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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1895)
DAIRY A2W POULTEX INTEnGSTINO CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS. Hoty FncerMful I'ltr-iter Orornti Tho Urimttnicnt of tho l'nriu A Vr Hint n to the Cam of I.lvo btock nml roultry. ANADA'S IU3PIIE Bontntlro in Don mark reports the starting of n now dairy oiitorprlso in that country, which glvw promlgo of proving profltnblo. A similar system might provo valu nl)lo In thin coun try, whoro the pro- duct could bo transported long distances to tho heat nfarkots. Tho starting point in tho industry watt whon n Danish mcr chnnt, about ft year ago, bogun oxporl monting in this direction - by .tnltlng Danish milk, which is peculiarly doll cato and rich in flavor, freezing It by "'vtljo&nco' or foe nnd nalt, and Bonding it in b.irreli, by rail and Bteamor, to London. On its arrival tho milk proved to bo an swoet nnd well taBtlng as If it had been Just drawn from a cow in tho middle of Sweden. Tho milk wnH bo much in demand nnd proved bo profit able an article of commorco that the ex porter Immediately took out a patent on tho shipment of frozon milk from Swcdon nnd Denmnrk to London. Ho then sold tho pntont to a Btock com pnny with largo capital, which on Feb. 1 last, bought one of tho largest Swcd IbIi creameries, converted It into a factory, nnd having put in a Bpeclal freezing nppnratus, began on May 1 tho export of frozon milk In largb quan tities. Whon tho milk is received from tho farmers, it fa pastourlzed, that Is, heated to 1C7 degrees Fahr. and then immediately cooled off to about CO do grees Fahr, and now tho freezing 1b commenced. Half of the milk Is filled Into cane and pined in tho freozlng np paratun, whero it will bo thoroughly frozen Jn tho courso of thrco hours. Tho frozen milk is then filled Into bar rels of pine, tho only kind of wood that can bo used. Tho barrels, however, aro only half filled with this frozen milk, tho balance bolug filled with tho un frozen milk. This way of packing has proved to bo tho only practical ono, as part of tho milk has to bo frozon In order to keep tho wholo cold, nnd part hns to bo in flowing Btato in order to get tho barrels exactly full, which Is neccs Bary In order to avoid too much shak ing up on tho rond, by which tho cream would bo turned into butter; tho float ing masses of ice at tho snmo tiino pre vont tho unfrozen milk In Betting tho cream. Milk which Is troated In this way haa proved to keep quite fresh tor 2C dnys. Every barrel holds J.OOO pounds of milk, nnd twlco a week thero will bo shipped GO bnrrols, making in nil about 100,000 pounds of milk a week. Tho milk Is shipped to Newcastle, and from thero by rail to largo manu facturing cities, whero it is sold in tho streets or in retnll stores. It is re ported that the patent has been bought for Ireland also at a cost of over $200, 000, which proves how much tho stock company oxpecta from this new enter prise. ! Spoiling lltittcr Aftor It In IVEndc. Dairy writers frequently caution against placing butter whero it will absorb tho odors or fjavors from tho decaying vegetables. Tho worst thing about this Is tho need of it. Dutter will absorb odors, not only from stalo vegetables, but from Bound ones, and they impart to tho butter a flavor that destroys or overpowers tho truo butter flavor. A caso Ib In mind just now. Tho writer wns supplying butter to tho former owner of this farm, and one day plauivd what was intended for a pleasant surprise, bo, boforo the cover wns nailed down, soma nlco apples with a delicious aroma were placed in tho package, separated from tho butter by a cloth circle aud a layer of salt. Tho surprise was on tho other side. "Word came back that tho butter was flno In looks, grain aud everything but flavor; that waa uot agreeable. Now, eomo butter has an unpleasant flavor that never was near n rosy apple, and thero was a possibility that tho cause Bhould bo sought elsewhere, but In duo time camo a later report saying thnt tho butter was excellent after tho Burfnco layer hud been removed. This suggests