond of tlldren. and delights In telling them Ijiry stories. EllsaStnnlnv ITnll mi AimtrnMan erlrl. MHM.vrf ..., .... ..-.. ... H , has received tho Mendelssohn scholar ship at the Leipzig conservatory. Tienas of Mrs. Agassis havo rounaea t $6,000 RChnlnratiln nt TJnilrlHTn colleee. iO bo called tho Rllz.-Uteth Parev Aeaeslz scholarship. THE AETIST'S DREAM. IT VANISHED WITH THE HING ING OF NEW YEAR BELLS. fatlietto Stor of a Dear I.tttte Womnn Wlio Wii Weditad to tier At A One Tlirouchout Eternity" A Sail Brcltal. N THE third floor of a business and tenement building comblnod lived ray artist friend. She wnB a dear llttlo womnn, with a smile and a pleas ant word for every one who went to her door. Like nearly all persons In this line of work sho took up paint ing, first for tho love of it, and after ward ns a means of livelihood. To bo sure sho loved it, yet, but sometimes sho had to work at it when her hands were weary nnd her eyes pained. It was at tho close of the year. Sho had had a hard month's work filling Christ mas and Now Year's orders, and when New Year's evo came and others wore enoylng themselves in various ways sho sat alono in her llttlo room, which served both as studio and a living room, too weary to light .her lamp or prepare her evening meal. Sho gazed at n picture Just finished, a scene of her childhood and young womanhood haunts. Her thoughts went back to those happy days when not a thought of caro cast a shadow on her young life. Sho thought of herself when, in the ex uberance of youth, she pictured her fu turo in brightest colors. Sho had hoped in those days to reach tho fame of Raphael or Michael Angclo. Friends, sho had scores; lovers, she had not a few; but sho answered to their supplications: "No, I am wedded to my art. It 11113 my heart, my life, my being. I have room for naught else." But there came a day when she met ( one whoso lovo sho reciprocated and sho waB happier than ever before. Sho I asked herself; "How can I glvo him up; and, how can I give up my long cherished hopes to devote my lifo to this work?" And she pondered over It until sho became palo and thin and ambition finally conquered. It wns to thja part of her Ufo in par ticular that her mind reverted. "Be noath the spreading branches of this stately elm," she murmured, as sho gazed dreamily and tearfully through tho growing dusk at tho painting be fore her, "he told me of his lovo. Tho sorrowful expression upon hi3 face, as I told him I could never be his wife, haunts me still. Oh, was I right? I have not succeeded as I desired. My fame has not reached foreign countries. I have spent many lonely hours here; no husband to encourage mo in my work, to cheer mo with his love. No loving llttlo arms to encircle my neck; no lips to press my own. No ono to Bympathizo with me, when I am weary and discouraged. Oh, have I mado a mistake? And where is Gcorgo? Has his life been wasted? Has he been truo to mo as he said ho would be? Ah, I have not only misled something in my own lifo but havo perhaps mado a wreck of his. O, Father, I pray Thee, forgive mo if I havo been too ambi tious." Tho little artist clasped her worn hands in her lap and closed her eyes in slumber- Tho flro in the grate FTZ "SHE DREAMED THAT HER LOVER WAS WITH HER." burned lower and lower; but tho moon's rays shed a halo of light about her head. Sho dreamed that she, was onco more a maiden fair and her lover was with her, but when he commenced to whis per to her the story of lovo ho was suddenly called away. Thrice did ho attompt it, and tho last tlmo her heart thrilled with his burning words but she bado him go. Then she heard a voice saying: "Woman, knowest thou what thou hast done? Thou hast outraged not only thine own heart, but that of the man. For this sin shalt thou suffer." Sho dreamed again and sho thought she was at Heaven's gate. "Enter," said a voice, but it was not that of her first dream. It was low and sweet and said. "Sister, thou hast fulfilled thy tasks on earth. Thou couldst havo made a happy home for thyself; but it was rejected, and instead thou hast dono many deeds of kindness to weary and despondent ones, which loving acts have, like tho ripples of