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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1895)
ft H ' V h CAUSED BY VflGGlNflTlQN, (From the Journal. Detroit, MIrh.) Every one In the vicinity of Meldrum nvnue ami Champlatn str-t, Dtrolt. knnvs Mrs. McDonald, and nwiny u neighbor Iibb reason to feel grateful to licr for the hind nnd friendly Interest Phr has manifested In caws of lllnops. Rhc Is a. Ulnd-henrtod friend, a natural nurse, and an Intelligent nndreflned lady. To a reporter she recently talked at Borne lenpth about Dr. William's Pink rills, giving some very lnterestlnR In stances In her own Immediate knowl edge of marvelous cureB, nnd tho uni versal benefleenee of tho remedy to those who had used It. " I have reason to know," said Mrs. McDonald, "something of the worth of this medicine, for It has been demon strated In my own Immediate family. My daughter Kittle Is attending high school, nnd has never been very strong etnee Bhe began. I suppose she studies hard, and Bhe hns quite a distance to go every day. When the small-pox broke out all of the sc-iool children had to be vaccinated. I took her over to Dr. Jnme eon and ho vaccinated her. I never saw Buch an arm In my life nnd the doctor eald he never did. She was broken out on her shoulders and back and wns just na sick as she could be. To add to it all nournlgla set In and tho poor child was In misery. She Is naturally of a nervous temperament pnd she suffered most awfully. Even after she recovered the neuralgia did not leave her. Stormy days or days that were damp or pre ceded a storm, she could not go out at nil. She was pale and thin and had no appetite. "I have forgotten Just who told me about the Pink Pills, but I got some for her and they cured her right ut. She has a nice color in her face, cats and Eleeps well, goes to school every day, and is well nnd strong In every partic ular. I have never heard of nnythlng to build up the blood to compare with Pink Pills. I shall always keep them In the bouse nnd recommend them to my neighbors." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo ple are considered an unfailing specific in such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the nfter-effects of la grippe, palpitation of the henrt. pale and sal low complexions, that tired feeling re sulting from nervous prostration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors In the blood, ouch as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such ns suppressions, irregulnrltles and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radlcnl cure In all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be cent post paid on receipt of price (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2. CO they nre never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. A Joke That Is Not Half True. It is a common joko that when a man's wife is out of town ho writes a mournful letter, and then poes around nnd has a high old time. There is not much in that joke. It does not begin to do duty with tho mother-in-law joke, and that is pushed far beyond its deserts. The fact is that out of a dozen men whoso wives are put of tho city for the summer there will bo at least eleven who nro really lonely, and, in fact, put in a very miserable time. They do not feel willing; to acknowl edge it at first, and few liko to have sympathy thrut upon them, butv.thero arc mighty few who do not in their hearts pay tho highest kind of tribute to their wires nnd wish for their re turn. Washington Star. Word A hlcli ltliyme Not, The number of English words which have no rhyme in the language is very largo, FiVe or six thousand at least are without rhymo and consequently can be employed at tho end of the verso only by transposing tho accent, coupling them with nn imperfect conso nance or constructing an artificial rhymo out of two words. Among the other words to which thoro nro no rhymes may bo mentioned month, sil ver, liquid, spirit, chimney, warmth, gulf, sylph, music, breadth, width, depth, honor, iron, echo. THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. Special Itntf-H mid Trains la the llor llnctou It cm to. Round trip tickets to Omaha at the one way rate, plus Til) cents (for admission cou pon to the Stnto Fair), will be on sale Hen teniler lath to L'Oth, at Burlington Itouto stations, in KcliriiKKii, in Kuiimik on tho Con nnlin, Obcrlln and St. Francis linos and In