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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
sHy.1- ,11 r : ifefiilb If" a' emitt .-rrcsssec VOL. 1 HEMINGrFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTS iTOBRASK A. FirfDAY. DEC 13. 1B05. NO, 42 if ; -v I PM rfctfo . : r.if ,$.' 5ew FALSE PROMISES Mad? by Alliance Agita- tors and Schemers. MOTHER EVE IN DISGUISE. The Farmers to Be Misled on the Tax Question. The Alliance Times, in its issuo of Friday; December 6, has an article headed uAs a M-ittor of Eight," and then proceeds with the county soat argument that Alliance should have tho county seat What right has Alliance to try and got the county seat? Tho vory first definition of tho word right is against Alliance. No one has a right to anything not reason able, and according to Burke right ;a that which ono has a natural .claim to esact. Whore is Alli ance's natural claim to exact the county Beat? Jt is tho old cy of might being right, that in barbaric jtimes held the .sway. Hemingford has the county Beat, court house, vault aud paraphernalia tnat is pertinent to a county scat, all cost- insr the countv an immense sura to keep up. Alliance thinks she has tho "might," and like a barbaric chief of olden times proclaims her f'rjght" to take that which by all decrees of richt bolonirs to Hom ingford. It js in' keeping with olden times, as told in holy writ in tho second chapter of Samuel, in which Nathan is sent to David to toll him of two men being in the city, ono enormously rich in herds and flocks, tho other with only one uwo iamb, that ho and his family had raised by hund. A visitor cotnes'io ujoTjcnman, ana io uonor him tho rich man. makes a feast. , culated among tho farming popu lar a portion of tho feast a lamb lutiou for signatures in tho near is needed. The rich man, instead future Tho petitions are in the of taking one of his own lambs, as hands of men who have received a numerous-as tho blades of grass, special course of traiuing in the sees the lone ewe Jamb of tho poor line of Allianco "grand stand" talks, man, and by hia '"might and inilu-1 Don't allow their plausible stories once" takes tho animal for his vis-' to beguile you into signing tho jtor's refoction. This is tho at-' petitions. Tho lightning rod agent, tempted action of Alliance, but tho Ions: note fakir, and all the other anger of the taxpayors should rise , against tins unreasonable action. , th0 public, are as nothing in their J wefo nqt talking, however, of the Allianco already claims tho trade ' long-reaching practices as tho J probable removal, but of tho Of the county; in fact her papers smooth "Ephs" who will handle ' amount of taxes owed by each of state if in plain words. What then these petitions. Their part has ' tho leaders of tho removal proposi is her reason for wanting the been rehearsed to an admiring Al- tion, and tho unadulterated gall county scat? Just for the pleasure , H-inco audience boforo starting. ' nossessed by them in taking tho of taking away the one tiling wnicn Homingford holds by right of loca- tion, backed by election. Another argument used by Allianco that the county seat should be rapved is bill of 390, whioh the county commissioners allowed for repairs on the court house at iiemiugford, And they supplement the statement the gang quiet, for election pur by tho words: "Paid to one firm." j vosei- another court house, for Here is where Alliance's hand is i Alliance 'will nover be content until shown. The money being paid to Hho has a big court house, consist pne firm, Allianco faihd, to get its ent with tho dignity of tho county; poud of flesh from the neighbor-1 un the road taxes oxpeuded for the hood of Hemingford's heart. The , benclit of Alliance, and a whole lot account of tho bill allowed is fol- j 0f etceteras too numerous to men lowed by a statement that tho rent J tion. Besides, thoro will bo the of the rooms in Alliance would hardships of a winter's travel to cost 8300 per year; with a removal j the county seat, in the southeastern of tho county seat that would mean j part 0f tho county, for farmers who a cost of $G90 for the first year, be-' have business to transact. Thoso sides tho cost of an election, which j are 80me of tho facts that will con wpald not be less than 1,500. The j frpnt tho taxpayers if tho business S390 already paid for the repairs js carved out as Alliance hopes, made upon the present court house , HaY0 a caro farracr3 ,ind taxpayers, Would be lost, und $300 additional ( i(iQV tho petition holders at bay, would bo charged fop rent. j think of your homes and your Tho Times states the fact that p0(ket, and work and vote to keep the northwestern corner of the the county from the added debt, county is depopulated, and from which Allianco wishes to crowd on present appearances will remain the county. Homingford is strug 6of Avery patriotic statement for piiug for what belongs to her. u leading paper to make, but it Alliance, with tho force