tho sea, gone on and on, only the Master knoweth whither. Thou hast comforted the sick, helped the poor, made happy tho little children; but still thy lifo is not complete; thero awaits for thee a great Joy." Tho vojco ceased, but sho heard the sound of sweet music and far-off bells like silvery wedding bells. Suddenly a beautiful light shone above her, so that she closed her eyes and then sho felt tho clasp of a hand and heard the voice of one of long ago saying "Those on earth who aro united In love Ccaso not to caro for each other nlovo, For their souls then united shall bo And they'll be as ono through eternity." Sho awoke. Tho distant chimes on tho cathedral were joyously ringing In tho new year. Tho sound of sweet music could bo heard from afar, but no hand clnspcd hers. Sho knew then It was a dream. But who will say that tho llttlo artist will not find when she reaches tho pearly goto tho ono from whom she has been separated In this life? The New Vcar Drtun. The New Year dawns tho sun shluoo strong and clear; And all the world rejoices nnd Is gny; Tho city-loving birds from spray to spray Flit busily, and twitter In my oar Their llttlo rrozen noto of wintry cheer; From ruddy children with the snow nt piny Ring peals of laughter, gladder than In Mny, While friend greets friend, with "Hap py bo thy Year!" So would I Joy, if Thou wert by my side So would I laugh If thou couldst laugh with mo But left alone, In Darkness I abide, Mocked by a Day that shines no more on thee; From this too merry world my heart 1 hldo My Now Year dawns not till thy face I see. Louise Chandler Moulton. Satlnflotl. A group of pleasant faced children were playing in tho sunny corner of a door yard on a bright New Year's day THIS JUMPING JACK IS A DANDY. Susie was saying, "Yes, I know my doll is littler than yours, but I do love her so! Sho'o my own dolly! my own dolly!" And sho sung It over and over, cuddling her dolly close. "Yes," said 'Lola, "my doll is bigger, but yours is ever so much prettier, for mino is only a cloth dolly, and yours 1b wax with real hair. 1 love to look at It, but I'm afraid to touch it for fear it would break. I supposo a dolly that won't break Is best for me. Mamma says I'm pretty hard on a doll." Roy was looking nt Johnny, ploying with his Jumping Jack. Johnny said: "I did want a rocking horse, nnd I was most sure Santa Claus would bring mo ono. I thought ho'd know I wanted ono so much. But this jumping jack is a dandy, though," -and ho pulled the string hard. Tho little figure turned two or three somersaults, and ended by standing on its head. Johnny giggled, and little Roy, looking a trifle sober, said: "Your Johnny Jumpor is nwful nice, and I liko to eco you make him go it. I didn't got anything this year, but I hopo times will bo a lot bettor for our house next Christmas, nnd then I'll get enough to make it all up. But," said he, smiling now, "I'vo got all my mar bles that I had last year, and my top is most as good as new, and I'll tell you she's a hummer! Come, Johnny, let's have a game of marbles." What Wilt lie Offer? sA S' -..-- What will the Now Year Offor to you, dear? Spring's daffodilly. And summer's Illy, Ripe nuts when tho autumn winds aro chilly. And Bnowballs white and frost flowers bright. When he's grown to an Old Year, and then, good night! That man Is dying whoso life Is not greater to-day than It was yesterday. -Ram's Horn. yitv SfccJTaW fcf s JXsS ' ROMANCE OF A SONG. Itmr tit 1'opuUr Irlih Ballad "Robla Ailalr" Cania to lie Written. Of nil the old English ballndB nona is better known nor moro popular thaa "Robin Adair." It la a Bong whoso pathos has appealed to listeners In overy land where tho English tonguo la spoken, and unlike most of tho old songs of Its kind It hns not boon crowded out of recollection by nowcr inolodles. Al though usually classed ns an English ballad and sometimes roferrcd to ns of Scotch origin, "Robin Adnlr" is In icallty neither English nor Scotch, but a genuino Irish ballad. Tho air, through which as ns woll ns tho wordc tho tears run, is based in n very nnclont melody of similar Btylo known ns "Ellnoli Aroon," nnd dating back beyond 1450. The moro modern of tho