Iowa and Missouri within 100 ml'es of Omaha. Nobraskaus nre assured that tho "05 Stato Fnlr will bo n vast improvement on its predecessors Larger more brilliant bet ter worth seeing. Every ono who can do so fhould spend Stato Fair week, theuho'o of it, in Omaha. Tho outdoor celebrations will be pnrticu larlv nttrndive, surpassing nuvthingof tho kind ever to'ore undertaken by nny west ern It v. Every evening, Omnlm will l.o ntlnnio with o'o-trK lights nnd glittering pageants wl"l parado tho streets. The pro gram lor the pveuhiT ceremonies is: Monday, Sept. lflth Uruud bicdo Car nival. Tuesday. Sept 17th No'irnska's parade. Wednesday, Sept. lfeth Military and civic t arnde. Ihui-bdav, So;.t. 10th Kniahts of Alc-Snr-Ven 1'ornde, to to followed by tho cast of Momtumiu" Pull. Ilouud trip tii kots to Omnlm at tho re duced rates nbovo mentioned, as well as full Information at out tho Burlington Bouto's train sendee at tho time of tho State Fair, can bo had on application to tho nearest B. & M. H. It. ugent. Hoineaet-kera' Kxciirilom. On Aug. 20th, Sent. 10th and 24th, ISO.1;, the Union Pacific System will sell ticket from Council Bluffs nnd Omaha to point south and west in Nebraska and Kansas also to Colorado. Wyomin?, Utah nnd Idaho, east of Wciser nnd south of Beaver Canon, at exceedingly low rates. For full information, as to rates and limits, anply to A. C. Drxx, City Ticket Agent, ISftJ Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. A vein of coal flvo feet thick was found 00 feet deep near Louisville, Ills. Among the books announced by Jlarper .fc Brothers for publication in September is A Study of Death, by Henry M. Alden, author of God in Ills World. Tho extraordinary success of Mr. Alden's previous. book, which was pronounced the most successful work of religious thought of the season," nnd 'tho most noteworthy book of a religious kind (in style as well as in substance) published in England or in America for many years," insures a (suitable reception for A Study of Death a book wholly uncommon, spiritual. Ji' eful and important. The largest cut stone in the world Is in the Temple of the Sun at fcnallecC i IN FLUSH TIMES. HE OLD CATTLE man loaned back In his chair nnd poised b o t w o o n scornful fingers tha last chapters' of a cigar. "No, Bon, I never did no klllln' my self, but I've stood 'round and seed folks get checked clear through, which Is more profitable. I calls to mind a-killln' down to old Ilea Stockton'8. "There was a big crowd nt Stockton's that June day. Tho corrals was full of pack mules, an' bull teams, an' wagon trains from tho east, an white men, Mexicans, half-breeds an' Injuns was a-mixin' an mcanderin' 'round, a-lyln' an a laughin', an' a-drinkln' old Ike's whisky mighty profuse. Four or flvo mulo-sklnners had their long, limber 10-foot whipB, which nro loaded with dust shot from butt to tip, nn' was crackln of 'em at a mark. I'vo seen ono of 'em with tho most easy, delicate, deliberate twist of the wrist make his whip squirm In tho air liko a hurt enakb an all at wonBt atraighten it out with tho crack of twenty rifles, an tho buckskin popper would cut a holo in a loose Buffalo robo he'd hung up an' all without invcstlr.' two ounces of nctooal strength. Several of us was a-lookin' on from tho hotel porch npplaudln' of tho good shots, when Short Crook Davo speaks up to Jack Moore next to mo an' says: " 'Jack, you mind that old Navajo you downed over on tho San Simon last fall?' '"I mind'B it mighty clear,' says Jack. 'Ho was a-stealln' my hoss at tho time, an I kin prove it by hl3 skolp on my bridlg right now.' "'Well, says Short Creek Davo, polntin' to a dirty saddled colored half breed who was makln' himself pretty numerous, 'that feller they calls Pickles Is his ncphfy, an' you wants to look out a whole lot, fer I'vo heard him allow that tho klHn'.of his undo was mighty rnnk, nn' ho didn't like it no how.' " 'That's all right,' says Jack, 'Pickles an' mo has been watchln' each other fer an hour an' I'll tall you alls prlvato If ho goes to piny hoss a llttlo bit, ho and his uncle will bo able to talk things over before night.' "Blmeby Pickles comes along whero we are. " 'Hello, Jack,' ho says, 'been makln' It smoky down on San Simon lately?' " 'No, not since last fall,' says Jack, 'an now I thinks of It. I see that old HIS BRAINS RUNNING OUT. Navajo hoss thief of an undo of yours when I was down there last. I ain't met