another point: Con sumers should have a suitable place to keep butter after thoy get it. If the aurfaco is all tho tlmo exposed to tho odors of vegetables and kitchen flavors unclassified, the best of butter will soon get oil flavor, and tho maker will bo under suspicion of furnishing butter that will not keep. Agricultural Bpltomlst. Chick laying In tho Shell. In our Judgment, throo principal thlugs lead to chicks dying In the sholl, namelyeggs uot uniformly fresh, eggs thnt arc not well fertilized, and a lack of suillclent heat. At all times, and undor all circum stances, tho eggs used should bo ub fresh as it Is possible to have thorn. Very early in tho season eggs havo to be saved for several days in order to get enough to fill nn incubator, but fortunately during this cooler period of the yoar, they can bo kept In safoty for two or three weeks, and perhaps longer, providing they aro turned often enough to keep tho yolk of the egg from settling against tho lower sldo of the shell and adhering thereto. As tho season advances and warm weather comos on. eggs can not safely be kept that long. It is theoretically and prac tically truo that tho germ in an tgg. as soon as the egg Is laid, begins to lose its vitality. At a given tlmo this vitality becomes so far diminished that, although the chick may start to form tho ORn whon plncod fn a temperature J of 103 degree), tho embryo will dlo bo foro tho chick In fully formed. As tho egg grows still older tho vitality of the gorm will ho far diminish that It will not-start to form at all, tho ogg becoming stale and tho process of decay setting In. An Incubntor, therofore, can bo run correctly In every particular and tbo result bo a very poor hatch, with many chicks dead in tho Bholl, simply bocnuso of weakened germs nnd stalo eggs, on account of tho ngo of tho eggs usod. It Is wo!l known that weakly breed ing stock on olther tho malo or fomalo sldo, or both, or breeding stock that is over fed or too fat, will produce Im perfect fertilized eggs, tho germs being weak. When eggs from bucIi Btock nro used, tho results will also bo chicks dead in tho Bhell nt all stages of devel opment. It is tho onmo with tho humnn family, Wc find In every neighborhood consumptlvo children born to somo parents, whilo other paronts aro blessed with strong, robust, vigorous offspring. Thoto facts are pretty well understood In regard to tho human family, but fow Incubator operators tako thorn Into con sideration dfattncIP rrtufelf'importaiico to thsm In tholr efforts to hntoh largo numbors of chickens artificially and in this wny onlnrgo their profits In rais ing poultry. In this mattor, as In all others, It Is tho reasoning, thinking person who solves tho problom first and achieves success. Tho third causo which results In chicks dying in tho shell at dlfforent stages of development Ib tho ono first nnmed In this nrtlclo, a lack of suffi cient heat to carry on, at a normal rate, tho process of chick development. By naturo's proccBS It requires a glvon amount of heat, a glvon longth of tlmo to build up tho chick in tho egg. In artificial incubntlon this amount of heat and this period of tlmo Bhould bo imitated as closely as possible. Another matter that should bo men tioned In this connection Is that of ven tilation. Somo claim, among them Fanny Field, that tho chick In tho egg, boforo It hatches, needs no moro air than nn unborn kitten docs. Thl3 theory has boon easily rofuted by scal ing up Incubators hermetically tight, and by varnishing eggs that wore placed undor hens. In no caso whero tho air was shut out from tho chick in tho egg, did thq chtck succocd in com ing Into tho world alive. Tho egg Itself refutes this "no air" theory, for In tho largo end of overy egg Is a good sized air space. It was no doubt placed thoro for tho uso of tho chick nfter it reaches a periou wnero it uegms to urcniue. Tho moment a chick breaks tho shell nnd before It comes out, we find It broalhing vigorously. It Is known that tho shell of an egg Is very porous, thus allowing fresh air to pass Into tho air spaco quite freely. Rollablo Poultry Journal. Mlllc