two sdnga hna its origin In an actual occurence. Thero was a real Robin Adair, an Irish gen tleman who claimed descent from tho Desmond Fltzgernlds. He wnB n hand some, dashing young follow, and It Is no wonder that Lady Carol Ino Keppell fell In lovo with him, oven though sho was tho daughter of tho powerful carlo of Albormarlo nnd ho was ns poor as tho proverbial church mouse. Tho wooing of tho handsomo Irishman was Im petuous, but tho family of Lady Caro line, truo to tho traditions in noblo families in all well-regulated families, opposed tho match. Lord Albormarlo sent his daughter away to cure, her of her folly, but sho absolutely refused to be cured, and it was whllo sho was so journing at Bath, in order that sho might not meet Robin, that sho wroto tho song. Sho pined for her lover and hor health beenmo bo poor that nt last tho father relented, as most fathers In romantic stories do at tho end, and Lady Caroline Keppoll becamo Lady Caro line Adair. Adnlr, who was a surgeon of more pr less ability, afterward be camo qulto distinguished in hla profes sion. All this happened in tho last century, tho song having been written in 1758. Strnngely enough, Its proto type, "Eileen Aroon," was also tho out come of very romantic circumstances, tho tradition being that It was written by Carol O'Daly, after his sweethoart, Eileen, had been compelled by hor family to marry his rlvnl. GENEROSITY OF A BELLE. She raid the 1)111 for an Iguoraut Hay eo! I.ovor. Standing In a Cincinnati florist's store, vainly striving to come to some adjustment between capital and roses, one of that city's belles glanced out of the window to sco a hack dashing up the street. A young man look.od out of tho carriage door, tho coachman sud denly reined in hie horses, and two country follows jumped out nnd ruBhed into the store, ono exclaiming to tho clerk: "I want to give you a carto blancho order for somo flowers." The clerk looked at him and con tinued talking to the young woman. "I am In a desperato hurry; must catch a train no tlmo to loso and will give jou carlo blanche," tho youth In terrupted. The young woman consented to wait nnd tho clerk replied: "What kind would you liko?" "No matter what they aro, bo they aro handsome somo rosea and other things something pretty for her to wear," ho nnswercd, as tho blood mounted to hlB face, "and I glvo you carto blanche." ' So much Btress was laid on tho carte blancho that, tho salesman seemed en couraged and asked tho address. "No. West Seventh street, nnd havo them thero by 8 o'clock. Sho la going out. Something handsome, carto blancho, and here is $2." With theso words ho put down tho cash, slammed tho door and waa off. The clerk looked at the young woman and Bald: "American beauties are 1.50 apelco and roses aro $4 a dozen." "Never mind," sho laughed, "make It right for the girl and send tho bill to me." Doubtless that youth thinks that city prices arc not so bad after all. SOUTH WEST BREEZES. Politics and patriotism aro not al ways synonyms. It la not hard to forglvo a Ho told with a good intent Every man believes ho carries tho heavy end of a log. Thero aro many men who are kept poor by life insurance. If you want to please a man, toll him ho looks liko an actor. Man's idea of economy Is In telling his wife how to savo money. Thero aro somo things which even the young people do not know. To mako a successful partnership a wlfo must be ono of tho firm. The steps of faith fall on the seeming void, but not tho rock beneath. Tho "nower" tho woman tho greater her chances of becoming an old maid. A sure euro for the hiccoughs is to ask tho victim for tho loan of five dollars. Some women think moro of a sealskin eacquc than they think of their souls. A lying tonguo never crushed that man whom good fortuno deceived not. Tho man who advertises bis busi ness can't bo scared out by competi tion. Domestic economy consists in cutting down house oxpejisos nnd smoking 10 cent cigars. People get wisdom by experience A man never wnkos up bis second baby to eco it laugh. Tho South West. Seek the sunlight Is the advice of all present-day hyglenlsts. Patients on tho sunny side of tho hospital ward recover soonest. Tho person who always walks on tho sunny side of the street outlives his shade-seeking brother by ten years.. Sleep In rooms where the sun has shed hla rays all day. Bask In the sun all you can. Itow'a ThUt We offor One Hundred Dollars reword for any case of Catnrrh that cannot bo cured by Hull's rntnrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lait 13 years, nnd be llevo him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WALD1NO. KlNNAN A MARVIN, WholeKAle Druggist, .Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure It taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system. Testi monials sent free. Price. 70c per bottlo, Bold by nil druggist:. Hall's Family IMIIs. tCc. Nut el Corn Crlli. A novel portnblo porn crib is that In troduced by W. .1. Adam, of .loliet, Illi nois. It ould seem to commend itself to tho corn grower. Tho main points claimed for it are cxtroino simplicity and cheapness. It is mado simply from slats wired together ut top. bottom and center. It is shipped in rolls, is set up round, nnd the polntH of mooting hoc'je.l together, and thero you are, nil ready to shool in the corn. Tho purchaser can regulate the sizo of tho crib by the length of tho original roll, nnd it height by tho length of the slats. It Is easily transported to any part of tho Hold anil can bo rolled up and packed nway under shelter when nut in use. Whole family Iteaeuoil. North Huron, N. Y. (Special.) O. II. Sunt of this city had nearly become a physical wreck through excesslvo ueo of tobacco, and hlB brother-in-law, feon-In-luw and father-hi law were also la 111 health from tho same utm The four men all begun taking No-To-Buc nt tho s.inio tlmo, and thotiga rcpiu sonting greut dlfferonceH of ago .ind in firmity, they have not omy been ea'itcly cured of tho tobacco habit, but arc now In tho best posslblo physical condition. Tho quartctto nro proud of tho Jesuit and recommend No-To-Bac with tho greatest enthusiasm. Hundreds of to bacco users nro following tho exampio of tho Sum family. Canned Keen. Uggs aro now imported from ltussiu into England in sealed tin cans. Eggs In this country aro used by paBtry cooks, and the advantages claimed for tho system are freedom from damage in transport und long keeping quali ties, luich can contains the contents of ono thousand to one thousand five hundred shells, (ircnt caro is necessa ry in selecting I ho eggB to bo preserv ed, us ono bad ono will spoil tho whole ian. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. Mil r.tJlTOic-Toll olliors) ot mv nucrcM. riftion j ears farmtu? itnit hustling dUcouruKCd mo. My cousin undo 3,(xu lust war plutloit tnblcwaro, Jouiilry. etc 1 ordered 1111 outllt from (irov & Co.. 1'liHlni: Worlw Uopt.. in, Columlmt. O, It wnx complotr, all inmerlnli, formula, inwlo necrot.inmUrmtriictlorm Tlioy teach nKCMts free. Uoodx cany plolod, nice us new 1'iianintocit ten yearn. Muito (3 J llrt weak, fir second, 3v.l llMt month, uotall work 1 van do; liroihcr tniulo (75 aclllnv outtltn, wltol!rm for s-itnplo. 11 l bllAW. Great Britain manufactures evoryyear .10,000,000 of iron and XM.Otfl.Ol'O of htee'. The man who hits down and waits for a go'den opjortnuity to I nock nt bis door will need a thH: cuclilon on his chair. Coe'a Cough IlaUnm IttLt onU'.tun.l I---1. It will brcali up .1 Cold riulolt crir.AC am tUInz clso, Hli always rellabln. Trlt. Iho ileinrtmeut of Lot, in Train e, pro duce a tutacco with uear.y 8 per ccut of ulrrtla Iho leading crnln rrop in Quneiis'nnd in nialce; the leading minora' product Is coal. Lllllnrd tabo, toroud-lmnJ. for sa!o cheap Arply to or address, H. C. Akiv, CU B. nth Ht . Omaha, Neii BEWARE IN TIME.; CT SAfTlRCtf"lIf USE - s o-wiw VlUi TWICT YOUR LCQ OUT OF SHAPE. Timely Warning. Tho great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led many misleading wSBfVan of thoir namo, labels, and wrappers. Walter Bakor & Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and bo sure that they get, the genuino Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. 1 ft WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER. MASS. gS325HSHSHSHKHa5HSS3B5HS25E52SHS2SHSB5E52EHSZS2SBSrare5S5BE a Great Prize Contest. 