him, lately, though. Where do you reckon he's done 'loped to?' " 'Can't say oyself,' says Pickle3, with a sort of wicked cheerfulness; 'our family had a reunion over on Bear creek last spring an' I couldn't count his nose among 'em, nohow. Mebby ho had an engagement, an couldn't git there. Mebby he's out sloshin' 'round in tho high grass some'ers now. Great man to go 'round permuscus, that Injun was.' " 'You see,' says Jack, 'I didn't know but he might bo dead, because tho timo I speaks of I was settin' in camp one day and happens to look up nnd thar was my hoss, Alazan, with a perfect stranger on him, an' it looks like he was goln to cripple that stranger shore. Well, you know me, I'd rather lose two horses than have a man I don't know git hurt, so I grabs my Winchester an' allows to kill Alazan. But it was a now gun, an' you know what new sights la coarse as sand burrs an' I holdn too high an' I ketches tho stranger, bang! right back of his left y'ear, an' the bullet conies outen his right y'ear. I never was so displeased with my shootln' fur ten years. The Idea of me holdln' four foot too high In a hundred yards. I was so plumb disgusted an' ashamed, I never went near the strang er 'till after I'd finished my grub. Alazan, ho came up all shlverin' an' sweatin', an' stood there, an' In an hour or so I walks out to the remains, an' when I seed 'cm, they was nothln' but an old Digger Injun. You kin drink on It, I was relieved. Bein' a no-account Injun, of course I didn't paw him over much for brands, but It struck me at the timo It was mighty likely to bo your uncle. This old cuss' skelp is over on my bridle, if you think you'd know it.' " 'Oh, no,' says Pickles, mighty vtn consarned, it couldn't be my une no how. If it was one of my fart'ly it would have been your ha'r an his bridle, so it must have been some old short horn of a Mohave you seed. Well, let's all tako a drink on it.' "So we all went In for our whisky. Jack an' Pickles watchln' each other mighty close an' all the rest of us on ' the keevee, as tho French say, to hop outen range if they took to shootln'. " 'Well,' says Pickles, as he secreted hus nose paint, 'I must saddle and git ut of here. I want to see Enrlgbt, an 4w 'fi3(7s sffife""? JBs-vmL J I don't reckon I'll And tho old Pinto this sldo of Prescott, either. Whoa rto you think you'll loavo yourself, Jaolf?' " 'I don't put it up I'll loavo for a long timo,' says Jack, 'mobby not fur a month, so don't go makln' any frlentUy waits fur mo nowhar on tho trail, Pickles, 'cause you'd most likely run out of water or uomethln' bctoro I sot along l "Blmoby Pickles ho glta saddled up and cornea chargln' 'round on his little buckskin hoss, cuttln all manner of tricks, rcachln' fur things on tho, snatchln' off Mexicans' hats, an a-Jumpln' his pony over wagon tongues an' camp flxln's. All tho time a-whoopln' an' ycllln', an havln' a high old timo all by himself. You could seo ho was a-glttln up his blood an nervo rcglar Injun fashion. Pretty soon ho takes down his ropo an' goes to whlrlln' that Two or three times ho comes flashln' by whar wo were, an' I look for to seo him make a try for Jack. But ho was too far back or too many 'round him, or Pickles couldn't git his hoss' step, or somcthln', for ho didn't throw It, but Jest kept yollln' nn' rldln' louder an faster overy min ute. About this timo Stockton camo out from his bar room. "So old Ike ho goes back to his bar room, an Pickles gits down an' leaves his hoss Btandln an comes back up on his porch. " 'Do you know, Jack,' says Pickles, 'I don't like tho onrespeckful wny you talks of Injuns. I'm Injun part myself, an' I don't liko It.' "'No,' snyB Jack, 'I s'poso that's a fact, too. An' yet, Plcklea, not Intend in' nuthln' personnl at all, for I would n't bo personal with a horned tond, I'm not only onrespeckful of an Injun, an' thinks tho guvment ought to pay a bounty fur tholr skclps, but I states a bollef that a mean, onery, mud-blooded, sneakln,' hoss-stealln' mongrel of a half-breed is lower yet. I holdln' ho ain't oven people ain't even nuthln', in fact. But to change the subject, au well as open nn avenue for anuther round of drinks, I'll bet you, Pickles, you stole that hoss down thar, an' that tho '7 K' brand on his houlder nln't no brand at all, but Jest picked on with the point of a knife.' "When Jack puts it all over Pickles this way, wo looked fur some shootln' shore. But Pickles couldn't