iih n I'lro KxtlncuUhcr. A queer claim has been sent to n number of tho companies having de partments In Chicago. A flro broke out in a crenmery in a Wisconsin town near Madison, owned by John L. El vcrsott, Tho water aupply wa& soon exhausted and 2,300 gallons of milk Btorod in tho building woro used to ex tinguish tho flro. Tho companies havo. therefore, received a claim from Mr. Elversou for $Ci for damage done to building and tho loss of 2,300 gallons of milk, A similar caso la reported from Sto. Vlctolro, in Cannda. Tho Uov, Abbo Noysoux and his parishion ers extinguished a flro in a barn by using milk stored In tho creamery. A flro In Cleveland In February destroyed tho dwelling of William Woodford nnd by tho uso of 700 gallons of wlno stored In a wlno collar ho succeeded In saving that building. Tho valuo of this wlno was $300, and this has been allowed him by tho insurance companies, which rocontly paid tholr proportion of tho loss. Tho property was insured for one third Its value, and tho companies therefore paid In tho neighborhood of ?100 for tho wlno used In putting out tho fire. All sorts of liquors have been used for lighting Arcs In addition to water. Recently a flro was extin guished in an ink factory by throwing tho contents of several vats of ink on tho burning building. In this caso, however, no Insurance was carried and tho ownor got no pay for tho valuo of the stock destroyed. Ex. What It "Cooking lluttor'.'" Ono of the laws of Massachusetts reg ulating tho salo of olcomargarlno pro vides n flno for anyone who sells oleo margarine to any person who asks for button-Recently an agont of tho dairy bureau of that state went into a Btoro In Holyoke nnd callod for butter. For the purpose of conveying Information to tho salesman ns to the kind of buttor which be wanted, ho qualified his re quest by calling for "cooking butter." Tho merchant furnlshod him oleomar garine, and was convlctod in tho dis trict court. His enso was appealed and tried In tho suporlor court of Hamp den county. Judge Hopkins Instructed the jury, says tho Now England Farmer, that If thoy found that "cooking but ter" waB an article of commorco, sop- nrato and distinct from butter, they should acquit tho defendant. If, how ever, thoy found that "cooking butter" was merely a kind or variety of butter, and that olcomargarlno theroforo was sold whon buttor was callod for, thoy Bhould return a verdict of guilty. Tho jury after struggling with tho caso all tho afternoon, llnnlly were unablo to agree. Light Brahmas. Tho light Brahma fowls uro practical fowls, and tho Yankee farmer or poultry man stands by them, because they are fnlrly good layers; aud for broilers no other fowl can excel them. They fatten very eas ily. Thoy must be kept active, for a fat Brahma hen Is a non-layer, and of no oarthly good but to consume food. If Brahmas are ptoperly fed and kept at work, they aro among the very be3t winter layers; but no breed is so easily spoiled for that purposo (unless it be la the Cochin). $, - REASON FOH.DgMtS' BXlT. Hexr iork World tftiy ln J Opiortt I by Cnrtriln Wealthy Hon. Tho Now York World prints a long story regarding tho retirement of Ed ward W. Bemis, professor of political oeonomy nt Chicago Untvoralty. It is allogod his oxlt is due to tho fact that Ycrkos, Rockefeller and other woalthy men who havo contributed to the unl voralty, were dlspleneod with Mr. Bo mis' nttltudo on labor and social prob lems. Mr. Bemis' side of ho story is printed ns follows: Prof. Bomts profcrs uot to speak nt present of his Intervlow with tho uni versity authorltios, but ns the roport had spread that ho was radical In his economic vlown, ho would say ho was in substantial agreement with such economists as Sollgman, Ely, Andrews nnd Walker, though not going so far in somo directions no Prof. Ely. Ho be lieves a university should bo In close touch with tho labor movement nnd municipal and monopoly problems, and that It is truo conservatism to intro duce factory legislation, moro honest , nnd Just locnl thxntlbn, and such tnoth- oda of cjty government and monopoly control as prevail