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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1895)
rPT i P ) MM SWEETHEAHTmo, Hero's ft nowly coined word, And I got it from A. bird That sings intho wqodlnnd, whcro the sum ,mcrsun shines; IIo sings by the, stream 'Whcro tho Jlshor boys ilroatn And ho sings In tho meadow ivhoro tho mus ' cndino twines. It runs Jlko this, , With n warblo and a kiss, v Bwectheartlng, ( Bwoetheartlng, BwoethcarUng. HoslnTS it to his mate, Yhon tho day grows late, Way down by tho pasturo in tho moss-cov-crod yew ; Ho sings it in tho morn, 'Alld thq tassel-coTored corn, When tho sparklo comes a-gleaminc from tho dalsy-cradlod dow. And it runs llkothis, With a warblo full o' bliss, , (Sweetheart ing, Swcethuartlng, Swecthoarilng. It floats into tho brocso From tho looping willow trees, And ho sings it in tho gardon whore tho tint is on tho roso; It's his only stock and storo And ho sing it ovormoro, IIo sings it in tho morning whcro tho crystal rlllet flows ; ,Fot itruus llko tht, With ft warblo full o" bliss. Sweethcarting, Swoctheartlng, t i Swoethoartlng. Birmingham Ago-IIorald. Vanished In The Moonlight. Br B. BABING-aOOLD. ' WAS cngngctl to bo iunrriou. My mother hnd diod "when I waB fifteen, nnd over sinco her death I bad been my father's house keeper nnd com panion, My brother, two years my elder, was at tho bar. Wo occupied a suburban villa residence rather superior to a villa. It had a largo garden in front and a drivo to tho door, and a torraoo on which tho drawing-room window opened. "Wo liked to regard ourselves as a out abovo suburban-villa people. "We kept a carriago and a pair and had a butler and hnd a great-aunt who was an honorable, and so I boliovo wo wore what wo belioved ourselves to bo. My father had been in South Africa. Ho had mado his fortuno in tho Kim berloy "diamond mines and had mado it somowhat rapidly, havinghad tho good fortuno to find a numbor of stones of great size and good water. Ono of tho finest ho had not disposod of. Ho kept it as a specimen, or as a nest ogg. It was rather a causo of anxiety to us, as ho carried it about with him in his purse. Ho would not trust1 it in tho house. Ho thought it safer on his person. So it might havo beon had ho not been wont to produce .it after dinner, ns well as at other times when servants wero present, and show it and ezpatiato on its beauty and value. I Wo had a butlor whom wo did not like. Wo called him "tho bandit," from hiR wild and savago appearance. His dress was right enough, but ho had a forbidding face. Ho conducted himself harmlessly oi'ough till on ono occasion ho got drunk at a dinner party wo gave. Then my father dismissed him and ho took up his residence not far from our honso, whcro thoro was a sort of slum inhab ited by persons of no very fixed occu pation. , My father refused him a character or, ratner, no sum inai n no wero called on for a character he would state tho truth concerning tho man, and not givo a falso character, as is so often dono out of good nature, in or der to givo a servant another chance. It is singular that employers should bo bo littlo- considerate fbr their brothor employcrs as to let them ongago ser vants whom they know to bo unsatis factory and likoly to givo troublo. "Tho bandit," of course, know that my father carried tho diamond about with him. It was odd that "tho bandit" should havo bottled in tho neighborhood. My father was, I daro say, somewhat troubled at my ongagemont. Ho would loso me, as I was going to India with my husband, and, as xhavo said, I was his companion and housekeeper after my father's death. But my father wa3 not a man of denionstra tiveness and ho mado no show of greatly concerning himself at my loss. Ho took tho prospect moro coolly than I perhaps liked. My father belonged to a good fam ily. The honorable great-aunt was his aunt, not my mother's. Ho had been intended for tho church and a family living, but had preferred going to South Africa, and eventually, through tho death of an uncle, somo money came to him, which, in addi tion to what ho had mado in tho dia mond fields, enabled him to retiro and live tip to the houorablo aunt I mean keep a carriago and pair and a butler and havo a houRO a out