steady himself on the pinch. Ho was jest liko lots of ponies I've Bced. He'd ride right at a thing as though ho was goln' clean through or over, an' Jest the last second he'd shy, an Hindi, an' weaken. Tho fact Is, son, It wasn't Pickles' fault. Ther nn't any breed of man on earth but tho pure white as will play a des perate deal clean through an call tho turn for life or death at the close; an' of course, Pickles was oDly half white. So ho laughed sorter ugly at Jack's bluff, an' allowed he'd order drinks without no bettin. " 'An' then, Jack,' ho says, 'I want you to take dinner with me. I'll havo Ike get us somethln' right.' " 'IiUgo you,' sayB Jack, 'If it ain't nothln' but Bowbelly.' " 'I'll fix you peoplo up a feed,' says old Ike, 'but you can't do your fcedln' In no dlnln' room of mine. I'll fix It over In tho camp houso, t'other sldo the corral, an' you kin be jest as socia ble an' smoky as you please. There won't bo nuthln' nor nobody fur you to hurt or disturb over there.' "After a llttlo their grub was got ready in tho camp house, an' Jack an' Pickles walks over side an side. They goes in and shuts the door, an' in about flvo minutes bang! bang! goes two six shooters, an' wo all canter over an' finds Jack eatin' away all right, an' Pickles over tho other sldo with his head in his tin plate, and hid brains runnln' out over his left eye." " 'It don't look like Pickles was hun gry much after all,' says Jack, "They'd both pulled their guns na they sat down an' put 'em on their laps, but Jest as I say, Pickles couldn't stand tho pressure; an' gettln nervoua ho grabbed for his gun, an' as he went to git It up the muzzle caught under tho tablo top an' thero his bujlot was all Bafo In tho wood. Jack bein' clean strain' had better luck. "After dinner we Impaneled a Jury an' tried Jack for the klllln'. Of course, wo knowed he'd got to bo ac quitted, an' tho klllln' was right, but It bothered a heap to And a ground to put tton. " 'You see,' says Dan Boggs, 'this kill in' was bound to be all right from tho Jump, no matter who got Baited. Each was agin' the other un, sn' they Jest wont to this shootln' hand in hand like brothers. Neither was to blame, an' that's what gits me.' "Finally, Cherokee Hall gits up nn' says: 'This horo killin' was right, but there bein' some present difficulty of givin' tho reasons why it's all right, an' owin. as wo do, a dooty to the pub lic, I moves you that our verdict be "Justified homicide," based on tho ground that Pickles commits Biilclde.' "This was good enough. Of course. Pickles didn't commit suicide non. but that didn't hurt It for a reason Just the Bamo." llutter HiullhiK. A scientific paper discusses seriously the alleged discovery by Prof. Conn of butter bacillus that Is to say, of a bacillus producing a fermentation In milk by which tho quality of the but ter is Improved. Tho statement la reasonable and the facts may hi as al leged, but It Is not always easily pos sible to distinguish the reality of cur rent Bclence from its romance. Divorce In France. Divorce has been legal in Franco now for eight years. The first year the num ber granted was 1,700; tho Becond, 4.000; in 1894 it was 8.000. Tho total for eight years is 40,000. The working classes sunnlv the lareeat nronortlon. 47 per cent; the peasants the smallest, J 7 per cent. HISTORIC TIMEKEEPERS. Sorno WntchPi Onco Owned by Mntrr, Queen of Scots. Mary of Scotland had her watches. In thoso days thoro was n gront variety In tho shnpo of tho watch. A favorlto shapo waa that of a skull; another was that of a coffin. Descriptions exist of several of Mary's watohos. Thoro waa ono coffin - shaped In a crystal case. Thoro wbb another In which cat - gut supplied tho placo of tho Interior chain In tho mod ern watch. Ono very marvelous plcco of workmanship In tho form of a skull Is the property of tho Dick Lauder fam ily. It was originally tho property of Mary, Queen of Scots, and was be queathed to Mary Sotoun, her maid of honor, Feb. 7, 1557. On tho forehead of the skull are tho symbols of death, tho scytho and tho hour glasB. At tho back of the skull Is Timo and at tho top of tho bond aro tho Qnrdon of Eden and tho crucifixion. The watch Is opened by reversing tho'skull. Insldo are the holy family, angels, Bhepherds with tholr flocks. Tho works form tho brains. Tho dial plato 1b tho pnlato. Another skull-shaped watch which be longed to Mary was a gift from her husband, Frnncls