In Glasgow, Birming ham and other of tho best European cities. Ab ono of tho organizers and most ac tive workcre of tho Civic Federation and secretary of its municipal com mlttoo, ho has been asked to Investigate tho morlt3 of several Important new franchises granted to street car, rail road and gas companion, and has taken Btrong ground ngalnat further reckless 'nnd corrupt granting of valuablo fran chises without compensation to the city and for a provision for city ownership nt tho end of a modcralo franchise pe riod. Ho has written a monograph of tho American Economic Association nnd somo articles in tho reviews on tho resultB of city ownership of gas workB in tho Unltod States. Ho holds that, on tho whole, with possibly ono excep tion, tho results havo been favorable, and believes such ownorshlp should grndtmlly extend, and that for tho pres ent street car franchises should be granted on similar conditions to those in Toronto, Canada, whcr.o the city so curcs 4-ront fares and nt certain hours 3-cent fares and a shnro In the gross receipts, increasing from 8 per cent on tho first $1,000,000 to 20 per cont on nil receipts above $3,000,000, bosldes short hours for tho men, and other val uablo privileges, such as tho right of tho city to havo tho plant at the cost of duplication nt tho end of 30 years. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. It Is said that Germany bids fair to overtake Groat Britain in tho produc tion of iron during the present year. Statistics show that more than 85 per cont of tho bread-winners of this coun try are males. Tho Irondale Steel and Iron company, MIddletown, Ind., has lately started two moro mills In connection with Its tin plate plant. The working force has been Increased by about 2j0. The prosperous condition of the Rhode Island woolen Induttrj Is Indicated by the announcement that there will be a general advance of wages this month running from 7 to 12 per cent. New England has a gratr proportion of wage-earners than any other sec tion of tho country, In Rhode Island tho proportion reaching 42 per cent, or near ly one-half of tho entlro population. The Carbon Iron and Steel company's plant at Parryvllle, Pa has resumed operations after a shut-down of over a year. Improvemento amounting to 4100,000 have been made at tho plant. According to tho statistics of tho Arkwrlght club, the number of cotton spindles In Georgia and tho Carollnas has Increased 20 per cent slnco 1892, as against 5 per cent increase in Massa chusetts. Thomas Morrison, superintendent of the Edgar Thomson Steel works. Bes semer, Pa., has Issued a notice to the effect that in tho future no boys under 10 years of ago will bo employed In the mechanical departments. Everything In the town of Morse, Wis., except the schoclhouse, which no trust wants, has been purchased by a syndicate of Boston capitalists. Tho price paid is supposed to be in the neighborhood of $2,000,000. The syndi cate will establish the largest tannery In Wisconsin, giving employment to nearly 1,000 men. DON'TS FOR SUMMER GIRLS Don't fall to run about cheerfully and do things for your father or mother. Don't wear an abbreviated bathing suit unless your flguro Is abovo criti cism. Don't go to more than one hop in a weok and don't stay late at any of them. Don't think that life is Impossible without passing tho summer In the country. Don't forget that tho bearing capac ity of the average hammock is very limited. Don't lay in a great stock of candy whorewlth to make yourself sick at the beashore.' Don't go to sleep In v hammock In a conspicuous place or where tramps may happen by. Don't because you aro not able to ex cel In atldetlcs dub tho women who are "mannish." Don't lot your summer young man witness your recoptlon of your flanco at the dopot. Don't pay more attention to your clothes than to tho development of your muscle. Don't forgot that plain and inexpen sive clothing Is the most appropriate to tho country. Don't write to your friends at other summer resorts that they ought to be whero you are. Don't give as an excuso for not being In to the dinner that the wind