above a villa. In a couplo of months I was to be married. Ono-Vi3ning I sat up lato thinking, over tho firo. Tho season was October, the air was a littlo chilly but not cold, bo a fire was desirable but not neces sary. The blinds aud curtains wero not drawn, at my desire, as tho hunt er's moon was shining and was nearly full, nnd I am at all times fond of moonlight. When ono is in love ono simply adores it. So I bad told tho servant not to closo tho shutters and draw tho blind. Tho v indows woro such as aro called French, that is to say that they opened to tho ground and wero windows and doors in ono. They comnmuded tho terrace. It was my father's habit every ovon ing beforo retiring to Bmoko a pipo on tho terrace, and as I sat by tho fire, with tho lamp turned down, so aB to enjoy tho moonlight, I could sco him walking up and down tho terrace. 1 could sco him if I chooso ; I actually saw his shadow. Tho moonlirrht fell through tho two long windows on tho polished oak floor and oriental ruga ; as I sat I saw his shadow flung on tho floor boforo window No. 1, then a couplo of seconds after on tho floor boforo window No. 2. Then ensued a minuto as ho walked to tho ond of tho terrace, then in rovorso order camo his shadow in tho light of No. 2, and then after a momentary interval his shadow obscured tho light from No. J, How long this wont on T cannot tolL Presently it stopped. I did not par ticularly uoticowhen ; I was thinking of my presents. Somo timo after tho butler camo in and uskod if ho should look up tho house nnd shut tho shutters. I an swered "Yes," as my father, I said, had dono his pipo and had como in. I concluded ho had coma in because I no longer saw his shadow, nnd I judged from his invariajrio habit of always coming indoors when ho had dono his pipo. Noxt morning I camo down to break fast as usuul and waited for him. "Please, miss," said tho housomaid, "mastor loft tho lamp burning in tho study all night." "Did ho?" said L It was unusual; ho was so mothodical in all ho did. Tho tea would spoil unless h6 camo quickly. I rang for tho butlor. "Will you call your master? Ho must havo ovcrslopt himself. Say there is grilled partridgo and it is gotting cold, and tho tea will tasto bitter." Prosontly tho butler returned. "Please, miss, tho mastor is not in his room. Ho has not beon there all night. Tho bed is undisturbed. Tho hot water not takon in." My father had disappeared. Not a traco of him could wo find. Suddonly, in tho moonlight, ho had vanished. Tho last I had scon of him was hiB shadow on tho drawing-room floor on tho provious night. As I con sidered, I could not say, in which direc tion I had seen his shadow pass for tho last timo. I could not tell within half an hour when I bad last seon it. I could not, indeed, swear that tho shadow I had soon was that of my father, as I had not looked at him through tho window. All that I could say was that it was his custom, about that timo every night, to walk tho terrace, and that, therefore, probably ho had walked it tho night ho disappeared, and hiB shadow it probably had been that I had scon flung on tho drawing-room floor. Days, weeks passed, and not a traco of my father was found. I had not tho smallest doubt as to what had be como of him nor had my brother nor any of tho neighborhood. "Tho ban dit" had murdered himjind mado away with his body for tho sako of tho dia mond. Of courso wo took action tho mo ment wo woro sura he had absolutely vanished. Tho police watched "tho bandit"; they searched tho house, whero they did find somo articles that had belonged to my father, but whioh tho ox-butler protested ho had pur loined whilo in our service. There was a handkerchief that had my fath er's initials, a tio to whioh I oould swear and a breast-pin, but I oould not bo suro that ho had worn theso when ho disappeared. My father did not drc6s for dinnor when wo wero alone, so that ho may have worn tho tio and breast pin on tho last occasion wo dined together. I cannot say ; I had not noticed what ho thon wore. Nothing furthor to compromise tho man was discovered, but that was' not wonderful ; four days elapsed sinco tho disappearauco of my fathor boforo tho police searched "tho bandit's" lodgings timo enough for him to