II. Arnold of tho Strand presented Qeorgo III. In 1704 a watch of his manufacture sot In a ring, tho cylinder of which wan mndo of an oriental ruby. The czar of Rus sia, whon ho heard of thoso mltcB of watches, offered Arnold 1,000 guineas If ho would make ono for him, but tho artist would not consent. l'.lectrlclty In Itnropc Electrical lines In Europe havo In creased In numbor during 1S91 from forty-three to sovonty, their length from 305 to 700 kllomotors, tho power at tho contral stations from 10.C50 to 18, 1G0 kilowatts and tho numbor of self moving vehicles from C38 to 1,230. Ger many leads in length or lines with 3CC kilometers, then comes Franco with 80; England, C9; Austria-Hungary, 45; Switzerland, 37; Bolglum, 22; Italy, 19; Spain, 14. Tho trolley syBteni Is tho favorlto, being uacd by 55 out of 70 lines. A Wloe Tnl her. "My father," said tho small boy to tho woman who was calling on his mother, "is a great man. Ho known what timo it is without even looking at his watch." "What do you moan by that, Tom my? ' naked tho visitor. "Oh, when I holler out and ask him what timo It Is In tho morning, ho al ways says It's timo to got up. And whon I ask him what timo it is in tho even ing, he always sayn, 'Timo to go to bed.' " lilt 'Km Up Ajjnlti. To our readors who grumblo becauso wo don't have moro nowB In our paper: Say, how aro wo going to get any nows when you como to town and keep your mouth tight as an oyBtor, then go homo and kick because we did not havo tho news -In tho paper, when you wero the only one that knew anything about It? Ex. A T.omleit I'lstnt I'orkrt. A peculiar accident In Eaat Mon mouth, Me., may roult seriously. A man named Prescott was leading a colt, when tho animal whirled and kicked, striking Prescott in tho region of tho hip picket, whero ho carried a loaded rovolver. The rovolvor wns discharged, tho bullet lodging In Prcscott's log. nELlOION AND REFORM. Toronto, Ont., has a Bible Training school. Nearly 200 students havo en rolled during the year. The Epworth League met In annual convention at Chntanooga, Tenn., re cently with 12.000 delegates in attend ance. The Presbyterian Church has 038 for eign missionaries, of whom 213 nre or dained, 37 are physicians, and 37G are women. Rev. Father Field, a young Oxford bred ritualistic clergyman, is devoting his life to work in tho negro slums of Boston. The South African Auxiliary Bible society Issued laBt year 32.000 Bibles and TostamentB from Its depository at Cape Town. The Metropolitan Tabernacle In Lon don In still the best-attended place of worship In England. Thero is a church membership of over 3,000. Some German churches alwayB made a rule of asking every member, "What are you going to do for Christ?" and they put the answer down In a book. Mr, D. L. Moody, In answer to an In vitation to visit London, writes that he Is engaged until January next; but he will pray over it, and "If the pillar of cloud loads that way, I will fol low." In Wales before the great revivals of the last century crime abounded. Since that time the Presbyterian nnd Non-conformIt counties of Wales are freer from crime than any other county in England. Unoccupied mission te" .lory to the extent of 4,000.000 square miles still exists In Central Africa, an area larger than the whole of Europe, says the Itev. George Greonfell of the Baptist Congo Mission. A society has been organized In China with the commendable object of eman cipating womon'B feet from cruel bond age, with the striking name of the League of the Christian Shoe, or So ciety of the heavenly foot. Mr. Max Magll, a converted Jewish rabbi, who waa led to accept Christ by a careful study of tho New Testament, nnd is now engaged in mission work among the Jews, has Joined Forsyth Street M. E. Church, New York. Postmaster General Wilson, who Is a Baptist, was one of the speakers at the educational meeting nt the Southern Baptist convention at Washington, and pointed out the advantages of that city as the seat of a large university. Among various schemes successfully carried out by a Christian Endeavor society in Atlanta, Ga., are the sus taining of n free dispensary, a Bible training class and the ralalmr of sne- clal flowers by each member of the itunci vbftiiuuiiut;. Highest of all in Leavening Power, AEfcUTrEESf PURE Confined otuid. Tho intensity of confined Bound Is finely Illustrated nt t'nusbrook ensile, isle of Wight, whore thero is