died out when it did not. Don't read too many novels, fpr you will thereby Injure your eyesight and fuddle your brain. Don't be too lazy or you will de teriorate physically and mentally whon you should improve. Don't Judge a man's financial re sources by tho number of his colored shirts or duck trousers. Don't worry about sunburn and freckles. The latter are an indication of unaffected good temper. WOMAfl AND HOME. UP TO DATE READING FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. tho Mirror of I'nMilon Bomo of tlio I.ntcst Style for tlio Sciinon Some Uacfnl Illnta foi tho llunnohold Cur rent Notes of t). Jaoilna, ly. u X'y le'SMKII -.ITt Lu.i4-.i .1-1 rn jtn tuiiTCcuiiiBijr sim ple but dreesy and becoming; there are no Beams In the back and the bot tom Is finished with a glMle hav ing n bow at the back like the oitu In front. Crepon or any of the wool en novelties mny be used for this model, with velvet or silk in combina tion. Tho skirt is one of the neweet styles and measures a llttlo more than five yards around tho bottom. It has fire breadths, with exceedingly wide side gores nnd two back breadths, usually cut to meet .on the bias. Tills cklrt fits the waist trimly across the front and over the hips, and the full ness of Uic back breadths Is laid In two box plaits. To secute the distended effect, face with crinoline or ennva. Some skirts have a very narrow and flexible steel sowed all around the bot tom; but, better than this to secure a Slight stiffness, Is a thick cord of candle wlcklng covered with satin or velvet to harmonize with the gown. This is an excellont model for any of the popular silk or wool fabrics and can be used with any style of waist, basque or cont. Ton MOTIT. Those Slmpln (imtii Wllklo Colllns's "Woman In White" would havo croated little comment by the color of her gowri had she lived at this latter day, since she would have been but one of a thousand wearing that color. Go where ou will, at sea shore or mountain. In city or country. Indoors or out, white Is the predominat ing color in dress. Last year tho men wore whlto duck suits and we envied them their cool appearance; this year we havo not forgotten, but wear whlto duck ourselves. Whon we arc not go ing a-yachtlng, or a-wheellng, or some place where we can wear a duck suit, we don white muslin and cool the sur rounding atmosphere by our appear ance, and delight our. husbands and sweethearts by the scorning simplicity of our tastes. Have you ever heard of the story of the woman who captivated the hearts of all the husbands at a certain fashion able resort with her white muslin gown and blue ribbons? The men thought she dressed so simply, and one husbnnd ventured to suggest to his wife that Fho "go and do likewise," Instead of buying expensive gowns. She took IiIb advice, and he became a sadder and wiser man whon the laundry bills came in. Such will be the experience of those who pay the bills this year, but the items of the bills will be trimmings and foundations for "those simple gowns." My lady has a dainty mull over white silk, with three plaited panels set In the rtclrt. For the boatee the mull Is simply fulled over a tight lining, while the big puffs which serve as sleeves end at tho elbow. Straps or sea-greon rio bon ending in choux cross the plaited parts of the skirt nnd run from the shoulder half way down the sleeve. A belt of the ribbon finishes the costume, which is espeolally adapted for a gar den party. Wlde-brlmmed hats with aggressive looking bows and loops and an abund ance of blossoms are tho rule. .mO 5f $ r - Iff A Knfr Jtxerpllon to t r'oniiti Utile. A scarf-effect is added to the at ready much Moused front of soma bodices. The ftcarfs are of soft chnton or lace, start from the shoulder inrnn, and at the shouldetextend from the col lar to armhole. They are drawn to the walat, but are bagged as much as pos sible, the outer edge of the scarfs being loosened even more than the Inner one, the result being a pair of festoons that widen the figure a great deal from the bust line down. Tho scans aro knotted at the belt, the ends crossing and hang ing