inako away with tho diamond. What ho had dono with my father's body, whore ho,had sccrotcd it, wo could novcr And. Wo could not imagine how ho had lured my father away from tho torrace and down a bnok lane, whero wo con jectured tho murder had beon com mitted not that wo found ovidonco thero of a strugglo, but that it was tho only placo in the immediate neighbor hood whero a murdor could havo been committed. Wo had no moral, doubt whatever that "tho bandit" had murdered mv father and had murdered him in tho baok lano I mention ; that ho had mado him insensible by means of ohloroform boforo dispatching him and that my poor father's body was secreted Bomo whero near our villa. Novertholess, it was not poRsiblo to bring tho murder homo to tho man nnd whon ho disappeared shortly after wo wero all morally certain that ho had gono away to oujoy tho profits of tho balo of tho diamond, out, may bo, into two or three, so as to render itin capnblo of identification. After awhilo eight months I mar ried and wont to lndiu. My brother let tho house, as h - as unmarried. Five years after I returned from India with a couplo of children, whom tho climato of India did not suit. Ah tho house was then unlet I took it oft" my brother, although associated with such painful recollections. Tho hon orable groat-aunt camo to pay mo a visit and mako tho acquaintance of her great-great nephew and niece, tho lat ter of whom was callod after her. Ono moonlit evening, after tho chil dren had been sent to bed, wo were sitting together in tho drawing-room, when wo begon to ttlk of my poor father. ' It is rather odd, whon you come to think of it," said tho honorablo great aunt, "that Jack may bo said to havo disappeared boforo." "How so, aunt?" "Ho was intended for tho church, but didn't fanoy it. Tho living of Willowslopcum-Studgo was a family living and intended for him. Wo all wished it, but whonsout to Oxford ho did not rend, and waB plowed at his examinations and thon, ashamed to bo seon, dashed away to South Africa, and thero as it happenod, did well." Ab wo talkod a shadow passed bo foro tho window No. 1 ; a second, and it passed beforo tho window No. 2; then a minuto, nnd in reversed order it passed No. 2 and in another inomont No. 1. Our hearts stood still. I was nigh on fainting. A minuto later a stop my father's Btop in tho hall ; another minuto ho not his shadow, ho in tho flesh wob in tho drawing-room and I in his arms. How camo it nil about? "My dear Ethol," said my fathor, "to tell you tho truth, I had had enough of civilization. Boforo I got too old I thought I'd mako another venture at froo lifo in tho wilds. I'vo boen cattlc-rauchmg ; I'vo boon a cow boy enjoyed myself famously. Whon Tom woo gotting on at tho bar, you about to bo married ond going to India I did not soo .that 1 hod any particular call to koop mo in Englaud. I had grown deadly tired of Btiburbnn villa life, of social conventionalities, sick to disgust of English politics ; I hoard that a society papor was going to send on interviewer to draw mo out as tho wealthy diamond man and bo tho fit camo on mo to hook it. "I hooked it onco boforo and told no one, bo I hooked it again nnd told no ono. I was ashamed to toll tho truth that I was dead sick of civiliza tion; that I loathod it to tho toes. But I w as, bo I boltod. "I sold 'my diamond in Now York. By tho way, I'vo not mado monoy this timo; I'vo lost it. By tho way, also, I'vo had a chop put over mo in tho ranch that was my butlor horo onco ; wo called him 'tho bandit.' He told mo he'd boon accused of having murdered mo and tho accusation had hung on him and forced him to loavc old England. Ho is not a bad chap ; ho advanced mo tho money to come homo and sent his respocts to you, Ethol, nnd askedme to toll you that ho did not rob and murdor and conceal my corpse." "Oh, papn, aro you now homo for good?" "Yes, I think so, but can't Ray. I shall havo to hook it again somo day, but that will bo into another world." Chicago Record. Zebras. Tho rapidity with whioh tho differ ent Zebras havo boon exterminated, owing to tho ndvanco of civilization in South Africa, is shown by reference to such works as that of Sir Cornwallis Harris, written in 1810, in whioh the author tells us that