a woll 200 feet deep nnd IS feet In dltiinotor. Tim woll hus IS feet of water In It, and tho entiro interior from top tn water Is lined with smooth masonry. Thislinlng so completely confines tho sound thnt it pin dropped from the top can be heard very plainly to strike the water, at a distum-u o'f 182 foot below. Another instil mo is cited from India, where workmen nt waterworks often talk with thoso at tho reservoir, IS miles awny, their tolephono being un 18 Inch water main that Is no. longer used for conveying water. St. Louis Republic .M. L. THOMPSON U CO.. DruRststs. Cou ler: ort, Pu . say Hall's Cnturrh Cuw la tho lest ami only aura euro for vuturrh they ncr sold. Dmin'lsts sell U, TSo. Tho Woiiinn Mctllnit Writer. A London, writer, with duo respect for women journalists, thinks that the only department of u paper that should be closed to a woman writer is the medical unless, of course, bho is a medical "man." He goes ou to say thnt the medical columns of any London weekly, it is easy to perceive, nro con due led by accomplished experts, but a wise has recently come under his notice where n young woman who had failed us an art critic won set to answer the medical inquiries of correspondents on a country paper. "I forget to a deci mal What wns tho exact mortality of tlio district," ho continues, "but tho proprietor said if she remained much longer on the paper ho should have hud no subscribers left. Ono of her replies was something like this: 'To Daisy Thunkh fio much for your kind letter. Yes. Tho mistake was mine It should have been iv quarter grain of strychnine- Instcnd of a quarter of a pound for your father's complaint How unlucky Hotter luck next time, but I was so very busy. Yes. There is no belter shop for mourning thnn Juy's.'" After six venrs' suffering, I was cured by ri-o"N C'uro. Mauv Tiioumik, 'M Ohio Ave., Allegheny; l'a.,Mnrch 10, "01. A Dniiglitrr' Cruel .loke. A story Is being told of a young lndy who found a package of love Jotters that hud been written to her mother by hor father beforo they were mar ried. Tho daughter saw that alio could have a little sport, and rend them to her mother, substituting her own name for that of her mother, and a flue young man for that of her father. Tho mother jumped up nnd down in her chair, nhifting her feet, and seemed terribly disgusted, and forbade her daughter to havo' anything to do with the young 'men who would wrlto such sickening und nonsensical stuff to a girl. When tho young lndy handed the letter to her mother to read tho house boenmo so still thnt ono could hear tho grass growing in tho back yard. "Hfcnnon's ICaglo Corn Balve." Wnfantml to Mini or limner ifuilel. Ark yoar tfrugtfi.t lur it, i'rica li ivm. Tho Century for Septonibor will con tain throo complete sketches of fiction by popular American writers, repre senting three different sections of tho country. Mra Mary Hallock Footo will contribute a powerful story of mining lifo in tho fur west, entitled "ThuOupof Trembling." Miss Sarah Orno .lewett will contributo a humor ous story of tho New England coast, untitled "All My Sad Captains," and illustrated hy I'upe. Tlio third is a rouring sketch, by Hurry Still well Ed wards, of negro lifo in the south. It is entitled "Tho (linn Swamp Debate," mid is f nil of humor, nnd is a faithful reflection of the characteristics of the negro race. Ticket ut Krtluceil Kuten Will bo sold via the Nickel' Plato road on occasion of tho meeting of the Ger man Catholic Societies of tho United States at Albany, Y., Sept, 15th to lhth. For further information address J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago. Smnll and steady gains bring the kind of riches thnt do not tako wings and flyaway. Billiard tabJc, sorowl-hand, for sa!o (heap. Apply to or ndflrmn, H. C. Akix, 111 8. l'.th St., Oniahn, No'). Life has no l!oHiiiic ULo a prudent friend. The Onward March I of Consumption In Btopped short by Dr. l'itrct 'r Golden Jud ical Uihcovcry. If you haven't waited beyond reason, there's complete re covery' nnd cure. Although by many believed to be incur able, there is the evidence of hundreds of livillir witnessce tn TZZtfr'JzjJ' '', Its earlier stajKU, con- r-'J, sumption is n curable -55 disease. Not every tpceiitage of cases, and . w uwjcvc, limy wo IM,r ff,lt- firm rtlltml by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovcr'i even aftcr the disease has progressed bo far as to induce repeated bleedings from the Jungs, severe lin(jerin$r cough with copious expectoration (including tubercu lar matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. r Urn Cabled Field nH Hog Fence, spfi yr -v jslj? SMZ?L yfj'r f", &:" 'rnfcAis .