to the knees. Such blouses are best worn with entirely plain skirts, the severity or one heightening tho elabora tion of the other by contrast. This is a common rule, and it is only compara tively In rare Instances that It Is brok- AND 1-AL'OHTx.U. en without nJvnntugc, but one of the exceptions Is shown here, the costume combining with entire success a skirt that Is trimmed with bands of passe menterie and nn elaborated ornate blouse. Bcngallne crepe or taffeta will serve for this, tho skirt being of the usunl godet cut, trimmed only at sides and front, the bodice of plaited stuff, 'starting from the oonter and spreading fanlike toward the top, A pointed band of passementerie dellnes a corselet belt, below which there Is n bag effect of whlto silk. Over thp shoulders in front and back are tiny Jacket parts of passr menterle, and the w'de bands of the bnmc are inserted In tho very full sleeves. The draped collar and its gar niture are of chiffon. Very stunning gowns are made of cot ton material sparsely covered with very large spots as large as a trad" dollar. Skirt and sleeves of this material am added to a bodice of color matching the shade of the spots. Such a gown 1" shown with the front of the bodice blouscd over a round belt, with a perky little skirt piece set jauntily on at the back and lengthening Into a pair of long points that hang down over the hlpB almost to the knee. A woman with unfortunate abdominal development will entirely conceal this blemish by the flare of the little bodice skirt and the puffing at the bust line. I'or tho Ituliy Currl igf. White cricket flannel is an excellent material for a summer robe to use in a baby carriage. It Is very wide. an'I both cleans and wastes remarkably woll. The covers are bound with whit or colored satin ribbon, or edged with a I heavy, cream-white worsted I.icp. It color Is liked, vicuna cloth with delicate flcks of pale pink and blu,? is preferred by some mothers to tho ever-popular oovers of eiderdown. MueIIu and pique and white Bedford cord are sultabb covers for very hot days, though It !s usually wlset to have underneath s Tif very light oover of knitted or woven wool. Tho muslin covers have flute I frills nnd are tacked over a lining of white or colored percitllne or China silk Pique covers are bordered with pliiu braids or embroidered muslin frills, an 1 often have a monogram embroidered in the center In large ralaed letters A whlto pillow covered with tine lin n with n frill of tho linen edged with nar row Valenciennes, or a frill entlrf-ly of lace, Is used for the head rest. S nv -times tho pillow covers are embroidered In small flowers In white and color Violets, white and pink clovers, dalsl-s and bachelor buttons are flowe-s worked on the linen pillow ellr. St Louis Globo-Democrat. Vaahtn Notca. Blouse waists of acoordlon-plalted chiffon In black over pale yellow, red or light blue satin are liked for dressy wear. A favorite bonnet has n little skull cap shaped body with a trimming oB buttertly-shaped feathers and loops of lace that are wired to keep them In place. laeui'n, ijwwwiiii,iuwwtfiiwwiMiawi, tilt nr? Miirktf unlrr Hy ntcr l unint ti tn i lr uf lit arm) 1 fill i h-t tiik lor nnt n tl it mpi-rlfi-llvely iron j nmii 'Ntiuiil nr to lIo torlfitliis i ut jiiu ri'jy m-miiir ih.itnciuca of Ijror rhicli i:o (is ,'inr.i i-nn iileti- ill peelloli ami mjuiu1 rvpn e, if ou will enter on a i oure of lHt'tioi moiiihi'Ii l'ltuM, hud iK'riu In It The Hlttcm will ln;iria lily aHord reliorto tlieraaRrlou rheuimitir anil iK-untlgic, mill a ert oiluiia kidney trouble. Kei'lpo fur (linger Alo. Four lemons sliced, a tablcspoonfnl tartaric ueld, 4 tablespoonfuls of ground ginger, lJtf pounds light brown sugar and 2 gallons boiling wa'-cr. Uien blood-warm add a cupful of uome-mado yeast or 2 compressed yeast cakes aud let It stand 12 or 15 hours in a warm place. Strain and bottle it and tie down tho corks. Thero is a simplo knack about this that Is worth learn ing. In two days it will bo ready for use. Country Gentleman. Kvory tnnu is a volume, if you know how to rend hltn. B5TO ore Nervous, weak and all worn out will find In jmrlflod blood, made rich and healthy by Hood's Sartapnrllla, permanent lellef nnd strength. Oct Hood's because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today, sold by all druggists. 