of might, only adds another coffin nail to . wauts tp crowd her wishes down Allianco's aspirations. Granting ! the throat of the taxpayers residing that the statement was true, which i AutsxillQ o Alliance. Think , of this . - -, ., , , mi. . , i American freo wen, vote with your n P false as tho rest of Ahance s prInciplwJ and k(je'p thu roHJ o ilco8,.theii the tax for.rflMqvalwil Ancient tyranny from being perpo loll all tlib harder on the r&s of 'tratedon the Bqr Buttg taxpayers. tho county, who will have to pay tho cash. It is u good way to settle i up n county for a paper with tho largest? circulation of tho Alliance papers 10 puousn a siaiomoni uko tho above, for everyone to rend. The tirade against Homingford's property is well taken by n news paper in a town that carries an ad vertisement that reads: "Desirable lots in north Alliance will bo given to anyone who will erect a suitable dwelling thereon." Homingford may ho all that tho papers claim, but is not yet poor enough to havo to give away lo(ts to induce men to build on them. But nil other reasons aside, where is tho benefit to a county tho size of Box Butte to tear down One town for no practical advantage to the other? Is it not for all reasons better to have two business centers? It is reasonable to think so, aud counties only having ono town are never successful; in fact could truly bo called ouo-horso counties Is this tho wish of the inhabitants? Certainly not. Thoy want their county first in everything, and have not tho same eyo glasses used by Alliance people, who cannot see "''""'b' uuiwue ui i.m uu u. limits. The taxpayers of tho county will readily realize tho in crease of taxable property iu tho maintenance of more than one town in the county. With every ! uusinc thoro comes residnnts, ! personal property is taxed, tho as- sessineoi of the county is increased, the percentage of taxation propor tionately decreased, and hero is where the intelligent voter will hes itate a long time before allowing tho blue goggles, used by Allianco ople, to Oejmtoyerlns eyes. - a J ; The Alliance petition wilrbe oir- riff-raff that has been preying upon ' Gdt edged promises, with tho gilt edge pointing always toward Alli- ftnce, at tho cost of tho taxpayers, will be made on tho quiet, but are borne of the tempter's wiles. Un- ! derneath these plausible stories lio the claws of the cat, and its scratch raeaus increased taxation, to keep ; scorned to Ml', oliar thd EdgO mont woolen m.41 in tho interests of Homingford for tho county soat. Mr. Sharroclc informs us that ho is not spending any of his woolen mill money in this campaign, and that tho wooloh mill will bo built in Edgonibiit regardless of how tho Box Butto olection may terminate, but that, tho Irttor-Stato Townslto com pany will stay in tho fight for Homingford until this fight is forovor settled for Homingford, and wo might add that it would be well for ovory property holder in the county to do likewiso. In talking county soat tho AM u,"- ato m.J. -vw,, niinn IrttTTO piri tTrMY Til course, wo cant, ouor any muuco ment for bringing the court housa down hero, because tho courts havo decidod that wo can't. If it wasn't for that wo could easily raise 615,000 for that purposo, (from tho appearance of tho rec ords it would take this amount to straighten up tho dolinquon taxes of tho village of Allianco) and after this thing is settled our favor wo will probably UL just that vory thing. " 1 Yos, wo know well enough that; they will do just that very thing, if they succeed, (which thoy wont) but tho taxpayers of tho county would havo to foot the bill, andjbhat is just what thoy do not propose to do. The time has como whon.'evenin these west ern counties, it is impossible for a few men to make, a ring of pol itics, and hoodwink tho voters into covering themselves with a ..,.,, ., . ;;. , .,.... & ueuc map win eup-uiam poor the balance of their natural lives, and their children af tor them. The article in last week's Times in regard to the misfortuno that befell tho editor of this paper while ontsloigh riding was, in tho main, truo. The accident, however, did not occur jus; as reported in tho Times. It is true that tho editor and his fair companion were dis- cussiuc countv scat matters. Thov stand thoy have taken. Tho edi tor was telling his companion that a few days boforo ho happened to bo at tho court houso on business, and incidentally looked over tho tax records, when, to his surprise, he found that all tho Allianco leaders in tho county seat question owed from hrco to eiv years' taxes each. Prcrious to this he hud supposed that men with such "high nims, spotless characters, and who had the interests of tho county at largo so much at heart, would be out of debt, at least on the tax question. When the lady was .in formed of these facts she, too, was very much surprised. While .ho interesting talk was going on a smooth-looking politician was scon approaching, and when nearly op posite the