-s-jr Latest U. S. Gov't Report 73$v Egg Pn&J'mEm I iHCjt A Solution round. The Boston Traveller says that a faw wcoIcb ago a Mnlno young man bought a pair of socks cotnlnlmr n note saying tho writer wan nn employeo of tho Kenosha (Wis.) knitting works nnd wanted a good husband. She gave her nnmo and requested the buyer, If an uumnrried mnn, to wrlto with a view to matrimony. The youtur tnan who found tho noto considered tho matter In all itaphnsennnd decided to wrlto to tho girl. Ho did. Awaiting tho an swer with considerable anxiety ho wns at Inst rewarded with a curt letter stating that the girl was now the moth er of two children and had been mar ried four years, and the letter ho had answered had been written ever bo longngo. It wbb a "sock dollagcr," nnd tho young mnn hunted for a solu tion. Ho found It. The merchant of whom ho bought tho socks doesn't ad vertise. Tlio Modern Ilcuuty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of tixcrclsc In the open nlr. Her orm glows with health and hor fnco blooms with Its beauty. If her system needB the cleansing notion of a lnxatlve remedy, she uses tho gentle and pleas ant liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. Moutln. tfomo mouths look liko pouches and cream mid sorno like a holu chopped into a brick wall to admit a new door or window. Tho mouth is a hotbed of toothaches, the bungholo of oratory and a baby's crowning glory. It is patriotism's fountain head and the tool chest for pie. Without it the politician would bo a wanderer on tho fnco of tho earth, and the cornetlst w'ould go down to an uuhniiorhd grave. It Is tho gro cer's friend, tho orator's prklo nnd tho dentist's hope. Mummoth Spring Mon itor. . FITS AllFlttopPf1 free hyllr.nilne'sOre'U ?.i'rM' KcstortT. ftoKlUuiftrrtliHtlnaMMy'iiutA, IJnrvrloutcurc. Trcatlwjiuiiltatrlnl Untie riff tj I Haute. B!mltolJr.KlliU',KUArcUtil.,l'Iilla.,l,B. Humility Ih a virtue nlltireach, nonopruo tlco. nndyot everybody la coulout to hear praised, I'.xiirrlenco Ienil many mothers to iny "l'na'iCllniurToulc," otcuunoltln peclutlr cuuJ fur colili, imlii und almost btorr weukuot. The Inrgcst mammoth tusk yot discovered was sixteen feet in length. Tlio.n ilUtrc.lna Corn! !nl nlh(r urn, llluuVrcorni nlil irmoTO thorn nnd th.'ii you cuu wnlK mid run and Jump a you liko. Tho Nickel Plato road has authorized Its agents to sell tickets at greatly re duced rates to Albany, N. Y., on occa sion of tho meeting of tlio German Catholic Societies of tho United States in thnt city, Sept. lfith to 18th. For particulars address .T. Y. Calahan, GWl Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago. Lovo boolis not with tho eyes, but with tho mitid. The Greatest HciHcal Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBUftY, MASS., Has discovered in ona of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He lus tried it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor), lie has now in Ids possession over two hundred tertificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are effected It causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. Tnls is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No cliange of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you ca.i get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful In water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. t Mhe! Wa I Anr die you - vine, to to M locLf. hlirh. Tirr . 1 to H In- ! fhm vr 1 de liuisto i(nr I !. Havra t;t in any tlmejin a t, onto layoift of low wh. to ft our wagon forhanllnc erIn,fodJcr, nun. UI-9. hnca. A Wr rtttlnir of .f...... lfttrir 1rrm. Ail,!.. i.iupircuric. to.. I'. O.ItoxS3, Quincy 1U. Insufflator. nmr..uaECB.teo.. n caxtom iidc, cmuca, eoiu nj au araniuu. m 1 cabled Poultry, Garden and Rabbit Fence, - - ! . mjirv n MA iwfa5 ffl ii lu vi B lUU UIU1UUY j?55 k i n V Cured k " f tb I""-ln nnt IM .., H" vl ttou- H USED fuida ilac and will Y Hinniiv Corejrou. fail m IUIW.IT 11 for free bosk, udi W arm, yPtOm blank, yff W wm Vvkge by nm.f fjf'iiiy VKX W..W. V.r MMJ web Picket Lawn Fence, etc: Quality ttrst class. I'll CBS LOIV Catuloirua fKKK. 0j Kalb Fence Co., 121 High St.. Oe Kilb, .11.