51; six for 5. Itia Hnnrl'c Oillc nro tasteless, mllJ,cITi"C UOOU S KIIIS the. AUdrusst'ts. 23c Walter BaKcr & Co. Llmiitl The Lrit Maaufuturtre of PURE, HICH GRADE Cocoas and Chocolates On thU Continent, bare rtcdrel HIGHEST AWARDS from tho grtit Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Caution: In rliw of tit manr Imitation of the labcleand nrrapprra on our Koda, coniumcra ahould make aura at our rl of manufacture, namtlr, Dnrrtioetrr, Mues. la pricted on cacn pftckaje. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. JAIJERJAKER 4 CO. LTD. DORCHESTER, HAS& kUeghUtelS v3UmNiMELLv 'f>hing $yrup Regulattt the bowett: aunts dentition; cures dia rhca and dysentery in the worst forms; cures canker sore throat; is a certain preventive of diph theria; quiets and soothes all pain; Invigorates th stomach and Dowels; corrects all acidity; will euro griping In the bowels and wind colic. Mothers, try this good safe Syrup. Prepared by the EMMERT PROPRIETARY CO.. CHICAGO. V EW S8 IYE iWIEEZB r.!D rEr.rui.iD (PATESTEU) Tlio etronaeit and jurt .va nmdo. Unl.ko otber I70, It being n tlno powder mid packeet In a can ivrlih remOTnblo lid. tho contents aro ulnars riailr for use WIU lunkothotif'C pcrmmed Hard Reap In so nilmitis it' out bi I'fna. It is tliu bent for cleansing waste pipes, disinfection elnkn, oiosetn, nash'ni bottles, paints, trees etc FENNAsSALTM'PGCO. Geo. .sanl rinla.. I'tu PROFITABLE DAIRY WORK Can only bo accomplished with tho Tcry besl of tools nnd "With a Davis rator on tlio of inoro butter, -ivhllo mill: Is aval Farmers will tako to get a Illustrated mailed fjiee appliances. Cream Sepa farm you aro and bottor tho skimmed uablo food, make no mis Davis. Neat, cataloguo Agents vranted DAVIS & RANKIN BLDO. & BIFO. OO. Cor. Randolph & Dearborn Sis., Chicago. MifytTLinilse at-ROBBERGOODS Dealors send for Catalogues, Omaha, Nob. Paienis.Trade-MarkSa; Examination mt Adrlce im to Patentability of Invention, henrt for " Inventor.' 0lde or Mow o Get ai-ateut-" PA73IC: OTaUBSIi. VTA5H1.T3T:.T, D. a olftfl ft & UPWARDS eaailraado wlthemal'cepl. aHIUUu,,,! ,j fafP method i.f jteint!c ijM'ruUtlun In Brain. JiooU an I full liartlrnltn fren Nal'l llanlc lle'erenco. I'AIIIJON A Co., 012 Onulm Hide i Chicago. EDUCATIONAL. ACADEMY OFTHE SACKED HEART The coura e of inatt m tlon In tbli Academy, oundiu-td ty tlie Ilfll.-lcmot tbe tarred Ileett enibraria the) whole lanue ot aubjecu nr aiy totunatliuieolU and leflned education, l'ropiiety of Uepoitinent per tonal iieitneas aud the prim, pies of morality are. ob jeetnot untes-lua; alt-mion r.xten-le Rround at. told tbo puplliaTery facilitr to uielul bodl y e rtoi thole bcalth Wan ob.'t -if eKinaianl aolt. ItJde, nt In aliLneae they aro atien 'ed with mettrnil lar. l.ll tain opetia Tueday, ct SI For iui ither par ticular., addrea. 'I Mi -' "'Ul.' Academy sacrrU Heart, t. Joat-jili, JIo. 'university of hotre dame. THE FIFTY-SECOND YEAR WILU OPN TUESDAY SEPT. 3d, 1895. FnllcourenClnlc attf. !clenr,iVa-,v. ('If i at d Mechanical KiiBliiccfliip.Th'iioi Hi 1'iemntory aid louuuenlal C lute Si Iduatd 1U1I tor boy uni'er IS la unique II tliecotnpleteneof It. c.iulpi.enU I'aUl'ff'ieeeuttl-eeinaiMltratl nto lliv. Aj.I'UKW UoRttis tt l B I , Xotro Paine lnd. frd OLDtai UROtoT Br i IS Bi .. , -two .. 7M 1 IIILJI III.IIIU WMI, iKyaa m CATALOOOt MUtC etRpcstKLGrmrcB PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleartaet and Uautdlu tbe t!r. FiuiDfliM a lnxurlant erortit. Dever Falla to lititore Oray lia xi outhful Color. Cure acalp dlaauce b hair tailing. Hair to Oo.andIJJUat Dniriri.U XV. IV. 1'., niiiluinO, 18U5. Wbva ntisworln? advertisements Lluilly mention ii. is puner r.ttHfH wHiut All t! laiis. Cough Byrup. Taatea&ood. Uwl tn ttmo. Bold by dnunrtata. ' Hin m im im i'7.isn m- V.lrltt Mi etm, 4Ll if &$3Kli$i0s zrfcw" 'Kj'S SssvWMbBI yrlrrt T&iraa IIP I "StlvJfijSaffi? Y Yi -' fdLr i uiuuiy j -