tho quagga was at that timo found in "interminable herds," bands of many hundreds bo ing frequently seon, whilo ho doscribos BurchaU's. Zobra as congregating in herds of eighty or 100, and abounding to a groat oxtont ; but now, after tho expiration of but fifty years, tho one Bpecies is extinct or practically so, whilo tho other has boon driven much further afield, and its numbers nro yearly being reduced. This author's description of tho com-, mon Zebra is well worth ropeating. Ho says: "Seeking tho wildest and most sequostorcd spots, tho haughty troops aro exceedingly difficult to np proaoh, as woll on account of thoii watchful habits and oxtremo agility and fleotness of foot as from tho abrupt and inaccessible naturo of thoir high land abodo. TJndor tho special charge of a. sentinel, so posted on somo adja cent crag as to command a view of overy avouuo of approach, tho check erod herd whom 'painted skins adorn' is to bo viowed perambulating aome rocky lodge, on which tho riflo ball alono can reach them. No sooner has tho noto of alarm been sounded by tho vidette, thon, pricking thoir long oars, tho wholo flock hurry forward to as certain tho naturo of tho approaching dangor, and, having gazed a momont at tho advancing hunter, whisking thoir briudlod tails aloft, heltcr-skoltcx "away they thunder, down craggy pro oipiccs and over yawning ravines, whero no less agile foot could daro to follow them." OfBurcholl's Zebra ho says: "Fiorco, strong, fleet, and surpassingly beauti ful, there is, perhaps, no quadruped intho creation, not ovon except ing the mountain Zobra, moro splendidly at tired or presenting a picturo of more singularly at tractivo beauty." ZebrnB aro by no means amiablo animals, and though many of .tho stories told oi their ferooity aro doubtless muoh ex aggeratod, they have so far not proved themselves amenable to domestication. Saturday 'Boviow. ' nmw The Old Clock on the Stairs. Ernest Longfellow, a son of the great poet, has a token of romom bronco of his father at his homo in Magnolia which monoy cunnot buy. It is nothing moro or less than "The Old Clock on tho Stairs" mado famous by his fathor. Tho clock was formerly owned by Thomas Gold Apploton, and at his death tho heirs, of which ono was Cap tain Nathan Apploton, thinking the clock wa3 of particular valuo to Mr. Ernest Longfellow on account of his futhor's connection with tho ancient thnopiooo, donated it to tho son of the poet, so that it now adorns a nook in tho fatairs of his houso at Magnolia. Boston Herald. Great Britain and her colonies have 27,900 ships of all kinds; Franoo has 15,278; Germany, 2635; Bussia, 4406; Italy, 6810; United States, 22,023! the world, 107,137. POPULAR SCIENCE. In 1859 Donolll dovisod a method of using oloctrioity in weaving. A room is vontilatod best by opon ing tho upper sash of a window, bo causo tho hottest nir is always near tho ceiling. Polroloum, bv a courso of experi ments mado by tho Prussian. Govern ment, has proven n reliable sralo pro vontor in steam boilers. Tho "tartar" on human tcoth is filled with onimaloulro, whioh are de stroyed by vinegar. Viuognr itsolf contains ool-liko insects. A prizo of 18,000 liroa i offorod by tho Italian Geological Sooiety for tho best account of tho state of knowlodgo of palrcozoio and mesozoio formation in Italy. Zoologists claim that tho strength of tho lion in tho fore-limbs is only sixty-uino por cent, ot that of tho tiger, a'nd tho strength of tho hind limbs Bixty-ftvo por oont. Tliu dcath-ratd in tho jails in India has risen from 30.19 to 35.9-1 por thousand during tho past year. In Slnd a mortality of 110 per thousand was reached, and ot Boverol othor jaila it rangod from fifty to oighty per 1000. Accidents to slcop-walkerB can bo easily provontod by laying upon tho carpet by tho sido of tho sloop-walkers' bods strips of shoot-motal iron, zino or ooppor so wido and long that whon thoy put thoir foot upon thorn tho coldness felt will wake thorn thoroughly. Both tho inoidont and tho reflected rays of tho sun nro practically par allel. Wo boo tho roiloctod imago by thoso rays only whioh ontor our oyo. Tho othor direot rays roflootod from tho water's surfaco do not ontor tho oye, and honoo tho surfaco outBido tho roflocted imago