sleigh in which the ThoAlliauco Grip b6 worrying for fear rock will "blow in-" editor and companion were riding Elmore will not take an active ho pulled from his pocket an Alii- J part; and that the Lincoln Land anco petition, which he began to j company will not help her. With flourish in a vory reckless manner, ' out the assistance of this strong frightening the team and capsizing trio Allianco cannot posstbly win tho occupants of tho sleiuh. Tho editor was not as seriously injured, however, as Brother Ellis hoped for, and has now ' zegained his normal condition. Wo do not wish to be rude, but think wo aro justified in tho assertion that Brother Ellis could fall from the top of a seven-story brick house, and not injure, his brain in the leastif he struok on his head. Does Might Make Right?' ! TMa mmattnu Una 1ain tiulrnrl n. thousand limns in bvcmno vonrs by thoso that havo suffered from its usos, and thoro aro millions just' now who tiro still sufforlng from this villainous practico. And yot it travels on and on, not heeding tho "supplications of tho bassos, and tho poor wretches thataro sotreHtodWoimado tho rc, tools of tho fdw to carry out their fioKlsh designs. Is thoro not a case of this kind right -In" our midst? ThinU well boforo you cast your lot on tho sido of what somo people call might. But carry this problem homo to your self, and seo if you would like your neighbor to crush you out, just because ho thought ho could l(lpgO, .. Aud in viow of all that is beforoyou in tho present trouble trying to bo cast upon us, aud answer tho auostion: "Does might make right?" 4 If Homingford has no placo in this vast universe, and hor peoplo-are asking moro than thoir sharo of your patronage, then, and only then, join tho other side, and bo placed on tho roll of might against right. But, if on tho other hand, you are for what is right, cast your lot with ns, and time will solvo your answer. Wo are asking for nothing but! what is right iu every senso of tho term. Wo aro asking for nothing that rightly belongs to our noignoors. wo oenovo m neighbors. Wo believe "livo and lot livo," and wo believe that tho decalogue has some placo in tho history of all civilized com munities, and vb arpw.1 to all fair peoplo to think carefully and honestly on. tho present situation Tlfo Allianco Guido is0f"flio opinion thattho peoplo of Hem- 'Ingford, and especially TheHeu- Ald, aro excited over tho county seat question. When a sot of men band together to crush our homos into the earth, rogardloss of tho cost to us, it is high timo wo got excited. fi?ho peoplo hero aro not as anxious as thoy should bo. It is a wrong idea to think that a few men can take caro of this mutter as it should be done. Every property owner and citi zen, not only yf Homingford and vicinity, but of tho wholo county, should appoint himself a commit tee of ono to opposo tho reloca tion of tho county soat, and tho exorbitant oxponso which must necessarily follow such an action. Tho Allianco men aro not sleep ing; thoy aro at work, and good, hard, honest, earnest labor must bo dono to defeat them. The Herald firmly believes that a removal of tho county seat not only means destruction to Hom ingford. but it means diro disas ter to every honest man, who pays his taxes, in tho county. Let us givo Mr. Paradis good cause to think wo aro truly ox cited, Alliance will find in her tussle with Hemingford over the county seat removal that tho latter has a great many more friends than sho counted on, and will also learn that tho B. & M, will not back Alliance in tho effort; that Mike in tho contest. Crawford Tribune. J An Allianco papor stated last I week that "this tax business is a scarO'Crow; don't bo afraid of it." While looking over tho records in tho county treasurer's office wo noticed that a republican edi tor in that little "garden of Eden" owes 7 years taxes. Tho tax ! question apparently never gave j him any trouble. Mr. Editor, if I ypu can't pay, don't pluy. Tho Allinnco coitiTseat boom- oi-8 hold out as nn nrgUmont'tfutt thoy ought to havo till) Colwitv ..tis.N." seat, that their poopkiVo tlio majority of tho cour't&J rnd consequently should havo- the court house at homo. This is a groat inducement for tho farmer, How his heart must blood for tho P001' lawyers, aud tho rounders, thieves, thugs and harlots that mako up tho bulk of tho criminal docket, and forco upon tho county tho heaviest burden tho taxpay ers havo to boar. If Alliance woro not so tough a placo thoy would not ovorlaslingly havo to bo in court. Yog, 'twould bo a glorious idea for tho farmors to build a $20,000 court houso in f Alliance for tho benefit of this chiss of peoplo. If anyono has an itlea thnt Allianco paj's her slaro of this burden wo would uuvisu mum w uioic up mo ue- linquont tax Ijst Alliance. for tho city of Tho Allianco papers do not and cannot produce ono word of log ical argument on tho county seat question. pHorxninsfa. J. J, IJutscu satisfactory. reports trnjla