3 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1st Prize, KNABE PIANO, style "P" $800 2d Prize, Cash, - I00 3d Prize, Cash, ----- 50 IO Cash Prizes, each $20, - - - 200 15 Cash Prizes, each $10, - - 150 28 Prizes, Tho first nrlzo will be clvon lo sentence, in Knglish, containing all tho letters In tho alphabet. The other prices will ko In refjulur order to those competitors whose sentences atanil imvt In iiolut of brevity. CONDITIONS. The length of u bcntenc Is to bo mensural bv tho number of loiters H -contains, ami each contestant must ludlcuto by figures at tho close of his sentence just how lonjj it is. Tho scuteuce must havo somo meaning. Geographical names ami names of persons cannot bo used. Tho contest closos February 15th, lSOfl, and tho results will bo published ono week later. In ras two or moro pric-ulniiliig sentences aro equally short tho ono flrst received will bo Kiven preference. Kverv competitor whoso sentence Is less than 110 letters In lenjjth will receive Wllkie Collins' works in paper rowr. including twelve complete novels, whether he wim a prize or not. No contestant can enter more ihun ono sentence nor combine with other competitors Residents of Omaha are not permitted to take- any part, directly or indirectly, In this content, Tltls.n-marknbly liberal ofror is made bj tho Weekiv WonLD-lTKim.o, of winch the distinguished ex-congressman. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, is Edittr. kj and it is required that each comiiettng sentence be enclosed with onedojlar d for n year's subscription. The Weekly World-IIeualii Is Issued in semi. nJ weewiy sections, ami nence is nearly Q champion of free silver coinage it rteurasua. AUilress, pj woomu 3c325Z5EK5Z5a52525a525E5a5H52Sa The Moderti Mother lias found tlfat'lfcr'tfttlo ones are Improved mora by tho pleu-unt laxative, Syrup of KlfVs, when In need of the laxntlvo offeutof a gentle remedy, than by any other, and UmtltUmorc licocptnblo to them. Clill tfrcti enjoy It nnd It benefits them. Tho lino remedy, Syrup of Figs, is inaliufltc tured by tho C.illfoml.i Fig Syrup Co., fnly. t'ontrarts for now mall pouring have Iweu awarded to tho Arm otQuiu X: Co. of Clminnati Mho's Curo Tor Coniumptton ha titfo'piiU os ti courIi medicine, -H. M. AtwofT. NW Seneca St.. UulTnto, y. V,vMay?t WUI. When n woman nttendn an ariumuon tnrty, hor liufdnnd will wait for nupir that nlRht. It tho itnby In Cutting Tcotn. Setiire mluititlititoM and ntll trtal rtmwlr, Hat. Wix iLOTr' SooTinxn Ritivr for ChllUnm YmUilng. ThoChlcnco Uib'o nodetvof Chlcnpo Pill foon commomo tho erection of t building In Chlengo which will cost nlout fX'O.OSH). FITS UinisMorpeitfrreliyllr.KtlneSOrea Isrrvn Kmtorer. No KlUnftiT llm tlihulii) ' uin. ilunHoiumirr-. TrratUaaml tU trial lioHlifii'U lit mm. Sonatol)r.KllntJMlAtcUtt.,l'Lllu.,l'm Fortuno en 11 not clinnso us It tun only bring out what NJn u "SB-MBon BJafflo Corn BalTa." Wirntntrd to turn or tmmy'Vrumljvt, Ak yow dromrl.t Jur it. I'ricolicti'U. Whip a poorly nourished horse when he Is thoroughly , 'tired. He may go faster for a few rods, but his condition is soon the vorse for It. Bet ter stop and give him food. Food gives force. If you are thin, without appetite; pale, because of thin blood; sind easily exhausted ; why further weaken the body by applying the whip. Better begin on a more permanent basis. Take something which wUl build up the tissues and supply force to the muscular, digestive, and nervous systems. ' ' of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo phosphites, meets every de mand. The cod-liver oil is a food of great value. It pro duces muscular, digestive, and nervous force without the aid of any whip. Every gain is a substantial one. The hypo phosphites give strength and stability to the nervous sys tem. The Improved appetite, richer blood, and better flesh come to stay. just an goad Ib never as good aa Softli 6mul&tcru IThe first acute twinge of 18 THE WARNING DCLAV. AND THOSE TWINQE8 MAY to tho placing on the market and unscrupulous imitations - $1300 tho person who constructs the shortest as good ns a dally, it is the western and the leading family newspaper of HuTiirnurdiu, unidiia. mu, v