of tho sun appears relatively dark. Tho great South Dakota oavo in tho Blaok Hills region is said to bo fifty two miles long and contains nearly 1500 rooms, Bonio 200 foot high having been oponod. Thoro aro streams, waterfalls, ond thirty-sovon lakes, ono of which is an acre m oxtont. The cavo is six thousand foot abovo Ben lovel and four thousand foot below tho earth's surface. Dr. Able relates a caso in which ho succecdod in cultivating tho diphtheria baoillus from a box-of woodou bricks with which a child of throo years had played just boforo an attack of diph theria. Tho brioks woro put away, and tho successful experiment was madosix months of torwards; thero was no possibility ol tho brioks having boon iufeotod in tho interval. Sinco 1881, tho durability of thirty nino different East Indinn timbers has boon under tost at tho Forest School in Dohra. Perpendicular posts woro used, placod half under ground, and ono by ono tho softer nnd wcakor woods disappeared under tho ottnek of rot ond whito ants, until after a timo only throo of tho timbers ro muined sound. Thoso wero niinnlayan cypress, tonk and nujan, whioh had been oxposodten, ninoand sovou years, respectively. rinncti Without Water. A volumo might bo writton on the vast and awful desolation of tho luuar surfaco ; but unquestionably this tre mendous metamorphosis was wrought whon tho ocoans, whoso dry bods wo now designatq as mares, retreated to tho interior and literally rout tkeplau ot with explosions of natural gas and steam. If wo calculate tho cooled crust ot our earth at fifty milos in thickness, and this is porhaps allowing for mora than thero really is, thon the molten interior nt an approximate estimate still has a diumotor of 7900 miles. We can imagino what an effect this would havo on tho oarth's contour, or rather on tho character of its periphery, if any of tho oceans should in a colossal way como in direot contact with this internal lire. Wo can turn our largo tolesoopcs to tho moon and soe, on a smaller scale, what has ocoured, nnd which, if wo may doduco conclusions from analogy, will bo tho ultimato fato of tho earth. Yet, without tho water thero could not bo a siuglo form of life, for in both vegotablo and animal formations this is tho all-important vchiolo in produc tion and dovolopmont. Bsyoud any question it is to tho water that all lifo forms must primarily refer their ori gin, nnd thoro is not a single known form that can maintaiu lifo without it. Tho priuciplo of lifo cannot bo opera tive oxcopt it bo in organic moisture. Neither brain, norvos nor capilary tubos aro capable ot manifesting tho vital priuciplo in a dry condition. Honco a waterless world is nooossarily a dead world. It is tho water that molds tho sphere, gives it its contour, is the animating vehicle, sustains its lifo, and also rends it in tho throes of dissolution. Pittsburg Dispatch. Polite lu tho Presence of Death. After the rapulsa of the rebel atinsk on tho Shah Nujeef, at Luukcow, onu Pandy couutorfoitod doath with groat skill, then all of a sudden sprang to his foot and ran liko a deer, Ho was still within easy raugo, nnd hevernl rtflas woro lovoled at him ; but Ser .ut Findloy, who was on tho rain j.rt aud himself ono of tho best shots in tho sorvico callod out; "Don't fire, men I Givo tho poor follow a chance I" Instead of a volley of bul lets, ho got a oheor to spood him on his way. As socu as ho hoard it, he realized his position, halted, turned round and, putting up both his hands, with the palms together, in front of hia faoe, salsaied profoundly and thou walked slowly away, whilo tho High land soldiers on tho ramparts waved their feather bonnets and olappod thoit hands. Argonaut. BUDGET 01? JfUK. UUMOKOUS SKETCHES FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Not Avnilnble N'onoin Stock nenrd nt West Point A Demurrer aiutrlmonlnl Amenities K Result oC Kits, Etc. 'Sweetest Maud, I lovo you donrly, This I swear by hoovon above, Toll mo, darling, nowslnooroly Con you not return ray lovo" s 'Ooorgo, my gladness knows no measure To confer this benefit, I return your love with ploasuro As I huvo no uho for it I'' Raymond's Monthly. NONE IN BTOCT. Dapper Clerk "What can I show pou, old lady?" Old Lady "A eaniplo of bolter manners I" Hallo. "Miss Griggs is tho pioturo of health; isn't sho?" "Woll um yes, it is woll painted."