quite Dancing parties are all the rage In this neiKhboiliood. J. II. Johnson took a buslne&p trip to Marsland Tucsdny. Tiio school of districts fifty-six and twenty have ,eoiisollduted, for the timo bulii. Allen Walrod of Homingford wuu In this vicinity on business tho first of tho week. ' J. M. Trout was out rounding up his horses, preparatory to getting tliem pastured for tho winter, Job Whipple of Allianco will oc cupy tho Bildomoyor residence this week and oxpocU to bu!ll o.i his own property In tue spring. Thus Alli ance loses ono mure vote. Berea Sorapliags. Young People's literary every But urduy night. W. T. Johnson is building an addi tion to his houso this fall. Roadmuster D. O. Molntyro Is going to have a work train on his division this winter. Martin Logan had the misfortune to get thrown from his hor,e Monday night, receiving a badly bruised hip. Robert Garrett and son, Frank, are hnuliDg baled hay to Reno for ship ment. It's a cold duy when Rob can't find something to do. Mrs. Mai tin Logan intends to visit with her sister, who lives near Albion, Buono county, this state. Mrs. Logan expects to tnuke a protracted visit. Sox Quito Bulletin, Mr. V7. Parker of Alliance Is help ing Mr. Rrltou butcher his winter supply of meat. Ben Johnson and Miss Miller were Rox Butte visitors Tuesday evening. A lady from Hay Springs, whoso name we wore unablo to learn, Is vis iting Mis. Ida Ross. Mr. Hughes, who left Box Butte for Clay county, writes that he win be back next spring, accompanied by several ot his Clay county neighbors. There will be quarterly meeting services at Clark Chapel December 22, at 10:30 a. m. Mr. Joseph Manloo bought 100 busheli of outa on the ''Rldgc," and is hauling them home this week. Box Butte voters say that they want tho county sent to reni'iln where It now is. The Jlteiary Tuesday evening was well attended. The subject for de butes December 17 Is: "Resolved That the Initiative und Referendum Would De a Benefit to the American People." 1805 finds the genuine Round Oak with greater sales than any year gone by, and the number pf Imitations bus become a multitude. See it nod. learn the reason why. Vur sale ai Uhtlg'a. fiJt? THIS FAPER IS FREE, READ AND HAND TO YOUR NEIGHBOR. ?- C', hasty examination of tho county records discloses thefact that tiioro two at tho prcs8n timo 93,000 of outstanding county war rants, and also that tho delin quent tax list of tho city of Alli anco amounts to 0,600. Th fact that tho largo majority of thio dolinquonoy is owed b&the prom inent business lnen-'of'tko 'placo suggests tho idea that if thoy Woiud rustle one-half as hard to pay? tho county what thoy owo It instead, of trying to plungo tho honest taxpayox-s deeper into debt, thoy would be moro worthy to bo called tho pvogrOsslvo citi zens, which thoy assunio to bo. Tho statomont as to tho above facts can easily bo demonstrated by looking Ovor tho records. It is not necessary that anyono in terested should tako our word for it. Wo havo, however, a full list in this oftlco, and aro ready to publish names and amounts if any of tho county sfcat agitators aro disposed to deny what wo have said. 1 ' i Edwin Fonnor, the young man who wont from Allianco to Now Orleans with a car of horses, for Joseph Kiino, and wbo was found in tin insane condition at Merid ian, Miss., was taken to the asylum at Norfolk Monday night by Sheriff E. A. Hall, assisted by Deputy W. J. Eai'nest. Ho loft Alliauce about a month ago. Tho trip to 5KTov Orloans vriMjlmudG In. safofy, arid b started for f home by himself, Mr. Kirao fpmainlng Jo disp6so of his stock. A few days after Fonnor's departure Mr. Kimo received a message from the authorities at Meridian, Miss., stating that thoy had in charge a man named Fen ner, who "was out of bis mind. Ho was identified by tho. stock man's pass ho had in his posses sion. Mr. Kimo went at onco to Meridian, where ho took charge of tho unfortunato young man and brought him back to Alli ance. Ho was declared insano by the county board, and brought to this city for temporary doton tion, until a placo could ho pre pared for him in the Norfolk asylum, and Sheriff Hall left, at onco with his man upon receipt of tho message from the Norfolk; atfthorities. Calvin J. Wildy New Qc ods Low Prices v Quick salos is our motto-. Wo aro now showing a hotter line of goods than ever before, and wu would call particular attention to our now lino of Mens' and Boys' Clothing, and Ladies' Cloaks and Capes, on which wo nre"jnaking very low prices. Wo aro 'not .sell ing ont any old, bankrupt stock, but we aro soiling cheaper, quality considered, than anyone else. Wo buy for cash, and sell for cash, or exchange for produce. Wo are tho oldest firm in the county. Ou1' reputation is merited by our largo increase of patronage, to hom wo feel grateful, and for whfe'h wo warrant a continuance of square dealing, and a saving of money by staying with tho undorsigucd humble servant. Your Truly, OALYffl I WILDt, tfi