- But I don't think Puck. UEAND AT WEST POINT. Miss A. "I am awfully fond of hunting-dogs." MiRsB. (a rival) "I suppose, if you could, you would got a WcstPolntor." Judge MATHIMONIAIj AMENITIES. Mrs. Bharpo "Gonorally speaking-" Mr. Bharpo "Yes you arc." Tr. n irnn,nt Mr. S.- "Gonorally Bponking." Vogue. nnsmvr op rrra. Missionary "Whnt brought you to thiB placo, my poor friend?" Convict "Fits, sir." Missionary "FitB?" Convict "Yes, sir; flto of abstrac tion." II alio. night woiuc , "Say," said tho offlco boy, "I think tho boss ought to gimrao a half -bono oxtra this week, but I guess ho won't," "What for?" oBkcd tho book-koopor. "For overtime I wuz droomin' about mo work all las' night." Indi anapolis Journal. WIIICU 18 A FACT. Sho "No. I don't profcr mon who aro known to bo rich." no "How ban that bo?" Sho "Thoy don't apond thoir money as freoly as men who wont to bo known as rich." Truth. GOtLEn. First Mythological "Hnvon't you somothing Character hotter than tho sun to offer mo?" Socond Mythological Character "What's tho matter with tho Biin?" First Mythological Character "Woll or you know it's got Bpots on it." Judge BETTEraNa MATTKBS. Tho tenant of tho Second Flat (hot ly) "Thought you assurod tho land lord thut nono of your family played tho piano 1" Tho tenant of tho Third Flat "Thoy don't play tho piano. Why, they'ro all only beginning to learn how," Chioago Record. Tin: SAME THING, Father "Why nro you at homo so early, Hurry? I supposo you want monoy again?" Harry ' 'No or not exactly, father. But 1 was thinking of gotting married." Father S-Ah I Woll, if tho girl has monoy enough it is casior to tako her in than mo 1" Hallo. couldn't bb jsmtjted. "Insured, sir?" asked tho agont as ho coat-buttoned Tromloy on tho atreot. "No, air," said Trornloy, "wq metro 60 oftou thoro isn't n firo that could overtako us. " "Thon," icmarkod tho agont biisk ly, "wo will insuro you against tho friction." Dotroit Frco Press. SHE KNEW HOW TIIEX'BE MADE. Tho Young Housewifo "You havo Bomo potatoes, Nora?" Nora (tho cook) "Yce, mum." Tho Young Housowifo "And there's plenty of sugar in tho houso?" Nora "Yes, mum." Tho Youug Housewifo "Woll.thon, let us havo a dish of sweet potatoes at dinner."-Chicago Bccord. T004MCCn op a aooDraiNa. "Well," said tho wife, throwing herself into a chair, "this has beon a day, indeed I" "Whero havo you been?" asked tho husband. "I seora to havo beon overy whero. I wont out hours and hours ago to match a ribbon, and nowhero can I find tho samo shade." "You don't seem much put out about it." "Put out? I should think not Why, tho winter stylos aro all on ex hibition, nnd it's a perfect pionio to bo going from storo to storo. Indeed, it's almost too much for me. If I should bo a wook in matching that ribbon I'm afraid, Johu, tho excite ment will kill mo." New York Press. OENTLKVIAXLT ETHICS. In a Massachusetts town thoro lives a man whoso duties aro thoso of com mon carrier when occasion requires. Cripps, sjj ho may bo callod, is not overscrupulous in business, but holdaJ to the belief that his actions are always thoso of a gentleman. In tho early summer ho had to tnko n truuk to tho honso ot Mr. Tompkyne," n coltogo-rosidont for n fow months' ovory year. Tho ohargo was fifty cents and Cripps, unablo to change a dollar, pockotod tho wholo, promising to bring tho ohango in n day or so. A mouth or so passed and no Cripps with ohango appeared. Mr. Tomnkyns, knowing tho man's failings, waited! patiently until his timo wan over and! ho was to roturn to tho oity. Thon) Mr. Tompkyns brought CrippB to bay and recovered his monoy. Thisnotionof Mr. Tompkyns rankled in his soul, nnd finally Cripps vented' Iris f colings thus : "I trios to bo a gentleman, an' X forgot tho ohango ; an' of Mr. Tompkyns was likowiso ono, ns overybody Boys ho is, ho'd forgot about it too ; 'causo that's tho way roal gentlemen havo with each othor." Judge. toe host nonnniLB moment. Wo wero discussing momonts of eu promo torror, and each of nshad given his most thrilling oxperionoc, whon his heart had oomo tho nearest to standing still gotting off its beat, as it wero and it had got to bo Cooper's turn. Almy had told of tho timo ho fell over tho precipice, and wob only saved from "being dashed to pieces by clutch ing n dondolion whioh grow on tho brink, and Bo won hadrolatcd how ho drank from a bottle, tho gift of a Now Jorsoy friend, in tho dark, and for a momont thought that ho had taken nitric acid throughmistako. Acorhad givon a graph! o dosoription of tho cold ohills whioh had run over him, and tho Buddon awful faintnoss whon ho wont out to dinnor in full dress, ond discovered as ho entered tho dining room that it was only 5.59 ; and I had lived ,ovcr for thoir benefit my ox porionccs of jumping from a locomo tivo just as it orashod into tho sido of n swiftly moving trnin. Cooper had sat silently smoking un til tho last, nnd uftor his turn had oomo ho remained for somo timo ap parently dcop in thought. At length ho said: "Gentlemen, I havo no doubt that eaoh of you has given, thoughtlessly, perhaps, what ho con siders his supremo momont of terror, but knowing all of you as I do, tho joys of your homo lives, aud the trials of tho head of a family, yon will par don mo if I say that I think that you havo mado a mistake lu it possiblo that nono of you havo ovor been aroused at two o'clock in tho morning by your wfo's solomn statement that thoro woro burglars in tho houso, and that whilo you woro groping your way nervously across tho room through the horriblo darkness to light tho gas, you havo nono of you ovor sot your boro foot Buddonly on tho baby's littlo hol low rubber doll, which whistled whon compressed?" For n momont thoro was solemn silenco, and thon wo guilty wretches, bound togothor by tho common tio of fatherhood, nroso, shook hands sym pathetically with each other, and took Cooper out nudbought him something. Truth. Plenty ot Grit. An a reporter walked up Chestnut atroot last ovouing n voico was heard. "Ploaso buy n papor," it aaid. Tho reporter stopped and lookod around ; tho voico, so difforent from tho cry of tho averago newsboy, ar rested his attontiou. What ho saw was a short, rod-whiskered, woll-dressod, gontlomonly locking young man, his faeo suffused by a blush. Evidently ho was now at tho biieiucss. "No, I never sold papers boforo," ho ropliod in answer to nn inquiry, and thon ho told his story in a manner which showed that ho was an intelli gent, woll-oducatcd man. "It is a caso of necessity. I haro been ono of tho unfortunates," ho said ; "but I would do anything to koop body nnd soul together. At my home, on North Sovonth street, I havo a wifo and four littlo children, and thoy must not starvo oven if I suffer in provid ing for thom. I am a portrait poin ter, but havo been out of employment for a month or more, ond during that timo havo worked with a pick and a shovol on tho streets, but, not being used to tho work, was discharged to mako room for a man accustomed to such employment. Yesterday 1 scrubbed tho floor of a storo and earned twenty cents. That amount 1 invested in papers, and havo $1.50 to day, I will keop at this until somo thing bottor turns up. "Of course it is hard work, and many a friend of my prosperous days glances askanco at mo as ho passes along tho btreet ; but already I havo grown accustomed to that, and hardly notico thom now." That man has many moro times tho amount of grit in his make-up than most men aro credited with. Phila delphia North American. Tho Fabian Policy. Tho pdlicy of wearing out tho enemy in war by delays, misleading move ments, feints of attacks, etc., whilo avoiding open battle, is called tho "Fabian polioy," from tho followiu circumstanco ; Faluns Maximus was a Roman general in tho second Punio war. Having beonappointed just after tho Roman army had suffered sovero defoat at Lake Thrasymoue, ho por coivod that his dishoartoned troops and band of raw rocruns could not oppoBO successfully a trained army flushed with victory and led by their great commander Hannibal. Ho there fore avoided pitched battlo, moved his. camp from highland to highland, and tired out tho enemy with marches and countermarches. This he continued until thwarted in bis calculations by tho impatience of tho Roman senate "Chicago Herald. Arizona is fifth in silver, eighth in shoep and live stock and ninth in gold, product.